Prohibited goods. Google Shopping: what it is and how to use it Preparing shopping campaigns in Google AdWords

Tickets for transport or upcoming entertainment events.
  • Examples: Concert tickets, airline tickets, bus reservation tickets
Products related to financial management, financial assets, investments, securities and insurance.
  • Examples: Stocks, bonds, investment products, insurance policies, credit cards, money orders, cashiers checks
Instruments of account whose price is determined in the foreign exchange market, including currencies offered at a discount, currencies traded for exchange, and currencies backed by precious materials.
  • Examples: Gold bullion, precious metals, local currency, virtual currency
Prepaid gift cards that are issued by the credit card issuer.
  • Examples: gift cards from Mastercard, Visa and American Express systems.
Work, time, effort, knowledge and actions that do not result in the production of a physical product. This category also includes services sold in combination with physical goods.
  • Examples: Maintenance or repair services, accounting services, financial planning services, streaming content, online gaming currency, car repair services sold bundled with purchase of tires
  • Exception to the rule: It is allowed to sell mobile phones and tablets together with contracts for the provision of services from telecom operators. Read about how to indicate prices for such products.
Payment methods that allow users to pay for purchased goods in regular payments on an ongoing basis over an indefinite period.
  • Examples: security or medical surveillance systems with recurring subscription payments; digital content subscription with recurring payments.
  • Exceptions to the rule:
    1. Subscription to newspapers and magazines.
    2. Mobile phones and tablets. The list of countries in which the sale of mobile devices under an agreement for the provision of telecom operator services is permitted can be viewed. You can sell tablets and smartphones in installments only in Brazil, the UK, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, the USA and South Korea, as well as in France.
    3. Prepaid software subscriptions that automatically renew after a year.
    4. In Brazil, the sale of goods with regular payments is fully permitted.
    It is written about how to indicate the price for such goods.
Digital goods and services that require the installation of additional software to purchase.
  • Examples: Photo albums that are sold only after installing additional software.

What can be done

Below is more information about the types of violations and what to do if you receive a violation notice or have your Merchant Center account suspended.

Account blocking

Account blocking

Typically, we will send the user an email describing the violation and give seven days to correct the data feed. To resolve the issue, follow these directions:

  1. Please read the terms of service carefully to understand what we consider a violation.
  2. Remove data about products that violate our rules. We have sent detailed descriptions and examples of violations to your email address. If you have other products that violate our rules, they must also be removed.
  3. Update product data in Google Merchant Center.
    • If you have set up an automatic download on a schedule, update the data manually or wait for the automatic update.
    • Data uploaded in test mode will not be published.
  4. Submit a request for account verification.
    • If you receive a notification, your account will be reviewed automatically after the correction period has passed. You only need to fix the violation.
    • If your account is suspended, you must contact us by submitting an account verification request.

Typically, verification takes three business days, but sometimes it may take longer. If we are satisfied that you have removed the offending items, the warning will be removed, and if your account has been suspended, we will unblock it.

Account blocking

Typically, we will send the user an email describing the violation and give seven days to correct the data feed. To resolve the issue, follow these directions:

  1. Please read the terms of service carefully to understand what we consider a violation.
  2. Remove data about products that violate our rules. We have sent detailed descriptions and examples of violations to your email address. If you have other products that violate our rules, they must also be removed.
  3. Update product data in Google Merchant Center.
    • If you have set up an automatic download on a schedule, update the data manually or wait for the automatic update.
    • Data uploaded in test mode will not be published.
  4. Submit a request for account verification.
    • If you receive a notification, your account will be reviewed automatically after the correction period has passed. You only need to fix the violation.
    • If your account is suspended, you must contact us by submitting an account verification request.

Typically, verification takes three business days, but sometimes it may take longer. If we are satisfied that you have removed the offending items, the warning will be removed, and if your account has been suspended, we will unblock it.

