Choosing the optimal defragmenter for Windows: O&O Defrag - German pedantry? Installing and configuring programs (overview): Auslogics Disk Defrag hard drive defragmenter (end).

“I have already touched on the topic of disk defragmentation. O O Defrag Professional is very effective and functional software for defragmenting hard drives, flash and solid state drives.

The main advantages of O O Defrag Professional edition include the following:

  • five defragmentation methods.
  • Complete defragmentation hard drive in almost any case.
  • Work with external USB drives.
  • 32 and 64 bit support Windows versions 7, Vista, XP.
  • Convenient, intuitive interface.
  • Ability to obtain a large amount of disk information related to defragmentation.
  • Ability to run defragmentation according to plan.
  • The ability to perform parallel and sequential operations on disks.
  • Disk defragmentation when loading the operating system.
  • Automatic disk optimization.
  • Flexible settings for excluding files from defragmentation.
  • Activity monitoring.

There are a lot of opinions about the importance and necessity of disk defragmentation. Considering a large number of factors (drive type, file system, cluster size, size of stored files, operating system, disk usage frequency, etc.) defragmentation of hard the disk will have a different “character of usefulness”. Now (mid-2011) there is an active transition from storage drives to hard drives magnetic disk to solid state drives (SSD). Flash drives are the most popular devices for “transferring information in your pocket.” For hard magnetic drives, fragmentation has a more detrimental effect on performance than for solid-state drives and flash drives (memory cards). However, for SSDs, disk defragmentation plays a “wear-reducing role.” Many articles have already been written about this.

It is worth noting a specific area of ​​the “hard drive” - Windows registry. To check and defragment it, I recommend the system utility TweakNow PowerPack.

The review will include the latest, at the time of writing (07/19/2011) stable English version of O O Defrag Professional 14.5.543 x64 (Operating system - Microsoft Windows 7 Maximum SP1 (build 7601), x64).

System requirements for O O Defrag Professional 14.5.543 x64. O O Defrag Professional edition does not impose any special system requirements on the system. If your PC responds system requirements, the operating system installed on it, then O O Defrag Professional will work.

  • 50 MB free disk space for installation.
  • Access right level Administrator.
  • Operating systems supported: Windows 7, Vista, XP. 32 and 64 bit versions are supported.

Main window O O Defrag Professional

The main window of O O Defrag Professional (picture below) can be divided into three areas.

  1. Menu.
  2. Disk table.
  3. Disk information.

The menu area is visually divided into five groups.

  1. Defragmentation.
  2. Reports.
  3. File system.
  4. Options.

Region Disk table by default contains twelve columns.

  1. Disk. Volume letter.
  2. Name. Volume label.
  3. Action. Displays the status of the action being performed on the disk.
  4. Status. Percentage of action completed.
  5. Total files.
  6. Fragmented files.
  7. Fragmentation percentage.
  8. Size. Disk size.
  9. Free. Volume free space on disk (in gigabytes).
  10. File system.
  11. Current file or folder. Full name file (folder) on which the action is currently being performed.
  12. Time left. Time until the operation is completed.

It is possible to sort in forward or reverse order by any of the columns, arranging the columns in an order convenient for you. If necessary, you can hide or add some columns (picture below) or reset the disk table settings to standard. And also specify the alignment of the contents of the disk table (left, right, center).

To the region Disk information(picture below) defragmentation of the hard drive is presented in a visual form.

Contains five tabs.

  1. Type of clusters.
  2. Tasks. The tasks will be discussed in detail below in the article.
  3. Reports.
  4. Disk status.
  5. File status.

Tab Type of clusters(picture above) contains a graphical representation file system disk and color legend. If desired, you can change any of the legend colors. The O O Defrag Professional edition legend contains the following items:

  • Free.
  • Condensed.
  • Defragmented.
  • Fragmented.
  • Reserved for the file system.
  • System.
  • Report files.
  • Blocked.
  • In progress.
  • Directories.

All of them display the ownership of a particular location on the disk to various types of files (or directories). You can customize the display of the graphical view using the following options.

  • Classic representation of clusters. Will remove the gradient from the clusters. Makes them one color.
  • Shadow. Adds or removes the shadow cast by each cluster.
  • Cluster size. You can change the color cell display size (diagonally in pixels) to 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18.

With a smaller cluster size, you get a more detailed view of the volume's file system structure. Since, for example, with a color cell size of 18 pixels (figure below), one fragment can contain many various types files. Information about the contents of a specific colored cell can be found by double-clicking on it.

