Yandex Zen in Russian. What to do if the service is not in the browser feed

Yandex.Zen is a technology-based recommendation service machine learning, built into the desktop and mobile version Yandex.Browser, in mobile applications and other Yandex services. In Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera browsers, Zen can be added by installing extensions.

Zen is smart tape with endless scrolling: news, publications, articles, stories of various authors, narratives, and soon a video format of media content similar to YouTube. The tape is formed according to the user's preferences. The algorithm built into the system examines user requests in all Yandex services and provides relevant content.

For example, if you subscribe to a channel you like or like an interesting publication, then media content from this channel and other similar ones will appear in the feed more often. In the same way, you can exclude unwanted content, uninteresting specific user channels and topics by simply blocking the channel or disliking publications.

AT mobile devices under Android control You can view the Zen feed in the Yandex browser or in the Yandex launcher recommendation feed. You can also install separate application Zen of Play market. In order for the system to collect statistics on requests and provide the most interesting content, you need authorization in the Yandex. If you do not have a Yandex account yet, registration will take no more than 2 minutes. Without authorization, the feed will be formed from the preferences of most users. The feed looks like a set of cards, with the title of the article, short description against the background of the image.

Method 1: Mobile Yandex.Browser

It is logical to assume that a popular branded news service will be built into Yandex.Browser. To view the Zen feed:

1. Install Yandex.Browser.

2. After installation in the browser, you need to activate the Zen feed. To do this, click on the button " Menu» to the right of the search bar.

3. In the opened context menu select " Settings».

4. Scroll through the settings menu and find the section " Yandex.Zen”, check the box next to it.

Method 2: Yandex.Zen application

A separate Yandex.Zen (Zen) application, for users who, for some reason, do not want to use Yandex.Browser, but would like to read Zen. It can also be downloaded and installed in Google Play market. It is a recommendation only. There is a settings menu where you can add interesting sources, block channels, change the country and language, there is also a feedback form.

Authorization is optional, but without it, Yandex will not analyze your search terms, likes and dislikes, it will be impossible to subscribe to the channel of interest and, accordingly, the feed will contain content that is interesting to most users, and not personalized for your interests.

In a scattering of a wide variety of applications, programs and utilities, it is not surprising to get lost even for an experienced user. We try to introduce you to those programs that are safe, useful, and most importantly - free. One of these very interesting programs is Yandex Zen. Let's talk about it software product a little more.

Why was Yandex Zen invented?

Among the whole endless array of information that is on the Internet, we unconsciously choose only what we are really interested in. It is quite difficult to independently select articles, reviews or images according to your interests. So they come to the rescue special programs, one of which is Yandex Zen. What can this program do for you?

Yandex Zen is configured in such a way as to understand what the user may like. It analyzes likes and views on the network, collecting information about the interests and preferences of the user. Based on collected information Zen looks for interesting content and adds it to the view feed. The more often Zen is used, the more interesting the materials presented in the reviews will be for the user.

The disadvantages of such an extension include the fact that it does not give the user a sufficiently objective information picture and they try to deactivate the extension. The easiest way is to remove the Yandex browser from Zen and install a new one, without such an extension, by exporting the tabs there. There are other ways to remove this extension, which we will discuss below.

How to install Zen?

If you are interested in this option, it can be easily installed on your computer. The Zen application is “embedded” in the Yandex browser, it can be installed in the kit both on a computer and on a mobile device. You can download it by a simple transition from the search engine. Correct link the page will look like this:

By downloading the Yandex browser, you accept the agreement and install it as the main one.

After installation, the user can see the following picture on his monitor:

How to use Yandex Zen

Basic User Tools − search string and tiles with bookmarks. Sites can be added and subtracted - this is nothing new, many browsers do the same. The "chip" Zen is located at the very bottom. Zen recommendations are revealed in the form of an endless tape of various resources, information from which, according to the program, will be of interest to the user.

In order to display interesting sites, you should customize the feed so that it gets acquainted with the user's top preferences and favorite news. To do this, at the bottom of the page, click on the "Enable" icon.

To begin with, the user will be prompted to select those web resources that he trusts and receives information from them:

In your region, the list may be different: the browser has access to your browsing history and looks for similar and popular resources. From the recommended positions, at least five sources should be selected, information from which the user would like to see on the screen of his computer.

This is where the user's efforts are over, the work of searching for information is already being taken over by Zen. Do not be surprised if at first strange content comes to your feed, at first glance it has nothing to do with user requests. Gradually, Yandex Zen will learn to carefully filter messages and provide the information that the user needs the most. If the sites offered for visiting are of no interest to the user at all, they can be easily abandoned by clicking dislike - just like this can be done in some social networks. In the Zen expansion, they are called "Less than this".

Delete Yandex Zen

If you did not like the selection of sites that was offered search algorithms, the extension can be correctly refused. You can completely remove the Yandex browser, and it will forever disappear from your computer along with Zen ... and your favorite bookmarks at the same time. You can get rid of the extension more correctly. To do this, go to the "Add-ons" tab.

