Winrar from the command line. General command line syntax

On one server it was necessary to configure a backup. On Linux everything is done via cron, and on Windows using Task Scheduler. So the task is to add a folder to a rar or zip archive via a bat file (batch file). It is also possible with using cmd carry out as you please. I decided to write a simple bat to call winrar, add a folder to the archive and place it in the desired location. Then I execute this script in the scheduler at a given interval.

How to create a bat file and archive a folder in rar

First I want to say that add folder to archive You can use absolutely any extension - rar, zip and others supported by WinRAR. And now point by point:

1) open any notepad (notepad++ is best);
2) write the command there: start WinRAR A "D:\kudaarhiv.rar" "D:\Program Files\bdseoru"
3) save as *.bat (for example, v_archive.bat).

How to archive rar folder using bat

Let me clarify:
1 - launch winrar. Team start launches any program. If it doesn’t work, write the full path to the .exe file.
2 - team A adds files to the archive. Read the guide from winrar itself for more details.
3 - where we archive the folder and files. Please indicate full path, archive name and extension.
4 - which folder we archive. We write the full path.

That's it, now let's launch and check. If it works, then go to the Scheduler.

Space in the title - I can’t run bat

If you have spaces in the folder and file names, then enclose this path in quotes like I did. Then everything works fine.

If you don't write start

Then it will simply give an error that the command is unknown. Without start you can execute the command in cmd

How to archive a folder in rar using cmd

The folder can be added to the archive using a simple command in cmd:
WinRAR A "D:\android-locat\Vega.rar" "D:\Program Files\bdseoru"

As you can see, here you can already “run” winrar separately start command no need.

How to add subfolders and files to an archive

To add subfolders and files to a .rar or .zip archive, add the -r switch. That is, the command will look like this:
WinRAR A -r "D:\android-locat\Vega.rar" "D:\Program Files\bdseoru"

How to delete files after archiving in winrar

Very often there is also a need to delete archived files and folders. To do this you need to add the -ep1 command. Sample code:
WinRAR A -r -ep1 "D:\android-locat\Vega.rar" "D:\Program Files\bdseoru"

That is, we archive the folder, process subfolders and files, and then delete them. If the archive is placed in this folder, it will not be deleted, but an error will appear that the folder is not empty. Therefore, it is better to save the archive in another folder (it is better to simply remove the last slash).

Read more on the official website of the winrar team.

rar.exe command options

WinRAR can be controlled from the command line. General syntax command line is: WinRAR<команда> –<ключ1> –<ключN> <архив> <файлы…> <@файл-список…> <путь для извлечения\>command A combination of characters indicating the action that WinRAR will perform. key Keys are used to define specific actions, compression ratio, archive type, etc. archive The name of the archive being processed. files Names of the files being processed. list file List files are simple text files containing the names of the files to be processed. Each file name must be on a separate line and begin at the first position of the line. It is allowed to place comments in the list file; the sign of the beginning of a comment is the symbols //. For example, to archive *.txt files from the c:\work\doc folder, *.bmp files from the c:\work\image folder, and all files from the c:\work\misc folder, you can create a backup.lst containing the following lines: c:\work\doc\*.txt //backup copy of textsc:\work\image\*.bmp //backup copy of picturesc:\work\miscAfter this, for archiving it will be enough to run the command:rar a backup @backup.lstIn one The command line is allowed to specify both ordinary names or groups of files to process, and list files. If neither files nor file lists are specified, then the *.* pattern is assumed (i.e. WinRAR will process all files). extraction path Used only with the e and x commands and specifies the folder where files should be extracted. If this folder does not exist, it will be created. Notes a) If neither files nor a file-list are specified, then the *.* pattern is assumed, and WinRAR will process all files. b) If the archive extension is not specified, then WinRAR will use the default archive format selected in the default archiving profile, but if you want to specify the archive type explicitly, this can be done by adding the RAR or ZIP extension to the archive name. c) Keys entered on the command line have higher priority than the corresponding settings in the configuration dialog, i.e. the parameters specified by the keys are used. d) For commands c, e, s, t, rr, k and x, templates can be used in the archive name, so one command can process several archives at once. Moreover, if you specify the -r switch along with these commands, then the archives will be searched in all subfolders. e) Some commands and switches apply only to RAR archives, some apply to RAR and ZIP archives, and some apply to archives of all supported formats. This depends on the capabilities included in the archive format. f) Commands and switches are not case sensitive, so you can type them in both lowercase and uppercase letters.


Ac Remove the "archive" attribute after archiving or extracting -ad Add archive name to destination path -af<тип>Specify archive format -ag[format] Add to archive name current date and time -ao Add files with the "archive" attribute set -ap Set the path inside the archive -as Synchronize the contents of the archive -av Add an electronic signature -av- Prohibit adding/verifying an electronic signature -cl Convert file names to lower case -cu Convert file names to upper case -df Delete files after archiving -dh Open shared files -ds Do not sort files during archiving -ed Do not add empty folders -en Do not add an "end of archive" block -ep Exclude paths from names -ep1 Exclude base folder from path -ep2 Save full file paths -f Update files -hp[password] Encrypt both data and file headers -ibck Run WinRAR as a background process in the system tray -ieml Send archive by email -ilog[name] Log error log to file - inul Do not display error messages -k Lock the archive -kb Save files extracted with errors on disk -m Set compression method -mc<параметры>Specify additional compression options -md Set dictionary size -ms Specify file types for uncompressed archiving -os Save NTFS streams -ow Process file permissions information -o+ Overwrite existing files -o- Do not overwrite existing files -p[password] Set password -r Recursively with nested ones folders -r0 Recursively with subfolders using a pattern -rr[N] Add recovery information -rv[N] Create recovery volumes -s Create continuous archive -s Create contiguous groups using the file counter -se Create contiguous groups using file extensions -sfx[name] Create a self-extracting archive -sv Create independent contiguous volumes -sv- Create dependent contiguous volumes -s- Disable the creation of contiguous archives -t Test files after archiving -ta<дата>Process files modified after the specified date -tb<дата>Process files modified before the specified date -tk Preserve the original archive time -tl Set the archive time to the newest file -tn<время>Process files no older than the specified time period -to<время>Process files older than the specified time period -u Update files -v Create a multi-volume archive -vd Clean up a removable disk before archiving onto it -ver File version control -vn Use old scheme naming volumes -vp Pause before each volume -x<файл >Do not process the specified file -x@<файл-список>Do not process files specified in the list file -y Answer "Yes" to all requests -z<файл>Read archive comment from file -- Interrupt further search for keys on the command line


A Add files to the archiveC Add an archive comment D Delete files from the archive EExtract files from the archive, ignoring pathsF Refresh files in the archive K Lock the archive M Move files and folders to the archive R Restore a damaged archive RC Recreate missing volumes RR[N] Add recovery information RV[N] Create volumes for recovery S[name] Convert the archive into a self-extracting one S- Remove the SFX module T Test the files in the archive U Update the files in the archive X Extract files from the archive with full paths

L: View archive contents.

