What is reposting on the Internet? Slander and insult. The Supreme Court clarified what repost and personal opinion are

Promoting your own website is a rather expensive and complex process. If you are not an SEO guru and a highly qualified Internet marketer, then promoting a website can take a lot of time and money. It all starts with content filling and optimization. After this, you need to think about getting good links and attracting visitors from third-party sites.

Services for sharing reposts on social networks

This brings us to the third point, and that is your audience. How often will they put up with seeing the same posts and content? If you grow your audience and leave 4-6 weeks between shares of the same article, it is likely that each new share will reach more and more new readers. But this is something to keep an eye on. If you notice that subsequent shares of an article are not performing well at all, remove them from the queue or propagate your queue again.

Best practice forever

Before you start setting up your evergreen queues, there are a few other considerations to keep in mind. Perhaps the most important thing is to make sure that you are not using these tools and your social profiles just to spam links. It's actually counterproductive.

Social networks for website promotion

Building up reference mass- one of the methods search engine promotion. A new site, like any age-old resource, requires high-quality backlinks. How to get them if no one knows about your site?

You can, of course, buy links through exchanges. However, this method is very expensive and dangerous. If you place backlinks on low-quality sites, you will easily subject the site to filtering search engines. Then you will lose traffic and trust in the site.

Instead, find ways you can use your evergreen content to help your audience and sparkle. Can you ask or answer questions? Can you talk about what you're sharing? This requires you to be a little more creative when setting up your promotions, meaning each piece will take a little more time to set up. Always keeping in mind that the main goal is to keep your content evergreen in front of a growing audience, which means you can't be too specific or relevant in your overall copy.

There is a more reliable and less expensive way - publishing links in in social networks. These platforms are suitable for promoting websites of various topics and formats. On your social network page you can post not only links, but also useful information, which can attract the attention of users.

The audience of social networks is thousands of people. Many of them are looking for useful materials that you can provide. Members of VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook or Odnoklassniki are potential visitors to your own website. Social media posts and shares can give your website targeted traffic. You just need to work hard at promoting and devote time to publishing materials.

Remember the group or community rules

For example, you wouldn't want to mention a movie that just came out or a championship game that was just played. The next time a message is queued may be months later, when the news is no longer relevant. If you share your profiles or pages, you can share what you want. If, however, you wish to use any groups or communities that you do not have as a member, you must abide by their rules.

Some communities do not allow links to be posted at all, which disqualifies them from this tactic. Posting links to these communities will simply get you banned from spamming and tarnish your reputation. Again, this is counterproductive. On the other hand, if you're in a number of communities that allow links and want to encourage discussion, useful, relevant content may serve you well here!

Reposts on social networks - a source of traffic and links

Popular social networks are indexed by search engines. Links you place on pages become visible to search robots and users. Thanks to this you get additional traffic from social networks and improve the volume of natural link mass.

Regularly check your queue for outdated content

And, as we pointed out earlier, it's important to be mindful of the content that's in your evergreen queue. You are responsible for updating. For this you will need paid subscriptions for two instruments. For both tools, the main difference in pricing relates to the required profiles.

There is one basic free feature two instruments, which creates such a synergistic effect. Once set up, all you have to do is start adding your evergreen posts! Double check your time zone, then start adding time slots for each day you want to split. You can set this up to 60 days, so even if you only add a few evergreen posts, you know it will be 2 months before they are published again!

Social media links are free. You don’t have to pay for their placement, which leads to significant savings in the funds needed for external website promotion. Your only costs are the time and money spent on creating or purchasing content. First, you need to post articles on your website. After this, you will need to make announcements of materials on social networks.

Note that you will need to have at least one time interval setting before you start adding messages to your queue. However, if you need to pause your queue, you can simply delete all your time slots.

Once you've set all the time slots you want, repeat for all your other social networks. Select the social profiles you want to share and be sure to customize your post text to represent real interest for your audience. You can use the panel preview on the right to see what each will look like network resource, and edit them individually if necessary!

To quickly disseminate information and increase the number of reposts, it is necessary to collect a good base of subscribers. How more people you are read on social networks, the higher the chances of increasing the amount of information that spreads across networks.

