Yandex start page full version. How to make Yandex the start page in the browser

The start page is the page that is loaded immediately after the browser is launched. Some uninformed users may believe that it is set by default and cannot be changed in any way. However, this myth is completely dispelled, since it is definitely possible to make changes to the settings. In addition, the whole process will take just a couple of minutes, which is good news. Initially, after installing the browser, the user opens empty page or express panel (an area consisting of “tiles” where you can set a set of bookmarks).

There are only a few ways to replace the start page in the browser. First of all, you need to decide in which browser you will need to change the page. In order to consider this issue in more detail, the start page on Yandex will be changed in all popular browsers. Why do you need to change it at all? With this you can save time. That is, you will not need to enter the address of the search engine, but you just need to launch the browser and enter the desired search phrase. This is quite convenient, but the choice is clearly made by the user.

There are two main options for achieving the goal (changing the start page): manual and automatic. If you use the first one, then all settings will need to be made manually. The second method is easier, but for this you need to download special application. Let's focus on the second option:

If the user does not trust various kinds of utilities, then you can go the other way and make the necessary changes manually. This will take a little longer, but the result will be the same.

So, the process of changing the start page in Chrome is quite simple, you just need to follow a few simple steps:

In the Opera browser, the start page is configured a little differently, but still there is nothing complicated about it.

If you need to change home page in Firefox, it is done like this:

How to make Yandex the start page in Internet Explorer

The IE browser is used by a small number of users, but it is still worth telling how to change the start page to Yandex in it.

The start page in a browser is the tab, page or site on the Internet that opens first when you open your browser each time you launch it, or when you press the Home key.

Do you have a desire or need to work specifically with the Yandex search engine? The start page, which can be installed by a user of absolutely any level, will always open first when loading the browser program.

To achieve this, you can use one of the methods below. It is quite easy to install and assign Yandex as the starting page, and in this article we will look in detail at the options on how to do this.

It all depends on what browser you use, because the applications and settings algorithms for each program are different. But I wonder why there is no start page in the Yandex Browser itself?

The most universal and simplest way: dial in address bar your browser “” and wait for the web resource to load. In the upper left corner you can see the inscription “Make start”.

Click on it and you're done. From this moment you begin your work with the site “” or, more simply, with the Yandex search engine.

Installation using a free utility

Read also:Yandex Mail - Complete instructions for registration and setup (2017)

Yandex itself provides us with a convenient and comfortable way to configure home pages in browsers using automatic utilities specially created for this.

When the download is complete, you should install a browser manager on your computer or laptop, and this smart utility will be able to monitor changes in the home page itself, even despite the actions of various malware.

The manager will be able to save from such unpleasant surprises like Webalta and calculate it so that only Yandex always remains as the start in your browser. But a manager cannot always overcome all obstacles. More on this later in the article.

The most common browsers used today are:

If you're a fan of the classic default browser Internet Explorer, then the following algorithm helps you set up the Yandex start page.

Open Internet Explorer and click the icon "Settings"
in the upper right corner, which opens the window "Service" .

You can also call this menu by simultaneously pressing the hot key combination Alt keys+X.

Select from the drop-down menu "Browser Options" , or it can also be called "Browser Option" . Next, open the tab "Are common" .

Such operating systems like Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 Internet Explorer is a built-in program.

But the installation is carried out in the same way as other versions of this browser for almost 20 years.

To make Yandex the start page in Internet Explorer 10 and Internet Explorer 11, you should complete the following steps:

  1. In the upper right corner click "Settings" and choose "Browser Options" .
  2. Enter links to home page addresses in the field. If, in addition to Yandex, other links are needed, then here we enter the addresses for them. There should be only one address on each line.
  3. choose "Start from Home Page" .
  4. We confirm the actions by clicking on the button “ OK" .

After completing all the steps, our Internet Explorer will display Yandex as the first page when loading.

Installation in Microsoft Edge

Read also:Yandex Zen: What is it and how to use it? +[Pros and cons]

For fans Microsoft Edge there is the following algorithm. To open settings in Microsoft Edge, click on the icon

The function will be displayed at the bottom of the page "View additional options" and enable the add-on "Show home page button" .

We enter the address we need “” into the text field in the same way as in the case of Internet Explorer.