Our examples:

Add to archive named arh.rar All files with extensions .dbf and .cdx.

1. Create a subdirectory Archiv in the BAZA directory.

2. Set the path to the Archiv subdirectory:


RUN WinRAR\RAR.exe a arh.rar D:\BAZA\*.dbf

RUN WinRAR\RAR.exe a arh.rar D:\BAZA\*.cdx

Extract files from archive, ignoring paths ( All files with extensions .dbf and .cdx):

1. Create a Razarh subdirectory in the BAZA directory.

2. Set the path to the Razarh subdirectory:


3. Place the WinRAR program in the Archiv directory.

4. Enter MS-DOS command line commands:

RUN WinRAR\unrar.exe e -y arh.rar *.dbf "D:\BAZA\razarh"

RUN WinRAR\unrar.exe e -y arh.rar *.cdx "D:\BAZA\razarh"

User's Guide May 1994

Version 1.50 beta

The RAR archiver and user manual are protected by copyright (c) 1993 Eugene Roshal.

1. Introduction

2. Specifications

2.1. Compression ratio

2.2. Required Resources

3. Installation

3.1. Installing RAR on disk

3.3. Registration

4. Working with RAR from the command line

4.1. Call Format

4.2. Description of commands

4.3. Description of the keys

5.1. Working with files

5.2. Working with archives

5.3. Configuration

6. Limitations

7. Continuous (solid) archives

8. Working with external archives

9. Completion codes

10. Additional information

10.1. Supporting files

10.2. Passwords and archive volumes

10.3. Buffering

11. About guarantees

1. Introduction

The RAR archiver was created as a fairly universal means of compressing files containing the most various information, which combines the advantages and convenience of programs of two classes of command line archiver and a full-screen shell for viewing and other manipulations with archives.

In some cases, the use of RAR cannot be replaced by any of the existing archivers, but the logical and simple interface makes it convenient means working with archives.

According to their own technical specifications RAR is not inferior to widespread and popular archivers, and in some respects it surpasses them.

2. Specifications

2.1. Compression ratio

On files like .EXE, .COM, .LIB, .OBJ, .OVR and similar ones, RAR usually provides the maximum compression ratio compared to other archivers, exceeding them by about 0.5 - 3%

On individual files (large .LIB, some others) the gain can reach 5-7% of the packed size. The compression method usually does not significantly affect the result.

Text information is compressed approximately at the level of other archivers (depending on the type of text and compression method) on files up to 32 kilobytes in size. On large text RAR files usually outperforms most other archivers.

When packing database files, the compression method (m0 - m5) can significantly affect the size and running time.

Compression ratio graphic information Depends heavily on the type of files.

When creating a continuous (solid) archive containing many small files of the same type, the compression ratio is 10 - 40% or more higher than that achieved when packing into a regular archive.

2.2. Required Resources

For RAR work MS DOS 3.0 or higher required later versions.

For packaging you need 420 Kb random access memory, for unpacking 320 Kb, for other operations 260 Kb, but increasing this value can increase the speed of work by buffering disk operations.

2.3. Additional features

Besides standard features RAR provides

Full screen interface:

Selecting packaged and unpacked files;

Emulation of the structure of subdirectories in the archive;

Working with the mouse;

Saving parameters in a configuration file;

View packaged and regular files in text or hexadecimal format.

Special Features:

Splitting the archive into parts (volumes) for transferring to floppy disks;

Creation and modification of self-extracting archives (SFX);

Creation of self-extracting archive volumes (SFX);

Creation of continuous (solid) archives with a high compression ratio;

Protecting information using passwords;

Protection of archives from modification;

Restoring the structure of damaged archives;

Adding comments to the entire archive and to separate files;

Built-in support for ANSI escape sequences in comments.

Working with ZIP, ARJ, LZH archives in full screen mode:

Selecting packaged and unpacked files

Emulating the structure of subdirectories in an archive

Performing basic operations on archives

3. Installation

3.1. Installing RAR on disk

For installation RAR archiver you need a self-extracting (so-called SFX) archive RAR?_??.EXE, (where instead of "?_??" in the file name the RAR version number is indicated).

Select the subdirectory in which RAR will be located and from which you will launch it.

To run RAR without specifying the full path, you can add this subdirectory to path variable PATH set in your AUTOEXEC.BAT.

Copy the SFX archive RAR?_??.EXE to the selected subdirectory and run it. The files included in the RAR distribution will be unpacked in the current subdirectory.

To work, you only need the RAR.EXE file, the remaining files are documentation and additional information.

To install the RAR configuration, run RAR.EXE without parameters, press F9 (Options) and set the configuration parameters that suit you (see section 5.3), then save the configuration using the Save configuration (Alt-S) menu option.

From now on, RAR is installed and ready to use.

3.2. Setting the DOS RAR variable

If you want to always use a default key when starting RAR, you can assign its value to a DOS variable named RAR.

When working in full-screen mode, setting the sfx, -v, -vs, -s, -std keys in the RAR variable does not affect the operation of the archiver.

When working from the command line, all keys are analyzed.

For example:

This will force RAR to output text to stdout when launched from the command line and always create solid archives.

The values ​​of the keys specified directly on the command line have the highest priority, followed by the keys in the RAR variable, and the values ​​in the configuration file have the lowest priority.

3.3. Registration

To register, you need to launch RAR in full screen mode, that is, without any parameters, then press F9 (Options) and select the Registration menu item.

At the “Enter your name” request, you need to enter your name exactly as it was specified in the license, matching capitals and lowercase letters, spaces.

At the request “Enter your registration code” you must enter your registration code.

