We borrow money from Megafon - official operator services. How to borrow a promised payment on Megafon

Each subscriber mobile operator Megafon could often encounter a situation where the money on the personal balance has dried up, but a call to a friend or acquaintance is simply necessary. In such cases, many people go to the nearest bank or terminal in order to make a payment and continue to use mobile communications. However, it happens that an urgent call is simply necessary, and it takes a long time to travel to the nearest bank. What to do in this case?

You can borrow from a mobile operator using the “Promised (Trust) Payment” and “Credit of Trust”. To use the promised payment from Megafon, you need to:

  1. Dial one of the available USSD codes *106# or *1006#
  2. Dial the number “0006” and follow the autoinformer prompts
  3. Send an SMS message with the text in numbers - the amount of the payment. Either 50, or 100, or 300. The number for sending SMS is “0006”
  4. In roaming, you can activate the option only using the USSD code *106#
  5. Go to the official Megafon website in your Personal Account, select the Payments section, then indicate the amount to replenish

Megafon trust credit can be used using:

  1. Enter command *138*1# Call
  2. Sending text “1” to number “5138”

You need to make an important call, but you don't have enough money personal account no left? You must call distant relative to clarify the details of the meeting? Ran out of money right away inopportune moment? – The Megafon company offers each subscriber a unique opportunity to completely free services“Credit of Trust” and “Trust Payment”, which can be used at any time of the day! Now you can borrow money without leaving your home! You don't need to waste time and money traveling to the bank or going to the ATM! Take advantage of the service provided by Megafon OJSC and stay in touch around the clock!

The question “How to borrow on Megafon” seems relevant for many, since situations with a lack of money can appear quite often. Precisely for the solution similar problem our portal provides recruitment useful tips, using which every interested person will be able to help themselves and their loved ones right now! Don't worry that your facial balance is about to run out and you won't be able to make calls! “Credit of trust” and “Promised payment” will help you out in difficult times.

A service called “Credit of Trust” is available to every subscriber of Megafon OJSC, even in the case of a negative balance personal account.

The total amount that can be issued as a loan directly depends on the subscriber’s activity in the Megafon network. If you are a person who often tops up your personal balance, actively talks with friends and acquaintances on a mobile phone, sends a decent number of SMS and mms - the service will be available to you in full! In short, the more money you spend on paying for the services of a mobile operator, the more “trust” Megafon has in you. It is worth noting that the period that has passed since the day of registration on the network also plays an important role.

We present to your attention an information plate that will help you accurately determine at the right moment how much you can count on if you need a loan to your personal account:

Expenses for the last two months

Total duration of service use

3-6 months

7-12 months

more than 13 months

400-599 rubles

200 rubles

200 rubles

400 rubles

600 rubles

600-799 rubles

200 rubles

400 rubles

600 rubles

800 rubles

800-999 rubles

200 rubles

600 rubles

800 rubles

1000 rubles

1000-1999 rubles

200 rubles

800 rubles

1000 rubles

1500 rubles

more than 2000 rubles

200 rubles

1000 rubles

1500 rubles

2000 rubles

In order to activate the “Credit of Trust” service on Megafon, you are asked to activate the keyboard mobile phone, then dial a key combination like “*138*1#” and click on “Call”.

Another way to activate the service is to send an SMS message. Send a text like “1” to number “5138”, and within a few seconds you will receive cash to balance.

Note: you can find out the maximum loan amount for your number using a key combination like “*138*3#” + “Call”.

If you are concerned that your mobile balance may be reduced by n-amount of money, we hasten to assure you that Megafon OJSC provides for a completely free provision of the right to use the “Credit of Trust” service.

How to take out debt on Megafon?

Similar to the service, Megafon OJSC offers its customers the right to use a unique service called “Promised Payment”. Today, “Promised Payment” is the ability to continue making calls and sending SMS, even if your personal balance approaches zero!

The essence of the operating principle is that each subscriber of the Megafon mobile operator has the opportunity to continue using the network for five days while the service is valid. You have a few rubles left in your personal account, but you need to call within a few days? You can pay for services only tomorrow, but you need to contact your family and friends today? – The “Promised Payment” service allows you to stay in touch around the clock! Take a certain amount of money to your personal account as an installment plan - and don’t worry about tomorrow! OJSC Megafon takes care of the needs of its customers, offering convenient conditions for using the mobile network!

Calculation process maximum amount provision of payment is identical to the calculation under the “Credit of Trust”.