Account blocking

Typically, we will send the user an email describing the violation and give seven days to correct the data feed. To resolve the issue, follow these directions:

  1. Please read the terms of service carefully to understand what we consider a violation.
  2. Remove data about products that violate our rules. We have sent detailed descriptions and examples of violations to your email address. If you have other products that violate our rules, they must also be removed.
  3. Update product data in Google Merchant Center.
    • If you have set up an automatic download on a schedule, update the data manually or wait for the automatic update.
    • Data uploaded in test mode will not be published.
  4. Submit a request for account verification.
    • If you receive a notification, your account will be reviewed automatically after the correction period has passed. You only need to fix the violation.
    • If your account is suspended, you must contact us by submitting an account verification request.

Typically, verification takes three business days, but sometimes it may take longer. If we are satisfied that you have removed the offending items, the warning will be removed, and if your account has been suspended, we will unblock it.

Account blocking

Typically, we will send the user an email describing the violation and give seven days to correct the data feed. To resolve the issue, follow these directions:

  1. Please read the terms of service carefully to understand what we consider a violation.
  2. Remove data about products that violate our rules. We have sent detailed descriptions and examples of violations to your email address. If you have other products that violate our rules, they must also be removed.
  3. Update product data in Google Merchant Center.
    • If you have set up an automatic download on a schedule, update the data manually or wait for the automatic update.
    • Data uploaded in test mode will not be published.
  4. Submit a request for account verification.
    • If you receive a notification, your account will be reviewed automatically after the correction period has passed. You only need to fix the violation.
    • If your account is suspended, you must contact us by submitting an account verification request.

Typically, verification takes three business days, but sometimes it may take longer. If we are satisfied that you have removed the offending items, the warning will be removed, and if your account has been suspended, we will unblock it.

Account blocking

Typically, we will send the user an email describing the violation and give seven days to correct the data feed. To resolve the issue, follow these directions:

  1. Please read the terms of service carefully to understand what we consider a violation.
  2. Remove data about products that violate our rules. We have sent detailed descriptions and examples of violations to your email address. If you have other products that violate our rules, they must also be removed.
  3. Update product data in Google Merchant Center.
    • If you have set up an automatic download on a schedule, update the data manually or wait for the automatic update.
    • Data uploaded in test mode will not be published.
  4. Submit a request for account verification.
    • If you receive a notification, your account will be reviewed automatically after the correction period has passed. You only need to fix the violation.
    • If your account is suspended, you must contact us by submitting an account verification request.

Typically, verification takes three business days, but sometimes it may take longer. If we are satisfied that you have removed the offending items, the warning will be removed, and if your account has been suspended, we will unblock it.

Account blocking

Typically, we will send the user an email describing the violation and give seven days to correct the data feed. To resolve the issue, follow these directions:

  1. Please read the terms of service carefully to understand what we consider a violation.
  2. Remove data about products that violate our rules. We have sent detailed descriptions and examples of violations to your email address. If you have other products that violate our rules, they must also be removed.
  3. Update product data in Google Merchant Center.
    • If you have set up an automatic download on a schedule, update the data manually or wait for the automatic update.
    • Data uploaded in test mode will not be published.
  4. Submit a request for account verification.
    • If you receive a notification, your account will be reviewed automatically after the correction period has passed. You only need to fix the violation.
    • If your account is suspended, you must contact us by submitting an account verification request.

Typically, verification takes three business days, but sometimes it may take longer. If we are satisfied that you have removed the offending items, the warning will be removed, and if your account has been suspended, we will unblock it.

Account blocking

Typically, we will send the user an email describing the violation and give seven days to correct the data feed. To resolve the issue, follow these directions:

  1. Please read the terms of service carefully to understand what we consider a violation.
  2. Remove data about products that violate our rules. We have sent detailed descriptions and examples of violations to your email address. If you have other products that violate our rules, they must also be removed.
  3. Update product data in Google Merchant Center.
    • If you have set up an automatic download on a schedule, update the data manually or wait for the automatic update.
    • Data uploaded in test mode will not be published.
  4. Submit a request for account verification.
    • If you receive a notification, your account will be reviewed automatically after the correction period has passed. You only need to fix the violation.
    • If your account is suspended, you must contact us by submitting an account verification request.