If registration fails, the message "Registration failed" will be displayed. This may occur as a result of entering the registration number incorrectly.

4.Working with RAR from the command line

4.1. Call format:

rar<команда> -<ключ1> -<ключN> <архив> <файлы>

<@списочный файл> <=файл с комментарием> <путь распаковки\>

There can be only one command, any number of keys. The list file can contain the names of the files being processed, separated by carriage returns or spaces.

A comment file can contain a comment that is added to the archive when it is created, but not when modified.

The extraction path, used in conjunction with the "e" and "x" commands, indicates the subdirectory where the extracted files will be placed. If this subdirectory does not exist, it will be created.

4.2. Description of commands

a: adds the specified files to the archive

m: Moves the specified files and subdirectories to the archive.

Upon successful completion of packaging, all specified files and subdirectories are deleted from the disk.

Removing subdirectories will only be performed if the -ed switch was not used, and *.* or the name of the subdirectory was specified as the name of the added files.

mf: transfers the specified files to the archive.

If the packaging completes successfully, all specified files are deleted from the disk.

d: deletes the specified files from the archive

: extracts the specified files from the archive, restoring the subdirectory structure (if the -r switch was specified during archiving).

e: extracts the specified files from the archive into the current subdirectory

v: view archive contents.

The full path to the file and its name, file comment, unpacked and packed size, degree of packing, date and time of the last file modifications, its attributes, check sum, compression method and minimum RAR version required for decompression.

If you need to view all archived volumes, then put * instead of the extension in the archive name. For example: RAR v myvolume.*

l: View archive contents.

Similar to the "v" command, but instead of the full path to the file, only its name is displayed.

t: tests the specified files in the archive

u: adds to the archive those files that are not in it, and updates those whose later versions are on the disk

f: updates files in the archive, later versions of which are on disk

p: outputs the specified files to STDOUT

s: Converts the specified archive to a self-extracting (SFX) EXE type

You can also convert the first of a sequence of archive volumes to SFX, but it original size will be changed, and this may prevent the volumes from being unloaded onto floppy disks, so in this case it is better to use the "a" command with the -v[ switches ] -sfx

en: downloads the specified archive and enters full screen mode

Convenient for use in the Norton Commander shell Extension file

rar en myarchiv.rar

rar en

You can also specify the archive name without en.

rar myarchiv.arj

c: adds comments to the archive

To finish entering you need to press F10. Esc cancels entering comments. To delete existing comments, press F10 immediately after entering input mode.

Comments will be displayed for any operations with the archive. The size of comments cannot exceed 16 kilobytes.

RAR provides built-in support for basic ANSI escape sequences in archive comments. This allows you to control the color and location of the cursor, regardless of the presence of the ANSI.SYS driver.

Escape sequences that reprogram the keyboard are not supported, but are intercepted, which protects against embedding "bombs" in comments that assign a certain key, for example, the command echo y | del *.*

Comments can be entered from a file by placing the = symbol in front of the file name.

rar c myarchiv =info.txt

cf: adds comments to individual files in the archive.

To finish entering you need to press F10. Esc cancels entering comments.

To delete existing comments, press F10 immediately after entering input mode.

Comments will be displayed when viewing the archive using the "v" command. The size of comments cannot exceed 16 kilobytes.

rar cf myarchiv *.txt

cw: writes archive comment to file

rar cw myarchiv comment.txt

The comment from the myarchive archive will be written to the file comment.txt

r: restores an archive with a damaged structure

RAR is not able to restore files with corrupted information. That's why this command is not suitable for restoring files that, when unpacked, display a CRC failed message.

But if, as a result of damage to the archive structure, access to normal files, or the archiver freezes when trying to work with the archive, then using this command you can save the remaining data.

When restoring an archive, a $RECOVER.RAR file is created in which all saved information is written. If suspicious data is detected in a damaged archive about which the archiver cannot make an unambiguous decision, the user is prompted:

Suspicious entry

Name:<имя возможного файла>

Size:<размер>Packed:<размер после сжатия>

Add it: Yes/No/All

If the answer is positive, the data is added to the $RECOVER.RAR archive

rar r myarchiv.rar

k: protect the archive from modification

Any operations related to modification of the protected archive will be interrupted.

rar k myarchiv.rar

The "d","u","f" commands do not work with archived volumes and continuous (solid) archives.

The a command can only be used to create, but not update, archive volumes and continuous archives.

The "c" and "cf" commands do not work with archived volumes, but do work with continuous archives.

You can add a comment to an archive volume directly when creating it, using a comment file.

4.3. Description of the keys

Displays a help screen

R can be used in conjunction with commands


When used with commands a,u,f,m results in adding all specified files in the current and subdirectories.

When used with the x,e,t,p,v,l,c,cf,s commands, causes all specified archives in the current and subdirectories to be processed.

O+ overwrite existing files when unpacking

O- When unpacking, do not overwrite existing files

X all files with names matching name will be excluded from processing

RAR a -x*.bak arch

X@ specifies a file that contains the names of files excluded from processing

RAR a [email protected] arch*.exe

Sfx if this key is specified when creating a new archive, then an SFX archive will be created (key sequence -v -sfx is equivalent to the -vs switch )

RAR a -sfx arch *.asm

SFX archive ARCH.EXE will be created

V or -v creating archive volumes

- volume size in thousands of bytes (not kilobytes)

If the size is not specified, it is determined automatically.

If volumes are created on a disk where temporary files are located (current by default, can be changed using -w), then changing the disk is not possible. In this case automatic detection size does not make sense and the size must be specified explicitly.

If the volumes are not created on a disk with temporary files, then after the volume is created the question appears:

Create next volume: Yes/No/All/Quit

At this time, you can replace the disk. If the response is All, further creation of volumes occurs without requests.

The first archive volume has the extension .RAR, subsequent ones are numbered from .R00 to .R99.

When unpacking and testing, it is enough to specify the name of the first volume. If the next volume is not found during unpacking, then if the volumes are not on the disk with temporary files, the following request is issued:

Insert disk with<имя следующего тома>

After installing the required disk, you need to press any key.

If the next volume is not found during unpacking and the volumes are on the disk with temporary files, then the program crashes with the message:

Can't find<имя тома>

Can't change disk with temporary files

Archived volumes cannot be modified. The "d","f","u","s" commands are not valid for them; the "a" command can only be used to create new volumes.

