Configure Windows 8 to quickly copy files. Files are copied slowly

M.G. Moshkovich, lawyer

Who is responsible for the electronic signature?

We study the consequences of transferring our electronic signature to other employees

The court decisions discussed in the article can be found: section “Judicial Practice” of the ConsultantPlus system

The use of electronic signature (ES) has become widespread in business practice. However, the electronic signature is perceived more as a convenient document management tool than as a personal signature of a specific person. Obtaining it is not cheap, therefore, instead of issuing an electronic signature for several employees, the electronic signature of one person is often transferred for use to another. And sometimes they even formalize this fact with an order (for example, when the manager or chief accountant goes on vacation or is absent from the office for other reasons).

Let's consider how legal this is and what the consequences of such actions may be.

What the law says

According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an electronic signature is an analogue of a handwritten signature and clause 2 art. 160 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. But you cannot transfer your hand to anyone, as well as the right to use it. Thus, transferring an electronic signature to another person is nonsense. Only the person to whom it is registered can legally use the electronic signature.

The personal nature of the electronic signature also excludes the issuance of a power of attorney for its use. You can authorize another person to do something on your behalf, which requires them to sign for you. But the representative, of course, will put his signature on the documents, not yours.

It would seem that everything is obvious, but we also have the Law on Electronic Signatures. His wording is quite contradictory and has misled many.

Thus, the Law obliges the owners of the electronic key to maintain its confidentiality and not to use the key if it is violated. subp. 2 p. 2 art. 9, pp. 1, 3 tbsp. 10 of the Law of 04/06/2011 No. 63-FZ (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 63-FZ). What is privacy? This is maintaining the secrecy of information from other persons and preventing its leakage. This means that no one except you should have access to the key.

The law also says that the electronic signature must make it possible to identify the specific person signing the document clause 1 art. 2 of Law No. 63-FZ. If the electronic signature is used by its owner, then this condition is met. What if it’s a different person? The user of the electronic document still sees only the owner’s data; there is no way to understand who “replaces” him. Consequently, the user will receive incorrect information, in other words, will be deceived.

However, there is no direct prohibition on the transfer of an electronic signature key in the Law.

Moreover, as a clarification of the confidentiality rule, the Electronic Signature Law requires that the use of an enhanced electronic signature key not be allowed without the consent of its owner clause 1 art. 10 of Law No. 63-FZ. This gives rise to the erroneous opinion about the legality of the transfer of digital signature if its owner does not object to it.

What happens in practice

So, even the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, the authorized body in the field of electronic signature use clause 1 of the Regulations, approved. Government Decree No. 418 dated June 2, 2008, does not see a problem in transferring an electronic signature issued in the name of one person to another person. The department's press service told us the following.


Press service of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications

“Participants in electronic interaction are obliged to prevent the use of electronic signature keys belonging to them without their consent Art. 10 of Law No. 63-FZ. That is, in principle, the use of an electronic signature key belonging to one person by another person is permitted; there is no direct prohibition on this in the law.

At the same time, you can transfer the electronic signature verification key certificate to another employee of the organization only if he is given the authority to act on behalf of the company to the same extent as the employee who is the owner of the qualified certificate. The granting of authority is formalized by order of the head of the organization; it is also necessary to obtain the consent of the owner of the verification key certificate for the use of this certificate by another person.

A specialist from the Federal Tax Service expressed a similar opinion.


Advisor to the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, 2nd class

“When using enhanced electronic signatures, participants in electronic interaction are obliged to ensure the confidentiality of electronic signature keys, in particular, to prevent the use of digital signature keys belonging to them without their consent clause 1 art. 10 of Law No. 63-FZ. Thus, if there is an expression of will, a participant in electronic interaction may allow the use of the electronic signature key by a third party.

But the software developer we contacted for advice doubts the legality of transferring the digital signature key.


Leading software developer at

“The use of any type of electronic signature must somehow indicate that the signature was made by a specific person. Art. 5 of Law No. 63-FZ. For this purpose, the Law stipulates the obligation to ensure the confidentiality of keys. Therefore, I consider the meaning of issuing an order to transfer the key to be controversial.”