- this is your personal selection of the most interesting news, pictures and videos, which will now always be in sight. Zen tape never ends, that's taken care of artificial intelligence, he will always be able to determine what you like exactly. From this android day knows how to entertain you and what articles or videos to choose from the multimillion-dollar information flow of the World Wide Web.

You have probably already heard about the incredible mind and intellect of the new assistant, created by Yandex. It really made a real sensation not only among competitors, but also among us, users. The developers simply did not have the right to slow down, so very soon they introduced another way to predict our thoughts - Yandex Zen. This is an application that will always select exactly the content that you like exclusively. Based on meticulous work Yandex Zen app will follow your preferences and give out in its feed only those news that you will definitely be interested in. You can read a lot of useful and interesting materials, subscribe to individual authors and choose the most entertaining video channels. So that Yandex Zen can learn more about you, mark the publications you like and at first try to exclude sources that you do not like. Thus, the program will be able to achieve maximum accuracy in determining your tastes.

Magic functions of Yandex Zen on Android:

Only the most interesting materials from around the Internet
Huge coverage of topics - from hot reports from the world of show business, to sharp political or sports reviews
Yandex has more than a thousand reliable sources, from which it will select only the most interesting
Tell Zen about yourself as much as possible, and he will understand you much better.
Choose the country and language of publications
Convenient smart widget for the main screen
New Content Notifications

As you can see, with such a smart and helpful application, you will never be bored in traffic jams, driving to work in public transport or even just spend your free time. It is really very simple, and most importantly convenient. We received a notification - it's up to you to decide whether to read the continuation of the news or not. We didn’t find anything interesting - you just need to swipe down on the screen, and the feed will be updated, filled with a new portion of facts. Definitely recommend download Yandex Zen if you want to discover something new every day. Get in the habit of feeding your brain with the right information. Don't be afraid to rely on smart assistants today, they are indispensable. This is truly a miracle of modern developments, and we simply must have time to take advantage of all the benefits of the twenty-first century.

Hello! If you are a regular user of Ya.Browser, then you might have encountered a problem when some browser functionality does not work. For example, the recommended publications are no longer shown and the question arises “how can I enable Yandex Zen”. In today's post, we will look at the functionality of this feature, try to solve the problems that arise, find out the nuances ... and a few words about how to disable Yandex Zen if you don't need it.

Yandex browser surprisingly good web browser - it is logical that its share in Russia is growing, so ignoring its functionality and some features is simply stupid. Frankly, I looked at the developments of search engines with apprehension and did not expect something worthy, but Yasha surprised me, but let's move on to the essence of the article and deal with Yandex Zen.

I have not been able to get Yandex Zen to stop working ... however, I can give you some recommendations that will help you turn on Yandex Zen and tell you how to install it again in case of problems with it. (although something tells me that the functionality may not work correctly due to the lack normal internet connections)

What kind of faith is this - Yandex Zen

Yandex Zen is news feed, which is created especially for you. The browser will spy behind you and show worthy, in his opinion, publications in the Zen feed. Surely you are already familiar with or at least once heard of services like Surfingbird - an aggregator of the most interesting publications from Runet. In fact, Zen Yandex is just an interpretation this approach- the browser will select what you are interested in and show you the most recent and interesting specifically for you.

How it works? - The browser tracks your activity, mark the publications that you like and say what you don’t want to see ... and combined with your search history, you can form a good news feed. Well, there will be something to read when you scroll through the entire pikabu from beginning to end.

Look, I noted from above that I like the publication about smartphones, so in the future I will have more publications about mobile devices, however, you can indicate that we did not like the publication (you can even block any articles specifically from this site) and there will be less such information in the feed.

Zen Yandex - how to enable?

When you first start the browser from Yandex, a notification pops up, as in the picture below - this is what allows you to activate the Yandex Zen function. You can always enable it in your browser settings.

If you yourself refused to activate this tape, then in the next section of the note on disabling Zen, instead of removing the checkbox, you will need to activate it.

The next step is to mark a few resources that you like (tell the browser your preferences). You will need to mark at least 5 sites ... all resources are categorized, so there should not be any problems.

After that, a new tab will display the news that Zen has selected for you. Of course, provided that you followed the instructions.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that Yandex Zen only works on a web browser from Yandex ... neither Firefox nor Chrome can enable it - it may be obvious, but I am asked such questions

How to disable Yandex Zen

Yandex Zen has not only supporters, but also those who given function I do not like. Fortunately for you, all this is turned off in a couple of clicks, if you didn’t do it at the first start and didn’t know what kind of beast it was. So, how to remove Yandex Zen? - Go to the Yandex Browser settings (the picture below clearly shows how to get there.)

Go to the "Settings" tab and in the "Settings" block appearance"Uncheck the box next to" Show in a new Zen tab - ribbon personal recommendations". By these actions, you removed Zen from the Yandex browser.

We open new tab and check that the Zen ribbon is no longer displayed. As they said in geometry at school - which was required to be proved.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult either in enabling the Zen function in the Yandex browser or in disabling it. Everything is done in a couple of clicks and will not take much of your time.

