Yandex Connect: how to switch from corporate mail. Understanding Yandex.Connect

Good afternoon, dear individual entrepreneurs!

A couple of days ago, the Yandex company presented a very interesting project for entrepreneurs, which I immediately liked, which I hasten to report. First of all, this service will be useful to those who work in a small team in order to streamline this chaotic process and make it more sane and convenient.

I have been waiting for something like this for a long time, since Yandex’s main competitors have been playing in the B2B field for a long time. For example, the same “Mail.Ru” launched its project “Business.Mail.Ru” four years ago, which during this time has become very popular.

And why Yandex delayed launching such a project is a big mystery to me personally.

What is this anyway? Why is this necessary for a regular individual entrepreneur?

In short, Yandex.Connect is great for convenient collaboration inside the company.

Its main purpose is quick creation environments for:

  1. Work with documents;
  2. For convenient collaboration on tasks and projects;
  3. For quick exchange files;
  4. To create a “branded” email like [email protected]

In fact, it's easier to show what it all looks like from the inside than to describe a long list of features. On my own behalf, I would like to note that the project turned out to be SIMPLE and CLEAR for mere mortals who do not know what the abbreviation “IT” means.

He is not overloaded with redundant capabilities, does not fool his head preliminary settings, which only a bearded system administrator can master.

In my opinion, this is the main advantage over competitors. Those who have at least once worked closely with such solutions (or, God forbid, explained how to use all this goodness in the accounting department =), know that not everything is as simple as sales managers of such products say.

Here everything works immediately after registration, but it couldn’t be done without SMS.

By the way, even if an individual entrepreneur does not currently have a team/employees, then nothing prevents you from using Yandex.Connect for personal purposes, with an eye to the future, when there will be a large corporation and a personal plane =)

So, here we go:

1. Registration in Yandex.Connect

And fill out a simple registration form. But at the registration stage you will need to receive a code via SMS to the number cell phone. Obviously, they have already begun to fight bots and fake registrations.

Please note that you will receive your third level domain using the following mask companyname. That is, at the registration stage it is better to choose a more or less “beautiful” name. Looking ahead, I’ll say that if you have your own second-level domain, you can connect it later, in the service settings.

For example, I can connect my website domain and use all the features of Yandex.Connect. True, this operation will require skills system administration and access to the settings of the domain itself.

This is not a problem for me, but those in doubt should contact a familiar system administrator so as not to bother with DNS settings, DKIM, CNAME and other horrors that the vast majority of people have no idea about. And why does an ordinary individual entrepreneur need to know all this?

But now we will not be puzzled by such subtleties with the settings of our own domain and will try the service with the default settings.

So that an ordinary individual entrepreneur can immediately receive a working service

After registration you will be immediately taken to home page service “Yandex.Connect”

On which we see the main features that we will get, as they say, in one package:

Yandex.Connect features

1. Corporate Mail

Here you can create “corporate” mailboxes for each team user. But keep in mind that they will look like:

[email protected]

Otherwise, it will be the mail familiar to all Yandex users. With one exception - you have complete control over your employees' email. For example, after dismissing an employee, you can simply disconnect him from your Yandex.Connect account and he will no longer have access to it.

If your employee uses personal email (as is often the case), then you will not be able to do this.

2. Iambic

Corporate messenger. Well, for an individual entrepreneur the word “corporate” sounds pompous, but why not? This tool is designed for quick messages and chats within your team.

The big plus is that there is mobile applications for Android and iOS.

I doubt they are active Viber users or WhatsApp and other instant messengers will begin to actively use it, but this solution is also positioned as a corporate, not mass.

From a security point of view, the advantage is that data cannot leak into public access due to user negligence.

This is actually a big plus, since this happens all the time in mass messengers. Accidentally pressed the wrong button, and gossip important company data leaks to the tabloid media.

3. Disc

A complete analogue of Yandex.Disk, but taking into account the requirements for working in a team. 10 GB per user. And for a minute, there can be up to 1000 users even on the free plan.

In addition, all participants can instantly exchange files with each other via “Disk”. Without the painful mailing of megaton letters, which tend to get lost along the way.

4. People and teams

This is your team's address directory. Any member of your team can come in and see the contact details of another member. If you connect a new employee to the service, he will automatically appear in the contacts of all other participants.

