Extract Beeline personal account. Setting up invoice details and call printouts

What is call detailing used for? It's simple, you can use it to track information about expenses over a certain period of time, for example, a month. After all, a mobile user may not even suspect that his funds are spent on unnecessary services. Also, cost control is very useful if you have a child and you need to monitor his actions. If it seems to you that you are running out of funds too quickly, and at the same time you make few calls and practically do not write to anyone, then detailing your calls will help you.

Sometimes it happens that a person needs detail to keep track of his “other half.” This article will talk about how to use this service and not pay a penny for it.

Free detailing of calls to Beeline

There are not many ways to get bill and call details. But still, one of them is more suitable for each client. This depends on his skills, knowledge and capabilities, for example, in terms of access to the Internet.

Detailing through your Personal Account

If you have Internet access, you can use your expense dashboard to enter information for the period that interests you. For example, information about expenses for the past month. You can also find out about your payments made from this number and about account replenishment operations.

You can enter completely freely, without any access fees. And the detailing itself is provided on Beeline completely free of charge. After submitting your request for details, you will instantly receive information in a form convenient for you.

Details of calls to E-mail

In addition to how you can view the details of Beeline calls for free in your Personal Account, there is a way to order it to your email inbox. Here the information is provided more concisely, so this method is less informative than the previous one. Nevertheless, you will quickly receive all the information you are interested in, and you will not have to delve into all sorts of nuances, as would be the case when working with your Personal Account. If you choose this method, simply send SMS to the number 1401 , containing your E-Mail address. After a few minutes, your application will be processed and you will receive a response SMS about successful completion request and delivery of details by E-Mail. It will be sent to you in the form of an email. And this is also all free. The document comes in .xls format - this is an Excel spreadsheet file format.

There are some restrictions in terms of such an order. Request for details in in this case You can only send up to 10 times per day. The service is free even when roaming, and not just in your home region.

Prohibition on receiving details by email

It is possible to set a ban on delivery of details by E-Mail, if required. To do this, use the command *110*0221# . You can also declare the ban lifted. The support service will help you with this. To connect with her, dial 0611 and press the call button. You can also cancel the ban in your personal account, as well as in the Beeline office.

"Easy control"

This is the name of the service that allows you to control the subscriber’s expenses at any time, anywhere. You don't even need to use an Internet connection to do this. You can always find out, quite quickly, about your latest expenses.

To receive the report, simply use the USSD command *122# . You will receive a response message containing information about the last five paid actions on your account, as well as a link to the tariff information on your number.

Application "My Beeline"

For the convenience of Beeline users, they even created a mobile application that can be installed on platforms such as iPad, Android and iPhone. Through this program you can quickly get acquainted with all the information about the account and even manage services, tariffs and the account itself at a minimum. Thus, you also have the opportunity to request details in the application. It will be sent to your email in PDF format.

Using this application to order details is quite simple. So on home page go to the “Finance” section and indicate the period you are interested in. Next, enter your E-Mail and the request will be sent. You will receive a printout in response if your application is processed successfully.

The program is available in free form in stores " Google Play" and "AppStore".

Beeline offices

If you are not a fan of all kinds of technologies, such as SMS and E-Mail, then simply visit one of the Beeline offices and ask the employees for details of your account. They will provide it in paper form. Don't forget to take your passport with you if the SIM is issued in your name.

You also have access to call details from someone else's Beeline number. In this case, take the owner’s passport and a power of attorney certified by a notary.

Only drawback this method is that there is a charge for printing and the cost may vary depending on different systems calculations. On the official Internet resource of the company you can find out details about prices and all conditions for providing details in paper form. You can also find out about this from the support service by calling 0611 , and even in the office of a company employee.

So don't forget that it is possible to track your expenses and control your account this way. Stay connected to Beeline and take advantage of convenient opportunities.

If you still have questions on the topic “Beeline call details for free,” then ask them in the comments to this article. We will answer all your questions!