Possible risks of EP transmission

Since there is no normative prohibition, people often reason in this way: well, yes, it is wrong to use someone else’s digital signature, but we are doing business, no one will be worse off from this, and users of our electronic documentation will not learn anything. However, this is not always the case. First of all, when you trust your electronic signature to other people, control over the confidentiality of the keys is inevitably reduced. Your “deputy” may simply be inattentive and allow an outsider to use the electronic signature, or he may inadvertently catch a virus that downloads the information. As a result, the electronic signature will fall into the hands of scammers and the organization will lose money or information. But there are other dangers.

Let's consider judicial practice from various areas of application of electronic signatures.


As a rule, bank employees are aware that the electronic signature is not always used by the person for whom it is registered. Which does not mean that the bank recognizes it as legal. It’s just that the risks associated with violating the confidentiality of the digital signature are borne by the client. This follows from Law a clause 1 art. 854, paragraph 1, art. 845, paragraph 3 of Art. 847 Civil Code of the Russian Federation and is always clearly stated in the contract. Therefore, if money is illegally debited from an organization’s account using your digital signature, it will not be possible to recover losses from the bank. Resolution of the AS ZSO dated February 20, 2015 No. A27-5335/2013; FAS MO dated 05.08.2014 No. A40-82734/2013. The courts believe that the bank is obliged to execute a payment order signed with a correct electronic signature clause 1 art. 845 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Compensation for damage incurred can only be demanded from attackers who somehow gained access to the employee’s electronic signature. But to do this, they must first be installed.

It is important to note that the facts of transfer of digital signature to other persons revealed in court are always assessed as a violation of the contract on the part of the bank client.

Thus, during a sudden shutdown of the computer on which the Client-Bank program was running, more than 1.7 million rubles were written off from the LLC’s current account. The company lost the dispute with the bank regarding the recovery of losses. The judges indicated that the payment order was signed by the director's current signature, and the LLC violated the terms of the confidentiality agreement with the bank. In particular, the medium with the master key and the ES of the director of the LLC was handed over to the chief accountant, who kept it in a safe Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service dated September 3, 2013 No. A35-10589/12.

In another case, 96 thousand rubles. “left” the LLC account on the basis of a payment order signed by the electronic signature of the already dismissed director (they did not inform the bank about the appointment of a new one). And, as the investigation established, this electronic signature was used by an accountant. The court noted that the LLC did not ensure the secrecy of the ES key and transferred it for use to a third party, thereby violating the requirements of the ES Law. The collection of money from the bank was refused Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service ZSO dated December 5, 2011 No. A21-8586/2010.


If a document with which an organization does not agree is signed by a valid electronic signature of its employee, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to wriggle out of the document. Thus, the court decided to collect the debt from the LLC under the supply agreement, although the organization claimed that it had not received the disputed goods. At the same time, there was a delivery note signed by a company employee. According to the organization, this electronic signature was used by an unauthorized person. During the trial, it was established that the LLC’s agreement with the supplier provided for the use of an electronic signature when drawing up the primary form, including form No. TORG-12. The electronic signature of the responsible person was recognized as valid Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Eastern Military District dated August 11, 2010 No. A43-5226/2010.

If there is no dispute, but the counterparty finds out that the manager’s signature was used by another employee, for example, when signing a contract, this is not so scary. According to the rules of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an organization can send a letter to the other party stating that it approves of a transaction made by an unauthorized person, and thus remove problems from clause 1 art. 183 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Government procurement

Organizations participating in government procurement can have rather unpleasant consequences from using someone else’s digital signature. In judicial practice, there is a case where an LLC ended up in the register of unscrupulous suppliers for 2 years. And it was like this: the general director signed a government contract based on the results of an open auction with the electronic signature of his predecessor (he did not have time to issue his own electronic signature at the time of signing). When information about the date of appointment of a new director appeared on the website of the electronic trading platform, the customer noticed an inconsistency. He sent a complaint to the Federal Antimonopoly Service, indicating that the contract was signed by an unauthorized person. As a result, antimonopoly officers came to the conclusion that the LLC evaded concluding a government contract and punished the organization Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service dated March 5, 2012 No. A23-2637/2011.

Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service

As practice shows, signing declarations by an unauthorized person can sometimes create problems for an organization. For example, in Novosibirsk, tax officials blocked a company account, having accidentally learned from an interrogation of the director that his electronic signature was used by another employee when signing a previously submitted declaration. The inspectors decided that such a declaration should be considered not filed, but the court stood up for the organization. The fact is that the declaration cannot be rejected according to the TKS if it complies with the format clause 4 art. 80 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. And since it was accepted, it means the blocking is illegal Resolution of the FAS ZSO dated June 21, 2011 No. A45-20993/2010.

To be fair, we note that inspectors themselves do not attach importance to information about who used the manager’s electronic signature if it is in their interests. Thus, they accepted the declarations signed by the former director’s electronic signature (although data on the termination of his powers had already been entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities), and calculated arrears, penalties and fines on their basis. In the bankruptcy proceedings of this organization, the bankruptcy creditor tried to exclude the claims of the Federal Tax Service from the register, proving that such declarations were invalid, but the court refused him Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Ukraine dated 08/04/2014 No. F09-6411/12. The former director himself was unable to challenge the actions of the tax authorities, having declared in court that his electronic signature had been used by other persons. The court decided that the Federal Tax Service was obliged to accept declarations signed by the current electronic signature Appeal ruling of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Courts of the Chelyabinsk Regional Court dated 04/07/2014 No. 11-3065/2014.

As we see, the courts did not consider the issue of the legality of using the director’s electronic signature by another employee, but simply proceeded from the grounds for refusing to accept the declaration. It is difficult to say how the issue will be resolved if the tax authorities also accidentally (for example, from an order on the transfer of powers) learn that the chief accountant’s electronic signature was used by another employee when signing electronic invoices. At the very least, the possibility of refusing VAT refunds to your counterparties cannot be ruled out pp. 2, 6 tbsp. 169 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Do I need an order to transfer electronic signature?


Responsible for the use of electronic signature, issued in the name of the employee, he always remains himself, even if there is an order to transfer the right to use the electronic signature to another person.

Firstly, the organization, in principle, does not have the right to decide who will use the digital signature. The owner of the electronic signature is an individual. It’s just that when an electronic signature is issued for a company employee, the user of the electronic document sees his name. And. o., position and name of organization clause 3 art. 14 of Law No. 63-FZ. Thus, the electronic signature is always personalized and only the employee himself - the owner of the electronic signature - can make a decision about who to entrust it to.

A non-personalized electronic signature can only be received by a government agency for use in the provision of government services. In this case, the ES verification key certificate is issued in the name of the government agency, and ES users are determined by its administrative act. clause 3 art. 14 of Law No. 63-FZ.

Secondly, responsibility for the use of the digital signature lies with its owner, regardless of the execution of orders, powers of attorney or any other documents. Electronic documents signed by your electronic signature are recognized as equal to paper documents signed by you personally with your own hand clause 2 art. 6 of Law No. 63-FZ. And in the case, for example, of unauthorized debiting of money from the account, it is you who will have to go through unpleasant moments: a call to the investigator, submission of explanations, etc.


“There is no direct responsibility for transferring the digital signature key to another person. There may be consequences for violating confidentiality - depending on what document is signed, by whom and for what purpose. In this case, an electronic document signed with an electronic signature key is, by default, recognized as signed by the person who “registers” this key. Therefore, in case of misunderstandings or conflicts, it is this person who will have to prove the fact of unauthorized use of the key.”

Of course, the order confirms that the transfer of the electronic signature of one employee to another was authorized by management. So, on the one hand, employees need it for safety net:

  • to the owner of the electronic signature - so that if something happens, the company itself does not have claims against him;
  • to a temporary user of an electronic signature - so that the company does not accuse him of using someone else’s digital signature without permission.

