Word autosave. Autosave in Word

Using a keyboard shortcut You'll save the document, of course, but as a safety net, Word offers an autosave feature (especially for those who forget).

When autosave is enabled, the document is periodically saved to disk without your intervention. Word secretly creates a backup copy of the document at certain intervals. In the event of a failure (if your computer crashes or the power suddenly goes out), you can restore the document using a backup copy. Auto-save- Very convenient function, and I think everyone should use it!

Using the steps below, we will enable the auto-save function of documents.

  1. Select a team Tools>Options.
  2. Click the Save tab shortcut.
  3. Select the Autosave every checkbox.

If checkbox Autosave every is not installed, install it by clicking the mouse button. The checkbox is now selected. This means that you have enabled automatic document saving mode.

  1. In the Minutes field, enter the value for the automatic saving interval (in minutes).

If I enter 10, for example, Word will automatically save my documents every ten minutes. If the voltage electrical network changes frequently in your home or office, set the auto-save interval to 5, 3, 2 or even 1 minute. (True, the shorter the interval, the more often Word will take time off from work to create a backup copy.)

  1. Click OK to return to the document.

Even with the autosave function enabled, if your computer suddenly turns off, you are unlikely to be able to return the document with all the latest changes, but you will still save most of it. So don't yawn! It's best if you click more often when autosave is turned on. or click on the button Save standard panel tools.

There is no need to monitor the operation of autosave - this function works all the time, even without your participation. But suppose something unexpected happened, for example, a drunk moose knocked down a telegraph pole next to your house. The electricity went out, and you, naturally, did not have time to save your document. IN in this case you should rely only on autosaving - perhaps most of the text has survived after all.

Finally, the pole was put in place, the elk was taken to the sobering station, and electricity was restored. If you now launch Word, the Document Recovery task area will appear on the screen (Fig. 8.2).

Select the document you want to restore from the list and click on it. The document will open and be displayed on the screen. It should be carefully reviewed to find out what parts have been lost. It is impossible to restore the losses, but, thank God, they are still in your head, so retyping the text will not be difficult.

One wrong move and you're left with nothing. Power outages or system freezes, the most annoying thing is when everything is working, Word has “Application Error...” at the time when you wrote the most important and necessary.

Microsoft has created such a unique opportunity as Autosave. It minimizes Negative consequences the force majeure listed above. Let's look at how to properly configure this feature.

In the main menu Microsoft Office(button Office in the left top corner) on the menu Options Word - Save command must be enabled Autosave. On the list minutes You must specify how often (in minutes) the program should autosave.

Thus, if you set the saving interval to 5 minutes, then the document will be automatically saved every 5 minutes, and if the electricity goes out 3 minutes after autosaving, then you will have the document restored in the same form as it was 3 minutes ago.

In the same menu you can specify the path to the directory in which the versions will be stored open document— Data directory for auto-recovery. The default is C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\.

Now, let's look at the function Document recovery.

If Word work was not completed correctly, and you did not have time to save your data, but you had autosave enabled, then the next time you start Word, the application will be launched automatically Document recovery.

In the task area Document recovery Up to 3 versions of the file are displayed, the latest one is the top one. You have the opportunity to view each version by clicking on it and continue your work in required version document.

IN square brackets next to each version the source type of the version will be indicated. For example, Original, Autosaved.

  • The original is the version of the document at the time it was opened, or saved using the Save button or CTRL+S.
  • Autosaved is the version of the document that was created during the last autosave.

When you click on each version, it is automatically displayed on the screen, but in addition, each version has its own menu in which you can select Save as… and save the version under a different name, or Close if you are sure that this version is out of date.

Use features Save as… It’s very convenient when you have several versions and don’t have time to check their differences. In this case, you save documents under different names, and later proofread and compare them.

After completing all operations with document versions, close the task pane Recovery document by clicking the button Close. All unsaved versions of the document will be automatically deleted.


In Word, you can configure it to create a backup copy every time you save a document. This way, if a file is lost or damaged, you will always have the last saved copy of the document available. This is the version of the document saved using the Save button or CTRL+S. Therefore, if you deleted the original document and did not save last changes, then such changes will not be present in the backup copy.

