Make money by reselling mobile phones. How to open a store selling phones

Where should you start when you want to do business with China? This is the main question that beginners ask themselves. We will try to cover the topic together with a person who has succeeded and who is successfully running a business selling cases for mobile phones.

How D. Belousov developed a business on mobile cases

This is Dmitry Belousov, an interview with Andrey Skipor from Guangzhou from the mobile case market.

Dmitry asked to do an interview. I came to him to buy covers. And he said business history might be interesting. Who we are, what we do, why we came to Guangzhou. Well, tell me about the matter in general.

I’m from Abakan, I sell smartphone cases. This business is called a case market. The name is telling. Currently there are two departments. One in Abakan, selling covers, and in Pyatigorsk. He also helped two of his friends open departments in Yaroslavl and Kaliningrad. Back in November, we will open stores selling covers for two friends in Omsk and Vologda.

How the idea for the covers came about

It all started with buying used iPhones from America through ebay. He brought them and resold them. This is when I was still a student. At the same time, since people come to buy iPhones, you can sell some kind of case or give it away, that’s why I started ordering cases from ebay. Hung it on the wall. I took Velcro on the wall with hooks and placed it all over the wall. And hung the little cases on the wall. And when people came to buy a phone, they could buy a case as an additional plus.

At the beginning of 14, he opened a department, it was unnamed, white. I laid out my used phones and cases. iPhones sold significantly worse at the outlet. I mean there was no difference in selling on Avito or at the point. There was no point in paying rent for the outlet. It was possible to sell through Avito. And the covers sold better at the outlet than on the Internet. And I decided that I needed to rebuild, sell all used electronics and buy covers with all the money. I have already come up with the name “Case Market”.

About a year later I decided that I needed to develop the business. I thought I should go to China and see the market. I went to Shenzhen for the first time. Six months later I decided to go to Guangzhou. I looked on the Internet that production is also concentrated in Guangzhou. And then I wrote to Dima on VKontakte. He said: “I have a ticket, I found you on VKontakte.” I entered information about who is doing business in China, or something similar, I don’t remember. The search established Guangzhou. And there was Dima. I wrote to him: “we’ll arrive then, we’ve bought a ticket. Can someone meet me and help guide me to the hotel? Because we don’t speak Chinese and I don’t know how to use the subway. And English is at a low level.

I met Nadya. So we understand that this is a relative of Dima. And she accompanied me to the hotel. Checked in. Then I started walking around on my own, right next to the hotel there is a market for covers. More precisely, the market for the representation of this phone accessory. That is, there are representative offices of factories. For example, if you like a certain model, you can say: produce these, in such and such quantities. And prices from production are much lower than when buying in bulk. And that’s why we’re flying to Guangzhou for the third time.

How are things currently?

I can tell you about the business itself. In Abakan 12 sq.m. rented I pay 60,000 rent, and my average income is about 20,000 per day. This is a good indicator for a small city. It is clear that when compared with some metropolis, this is a small indicator. Well, for a small city with a population of 170,000, it’s good. Plus there are three competitors in the shopping center. And their sales figures for cases are significantly lower.

We’ll also tell you what and how to buy on the market. Well, first of all, we think that basic English is at least necessary. There is no need for any global knowledge.

First, I walk around the market, talk with sellers at the level of “how much does a smartphone case cost? What is the minimum purchase price for one color? What model sheet do you have? They give it too. I walk and look for several days. We talk to everyone and compare some suppliers with others. We compare prices, model sheets. We'll spend a few days figuring out which is better. Then, when I realized what I needed, I jotted down on a piece of paper what I was going to buy. I'm calling Dima.

Continued from 6 minutes
Channel “Wholesale goods from China – Easy China Business”

Mobile communications today have reached such a level of distribution that the smartphone replaces a lot of means of communication between people. An ordinary conversation, regardless of distance, video sessions via Skype, communication in instant messengers and Internet chats are only a small fraction of the capabilities of a modern gadget. The desire of people to acquire more advanced and technologically advanced devices is a factor indicating that the sale of Chinese smartphones can become quite a profitable business.