Very comfortably.

5. Calendar

So that no one forgets anything.

6. Wiki

Something like a personal knowledge base for the team. Here you can store answers to FAQ, current projects, instructions for beginners and any other information.

That is, you can organize your own closed service portal for a company or a team of like-minded people.

7. Admin panel

The admin panel is available only to the account owner, where he is the king and god:

  1. Here you can add/remove employees;
  2. If there are a lot of employees (or team members), then they can be divided into departments;
  3. You can fill out an organization profile;
  4. Specify admins;
  5. Set up your own second-level domain connection;
  6. Spend more fine settings mail;
  7. And much more.

In a word, there are opportunities even at the start stage of the Yandex.Connect project - a wagon and a small cart.

Question price?

There is a paid and free plan, but the paid one is not yet available for connection. For the vast majority of individual entrepreneurs, even a free tariff will be enough, since the differences are minimal:

My personal opinion:

I believe that the service, as people say, will “shoot.” And very soon other players in this market will have to make room, as Yandex is entering it. I also have no doubt that over time it will acquire other necessary business opportunities.

For example, people are asking for their own CRM system for working with clients.

And for an ordinary individual entrepreneur, even the free tariff will be enough for many years of work. Well, let’s hope that the free tariff will not one day turn into a paid pumpkin, as often happens.

Yandex warned for a long time, but who believed him that soon domains from Yandex.Mails for a domain will move to Yandex.Connect. Personally, I didn’t expect this to happen in the foreseeable future, and now, having sat down to write an article on how to set up the display of the Mail login for a domain in connection with your domain name, I discover that Yandex has dragged all domains to Connect. What this looks like will be shown and discussed below.

So, we go to Yandex Mail for the domain and are surprised: the mailboxes have red messages about what has happened:

This domain has been moved to Yandex.Connect

And it looks like this:

We are trying to open the “Migrate to Connect” menu item, perhaps there will be interesting information there...

In which it is clearly visible that the domains have been transferred: Already moved. It’s too late to rush around and all the inscriptions about what would have happened if Yandex hadn’t taken the initiative no longer make sense:

Transferring domains to Yandex.Connect

After the transfer, each domain from the SDA will become a separate organization in Connect. You can also connect a new organization.
Read more in Help.

Attention: if you have configured integration with Bitrix24, temporarily refrain from transferring your domain to Connect.


This is how the future comes. And it doesn’t matter whether you are waiting for it, whether you are ready for it. Bang-bang, and it’s already here: domains have been transferred to Connect from Mail for Domains, and now use it as you please. And if you don’t know, learn the math part. =)

Attention! The article is being completed and will be published in full soon.

I learned about this service, like many others, during my next visit to the “” service. I'm not an advanced user similar systems, I just tried to use some of the variety that is presented in large quantities. After registering and playing with the service, I realized that I really like it.

Essentially, Yandex.Connect is a collection of well-known services: Yandex.Mail, Yandex.Disk, as well as hitherto unknown ones, such as Yamb, which makes it possible to exchange instant messages between employees, allowing you to arrange both group and private chats. In addition to Yamb, Yandex.Connect also has a Wiki; in my opinion, this is essentially the basis around which the entire process of working on projects should be built. This tool allows you to create documents and work with these documents together with employees within a department or a separate team. But let’s first register and see what awaits us in this service.

Registration in the service is very simple and does not require any special comments, except perhaps an explanation of what is there and why. Go to the registration page and enter some information.

As you can see, the set of fields is very basic and you should not have any special problems filling them out; the only thing worth describing is the purpose of some of them.

Domain name for the organization

Here you need to indicate any word in Latin, which should be unoccupied. I do not recommend specifying too long phrases because in the end you will have a very long login that will look like this:

Please note that we may replace with our own domain in the future, which is not difficult to connect to this service. I will talk about connecting a domain in another part of this article.

Here is my registration form:

As you can see, I will have a login when logging in, in the future I will replace this with

We fill out the form, click the “Register” button and find ourselves on the main page of the newly created account.

As you can see, there is a button at the bottom left that encourages us to add our domain, from which we will begin working with the service.