The figure above shows the display of cells in not classic look, with a shadow, a gradient and a size of 18 pixels. For example, I will show in the figure below the display of cells in a classic form without a shadow and a gradient of 3 pixels. I will also provide information about the contents of one such cell.

On the tab Reports(picture below) all available volume reports are displayed.

An example of viewing one of the reports in a browser is shown in the figure below.

Tab Disk status(picture below) displays brief information about the selected disk.

Tab File status(picture below) contains a table with information about disk files.

It is possible to filter the list of files using the following criteria.

  • Fragmented files.
  • Large fragmented files.
  • Fragmented system files.
  • Large system files.
  • Fragmented locked files.
  • Large locked files.
  • Large files.

You can sort any of the filtered lists in forward or reverse order by the following columns.

  • File name.
  • File size.
  • Fragments. Number of file fragments.
  • File fragmentation percentage.
  • Initial cluster. The number of the cluster on which the beginning of the file is located.

O O Defrag Professional has options that allow you to customize the program window display style (colors), font size, text direction (right to left) and window transparency for Windows 7 and Vista.



Option Fast start (picture below) will allow you to schedule defragmentation and/or start executing it immediately.

You can specify automatic disk optimization (in background), disk optimization during system downtime or optimization time (day of week, hour, minute). You can specify the flag for monthly or weekly defragmentation. It is possible to tell O O Defrag Professional to check the disk file system for errors before defragmenting.

Analysis allows you to perform a forced analysis of the state of the selected disk. Before starting defragmentation, O O Defrag Professional will definitely analyze the selected volume. After the analysis, a graphical representation of the cluster map will be available to you.

In O O Defrag Professional edition 14.5.543 x64, you can choose one of five disk defragmentation methods.

  1. Express.
  2. Space.
  3. Full/Name.
  4. Full/Date of changes.
  5. Full access.

I took the description of defragmentation methods from the help file (on English language) installed with the program. The translation is not literal with its own comments and interpretation.

The high-speed method uses a smaller volume (compared to other methods) random access memory. He gives good result even on computers with little RAM and little free disk space. The method is to try to fragment and combine files in order to optimize free space. This method is recommended in the following cases.

  • Initial defragmentation of your system's hard drive.
  • Servers with very big disks(for example, more than 4 terabytes).
  • Computers with a very large number of files (more than 3,000,000 files).

Method Space. Consolidates its data so that the amount of contiguous free space is as large as possible and reduces the likelihood of further fragmentation. This method is recommended in the following cases.

  • Initial disk defragmentation of your system.
  • Computers with “weak” hardware and not a lot of free disk space.
  • Servers with large disks (for example, more than 1 terabyte)
  • Computers with a large number of files (more than 100,000 files).

Method Full/Name previous ones. However, it provides a larger percentage of file system performance gains. In addition to defragmentation, it reorganizes the file structure. Files are sorted into alphabetical order from the beginning to the end of the disk, and this leads to quick access to the files in the directory. When Windows boots, most system files will be read in sequence from the WINDOWS and system32 folders. This will reduce system startup time. This method is especially recommended for computers on which files are rarely changed. This reduces the rebuild time required for each defragmentation. This method is recommended in the following cases.

  • All types of servers and automated workstations.

Method Full/Date of Changes. A method that is more demanding on hardware resources and longer in execution time than Express and method Space. However, it provides a larger percentage of file system performance gains. In addition to defragmentation, it reorganizes the file structure. Files are sorted according to date last change. Files that have not been recently modified will be placed at the beginning of the disk, and recently modified files will be placed at the end. This method is good for file servers or database servers containing files that never change (such as system files) and files that change frequently (such as database files). This method allows future defragmentations to proceed as quickly as possible, since only some files need to be checked and defragmented. This method is recommended in the following cases.

  • For regular defragmentation.
  • Computers with “strong” hardware and a lot of free disk space.

Full/Access method. A method that is more demanding on hardware resources and longer in execution time than Express and method Space. However, it provides a larger percentage of file system performance gains. In addition to defragmentation, it reorganizes the file structure. Files are sorted by date last access to them. Files that are rarely accessed are placed at the beginning of the section. Files that are accessed frequently are placed at the end. Rarely used files are defragmented and not moved in the future. This method allows future defragmentations to proceed as quickly as possible, since only some files need to be checked and defragmented. This method is recommended in the following cases:

  • Maximizes file system performance on servers.
  • For regular defragmentation.
  • Computers with “strong” hardware and a lot of free disk space.
  • All types of servers and workstations.

