Why are statistics not available on Instagram? Subscribe to my Instagram @roof_talks

Friends, today we will look at such a topic as “statistics” of publications on Instagram. In fact, this is a very deep topic, but if you want to become an expert in the field of SMM, then you definitely need to pay attention to such indicators as: impressions, reach and engagement of publications . To see statistics on Instagram, please read this instructions.

In this article I will try to explain accessible language and show with examples what each indicator means and why they are so important.

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Are you good at Instagram?

Imagine that you are an internet marketer. A fashionable word that implies a lot. And then your friend, who is far from the Internet (let’s say dinosaurs are not completely extinct yet 😉), asks you to explain what you do at work.

How will you get out? After all, a person does not know the words: “targeted traffic”, SEO, SMM, contextual advertising And so on. You will have to explain everything in a language that he can understand. But to do this, you need to have a good understanding of your topic in order to explain and, most importantly, so that your friend understands what you are talking about.

And now attention - questions for “backfilling”:

  • Do you evaluate the results of page promotion only by the number of subscribers?
  • Are impressions and reach the same thing?
  • How would you explain what engagement is?

If you were able to answer these questions on your own without using Google to answer them, then you are great! And for all those who doubt, or who do not yet understand this topic, answers will be given in this article.

Likes or comments?

Let's say you made a post on Instagram that your followers don't like, but comment on? It’s not always appropriate to like everything, right? 😉 Will Instagram work in your favor in in this case? The answer is yes! Yes, because comments are more important than simple likes. People can put likes automatically, just like that, but to write a comment, a person spends time and effort. So, the comment has more meaning for the account. This is why it often happens that scandalous posts reach the “top” of the news feed.

“Impressions” and “Reach” on Instagram

Impressions and reach are not the same thing. One person can view your post 5 times. And every time someone views your post, that counts as one impression. In fact, impressions are the number of times your post appeared on the user’s screen. But that doesn't mean it's unique accounts, since, as we said above, a post can be viewed by one person several times.

Coverage but, unlike shows, in numbers shows how many unique accounts saw your post. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t pay attention to impressions at all, just coverage, but it’s recommended to consider these metrics in their entirety. If the number of impressions is 2-3 times higher than the reach, this means that one post was viewed several times by subscribers, which in itself is not bad, but you must understand the difference.

A little about involved “engagement” on Instagram

What kind of word is “involvement” anyway? In fact, it's very important indicator the quality of your subscribers and their reactions to your publications. Let's look at 2 examples and understand how this whole thing works.

  1. Let's say you have an account with 1000 followers. We all know that organics (free quality content) is seen by approximately 10% of your subscribers. You made a post and 100 people saw it. If you are not a fan or do not add just anyone to your subscribers, such as beauty salons, burger shops, eyebrow treatment services, etc., then these 100 people who saw your post are unique subscribers. Of these, approximately a third may like your post. In total, we have: 33 likes per post for an account with 1000 live subscribers.
  2. Second case. We take an account with 1000 followers, make a post that 100 subscribers can see. But of these 100 subscribers, 80% are bots or pages that are not viewed at all news feed. What then do we get as a result? Only 20 live accounts, of which a third will probably like your post. Total: 7 likes out of 100 possible. Are you beginning to understand what engagement means and why it is so important?

Engagement is the total number of unique Instagram accounts that have liked, commented, or saved your post. All these are unique accounts. That’s why the number of subscribers on a page does not always mean their quality 😊 Here’s another answer to the question posed earlier.

Quality or quantity?

There is no Constitution on the Internet with written laws about what is right or wrong in promotion. But there is a very understandable punishment - blocking of accounts :)

Analyzing the impressions, reach and engagement of your Instagram profile can reveal a lot about the “quality” of your followers. That is why it is worth understanding what they mean and what indicators you should pay attention to.

I will be glad if my article is useful to you! I’m also ready to answer your smart questions in the comments 😉

A few weeks ago, something happened to me, I don’t even know what to call it. I go to my Instagram during the day and see.... But I don’t see anything! My 1860+ photos are simply not there! How this happened and why, I don’t know. I started actively writing to Instagram technical support (I probably sent about 10-14 messages), but Instagram was very actively silent. I could publish Stories, I could publish “my first photo,” but... why the hell do I need that when my many years of history in photographs simply disappeared without warning!

7 days have passed. To be honest, I have almost come to terms with this. I considered two options: start everything from scratch or delete the page altogether and continue writing my sadness-melancholy-posts in a second, maritime account @soulinthewaves. This week I actively studied foreign forums, read dozens of articles and found one creepy option. And here's the solution:

- How to get your photos back on Instagram?
- Log in to your account in the browser. In the settings, find "Temporarily block my account." Blocking. After 1-2 hours, log into your account on your phone as usual using your username and password. Thank the gods of all virtual worlds, you watch how, within half a minute, all the photos are gradually returned to your account!