To enable the option Reserve copy necessary using the Office button (top left corner) in the menu Word Options— Additionally, in the Save section, check the box next to the Always create a backup copy option.

Backup copies will be saved in the same place as the original document. New backup copy, when the original document is saved, it replaces the existing backup copy. This way, you will always have one source file and one backup copy in your directory. The name of the backup copy is assigned automatically and looks like Copy Document_Name.wbk. For example, for source file Plan.doxc backup will look like Copy Plan.wbk.

The backup copy opens like a regular document double click mouse, but to work in it you need to save it in doxc format using the Save as... menu item.

Question answer

I have autosave enabled, but it only interferes with my work, what should I do?

If the document is large and/or contains a lot graphic objects, then the autosave process will take several seconds, during which time Word will "freeze". In this case, it is better to install autosave with large interval time or turn it off completely, and after making important information or changes to the document, press the Save button or the CTRL+S key combination.

The file recovery panel does not open for me, although autosave is set to every 10 minutes, what should I do?

In this case, you can open autosaved documents manually. To do this you need:

I worked with the document all day - I edited it, and in a hurry I closed the document I needed without saving!!! :((((How to get a backup copy from autosave from somewhere or come up with something???

If Word’s work was completed correctly and at the end of the work you simply refused to save the changes, then no changes to the document were saved, neither in backup copies (since it is created from the saved version), nor in autosaves (versions are deleted after saving the document). It’s better to train yourself to periodically press the Save button or CTRL+S.

There has been a breakdown. Power off. Sometimes users accidentally close a file without saving it.

To avoid losing your work, save your files to OneDrive or SharePoint and use AutoSave to save changes in real time. _з0з_

If your files aren't stored on OneDrive or SharePoint, or you're not an Office 365 subscriber, make sure AutoRecovery is turned on using the instructions below.

    In Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Publisher, or Visio, click file > Options > Preservation.

    In Outlook, open the tab File and select Options, and then the category Mail.

    Check the box Autosave every x minutes.

    In Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, select the checkbox Keep the latest auto-recovered version when closing without saving.

    Important: If you don't use AutoSave or the file is not stored in OneDrive or SharePoint, the " save"still is the best interlocutor. To make sure you haven't lost latest results work, press the button save _з0з_ (or press CTRL keys+ S), as a rule.

Accessing AutoRecovery options works slightly differently in each Office program 2007. Select a program below.

Important: Save Save

    On the menu Service select team Options.

    On the tab Options click Options Email and select Extra options Email.

    Check the box Automatically save items every.

    On the list min specify how often you want your data and application state to be saved.

    On the menu Automatically save to You can select the folder in which Outlook will store automatically saved items.

Important: As before, it is best to use the button Save. To avoid losing your work, press the button Save(or Ctrl+S keys) more often.

Important: As before, it is best to use the button Save. To avoid losing your work, press the button Save(or Ctrl+S keys) more often.

    On the menu Service select team Options and open the tab Preservation.

    Check the box Autosave every x minutes.

    On the list min

Important: As before, it is best to use the button Save. To avoid losing your work, press the button Save(or Ctrl+S keys) more often.

    On the menu Service select team Options and open the tab Saving and Opening.

    Check the box Autosave every x minutes.

    On the list min specify how often your data should be saved.

Important: As before, it is best to use the button Save. To avoid losing your work, press the button Save(or Ctrl+S keys) more often.

Important: As before, it is best to use the button Save. To avoid losing your work, press the button Save(or Ctrl+S keys) more often.

The amount of information that will be available in the recovered file depends on how often it is saved to Microsoft application Office. For example, if a file is backed up every 15 minutes, the recovered file may not contain data entered in the last 14 minutes before the power outage or problem occurred. To avoid data loss, enter in the field min a small number, such as 5 or 10. This way, you will only lose information entered or changed within 5 or 10 minutes.

On the other hand, if you want to make Office a little faster, try entering a larger value in the minutes, for example 20.

additional information

The AutoRecover feature saves not only your files, but also your workspace (if possible). For example, if you had several tables open in Excel and the power went out, when you restart Excel function autorecovery will try to open again spreadsheets, arrange them in the same order and select the same cells.