As an example, our portal offers you a detailed table for calculating amounts for use mobile services for the past month:

There are several ways to activate a service called “Promised Payment”.

If you suddenly run out of funds in your account, it doesn’t matter. The “promised payment” service for borrowing money from the operator is available to subscribers. Using it, you can continue to communicate even after you cross the zero threshold.

This service is especially useful when, for some reason, you are unable to top up your account. For example, you may not have enough money or time. It also happens that in the place where you are, there is no physical opportunity to top up your account. Here you will learn how to activate the promised Megafon payment.

To prevent a situation with a sudden balance reset in the future, you can use the “live balance” service from Megafon. With its help, you can always be aware of the amount available in your personal account. After all, the balance will be displayed on the screen mobile device constantly. The slightest changes will be displayed immediately.

Under what conditions is the promised payment provided on Megafon?

After activating the megaphone trust payment service, a certain amount is credited to the subscriber’s account. It can range from 100 to 1300 rubles. The operator allows from three days to a week to repay the debt. During this time, you can continue to use communication services. However, if you spend the funds provided to you for the promised payment, then communication will become unavailable to you.

If you do not replenish the balance during the validity period of the promised payment, then upon expiration of the loan your phone number will be blocked. And to unlock it, you will need to pay off your debt to the mobile operator.

Amounts and terms of granting credit of trust Megafon

Megafon offers its clients various loan amounts. Different times are also set for their repayment. It all depends on what status the client has.

Ordinary users who do not have an unlimited Internet connection can borrow a very small amount. The amount of the promised payment for such clients can be 100, 200 or 300 rubles. For subscribers in this category, the debt repayment period does not exceed 3 days.

For those who use unlimited Internet, the company offers more favorable conditions. In addition to denominations of 100 and 200 rubles, loans in sizes of 500, 800, 1100 and 1300 rubles are available to this category of clients. However, they will also have to repay the promised payment within three days.

VIP clients (and the company includes those who spend more than three thousand rubles a month on communications) have the same denominations available as for users unlimited internet. But they are offered Better conditions to repay the loan amount. These clients can top up their account with the required amount within seven days.

One more important point is that after activating the credit of trust you will have to receive at least 30 rubles on your balance. This should be taken into account if, when activating the promised payment, there is a minus in your account.

How to make a trust payment to Megafon?

And now simple instructions about how to borrow on Megafon. There are three methods to activate a promised payment.

  1. Free call to number 0006 .
  2. Dispatch USSD request by number *106# or *1006# . Enter this combination and follow the instructions you receive.
  3. You can also send SMS to the number 0006 . In your message, do not forget to indicate the amount you want to receive.
    The Megafon credit of trust service will also allow you to stay in touch even when you reach zero.

Any of us can have an incident and the amount of balance cellular communications for various reasons, it suddenly turned out to be close to zero, or even completely negative. But the dynamics of modern life are such that everyone needs to make more than one call, send messages, use the Internet. What to do if you can’t top up your account right now? Insufficient funds for mobile account now it's not so scary. Megafon does not abandon its subscribers in difficult times and offers an option on how to solve this situation.

What is a promised payment or how to borrow money from Megafon?

You are in difficult situation when you run out of money in your account and there is no way to top up your personal account? But at the same time, do you need to be able to continue using cellular communications?

In addition, there is “Automatic promised payment”. Connect it and automatically receive 150 or 300 rubles when you have 10 rubles left on your phone. The service is not paid for separately.

Promised payment on Megafon. Under what conditions is it provided?

It is possible to borrow a certain amount of money from the Megafon operator only if certain conditions are met:

  • You can get 50 rubles if your balance reaches minus 40 rubles.
  • You will receive 150 rubles in debt, provided that your account balance is up to minus 100 rubles.
  • 300 rubles of the “Promised payment” will be credited to your balance when the amount within minus 250 rubles is displayed there.
  • The “Automatic promised payment” option is activated automatically when there are 10 rubles on the balance. At your choice, 150 or 300 rubles of credit funds can be credited.

In addition to these conditions, the following requirements must be met:

  • In order for the “Promised payment” of 50 rubles to be credited to the subscriber, he must be served by the Megafon provider for one to two months and pay the bill more than twice.
  • Tranches of 150 rubles and 300 rubles are available to people who have been Megafon clients for at least 2 months.

Please note that “Reverse Payment” cannot be activated simultaneously with the “Pay Whenever” payment service.