We confirm our actions by pressing a button "Save" . When you restart the browser, Yandex will become the newly introduced home page.

Installation in Google Chrome

Google Chrome e - most popular browser According to independent surveys on the Internet, he offers us the following method. In the browser we look for the icon "Settings"
and open it.

Finding the button « Appearance» . Enable the add-on "Show button " Home page» .

In the query line "Enter web address" enter the required link: “”. This completes the setup, because all user actions are immediately synchronized with your profile in the browser.

After completing all manipulations when rebooting Google Chrome, Yandex will be displayed when you click the button "Home" (image of a house).

But if you want Yandex to load completely automatically, then you should use a different installation option. To change you will need:

1 V Google menu Chrome in the upper right corner call the command "Settings" .

2 Looking for an item "Initial group" , where we put a tick (if it is not checked) "Next Pages" .

4 If you are a fan of Yandex, then here you can configure it as the “default” search engine. In chapter "Search" indicate the search engine Yandex.

5 Close settings. Confirm your actions by pressing a button "OK" no need, everything syncs instantly in this browser.

If you have configured your browser as described above, then when you turn on Google Chrome, the pages installed in the initial group (in our case, Yandex) will always open. "Settings" - "Basic" .

There we are looking for the line "At launching Firefox» and set the value "Show home page» . Accordingly, in the line "Homepage" enter the link “”.

Just like in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox You can go to the home page using the hotkey combination Alt + Home.

Installation in Opera

Supporters Opera browser can use the following method: use the hotkey combination Alt + P to call up the menu.

Switch to "Browser" to section "At startup" . Next click on the link "Set Pages" and in the field "Add new page» enter the path “”.

After all operations, confirm the actions by pressing the button "OK" and set the switch to position "Open home page» .

That's all necessary actions in order to achieve our goal - to make Yandex Search the home page in the Opera browser.

After following all the instructions, the browser will automatically open the search engine when launched.

First, a few words for those who don’t know or don’t understand well what it is browser.

When you and I open the Internet, we launch for this special program. In it we search and read information (websites), check email, communicate on social networks.

There are several such programs for the Internet. Here are the most popular:

Most likely, you use one of them to browse the Internet. This very program is called a browser.

What is it start page? This is a site that loads immediately as soon as you open your browser.

You can assign any address to this site: your favorite search engine, news, mail site, social network or something else.

Or, on the contrary, you can remove the address. It just happens that it is already configured in the program. Then, every time you open your browser, a website you don’t need automatically opens. You can generally make it so that no address will be opened.

So, to summarize:

Start or Homepage- this is some kind of site that opens immediately when you open the browser. You can specify its address yourself or remove it altogether.

For example, when I go to the Internet, that is, I open a browser, the website immediately loads for me. I didn’t set it up specifically - it always opened for me on its own. This very site is the start page of my browser.

If, when you open a browser, no site automatically loads, it means there is no start (home) page. This is normal - many people find it even more convenient. But others, on the contrary, need such a page.

For example, I start every time I go online by checking my email. This means that it would be more convenient for me to set the address of my email site as the home page. Then you wouldn’t have to open it manually every time - it would load itself.

Who set my start page

It often happens that we ourselves have not assigned anything, but the page still opens. It's like it was already set up.

Indeed, sometimes this happens: some browsers already have a start page. That is, a certain website is initially “sewn” into it, which will open every time the program is launched.

But it also happens differently: out of the blue a page began to pop up, although it wasn’t there before. That is, before, when the browser was launched, nothing would open, but then suddenly a website started loading.

This usually happens after a new program has been installed on the computer.

It happens like this. You have downloaded some program and are starting to install it. As a rule, to do this you need to click on the “Next” button several times. And at one of these stages it is written in small font that the start page will be replaced.

There will even be a bird installed there. By the way, you can remove it and then there will be no replacement, but who reads all this... It turns out that we sort of ourselves, of our own free will, assigned a new home page.

Another situation in which page substitution occurs is computer virus. But this is such an obvious replacement that it is simply impossible not to replace it.

How to make a start page

You can always change the start page: either assign the desired site yourself, or disable it altogether.

To do this, you just need to change one small setting in your browser. But, of course, each such program has its own setting. It is also worth considering that you can see the result only after the program is closed and reopened.