The size of files in archive volumes can sometimes be slightly larger than the original one, since in this mode there is no simple memorization file when compression fails.

Archive volumes can be SFX; for this, you need to use -sfx together with the -v switch.

1.Upload drive C: to floppy disks:

rar a -r -v a:myvols c:\*.*

(the current drive should be drive C:)

2.Create archive volumes of 362000 bytes in size each of the files in the current subdirectory

rar a -v362 myvols

rar a -v362 myvols *.*

W : set the working subdirectory for auxiliary files

If it is impossible to open a file in the specified subdirectory, RAR will search for a writable disk automatically.

rar a -we:\tmp archntx *.ntx

Support files will be created in E:\TMP

P Or -p: assign a password

Uppercase and capital letters the passwords differ. If the password is not specified, the following request will be issued:

rar a -pfruct cactus *.cac

Newly added files will be assigned the password fruct.

Y: answer Yes to all requests

Std: all output text information send to STDOUT.

This allows you to, for example, switch all output to a file:

rar v -std cactus >cactus.rpt

or turn it off completely:

rar x -std games >nul

M<0..5>: Set the method (compression rate)

m0: storage without compression

m5: maximum compression

The default method is -m3

Col: set color operation mode

Bw: set black and white operation mode

B: Allow creation backup copies archive

In this case, with any changes in the archive, its previous version will be saved with the extension .BAK, or, if the original archive had the extension .BAK, the copy will have the extension .$BK

F: update files

The "a -f" command is the same as the "f" command; you can use -f in conjunction with the m and mf commands.

If -f is used in conjunction with the "x" or "e" commands, only those files whose older versions are present on disk will be unpacked.

U: add changed files

Can be used for packing and unpacking.

The "a -u" command is the same as the "u" command; you can use -u in conjunction with the "m" and "mf" commands.

If -u is used with the "x" or "e" commands, only those files that do not have newer versions on disk will be unpacked.

Ed: do not add empty subdirectories to the archive

When using this key, information about any subdirectories will not be entered into the archive. But information about the subdirectories, the files from which are added to the archive, is already contained in the full names of these files (access path + name). Therefore, when unpacking or in a full-screen shell, such subdirectories will appear as if they really exist.

If there were no files in the subdirectory that were added to the archive, then when using the -ed switch, no information about it will be saved

Ep: do not save file paths

In this case, several files with the same name may appear in the archive.

Ep1: do not save the part of the file path that was specified on the command line

rar a -ep1 -r arch tempdir\*.*

All files and subdirectories from TEMPDIR will be added to the archive, but the TEMPDIR directory will not be in the path to them.

For proper operation This switch should not be used as a shorthand version of adding all files from a subdirectory like: rar a -ep1 -r arch tempdir

C- disable comments

E : exclude from the number of added files files with the attributes System, Hidden, Archive, Read only, respectively

The order of the attributes does not matter.

rar a -ehs archive *.exe

Files with the Hidden and System attributes will not be added to the archive.

S: create a continuous archive (for continuous (solid) archives, see section 6)

rar a -s -vs362 archive *.*

Contiguous SFX volumes of 362,000 bytes each will be created.

Av: adds information about the author and time of modification, archive name to the archive for any modification

If an archive created with the -av switch is modified without this switch, then this information will be deleted.

When unpacking, testing, viewing archives created with the -av switch, the integrity of the archive is checked. The following message is displayed:

Verifying authenticity information...

If the control is successfully completed, the message “Ok” will be displayed along with information about the author, modification time, and archive name. If it is discovered that the archive is damaged, the message "FAILED" will be displayed.

When creating archive volumes with the -av switch, control information will be added to each volume.

Using -av can be useful, for example, for creating software distributions.

This key is only available to registered users, since the name specified during registration is recorded in the archive.

5. Working with RAR in full screen mode

This section uses information from the previous one.

To launch RAR in full screen mode, you just need to type without any parameters:

rar-<ключ1> -<ключN>

or use the "en" command to immediately enter the required archive.

In full-screen mode, RAR can be in file mode or in archive viewing mode.

5.1. Working with files

After launching RAR, a list of files in the current subdirectory appears on the screen. You can navigate through the list using the cursor keys or the mouse.

To mark files, use the spacebar or INS keys, or the right mouse button. You can mark a group of files by entering a mask using "+" or remove marks using "-". It is possible to mark subdirectories, and all files in all subdirectories within them are considered marked. Pressing the "*" key reverses the marking of files and directories.

The right side of the screen displays information about the memory used, the compression method, the presence of a password, and the backup mode.

Alt-C color/black and white mode

Alt-D select current drive

Alt-W set subdirectory for temporary files

Alt-M select packaging method

To switch to the archive viewing mode, you must set the marker on the archive file and press Enter.

F2 a add files to archive

F3 view file

(built-in/external viewer)

F4 f refresh archived files

F5 a -v[ ] create archive volumes

F6 m move files to archive

F7 u update files in archive

F8 r restore archive structure

F10 (ESC) output

Alt-F2 a -s create continuous archive

Alt-F3 view file (viewer built-in)

Alt-F5 a -vs[ ] create self-extracting archive volumes

Alt-F6 a -s -v[ ] create continuous archive volumes

Alt-F7 a -s -vs[ ] create continuous SFX archive volumes

5.2. Working with archives

To switch to archive viewing mode, you must place a marker on the archive file and press Enter, or use the en command.

A list of files in the archive is displayed on the screen. You can move around the list using the cursor keys or mouse. Files can be marked using space or INS or the right mouse button, or a group of files can be marked by entering a mask with "+" or unmarked with "-". It is possible to mark subdirectories, and all files in all subdirectories within it are considered marked. Pressing the "*" key reverses the marking of files and directories.

The right side of the screen displays information about the presence of a comment, files with passwords, the number, size and compression ratio of files.

ALT-C: color/black and white mode

ALT-D: Select current drive

ALT-W: Set subdirectory for temporary files

ALT-M: selection of packaging method

The function keys correspond to the following command line functions (see sections 4.2 and 4.3):

F1: help

F2: t check archive contents

F3: view file (built-in or external viewer)

F4: x extract files with all subdirectories

F5: c add comments to archive

F6: e extract files to current subdirectory

F7: s convert archive to SFX

F10: return to file mode (ESC)

Alt-F3: view file (viewer built-in)

Alt-F4: Extract files to specified drive and directory

Alt-F5: cf enter comments for individual files in the archive

Alt-F7: k protect the archive from modification

Pressing other keys searches for a file by name. You can view all matches using Ctrl-Enter.

