Youtube doesn't play html5. Enable HTML5 in Mozilla Firefox

Lately, I have begun to receive questions with enviable regularity that boil down to one thing: " ". In addition, I began to see a large number of layout customers who demand that everything be written in HTML5. And so that there would be fewer such questions and there would be no such illiterate customers (whom all sorts of freelance scammers always rejoice at, realizing that the customer does not understand anything), I decided to answer the question, why HTML5 doesn't work.

Everything is very, very simple. Because the HTML is a client language, hence it is executed by the browser. But browser developers cannot immediately add all the new tags and features; this takes a lot of time, even a lot.

From the above it follows that HTML5 doesn't work because it's simply not supported by browsers yet. But this technology is being gradually introduced, and now there are quite a lot of tags that can already be used. You can check how advanced your browser is in HTML5, here: testing the browser for HTML5 support. My browser ( Firefox 15.0.1) typed 346 points, which, of course, is very far from full support. And I have the latest version Firefox. I think the situation is no better in other modern browsers.

Also, do not forget that even in a couple of years, all modern browsers will fully support HTML5, there will still be a very large proportion of people who will use old browsers. What to do with them? To reduce the number of victims, about HTML5 I'll have to forget about it for a couple more years. And only then will it be possible to do layout using this technology.

I hope you now understand that you can, of course, study HTML5, but you won’t be able to use it to its full potential either as a training or for practical use.

I really hope that the number of victims of scammers in freelancing will decrease (it’s too much written in the portfolio of many of them " Layout in pure HTML5", which is false).

The most popular browser, Mozilla Firefox, has good support for HTML5 standards, but it is still impossible not to notice that it does not cope with some tasks associated with this technology in the best way.

How to enable html 5 in firefox

So, despite HTML5 support, some YouTube videos in Firefox stubbornly refuse to play. Fortunately, there is an easy way to quickly solve this problem.

Mozilla Firefox has advanced support for HTML5 technology, but it is disabled by default. To enable this setting, first type about:config in your browser and navigate.

This will take you to a page with browser configuration settings. To go directly to the list of parameters, click the “I promise I’ll be careful” button. In the list that opens, find the parameter


The easiest way to do this is by inserting its name into the search field located just below the address bar. By default, the value of this parameter is set to false, that is, disabled.

Replace it with true by double-clicking on the parameter name with the mouse. That's all. Now close the configuration settings tab and restart the browser. You can check that HTML5 videos on YouTube should now play without any problems.

And finally, I would like to draw your attention to one detail. For this setting to work, you need to have the appropriate Adobe Flash Player plug-in installed on your computer, otherwise the opposite may happen and some videos will stop playing.

Problems playing HTML 5 videos in Firefox

Also for Windows 7, installing the following updates may help:

And also set these parameters to default in about:config.

Firefox Quantum has the same problem.

HTML is a web page markup language, essentially it is responsible for the correct display of all elements on the page. New language specifications are gradually being released, the latest being the fifth version, which brought the abolition of old ones and the introduction of new tags and functions. With HTML5, the Yandex browser began to support video playback through its own Video Player, which does not require the installation of other plugins, such as Adobe Flash Player. The built-in functionality of the language allows you to play any movie on a website that supports HTML5.

In the absence of HTML5 for the Yandex browser, I had to use Flash Player to play video and some music. The result was a situation in which it was impossible to listen to music using standard browser tools. The greatest influx of users to Flash was provoked by the emergence of the largest video hosting site, YouTube. Over time, other large companies, such as Apple, began to use it for video processing.

The increase in users continued for a long time, immediately after the release of HTML 4.01 there was a large jump in popularity. The outflow occurred only after the release of the new HTML5 specification, which first appeared in 2012, but a full launch occurred in 2014.

The video player is prompted to switch to HTML5 by several main disadvantages of the Adobe plugin:

  • The need to additionally install into the system. Over time, it was added to Google Chrome by default;
  • Low speed and frequent loading interruptions;
  • Poor stability, often crashes and conflicts appeared, often had to reload the page.