Instructions for setting up the start page in your browser will open if you click on its icon:

To enlarge a picture, simply click on it, and use the arrows to go to the next or previous step.

Google Chrome

  1. Open Google Chrome browser.
  2. Click on the button with the image of horizontal lines (on the right, at the end of the address bar).
  3. In the “Initial group” section, select one of three options:

Page quick access . If you select this option, then every time you open your browser, something like a directory will be loaded with sites that you have recently visited. There will also be search string Google.

Continue work from the same place. In this case, tabs will open with sites that you loaded in the browser in last time and didn't close.

Next pages: add. Here you can set the start page or several pages at once. To add a site address, click on the “Add” link.


Continue from the same place. In this case, every time you start the browser, those tabs with sites that you loaded in the browser last time and did not close will open.

Open home page. This is something like a directory with your favorite sites, the so-called “Express Panel”.

Open a specific page or multiple pages. Here you can specify a site or several sites that will open as the start page. To add an address, click on the “Set Pages” link.

If you cannot complete these steps, it means that you have more than one installed on your computer. early version Opera programs. In this case, you need to configure the home page differently:

  1. Open the Opera program.
  2. Click on the small button at the very top left - usually called “Opera” or “Menu”. Point to “Settings” and select “General Settings” from the list.
  3. In the window that appears (in the “Basic” tab), tell the browser how to behave when it starts.
    If you want the start page to open, then select “Start from the home page” and enter its address just below.
  4. Click “OK” in the window.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Click on the button showing horizontal lines(right, at the end of the address bar).
  3. Select “Settings” from the list.
  4. A window will open in which you need to click on “Basic” in the top left.
  5. At the top of the window (“Launch”), tell the browser how to behave when opening.
    If you want the start page to open, then select “Show home page” and in the next field indicate the desired site.
  6. Click “OK” in the window.


Open quick access page. In this case, every time you open your browser, something like a directory will be loaded with the sites you have recently visited.

Restore tabs opened last time. If you select this item, then when Yandex launch Those tabs will open with sites that you loaded last time and did not close.

You can also set the checkbox to “Open if there are no tabs.” Then, if you closed all the tabs the last time, then when you start the browser, the Yandex website will open.

Internet Explorer

1. Open Internet Explorer.

2. Click on the “Service” inscription at the top of the program or on the button with the image of a gear and select “Browser Options” from the list.

3. In the window at the top (the “General” tab) there is a part called “Home Page”. In the large white field, most likely, there will be some kind of website address - the start page. To change it, you just need to erase this address and type another one. Then it will open every time you start Internet Explorer.

But to prevent anything from opening, you just need to click on the “Use” button new tab" Then, when you start the program, a list of sites that have recently been opened in it will be displayed.

By the way, just below, in the “Startup” section, you can configure the browser so that upon startup, previously opened ones are opened, but not closed tabs. To do this, click on “Start with tabs opened in previous session.”

4. Click on the “Apply” button and then on the “OK” button at the bottom.

The start site is the site that, by default, is the first to open when you start the search engine, click “Home” or certain combination keys This function is needed for ease of use and quick start in the browser. As a rule, the start page is set by the program manufacturer - this is a common search or messaging system, the manufacturer's website, or a panel that gives quick access to several resources.

We'll tell you how to different browsers set, change or delete the home page

You can edit in almost all browsers launch pad or page. The user does this for himself to make it more convenient to work. For example, it can set a different search engine to launch by default, postal service, a site with news or weather, etc. In this case, the procedure for changing the starting resource depends on the specific program.

In addition, when downloading files, the user often forgets to uncheck the boxes in which the program offers to set its resource as default. Often these services have poor functionality or even harm your computer, so get rid of them in the usual way does not work. Eat universal method How to remove the intrusive start tab.

Google Chrome is the most popular search engine in most countries of the world, however, not all users know how to change it initial resource. This is done through the browser settings - you can change the settings so that Google launches a specific tab (possibly several) when you start working.