Password-protected files are marked with a "*" symbol that appears before the file name.

When working with archive volumes in full screen mode, you must specify file templates to be processed (prompted by pressing INS, spacebar, or a function key). Tagging files in volumes in the usual way is not possible, since volumes can be located on multiple disks.

Multiple templates can be entered. After entering the last of them, you need to press Enter again (enter an empty line).

When viewing archived volumes in full screen mode, for files that are split between several volumes, the packed size means the size of only the part of the file included in this archive. In this case, the symbol "" is displayed before the packed size if part of the file is in the previous volume, or the symbol "" if part of the file is in next volume, or both of these characters, if the current archive contains neither the beginning nor the end of the given file

In full-screen mode, mouse operation is supported. To navigate through subdirectories and archives, use the left mouse button. The input function in this case is performed by double tap. Used to mark files right button. When entering text (archive name, password), the left button cancels, and the right button confirms the entry. Left button The mouse is used to select commands (F1 - F10), menu items and configuration.

5.3. Configuration

Using F9 in any of the full screen modes you can:

1) Change options:

a) enable/disable color mode;

b) allow/disable mouse;

c) allow/disable output to stdout when launched from

command line;

d) allow/prohibit adding information about the author and

archive modification time, archive name

(authenticity verification);

e) compression method;

f) allow/deny backup copies;

g) type of sorting of names when displayed on the screen:

Unsorted output;

By name;

By extension;

By size (original);

h) addition:

Files with the System attribute;

Files with the Hidden attribute;

Files with the Read only attribute;

Files with the Archive attribute;

Empty subdirectories.

2) Set a password.

3) Set a subdirectory for temporary files.

4) Set the file name from which the comment will be taken when creating a new archive.

5) Change name external program file viewer, which will be called when you press F3. The file name will be passed to it as a parameter. If the external viewer is not specified, then pressing F3 will call the built-in one.

When you press Alt-F3, the built-in viewer is always called.

6) Change the current disk (if the archive viewing mode is set, then the file viewing mode is first switched to).

In any of the full-screen modes, it is possible to save the current configuration. The configuration is contained in the RAR.CFG file, which is created in the same subdirectory from which RAR.EXE is launched.

To record the current configuration, you must press ALT-S and then Enter as confirmation.

When writing a configuration, the following parameters are saved:

1) Options set in the first menu item of the F9 command (see above);

2) Subdirectory for temporary (auxiliary) files;

3) The name of the file from which the comment will be taken when creating a new archive;

4) The name of the external file viewer;

If at startup, in the same subdirectory from which RAR.EXE is launched, a RAR.CFG file is found, the parameters from it will be read and set.

The values ​​of the keys specified directly on the command line have the highest priority, followed by the keys in the DOS RAR variable (see section 3.2), and the values ​​in the configuration file have the lowest priority.

6. Limitations

The number of files added during one archiving operation is limited to approximately 6000 - 7000.

The number of files in the archive is not limited.

When working in full screen mode, more than 4000 files in one subdirectory cannot be displayed.

If the number of files in a subdirectory exceeds 2000, name sorting is disabled when viewing in full screen mode.

7. Continuous (solid) archives

When packing large number files of the same type, you can get a significant increase in the compression ratio if, instead of the usual one, you create a continuous archive.

To get a continuous archive, you need to specify the -s switch on the RAR command line when creating an archive:

rar a -s solid.rar

In a continuous archive, when packing each file (except the first), the information contained in previous files. For this reason, archives of this type cannot be modified. The smaller the average file size and the greater the number of files, the greater the gain in compression compared to conventional archives. The most typical gain on large software packages is from 2 to 15%, but in some cases there was a decrease in the size of the archive (compared to the one created by the usual method) by 1.5 - 2 times.

You can also create continuous archive volumes and continuous self-extracting archive volumes. Unpacking continuous archive volumes should always begin with the first volume in the sequence.

The main disadvantage of the proposed method is that to unpack one file, the archiver needs to process all files preceding this one (in this case, the message: Skipped<имя файла>). Therefore, continuous archives are most convenient to use in cases where the entire archive is expected to be unpacked at once, for example, for delivery of large software packages (in this case, continuous self-extracting archive volumes can be convenient).

In addition, if one of the files in a continuous archive is damaged, the information in all other files following it will be damaged.

If, when creating a continuous archive (as well as when creating archive volumes), file compression does not produce results (the packed size is larger than the original), then the file will not be stored again. So the file size in such archives may exceed the original one. But in reality, this can usually only happen when packing files that have already been compressed by some archiver.

To increase the compression ratio when adding to a continuous archive, files are sorted by extension.

8. Working with external archives

In full-screen mode, RAR allows you to work with archives in the formats of the widely used archivers ZIP, ARJ, LZH.

The following operations are supported for these archives:

Unpacking with creation of subdirectories;

Unpack into the current subdirectory;

Archive testing;

Removing files from the archive;

Full-screen viewing of archived files;

Creation of SFX archives;

Adding comments to the archive (ZIP, ARJ only);

Adding comments to archive files (ZIP, ARJ only);

Unpack into the specified subdirectory.

For such archives, you can set a password (ALT-P) and a subdirectory for temporary files (ALT-W) in the usual way.

For easy viewing ZIP archives, ARJ, LZH one RAR archiver is enough, but to perform archival operations the corresponding programs (PKUNZIP, PKZIP, ZIP2EXE, ARJ, LHA) must be specified in PATH.

RAR will allow Norton Commander users to effectively work with RAR, ZIP, ARJ, LZH archives. To do this, you need to add to the Extension File (NC.EXT):

and proceed to processing the corresponding archives by pressing Enter.


1) Working with SFX archives created by other archivers is not supported

2) When working with LZH archives, only the standard header is supported (the /h2 key was not used when creating the archive).