Users repost interesting materials, news, useful information, reviews. The effectiveness of promoting your own website directly depends on the frequency of posting on social networks. You can’t be lazy here, because the level of popularity of the site and its traffic depend on your activity.

VKontakte - Twitter

You have a few more steps to take before adding the message to the queue. For each profile you select, you will need to select Rearrange Contents and then check Or, Rearrange an unlimited number of times. Select additional social networks from the Apply options to drop down.

Distribution of extremist materials

Take a look at the list of social networks on the right and confirm that each one says: "Republished indefinitely." Note that you can also add a message to the beginning of the queue or to the end! For each social network you want to share to, you'll create a queue.

Services for sharing reposts on social networks

You can significantly increase the number of reposts for announcements of your articles on social networks, and therefore the amount of traffic to the site, using special services sharing, buying and selling reposts, likes, comments and subscribers. Here are some of them:

  • LikesRock- free and paid promotion on social networks, as well as quick earnings.
  • CashBox- promotion (free and paid) and earnings on social networks.
  • SMOFast- an exchange for exchanging likes, reposts and subscribers on social networks.
  • BossLike- free and paid promotion on Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Software for website promotion via social networks:

Viking Group Builder, Viking Botovod, Viking Inviter, Viking Troll, Viking Antispam, Twitter Follower.

Here you will find the schedule for mirror messages. In the lower right corner you will see the main reprocessing options. Repost immediately - repost in pre certain times- rearrangement with delay. You can choose any delay you want, even after a few weeks or all at once.

And then you will use the first section. The New Message Schedule is intended for predefined mailing scheduling only. Here you can set specific times for specific days and be as varied as you wish.

Good luck with website promotion!

Repost is quoting a message within one resource. IN Lately This re-publication was reflected on social networks such as VKontakte and Twitter. From our article you will learn how to repost correctly.

Using repost

Reposting is necessary for faster dissemination of this or that information within the network. You can quote not only phrases, but also entire pages and groups of people and events that interest you. If you publish someone's message on your page, your friends will see it, and maybe some of them will also want to repost it on their page. For example, if one of your friends has lost a kitten, and this person really wants to find it, he writes his message in the status and asks his friends on the network to repost, i.e. distribute this information. Friends of friends can also repost. This way he will know about it a large number of people, and the likelihood of finding a kitten increases.

Once you do this, you are all set! All of your queued evergreen content will continue to be shared across all of your important social profiles. At this point, it is important to reiterate that just because you can do something, it does not mean you should do it.

The Supreme Court clarified what repost and personal opinion are

However, it remains to be seen whether this is the best course of action for any or all of your social profiles. The following variables need to be considered. What topics are they interested in? How often are they interested in hearing from you? Remember, everything you do is all about them. Your goal is to educate, entertain, and engage them, and you hope your evergreen content can be one way to do that.

Repost on VKontakte

Repost on Twitter

VKontakte - Twitter

If you want information from one social network to get to another, you need to use cross-posting. To do this you need to do minor changes in settings:

  1. Go to VKontakte in the "Editing" tab.
  2. Go to “Contacts” and check the box next to the “Twitter” heading.
  3. Next, you need to log in to Twitter and select “Export posts to Twitter.” After you save the changes, you can safely use the crossposting function.


  1. When adding a message on VKontakte, you must check whether the “Export to Twitter” option is checked. After this, feel free to click the “Send” button, and all the information that you posted on VKontakte will appear on Twitter.
  2. If you want information to appear on social media Facebook networks, then in the “Contacts” tab you need to configure Facebook.

You can also use the website mitroh.in. By registering on it, you can synchronize two social networks: Twitter and VKontakte.

Especially with professional use of the picture network, it is always a matter of publishing really nice graphics and graphics. It's official: the only possible link from the network is the profile information. The focus is on both social and networking. One of the best ways take advantage of social networks - take advantage of all their possibilities. It is not enough to have an inactive presence or post every three months, it is necessary that the presence of the company on the social networks it belongs to is active.

Repost on Facebook

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