DO NOT apply to the same drive different methods defragmentation! This can significantly slow down the defragmentation process, increase the load on Hardware computer and lead to the undesirable consequences of file system fragmentation! It is especially NOT recommended to perform various defragmentation methods for automatic optimization in the background and scheduled checks!

As noted earlier, O O Defrag Professional 14.5.543 x64 has the ability to create tasks for automatic execution defragmentation procedures. The program has a large number of options for this. When creating a task, a window will open in front of you (picture below) containing eight tabs.

  1. Main.
  2. Schedule.
  3. Disks.
  4. Files.
  5. Activity monitor.
  6. Settings.
  7. Steps to take before defragmentation.
  8. Actions after defragmentation.

Let's look at these tabs in a little more detail.

On the tab Main(picture above) You specify a name, description and action with the computer after completing all tasks. For example, switch off.

Tab Schedule(picture below) You set the execution schedule of this assignment. You can select one-time execution (indicating the time and day), weekly (indicating the day/day of the week, period from/to and start time of the task) and execution of the task during the startup of the screen saver (assuming that you are not working at the computer).

It is possible to specify the maximum duration of a task and repeat the task later if it does not work at the specified time.

On the tab Discs(picture below) it is possible to specify for each disk individually the defragmentation method, the percentage of data defragmentation at which the task should be performed for this disk, assign defragmentation at boot and add disk files to zones (zones will be discussed later in the article).

Files. This tab (picture below) is in turn divided into three tabs.

  1. Excluded files. Files that do not need to be defragmented.
  2. Files that need to be defragmented.
  3. Files, by size. To reduce disk defragmentation time, you can specify the file size (select from the drop-down list from 100 MB to 5 GB) that will be excluded from defragmentation.

Tab Activity Monitor(picture below) allows you to configure system busy tracking for task execution. It is very comfortable! For example, you planned a complete defragmentation of all disks with a file system check before and after defragmentation. And they forgot about it. But, for example, half an hour before the start of the task, you left the computer turned on with Pinnacle running, in which the movie is saved big size. If you run the task despite the PC loading, then defragmenting the hard drive and saving the movie can take a very, very long time.

The activity monitor contains settings in which you specify the percentage of processor and hard drive load at which the task will not be launched. It is also possible to specify the name of the program, when active the task will also not be launched. You can specify that the task cannot be run if the computer (laptop) is running on battery power. O O Defrag Professional edition 14.5.543 x64 provides an option to “wake up” the computer from sleep or hibernation mode.

Tab Settings(image below) contains general options for the job. Such as:

  • Consider removable media.
  • Consider external media.
  • Special disk defragmentation for solid state drives.

You can specify the creation of reports (their number) and the level of detail.

Tabs Steps before defragmentation(picture below) and Actions after defragmentation look the same. In them you can import special file with action commands before and after completing the task.

The created task is displayed in the main window of O O Defrag Professional on the tab (picture below).

There you can delete, run and edit the task.

I took the description of defragmentation zones from the help file (in English) installed with the program. The translation is not literal with its own comments and interpretation.

Dividing the disk into zones allows you to logically differentiate data into critical and non-critical. A special algorithm checks that after defragmentation the data on the disk is optimally organized. The placement of files in zones is also checked, depending on the settings. For example, system files that need to be accessed frequently and quickly are separated from other data, such as movies and music. This will reduce the percentage of file fragmentation, shorten the time of defragmentation and reduce the load on the system during defragmentation. O O Defrag Professional edition 14.5.543 x64 already has several configured zones. They are optimal for most users. However, you can create your own (picture below).

Setting up O O Defrag Professional edition

The O O Defrag Professional settings window (picture below) is divided into five tabs.

  1. Main.
  2. Disk defragmentation at boot.
  3. Automatic optimization.
  4. Files. This tab is discussed in more detail above.
  5. Activity monitor. This tab is discussed in more detail above.

Main. This tab (picture above) contains the following settings:

  • Checking the disk for file system errors before defragmentation and canceling defragmentation if an error is detected.
  • Optimization of several physical disks parallel.
  • Optimization according to the characteristics of the disk file system.
  • Consider removable media.
  • Consider external media.
  • Special defragmentation for solid state drives.
  • Distribution of files by zones.
  • Enable/disable automatic optimization.

You can specify the creation of reports (their number) and the level of detail. It is possible to display the O O Defrag Professional icon in the taskbar near the clock.

Boot defragmentation. On this tab (picture below) you can set disk defragmentation when loading the operating system (at each boot, only at the next boot).