Settings home resource via search engine:

  1. Click on the Chrome menu, go to “Settings” - a new tab will open in the browser.
  2. Select the Show Home Button option found in the Appearance menu.
  3. On the left side relative to the search bar there will now be a button with a house symbol, which is needed to quickly return to the “Home Page”.
  4. Click “Change”, set the start page with which it is convenient for you to start working in the browser.
  5. A window will open where the current page is entered, which is launched by default, and you need to indicate the desired site in the field.
  6. Insert the website address into the box so that it is counted as the starting website.
  7. You can also click on the “Quick Access Page” option, which is needed to use Google search and access several favorite sites.
  8. Save your progress, then check the functionality - the resource specified earlier should start.

Setting up is very easy

Configuration via startup actions. Unlike the previous method, this one will help you open not only the default resource when you launch Google Chrome, but also one or more specially designated ones. Setting algorithm:

  1. Click "Menu" in Chrome, go to "Settings".
  2. In the “Open at startup” item, activate one of the options: “Open a new tab” (search bar and bookmarks), “Open earlier open tabs"(closed at the end of the last work session, including by accident) or "Open given pages"(you can specify one or more).
  3. When selecting the latter, click “Add”, then enter or copy links to resources in the window (it is not recommended to add a lot if you are using a weak computer, and also to use the function for someone else - this will violate confidentiality).
  4. It is possible to open current tabs at startup - this way you won’t have to copy links to resources.
  5. Save the changes by clicking “OK” and check if everything works.

You can choose which pages the browser will load on startup

Unlike other browsers, in the version of Google Chrome for mobile devices you cannot set a default resource or assign tabs that will open at startup. However, if you do not close certain sites, they will appear the next time you use the search engine. In addition, if you close all tabs before turning off the program, then when you start it again, the main window will open with a search bar and a panel of frequently used resources.


The process of setting up a home page in Opera is almost no different from Google:

  1. Click “Menu”, then select “Settings”, then “General settings”.
  2. Click on the “Basic” tab.
  3. In the On Startup option, click Start from Home Page.
  4. In order to install the starting resource itself, enter the site address or click “Current page” if the desired one is already open.
  5. Save your settings.

When you launch Opera Mini, a panel appears by default, displaying bookmarks that are popular with the user.

The procedure is similar to the previous viewer


The Yandex browser is made on the same engine as Google Chrome, so they are similar in many ways. The same goes for the controls - the developers have made some differences, but it is still similar.

In Yandex, it is not possible to set an arbitrary site as your home site. Perhaps this was done to ensure that users used only services from this developer, and did not set other search engines and resources as their start page. However, Yandex offers 3 convenient options:

  • “Open quick access page” - when you start the browser, a tab will appear with a search bar and a resource panel, the location of which depends on how often the user opens them. You can remove unnecessary ones and add desired ones, as well as move cells.
  • "Restore tabs opened last time" - this will restore the last working session. Convenient for those who always leave the same resources open, for example, mail, weather forecast or news.
  • “Open Yandex if there are no tabs” - an option that will send the user to the main resource of the search engine if all resources were closed before turning it off. In this case, Yandex itself will act as home.

IN in this case less variability


Changing the start page in this browser is no more difficult than in others:

  1. Open the site you want to see as your default on startup.
  2. Click on Safari Menu.
  3. In the drop-down menu, click “Settings”, then “General”.
  4. To set an open resource as a starting resource, click “Install” current page».
  5. If you want to make another resource home, then enter or copy its address in the box.
  6. Save the settings and check if they work.

The Apple browser has similar functionality

Mozilla Firefox

The procedure for installing the start page through a browser on a computer:

  1. Open the site that should become the starting site.
  2. Click “Menu” - “Settings”.
  3. In the “General” section, find the item “When Firefox starts” - “Show home page”.
  4. Click “Use current page” or paste the link to the desired site into the special field if you have not opened the resource.
  5. You can also click on “Use bookmark” - a window will appear in which you can specify one of the desired resources.

The configuration will not cause any difficulties for the user

Installation on phone:

  1. Default to mobile devices The starting tab is a tab with a panel of the most popular resources. To open the start page, click “Menu”, then “Bookmarks” - “Home Page”.
  2. Pin your site to it. To do this, you need to press and hold it. In the menu that opens, select “Pin site” - now it will always be displayed on the main page.
  3. To add a new bookmark to the panel, click and hold one of the unnecessary ones - a menu will appear in which you can select “Edit”, then set new address(enter it or select from bookmarks).
  4. Close your browser. Now if you switch to another program it will be active in background. To see the panel docked the next time you start, click “Menu” - “Exit”.