On the other hand, by signing such an order, the owner of the electronic signature allows a violation of the confidentiality of the key. And according to the Law, this obliges you to immediately contact the certification center to terminate the certificate. clause 6 art. 17 Law No. 63-FZ. So it’s better not to trust your electronic signature to anyone.

Use of electronic signatures by the entrepreneur’s employees

Individual entrepreneurs often give their electronic signature to employees for use. This is due not only to the lack of a direct ban on the transfer of electronic signatures, but also to other reasons. Here are some of them.

The receipt of electronic signature by the entrepreneur’s employees is not regulated

There are no separate rules for issuing electronic signatures for employees of an entrepreneur in the Law. As a result, it seems that an individual can receive an electronic signature only as pp. 2, 3 tbsp. 14 of Law No. 63-FZ:

  • <или>ordinary citizen;
  • <или>employee of the organization.

Nevertheless, an entrepreneur has the right to issue an electronic signature to his employee. Experts confirmed this to us.


“ If an individual entrepreneur wants to issue an electronic signature for his employee, then he needs to submit to the certification center documents confirming the right of this individual to act on behalf of the entrepreneur (power of attorney, agreement). The documents must also indicate restrictions on the use of such a certificate (that is, the scope of authority within which the individual - the owner of the certificate) will act. The specified information will be included in the electronic signature verification key certificate clause 2 art. 14 of Law No. 63-FZ” .

Press service of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications


“A qualified certificate can include additional information about the owner of the certificate. clause 17 of FSB Order No. 795 dated December 27, 2011. It is not prohibited to include information about the position of an employee of an individual entrepreneur. It is important that the electronic document management system with which the certificate with additional details is supposed to be used can correctly perceive this certificate and not consider it erroneous due to “extra” information, and also show the appropriate field for the certificate of an individual. The developer of a specific system can provide these details. The inclusion of information in a particular certificate is discussed with the certification authority that will generate this certificate.”

Leading software developer at

An electronic invoice signed by the electronic signature of the entrepreneur’s representative may result in a refusal to deduct VAT

On July 1, 2014, amendments were made to the Tax Code: representatives of individual entrepreneurs were allowed to sign invoices by proxy and clause 6 art. 169, paragraph 3 of Art. 29 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. However, the special rules regarding electronic invoices remain the same: it requires an enhanced qualified signature of the individual entrepreneur himself.

Most likely, this is just another oversight by the legislator. Moreover, the by-law allows for the signing of electronic invoices by proxy from an individual entrepreneur subp. “a” clause 2.1 of the Procedure, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Finance dated April 25, 2011 No. 50n, and judicial practice has previously been on the side of the entrepreneur in this matter clause 24 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of May 30, 2014 No. 33. But few people want to sue.

To summarize, we can say this: it is safer for the organization and individual entrepreneurs if every employee who needs to use it has an electronic signature. If for some reason this option is not suitable, then you can give your irreplaceable employee remote access to the electronic document management service so that he can sign the document from anywhere.

For an employee (director or accountant), it is better not to agree to transfer the right to use his electronic signature to other persons - he will not have to answer for other people’s mistakes or for something worse. It's like leaving your colleagues a stack of blank sheets with your signature. The main thing to remember is that the organization has no right to transfer electronic signatures without your consent.

If your computer is slow to copy files to a flash drive or hard drive, do not rush to blame the devices for their “slowness.” Perhaps the problem is the imperfection of Windows itself...

And it was like this. I had to download a large ZIP archive of more than 3 gigabytes onto a flash drive from one computer in our “office” (there was a bunch of all sorts of documentation from past years). The average write speed to my flash drive is about 3-4 megabytes per second. Reasonably reasoning that at this speed the archive will be copied in about 17-25 minutes (roughly speaking 1000-1500 seconds :)), to my misfortune I set the copying to happen half an hour before the end of the working day...

As a result, this ill-fated file was copied for almost an hour! This left me late at work and the next day wondering why files might be slow to copy and how to speed up the copying if necessary. Let's try to figure it out...

