The Facebook page was blocked. What to do? What to do if Facebook has blocked your personal profile? Is it worth restoring?

So, you can find out that you are on the site from the chat, which is located on the right side of the screen. There is a list of contacts (your friends) and their online status in the form of a green circle. If you don’t want visitors to see such a green circle on you, then you need to learn how to turn on invisibility on Facebook. Before turning on the invisibility, answer the question - from whom do you want to hide your presence?

Facebook chat

If you want to become invisible from specific person, then this is quite easy to do. The algorithm for turning on invisibility is as follows:

  1. Go to the chat settings (the “options” menu) – the gear icon at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select “Advanced chat settings” in the menu that opens.
  3. In the window that opens, enter the Name of the profile from which you want to hide your presence. After this, you will be hidden from this account.

This method is perfect for becoming invisible to specific account. However, in order to prevent all friends from seeing you, other settings are required.

"advanced settings" options

In order to enable invisibility on Facebook for all friends, go to the advanced chat settings again. This time we do not enter the name of a specific person, but select the “turn off chat for all contacts” option. Now you will become invisible to all Facebook users. Please note that anyone who is not your friend cannot know about your online status, because it is only available to friends. Now you know how to turn on invisibility on Facebook and maintain your anonymity. I hope the article was useful to you! Have fun on Facebook!

Communication on Facebook is addictive. It drags on to such an extent that there is a real need to check as often as possible private messages, read the news feed, etc. However, there are often cases when you can’t log into your favorite social network - an angry boss forbids you to be distracted, your Internet provider has blocked access, or your IP address is weird. What to do? It's simple - find an anonymizer for Facebook and return to your Facebook everyday life.

What is an anonymizer

You may know that there are IP addresses that are assigned to each participant in the vast Internet network. Like any other address, an IP address can tell about the location of its owner. All this is done with one simple goal - to systematize and streamline user behavior on the Internet.

An anonymizer is a kind of mask that allows you to replace a real IP address with a false one. Thus, a user from Russia can “pretend” to be a resident of Denver, London or, say, Mexico City. With the help of this clever service, you can easily log into Facebook if you can’t do it the usual way.

How it works?

So, you urgently need to check your personal account on Facebook, but your respected boss has ordered that all employees be disconnected from social networks. The boss doesn’t know that an irritated employee is even worse than just a distracted employee! What to do in this case? Of course, try your luck using a free anonymizer. To the great happiness of unfortunate Facebook users, there are a great many of them on the Internet. Let's say you have chosen some service that has already been tested (by you personally, your comrades or all-knowing experts on the World Wide Web). As a rule, such sites are not limited to the ability to log into just one site. Most often, this is a complex anonymizer designed for all popular social media.

Here are a few proven anonymizers:


In such services, you only need to select Facebook from the list of social networks and go through the usual authorization. The only thing that can scare you is the system message about blocking your account. But no need to worry! You were blocked for the simple reason that you logged in from a place unusual for your account.

You can confirm your identity by receiving secret code to the mobile phone number linked to the account, will answer Security Question or by identifying your friends from a photo. After the procedure is completed, you can start working with the social network.


The ease of use of the chameleon anonymizer is beyond doubt. However, users trying to break through the Internet blockade by hook or by crook should be more careful when choosing the anonymizer itself. Firstly, not all of them provide their services for free - in some cases, IP address masking is carried out for small fee. Secondly, under mirror sites there may be insidious “collectors” of contact details and personal information. How to avoid falling into the hands of these terrible people? Just choose time-tested sites.

Remember that through an anonymizer you can access not only Facebook, but also many other sites. Once you get acquainted with this tool, you can always solve IP blocking problems without the help of experts.

Facebook is the leader in the number of daily visits and registered users. Of course, this is the most popular social network in the whole world. 2018 was again a record year for this social network, with 2.23 billion users visiting in June.

These numbers suggest that no one wants to lose access to such a site. After all, this is where you can find out last news, see what your friends did over the weekend and follow the events in your city. If for some reason you have limited access to Facebook, then you need to unblock it. Don't worry if you have at your enterprise or in educational institution, access to this social network is prohibited. Or there is censorship in the country, we will teach you how to connect to Facebook quickly and completely anonymously.

How to unblock Facebook via VPN

We haven't come up with a better method for unblocking Facebook than using a VPN. And if you don’t know what a VPN is, now I’ll tell you in simple words. In fact, this is a server that receives your data, encrypts it, and accesses Facebook from a country where access is not blocked. As a result, all transmitted/received data will be securely encrypted; the Internet provider will not know which site you visited. And since our servers are located all over, you will find optimal solution for myself. If more is required detailed information How to set up and use a VPN, the website has detailed instructions in pictures.

How to use RocketVPN for Facebook

Using a VPN to unblock Facebook looks like this:

  1. Subscribe to Rocket VPN.
  2. Download and configure the software on desired device: tablet, computer, smartphone or even TV.
  3. Choose optimal server or the program will do it for you automatically and connect to the network.
  4. Log in to Facebook on your device and enjoy the conversation.

