Why can't I see a person's post? Privacy settings on Facebook. How to hide friends, wall or profile on Facebook

Due to the complex interface on Facebook, the average, inexperienced user has concerns about this social network. Another popular question was: How to properly hide all your friends from others?

You don’t want your friends and other users to see people from your friends list - nothing is simpler! This is exactly what we will talk about today, we will tell and show you step by step.

Hide friends from all Facebook users

It happens that you have created a personal page for yourself and you don’t want any of your friends or strangers to single out the people with whom you are friends.

There are also more unpleasant situations when spammers or under-marketers find you based on some criteria and begin to unsubscribe to everyone. In general, there are a lot of situations!

And so, all this can be solved in a few mouse clicks.

Go to your profile and click on the “Friends” section. There we find the button with the image of a pencil and click on it. In the drop-down menu, select “Edit privacy settings”:

  1. "Friend Lists"- Who can see your friends list? Remember, your friends control who sees their friends list on their Timeline. If your friendship is visible on another Timeline, other people can also find it in News Feed, search results, and other places on Facebook. They will be able to see information about mutual friends in your Timeline.
  2. "Subscriptions"— Who can see the users and lists you are subscribed to? Remember: those whose updates you follow can see that you are their subscriber.
  3. "Subscribers"— Who can see your subscribers on your Timeline?

In the “Friend Lists” section, we need to select the “Only me” item. In this case, only you will see the block with your friends. There are also these options: “Available to everyone” - everyone will be able to see your list; “Friends” - in this case, only those users who are your friends will see other members of the list.

After everything has been configured, click the “Close” button and exit the settings page.

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23 Facebook features that almost no one knows about

1. Find people on Facebook by phone number

Who called from unknown number and snorted into the phone? Who is "Lena of Mordor" who appeared in the phone book after Saturday's party? Enter the last 10 digits of your phone number into the search bar on Facebook and you'll likely get the answers. By default, the ability to find a person by phone number enabled for all users.

If you don't want this trick to happen to you, change your privacy settings.

2. Disable the “Viewed” status in messages

This feature ruins relationships and lives! Of course, who likes it when personally selected people are openly ignored? funny pictures and important news.

If you are not one of those who can calmly leave messages from acquaintances unanswered, use a browser extension. It disables the “Viewed/Unviewed” message status on the desktop version of Facebook. For the Chrome browser, this is Facebook Unseen. For Firefox and Explorer - Chat Undetected. But there is also a negative point: with these extensions you will also not be able to see the read status.

3. Hide your online status from annoying friends

If you are completely tired of a friend, then turn off the chat with him. Click on the gear in the right column with the list of friends and select “Advanced settings”.

Messages from the disabled chat will be stored in the “Inbox” folder, but, unlike the previous point, you will not be able to read them unnoticed.

4. Look in your news feed only for posts from friends and communities you are subscribed to

Facebook wants to drag everyone into its quagmire as deeply as possible. This is why it shows users posts liked and commented on by friends. But there is a way to leave only posts from friends and communities you follow in your feed.

Install the friends feed extension in Chrome. With it, extraneous posts will either be hidden or covered with a gray veil - choose in the settings.

5. Read hidden messages

Who knows, maybe your life is not as boring as it seems. Perhaps you were called to the job of your dreams, secret admirers confessed their love, and their admirers threatened to kill you. But you didn't know anything about it, because Facebook posts messages from outside users V hidden folder and does not notify you about them in any way. Click on the “Other” tab (for many people it has recently been called “Correspondence Request”) next to the main messages and see everything that was hidden!

6. Hide your friends list from prying eyes

Let's not even speculate why you might be shy about your Facebook acquaintances. Just go to the “Friends” tab on your personal page, click on the pencil and indicate who can see the circle of your Facebook friends.

7. Disable video autoplay

In one fell swoop, you can bring a little peace of mind to your feed and save money. mobile traffic. To do this, disable automatic video playback. IN native app On Facebook, go to your account settings > “Video and Photos” > “Autoplay” > select the desired setting.