Authorization in Yandex.Connect

You shouldn't have any problems with authorization. If you go to the Yandex.Connect pages without being authorized, then we will be greeted by a page on which at the top right there will be a link to the login and registration page, and if you are authorized under an account that is not registered in Yandex.Connect, then you will be greeted by this page :

Click the button and change the account, if for some reason there is no account registered in the Yandex.Connect service in the list, then you need to log in by selecting “Other account” and specify the login as shown in the screenshot:

That's the whole trick.

Connecting a domain to the Yandex.Connect service

Connecting a domain to Yandex.Connect is very trivial task, which can be resolved within a few minutes; to do this, you need to click the corresponding button on the main page of Yandex.Connect (see photo).

We will be taken to the corresponding “Admin” section, where we click the button in the form of a “plus” sign at the bottom of the screen. Then we will indicate our domain in a single field (see photo).

We click the “Add” button and now our domain has appeared in the list of domains, all that remains is to confirm the rights to own the domain. In this article I will not describe this process, since I fully described it in the article “”. Then add MX records to your domain, this is also written in the article above. As a last resort, if you have any difficulties, please write in the comments and we will try to help you.

Let's get acquainted with Yandex.Connect services

As you can see here are quite ordinary Yandex services, which you probably use separately, in Yandex.Connect all these services are closely connected, which makes them even more functional, but we’ll talk about this later, for now let’s take a look at the list of services and their features.


Despite the fact that we already visited the admin panel when we added the domain, we will nevertheless consider it in more detail. As you can see, a relatively small range of settings has been collected here, but they are not so obvious that they would be left without description.

Organizational structure

All employees and departments of the company are listed here. To add an employee or department, you need to click the button in the form of a plus sign at the bottom of the screen (see photo).

You won’t have any problems adding an employee, but creating a department has one interesting nuance - this is the “Department Mail” field. Why is it interesting? It is interesting because the department will have its own mailbox. If you need to send a message to the entire department, you just need to send an email to email address department, and the system itself will send the letter to all employees of the department. Is it convenient? This nuance also allows you to quickly add departments to a group chat.

Organization Profile

Here you can make changes to information about your company by clicking the appropriate link (see photo).

Then we enter the relevant information.

All teams

This page lists all the teams that are created in the organization. Please note that, as in the case of the department, the team also has a field, but it is called “Team Mail”, but this is where the general points end. Unlike a department, which can only include employees, a team can include employees, departments, and other teams. Also, unlike a department, a team must have at least one administrator. A team can be created by any employee, who automatically becomes its administrator.

I'm an administrator

Here are all the commands in which current user is an administrator.

I'm a member

Here are the teams where the current employee is a member.


This page lists the organization's administrators.

DNS management

On this page you can edit domain DNS records. But these changes will only be relevant if your domain is delegated to Yandex management.


Accordingly, all connected domains of the organization are listed here.

Additional settings

On this moment There is only one item here so far - this is “Prohibition of changing the password on the domain.” If you check this box, your employees will not be able to change their account passwords.



For the Wiki service, there is currently only one setting - turning it on and off by checking “Enable Wiki for organization”.


Essentially a regular mail interface for a Yandex mailbox, and upon first inspection we don’t notice anything special, except for a terribly long address Email, which glows in the right top corner. But we fixed this issue by connecting our domain, so don’t pay attention, this will change soon.


The only difference between mail in Yandex.Connect and regular Yandex mail is the presence of general contacts. Among these general contacts are the addresses of departments and teams. But in addition to the list of general contacts, there are also personal contacts, which is quite convenient: general contacts are employees of the organization, personal contacts are all other email addresses.

For some reason, this service, if you can call it that, is not accessible from the main page, but appears only in the menu when visiting the mail.

To write to one of your contacts, there are two options:

  1. Go to “contacts” and personal or general contacts find required address and click the button in the form of a piece of paper with a pencil on the right or after noting the contact, click the “Write” button at the top of the page.
  2. In the mail, click the “Write” button and in the “To” field start writing the name of the department, team or contact name and click the desired address in the list that appears.

Among other things, we have the ability to group personal contacts


Enough useful service, with its help you can schedule tasks and meetings directly on the mail page. In the lower right corner (if you have activated this item in the admin panel) a widget with the number of tasks for today will be displayed.