Pros and cons of starting a business with China selling smartphones

Chinese manufacturers offer significant discounts to wholesale buyers

Just a dozen years ago, goods from the Middle Kingdom that flooded Russia and the entire world market were of rather low quality and one-time use. The equipment broke down after one or two months, the appearance of the products left much to be desired, and there was no way to return the goods.

Today, factories and factories of world-famous brands are being relocated to China. The reason for this is the desire of manufacturers to reduce the cost of goods as much as possible. The Eastern mentality does not allow the worker to be lazy - the Chinese are ready to work hard. However, when considering a joint smartphone resale business, you should consider both the positive and negative aspects.

Among the clear advantages of doing business with China are the following:

  • assortment of smartphones - you can purchase models from various manufacturers;
  • the quality of mobile devices - phones from China have not been produced “on the knee” for a long time, modern factories offer high-quality modifications of smartphones comparable to their European and American counterparts;
  • low price - due to the low cost, the cost of a gadget with high technical parameters can be 2-4 thousand rubles, with a wholesale purchase it is possible to get a significant discount;
  • a variety of trading schemes that allow you to start your own business with virtually no financial investments;
  • the ability of manufacturers to quickly implement new ideas - the latest generation of Chinese smartphones have all the bells and whistles developed in the West.

Due to high competition, Chinese manufacturers often offer potential buyers such favorable terms of cooperation that on the Russian market the trade margin can be up to 300–400%.

With all the obvious advantages of trading in Chinese smartphones, this business is not without its negative aspects:

  • the possibility of encountering a fraudulent company - this option is possible at the first stage of organizing your enterprise when choosing a supplier. In China, there are also fly-by-night companies that are created at the peak of consumer demand for particularly popular new models;
  • insufficient experience in sales - opening your own business makes sense for those who thoroughly understand modern gadgets and are able to evaluate the technological features of the model. In addition, you need to know at least the key aspects of organizing trade with China;
  • difficulties when returning defective goods - if during wholesale purchases it is possible to stipulate in advance in the contract the procedure for replacement or compensation when defective smartphones are discovered, then during retail purchases it will not always be possible to return devices with a technical or external defect;
  • time for transporting goods - for small quantities, delivery by air is possible, which significantly reduces the transit period, but sometimes seriously increases the cost of the device. If the container is delivered to Russia by sea, then the average delivery time will be about 30 days, and if we add here the stay at customs and “travel” to the destination, then you can expect the desired goods for 1-2 months. And long delivery means lost profit.

The main thing in organizing a profitable business with Chinese suppliers of mobile equipment is choosing an honest and conscientious seller/manufacturer and observing business and social etiquette when establishing relationships.

How to start a business on Chinese smartphones from scratch: a step-by-step guide to action

Before starting any business, you should consider a work plan

Before opening your own business for the resale of smartphones from China, you should clearly define the intended work pattern. Depending on the planned sales volumes and the availability of money invested in the future business, various variations of entrepreneurship can be used.


This business model is suitable for beginners when making deliveries from China who do not have enough finance to open their own store. Dropshipping will help you understand how realistic it is to organize a large-scale business selling Chinese smartphones, and get your first profit without much risk.

Dropshipping involves the provision of intermediary services between the buyer and the supplier. The commission agent’s task is to convince that he is the cheapest and most profitable place to buy new smartphones. If this works out, then earnings can reach up to 60–70 thousand rubles already in the first month of work.

The sequence of actions for dropshipping is as follows:

  1. The intermediary receives an order from the buyer for a specific model or group of goods.
  2. Looks for a seller who has a favorable price or has bonuses in the form of free delivery or an additional discount, and sets his own price for the buyer, taking into account his own markup.
  3. The buyer transfers money to the account of the intermediary, who in turn pays the order to the supplier.