8. Share GIFs on Facebook

Do you love GIFs as much as we love them? If the answer is positive, we will tell you how to share them on Facebook. Insert a link to the GIF into the status field (yes, you won’t be able to upload it directly from your computer). After it is loaded, the link can be deleted. Publish.

9. Change your relationship status without unnecessary drama

Between internal decision ending the relationship and announcing this to the other party may take a long time. And I want to start looking for new romantic adventures on Facebook right away. By default, a notification about a change in your personal life appears in all friends' feeds. So don't forget to select the "Only Me" setting under "Information" > "Family and Relationships."

10. Bookmark interesting posts to read them later

Thousands of posts appear on your Facebook feed every day, it’s impossible to read everything, even if you completely abandon the idea of ​​working. Fortunately, the social network has a built-in bookmarking service. To save a post for later, click the arrow in the upper right corner.

All your bookmarks are located in the “Saved” section (in the desktop version you will find it in the left column, in the Menu > More application)

11. Apply filters to photos

Don't neglect photo filters. Sometimes they can be useful to you to improve a poor-quality photo. In the Facebook app, filters are activated simply and elegantly by swiping left and right.

12. Make the post invisible to a specific person

How many great posts are lost just because we are afraid of offending one friend on Facebook! So know that status visibility has advanced settings. Now you can publish even the harshest and most emotional thoughts with peace of mind.

13. Search inside Facebook like on Yandex or Google

In a series of correspondence with relatives and friends on social networks through various applications, instant messengers and comments on Facebook, many people often forget about their own vulnerability...

Every time you share some information about yourself on various social networks, this information becomes available to almost any eyes. As a result, people or organizations from the real world or from outside our friends list in social network, can use our information without permission or knowledge. Do users need to think about their own privacy on Facebook?

This property allows you to effectively configure and sort your friends into those who can see certain information from your Facebook pages, and for those to whom access will be denied. This concept involves dividing your friend list into separate categories, including family members, colleagues, friends, and so on.

In the left sidebar on the main panel there is a “Friends” block, go to this section.

Once you've sorted people into different categories, you can set privacy and access settings for each category. For example, you might want to prevent your office colleagues from seeing certain photo albums, but to make sure these photos are available to your friends and family. The same applies to contact information, timeline and news feed.

You now also have the option to automatically assign new friends to a specific category. It is worth noting that if you place a person in two categories at once - for example, Friends and Colleagues - then the privacy settings of the more closed category will be applied to this person.

When adding entries, you can specify the group to which it is intended:

2. Hide your profile from Facebook search

Don’t want all sorts of strange and unknown people to join you? Then you can prevent your account from appearing in Facebook search results. How to do this?

All you need to do is go to the privacy settings page and click on “Settings” on the right side of the “Privacy” box. Once you're there, simply switch the value. We can say that in this way your page becomes practically inaccessible to the majority Facebook users.

3. Hiding the page from search engines

In addition to the internal search system on Facebook, you should also be wary of being present in all search engines ah, be it Google or Yandex. Essentially, if you're hiding from Facebook searches, it makes sense to immediately hide your account from search engines, since people will still be able to find you by name.

If you want to prevent people from even catching a glimpse of your Facebook page, in the settings section, go to the "Privacy" page. After that, edit the “Who can find me?” item, and then you can see what your page will look like for prying eyes. In addition, here you can uncheck the “Allow access to search engines” checkbox.

You can determine what you want to display on the wall, be it some personal secret, a complaint about work, or even philosophical reflections. However, you cannot control whether or not your friends write on the wall.

Some friends will allow themselves to write things on your wall that you wouldn’t really want to take out “in public” and show everyone, be it a showdown in personal relationships, financial difficulties, and so on. If you have such people on your friends lists, then you might be interested to know that you can control who can see other users' wall posts and who can't.