Credit of trust Megafon. What are the terms and amounts of provision?

Don't want to be stopped serving you when your account balance is negative? Megafon provides this opportunity. The “Credit of Trust” function will allow you to make calls, use the Internet and send messages after crossing the 0 mark on your account. The service is now known as Pay When You Can.

Each individual user of the Megafon network has its own credit limit. The threshold for available funds will depend on:

  • Average amount spent online over the last three months.
  • Duration of use of the operator's SIM card.
  • Conditions of the tariff package.
  • A set of services that are connected to the card.

At first, the limit level is 180% of the arithmetic average of expenses for the three previous months. The limit is reviewed every month.

You can find out what credit is available for a given Megafon SIM card by sending the ussd command *100# from your phone, adding the call key.

Every month an SMS notification is sent to the number with the amount of debt and the repayment period. If the loan is not paid by the 26th of the current month, the number will be blocked the next day.

You can top up your balance in any convenient way.

Trust payment Megafon. How to arrange it?

Without the ability to make calls, write SMS, use the Internet, modern man feels lost. It is good when the operator provides the opportunity to lower the threshold, upon reaching which the subscriber is disconnected from cellular service. In order not to fall out of life when the money on your phone is exhausted, and it is not possible to top up your account, you need to register this Trust payment Megaphone.

You can receive money for communication services from the operator by performing the following actions:

  • Use the ussd combination *138*1# and then don’t forget to press the call key on your phone.
  • Write short message, indicating the number 1 in it. B address bar when sending dial .

The operator will determine what loan is ready to issue to this subscriber. This will take into account how long a person has been a client of the provider, and how much money he spent on various services cellular communications for the previous 30 days. If the user violates the terms of the agreement, the Megafon operator reserves the right to refuse payment and credit.

Majority additional services, which were previously ordered using this SIM card, will be saved when the Megafon trust payment is activated.

If not needed, the function Trust payment it is possible to disconnect using the same services as for connection.

Activate the “Automatic promised payment” service. How to do it?

Promised payment - we borrow from megafon

Even someone who is used to carefully managing money and monitoring the state of their accounts may experience an unexpected situation. By various reasons It’s not always possible to quickly replenish your balance. If you don't want to worry about service interruption at cellular network, when your account is almost out of money, you should think about enabling the “Automatic promised payment” option.

When activating “Automatic promised payment Megafon”, the combination of numbers for Moscow is as follows:

  • At sending sms- number . The SMS must contain the text: AVTO50 or AVTO150 or AVTO300, depending on the amount you require.
  • When connecting using ussd commands– press the *106# “call” keys one by one. A combination of *1006# and “call” is possible
  • When calling - telephone. The robot will tell you how to make an Automatic Promised Payment.
  • For ivr systems The number to dial is 0006. Use voice instructions to activate the service.

When “Automatic Promised Payment” is activated, the amount you specified will be automatically credited to your account. This will happen when your balance is 10 rubles or less.

All the methods described will help you feel confident, despite the negative balance. Any client can use the described services.

If you use a Megafon modem, and the money in your account runs out at the wrong time, you can receive a deferred Megafon payment. By agreeing to the operator’s offer to use the loan, you calmly continue to use the Internet for five days. During this period the debt will need to be repaid. The option is free and can be used many times.

Many consumers are interested in the question: how to borrow money from MegaFon, because the terms of this service are quite flexible for basic tariffs. Every person can experience such a situation as suddenly running out of money in their mobile account. To solve this problem, MegaFon (like MTS) offers its subscribers the “” service, within which almost every client can borrow money from the company in the amount of 50 to 300 rubles.

How to borrow money on MegaFon

According to the terms useful service“Promised payment”, it is possible to use mobile communications on the terms current tariff for 3 days. After the end of the specified period, the user fully repays the resulting debt. Before borrowing money from MegaFon, you need to adequately assess your solvency in order to repay the received debt on time. Considering that quite a lot of MegaFon clients are interested in how to borrow from their operator, experts have created a list possible ways, so that the subscriber can easily order a credit amount of money (from 50 to 300 rubles). To activate the “Promised Payment” service in his tariff, the user can use the following options:

  • making a call to number 0006;
  • sending ussd request *106#;
  • activation of the service in the required section of your account on the official website.