9. Completion codes

After finishing work (exiting to DOS), RAR sets the following values ​​of the DOS ERRORLEVEL variable, signaling various critical situations:

0 SUCCESS successful completion

1 WARNING non-fatal errors occurred during operation

2 FATAL ERROR fatal error

3 CRC ERROR checksum errors occurred during unpacking

4 LOCKED ARCHIVE attempt to modify an archive protected by the "k" command

5 WRITE ERROR error writing to disk

6 OPEN ERROR error opening file

7 USER ERROR incorrect startup command syntax

8 MEMORY ERROR low memory

255 USER BREAK output upon user request

10. Other

10.1. Supporting files

When the archiver is running, up to 2 auxiliary files can be temporarily created with the names: $RAR$TMP.$??, $RAR$TMP.$??, $RAR$TMP.$??. They are created either in a subdirectory explicitly specified using the appropriate commands or configuration file (see above), or by default in the current subdirectory.

All $RAR$TMP.* files cannot be added to the archive.

While viewing external archives a subdirectory called $RAR$TMP.$?? is created.

The extensions of the auxiliary files, designated above as $??, can actually take the values ​​$00 .. $99. Thus, each auxiliary file has a unique name, which allows multiple copies of RAR to use one working subdirectory during multitasking.

10.2. Passwords and archive volumes

If a password was used when creating a sequence of archive volumes, and when unpacking it was not specified or was specified incorrectly, then the archiver may not be able to trace the entire chain of volumes. In this case, unpacking will be completed ahead of schedule, or it will exit with the error "Can"t open file".

10.3. Buffering

When packing, all remaining free memory used as a disk buffer. Therefore, the disk full message may appear later than expected.

10.4. Viewing files in RAR archive

If when viewing files in RAR archive If the built-in viewer is used, the file is unpacked dynamically as needed. When using an external viewing utility, the entire file is pre-unpacked.

11. About guarantees

No guarantees for this software not included.

rar program commands

Module 3. Software for IBM PC - compatible computers

Topic 7. Archiving files

Archiving files

Archive programs running under Windows 9x

Archiving files When working on personal computer There is often a need for long-term storage of backup copies of files on floppy disks. When you copy files, the copies take up as much space as the original files, so you may need many floppy disks. For such cases, special archiving programs. These programs produce compression, packaging data, which leads to space savings of 40-50%. In addition, when archiving, files can be combined into one block called archive file or simply archive, which is typically done when storing groups of shared files. After archiving, the resulting archive files can be treated like any other: copied, deleted, renamed. The archive file contains, in addition to the archived files, also a list of them (archive table of contents) and control codes for each file to check the integrity of the archive.

If necessary, the required archive file is unzipped, unpacked using decompressor program(often the archiving and unarchiving functions are combined in one program), after which the archive turns into the same original file or a group of files that were placed in it during archiving.

Let us introduce the concept “ base" catalog. “Base” will be the directory (folder) that contains the files to be archived or into which the files should be placed after unpacking the archive.

All files contained in the base directory (folder), and also, if necessary and if the appropriate command format is given, and in its subdirectories, when archiving, are converted into one archive file or can be added to an already existing archive file. When you unzip an archive file, all the files it contains are placed in the base directory, and, if necessary, the required subdirectories can be automatically created in it.

“By default,” all files from the specified directory are included in the archive. If only part of them needs to be included in the archive, an explicit indication of the file name or list of names is used. In this case, you are allowed to use MS-DOS templates to specify a group of files.

Modern archiving programs must perform the following basic functions:

    create archive files from individual or all files of the base directory and its subdirectories;

    add and replace files in the archive;

    extract and delete files from the archive;

    view the contents of the archive;

    protect each of the archived files with code;

    create multi-volume archive, i.e. an archive consisting of several files that will be located on different floppy disks (to denote storage media - individual floppy disks - it is customary to use the term “ volume”);

    test the archive, checking the safety of information in it;

    enter comments to files into the archive;

    remember file paths in the archive;

    create self-extracting archives both on one volume and on several volumes. Self-extracting the archive is created with the extension .exe, which contains an unpacking software module, so no unzipping program is required to extract files from it;

    view the contents of text files contained in the archive;

    save multiple versions of the same file in an archive;

    restore files from destroyed archives;

    ensure the protection of information in the archive and access to files placed in the archive using a password.

Archive programs work separately under MS-DOS and under Windows 9x.

Archive programs running under MS-DOS

Currently, there are several dozen of them in the world, the most common are shown in Table 1

Table 1

The name of the program

Brief description of the program

Created in 1993 by Robert K. Young (USA). This program is the standard of archiving programs.

Created in 1994 by Evgeny Roshal (Ekaterinburg, Russia). The only one in world program, which contains a built-in shell similar to Norton Commander. In addition, if there are appropriate archivers on the disk, it processes archives of many common formats.

Software package ZIP

Contains the PKZIP.EXE archiver and the PKUNZIP.EXE unarchiver. Very good at compressing graphic information. Created in 1993 by PKWARE Inc. (USA).

Archiver programs get their names from the extensions assigned to archive files. The differences between archiver programs lie in the speed of operation, the compression density of archives, and the algorithms for compressing files into an archive.

The principles of using most archiving programs running under MS-DOS are similar. The differences come down mainly to the format of the help information displayed on the screen and the format for recording commands.

To correctly record the command to call the desired archiver program, you must use hint text. Help text information is usually displayed on English language and contains examples of composing commands to perform various operations. Examples of calling the help text of the archiver programs given in Table 1 (for clarity, the commands are written in capital characters):

1. For the archiver program arj.exe:

ARJ.EXE /? ,

2. For the archiver program rar.exe:

RAR.EXE /? ,

Where /? – parameter for receiving a full hint.

3. For the archiver program pkzip.exe:


For the decompressor program pkunzip.exe:


where /h is the parameter to get a full hint.

The tooltip indicates the MS-DOS command line syntax, a list of commands and options available in this program.

Command syntax MS-DOS strings archiving programs:

< archiver program name><команда> [ option...]< archive file name>[ <file names>]

Where<name of the archiver program> - name launched archiver program or dearchiver program;

<team> - a symbol indicating to the archiver which of the operations is required in in this case;

[ option...] - a setting option, also called an “extension” or “key” of a command and consisting of one or more characters preceded by either the character “ / ”, or the symbol “ - " A command can have multiple options, written with a space after the command character;

<archive file name> - the archive file being processed is specified with the extension of the corresponding archiver program, for example: . arj, .rar, .zip ;

<file names> - sets the names of the files that are included in the archive file. File names are listed separated by spaces. If there are no file names, then they are processed All files of the current subdirectory.