There are several ways to detail Beeline calls, but now we will only talk about the simplest and most functional method - detailing calls through your Beeline personal account; other methods are discussed in a separate article.

To get details, you need to log into your Beeline personal account. If you haven't registered yet, go ahead. simple procedure registration, we will not dwell on it.

After logging into your personal account, you will have access to functions for managing your account and Beeline services.

To get details of Beeline calls, you can either go to the link “Finance and details” (block A, it is shown below in the screenshot of the page), or order details in the right block (block B).

To make a printout of calls, SMS, charges and debits from your account directly from the main page of your personal account (block B), in the drop-down list, select the period for which you want to receive details, or, if necessary, you can specify your time range. After that, click on the “Generate report” button.

Finance and call details Beeline

To make it easier to understand, let’s take a look at the screenshots of the “Finance and Detailing” page; we have marked the main functional blocks on it:

  1. Selecting the detail period. Here, as well as in block B described above, you can select a period (or enter a date range yourself) for which the details of expenses and calls will be made.
  2. Ordered details. By clicking on this link you will be taken to the “Application History” page, which we have already discussed above, where you can view and download the previously ordered details of Beeline calls and expenses.
  3. The “Download” button launches a dialog box (see screenshot below) through which you can save to “history”, send it to yourself email and download the details displayed in this moment to the screen.

  1. Your balance and bonuses. This block shows the balance at the beginning and end of the selected period, as well as accrued bonuses.
  2. Button-switch of the display mode “Cost Structure / Detailing”. When moving it from one position to another, blocks 6 or 7 and 8 will be shown to you.
  3. Table "Cost structure". This table displays a graph of your expenses by group: how much and on what exactly you spent during the specified period.

In the example given, the call details are almost empty, because SIM card is new.

  1. Expense table. Contains data on funds spent by day.
  2. Details of calls and SMS messages. This table will present the very “printout” you were looking for - full information about when, what kind of outgoing and incoming calls and SMS messages there were, and how much money was spent on them - all accurate to the second and penny, “like in a pharmacy.”
  3. The “Payments” block displays information about when and for what amounts payments were made to or from the subscriber account.

In conclusion, we note two small features:

  • One detail request allows you to generate a report for no more than 31 days
  • You can order details of invoices and expenses for any period not exceeding the last 8 months.

Video guide to the service Details of calls and Beeline accounts through your Personal Account

That's all functionality Beeline's personal account details are running out. We hope this article was useful to you and helped you figure out how to detail Beeline calls.

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Funds are systematically debited from your balance, and you don’t even know what services you are paying for? Or maybe you think that a cell phone Beeline operator just puts your money in his pocket? For getting detailed information To find out why funds are debited from your mobile account, you need to use a service called “Beeline Call Detailing”.

In today's article, we will look at how to make Beeline call details for free, using one of several simple methods. This service will be extremely useful for those who cannot control their communication costs. Once you receive the statement, you will see exactly what options and services you are paying for, and you will also be able to adjust your expenses by deactivating unnecessary services.

Ways to order call details on Beeline

The cellular company Beeline has made sure that all consumers can choose the most convenient option for receiving reports. You can order Beeline details using several methods, all of which are free.

Beeline call details can be obtained for free in this way:

  1. In your personal account.
  2. By e-mail.
  3. In any Beeline office.
  4. Through the My Beeline application.
  5. Using a service called “Easy Control”.

As you can see, the provider has taken care of consumers who want to know how to get details of all their conversations. All of these methods are effective, so read the information below and choose the option that suits you.

Details in your personal account

Personal Area allows subscribers to independently manage their own number. On the main page of the service there is a section called “My Beeline”, it is in this section that the order of details is carried out.

You can get call details:

  • online– you can view the details of calls on Beeline in the browser;
  • in the shape of PDF file – call printouts can be saved on a PC or sent by email;
  • in the shape of Excel file – you can also save it on your PC or send it to your email address.