These 7 days of no life in my account did not work in my favor at all. Coverage, engagement, number of likes - everything fell below the plinth. My account is still trying to come back from the dead. As you can see, there is nothing good here. And for about a month now I have been raking out from under the baseboard... Now everything is a little better, but still worse than it was:

The numbers from my maritime account will be better:

For those who do not understand or do not fully understand what all these numbers mean (what is reach on Instgaram, what is engagement on Instagram), I will explain in simple language:
Impressions- the total number of times your post was viewed. That is, if I view your photo 5 times, then each time will be counted towards your numbers in this field. In general, I will bring you 5 impressions.
Reach- the number of unique Instagram users who viewed your post. No matter how many times I see your photo, I will only be counted from you once in this field.
Engagement- this is the number of likes + comments + saves.

Why do you need to know this?

If you run Instagram for something, and not just like that, “it’s a shame,” you should understand at least a little what’s what.

What indicators are considered normal on Instagram:

Coverage: norm - 30-60% of the number of subscribers
Engagement: norm - 10% of coverage


You have 1000 subscribers. It’s normal if your reach is 300-600, and your engagement is 30-60.
You have 10,000 subscribers. It’s normal if the reach is 3000-6000, the engagement is 300-600.

And now even more interesting:

There is such a service LIVEDUNE . This is an analytics service for Instagram. Here you can track the performance of any Instagram users. It is useful both for you and for PR people or stores that want to order advertising from a blogger. I have been registered in this service for a long time, but I go there occasionally, and yesterday I was stuck for a long time, tracking my (and not only my) statistics.
Many people are now trying to increase their percentage of engagement, since it is this that is important now, and not the number of subscribers. You can have 10K followers and a much higher engagement rate than someone with 30K. But it’s worth remembering that in any case, the more subscribers, the percentage will, whatever one may say, decrease. Just in time LiveDune you can see this percentage.

Today I have 2 Instagram accounts with the following indicators:

As you can see, the sea Insta @soulinthewaves rules! This is despite the fact that I publish posts there very rarely (5-8 posts per month!), and the engagement is much higher.

And in more detail: due to a week-long downtime in my personal account, my engagement percentage has dropped and cannot rise in any way. And it was at almost 12%! Let's look:

Do you see this abyss? After restoring my account, I immediately rose to almost the same level for several days and began to slide down. I'm slowly scooping it back up.

In @soulinthewaves the situation is better, but it is also noticeable that the percentage of engagement has fallen (from 13% to 8%). And it fell just after I left Odessa, since I began to publish posts much less often.

What numbers can be considered “normal”? What is the good and bad percentage of engagement on Instagram?

Of course, the higher the percentage of engagement on Instagram, the better. And we need to strive for this! It sucks if your engagement rate is around 2%.

Curiosity is a great thing and I took advantage of it. I was wondering what percentage of engagement our “great” bloggers have, who charge pretty good sums for advertising on Instagram. Some percentages surprised me, of course. Apparently, I’m the only fool here that I’m still embarrassed to ask for money. Anyone can register on the LiveDune website and be able to track the statistics of any blogger. All this is in the public domain. You can see for yourself.

What to do to increase engagement on Instagram?

Firstly, you need to start understanding that the number of followers on Instagram is no longer as important as their activity!

Secondly,(when you accept “firstly”, it will be easier for you to accept “secondly”) every day little by little we begin to get rid of bots, mass followers and shops among your subscribers. How? We block them (blacklist them). Yes, your numbers (number of subscribers) will fall, but your engagement percentage will gradually increase. Maybe not right away, but over time - for sure. Just don't make my mistake! Don't block too much at once! I got stupid and blocked almost 2 thousand stores, accounts with 6000+ subscriptions and people without avatars in a few days. It is better to block approximately as many subscribers as follow you per day. I currently block 20-40 people a day.

Third, You need to understand that posting 3-5 photos a day will not help increase your engagement rate. Stop being an annoying spammer! Make one normal, high-quality post per day (maybe one every 2 days). It’s better to write interesting text for a photo than to fill in five photos with emoticons in the description.

Fourthly, you can organize giveaways, competitions, various games, whatever comes into your head. I won't stop here.

Fifthly, promote yourself on Instagram. At least just try it. I tried. I'll test it some more. I think I’ll write about my experience later, when I have something meaningful to say. So far it looked like this (advertising lasted 1 day, spent $2):

These are the thoughts for today. I hope that it was at least a little useful and/or interesting for someone. And of course, a moment of self-promotion.


I write all sorts of nonsense there. People seem to like it 🙈

Have a nice day everyone and high engagement rate, damn it 😜

I continue to write a series of posts about the new era of Instagram. An era where size (number of followers) no longer matters, and likes and comments rule the world. If you don’t understand what I’m writing about now, then you need to re-read my past posts, where I described the new “terrible” world for businesses, bloggers and public accounts on Instagram. In previous posts I answered questions such as “”, “”, “”.

If we briefly describe the contents of the 3 previous posts, Instagram changed the algorithm for displaying posts in the feed due to its mercantile interests. Your posts lose likes, comments, and business - sales, because you create “SH*T” content. If this continues, then very soon only 5-10% of your subscribers will see your posts. You can safely forget about selling through Instagram, and if this is the only sales platform, then about your business as a whole.