This is where the dropshipper’s activity ends, he receives the interest he earns, and the supplier independently organizes delivery of the goods to the buyer’s address.

Collaborative purchasing groups on social networks

Having an account on social networks is a mandatory attribute of a modern young man. Since it is the 17–25-year-old audience that is most actively interested in new electronics and is replacing outdated smartphone models with more “advanced” ones, social networks are an ideal option to start developing a business on Chinese gadgets.

You can make joint purchases of smartphones on social networks

Financial profit when purchasing several units of a similar product is guaranteed, even if the number of customers at first does not exceed 4–5 people. The sales price includes an organization fee (usually 15–20% of the cost) and transportation costs.

The algorithm for organizing joint purchases is extremely simple:

  1. Open a group on a social network for those who want to purchase a Chinese smartphone.
  2. Place a corresponding post on your page and duplicate advertisements on free online boards (Avito, Yula). At the same time, to quickly disseminate information about the proposed purchase, you can create a one-page website.
  3. After collecting applications and prepayments from group members, find profitable offers on the Chinese website for the sale of smartphones of the desired models, order and pay for the goods. You can save money with free delivery and using the cashback service.
  4. Wait for the parcel with smartphones to arrive and issue orders.

When communicating with Chinese suppliers on the websites of online stores from the Middle Kingdom, it is worth remembering that the cost of smartphones of the same type is approximately in the same price category. A product that is too cheap clearly indicates that the seller intends to cheat and the quality of the smartphone will be lower than the declared level. Therefore, it makes sense to check out several offers and choose a supplier with good reviews and a high rating.

A significant advantage of retail business through purchasing from Chinese online stores is the low percentage of scams. The seller will receive his money for the goods only after the package with smartphones is received by the buyer. Even a visual quality check will allow you to timely report existing claims, attach photo or video evidence and return the money.

Own online store

Having your own online store selling Chinese smartphones increases your chances of attracting real buyers

If you have a sufficient financial cushion, you can organize not only retail sales through social networks, but also your own online store selling Chinese smartphones.

In order for the sale of mobile technology to be as successful as possible, you will need your own website and money for its promotion. The higher the position of the page in search results, the greater the chances of attracting buyers.

In addition to the website, it is advisable for the owner of the online store to ensure the availability of smartphones of the most popular brands so that the buyer does not have to wait long for the order to arrive.

Wholesale purchases of smartphones from China

The process of purchasing and delivering smartphones from China has its own nuances that should be taken into account

The scheme of work for large batches of mobile equipment is comparable to the procurement technology for retail sales and looks like this:

  1. Selecting a buyer ready to place a large order for smartphones. To do this, it is advisable to use all available resources - from free advertisements in newspapers to calling companies specializing in the sale of cell phones.
  2. Concluding a supply contract with a mandatory indication of the order arrival time and prices per unit of goods. The price fixed in the contract should bring a net profit, but be lower than what the buyer purchased smartphones for before collaborating with the new supplier.
  3. Search for a wholesaler from among mobile device manufacturers or large companies specializing in their sales.
  4. Choosing a Chinese intermediary who can, for relatively little money, provide control at the time of shipment of a batch of smartphones, passing through customs and transporting the cargo.
  5. Transfer of goods to the final buyer and receipt of payment. Most often, contractual terms provide for final payment only after the goods are accepted according to the documents, so it is advisable to organize delivery as soon as possible.

How much money do you need to start?

Competently drawing up a business plan is an important and crucial stage in organizing any business.

Depending on the business model, a potential entrepreneur will require different financial investments. If, when organizing joint purchases or dropshipping, payment for a batch of smartphones is made with the money of the end buyer, then to create an online store you need to have a strategic reserve in order to purchase a certain amount of goods.