To get a printout of Beeline calls, go to the section called “Detailing” in your personal account, select the time period you need and click on the “Create a report” icon. After this, the system will prompt you to save the invoice details on your PC or send it by email. Here you can select the format of the ordered printout. The free reporting will contain data on all incoming and outgoing calls, as well as all SMS sent and received.

Beeline account details by e-mail

Not all consumers have yet explored the capabilities of their personal account. And not every one of us has the opportunity to use it due to the need for stable Internet access. But you can find out the details not only via the Internet, you can order it to your email address.

To receive details on Beeline by e-mail, you need to send an SMS notification with your own email address to 1401.

The ordered reports will be sent to your email within 5 minutes. It is sent in the form of an Excel file. You can request no more than 10 such reports per day from one number. The statement itself will show you all outgoing and incoming calls, as well as all SMS, but only for the last 30 days.

Attention! To prohibit receiving personal reporting by e-mail, you need to send a special USSD request from your phone - dial * 110 * 0221 # on your gadget, and then make a call. Reactivation services are provided only at the operator’s office.

How to find out details through the My Beeline application

The method of obtaining call details through the My Beeline application is not only not inferior to the above options, but also surpasses them in many aspects. This application available for all mobiles operating systems– iOS, Android and Windows Phone, that is, it can function on any modern smartphone or tablet PC. “My Beeline” has similar capabilities to “Personal Account”, but only it is adapted for mobile gadgets. The application also allows you to view a free account statement online or order it to your e-mail. It will be delivered in the form of a PDF file.

Receiving a detailed statement is carried out in the following way:

  1. Install an application called “My Beeline” on your gadget if you have not done this before.
  2. Having entered the main menu, you need to open the column called “Finance”.
  3. Next, you need to enter the “Detailing” section.
  4. Now select the reporting period we are interested in and click the “OK” icon.

After the above steps are completed, the gadget display will display details of your number and expenses for it. To order detailed reporting to your e-mail, you need to click on the letter icon located at the top right. Then we also select the period we need, register our email address and click on the “Send” icon.

We order an extract from the operator’s office

If the above options do not suit you for any reason or you need a free hard copy printout, then contact any cell phone office for help. Beeline company. Before visiting the office, first prepare all the necessary documents.

To receive call reporting you will need the following documents:

  • passport (required);
  • a contract concluded with the operator (also required);
  • If the SIM card was not registered in your name, you will need to provide your passport and a notarized power of attorney from the owner of the number.

Unlike the methods described above, which are absolutely free, taking a statement in the office involves additional costs for the subscriber.

If the subscriber uses tariff plan with a prepaid payment system, then for each statement order he will have to pay 5 rubles, provided that the reporting period does not exceed 8 last months. If the reporting period is more than 8 months, but does not exceed 36 months, then you will have to pay 1,000 rubles.

If the consumer uses tariff package with a postpaid payment system, then one order of printouts with all calls will cost him 150 rubles, provided that the reporting period does not exceed 36 months.

Service "Easy control"

When considering methods for obtaining statements for all calls, special attention should be focused on the service called “Easy Control”. It allows you to obtain reporting on the costs of making calls, SMS distribution and Internet access. The reporting will be sent to the subscriber in the form of an SMS notification. It will indicate 5 latest write-offs from the account. This notification is absolutely free; there is no charge for using “Easy Control”. Activation of the provided service is also free of charge.

You can activate “Easy Control” using the following simple methods:

  1. Using a USSD request, you need to dial * 122 # and then send a call.
  2. Using your personal account, go to the section called “Services”, select the one we need and click on the “Activation” icon.
  3. Call the support service at 0611 with a request to activate the service.
  4. Visit the operator's office.

40 users are considered this page useful.