Parameters included in square brackets, are optional. Thus, the options and the list of archived files are optional parameters and are not always used. In some cases, the command may not be specified, in which case the operation is considered to be specified by default.

Let's look at the features of archiver programs ARJ, RAR, PKZIP and PKUNZIP which are known as the best in terms of the range of functions provided to the user, compression ratio and operating speed.

Archive program ARJ.EXE

Command line syntax:

ARJ <team> [ option...] < archive file name> [ <list of file names>] .

Some commonly used ARJ program commands are given below:

A- collapse or add files to the archive;

M- move files to archive;

F- add only new files to the archive;

E- extract files from the archive to the current directory;

D- delete files from the archive;

X- extract files from the archive with restoration of the subdirectory structure;

V- view the table of contents of files in the archive.

From the entire list of options (keys), here are some:

-je - option to create a self-extracting archive;

-jm- option for maximum compression;

-r- archiving option with saving file name routes ;

-v1440- option to split into volumes, and the number 1440 indicates the size of floppy disks of 1.44 MB.

Examples of commands for using the program ARJ.EXE (<имя архивного файла>let's set it as BARBY.ARJ):

    Collapse to archive BARBY.ARJ (archive) all files in the current directory: ARJ.EXE A BARBY <Enter> .

    Collapse (archive) all files in the current directory, dividing the archive file into 1440 KB volumes:

ARJ.EXE A-r -v1440 - jm BARBY <Enter> ,

Where r- archiving option with saving file name routes;

v1440 - option to split into 1.44 MB volumes. In this case, the file placed on the first disk is assigned the extension .ARJ, and on subsequent disks - .A01, A02, etc.;

jm - option for maximum compression.


    Extract ( unzip) all files from the BARBY.ARJ archive to the current directory with restoration of the subdirectory structure: ARJ.EXE X BARBY.ARJ .

    Create self-extracting archive BARBY.EXE: ARJ.EXE A -je BARBY , Where - je - key for creating a self-extracting archive with the extension .exe .

    Extract files from self-extracting archive BARBY.EXE: BARBY.EXE .

When unzipping, it is possible that there is a file with the same name in the current directory. In this case, when asked by the program: “ Overwrite?(Rewrite?)” - type on the keyboard English letter Y ( from English Yes- Yes) or N ( from English No- No) and press<Enter>.

Archive program RAR.EXE Archiver RAR created as a fairly universal tool for creating and maintaining archives. There are several versions RAR for different operating systems, in particular, RAR For MS-DOS, OS/2, Windows 9x(32-bit) MacOS And Unix (Linux, BSD, SCO, Sparc and HP-UX).

Distinctive features of the archiver are:

    ability to work in two modes: regular interface command line and full screen interactive interface;

    support for other types of archives. In full screen mode RAR provides the ability to process archives of other types: . ARJ, .ZIP; at the same time, it is possible to view the contents of these archives and convert them;

    using a highly efficient compression method - solid- for getting high degree compression (10-50% higher than usual).

Command line mode. Control technology and list of commands in the command line mode of the archiver program RAR similar to the archiver discussed above ARJ. However, keep in mind that the option values differ for some operations.

Command line syntax:

RAR<команда> [ option...]< archive file name>[ <list of file names>] .

Examples of commands for using the RAR.EXE program (<имя архивного файла>let's set it as BOB.RAR):

    Collapse to archive BOB.RAR(archive) all files in the current directory:


    View the table of contents of files in the archive BOB.RAR:


    Extract ( unzip) all files from the archive BOB.RAR to the current directory with the subdirectory structure restored:


    Create self-extracting BOB.EXE archive with the archive file divided into 1440 KB volumes:

RAR.EXE A -r -v1440 -sfx BOB ,

Where -r - archiving option with saving file name routes;

V 1440 - option to split into 1.44 MB volumes. In this case, the file placed on the first disk is assigned the extension .EXE, and on subsequent disks - .R00, R01, R02, etc.;

-sfx- option to create a self-extracting archive with the extension .exe .

5. Extract files from self-extracting archive BOB.EXE:


When unzipping, it is possible that there is a file with the same name in the current directory. In this case, the program request: “Overwrite? (Rewrite?)” - type the English letter Y on the keyboard ( from English Yes - Yes) or N ( from English No - No) and press<Enter>.

Full screen operating mode. To run RAR in full screen mode, type in the command line without parameters:


In the full-screen interface, RAR can be in two modes:

In file mode;

In operating mode archive file.

Mode working with files . After launching RAR, a list of files in the current subdirectory appears on the screen. You can navigate through the list using the cursor keys or the mouse.

The right side of the screen displays information about the memory used, the compression method, the presence of a password, and the backup mode.

For discharge groups of files uses a technique similar to Norton Commander (it is possible to mark subdirectories, and all files in all subdirectories within them are considered marked):

    Pressing the insert key .

    Assignment masks selection when pressing a key<+>on the function keyboard.

Cancel selection groups of files both by mask and after pressing the insert key<Insert> carried out by key< - >on the function keyboard.

Table 2 shows the assignment of function keys to command line functions in file mode.

table 2

Function keys in file mode

Function key

Key assignment

Command line function

Actions Performed


Add files to the archive or archive selected files

View file text

Update files in the archive

Create Archive Volumes

Transfer files to archive

Update files in the archive

Delete selected files

Exiting the RAR archiver

In order to archive group of files, you must perform the following steps:

    Select the required files.

    - Add(add files to archive).

A framed message will appear on the screen

In frame RAR offers the user:

    or write down the path in the highlighted line and full name archive file, i.e. indicate modified subdirectory, not current;

    or use the proposed option (for example, in current subdirectory TP60 under the name TP60.RAR). In this case, just press the key<Enter>.

Archive file mode . To switch to the mode of working with an archive file, you must set the marker to the desired archive file (file with the extension .RAR) and press the key<Enter>.

A list of file names in the archive is displayed on the screen. You can navigate through the list using the cursor keys or the mouse.

On the right side of the screen, information is displayed about the presence of a comment, files with passwords, the number, size and compression ratio of files.

Table 3 shows the correspondence of the assignment of function keys to command line functions in the mode of working with an archive file.

In order to unzip archive file, you must perform the following steps:

    Select the required files or move the pointer to required file in the list of file names.

