Webmoney personal certificate. Personal certificate in WebMoney

Using electronic money on the WebMoney website, users make quick transfers of funds without resorting to the services of banks or mail. However, before starting to work in the system, certification is required. This procedure helps reduce the risk of fraud using the service. After registering in the payment system and receiving a WM-identifier, the participant can be issued an anonymous, formal, initial or personal

What kind of document is this and what is it for? The Webmoney certificate is a digital certificate issued to registered users of the service who provide personal data to the site. Each participant in the payment system receives it. After the first authorization, an alias certificate is issued. The system imposes a number of restrictions on user actions.

To remove some of them, the participant must obtain a formal certificate free of charge. To do this, you just need to confirm your passport details. The higher the status of the document, the more effective the individual’s online business. Maximum privileges are provided only by a personal Webmoney passport. After purchasing a digital certificate, all services of the service become available to the user.

Advantages of a personal certificate

This document allows the owner to create budget machines on the Capitaller website, participate in the operation of the Credit Exchange system, and receive payments from customers automatically. The user can also become a Webmoney Transfer consultant.

The owner of a personal certificate has access to the DigiSeller service, designed for creating online trading platforms. The user also gets the opportunity to send applications for registration of their sites in all sections of the Megastock catalog and take part in any affiliate program. When ordering a Star/Plus debit card, you need to remember that the Webmoney passport must be no lower than your personal one.

Don't forget that having digital evidence of the highest level builds trust among participants and shows the authority of the user.

How to get a personal Webmoney passport

First you need to log in to the system. Then you need to make sure that the user is already the owner of the formal/initial certificate. Scans of passport data must be verified by the Registration Center.

To obtain a certificate, the user will also need to confirm their actual place of residence on the WebMoney website. To do this, you need to send a request to Moscow. After receiving a letter with a verification code in the mail, you must enter the numbers in the WebMoney service. After this, the address specified by the user will be confirmed.

It is worth emphasizing that a personal Webmoney certificate is issued only once. If the participant has already received a digital certificate, he will not be able to purchase the document again, even with a new WM-identifier. A personal Webmoney certificate is issued for a small fee. The cost of the service depends on the conditions of the registrars.


Before you create a personal Webmoney passport, you need to run the Keeper program with the required identifier. In this case, you need to be registered in the WM Transfer system. The user must understand why he needs a digital certificate.

You should take into account the fact that the Certification Center does not answer questions not related to the procedure.

Obtaining a personal Webmoney passport

The user needs to open the main page of the “Certification Center”. Then you need to select the “control panel” section. Then you should log in with the WMID that needs to be certified. Next you need to open the “personal data” section. All information about the user is listed here.

You need to click on the “get a certificate” link. On the page that opens, fill out the form. All necessary information and passport data must be indicated without abbreviations. On the “select an attestator” tab, you need to specify the registrar and click on the “get” link. The system will offer to upload scans of your passport for verification.

You need to fulfill the condition and wait for confirmation that all documents have been accepted. Then you need to return to the “control panel” section and pay for the application ($10-20). Money needs to be transferred only to the “Certification Center”. Next, you need to open the “documents and rules” section, and then download and print the “applicant’s application”.

Meeting with the registrar

After completing the above steps, the user needs to contact the assessor and confirm the date and time for the interview. You need to bring your ID, photocopies of your passport and 2 copies of the printed application with you to the meeting. You must come to the office at the appointed time. The registrar will definitely ask why the system participant needed a certificate. The user also needs to know the date of registration on the site, nickname and version of the Keeper program.

The application is filled out at the time of transfer of photocopies of the passport. Then the signature and date are placed. After the interview, the provided data is checked. The processing time for information is 2 days. After confirming the information provided, the WMID will be certified.

It is worth emphasizing that a minor child can also contact the registrar with an application. He must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at the meeting. If errors and inaccuracies are detected in the completed questionnaire, the system will send a message via internal mail with a proposal to make amendments. After changing the data, you need to contact the registrar.

Sending an application by mail

To receive a personal Webmoney certificate without a personal meeting, you need to find the registrar with the “envelope” icon in the list. This icon indicates that it is possible to send data by mail. Then you need to print and fill out the application. It should indicate your passport data and WM-identifier. Then you need to sign and have it certified by a notary.

Then you need to send the documents to the registrar by mail. A business card with the notary's contact details should be attached to the application. You can simply write his work phone number on a piece of paper. Waiting for a decision from the Certification Center depends not only on the timing of the verification, but also on the speed of delivery of the letter by mail. To receive a response as quickly as possible, it is recommended to pay for DHL services.

In this case, the user does not have to worry about losing documents. In the “recipient” column you should enter the line “Webmoney, st. Koroviy Val, 7, building 1, Moscow, Russia, 119049.” Once the information provided is verified, the user will receive an email.