By clicking on the widget we will see a to-do list.

Things that are overdue (have not been marked as completed) are marked in red; things that are scheduled for today are marked in orange.

To add a case, just fill out the field below and click the “Add case” button, and if you click the link on the right “with date”, you can additionally specify the date and time.

To edit a case, you must click the appropriate “edit” link. to the right of the case name.

By default, 4 lists have been added to the To Do service, 3 of which you cannot delete or edit, but you can add lists with other names.

  1. Not forget
  2. Today
  3. this week
  4. Completed tasks

As can be seen from the name of list 4, completed tasks are collected there. To delete or edit a list, you need to click on the pencil icon on the right.

Immediately we will see a field in which you can enter a new name for the list, and several commands:

If you suddenly want to send a to-do list to an employee or someone else, select the to-do list, then click the letter icon next to the name of the list (see photo).

And in the field that appears, you will need to specify one or more addresses separated by a comma and a space.

The specified recipient will receive an email with an attached file that accepts many calendar programs and will be able to add them to their calendar.


Designed for exchanging messages and files both in private chat (with one interlocutor) and in group chat. If you need to quickly contact an employee or the entire team, then just add them to the chat. The service can be used not only in the browser, but also using applications for iOS and Android.

In the screenshot you see a message from a Yamb user, this is a bot that sends out project news.

Create a chat

Here we have several options:

Chat Features

At the moment, the chat allows you to send images; to do this, you need to click the button next to the message field and select the image file.

To send a sticker, you need to click the button in the form of an emoticon and select the desired sticker, here are some of them:

It is also possible to delete sent messages, but only within 30 minutes after sending. To do this, just click right click to the message, then select “Delete”.

Group chat management

To manage the chat, you need to click the button at the top right above the message window; after clicking, a window with chat settings and a list of its participants will open.

If you are not a chat administrator, then the following actions are available to you:

  • Select the notification type for this chat from the drop-down list, which has three items
    Switch off— disables all notifications.
    Turn on— turns on notifications.
    Included if I'm mentioned— You will receive notifications only if you are mentioned in the message.
  • View the list of participants (item Participants).

    Leave chat.

If you are a chat administrator (you created this chat or you were appointed as an administrator), then you can:

  • Change the name and description of the chat.
  • Add or remove a participant to the chat, as well as make any participant a chat administrator.

To leave a chat you created, you must first remove all other participants from it.

General notification settings

There is a small list of global chat settings that will be applied to new chats by default, to change these settings you will need to click on your portrait in the top right and then click “Settings”. A window with settings will open in front of you:

    Don't show notifications — disable all notifications.

    Hide notification text — accordingly, Yamb will notify you of new messages, but will not show their contents.

    Inform about every unread message — You will receive an email notification about a message that you did not read immediately.

    Receive digest unread messages per day — Yamb will send you a letter every day with the number of accumulated unread messages.

Yamb application

In order to be constantly in touch, you can install the Yamb application on your smartphone. The Yamb application is currently available on operating systems ah Android and iOS.


As part of Yandex.Connect, Yandex.Disk now has the ability to organize shared access in a few clicks, since all employees, departments and teams are listed in the dialogue that appears when you click the “ General access" Please note that you can only do this with folders.

You can provide access to both individual employees and an entire department or team by simply selecting them from the list and clicking the “Invite” button.

People and teams

This page displays all departments and employees of the organization.

If you click “Teams” -> “All commands”

You will see a list of all commands, and if you click on a particular command, information about this command will open.

That’s actually all the rather simple functionality of this section.


At first glance it would seem like an ordinary service with standard functionality, But this is only at first glance. If we take a closer look, we will find a very wide range of functions. The calendar itself:

Essentially, to set an event, we need to point at the appropriate place in the corresponding area of ​​the page and specify exactly standard parameters events, I will tell you more about creating an event below.

Now let's look at the not-so-obvious functions of this service. There are several options in the left panel:

Adding and editing a calendar

Actually, if with the first option everything is obvious, we select “day”, the calendar grid is displayed within one day, we select “week” and the grid is displayed differently, etc., then the second option is much more interesting and more functional. The “My Events” calendar, which we receive by default, can be deleted; to do this, you need to go to the page with the settings of this calendar by clicking the button in the form.