To subscribers of any mobile operators It is important to control your expenses. This is due to the fact that users, due to ignorance or inexperience, can activate paid subscriptions. In this case, with personal account will be filming regularly cash. To find out to which number the debit is being made, you need to order expense details. Displayed here full list expenses for communication and connected services. Previously, to obtain this information, it was necessary for the subscriber to contact the provider directly. Now, data can be obtained remotely by ordering Beeline call details through the “Personal Account”.

"Personal account" Beeline

"Personal account" is handy tool, which is available to all Beeline subscribers, regardless of tariff plan and region of connection. Here you can enable/disable options, make changes to the service package, and control communication costs. Last chance called “Invoice Detailing”. To gain access to information, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  • Authorization. Access to the “Personal Account” is possible only for authorized users. To do this you need to go through the registration procedure. In particular, you must fill in the login and password fields. It is worth considering that the login function is performed by the current number; to receive the password you need to send a request *110*9#.
  • Section selection. Once on the “Personal Account” page, you need to go through the service management/users/information viewing tabs. After this, the subscriber opens the “Detailed Report” section.
  • Printout. Going to required section, you need to select a period for reporting expenses, and order a file for generating the report. Experts recommend using XLS or TXT formats, which are more convenient for work.

“Personal account”, login from a computer

Important! The site saves the expense report for certain period time, after which the data is deleted. Therefore, users can control expenses made over the last 6 months.

Similar actions can be performed using the My Beeline service utility. The following scheme works here:

  1. First you need to say the application on the PLAY MARKET website.
  2. Go through the registration procedure.
  3. Select the “Finance” section.
  4. Order invoice details to specified address Email.

Important! WITH mobile application The report comes only in PDF format.


It is worth noting that Beeline call detailing is free. This feature is typical even in cases where the subscriber who made the request is located in the national or international roaming. It should be clarified that the Internet traffic required to access the “Personal Account” is paid in accordance with the terms of the tariff plan. You can make no more than 10 requests per day.

In addition, for the convenience of users, the account detail section is divided into three categories. This allows you to get a detailed view of all financial transactions conducted during the specified period. It looks like this:

  • Balance and bonuses. Here you can find information about account replenishment, including information about accumulated bonuses for participating in special programs and promotions.
  • Structure. This section contains complete information about the funds spent on calls, messages and Internet traffic. Each line of expenses is displayed in a separate category, which allows you to compare expenses for a certain type of service.
  • Detailed detail. In this block you can find information about the phone numbers to which toll calls were made.

It is worth noting that the subscriber can independently set the reporting period, save previous requests and create expense tables.

Additional features

It should be clarified that there are other ways to control costs. In particular, the following services are available to subscribers:

  • SMS mailing to email. To do this, you need to send a request to number 1401. After contacting the service, a report on the last 5 actions or a printout for 30 days will be sent to the specified e-mail.
  • "Easy control." This service displays the last 5 debits from your personal account. To receive information, you need to send a request to *122#.
  • Contact technical support. By calling 0611, you can order detailed expenses from your current number.

Important! Contact by to the indicated numbers not charged. However, you should remember that you can order invoice details only for your number.

It is impossible not to note the opportunity to personally visit the Beeline sales office and order a printout. In this case, services are provided at on a paid basis. In particular, a statement for the last day costs 5 rubles, a report for 3 years will cost 1,000. To request account details, the subscriber must present a passport.

Video for the article


Expense detailing is best option control costs for cellular communication. Interestingly, most methods of obtaining information are free; Internet access is not required when using short numbers.

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Modern life involves constant use mobile phone to be able to always be aware of what is happening and comfortable communication with the right people. Telecommunications company Beeline offers many different tariff plans that provide customers with the number of minutes, messages and Internet traffic they need.

In the article:

But still, a situation often arises when funds are written off from the balance faster than planned. A printout of calls several days, weeks or even months in advance will help you find out the reasons why this happens.

Internet assistant Tarif-online.ru will tell you how to order call details on Beeline different ways so that you can choose the most appropriate course of action for yourself. In addition, we will touch upon the possibility of obtaining call details from someone else’s number.