Many owners of personal certificates are wondering what to do when changing their passport or last name. You need to go to the “control panel” section and make changes to the questionnaire. Then you must re-pass the certification and receive a digital certificate within 1 month. Its issuance is paid in full by the system participant. If you change the address, telephone number or other information on the application form that does not require identification, you do not need to undergo re-certification.

Features of use

For owners of personal certificates, almost all system restrictions are lifted. They can withdraw up to 3 million rubles daily through the Keeper program. The monthly limit of personal certificates reaches 9 million, which provides ample opportunities for using such access for work purposes.

To perform all basic operations in the WebMoney system, you must have a formal certificate. It makes it possible to create wallets, withdraw and transfer funds and perform other operations. To get even more opportunities, you must already have a personal certificate. All this is done quite simply and quickly. Just be prepared to reveal confidential information about yourself - passport data, identification code, etc.

Before we look at the procedures for obtaining these two types of certificates, we will list what opportunities each of them provides. So, a formal certificate allows you to do the following:

  • replenish any of the wallets using a bank transfer;
  • withdraw funds by bank transfer, money transfer or to a specially issued Internet card;
  • use the Merchant WebMoney Transfer system to automate money transfers (albeit in a somewhat shortened version);
  • use WMX currency (Bitcoin);
  • use hidden functions of the Exchanger service and much more.

As for the personal certificate, its owners have the following privileges:

  • full use of the Merchant WebMoney system;
  • using a credit exchange to issue and receive loans;
  • using the Capitaller service to work with budget machines;
  • using the Megastock service for trading;
  • getting the opportunity to become a WebMoney employee - to participate in the work of the Certification Center and become a system consultant;
  • full use of arbitration – filing claims in any quantity.

For more information about what opportunities each certificate provides, read the lesson on using the WebMoney system, in the section about certificates.

Now let's look at the entire path to obtaining formal and personal certificates step by step.

Step 1: Obtaining a Formal Certificate

To receive a formal certificate, you must provide your passport details and send a scanned copy of your passport. This is done as follows:

In some cases, WebMoney employees require you to provide a scanned copy of other pages of your passport and a certificate of TIN. In any case, log into your WebMoney Keeper and the Certification Center website from time to time. There you may be notified about the process of obtaining a certificate.

Citizens of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to obtain a formal certificate using. To do this you need to do the following:

Step 2: Obtaining a personal certificate

As you can see, obtaining a formal and personal certificate is quite simple. True, you will have to pay for the second one. Typically, the cost of issuing a personal certificate is no more than $30 (WMZ). And not in all cases it makes sense to receive it.

A personal passport is recommended for businesses and advanced private users who want to not only spend and transfer funds, but also earn money online using the entire range of services of the WebMoney Transfer system. A personal passport provides a high degree of trust on the part of other participants in the system, because your passport details will be checked in person with the provision of originals (or notarized copies) of documents.

Conditions for receiving: Issued for a fee after verification of passport data by the Registrar (participant of the Certification Center affiliate program)

A personal certificate allows you to:

  • replenish wallets and withdraw funds from the system with limits exceeding the limits for holders of initial and formal certificates;
  • participate in the work of the credit exchange;
  • automate the receipt of funds from customers using the interfaces of the Merchant WebMoney Transfer service;
  • participate in the work of the Capitaller service (create budget machines);
  • register Internet resources in any sections of the Megastock catalogue;
  • obtain the status of a system consultant;
  • participate in the Certification Center’s partnership program for issuing initial certificates;
  • post news on various sites of the system (www.webmoney.ru, www.megastock.ru, etc.);
  • create trading platforms using the DigiSeller service;
  • file claims without restrictions in the arbitration system of the system against other participants in the system;
  • use the WebMoney.Escrow service - a service for ensuring secure transactions between participants in the WebMoney Transfer system;
  • participate in the work of the WebMoney.Wiki service - write and edit articles;

Obtaining a Personal Passport for most participants in the WebMoney system is the final step, because provides the most important functions - maximum trust from other participants and access to most of the necessary functions when working with wallets.

Any payment system tries to protect its users from fraud as best as possible, as well as to make working with an electronic wallet convenient and safe. The WebMoney system is no exception. In order to carry out even the simplest financial transactions, the user needs to confirm his status and receive one of the certificate options. What is it and what is it for?

WebMoney certificates

A WebMoney passport is a carrier of information about the user and a kind of indicator of trust. The higher it is, the more rights and freedom of action are granted to its owner in this system. In simple terms, the system automatically determines what types of transactions can be carried out with the user and which cannot, based on the type of certificate.