What affects copy speed

What is file copying in general? This is nothing more than reading a bit sequence in certain sectors of a disk drive and then writing them to other sectors or to another medium. Theoretically, the speed of reading and writing depends only on the information storage device itself: that is, its factory performance parameters. However, in practice everything is much more complicated.

In real conditions, a number of other parameters need to be taken into account:

  • degree of wear of the carrier;
  • quality of data transmission connecting cables;
  • quality of the carrier's nutrition;
  • correct BIOS settings;
  • Availability of motherboard drivers;
  • established data transfer mode;
  • the degree of clutter in Windows.

All of the above, together or separately, can reduce the speed of data copying. For example, the longer we use a storage medium, the greater the likelihood that some of the sectors in it will become unreadable, which will slow down any file operations. Poor contact of the data cable can lead to short circuits and loss of information, and insufficient power will prevent the device from operating at full capacity.

The problem may also be hidden in the BIOS. Almost all modern computers have hard drives controlled by a SATA controller. In the BIOS, this controller must be activated (“Enabled”) and operate in “AHCI” mode (unless, of course, you have a modern OS Windows 7 or higher):

Also take care to check the availability of drivers for the chipset. If they are not installed, then the south bridge of your PC may not work correctly with standard Windows drivers, which may well lead to problems with working with storage media and USB devices.

If all of the above does not suit you, then another way to solve the problem of slow copying using standard means is to change the data transfer mode. To do this, call Device Manager, open the “IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers” section, call the properties of the controller that is responsible for the operation of your hard drive and check the set data transfer mode in the “Advanced settings” tab. There should be "DMA if available" and the current mode is Ultra DMA 5:

If it is PIO and you can’t change it, then you most likely have a system failure. You can try to fix it by removing the device with PIO transfer mode and restarting the computer. If this does not help, then the problem can only be solved by reinstalling Windows.

The last option to speed up copying for owners of Windows 7 and higher (although this doesn’t seem to be the case in Ten) is to disable the “Remote Differential Compression” component. To do this, go to Control Panel, “Programs and Features” section, click “Turn Windows features on or off” at the bottom left and uncheck the corresponding box:

Copy acceleration technology

Now let’s imagine that everything works as it should, but copying is still slow... Why? It all comes down to the principle of copying. In normal mode, it occurs according to the following scheme: a small block of information is read into the RAM or cache memory, and then written to the desired location (a new block on the hard drive or on removable media) and then in a cycle.

For small files, this direct copy scheme is quite acceptable, but for large files it can cause slowdowns. Is there any way to speed up their copying? Theoretically, yes! To do this, you need to use some kind of fast storage medium that will cache the entire file at once (or at least most of it) and write from its own fast memory in a continuous stream.

One of the most versatile and accessible devices of this kind in a computer is RAM. With standard copying, data can also be transferred through it, but in the form of a stream of small clusters of information. If we first read and place the entire file in it, then we can get a significant acceleration when writing it in continuous form! It is this approach that is implemented by existing programs for optimizing copying, which I propose to consider (by the way, similar algorithms began to be used in Windows, starting with G8, but they are still far from ideal).

Before installation, I decided to take a control measurement. 20 small (200 - 800 KB) image files with a total size of 16 megabytes and one large ISO image of 3 GB were taken. The copying time within one hard drive partition was 2 seconds. for pictures and 2 min. 3 sec. for a large file. On a flash drive (average write speed - 5 MB/sec) the recording lasted 3.4 seconds. and 9 min. 35 sec. respectively. Let's now try to copy with special utilities and compare the difference.

Programs to speed up copying

The most famous program for speeding up copying is TeraCopy:

On the official website you can download its free version, which has basic functionality, and then (if desired) buy the PRO edition with additional functions. However. We are only interested in free software, so we will refuse purchases and try to work as is.

During installation, we will be asked to install TeraCopy in normal or portable mode, as well as create the necessary shortcuts and associate with some files (it is better to remove the association). After the installation is complete, the main and only working window will launch, which, fortunately, has a Russian-language interface.

To copy through the program, you need to drag the necessary files into its window and specify the final folder where you want to place these files. In addition, TeraCopy is associated with Explorer and, when dragging or copying using hot keys, offers to do this using the program.