The business of selling Chinese smartphones, regardless of the scheme used, will mostly be conducted via the Internet, so for successful work you will need your own website with constantly updated content. Main expense items:

  • development of a one-page website for advertising intermediary services or a group on social networks - from 8 to 15 dollars. At the same time, there is an opportunity to save significantly and create a landing page yourself, using designers for free;
  • development of a full-fledged website for an online store or wholesale company with a detailed description of smartphone models, its promotion - from 25 to 35 thousand rubles. For this money, a website of 10–15 pages with a detailed catalog will be created, and its position in the search will be in the top ten;
  • purchase of the first batch of smartphones for the store - 100 thousand rubles. It is necessary to ensure the availability of both budget models, the price of which ranges from 2 to 3.5 thousand rubles, and flagship Chinese smartphones for 12–15 thousand rubles;
  • To organize a large wholesale, you will need at least 500–700 thousand rubles, since Chinese manufacturers supply at least 1.5–2 thousand units of goods on favorable terms. Smaller batches will cost significantly more.

How long will it take for the business to pay off?

Small by the standards of large businessmen, but a sure income will come from the sale of Chinese smartphones in the case of small retail trade. This will require a minimum of costs, and the markup can be up to 200–300% of the purchase price. Taking into account the costs of creating a website, the average payback period for an online store will be 2–3 months:

  • website development and promotion - 35 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of 15 devices in China - 100 thousand rubles;
  • the cost of smartphones sold in Russia is 240 thousand rubles;
  • profit excluding taxes and employee salaries - 105 thousand rubles;
  • tax 6% - 14.4 thousand rubles;
  • salary - 50 thousand rubles;
  • net profit - 40.6 thousand rubles;
  • retail profitability is 30%.

Wholesale trade in Chinese smartphones means completely different money and other, more significant expenses. On average, the profitability of wholesale is 16–17% of the invested funds. If we take into account ideal conditions under which delivery and documentation of cargo from China occurs without problems, then the payback will be at least six months. But since disruptions during transportation and customs clearance are possible, this period can be safely extended by 2–3 months.

Monthly income depends on the number of smartphones sold during this period. Basically, the markup for each device will be 1.5–2.5 thousand rubles. If you sell 20 gadgets at retail in 30 days, your net income will be up to 50 thousand rubles. You can increase your profits by using bonuses and promotions in Chinese online stores, receiving cashback and personal discounts from sellers.

To obtain maximum profits, it is necessary to constantly monitor the Chinese smartphone market. As soon as a new model with high consumer properties appears, its price can jump several times. In the first months after the release of the next version of a smartphone from a well-known brand, the profitability of sales can triple.

Risks and pitfalls

Joint business with the Chinese is a profitable, but rather risky undertaking. The main concern of Russian buyers is related to finding a reliable partner. Before investing in purchasing smartphones from the Middle Kingdom, you need to thoroughly check the potential supplier and not get hung up on too low a price. The desire to buy quickly and cheaply can lead to the collapse of a business at the very beginning - the product will turn out to be of poor quality, and the reputation of its own clients will collapse.

In China you can buy very worthy and competitive smartphone models, but it is important not to let things take their course - document all delivery conditions and constantly monitor the quality of the equipment.

To successfully do business with Chinese partners, you need to study the rules of business etiquette adopted in the Celestial Empire.

Trade in Chinese smartphones can present the following unpleasant surprises:

  • some models have good technical characteristics, but do not support Russian networks;
  • new Chinese brands are notable for their low prices, claim satisfactory parameters, but are made of poor quality;
  • little-known sellers can sell a “gray” smartphone, which cannot be distinguished from the original outwardly, but problems will certainly arise when registering it at the customs post.

When working with Chinese partners, it is necessary to maintain punctuality and learn the intricacies of communication with representatives of this nationality. Following the rules of business etiquette adopted in the Middle Kingdom and respect for cultural and spiritual values ​​is the path that will lead to the establishment of good relations with the supplier. And since for the Chinese, personal interaction is much more important than the conditions specified in the contract, the opinion formed during communication can affect the final profit of the entrepreneur.