Alternative methods to access the Facebook site

If for some reason the amount of 5 dollars is not suitable for you, you can subscribe for a year and then it will be only 2.5 dollars per month, or use free, but not so reliable and comfortable methods.

First of all, it is famous Tor browser. It creates many redirects from your computer to the Facebook site. In this case, your data passes through many computers of other users from around the world, eventually you will gain access to the site. But promise high speed downloading is not possible. How about watching a video or gif image and there is no question.

In which countries is Facebook blocked?

Today, about 14 countries have blocked access to this social network. But only 3 actively oppose free access to it:

  1. In China, Facebook has been blocked since 2009, after protestors used this particular messenger to communicate.
  2. Iran similarly blocked Facebook in 2009, but this was a preventive measure; the authorities were afraid that unrest would begin through the social network.
  3. In North Korea, Facebook is completely blocked, as are all social networks in general. The state policy is such that their residents do not need access to the Internet and social networks.

System administrators, following orders from their superiors, very often block access to social networks and multimedia content. Not everyone can freely access Facebook without an anonymizer while at work. In addition, is often closed local providers due to censorship requirements, and in this case you definitely cannot do without the help of a reliable VPN anonymizer.

Features of VPN technology

Technology Virtual Private Network(VPN) was designed to:

  • maintain anonymity on public networks
  • securely encrypt all transmitted information

VPN is an add-on over your Internet connection, a kind of anonymizer that allows you to easily, freely and completely safely overcome any Facebook access restrictions that exist in corporate network. Modern means cryptography ( public keys, encryption, protection against changes and replays, authentication) allow you to maintain absolute confidentiality and anonymity. Using a VPN client does not require special knowledge or qualifications; even a novice computer user can manage it.

Login to through a convenient anonymizer

SecureVPN will help everyone using an anonymizer to log in to any resource closed by the administrator or provider: Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, YouTube and any others. The first step required for this is to register on the site website. After which you will receive detailed instructions for installing a VPN client.

The main feature of this VPN client is the ability to not only change your IP address, its settings allow you to change the country from which you access Facebook, so the anonymizer makes it possible to access the site even if the resource is closed to your country.

Encrypted data is transmitted by the anonymizer via a virtual channel, and therefore you can safely use free public networks in order to log into Facebook. Despite the weak resistance to hacking points Wi-Fi access, all your passwords and personal information will be securely closed from attacks by intruders. Enabling and disabling the program occurs in a few “clicks” of the mouse. It is possible in the settings to change the country of “residence”, which can be Germany, France, America or the Netherlands.

Every day, social Facebook network, is becoming more and more popular in Russia and the CIS countries, but due to closed access to the page, you have to look for the login to Login to Facebook through an anonymizer. Below on the page there are links to verified anonymizers for Facebook login., as well as other social networks.

Lifestyle modern man, especially in a big city, makes you increasingly use social networks, checking messages from friends and acquaintances and reading the latest news. But there are times when important matters can distract you from your favorite activity, or you simply cannot log into the network due to the fact that the administrator at work or school has set a restriction on popular social resources. In this case, you can log into Facebook through the anonymizer and continue communication, always staying in touch.

Facebook login to “My Page” via anonymizer - How does this happen?

Each Internet user has his own unique IP address, which carries information about his connection to a specific provider, as well as the user’s location. This function is needed to control the actions and behavior of Internet clients.

Anonymizer is a kind of mask that hides the real IP address and replaces it with another one. As a result, the resource opened through the anonymizer does not include the number of IP addresses prohibited by blocking. Using this function, a user who is located in Russia can easily turn into a resident of Finland, Mexico or Africa. Using an anonymizer, you can log into my Facebook page in cases where this cannot be done directly.

In this case, you will need a free anonymizer for Facebook, which you already use. a large number of of people. Most of these sites provide access not only to a specific resource, but also allow you to freely access different sites and social networks.

Popular and proven free anonymizers for logging into Facebook, VKontakte, etc.

It has been in this activity for more than one year and has good reviews about the quality, as well as the integrity of data storage.

A large and proven resource with a large audience of users and many positive feedback on the Internet network.

  • For use given services You need to select Facebook from the anonymizer list and log in through a different address. pay attention to system message, which talks about blocking the account. There is no need to worry about this: your account was blocked because you logged into the site from another location that your account did not “recognize.”

To confirm your identity, the social network system requires you to enter a special secret code that is sent to your mobile phone. Another way to identify a person is to recognize your friends from photographs. After completing all stages of registration, you can start using the social network.

What free anonymizers to log into Facebook are very useful and easy to use, there is no doubt, but users who are trying to “deceive” the system and bypass the Internet blockade must be extremely careful when choosing a service, regarding its reliability and decency. But not all anonymizers work for free; sometimes they charge a certain fee for their services. Or another option: the anonymizer really works for free, but at the same time your personal data becomes public domain. To avoid such troubles, use proven services that advise real people, not robots.

A high-quality anonymizer allows you to log in not only to Facebook, but also to other social networks. Once you use this service, you will have the opportunity to forever get rid of the problems associated with blocking a social network.