Internet Explorer

How to install the start page:

  1. Launch the resource that should be the starting resource or paste its address into the search bar.
  2. Click “Tools” - “Internet Options” (gear icon in the upper right corner).
  3. Click "Current" to make the currently running tab the starting tab.
  4. To make Explorer open several sites when starting, enter links to them in the appropriate box (you need to make sure that each is written on a separate line).
  5. To open a simple Explorer tab on startup, select Blank.

On mobile devices there is a bookmarks bar where you can add the sites you want.

What to do if you can’t install the start page

Some users have a question about how to change the start page in Google Chrome or another browser if normal setting does not help - nothing happens or the intrusive tab returns to its place (after restarting the browser or computer).

Most often, the cause is services like Webalta or Amigo, which end up on the computer as a virus. The PC may also be infected malicious code or a program was installed on it that forcibly changes the home page.

First of all, you can reset your browser version or settings. This will save all passwords and bookmarks, but apps and extensions will be removed.

You can also selectively remove add-ons that may be viral. These include Babylon - a translation program that changes the resource that opens by default, as well as some other settings, and then does not allow them to be edited. To uninstall Babylon in Windows, click “Control Panel” - “Uninstall a Program”. Find this application and click "Uninstall". Do the same with Babylon add-ons, such as Toolbar, Browser Protection and others. To uninstall an application on Mac OS, find it in Applications. Place it in the “Trash” and then empty the latter.

If this does not help, then download a virus removal program, for example, AdwCleaner and activate it. In some cases, the reason why a tab doesn't change is deep in the system.

Sometimes they can only help special utilities for the cleaning

Methods that only work on Windows with any browser

Editing properties:

  1. Click on the search engine icon right click mouse and select Properties.
  2. In the “Shortcut” tab, find “Object”.
  3. Remove the quotes and website address if there are any, and leave the rest.
  4. Do this for all browser shortcuts on the system.
  5. At further use browser, respond more carefully to notifications during installation and do not skip the points where they suggest installing a search engine or start page - click “No”.

Editing hosts

  1. Find the file C: - Windows - System32 - drivers - ets - hosts.
  2. Open it as text document, click “edit” and delete the entire contents of the file.
  3. Remove all old browser shortcuts and install new ones.

The specified file should be opened in text editor for change

Bottom line

The starting resource is needed to make it more convenient to start working with the browser. Different search engines offer different solutions for this.

Hello, friends! Search service from Yandex continues to delight us. Today it is already something more than just a search bar on the monitor... I have been using Yandex since the Internet appeared in my home, and I have never thought about refusing its services. Somehow I immediately liked Yandex, maybe because it’s our dear search robot, it was also decorated with taste and everything was clear and understandable. Today we will learn how to make Yandex the start page in popular browsers.

In a word, when I get to the Yandex start page today, I see how many new letters I have received, how much money is in my Yandex wallet, and I can use other services from Yandex.

The number of Yandex users has long exceeded 30 million people, and in Russia today Yandex is one of the two most popular search engines. In view of this, the number of users is growing and newcomers do not know how to make Yandex their permanent start page in the browser.

How to make the Yandex search engine the start page in the Google Chrome browser?

Perhaps the main competitor of Yandex in Russia is the search engine from Google. About 48% of citizens use this search engine - they Google it on the Internet necessary information. And it is well deserved. Lightweight browser. What I don’t find in Yandex is easily found on Google. The remaining 48% of our citizens can and do use Google browser Chrome, which has this built in search system. But they love Yandex, so it’s inconvenient to switch over every time. So, everything is easy. Open our Chrome:

We see that the search engine “Google” is in the section...

... we need to change it to “Yandex”.

After restarting the browser, we make sure that our search robot now appears as the start page:

Next the method will work for those who use Yandex not so often. For example, you need Yandex from time to time, but not as a start page. You can turn on Yandex from time to time. Go again to “Settings”:

Under the list of extensions that are already installed, click the “More extensions” link:

We search by name, enter the word “Yandex” into the search bar: