Wipe data factory reset is not selected. Full Wipe - detailed description of the process

FULL WIPE is a complex operation on mobile devices, which includes completely clearing user data and formatting all sections of the built-in memory. Includes a series of sequentially executed commands ( wipe dalvik-cache + format system + format cache + format/data + wipe cache partition + wipe data/ factory reset+ wipe battery stats). On devices running Android OS, this operation can be launched from Recovery menu, it helps to avoid conflicts that often arise between different firmwares. Strictly speaking, Full Wipe removes all tails remaining from the previous firmware.
As a result of this action, all programs, application and user data, and settings are deleted from the device. In fact, even the operating system itself is erased, so without having a file with the image of the new firmware, it is strictly not recommended to launch this operation. It is better to perform a full backup before Full Wipe working system in case the new firmware does not want to function normally. When erasing operating system Only the external flash drive remains unaffected, with the exception of the system folder.android_secure, in which Android stores applications moved to the memory card.

Full Wipe for android

So, to perform Full Wipe, you need to select the following items in the Recovery menu one by one and then answer in the affirmative to the confirmation request. Navigation through the Recovery menu items is carried out using the volume down or up buttons, and selection - Power button. Let's take a closer look at each operation that is sequentially performed with Full Wipe.

1. wipe data/factory reset- deleting all settings and user data. This cleans the /cash and /data partitions located in the gadget’s built-in memory, and the .android_secure folder (storage for applications transferred to the flash drive). This operation is in many ways similar to the similar function Hard Reset, which runs on WinMo, although there are some differences. On Android, Factory Reset only leads to clearing specified sections, and the firmware itself remains untouched. At the same time, if the user, due to inexperience or intentionally, violated any functions of the system (for example, deleted some system files), a factory reset will not help restore lost capabilities - this can only be done by flashing the firmware.
On WinMo, Hard Reset not only clears all memory, but also resets new firmware, replacing the old one, that is, it completely updates the device system to the “only from the counter” state.

2. wipe cache partition- clearing the cache memory (/cache section), which serves to speed up access to frequently used files. This is a kind of buffer that allows you to increase the speed of the device.

3. format/data- clearing all user data and settings. This also includes all settings of any installed or previously removed programs, if for some reason their data was not cleared immediately.

4. format/cache- clearing the cache partition.

5. format/system - complete cleaning system partition, which leads to the deletion of operating system files (erases it). Please note that once this operation is completed, the device will not be able to operate until the new firmware is installed. When cleaning the system partition, only the working partition remains factory menu Recovery.

6. wipe dalvik-cache- deleting .dex files. These files are created automatically by the system for everyone installed applications and are used in their work. It happens that these files are not compatible with new version applications - in this case, conflicts may arise. Deleting these files will lead to their new creation the next time the OS boots, which will eliminate possible problems.

7. wipe battery stats- deleting battery statistics stored in the batterystats.bin file. The operation helps recalibrate the battery. It is best to perform this operation when the battery charge is 100%. According to the application Google developers, this file serves only to display battery consumption statistics and does not affect the operating time of the device.

8. format/boot- cleaning the OS kernel.

A friend advises me to reset the settings using Wipe data / factory reset, but I can’t figure out what it is and how to do it. Please tell me.

Answers (2)

  1. This comment is edited.

    Wipe data factory reset is a function that is used to remove applications and user data from the device memory. It is used when unstable work smartphone, before installing new firmware or selling it, when you need to clean it. Please note that the system folder and others system partitions except, data and cache remain untouched after wipe data factory reset.

    Translated into Russian, Wipe data factory reset is roughly equivalent to “data wipe and factory reset,” but most often they just say reset to factory settings.

    Now I’ll tell you how to do a wipe data factory reset. There are two options for this - through the device settings or recovery. The first method is easier, so I'll start with it:

    • find the application with the gear icon and go into it - these are general settings;

    • Scroll down, open the “backup and recovery” section;
    • go to the “reset to factory settings” item;
    • At the bottom, click the “reset device” button;
    • then tap on “clear all”;
    • a window will appear warning you about permanent deletion information, we give consent.

    The tablet or phone will turn off, a green robot will appear, under which the cleaning process will be shown. The android device will then start to boot, but it will take longer than usual - this is normal.

    Through recovery, resetting to factory settings is done as follows:

    • turn off the device completely;
    • press and hold the combination of the power and volume buttons up or down, the combination depends on the smartphone model;
    • wait until the manufacturer's sign appears;
    • release the buttons.
    • if CWM or native is installed, then use the volume control rocker to move to the “wipe data factory reset” section;
    • open it with the “on/off” button;
    • go to the item “yes - wipe data factory reset”;
    • press the power button.

    If after the end of the process you need to turn on the Android phone, then go back through the “go back” item, and then select “reboot system now”.

    In TWRP the process is similar, the only difference is in the interface:

    • go into recovery as described above;
    • tap on the “wipe” item;

    • A section will open, at the bottom we move the blue circle to the right (maybe a square).

    To boot into the system, click the curved arrow in the lower left corner, then the “reboot” and “system” buttons.

  2. This comment is edited.

    Before flashing the device, three steps must be performed - Wipe dalvik cache, wipe data factory reset, wipe cache partition. Translation into Russian “wipe cache partition” is cleaning the cache partition.

    This memory area stores temporary files that remain after running applications or system updates, so this procedure can be done when the smartphone is slow or freezes.

    When installing custom firmware, for example, CyanogenMod or MIUI, updating to latest version through recovery, to avoid conflicts between the remaining and new files, you must run Wipe cache partition. Wipe cache partition what it is is now clear, I’ll write later how to do it.

    This procedure with the phone is carried out only through recovery. On CWM for this you need:

    • open the general recovery menu by holding down the button combination;
    • Use the volume control keys to go to the “wipe cache partition” section and press the power button;
    • in the same way, move to the “yes - wipe cache” item and select it.

    If TWRP is installed, then do this:

Wipe (Wipe) for Android. How to properly reset settings on Android. In this article we will look at how to properly reset or wipe settings on Android. What types of reset are there and various nuances.

Reset settings, Hard reset, Wipe - these are all synonymous words (the same thing) that mean partial or full reset all data and settings.

Why do you need to perform a factory reset?

Factory reset performs Android cleaning from your data and programs and may be needed for various reasons:

  • If Android does not work correctly and critical errors often occur
  • After obtaining Root Android rights
  • After the firmware (transition from original firmware to custom firmware, OS update)
  • In order not to disseminate personal data (when reselling the device and transferring it to other hands)

In the ecosystem Android reset settings are usually called wipe. The English word Wipe [wipe] - wipe, wipe. For many, a familiar word in in this case there will be formatting or formatting. So remember, Wipe in Android is a reset, formatting!

Types of wipe on Android

Wipe on Android can be divided into full and partial.

Full wipe - completely deletes all data on the partition.

Partial wipe - deletes a specific directory (folder) on a partition.

Which modes can you use to Wipe on Android?

  • From the Recovery menu
  • From the Bootloader menu using fastboot
  • Using the hardware reset button (if available)
  • How to do wipe on Android

    Performing a factory reset from the settings menu

    Go to the settings menu and find the menu Recovery and Reset and go to it

    In the menu you can (if necessary) mark Clear SD card- this will erase the data on the memory card and internal memory too, as well as all programs and their data!

    Performing a factory reset using the hardware reset button

    To reset, take a thin paperclip and straighten it. Clamp with a paper clip reset button 15-30 seconds. After which the Android settings will be reset.

    Wipe on Android from the Recovery menu

    Wipe can be performed from both standard Recovery and custom one. Executing Wipe from the Recovery menu is more flexible in its capabilities than from the settings menu.

    Executing Wipe from standard Recovery

    IN standard Recovery You can perform 2 types of factory reset.

    wipe data/factory reset - will delete data from the DATA and CACHE partition and the folder on internal memory with program data. At this wipe all your programs and data will be deleted, Personal settings, .

    Wipe cache

    Executing Wipe from custom Recovery

    Custom Recovery also has similar items as the standard one.

    wipe data/factory reset - will delete data from the DATA and CACHE partition and the folder in the internal memory with program data. This wipe will delete all your programs their data, Personal settings, but all your pictures, videos and music remain.

    Wipe cache- temporary program activity data is deleted, this reset needed if you sometimes have errors on Android!

    If you have any problems with the operation of programs, then you should try to do it first WIPE DALVIK CACHE, you can do it from the advanced menu, all your programs and their data will remain

    If the problems persist, then you should do a WIPE DATA/FACTORY RESET

    also in custom recovery there is additional reset options, to do this, go to the MOUNTS AND STORAGE menu. Here you have the opportunity to wipe any partition of Android.

    From the Bootloader menu via the Fastboot utility

    It is also possible to perform wipe through the Bootloader menu, using the fastboot utility for firmware Android devices. It looks like this:

    fastboot erase cache

    More information about wipe on Android

    This information is for those who want to know more about wipe.

    nonsense about WIPE

    On the Internet, in particular sites on Android topics, you can find instructions on how to install firmware or obtain root rights. In these instructions they often write that you need to do a wipe and describe how to do it. It sounds something like this:

    After flashing the firmware, do - wipe data, wipe cache, wipe dalvik cache, format data!


    Why? All because people don’t read the logs that Recovery produces and don’t know file structure Android, plus lack of knowledge of Linux commands.

    When you perform wipe data/factory reset, the data section is erased, and in the data section there is a dalvik cache directory, and the cache section is also erased. Now you understand why you don’t need to do all these unnecessary manipulations! But you probably noticed that I didn’t say a word about format?


    WIPE and format are one and the same! How so? some Android literati might say! But like this, doing wipe or format is the same thing and it’s easy to check. In the /system/xbin or /system/bin section you will not find a binary file format only wipe, and in other Linux systems too. There is a reformatting to another file system, but that’s another story that has nothing to do with wipe.

    About the subtleties of performing Wipe on Android

    Many people are faced with the question of when to perform wipe? Before the firmware or after? It is better to do this before installing the firmware, since many firmwares may have a built-in automatic reboot function after installing the firmware! If the firmware contains files that are uploaded to the data section, then it’s worth checking how the system behaves; if it boots, it’s good; if not, then run wipe data.

    About the subtleties of performing Wipe on Android 2

    Based on personal observations, I noticed the following feature: the popular custom firmware CyanogenMod has a script that is executed during installation from the recovery menu. This script first backups system files ( system section) before flashing and restores after. Because of this script, errors can sometimes arise and wander, from firmware to the next firmware. Therefore, if you are a user of CyanogenMod firmware or you know that there is a script in the updater-script that performs this backup, then before installing the firmware it is better to also make a format system.

    The smartphone has become an indispensable part Everyday life- this is truly an extremely important device from which performance and speed are required.

    Over time, the Android system begins to work a little slower, and soon it becomes simply impossible to use some applications, and even . Often the phone gets clogged with temporary files stored in the cache memory. In many cases, even reinstalling applications is not a solution, because files remain in the depths of the system, which still slow down the work.

    What is Wipe Cache Partition?

    To speed up your smartphone and improve application performance, you can reset the cache - Wipe Cache Partition. In other words, this is a procedure to clear the cache from the memory of an Android device.

    To understand whether you need to do Wipe Cache Partition is very important - you need to evaluate the performance of the system and how the smartphone works with programs and games. If you notice crashes, slowdowns and slow loading, you can first try and, and then make a Wipe cache partition.

    It is worth noting that during this procedure no user data is deleted - only the cache is cleared. Other modes in the Recovery menu can clear phone book, reset settings, and also uninstall apps, so you need to be careful.

    How to make Wipe Cache Partition?

    The cache reset procedure is done through a special section Android systems entitled . This is where you can do it basic actions, which are usually used to flash a gadget, Reserve copy and other similar actions. Be careful and do not experiment - in the Recovery menu you can delete all device data and reset the settings to factory settings.

    To enter Recovery, you need to turn off your smartphone and simultaneously hold down physical buttons- usually the volume rocker (up or down) and the power key. They must be held until a characteristic menu appears on the display. Key combination to enter this section depending on Android versions and device manufacturer may vary.

    IN Recovery section Select Wipe Cache Partition and activate it. You can switch between menu items using the volume keys, and activate the desired item using the power button. The phone will automatically carry out the operation and notify you of its completion. After this, the device must be rebooted.

    Afterwards, all files will be deleted from the smartphone as before remote programs, and the applications used. As a result of this operation, Android should start working faster.

    On smartphones and tablets Android based there is a special Recovery Mode menu or simply . This is a special device boot mode, thanks to which you can reset all settings or, say, install new firmware on the device.

    This is what Recovery Mode looks like on a Samsung smartphone:

    To bring up this menu, you need to do a number of steps along with rebooting the smartphone. For example, on Samsung Galaxy S3 process is as follows:

    • Turn off your smartphone.
    • Press the volume up button, Home button and the power key of the smartphone at the same time.
    • Release the buttons as soon as you see the recovery menu logo.

    Please note that the image shown above is the stock Recovery Mode. There are also custom versions of the menu, they are installed by the user independently and can have a completely different look.

    There are several items in the recovery menu that raise questions among users. Let's talk about some of them.

    Wipe data/factory reset

    When using Wipe data/factory reset, all applications and data are deleted (cache, Accounts), excluding data such as music, photos, videos. It is usually used if any errors occur while using the device, or the smartphone or tablet starts to slow down due to some application, or the user wants to return the device to its original state and reset the settings.

    Wipe cache partition

    Wipe cache partition is a way to clear a cache partition. This area stores temporary files that remain after running applications or updates. It is used if the smartphone works slowly or starts to slow down. In this case, applications are not deleted, unlike the previous case.

    Other types of recovery menu

    Some recovery menus have additional items. For example, in Recovery Mode on Xiaomi devices can choose additional modes cleaning, like, say, Wipe SD Card - deleting data from a memory card. And the menu look is completely different.


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