After registering with WebMoney, the owner of the wallet is automatically assigned an alias certificate. This indicates that the information has not been verified or confirmed, therefore the user could be anyone, have a fictitious name, or not have one at all. This type of certificate is quite enough to pay for online purchases, but if you plan to sell goods, then an unconfirmed profile will most likely give many buyers pause. Therefore, in this case, it is worth taking care of a higher level of certificate.

Main types of WebMoney certificates

Don't know how to get a WebMoney certificate? Currently, this payment system provides users with two types of certification, including 12 different levels of security.

  • The first group includes professional certificates with advanced functionality, intended only for advanced account holders.
  • The second group includes ordinary clients, for whom a basic certification process is provided, implying a division of rights according to four access levels.

For each new level there is an individual virtual document. At the moment, all “WebMoney” certificates of the main type are divided in increasing order of their functionality:

  • An alias certificate assigned to all users of the system.
  • The formal document is available after entering personal information.
  • The initial certificate is provided after the passport verification process.
  • And a personal certificate can only be obtained after a personal meeting with a specialist.

Alias ​​certificate

As mentioned above, each user who has completed the registration process for WebMoney receives this personal document.

The holder of this type of certificate has rather limited opportunities, which include the following:

  • Access to money transfers between WebMoney Transfer accounts.
  • Possibility of depositing funds into your wallet in cash or from a card.
  • Basic options (payment for purchases in an online store, utility bills, cellular communications, etc.).

Thus, it is clear that the pseudonym status provides users with a basic list of services, which excludes the right to withdraw funds from the account. In addition, for this certificate there is a limit on the balance of funds in the electronic wallet. The maximum amount is 15 thousand rubles (with a verified phone - 45,000).

Formal certificate

Most Internet users opt for a formal WebMoney passport, which is the most suitable for everyday use, since to obtain it you only need to upload a photocopy of your passport to the portal and fill out fields with personal data. This type of certificate is great for those who are just starting to work on the Internet and receive small amounts.

The procedure for checking a formal certificate is quite simple; you only need to complete a few simple steps:

  • After registering in the WebMoney system, go to the “Certification Center” tab.
  • Go to the “Control Panel” section located in the upper right corner.
  • In the window that appears, you need to enter some information, including passport data. Indicate the initials, series, document number and date of receipt; in the same block you must upload a scan of the document (note that the image must be in color and legible). Personal identification required. Here you should enter your SNILS and INN numbers. As well as a postal address that matches the place of registration.
  • After filling out all the fields, you must return to the “Passport” tab and click on the “Get certificate” button.

Upon completion of these actions, the user will receive a notification that the application has been accepted. Information verification is usually completed within 24 hours, after which the user's status is updated.

Formal Certificate Options

Having a formal WebMoney certificate gives the user the following rights:

  • Depositing funds into your personal account by postal and bank transfers.
  • Payment for services (cellular communications, utility bills, etc.).
  • Possibility of withdrawing money to a bank card.

Thus, it becomes clear that a formal certificate is quite sufficient for standard operations.

The possibilities of the owner of this type of certificate are expanded in comparison with an anonymous one, but the limit on the amount of financial savings remains in force; the balance of the wallet with a formal status cannot be higher than 200 thousand.

Initial certificate

This type of certificate is more profitable than the previous ones, since it guarantees the security of transactions and also provides the user of the WebMoney service with advanced capabilities. How to get an initial certificate?

You can purchase third-level access in several ways:

  • After meeting with the personalizer in person (paid service, from 2 to 5 $);
  • On the portal of government services of the Russian Federation.

Most often, to obtain a “WebMoney” entry-level certificate, users use the second option, which involves performing the following actions:

  • Registration/authorization on the government services portal.
  • Contacting a government organization (registry office, multifunctional center or Russian Post office) to confirm your identity.

A verified user profile is a guarantor for the service, since the WebMoney integration system reads verified information entered by the user.

Initial Attestation Options

After completing all the required verification stages, the owner of the wallet is automatically assigned an initial type certificate, which opens up the following opportunities for him:

  • Increased amount for depositing funds into the account.
  • Increased limit for withdrawing money from your wallet;
  • The maximum amount for storage is 900 thousand rubles.

Initial certification in the WebMoney system increases user confidence, which has a positive effect on the reliability of transactions with counterparties. All this indicates that the third level of access contributes to greater efficiency in conducting the financial activities of small businesses and commercial projects on the Internet.

Personal certificate

The last stage of the WebMoney security system is a personal certificate. At the moment, it is the most advanced and effective tool that provides the owner with access to all options and subsystems provided by the WebMoney payment service.

To receive a personal “WebMoney” certificate you will need to go through all the verification procedures listed earlier. In addition, the last stage of certification involves a personal meeting with an employee of the organization who is responsible for implementing personalization processes. The registrar's work is paid - issuing a personal certificate will cost the account owner $10-20. After confirmation of identity, the fourth access level is assigned to the client automatically. List of services available to personal passport holders:

  • The amount for replenishing your account increases.
  • The amount that can be withdrawn from the wallet increases.
  • The entrance to the credit exchange opens.
  • There is an opportunity to participate in the affiliate program as a personalizer.