After that, when you get to the settings page at the very bottom, click “Delete calendar”. But in principle, why delete it if you can customize it to suit our purposes? Let's see what the settings are.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated here either. Here is a settings page with basic items:

To add a new calendar, you need to click the icon that looks like a “+” sign (see photo).

After this, the window for adding a calendar will open, where you need to specify the name, color and configure standard notifications, which will be used for default events.

Fill in the fields and select required values and click the “Create” button. That's all, our calendar has been created, all that remains is to configure it, and you already know how to do this.

Result of publishing a calendar using HTML code

As you can see, this is quite convenient for publishing any events, and the convenience lies in centralization, since you can publish the calendar in different places, and adjust it only in one place.

Adding and editing an event

As stated above, to add an event to the calendar, simply click on desired area calendar grid, after which a window with event settings will appear:

For the convenience of setting up an event, I use approximately the following algorithm: fill in the “Name” field and click the “Create” button. Then, by clicking on the newly created event, I go to the page with its settings (see photo).

After this we will be taken to the event settings page.

As you can see, the form is quite large, but not all fields are required. But if you want to have a very flexible tool for working with clients or managing certain processes, then I advise you to study the principle of the calendar in great detail, and I will help you with this.

Anatomy of an event

In fact, to create an event, you don’t need a lot of settings, but if you want to set up any interaction with employees or clients using the calendar, then you have a very wide range of settings that will allow you to very flexibly configure the event and the interaction of participants in this event .


The actual name that will be displayed in the event label.


Accordingly, the description that will be displayed on the tooltip when you hover over the event label.


Here we can indicate the participants or responsible people who are related to this event. In addition, you can designate the capabilities of participants, which consist of two checkboxes:

  • Can edit events
  • Can invite others

The names speak for themselves and require no comment.

Time and date

Here we select not only the date and time, but also the frequency, which can be configured very flexibly. To set the frequency, you need to check the “Repeat event” checkbox and then the “Change” link will appear on the right, by clicking on which you can set the frequency of the event as you please.


Here we can configure notifications separately for the event; otherwise, the notification settings will be taken by default from the settings of the calendar itself.


Here we leave a few words about the place of the event.


Here we need to select the calendar we need from the list.


If you check this box, the event will be available only to participants and the owner, and if you publish the calendar, then regular users will not see this event on this calendar.

Working in a team of like-minded people, it is necessary to coordinate work in real time. The Yandex Connect service was created specifically for this. It helps solve complex problems of interaction between all employees of a small or very large company.

Suffice it to mention that the main rivals of the Yandex service have been using the B2B platform for a long time; let’s take the same “”, which back in 2013 launched a trial balloon called “Business.". On the other hand, it remained a mystery to many why Yandex took so long to resolve the issue of introducing a new platform for entrepreneurs. Be that as it may, in 2017 Yandex nevertheless decided to launch new platform, which found its fans in the entrepreneurial environment.

What is the Yandex Connect service? Its benefits for entrepreneurs?

In short, this program is designed for internal coordination of employee actions within one company. The creators of the project describe the purpose of Yandex Connect as follows:

    General work with official orders and company documents.

    Coordination of actions on projects and tasks within the enterprise.

    Prompt exchange of files and data.

    Introduction of a proprietary format of “E-mail”, which will have this type of execution - [email protected].

Overall, this is an excellent solution for those who have a little knowledge of IT technology, along with this, you will not see overloaded and intrusive programs that hang like ballast on some platforms. There is no need to carefully study add-ons that only a bearded and gloomy system administrator can handle.

An interesting conclusion was made by economists and accountants of small companies, who said that they had not yet seen anything better in their practice. Registration is not very complicated, but even here it is not possible without SMS registration; this is necessary for the reliable operation of all options and functionalities of the service program.

Registration in the system

As you can see, the registration procedure is quite accessible, but you will need to go through SMS confirmation.

Now you need to pay attention to such a moment that during the registration process you will be asked Domain name third level - If you don’t want to “spoil” your reputation with this name, then use this option now, and then specify your “native” domain name in the settings.

But, as practice shows, some find it difficult to connect their own domain name, then in this case it may be necessary to contact a familiar specialist, or better yet, an experienced system administrator, so that there is no need to tinker with such “horrors” of computer thought as DNS, DKIM ,CNAME. Next, after completing registration, we get to the main page of the Yandex Connect system, which will look like in the picture below.

Corporate mailboxes

Each employee of the enterprise can receive his own personal E-mail box, but keep in mind that it will look like this: [email protected].

This point must be taken into account when working with the Yandex Connect system, so that you are not left alone with the “clumsy” format of such a name. The mailbox operating system will not be any different from the standard version, but at the same time there is one plus.

You, as the head of the company, can view all employee correspondence. This is very good, for example, if an employee leaves, he will not be able to use his mailbox, and if necessary, you can disable it " workplace" Please also take into account this point: “Yandex Connect” allows the use of a personal mailbox in the system, and if an employee is fired, you cannot access his personal correspondence.

Yamb service

The corporate messenger is designed for chatting between all company employees. Although, by and large, company employees will tell you why they need a messenger if there are such Viber or WhatsApp. But you can make one argument, mass chats have a “disease” if you accidentally press the wrong button, and “secret” information can be available to a wide range of users.

Plus "Yamba" is the ability to adapt for operating rooms Android systems and iOS. Directly indicate to employees that this messenger is used as a CORPORATE messenger, and then any desire to use mass service programs will disappear.

Disk service

In its form, this service is no different from the traditional Disk for private mailboxes, but one significant plus is the calculation of 10GB of Disk for EACH employee of the company, and imagine if you have 500 people on your staff, then such a Disk will be of help.

Service "People and Teams"

Your team's address book. Any participant in the system can view employee data, and, if necessary, directly from address book You can send documents and other information.

All employees have access to this service, but by default only you can correct data, unless another option is specified

Service "Calendar"

Designed to ensure that no one forgets anything, you can set alerts to receive important information.

Wiki service

This service has similar parameters for developing a specific scenario for an enterprise. Here you can enter the basic data that company employees should use to navigate their daily work. If necessary, you can place a “Questions and Answers” ​​block so that lower-level managers do not bother you with questions. You can specify specific goals and tasks for executing the scenario, you can mark the responsible persons. Overall this workbook for all employees of the enterprise, who must be guided in their work by the exceptional goals and objectives that you show in the Wiki.

Service "Administrator"

This option will be available only to the owner of the company or the person in charge; no one except you can perform actions in this part of the service:

    We add or fire employees.

    We divide employees into departments and divisions.

    We fill out the official profile of the company.

    We indicate the data of administrators who have access to these Yandex Connect services.

    We configure the connection of our own domain name of the second execution level.

    Setting up subtle mail operating modes.

    Additional options and opportunities.

As you can see, the “Adminka” service provides a wagonload of opportunities for effective company management, where “Yandex Connect” opens interesting programs and functions for successful management business.

How much does it cost to connect?

There are two connection options: “Basic”, which costs 0 rubles, and “Advanced”, which costs 190 rubles. In this case, for the last option, there must be at least 3 users in the system.

As you can see, you can get involved in the work and management of the company the first time, without any extra “abstruse” movements of the system administrator.

Already today, competitors are beginning to envy Yandex Connect, which, it seems, still “keeps up” with new fashion trends in the IT field and most small companies, and over time, large enterprises will like this format of internal work, thanks to the light organizational structure and great capabilities of the Yandex service.

In my opinion, all owners of their websites are thinking about the issue of creating corporate mail based on your domain. It's beautiful, convenient and easy to remember since you can use any variation of symbols. For example, your name or classic info@yourdomain.

I always try to create mail for my projects in which it may at least hypothetically be needed. For example, for registration on partner sites, services, for a form feedback etc.

Usually, I used Yandex traffic rules - it was free service, which allowed you to attach a domain in a matter of minutes and create any (it seems) number of emails on the domain.

But Yandex, as you know, is trying to develop in all directions, especially in Lately. The saying “a Swede, a reaper, and a player on the pipe” is 100% about Yandex. Why am I saying this?

Yandex rolled out its new service Connect. Essentially this is cloud CRM. Probably to compete with Megaplan or Bitrix24.