Having considered and studied all possible options for doing business with China, we can conclude that selling Chinese smartphones can become a fairly profitable business. To do this, you need to competently draw up a business plan, choose the best way to do business and weigh all the pros and cons of each option. It is necessary to take into account the mentality of the Chinese, document all delivery conditions and constantly monitor the quality of gadgets. By following these recommendations, you have every chance of building a profitable and successful business selling Chinese smartphones.

Hello! In this article we will talk about how to make money by reselling iPhones.

  • How much can you earn: from 500 to 1.5 thousand per phone.
  • Minimum requirements: start-up capital and good technical knowledge.
  • Is it worth it?: You can also try .

How to make money by reselling iPhones

Reselling phones is a business that is quite common in our country. Most people, although they know the real cost of the equipment, do not want to wait until there is a client who will buy the phone at the real cost. Because of this, offers with an average or low price often appear on message boards.

Telephones are a very liquid commodity. There is always demand, regardless of the season. Expensive models are sold just as often as cheap ones. All this makes the business of reselling phones profitable and profitable.

iPhones are an even more liquid commodity. Even older models of Apple phones sell very quickly at a good markup.

That is why many sellers want to start their business with equipment from this brand. This is also insurance against risks. If things don't work out, you can easily sell the phones at the original cost or with minimal losses.

The earning scheme is extremely simple:

  1. Studying advertisements for the sale of phones (Avito + flea markets in your city on VKontakte).
  2. Selection of offer.
  3. Negotiations (bargain as much as possible).
  4. Purchase.
  5. Post your ad on Avito and city flea markets.
  6. Agree on the price.
  7. Sell.

It sounds quite long, but it can be boiled down to two words: “buy - sell.” The main sales channels are friends, Avito, groups on social networks and a personal page. You can ask your friends to repost, etc. There are no shops, stalls, etc. - everything is done via the Internet.

Phones can be sold very quickly, new ones purchased and sold again. Usually it takes from 1 to 4 days to sell one model. It all depends solely on your ability to sell.

To sell better, study, take good photographs, choose the right words during a conversation.

What phones to buy

If you plan to resell, then you need cheap and popular models. The maximum that can be done is to bring them into marketable condition (wipe them, put them in a case).

If you plan to resell through ads, the best models are iPhone 4 and 5. Relatively cheap, sell quickly, many models are in good condition.

The purchase price of the 4th used iPhone is 3-3.5 thousand rubles. You can sell it for 4 - 4.5 thousand, depending on the condition. 5S can be bought for 6 thousand rubles, and sold from 7 thousand, also depending on the condition.

More expensive models are less cost effective. You will sell them longer, the price is higher, and you take more risks.

Alternative to Apple technology

You won't get far with used iPhones. And if you try to scale your business, you will have to face a lack of supply and search for additional products.

The first option is used Samsung phones. These are good phones in terms of price-quality ratio. They will allow you to increase your assortment, and the profit will be slightly less than iPhones.

The second option is cheap Chinese phones. , resell in Russia at a premium. Everyone knows very well about this kind of business, but for some it’s easier to give a few thousand rubles extra so as not to look for a supplier and not wait for several months.

Just don’t order Chinese Apple equipment. In most cases, what comes is a fake.

The third option is accessories. This is the most profitable type of goods that hardware stores provide. Accessories for phones, with the proper approach, provide the same income as the phones themselves, but their costs are much lower.

Markup on accessories - up to 200%. This is where most small sellers make huge money.

It is most profitable to launch such resales in small towns. Used Apple equipment is for iPhone lovers, cheap Chinese models are for those who don’t want to spend a lot of money, and accessories are for big profits. In big cities, it will be very difficult to compete with retail chains and other sellers.

How much do you need to invest?

Resale is a rather interesting business from the point of view of starting investments.

You can start reselling phones from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. But in order to work normally, you need from 40 to 60 thousand rubles. With the right approach, you can get a net profit of 10 - 15 thousand rubles from this money. per month.