Holders of these certificates not only receive maximum opportunities for using the WebMoney system, they are also assigned an increased level of trust from the service.

Withdrawing money

There are several ways to withdraw funds from your WebMoney wallet:

  • Bank transfer. You can withdraw funds to the current account of any bank, and then send them to a bank card (transfer period 1-3 days, WebMoney commission - 0.8%, bank commission - 0%);
  • Postal transfer. Transaction time is from 2 to 5 days, postal commission - 1.7%, WebMoney system fee - 0.8%;
  • Transfer through systems: CONTACT, Leader, Zolotaya Korona and ANELIK. WebMoney system commission - 0.8% and transfer system fee;
  • Withdrawal of funds to a bank card of one of the organizations accredited by the WebMoney system. Bank commission - 0%, system fee - 1+0.8%.

In order to perform any of the listed operations, you need an R-wallet and a verified “WebMoney” certificate (status no lower than formal).

It is recommended to carefully study the tariffs in your region of residence and currency before making a transfer, since, for example, in the Republic of Belarus, the amount of commission fees depends on the status of the certificate.

How to withdraw money from WebMoney without a certificate

If for any reason the account owner in the WebMoney system does not want or cannot receive a virtual document and the corresponding status, then you can withdraw funds to a bank card in the following way:

  • You will need a SIM card from the Beeline operator.
  • Register a Qiwi e-wallet for it.
  • Log in to your WebMoney personal account and top up the balance of the Beeline mobile operator with the amount you intend to withdraw (including commission).
  • Next, go to your Qiwi wallet and deposit funds from your mobile phone account topped up in the previous step.
  • Confirm the operation by entering the code sent to your mobile phone number.
  • After the money arrives in your wallet, select the withdrawal function in the menu, then the name of the bank whose card you have, enter the details, the amount and send the transfer.

Now you know how to withdraw money from WebMoney without a certificate. As for the transfer deadline, all banking institutions work differently. Some users can receive funds on their card instantly, while others will have to wait several days.

WebMoney is the oldest payment system, which was the first to appear in the vastness of the post-Soviet space. And to this day it is a leader in the virtual wallet market.

At the same time, the system is quite complex even for experienced users, not to mention beginners. And in this article we will try to shed light on one of the most important issues - what is certification, why are certificates needed, and how to get them. In particular, we will talk about the benefits of a personal WebMoney passport and how to get it.

What gives

To understand the certification system in WebMoney, let's look at what types of accounts there are and what they can provide to their users:

    We collect all the necessary documents:

    • A completed application for a certificate (you can download the form to fill out on the official WM page).

      A photocopy of the main page of the user’s passport (the page on which the owner’s photograph and signature is located).

      Passport (during a personal meeting, it must be shown for comparison with a photocopy).

      In some cases, other documents may be required - this has already been discussed with the agent over the phone.

    We arrange a meeting with the personalizer and hand over all the necessary documents.

    Each agent sets the cost of such services independently, so this issue must be discussed personally with the selected attestator. In addition, not every city has certification centers, so this option is not suitable for everyone. And if you find yourself in such a situation, then do not rush to get upset, as there is an alternative option.

    Receipt by mail

    This is a way to get a personal WebMoney passport without personal presence. And it consists in the fact that you send the entire package of necessary documents by mail. In this case, you will deal directly with the certification center or its representative. This means that the cost of obtaining a certificate will be slightly lower, and in some cases the savings are quite significant. You need to look for the address and representative office using this link. Personalization Center representatives will be marked with a corresponding icon.

    So, to remotely obtain the required certificate, do the following:

    Select a registrar from the list using the above link.

    Prepare a list of required documents:

    • Notarization of the signature of the user who issues the certificate. In this case, all rules of notarization must be observed. A photocopy of the passport is not certified.

    Send the prepared package of documents by mail (not electronic mail) to the selected personalizer at the address specified by the personalizer.

After this, you just have to wait for the response and follow all the instructions specified in the letter.


Above we looked at two ways to get a high status in this payment system. It’s worth noting right away that the sale of WebMoney personal certificates occurs only in official certification centers or is carried out by representatives who have the right to do so and the corresponding status. Moreover, this status and professional certificates are always issued for a fee, since such rules are provided for by the system.

If you are offered to receive a free personal certificate or professional status, then these are scammers who want to take possession of your passport data. Be extremely careful and use the services of official representatives only. In addition, it is important to know that you can get a personal account type only in the two above methods. In the case of other certificates, there is an alternative - automatic receipt of a certificate. But this method is not suitable for personal certificates. If you have any questions, you can contact.

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