Yandex Zen - Results

Please note that at first the news may not be exactly what you expect to see ... you don’t need to immediately climb and turn off Zen - give it a chance, it will take a little time, the algorithm will collect statistics and offer up-to-date notes

Well, friends, it's time to sum up - we figured out how to enable Yandex Zen and disable it if you don't want to use it.

The functionality of this stray quite interesting, especially for those who spend hours on the net and no longer know what to do with themselves - and here is a whole stream of useful, and most importantly thematic information. The more you watch, the more Zen determines your preferences.

P.S. A couple of years ago, blog subscriptions were popular, RSS feeds and other readers. Now this is not so relevant, but I think Zen will appeal to those people who used all this in the recent past ...

Today, on the Internet you can find a huge amount of all kinds of information. To weed out the necessary news from the unnecessary on their own, the user will need a lot of time. However search system released special service for these purposes. It can be easily turned on and off in the browser. In this article, you will learn how to set up Yandex Zen.

Yandex. Zen is a news feed tailored to your needs. frequent requests. The system automatically calculates the statistics of visits in the browser and displays the news on its main page. The displayed news data depends on the preferences of the user. This service can find news even on those resources that the user has never visited.

The following data can be displayed in Zen:

  • Interesting news from around the world
  • Earnings in the network
  • Provision of services
  • Purchase and sale

They will appear in your browser at the bottom of the page when you open a new tab. To read the news of interest in the expanded version, you must click on the screen in the place where it is located.

How to create your own channel in Yandex Zen

The channel is a personal platform that is created for both publishers and authors. After creating your channel, any user can become an author and publish their articles.

Step by step creation:

  1. First of all, you need to go to the page On it you can read more information about the service, how authors can earn and what is required for this.
  2. To start creating your own channel, you need to sign in. Since Zen is a Yandex service, you need to create an account for this search site. You can also log in using the page social network In contact with.
  3. There will be three main buttons on the page that appears. With the help of the first (marked capital letter“Me”), you can open the channel settings menu. The second one (looks like a “+” on a green background) is a transition to creating a new article. The third one (denoted by rectangles with a blue switch inside) switches you from this page to channel monetization.
  4. For the channel to start working, you need to configure it and enable Yandex. Zen. You need to click on the first button (I). A pull-down menu will appear on the left side of the screen. At the top, enter the name of the channel, just below the description and profile picture. After that, in the phone field you need to enter your mobile number. Write your email below.

On specified number You will receive an SMS message with a confirmation code. Enter it in the specified field.

Editor Yandex Zen

Channel activation

The channel is activated. You can start publishing articles.

How to set up Yandex Zen

Before setting up Yandex. Zen, you need to turn it on. First, install a browser from this manufacturer. You can also install the extension on other search engines ( Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla). In order to download it, you need to go to the official website of the add-ons and in the search write “Yandex visual bookmarks”. After loading, on the right upper corner home page your browser will appear special button to enable the service.

Installing an extension

The ribbon is configured automatically, but this process can be greatly accelerated. On each publication, subscription to channels, questions, photos, news, you can put a “like” or “dislike” mark. So the service will much faster separate the information you are interested in from the unnecessary.
In the case when the article does not suit you at all, you can click on the “block” button and Zen will no longer display such publications to you. If you liked the news, just click the “add” button and similar news will come much more often. But this action does not mean that you subscribe to all the news of the added news channel.
Users who no longer want to see this need to know how to disable Zen. This is easy enough to do:

  1. In the upper right corner, click on the three stripes icon. A window should appear below it.
  2. In it, select "settings"
  3. In the appearance settings, you need to uncheck the box next to the item - show Zen in new tabs.
  4. Restart your browser and the ribbon will disappear.

This option is suitable for temporarily suspending the service. To activate it, do the same, just check the box. This is how you enable or disable offline mode.

There is a more radical way. To implement it, you need to log out of your account on After that, remove the extension in the search engine, and return the settings to their original position.

Plugin Yandex Zen for WordPress

Add request example

The address of your feed is in the plugin settings:

RSS feed address

Does it make sense to use Yandex Zen

Many users who have used this service give their recommendation about the relevance of the installation given permission or adding RSS. If you are a beginner or an experienced author, you have a large number of articles in stock, or you can easily get copyright and rewrite, you can make a profit from Yandex Zen in two ways:

1. If you already connect your own working project suitable for the service. In this option, you have nothing to invest and nothing to lose. But with properly labeled RSS, you can attract new visitors to your site, get free traffic and make money from it.
2. The second option is to create and maintain your own channel, publications from which will be displayed on other people's Yandex Zen screens. This method carries great risks. You can spend a lot of personal time, write a large number of texts, and ultimately get absolutely nothing for your work. It must be remembered that when maintaining your blog, you can fall under restrictive sanctions from the administration of Yandex. It depends on compliance with the rules of the project. New contributors need to avoid spam, clickbait (flashy titles that don't match the content), plagiarism, a large number errors.

The new service has a lot of advantages for any users. Starting from ordinary people entering global network for listening to music or watching movies and up to the owners own projects in the Internet.