Typically, verification takes three business days, but sometimes it may take longer. If we are satisfied that you have removed the offending items, the warning will be removed, and if your account has been suspended, we will unblock it.

Account blocking

Typically, we will send the user an email describing the violation and give seven days to correct the data feed. To resolve the issue, follow these directions:

  1. Please read the terms of service carefully to understand what we consider a violation.
  2. Remove data about products that violate our rules. We have sent detailed descriptions and examples of violations to your email address. If you have other products that violate our rules, they must also be removed.
  3. Update product data in Google Merchant Center.
    • If you have set up an automatic download on a schedule, update the data manually or wait for the automatic update.
    • Data uploaded in test mode will not be published.
  4. Submit a request for account verification.
    • If you receive a notification, your account will be reviewed automatically after the correction period has passed. You only need to fix the violation.
    • If your account is suspended, you must contact us by submitting an account verification request.

Typically, verification takes three business days, but sometimes it may take longer. If we are satisfied that you have removed the offending items, the warning will be removed, and if your account has been suspended, we will unblock it.

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And if you want to sell as many products as possible, then obviously you need to attract more potential customers.

With more and more people shopping online, there's never been a better time to use services like Google Shopping.

Google Shopping is an effective way to attract more attention to your store and drive sales.

How to Use Google Shopping to Generate Leads?

If you want to attract your audience and quickly increase your sales, you can use these 7 strategies to help maximize the benefits of Google Shopping.

1. Correct description of the product

When you are selling a product, it is important to describe it correctly. To do this, it's wise to do some research on keyword usage and popular search terms and see what other sellers are doing to attract customers.

You can increase sales by targeting customers who actually want to buy what you offer. Avoid having to pay for unnecessary clicks by using negative keywords.

Any descriptions of your products should show them in the best light and attract the attention of buyers.

Tailor your ads to the necessary search queries and make sure that your site correctly converts those visitors who came from advertising.

2. Correct product name

When you create your ad, you want to assure the client that you are offering exactly what they were looking for.

If there is any uncertainty, the buyer is more likely to click on another ad with a clearer title.

Your title should be clear, concise, and relevant to the search query. Use keyword research tools to make sure the customer understands what you have to offer at first glance.

3. Overcoming competition

Google Shopping can be an incredibly effective platform for retailers, but there's no guarantee that it will dramatically increase your sales.

You will still have to compete with other sellers to make the business successful. Think about what would make you choose one ad over another.

Name? Image? Any special offer? Be prepared to make your ad different from all others.

Things to consider:

  • Set specific goals – what is your target cost per conversion and average ticket size?
  • Get a client or make a sale? There are two types of salespeople: those who want to generate sales and those who want to generate leads.
  • Are you using the right tools? Keyword planners: Google, SEMrush,
  • Keyword Strategy – What do you want to sell? Disposable or consumable products, what is the average price, is the sales margin high, what is the level of competition and demand?

4. Setting the price

We all know that shoppers love good prices. If you are looking for a product and see three identical ads, in which only the prices differ, which ad will you click on? The vast majority of people will click on the lowest price or best offer.

You'll have a hard time making a sale if you can't compete on price. Keep comparing your prices to your competitors and keep an eye on your conversion rate.

This infographic shows the impact of product price on conversion rates:

5. Link to landing page

If you have an ad, you want to make sure that the maximum number of people who click on it will make a purchase.

You don't want people to click on your ad and then lose interest at the crucial moment. Make sure your landing pages are compelling, relevant to your ad, and allow your visitor to make a purchase quickly and easily.

The process should be quick and understandable. Research shows that only 34% of ad clicks actually result in a sale, and you can increase your chances of success by simplifying the purchasing process and ensuring your landing pages are relevant to the information in the ad.