Go to the privacy settings page again, and click on “Chronicles and Tags.” You have two ways to customize how your wall (chronicle) works. The first involves a complete ban on everyone posting on your wall. To do this, open the options for Who can post on the wall, select either (friends) or (no one). Next comes the point (who can see others' posts on your timeline), and here all the points are logically clear.

5. Instant personalization

Many of us already know that many companies collect information about us to create their own marketing strategies. And many of us really don't like it. Whether you know it or not, instant personalization only grants access to specific websites you visit. Often personal information These sites need it to provide you with more relevant, personalized information.

Perhaps you are not very comfortable visiting such sites and services that “suck” your personal information, even though it may be with good intentions.

If this is the case, then you can easily disable this feature by going to the privacy settings page and simply uncheck the “Change personalization system on partner sites” option.

6. Availability of information through friends

Everyone has information that they don't really want to share with their Facebook friends. In addition, this information can sometimes be used to various applications, again, “solely for the sake of personalization.” If you want to keep this information secure, then simply indicate what information you want to disclose and what you do not want to disclose.

Once you go to the privacy settings page, you will then see a list of options related to the display of your information.

In conclusion

We hope these guidelines for Facebook privacy settings will help you keep your personal data and sensitive information safe. If you have any other tips on this, be sure to share them in the comments! Thank you in advance!

The list of our friends on a social network does not always include those with whom we are friends. Sometimes you need to make sure that the friends on your list (or at least some of them) do not know that you have this or that person on this list. Hiding people on Facebook is as easy as clicking a few buttons. We will tell you exactly how in this article.

The advantage of Facebook is that on your page you can do whatever you want: delete, add, hide, repost, comment, etc. You have many functions at your disposal and you choose which ones you want to use. Today we will look at how to quickly and easily hide your friend or friends from all other social network users who are on your list or just go to the page to see who is your friend.

Instructions: hiding friends from everyone's curiosity

In order to carry out your plans, you need to go to your account, that is, page, on Facebook, and there you can perform all the necessary actions:

  • on the left panel there is a list of various sections and functions, find – “Friends” and click on the selected section;
  • a tab appears with two functions at the top - “Create a list” and “See all friends”, select the second one, click on it;

  • a list of everyone who is your friend opens on the right open panel There is a “find friends” function, next to which there is an icon with a pencil on it - that’s what we need. Click on this icon;

  • the function “Edit privacy settings” appears, select it;

As you may have noticed, there is nothing complicated about this, the main thing is to follow the instructions described above. So convenient and in a fast way you can hide all those you don’t want to show to other friends.

Who visited my page?

You can easily hide people who are your friends, as shown above. But whether it is possible on this social network is a completely different question. There is enough offered on the Internet a large number of applications for Facebook that guarantee you will be shown all those who visited your profile. You only need to install the proposed application on your PC.

Is this really true? Many people ask this question, and the query “how to find out who visited my Facebook profile” pops up several thousand times every day. The answer to this question will be a quote from specialists who work directly in this field: “On Facebook it is impossible to recognize the guests of your page; this functionality has been specifically limited. All applications and programs that promise to do this either contain viruses or simply want to gain access to your profile. They will never be able to show reliable information about who visited your profile and when.”

The conclusion suggests itself: you can hide a friend, but you can’t see visitors to your Facebook profile.

Video on the topic - How to find out who visited your Facebook profile:

It should be noted that this is not the only type of programs and applications that try to deceive Facebook users. Before downloading or installing similar programs on your own Personal Computer, make sure it is safe and will not harm your PC or your profile on the social network. To do this, you need to use only trusted sites, applications and programs. You can find out about each of them in detail on the Internet, starting with technical characteristics, ending with harmfulness. You will also have the opportunity to view reviews about the program, application or website.

Before each download and installation of anything on your computer, be sure to check it in all respects. These measures can be called preventive, thanks to which your computer and page on social networks will always be completely safe.

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