If you don’t want to make a profit “right now” and reach high turnover, you can start with an amount of up to 10,000 rubles. This is enough to make your first profit, get burned a couple of times and not go into a big minus.

But if you have already tried to resell goods, understand technology and know how this market works, it is best to immediately increase your momentum. If you sell from home, posting advertisements for sale, the minimum starting capital is 50,000 rubles.

Difficulties to be faced

There are many difficulties in this business. Before you start, it’s better to carefully study the offers in your city, whether there are competitors, etc.

Small number of offers. There are very few truly profitable offers. In order to find a good option, you need to study dozens of offers for different equipment and call several people.

Some people monitor message boards for days, looking for great deals. really high.

Requirements for the seller. If you don’t know how to negotiate with clients, you will waste time or money every time. Everyone wants to bargain and lower the price, and that's normal. Many people set an inflated price, with the thoughts “I can discount it to...”. And every time you need to convince the seller and buyer that they are wrong.

You can lose time if your RPM is low. Transactions need to be completed quickly so as not to lose momentum. And each time waiting for a client without reaching an agreement with him is a waste of time and potential income.

Risks. When buying used goods, we are faced with risks - with hidden defects that will only appear after use. Technology is the most important provider of risks.

If you are not good with phones, then there is a high risk that you will lose money.

Income. The profit from such a business is quite low compared to the time spent. This is not “bought, posted an ad, sold.” In fact, there is much more work. And the profit that you can get is 1-2 thousand rubles from each phone.


Reselling phones is a difficult and risky business. Without starting capital, good knowledge and sales skills, you will not earn enough money.

In this article I will tell you how I and my friends made money selling digital equipment. This was around 2010. It all started with the fact that I bought myself a new phone, and there was nowhere to put the old one, and so I went to one of the sites on digital technology, and while I was moving from one page to another, I saw that people were making money from this.

It happened that one person was selling 3-5 mobile phones, several digital video cameras. This interested me, and I began to ask where it all came from. They explained to me that goods are bought at one price, and then they are repaired, and sometimes they are not repaired and sold for a completely different price, which exceeds the purchase price.

I really liked this idea. I shared it with my friends and they were also impressed. We punished ourselves for how we had previously been unable to come up with such a simple idea on which we could earn such simple money and not take it from our parents.

So my friends and I decided to try this digital business. Each of the friends had to find something at home to sell. And so the search began, after 2 hours we already had several of our old phones, 2 digital cameras, a tablet and a netbook. We decided that this would be enough for a start.

And so we went online to sites selling digital equipment, created accounts there and began posting advertisements for the things we found. When everything was ready, we decided to wait for someone to write to us, interested in our product. But at first, things didn’t work out; during the week, various people wrote to us, asked us about our digital equipment, but everyone was not happy with the prices, either too high or something else.

We decided to wait further, almost another week passed, but nothing changed. We decided to reconsider our prices and comparing them with others, we realized that we had overestimated them. This is not a new technique, but a technique that has already been used; somewhere it has already lost its appearance. Having set lower prices, our equipment was quickly snapped up. We were delighted; we had our own good money.
Without spending them anywhere for part of them, we bought mobile phones from various people (including 3 iPhones), which could have been sold for much more, it’s just that many people didn’t know the price for them, others simply got rid of, as they said, old stuff, but We knew that we could sell them at a higher price, no matter what it cost us. The trouble is that one of the iPhones had a broken screen and replacing it cost more than we bought this iPhone. After some fiddling around, we sold it for pennies, losing in price, and decided not to buy broken phones anymore.

After more than a year, we earned good money, we felt like real businessmen who make their own living. So we gradually grew, selling more and more digital equipment.