6. Selling your product

No matter what kind of business you run or what type of product you offer, it's highly likely that you're going to be competing for a customer's attention.

What can a seller do to make his listing more attractive than competitors' listings?

Your ad is essentially an extension of your business and you need to create the right impression with it.

You can set one of the lowest prices among competitors and add a title that relates to popular keywords, as well as convince the buyer that you are the best and most reliable seller. Include information about reviews and special offers in your ad.

If you offer a 10% discount on the second item or free next day delivery, let potential customers know about it.

If you have a special offer tag at the bottom of your ad, you can provide detailed information if the user hovered over it. If the same page contains advertisements like yours, this technique can make a big difference.

Likewise, if there is a 5 star rating, use that to sell your products. When shopping online, it is important that customers trust the sellers and read reviews from previous customers, which can tip the scales in your favor.

Etsy made some minor changes on October 4th with a new Google Advertising tool. There was no letter about this news; the admins reported this only in the Announcements section of the forum.

This is what the ads look like:

And here’s what this item looks like in our Etsy account:

The point of the innovations, it seems to me, is to increase the amount of advertising on the site at the expense of sellers. Now Etsy also advertises themselves and us sellers on Google, but at their own expense. This feature is called Shopping Engine Ads. You've probably seen conversions from Google ads in your store statistics; they are designated as Google Shopping

But as you can see, there are not so many of these transitions; I have only had 4 of them recently.

Accordingly, we can now attract not only those buyers who are already on Etsy (using Promoted Listings), but also those who are Googling something, but maybe don’t even know about Etsy.

How to enable an advertising campaign

You need to go to the menu item “Your shop>Promote>Try advertising on Etsy” and click on the “Start Advertising on Google” button

  • Daily budget (minimum $1)
  • Country of users to whom the ad will be shown (currently you can select one of the countries - USA, Canada, Australia, UK, France, Germany)
  • Should I add all new listings to my ad?

All settings of the new Google Shopping are almost identical to the settings of Promoted Listings. The only thing is that we cannot choose the cost of the bet, i.e. how much will it cost to click on our ad. Etsy calculates this value themselves.

Features of Google Shopping

Your daily budget can vary within 20% of the value you set in the settings. But in total you won’t spend more in a month than you plan. For example, Etsy counts a month as 30.4 days. Accordingly, with a daily budget of $1, you will spend no more than $30.40.

The default maximum daily budget is $10.00. But as your advertising campaign progresses, this value may change. The more you spend on advertising, the higher your maximum budget will be.

It will take at least a week for you to notice conversions for the created campaign in the statistics. Also, this period may be affected by frequent changes in the daily budget and country. As Etsy themselves say, this is explained by the peculiarity of the Google advertising platform.

I also want to note that as soon as an advertising campaign on Google Shopping is turned on, the Shopping Engine Ads tool will be automatically turned off. When you turn off or stop a campaign, Shopping Engine Ads will turn on again.


By the way, the Promoted Listings tool has changed its interface. The essence remains the same, but at first glance it seems that you can get confused. If you need a separate article, please let me know.

(Google Shopping, formerly Froogle and Google Product Search) is a service that provides the ability to select products from different online stores in one catalog and compare prices between offers. Competitor Yandex.Market, but launched only in 2016 and has not yet managed to win a large audience.

1. Who benefits from Google Shopping?

    buyers: conveniently compare offers by price using filters;

filter in Google Shopping

    e-commerce: another channel for selling goods. Google Shopping offers appear at the very top of search results, and the cost per click there is much lower than in the Google advertising network.

2. How to prepare an online store for listing on Google Shopping

Setting up accounts:

    registering an account with Google;

    connecting an online store to Google AdWords and;

Setting up an online store:

    installing an SSL certificate;

    checking contact information (phone number and/or email address);

    placement of payment methods and terms, rules for returning goods;

    for wholesale goods, indicate the total price for the minimum quantity of goods or the price per unit of goods and the minimum quantity of goods that can be purchased.