All service users have the opportunity to borrow money from MegaFon (100 rubles and other amounts), except for subscribers with the Ring-Ding and Login tariffs. The connected service will be valid for 3 days and will be deactivated automatically. After the end of the term, the borrower undertakes to deposit the amount borrowed from the operator (from 50 rubles to 100 or more). Also important conditions are that the number must be active for at least three months, and the amount spent last month on communication services must be above zero. The amount of credit funds varies depending on the current tariff of the client ordering the money. The services “Promised payment” and “Credit of trust” cannot be ordered simultaneously. Anyone can now find out how to borrow money from MegaFon when their balance is negative.

Borrow from MegaFon with the “Promised Payment” service: nuances

By activating this option, a person will be able to borrow a certain amount of money to use his tariff when negative balance. Free connection This function makes the “Promised Payment” service available to subscribers with suitable tariff. Depending on the features of a particular tariff, the “payment” will have different amounts. Considering that you can make the connection yourself, it is not necessary to visit the operator’s offices. Before you borrow money from MegaFon (less than or more than 100 rubles), you should know that by activating the “Promised Payment”, the subscriber will no longer have access to mobile payments and translations. The main factors for activating the “Promised Payment” service in your tariff are:

  • the number was used for more than ninety days (calls, correspondence, Internet use);
  • the tariff allows you to activate the “Promised payment”;
  • within three months the client spent more than 600 rubles;
  • in the previous month the customer's account was positive.

The client should be aware that these are the final requirements for the customer of the “Promised Payment” service. If at least one of the conditions described above is not met, the subscriber’s application will be rejected, which the operator will inform about by SMS message or call from contact center.

The funds on your mobile phone account always run out at the wrong time, and it is not always possible to top up the balance. Subscribers of the cellular operator Megafon have a unique opportunity to borrow money. There are several options for borrowing from Megafon, but not everyone can use it.

Who can use the service?

There are several limitations here. On tariff plans Megafon-login and Ring-ding cannot borrow money. For other subscribers there are several conditions:

  1. Use Megafon communication services for more than 3 months.
  2. Do not have any debt to the operator at the time of enrollment.
  3. You can take a limited amount, it depends on the service package.

You can top up your balance remotely at home region or roaming.

Promised payment

All subscribers using the advance account replenishment method can use this service. In order to credit funds, use the command *106#, after which you will receive an SMS message with the available amounts for crediting. You should select the desired amount from the list and send a repeat message.

The second way to credit the promised payment is to send an SMS message to number 0006 with the required amount. For example, 50, 100, 150 or 300, without the word “rubles”. You can also go to Personal Area and through the menu, credit the payment to the debt, or call the operator at 0500. This service paid and the reward is calculated depending on the size of the credited amount.

Only clients with VIP status. You can check its availability using the command *105*105#. The term for using the promised payment is 3 days from the moment the service is activated, after which you must top up the balance with the amount of the debt. Money is debited from the account automatically after the expiration of the three-day period.

Automatic promised payment

This service is activated once for free. The personal account balance of a Megafon subscriber will be replenished automatically when the balance is 10 rubles. The amount of funds credited to the debt will be 100 rubles, for each replenishment a commission of 12 rubles will be charged. You must top up your account within three days, because when the time expires, the money will be debited automatically. This service allows subscribers not to think every time how to top up their Megafon debt account when the funds run out at the wrong time.

Methods for connecting to the service:

  1. Send an SMS message to number 0006 with the word “AUTO” or “AVTO”.
  2. Log into your personal account and select this service from the menu.
  3. Call the operator at 0500.

You can disable the service in the same way, but you should send a message to number 0006 with the word “STOP” or “STOP”.

Credit of trust

The essence of this service is that the subscriber no longer needs to think about how to borrow money from Megafon , because he can use the connection even when minus balance. The credit limit is calculated for each subscriber and depends on certain circumstances, primarily on average expenses over the last three months and the period of use of the SIM card. The loan amount can reach up to 180% of the monthly expense amount and is recalculated every month, that is, decreased, increased or not changed at the discretion of the operator.

How to use the service:

  1. Enter the command *550*1#.
  2. Send an SMS to number 5050 with the text “1”.
  3. Send “Please connect a credit of trust” to number 0500.

How to disable the service;

  1. Using the command *550*2#.
  2. Via SMS to number 5050 “2”.
  3. Send “Please disable the Pay when it’s convenient” service to 0500.

Note: When using the “Pay when convenient” service, you will not be able to use the promised payment.

That's three current methods, how to borrow from Megafon, they are available to almost all subscribers of this operator.

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