    Press function key - Extr(from English Extract) - extract files with all subdirectories to the current subdirectory, i.e. subdirectory where the archive file is located.

    When unzipping, it is possible that the unzipping location already contains a file(s) with the same name. In this case, RAR makes a request,

Information provided in English is translated as follows:

File already exists - the file already exists;

Overwrite T1.PAS ? - rewrite old file eg T1.PAS ?;

Yes - Yes;

No- No;

All- overwrite all old files;

Rename- rename the file;

Quit- stop the unzipping operation.

Use the "Left" and "Right" keys to move the pointer to the selected option and press the key<Ente r>.

Table 3

Function keys in archive file mode

Function key

Key assignment

Command line function

Actions Performed

Displaying help information

Test archive

View file

Extract files with all subdirectories ( unzip)

Add a comment to the archive

Extract files to current subdirectory

Convert archive to self-extracting (SFX)

Delete files from archive

Return to file mode

general description

The method is based on a combination of possibilitiesWindows(assigned tasks) and archiverWinRAR(command line control),WinRAR"uncircumcised" will be required.

The Scheduled Task settings will allow you to set:

  • -How the task will be launched: when you turn on the computer, according to a schedule, manually.
  • -Which computer operating mode will the task be launched from: working or sleeping.
  • -Additional settings for laptops and other PC antiques.

SettingsWinRAR will allow you to: specify the archive address, directories/files/lists for archiving. Clarify the composition of the archive according to the following principles: file extensions, creation time, presence/absence in the archive, “refresh” the archive (update only files that are in the archive), add files that have reappeared at the archived address, delete those that have “disappeared”, however, about the possibilities WinRARlater with examples.

ATTENTION! If in the settingsWinrardirectories/files/lists for archiving are not indicated, but only the archive address is indicated:WinRAR will archive the entire system, and everything that is available to the system in this moment. This can lead to "bad things."

VerifiedFor: Windows 2000/2000 Server/XP/Server 2003/Windows 7/Server 2008.

Example settings

Description according to the principle: the goal is a solution method, I don’t describe deviations, only brief information in brackets. I am sure that based on the examples you will be able to compose exactly your task. So:

TARGET : Once a week, archive all 1c databases located in one directory. The task should add new things to the archive, delete missing ones, leave static (unchanged) files intact: only files will be processed: newly created, changed, deleted ones. Automatically it will look like this:

We create in Windows new"assigned task" The wizard starts. Prompts you to select a program. Naturally, we choose WinRAR. We write the name of the Task when it will be executed. Let's fill it out step by step..., turn on "Install additional...".

What? It says it won't work? Therefore: open our task (go to the Control Panel - Scheduled Tasks), turn on the “Run only when logged in” flag, go to the “Settings” tab and turn on “Wake up the computer...”. This is necessary so that the computer, left in sleep mode, “wake up” to complete the task. To start at the appointed time, we “allow” the computer to use Sleep mode. If according to the schedule the task should run, for example, at night, in the evening before this we do not turn off the computer, but put it into sleep mode. IN right moment the computer will wake up, complete it, or maybe turn off after completion; this option is available in the WinRAR settings.

So, let's set it upWinRAR. We open the task, in the first line “Run” we see something like:


This is the full path of the program to be launched. WordWinRAR can replace this line, because ForWindowsThis is ALREADY a team.

WinRAR – substitute.

In this state our job is functional, but it will only run the programWinRAR. Now the settings.

The settings are written in the “Run” parameter after the existing one (C:\PROGRA~1\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe)through a space.

General command line syntax:

WinRAR – – //in this example "

What is required for our assignment:

WinRAR u - as F:\ Archive\ Data_1 C. rar D:\ Data_1 C //highlighted line segments with color. By color and comments.

u- team. Updates files in the archive, processes only changed ones and adds new ones.

-as - key. Removes files from the archive that are not in the source.

Thus, the combination of command and key synchronizes the archive with the original data.

F:\ Archive\ Data_1 C. rar– this is our archive with the address. The archive, even if empty, should already be at the specified address.

D:\ Data_1 C– archived data. In this case, a catalog.

SO, the order is: command – key/keys – archive – files/@file-list. Separator "_" (space).

I will not repeat myself in the future. Just comment on the differences.

TARGET : Archive valuable data (documents, favorites, etc.) daily. To prevent the process from being distracting, it turns the computer on and off automatically, 2 new keys have been added. The difference from the 1st task is that the data is in different directories. You'll have to use a list file. The list file is text file, in which:

-the first entry starts from the first character of the first line

-subsequent entries begin on a new line

-no extra characters, comments, etc.

If you specify a list file instead of a data address, please note that in this case the parameter (file address) begins with the @ symbol (dog).

You can include files, directories in the file list, select files by extension, etc.

We need the line:

WinRARu - asdh IOFF F:\ Archive\ Doc. rar@ C:\ SpisokArh. txt

-dh– allows you to archive currently open files. I turned it on because I often put the computer into “hibernation” with open documents and programs (except 1c). The worst thing is that an unsaved copy of the file will also be archived. And this is not critical, because... when opening such an archive, the computer will “remember” the unsaved versions. What to do with them is your business.

-IOFF– turn off the computer after archiving is completed. Thus, the computer does this completely independently. One BUT: it is SHUT OFF, and not going into sleep mode. In this regard, calculate the placement of tasks in time; if you have several tasks for the night, use this key only on the last task, so that this key does not “slow down” other tasks that did not have time to complete.

@ C:\ SpisokArh. txt – list file. Herehis text:

C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Favorites

C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Desktop\Downloads

I won’t describe all the variations that I use, I think you have enough imagination for more, I just hinted. Read the help WinRAR, there full lists keys and commands, recommendations for use.


  • WinRAR capable of archiving currently open files (read: open 1C databases), but! If you archive a database “on the go,” this can happen... 1s during archiving the database can change files, in the database archive it turns out that the files are *. dbfnot agreed upon. Hence the rule: at the time of archiving, all archived data (1C) must be closed. For others (MS Office) not relevant.
  • New archive is not created automatically! It is necessary to indicate an existing one, even if it is empty.
  • When filling out a new archive, the procedure may drag on for..., then everything will work in accordance with the specified parameters.

P. S.: I apologize for the paucity of examples: I described only the most obvious ones. Then it’s a matter of your needs and imagination. Read the WinRAR Help, section "Command Line Mode".