Among the additional features of the free version, it is worth noting the ability to perform a number of actions to complete the copying (turning off the PC, opening the drive, testing the integrity of copied files, etc.). The options also include the ability to activate sound playback upon completion of a task, as well as the use of the system cache for operation.

As for the results, on Windows 8.1 x64 they were not much better than the standard ones, although there was an increase. So, within the hard drive, copying 20 pictures (16 MB) took 1.5 seconds, and a 3 GB image took 1 minute. 48 sec. On a flash drive, recording lasted 2.95 seconds for images and 8 minutes. 32 sec. for a large file respectively.

Next we will test a Japanese program, which, according to the developers, implements the fastest file copying algorithm - FastCopy:

The program is completely free and has a separate 64-bit version. It is supplied as an archive with a portable program and a setup.exe file, which allows you to install and register FastCopy in the system (a copy item will be added to the context menu) or delete all associations.

Unfortunately, the interface language is only English, but not particularly fancy. The idea is simple: you need to select the source folder ("Source") and the destination folder into which you want to copy the contents of the source. To prevent all files from the specified directory from being copied, you can activate a filter ("Filter"), which allows you to set inclusion and exclusion masks (for example, *.exe or Image*.*). Not entirely convenient, but you can use it.

Regarding the results. Copying small files to another folder took 1.8 seconds, and large files were copied in 1 minute. 49 sec. Copying to the flash drive completed with results of 3.8 seconds. for pictures and 9 min. 12 sec. for the image. As you can see, despite the assurances of the developers, the results are not the best, but they are there.

German quality has always been valued. Let's see if it is in the Supercopier program, which “comes” from Germany:

The program is supplied as an installer or portable version. Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions are available. There is also a paid edition, which, in fact, serves as a “donation”, that is, your gratitude to the developer :) By the way, for some reason the 360 ​​Total Security antivirus “swears” at the portable version, although the installer version does not...

The interface is only partially Russified (especially in the menu there are many untranslated English words). But integration with the system is maximum: the program by default replaces the standard copy function without any additional questions, as in TeraCopy.

Among the additional functions, it is worth noting the ability to pause copying, automatically skip copying errors, import and export a list of files to move, as well as manually adjust the size of the copy buffer.

Regarding direct copying, the Germans, after all, let us down! Pictures were copied to a new folder almost instantly - in 0.9 seconds, but a 3 GB disk image - in 2 minutes. 6 sec. With a flash drive, however, it turned out better: 2.7 seconds. for images and 9 min. 20 sec. for a large file.

However, these results were obtained using standard settings. If, for example, we increase the block size from 256 KB to 1 MB, as well as the size of the buffers (sequential to 512 MB from 131 and parallel to 128 MB from 1), then the speed of copying large files will increase to 1 minute. 50 sec. on local hard drive and up to 8 min. 40 sec. on a removable one. True, then copying small data suffers: 1.6 seconds. and 3.1 sec. respectively...

Another contender for the title of best replacement for the standard copy function is the ExtremeCopy program:

The most current version of the program is paid, however, previous editions can be downloaded and used for free. True, they do not have the ability to manually configure specified buffer limits and other parameters, but it works quite well anyway. It is possible to download the 64-bit and portable (though even earlier) versions.

ExtremeCopy integrates well into the system, however, it does not have a Russian language... The program also does not shine with additional functionality: it only has the ability to pause copying and skip files.

As for the copying speed, small pictures were copied to a new folder in exactly a second, and a large file in 1 minute. 48 sec. For a flash drive, the results are as follows: 3 seconds for “trifles” and 9 minutes. 13 sec. for the image.