Advantages of HTML5 over Adobe Flash Player

Technologies are inherently different, but are intended for the same tasks. For users and developers, the new HTML5 standard has brought a lot of advantages:

  • Open source. The programmer can independently modify the code. Useful for improving the security of business resources and applications;
  • Fast development. The development is carried out by the advanced W3C company, which draws good ideas from users who are finalizing the standard;
  • Compatible with most platforms. Flash Player is not supported on Android versions up to 2.01 and 4.1x and later, and the plugin is not compatible with iPhone and iPod. To use the new player, you need to have a relatively new version of Yandex browser;
  • Energy efficient technology. The HTML5 video player consumes significantly less processor resources and, accordingly, saves battery power, which is important for any mobile phone.

What is HTML5 Video Player for the Yandex browser?

HTML5 Video Player is a program designed to convert video files in HTML5 format. Additionally, you can watch videos through the application, but such a need does not arise with the modern capabilities of the Yandex browser. You can load any file of common video formats into the program: mp4, AVI, MKV.

After processing the file, it will be suitable for uploading to the server; the publishing function is already built into the program. Before uploading to the server, the video can be viewed in a browser. It is better to download the program from the official website.

Some users complain that the application does not work, closing immediately after loading a file into it. Reinstalling or disabling the antivirus helps resolve the problem. In order not to search for the causes of the malfunction, it is better to use a similar program - Free HTML5 Video Player.

The process of using both applications is similar:

To insert a video on the site, just copy the JavaScript code from the page in the browser that opened after conversion, and paste it into the video block on the web resource.

How to watch HTML5 Video in Yandex browser

In fact, you don’t need any special techniques to watch videos on the Internet in HTML5 format. To start watching, just go to the video and the browser will do everything on its own. Playing videos on YouTube and many other services is not difficult; today this video hosting works exclusively with the HTML5 format; only for outdated browsers does it automatically switch to the old Flash Player.

Sometimes you can't view HTML5 videos if there are errors. The technology refers to a relatively stable way of viewing visual content and sound, but periodically provokes errors:

Sometimes updating the Yandex browser helps:

For the average user, viewing a video in HTML is not difficult, but it is important that the service supports the format. The famous social network Facebook does not work with HTML5, but there is a way to open this feature through the HTML5 Video Player extension, which can be downloaded from the link.

HTML 5 is a publicly available format that is supported by all modern browsers and does not need to be installed separately. Using the HTML5 Video Player program for Yandex browser, you can watch, download videos and convert various formats to HTML5, making them available for online viewing.

When trying to watch a video on the network (for example, in some online cinema), a Yandex.Browser user may encounter an error playing such a video and the relevant message “HTML5 Video not properly encoded.” In this article I will tell you what the “HTML5 Video not properly encoded” error is, what its causes are, and how to fix it in Yandex Browser.

Error message "HTML5 Video not properly encoded"

What is "HTML5 Video not properly encoded"?

The translation of “HTML5 Video not properly encoded” is: "HTML5 video is not encoded properly". Typically, the appearance of this message corresponds to a situation where the video cannot be played by the browser for a number of technical reasons.

Let me remind the reader that “HTML5” is a specialized language for displaying the content of Internet pages. Its specificity in the context of video is that this language does not require the installation of additional plug-ins (such as “Flash Player”) to demonstrate video, allowing you to directly, without “intermediaries,” display video on the screen of your PC.

Among the reasons causing the error I am considering, I would highlight the following:

  • Normal browser crash;
  • There are problems in the operation of the Internet resource on which the video file is located (technical work is being carried out, etc.);
  • An outdated version of the browser is used, which does not work correctly with modern “HTML5” technology;
  • The problem is caused by incorrect operation of a number of video cards.

The error I am considering in HTML5 Video playback manifests itself not only when working in Yandex.Browser, but also on other web browsers (Chrome, Mozilla, Opera, IE and others).

How to fix "HTML5 Video not properly encoded"

Now that we've figured out what the "HTML5: video not properly encoded" error means, let's look at how to get rid of it. I recommend doing the following:


The “HTML5 Video not properly encoded” error in Yandex.Browser can be caused by a number of reasons, including problems with the site itself, disabled browser hardware acceleration, and other determinants described above. I recommend, first of all, not to rush to look for a problem on your PC, since there may be dysfunctions in the operation of the Internet resource itself, and you just need to wait for the latter to restore its normal functionality.

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