After improvements to the site, the programmer must make changes to the code to upload data to Google Shopping.

2. Our placement experience

We promote a jewelry store on Google Shopping. Our search offers look like this:

placed products are displayed with photos in the top

A month of working with the service brought a large number of retail orders without registering in the online store.

What helped us successfully list products on Google Shopping:

    creating a module for automatically uploading goods to the service: a few days after they appear in the online store, new items are visible in Google Shopping;

During the entire period of placement, the traffic was quite stable.

attendance statistics

Most of the visitors were new users.

Having received good returns from the placement, we increased the budget for Google Shopping, and now we spend more on the service than on any other advertising on Google.

3. Service development and competitors

To attract an audience, Shopping will have to compete with Yandex.Market, which is moving towards the Amazon and AliExpress model. A version is already being tested where sellers can place goods on the service without an online store. Yandex.Market will take 2% of the purchase price.

It is not yet clear whether Google Shopping will become a strong competitor to Market, but it is worth considering them as another promotion channel for an online store.

In this article we will tell you in detail and show you what needs to be done in order to successfully sell in the new Google Shopping marketplace or, as this service is also called, Google Shopping. We will also figure out how to properly set up product ads in Google AdWords for shopping campaigns, and as a bonus we will offer instructions on how to set up and launch dynamic remarketing campaigns in Google AdWords - this is when a person is followed by an advertisement for a specific product or products that he looked at on your website.

This guide will teach you how to prepare your site for sales on Google Shopping, how to properly set up the Google Merchant Center, and how to create shopping advertising campaigns in Google AdWords to display on Google Shopping.

As usual, practical advice, secrets, tricks, so read to the end and don’t miss anything. The material is large, so for those who are too lazy to read, at the end of the material there is a detailed video instruction on the topic of this material.

But first, a little theory.

Google Sopping or Google Shopping is a marketplace like Yandex.Market, only from Google. On this site, sellers post products, and buyers can find and buy them by going to the seller's website.

What are the benefits and benefits of Google Shopping? Firstly, this is, at a minimum, a low cost per click compared to the cost per click in the Google advertising search network, because products placed on this site, as well as in Yandex.Market, are displayed in search results.

And secondly, this is still an additional audience that is looking for products not in Google search, but on a separate service at

Just keep in mind that not everything can be sold through Google Shopping. For example, you cannot sell services, real estate, tickets, or currency here. You can view the full list of prohibitions in the Google Shopping policies.

Now let's move on to the settings.

So, in order to start selling your products through Google Shopping, you will need a Google account. If you don't have it, then go and register. On this account you must create accounts in:

  • Google AdWords
  • Google Search Console
  • Google Merchant Center.
  • Google Analytics

Also, if you don’t understand how to make changes to the code of your site, you will need a web programmer, and of course, the site itself.

We will show how to properly configure and place products in Google Shopping, using the example of the Liplast company website. Please note that this company produces various plastic containers and tanks for civil and industrial applications, and such complex items can also be sold through Google Shopping.

And also, to understand how to do it correctly and what not to do, we will turn to another site that is already approved for sales in this marketplace - this is the site of the Lasercat company.

So, in order to start trading through Google Shopping, your website must meet certain requirements of this service, which I will now talk about.

Preparing a website for Google Shopping

1. On your website, each product must have a separate page with its own unique link. Each of these pages must be functional and viewable in a browser.

Here, Liplast is doing great with this.

2. For each product, an image of it in good quality and high resolution must be uploaded to your website. For clothing items, it should be no less than 250x250 pixels, but not more than 64 megapixels. For all other products - no less than 100x100 pixels and also no more than 64 megapixels. And your product images should be such that it occupies 75–90% of the image area.

And yes, the weight of the image file should be no more than 16 MB. Otherwise the moderators will quit.