Peculiarity Regular copy of Windows 8
Copying images (20 pcs., 16 MB, disk/flash drive) 2 s./3.4 s. 1.5 s./3 s. 1.8 s./3.8 s. 0.9 s./2.7 s. or 1.6 s./3.1 s. 1 s./3 s.
Copying a disk image (3 GB, disk/flash drive) 2 minutes. 3 sec./9 min. 35 s. 1 min. 48 sec./8 min. 32 pp. 1 min. 49 sec./9 min. 12 s. 2 minutes. 6 sec./9 min. 20 s. or 1 min. 50 sec./8 min. 40 s. 1 min. 48 sec./9 min. 13 p.
Russian language + + - +/- -
System integration + +/- +/- + +
Availability of a paid version - + - + +
Additional versions - - x64, portable x64, portable x64, portable (old versions)
Additional functions - performing actions upon completion of copying (testing files, turning off the PC, etc.) - pause, skip files, import and export copy lists, buffer settings pause, skip files


As you can see, it is possible to increase the speed of file copying even in modern operating systems. What can we say about outdated Windows XP, Vista and 7. They did not yet have progressive data transfer systems, so the acceleration on them will be very significant.

In new operating systems, the increase is not particularly noticeable (maximum - 1 minute for large files and about a second for small ones). However, even here copying programs can come in handy, since many of them have additional functions such as pausing copying, skipping files, and even creating a list of files and deferring copying from them. Therefore, choose the program that you like most and use it to your health!

P.S. Permission is granted to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

Even when they first saw the updated file copy dialog, they really liked the changes that Microsoft had made to its new operating systems. After all, these changes belong to the category of improvements that do not spoil the impression for those users who are wary of new-fangled trends in graphical interface changes, which include, say, the tiled interface of the Start screen or the ribbon toolbar of Windows Explorer and such standard applications like MSPaint or WordPad. This dialog has a nice interface, in it you can view the writing speed of the copied file to disk, finally it is possible to pause copied files, put them in a queue, and, in general, people almost instantly get used to it and no longer imagine, what these dialogues looked like before.

In principle, everything in this dialogue has already been done well, and, if you think about it, there is practically nothing I would like to change in it. However, there are some tweaks you can make to make this dialog a little easier to use. To do this, you can use existing registry settings and then create registry preference items for centralized distribution. But first things first.

But what can be changed?

First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that when copying files for the first time, not much information is displayed in the corresponding dialog box, namely: the name of the source and destination folders, a progress bar, the percentage of work completed, as well as buttons that allow you to pause or cancel the copying process. But if you click on the “More details” button (see image below), a new and at the same time quite interesting interface will immediately open, which was discussed in the introduction of this short note. Is it possible to make it so that the user never has to click on this button, but instead initially gets a dialog box with all the details? Of course you can! To do this, you just need to change the value of one parameter in the system registry. This will be the EnthusiastMode parameter of type DWORD from the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\OperationStatusManager section, for which a value of 1 will mean enabling the mode with details of the copying process, and a value of 0, accordingly, will provide a view that is available to each user by default . Both modes can be seen in the following illustration:

Rice. 1. File copy dialog box with and without detailed information

The changes will take effect immediately after changing the registry setting, and you won't even need to restart the system process explorer.exe. By the way, be sure to note that if the user clicks either the " Less information" (Fewer details), on either " More details" (More details), the previously specified system registry parameter will change its value.

Sometimes situations arise when you copy several files to the target folder at once, and a dialog box pops up in front of you indicating that this user has not been granted the appropriate rights to continue copying a particular file. In this case, you usually do the following: check the option " Execute for all current items" (Do this for all current items), and then click on the " Continue" (Continue). Again, this checkbox is not enabled by default and the user will need to left-click on it. To make the task easier for the end user, you can instead perform this click using the same system registry. In the same section of the system registry discussed above (section HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\OperationStatusManager), there is also a second parameter called ConfirmationCheckBoxDoForAll. He is responsible for the position of the switch of this checkbox. By setting the value to one, you can activate it. Dialog window " No access to target folder" with the checkbox activated is shown below:

Rice. 2. "Can't access target folder" dialog box

Centralized change of current registry settings

As you know from articles related to Group Policy functionality, you can control registry settings by using registry preference items. Consequently, two new preference items will be created next, thanks to which the system registry changes described above can be distributed to a large number of users. It turns out that to complete the task you will need to perform the following steps.