After a program closes unexpectedly, open it and use the task pane Document recovery For

AutoRecovery feature available in some Office applications, will attempt to automatically recover files in the event of an application or system failure. This is done by periodically saving a copy of the file to background. By default, AutoRecovery saves a recovery file every 10 minutes.

Important: Do not use AutoRecovery as a replacement for regularly saving files using AutoSave (see below) or the command save. Saving files frequently - The best way save your job.

You can set the frequency of saving these AutoRecovery files. For example, if you set AutoRecover to save every 5 minutes, you can recover more information in the event of an unexpected shutdown, such as a power outage, than if you save every 10 or 15 minutes.

If you saved your file manually, everything previous files autosaves will be deleted due to the changes being saved.

AutoSave is another feature that automatically saves the file as you work, just like saving the file manually, so you don't have to worry about saving along the way. On Mac computer AutoSave is available in Excel, Word, and PowerPoint for Office 365 subscribers. When AutoSave is enabled, AutoRecover files are rarely needed.

additional information see the article What is Autosave?

Recovering a file saved using AutoSave

Typically, the application will automatically recover your work the next time you open the application after a power failure or other unexpected shutdown, detecting that the AutoRecovery file exists and automatically opening it. If you want to keep the recovered file, you must save it immediately before closing or editing it.

If you want to find all the automatically restored files on your computer, go to the search tool and click the button Go _gt_ Go to folder(or press SHIFT+COMMAND+G) and enter the appropriate folder path from the table below. Replace _Lt_ username_gt_ username:


    The AutoRecovery folder is hidden folder, so you likely won't see it if you're just trying to navigate to it in Finder. Using a tool "go to folder" enter the full path to bypass this article.

    If you close the file and press the button don't save, the AutoSave file will be deleted because Office assumes everything is correct and the AutoSave file is not needed.

Change how often AutoRecovery files are automatically saved in Word, PowerPoint, and Excel

Change where files are automatically saved in Word

Note: The AutoRecovery folder cannot be changed in Excel or PowerPoint. For these applications, autosave files are stored in the folders listed above.

Recovering text from a damaged file in Word

Search for an automatically saved or restored file

The next time you open the application, the files in the AutoRecovery folder will be listed in the Open recent list. You can also find them by going to the section Go To folder _gt_ (or by pressing SHIFT + COMMAND + g) and entering the phrase "/Users/ Username/library/application support/Microsoft/Office/Office 2011 AutoRecovery"

Autosave in MS Word is very useful feature, which allows you to create backup copies of a document after a specified period of time.

As you know, from program freezes and system malfunctions, not to mention power surges and its sudden shutdown, absolutely no one is insured. Therefore, exactly automatic saving document allows you to restore latest version file that was opened.

The autosave feature in Word is turned on by default (of course, if no one has changed standard settings programs without your knowledge), but the period of time after which backups are created is too long (10 minutes or more).

Now imagine that your computer freezes or turns off 9 minutes after the last automatic save occurred. Everything you did in the document during these 9 minutes will not be saved. Therefore, it is important to set a minimum autosave period in Word, which we will discuss below.

1. Open any Microsoft document Word.

2. Go to menu "File"(if you are using a version of the program 2007 or earlier, click the button "MS Office").

3. Open the section "Options" (“Word Options” previously).

4. Select a section "Preservation".

5. Make sure that opposite the item “Auto save” ticked. If for some reason it is not there, install it.

6. Set the minimum storage period (1 minute).

Note: In the settings section "Preservation" You can also select the file format in which the backup copy of the document will be saved and specify the location in which the file will be placed.

Now, if the document you are working with freezes, accidentally closes, or, for example, the computer spontaneously turns off, you don’t have to worry about the safety of the contents. Immediately after you open Word, you will be asked to view and resave the backup created by the program.

    Advice: For insurance, you can save the document at any time convenient for you by clicking on the button "Preservation" located in the upper left corner of the program. In addition, you can save the file using the key combination “ CTRL+S”.

That's all, now you know what the autosave function is in Word, and you also know how to use it most efficiently to own convenience and peace of mind.

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