Methods for obtaining Beeline call details

You can get transcripts of calls, messages and Internet sessions in the following ways:

  • by using the functionality of the online self-service service (Personal Account, mobile application “My Beeline”);
  • by sending a service SMS message or USSD request;
  • visiting the Beeline office.

Before we look at all these options in detail, I would like to touch upon the issue of the cost of the service and the maximum possible requested periods.

The call detail report is provided to the subscriber free of charge, except when contacting the provider's office. The maximum period for which it is possible to decrypt used mobile services, does not exceed 3 years.

Details of Beeline calls through your Personal Account

A convenient tool for analyzing completed calls is. It is a user self-service environment, which becomes available after authorization on the Beeline provider website. To receive the password, you must use the USSD request * 110 * 9 # . The information required to enter the online service will be contained in the response SMS message.

The functionality of the account provides the subscriber with the broadest opportunities to control finances and change the number settings, right up to switching to another tariff plan. To obtain call details through your Personal Account, perform the following steps:

  • enter the main menu of your Personal Account;
  • activate the “Service Management” section;
  • open the “Users” tab and select subscriber number, for which a call printout is required;
  • alternately press the “Information” and “View” buttons;
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the “Call detail report” tab;
  • generate a report for the required period (from one day to six months);
  • activate the “Upload” button to be able to view the data in a convenient format.

In the “Call detail report” section of the account, the user has access to both one-time call transcripts and settings automatic receipt details by e-mail on a regular basis. Data preparation can take from a few minutes to half an hour. As practice shows, it is most convenient to process files in text format txt or in the form spreadsheets xls. Please note that there are special software applications, which are designed to systematize and process such reports.

You can also get details of Beeline calls using the “My Beeline” mobile application, which is an analogue of your Personal Account and is specially designed for comfortable use on smartphones and tablets.

Beeline call details via SMS or USSD command

If a subscriber needs information regarding recent calls, you can use the free service of requesting call printouts via email via SMS. To do this, a message indicating your e-mail must be sent to short number 1401. As part of this service, there is an operator limitation on the number of requests to transcribe calls (no more than 10 requests per day).
A convenient way to obtain information about five last calls is free service“Easy control”, which is activated by the USSD command * 122 # . In response to the request, the operator will send an SMS message containing the requested data.

Call details in the Beeline office

A visit to the provider’s office in order to obtain call details is advisable only when decoding data is needed over a long period (from six months to 3 years) or in a situation where the phone is lost, when use cellular services third parties will allow you to return the loss. In order for the office specialists to provide comprehensive assistance, do not forget to take your passport with you to go through the procedure for identifying the owner of the SIM card.

As we have already mentioned, office services in terms of call detailing are paid. Their cost is determined by the period for which the calls are required. For example, in a situation where calls are printed out 15 days in advance, the price for providing information by the office will be 30 rubles. Each subsequent day beyond this period adds 2 rubles to the cost. If we're talking about about printing calls for several years, be prepared to pay every month. Here we are talking about an amount close to 1000 rubles.

Recording calls from someone else's number

Receiving a printout of calls from someone else's Beeline number should not go against the rules of the privacy law.

The only legal way to order call details to a number that does not belong to you is to provide an office employee with a notarized power of attorney to carry out actions on behalf of the SIM card owner to obtain such information.

Access to call details on someone else’s phone can be organized using special spyware. This action is illegal, but in a situation with control over the child’s number, it is completely justified.


As you have already seen, the most convenient, fastest and also free way ordering printouts of calls is your Personal Account. Intuitively clear interface online self-service service and menu variability allow you to automate the process of obtaining a wide variety of reports on the cellular services provided by the operator.

You can get acquainted with some features of the call detailing procedure that were not included in our review when watching an informational and training video.

Don't forget to leave feedback, suggestions and questions in the comments to this article. The Beeline mobile assistant site will try to quickly correct the comments and give detailed answers to the questions you asked.

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