Please note that, unlike Yandex.Market, images in PNG format, cropped without a background, are suitable for Google Shopping. They are displayed in the service without any problems. And if you place similar ones on your website, for example, your design style is like this, then this opportunity is very useful. By the way, Yandex.Market displays illustrations in PNG without a background on a black background. This is how it is not universal for us. But sometimes it’s also original. Just keep in mind that the product image for Google Shopping must open via a separate link. If this is the case for you, then everything is great.

3. Each of your products must have a price indicated on the page, preferably two, and always in the currency of the country in which you will sell through Google Shopping. For example, if you sell in Russia, the price should be indicated in rubles. Regarding the two prices. Pay attention to the product page on the Laserkat website.

Here are two prices: regular and discounted. This is very good. Why? I'll tell you a little later. Liplast does not have prices listed; in this form it will not be missed in Google Shopping

4. Your online store should have an online purchase process set up, starting with a click on a button, for example, "Add to Basket" and ending with the page Thanks, which the user gets to after placing an order. Please note that Liplast does not have this, so it will not be allowed to be sold in Google Shopping in this form. But the Lasercat has it, it meets these requirements.

5. In addition, information on the return of goods and warranty obligations must be posted on the website. Liplast doesn’t have one like this yet, but using the example of the Laserkat company, you can see what it looks like.

Yes, if your goods cannot be returned, then write so in the return conditions. And try to reveal information regarding these two topics in as much detail as possible. It would be a shame if, because of this point, you are not allowed into Google Shopping.

6. The site must contain reliable contact information on a separate page, such as telephone number, address, email. Both Liplast and Lazerkat are doing great with this.

7. The website must contain clear information about payment methods and terms. You can make this page separately, or you can place this information on the same page where the return conditions and warranty obligations are described. Liplast doesn't have this, Lazerkat does.

That's all the requirements.

After you have brought your website into compliance with them, you need to set up an account in Google Merchant Center, whose role in this system is to upload and control data about your online store and products.

If you still have questions, specialists from B2Basket will help you set up Google Shopping and other price aggregators.

Setting up Google Merchant Center

But before you go register with this service, you need to do one more thing - confirm ownership of your site. This can be done through Google Search Console.

Everything is simple here. Go to the service, click on the button "Add resource", in the form that opens, indicate the link to your site and click on the button "Add".

After this, in the window that opens, you will be asked to confirm your right to the site in several ways. We confirm by placing an HTML file on the server where the site is stored. Everything is also simple there: download the file offered by Google and upload it. If you don't understand, send this file with instructions to your programmer. Just do not delete this file from the server under any circumstances if you do not want, for example, your advertising campaigns to stop.

ATTENTION!!! Some people recommend verifying your site through the Google Analytics code, but we don't recommend doing this because it will give all administrators in your Google Analytics account access to all your site data in Google Search Console along with you. And if you work in Google Analytics with some contractor or employee to whom you do not want to show all the information, then after implementing this method they will see everything.

After we have confirmed the rights to our site in Google Search Console, we go to register in Google Merchant Center.

Why do we log into this service using the login and password that we use to log into our Google account, and in the window that opens, fill out the business card of our store in Google Shopping:

  • We indicate the country in which we will sell. For example, Russia.
  • The name of our store. In our case – Liplast.
  • Website address. Just note that it must start with http:// or https://
  • A contact person and email that Google specialists will contact if anything happens.
  • You can also specify a specialist to resolve technical and customer support issues.

Yes, you can later change this data in the settings of your Google Merchant account in the menu item "Company information". Here, after you have filled out everything, click on the button "Continue".

After that, in the tab that opens, we accept the terms of use by checking the appropriate checkbox and proceed to confirming the site.

Since we have already declared ownership of the site in Google Search Console, on the next tab for registering a store in Google Merchant Center we just need to click on the button "Claim site rights" and then to the button "Ready".

Hurray, we have registered our online store in Google Merchant Center.

Please note that if everything in your interface is in English and you want to change the language to another, for example, Russian, then click on the icon Menu next to your account avatar in the upper right corner, in the menu that opens, click on "Account Settings".