Connect has built-in Yandex.Disk for sharing work files, a time tracker, the ability to create teams and departments, an internal messenger and, of course, corporate email. My favorite pdd from Yandex migrated to the Connect system, so I had to deal with the new Yandex product.

I can’t evaluate the new product from Yandex as a CRM; I believe that it is still damp. But I don't the target audience, I just needed corporate email, which can now only be created through Connect. And, to be honest, I didn’t get it right the first time, so I decided to describe all this in the article.

Ok, first about how I got into Yandex Connect. There were no signs of trouble, I wanted to create a corporate email for the next domain and went to the good old

If you already have domains on your SDA account, Yandex will offer to transfer them to Connect. You can transfer it or not, I didn’t see the point in it yet, so I didn’t bother.

If there are no domains on your account, then a simple form, where you need to enter your domain and click “Connect”. How cool Yandex.Connect is, you will say, how convenient everything is in it. But everything is just beginning.

When you add a domain to Connect, you are taken to your account, to which your current Yandex mail and the domain that you entered in the previous step are linked.

To get started, you need to confirm your domain ownership. The classic scheme for Yandex - three options: Meta tag, HTML file, DNS record. Choose the method that suits you and click “Run scan”.

If you did everything correctly, a message will appear that the Domain has been verified, but there are no MX records on it. Which ones you ask? Don’t you know it yourself? Hmm, strange, Yandex is sure that you know them...
After all, no additional information for these mx records it does not give.

I concluded that nothing had changed and simply took the MX records that they asked to add to the PDD.

Record type - MX For a subdomain - @ (that is, for the main site, you can either write @, or your domain, or leave the field blank) A priority - 10 Value (server) -

To add a record, go to domain management at your hoster or registrar, look for the section for adding DNS records there. We create new entry with the above parameters.

MX will not be updated right away, so don’t worry too much about waiting. The main thing is that after confirming the domain, other sections opened for us.

Creating mail on your domain in Yandex.Connect

In the left menu you have the main Connect sections. The very first point is Organizational Structure - let's go there.

You will already have an [email protected] mail created, I didn’t quite understand how to access it, but I didn’t need it, I, as a rule, create other names for my mails.

To create new mail, you need to add an employee to the Organizational Chart.

In the form that appears, fill in the required fields or all fields, if this is important to you. And, most importantly, choose a login for future mail.

The new employee is added to the Organizational Structure list, and here you can edit information, password, or delete the employee altogether.

Now we have Yandex mail on our domain. All that remains is to activate it, let's go to Yandex home and add a new mail - enter your username and password, then click “Login”.

Yandex offers to complete the mail registration - we agree to the terms and click on the button.

All! Congratulations, you now have a full-fledged corporate email on Yandex. We repeat the procedure as many times as we like and have beautiful corporate emails on our domain.

Setting up DKIM

If you want to use this email for mailings, I recommend setting up DKIM and SPF. By the way, information about DKIM is also available in Yandex.Connect. The information is located in the Mail item in the left menu, in the DKIM signatures tab.

There you can also configure mail import and enter an address for lost letters.

Alternative to corporate mail Yandex

When Connect appeared, it seemed to me that Yandex had released something complicated and inconvenient, so I went looking for an alternative. By and large, there are only two of them - Google and Mail. I don’t use other mailers, because there’s no point.

I wanted to create a corporate email on Google because I like Gmail and it’s convenient to work with. But, alas, G Suite (the so-called corporate email from Google) turned out to be paid. At $5 per month per user, it sounds much more expensive than free. 🙂

G Suite provides the opportunity to connect for free for 14 days, but I don’t quite understand what the point is. It’s definitely not suitable for large companies.

Ok, second alternative - Biz.Mail
There is a free plan - that's good. Adding a domain is no more difficult than in Yandex.

1. Add a domain to the input field
2. Confirm ownership of the domain in one of the ways
3. Create DNS records - MX (unlike Yandex, there are specific instructions here)
4. Create DKIM and SPF records. With these records, your emails will be better delivered.

Now we go to the Users section (the first item in the menu) and add here any mail on our domain.

I transferred one site to Biz Mail and am testing it. So far the flight is normal, so the question here is rather which mail you are more comfortable using.

It seems that's it. I hope this article will help you easily create an email account on your domain. If you have any questions, write in the comments.