After some time, we began to transport mobile phones from abroad, since they were one and a half to two times cheaper there than here. We buy them on Aliexpress, there is free delivery from China. We mainly buy phones that have become classics, which have already been discontinued and can only be bought in online stores.
For example:
motorola razr v3
sony ericsson k800i
Nokia 3110
The list is somewhere between 100 - 150 pieces.
The markup on such models is usually 2 times. You buy for 2000 rubles. sell for 4000 rubles.
We made our own online store, we work through Yandex market, about 6 sales a day.
We use EMS, mail, couriers (sometimes we carry them ourselves), "Pickpoint".

For us, all this has become a real business, our money. Two of my friends bought BMW and Audi cars, well, of course not new, but for now they were content with that. I think that starting out while I’m still young is a very good idea for a business. Where you can earn good money with little expense.

The business of buying and selling mobile phones is one of those types of business where anyone can freely start their own business, earn pretty decent money from the first days, and successfully develop their business." hspace="4" width="200" align="left" vspace="4"/>This profitable business is available to absolutely everyone, even without having any starting capital. And moreover, in just a few months it makes it possible to actually reach the level of net earnings of $ 1000 per month. I am a vivid example of this, and many of my friends who are involved in this business are very happy with it and have long since crossed this level .

Agree that if you do not take into account megacities, in small cities this is a fairly decent amount of monthly income, and allows you to lead a full life without experiencing any more need.

ABOUT perspective this business. We have all noticed that mobile communications are no longer a luxury, but are already a completely accessible simple means of communication for absolutely everyone. People already have tens, or even hundreds of millions of cell phones in their hands. And, most importantly, most people constantly buy newer and more expensive phone models. A huge number of people are changing their phone to a better one.

There is a clear need in the market for the quick sale of used phones.

For example, you have this option:

A new phone costs $200 at the dealership, a person needs to quickly sell it, report it and buy a newer model. He is quite happy with $120, because he wants to sell it without problems and very quickly. You check it and buy it. The market price of such a used phone is $160. You successfully sell it and have a profit of $40.

I prefer to deal with inexpensive phones under $100. Since in this category phones are generally bought at half price. You have almost 100% profit, and there is a very high demand for cheap phones compared to more expensive models. They fly away like hot cakes during intermission.

In a month of such profitable deals, you can easily pick up from 20 to 50, depending on you, of course. Then estimate the average profit from $30, and you can imagine your possibilities.

There are several ways to buy phones, all of them really work - I personally put them into practice:

1. Buying from your friends, friends of your friends. Options are all around you.

2. Purchase through local newspapers with private advertisements, you can submit your own advertisements.

3. Purchasing through Internet bulletin boards. If you have local websites on the Internet where people sell specifically from your region.

4. Shopping "in the field". This is what I call buying phones in crowded places where there are stores with new mobile phones. Here people constantly need to sell the old one and buy a new one. And taking into account the human desire “I want it here and now,” I can say with confidence that there are a lot of options out there.

Let me tell you the good news that selling a phone is easier than buying it.

There are several options for selling phones:

1. Selling through the same circle of your connections and your satisfied customers.

2. Sales through newspaper advertisements.

3. Selling through boards on the Internet.

4. Sale through a retail outlet that specializes in the sale of used cell phones. Here they will gladly agree to sell your phone for a small percentage.

But when in a couple of months you have earned capital of at least $1000, you can open your own retail outlet.

To do this, it is enough to rent a small kiosk in a place where there are more people. And you can make money not only on phones, but also on the entire range of products for mobile communications: phone accessories, prepaid products from mobile operators. Put a little guy there on a salary, and sell phones through your outlet.

Of course, there is nothing tricky in this business. It is available to everyone, start tomorrow. And here you can really make money, this is not just an idea, this is a real business that young people do and earn decent money.

And what is most important is that the market is growing.

With a cool mobile phone store you can’t get into the mobile business anymore. But private small businesses selling used phones are still very accessible. And its profitability is tens of times higher than the profitability of communication stores with new mobile phones.

There are, of course, pitfalls of this business and other nuances. But overall - very profitable!