I also wrote about “reach,” which now means more than the number of subscribers. REACH is the percentage of your followers who see your posts. For example, if you have 10,000 subscribers with a 20% reach, then approximately 2,000 people will see your post. Let's say your competitor has 5,000 subscribers, but with a coverage of 60%, then his posts are seen by 3,000 people, so he has more likes and sales.

In today's post, I would like to write WHAT INFLUENCES "REACH". First, you need to know the “COVERAGE” of your account. Finding out the REACH of your posts is very simple. First, you must have a business account, then go to the post, click on “View statistics” and see the reach of your post. Instagram shows the NUMBER of subscribers who saw your post, you need to calculate WHAT PERCENTAGE THIS IS of the total number of subscribers. Typically, “account reach” is the average reach of your last 20 posts.

So what influences REACH? To answer this question, we need to know another very important indicator - ER (Engagement Rate) or Involvement. It’s also very easy to find out; we also go to the post statistics and look at Engagement. Then we find the percentage of the amount of coverage. For example, if engagement is 100 with reach of 1000, your ER (of this post) = 10%. An account's ER is the average of its last 20 posts.

As you probably understand, ER means likes, comments, and, more recently, saved posts. ER (likes and comments) directly affects your REACH. And again we return to INTERESTING FUN CONTENT! The more likes and comments, the more interesting this post is for the Instagram algorithm. Having received the signal “This post receives a lot of likes and comments,” the Instagram algorithm shows it to a larger number of your followers. The logic is simple: if a post is interesting to some, then it will be interesting to others. The algorithm shows this post to more subscribers. This leads to Rule #1 of the new Instagram era: TO INCREASE YOUR REACH, YOU NEED TO WORK ON ER (comments and likes), CONSTANTLY IMPROVING YOUR CONTENT.

Like and subscribe to my Instagram (@ amirikus) Soon I will post there a post “10 SECRETS OF HOW TO INCREASE YOUR REACH ON INSTAGRAM.”

Last update on May 2, 2017.

According to Instagram's latest update, photos appear more often in your followers' feeds if they have a high engagement rate. Thus, it turns out that in order to get maximum subscriber coverage, you need to attract as many likes and comments as possible. Vicious circle.

An interesting option for attracting free likes was proposed by “Later” content manager Taylor Lauren. Whether to use it or not is your decision, especially since the method is not very ethical.

What is the method

The author herself dubbed it something like “teenage hacking.” English-speaking children have long learned to use their idols as donors for likes. Under each photo of the victim star, they leave comments “LB” (Like back, exchange of likes), “First” (exchange of likes on the first photo in the account), “Row” (exchange of likes on a line of three photos) and so on. Understanding this cipher is not at all difficult.

Kylie Jenner, who has 90 million subscribers, was chosen as one of these donor stars. The girl's page turned into a branch of hell:

According to Taylor, you just need to open the comments and, looking at the accounts, like until your hand gets tired. Using her account as an example, Taylor was convinced that it is better to put likes on your own than to expect that they will be bombarded with them after one comment under Jenner’s photo. During the experiment, she noted that, based on the results of writing “first” in the comments on the star’s page, the number of likes from strangers on her recently published photo did not exceed five. After that, the comment was moved by others and stopped working. Taylor continued to like photos every hour of those people who called for this and came to an interesting conclusion.

Experiment result

Taylor writes that she was pleased with the results of her strange experiment. The fact is that likes from strangers demonstrated to the system algorithm that the publication was truly interesting. Thus, despite the fact that there were only about 20 likes attracted from strangers, the number of likes on publications with attraction increased from an average of 110 to 220 and above. It turns out that most of the likes were put by the girl’s real followers, who saw the photo in their feed precisely because strangers actively liked it.

Disadvantages of the method

There are several of them and Taylor Lauren herself writes about them.

  • Some friends monitor the activity of subscribers. This tab shows who likes what. If your followers see you mass liking teenagers from all over the globe, this may raise questions in some cases.
  • The method is not ethical. In fact, behaving so aggressively on someone else's page is very bad. On the other hand, if Jenner really was as angry as she talked about it on Twitter, she would have used the comment mute button a long time ago.

  • The method is not for business. Again, if your followers follow their friends' activity, they may see that you as a brand are liking children and teens. The method of mutual exchange of likes in this form is categorically not suitable for business and you need to look for other ways to receive likes from friends and strangers. It’s much better to like your clients or people whose photos have similar themes to yours.

But it's safer than...

Using third-party applications to get likes that require you to enter a login and password. Despite the fact that the description necessarily contains a clause on data confidentiality, the use of such products cannot be unequivocally recommended.


The method is very experimental and cannot clearly serve as a promotion method. If you are correct and like only those who left comments on the pages of donor stars, without leaving comments, you can increase the engagement of posts on your personal page. With similar success, you can use hashtags for mutual liking. In all other cases, it is better to refrain from using this method. Just adopt it.

2024 gtavrl.ru.