Microsoft's SkyDrive cloud backup and sync service is built into Windows 8.1 and is a really good way to access your files and documents on devices with limited storage capacity, such as tablets and Ultrabooks.

The way it works is the service downloads indexes and thumbnail images for all the files you store on SkyDrive onto your PC's hard drive. These files take up almost no space on your PC, since even if you have saved 100 GB of files in SkyDrive, you can only save pointers on your PC.

Access SkyDrive apps from File Explorer or from within an app.

Clue. Some apps that provide access to PC files also provide access to SkyDrive.

When you open a file in SkyDrive, it is quickly downloaded from the cloud and saved on your PC, as long as you have an active Internet connection, of course. When you save this file to your computer, any changes you make to it are synced to the cloud. This is a great way to avoid filling up your PC's hard drive with files you won't open on it.

You can enable file saving (and syncing) to SkyDrive in PC Settings by opening SkyDrive and then Files. Here you can toggle the "Save documents to SkyDrive by default" option. This option will enable full synchronization with SkyDrive, and from now on, any file you create or save will automatically sync to the cloud, creating a secure file backup.

Saving a file to SkyDrive.

Windows 8.1, when synchronizing with SkyDrive, by default saves files from the folder on your PC C:\[Users]\[Username]\ to the folder C:\[Users]\[Username]\SkyDrive, where it loads pointers to your files. There are no direct options to change the location to another partition or hard drive, not in the PC settings or in the control panel.

If you want to sync your photos, SkyDrive has an option ➤ Files section in PC settings that allows you to enable automatic downloading. This option works regardless of full file synchronization and includes three different quality options for uploaded photos.

Use Microsoft SkyDrive to share files.

Sometimes you may want to share files saved on SkyDrive with other people. This can be done on the website. Right-click on the desired file(s) or folder(s) and then left-click on the link at the top of the Sharing screen. Next, a dialog box will appear in which you will be asked who you want to give

Tell me why I feel like this slowly tofiles are copied from one hard drive partition to another, not to mention copying files to a flash drive. It seems to me that the speed is no higher than in the Vista operating system. I have to work a lot with photographs and I can’t move one large folder anywhere, the copying stops in the middle of the process and hangs indefinitely, the most important thing is that reinstalling the seven did not solve the issue, on a clean system without programs the files were copied a little faster. On the forums, someone says something, and most importantly, they can’t offer anything other than Total Commander. Downloading files over the network suits me. Tell me, how can I improve the situation in my case?

Without a signature

Files are copied slowly

Yes, there is such a problem, a long time ago, when we were just testing the released beta version, many people talked about it, but then they stopped. And in fact, Windows 7 is quite files are copied slowly from one hard drive partition to another, and to portable media a little faster than in Vista. File managers do not completely solve the issue, and this is primarily due to increased security in Windows 7.

  • Firstly, it’s no secret that the built-in security features of Windows 7, namely User Account Control, greatly influence the copying of files, because it checks almost everything that happens in the operating system.
  • Suddenly the file you are copying does not belong to you at all or you do not have the rights to change it or work with it. Secondly, the explorer directly involved in copying files has a very difficult task, because the seven has an Aero interface. Personally, I myself tried to disable it partially and completely in the Performance Options and was convinced that when you disable some effects, the performance generally increases, you can read here.

The opinion has been expressed more than once on the Internet thatslow minetransferring filesmay be affected by the effect enabled in Performance Options -Show thumbnails instead of icons, since your operating system needs to display its thumbnail instead of a simple file icon, I agree with this opinion, but in general I consider this effect convenient and I have it enabled.

As for your inability to copy a folder with photos or movies, think about whether these files are currently being used by another program, for example a torrent client, close it and try copying again.

One of my friends kept all his junk in one large folder, these were files of various formats: AVI, XML, docx, iso, jpg. The folder was very large and everything in it was mixed up, there were films that were not fully downloaded, and so on. He even himself sometimes changed the extensions of video files as an experiment when he couldn’t open them, for example, in the program he needed. Naturally, all this chaos, Windows 7 Explorer couldn’t stand copying this entire folder to a portable hard drive