On the page that opens, click on "Time zone and language", where we set the language. Here you can also set the time zone in which you are located. In our case, this is Moscow time, and the language is "Russian". To save changes, click on "SAVE". Everything in our Merchant account is now in Russian.

After this, we need to link our Google Merchant account with our Google AdWords account, for which we again click on the icon Menu, and in the menu that opens to "Link to other services"

Look at the page that opens. If you already have an account in Google AdWords, the system will show that you need to establish a connection with it, for which you simply click on "ESTABLISH CONTACT". If not, then register an account in Google AdWords and copy from it Client ID, which is indicated in the upper right corner, then in Google Merchant click on plus button and establish a connection with your Google AdWords account.

After this, to be on the safe side, go to our Google Adwords account and click on gear in the upper right corner, in the menu that opens to the item "Linked Accounts" and on the page that opens, in the left menu, click on Merchant Center. If the connection is established, then it will be written "Connection established".

That's it, setting up our Google Merchant account is complete. Now let's move on to preparing an advertising campaign in Google AdWords to display our products in Google Shopping.

Preparing shopping campaigns in Google AdWords

But before you create ads for your products on Google Shopping, you must determine what kind of advertising campaigns you will have. The principle of organization here is the same as when creating advertising in Google search or Display Network. For example, your trade advertising campaigns can be accurately divided by product class: if you advertise washing machines, refrigerators and televisions, create separate advertising for refrigerators, separate for washing machines and separate for televisions. In addition, you can divide your advertising campaigns by region. For example, you may have one for refrigerators set to Moscow, and the other to St. Petersburg. If necessary, you can create different advertising campaigns to display ads on different devices. In Google AdWords, these are computers, tablets and smartphones.

And, looking ahead, I’ll note one more reason why you shouldn’t dump all products into one data feed and, as a result, into one advertising campaign. Your feeds may be rejected and advertising will stop, and so that this does not affect all products, play it safe by dividing your feeds, for example, as I already noted, by class.

In your account, click on the button "Campaign" and further on "Google Shopping".

On the page that opens "Selecting campaign settings" we set the parameters of our shopping campaign:

  • We indicate a clear name for it, only such that later in a large list you can always understand what is advertised in it, on what and where.
  • Company type – Google Shopping
  • Our merchant ID is automatically substituted, since we have already linked our accounts in Google AdWords and Merchant Center.
  • We choose the country where we will advertise our products. For example, Russia.
  • In advanced settings item "Campaign Priority" set as needed. We haven't used this option yet. Check out the AdWords Help, you might find it helpful.
  • Product filter – check “No”.
  • Local – Setting this option allows you to advertise products that are sold in local stores near the user. But, unfortunately, this feature is only available in Australia, Great Britain, Germany, USA, France and Japan. Doesn't work in Russia.
  • You can configure the devices later. When setting up a campaign for the first time, the system defaults to displaying product ads on all devices: computers, tablets and smartphones.
  • In locations, select the regions in which you want to show your product ads and set up targeting.
  • We set conditions in your bidding strategy and delivery methods that meet your business goal.
  • In Advanced Settings, you can specify the time period in which your ads should be shown. You can set, for example, your working days of the week and hours.
  • We do not touch the campaign URL options. We will then add UTM tags to the product ads themselves.

After specifying all the parameters, click on the button "Save and Continue". In the window that opens, we skip creating groups by clicking on the corresponding button, and then in the window that opens, go to the “Settings” tab, where we can make adjustments, for example, by device, removing impressions on smartphones if your site is not responsive. Exclude IP addresses, for example, office ones, so that you have fewer non-targeted impressions.

We set up all our other shopping campaigns for Google Shopping in the same way.

Video instruction

In the next article, we'll figure out how to properly create and configure data feeds so that you get more customers than usual, and I'll tell you one secret that will allow you to reach all your potential customers in the Google Shopping service.