Tab Automatic optimization(picture below) contains settings that will help you schedule defragmentation (and the method for each disk separately) to run in the background.

A little inconvenient is that to run the program you need administrator level access rights. Unfortunately, the official website does not support Russian or Ukrainian language for interface and/or help system. A small disadvantage is the fact that when O O Defrag Professional is open and a new media is connected to the computer, for example a flash drive, this media is not displayed in the program. To add it to O O Defrag Professional you have to restart the program.

As you can see from the review, O O Defrag Professional edition 14.5.543 x64 has a large number of capabilities for performing defragmentation. The developers were concerned about the owners of laptops, and about the owners of “strong” workstations and servers, and about the users of “office” computers. For system administrators will useful function tasks in O O Defrag. When installing O O Defrag Professional 14.5.543 x64, it offers to install a proprietary screen saver, add defrag call to context menu Explorer (for defragmentation specific file at the user's request) and install O O Defrag Professional edition as the default defragmentation program on the system. O O Defrag Professional also has the ability to check for version updates from the developer’s website.

  • Buy O O Defrag Professional.
  • Official website of the program.

Disk defragmentation refers to the process of optimizing the logical structure of a disk, in which the files stored on it are organized. Defragmenting a disk helps to increase the speed of reading and writing data stored on it, therefore, increasing the speed of programs installed on this disk. You can defragment the disk using built-in Windows tools or use special programs.

Disk defragmentation using built-in Windows tools

Open " My computer», right click click on the disk selected for defragmentation and select “ Properties", a window will open (Fig. 1).

Go to the " Service"(Fig.2).

In order to defragment the disk, click on the " Run defragmentation"(Fig. 3).

You can analyze and defragment it. However, it is worth considering that regular Windows tools may use outdated defragmentation algorithms. For deeper disk defragmentation, special programs. We will talk about one of them in the continuation of this article. We'll talk about Auslogics Disk Defrag.

Disk defragmentation using Auslogics Disk Defrag program

You can download Auslogics Disk Defrag from the official website using this link.

Program installation

Following the installation wizard instructions, click " Next", then read and accept the terms license agreement, select " I accept the agreement» click « Next" Select the folder to install the program, click " Next", and then the folder for storing shortcuts, also click " Next", then creating an icon on the desktop. After that, click " Finish" This completes the installation of the program.

Working with the program

Main window Auslogics programs Disk Defrag is shown in Figure 4.

Go to the " Algorithm"(Fig.6).

We recommend that you check the boxes next to the items shown in the figure. Using these steps, you can increase the speed of programs installed on your computer. Look at the rest of the Auslogics Disk Defrag settings tabs. For example, you can enable the disk defragmentation scheduler in certain time(tab " Scheduler"). After that, click " OK", You will return to the main program window (see Fig. 4). After this, it makes sense to check the degree of fragmentation of the selected disk. To do this, in the main program window, select the menu item “ Action" and press " Analysis of the selected"(Fig.7).

The disk analysis process will begin. After its completion, you will see the result (Fig. 8).

The analysis showed that the disk has a fairly high percentage of fragmentation - 51%. To defragment the disk, select " Action", and then " Defragmentation and optimization" The disk defragmentation process will begin. Please note that the defragmentation and disk optimization process may take long time. Upon completion, Auslogics Disk Defrag will present the result (Fig. 9).

From the figure you can see that now the percentage of disk fragmentation is 29%. This is because not all files can be defragmented successfully. To view a detailed defragmentation report, click on the link " View detailed report" After this, it makes sense to check the disk for errors and correct them if found. To do this, select “ Action", and then " Check for errors» -> « Checking and correcting the selection» In case you have several local disks, it is better to check them separately. If you are not checking the system disk for errors, then the check will pass fast enough. After its completion, you will see the following message (Fig. 10).

In order to demonstrate this message, we specifically connected it to the computer removable drive F, on which no operating system is installed, and only this disk is checked for errors.

If you are checking the disk on which the operating system is installed for errors, Auslogics Disk Defrag will display the following message (Fig. 11).

In this case, click " Y", and then Enter. After this, restart your computer.

In this case, before loading Windows, a check will be performed system disk for errors. Just wait a few minutes and then Windows system will be loaded.

This completes the process of working with Auslogics Disk Defrag.

You can leave your wishes and questions related to the program on our website.

We, as promised, are starting a series of reviews of computer software. The topic is broad, so we will first talk about defragmenters and optimizers for Windows. We ask you to adequately point out errors so that the reviews are as objective and interesting as possible. Let's get started with this.

First, a little about disk fragmentation itself. To put it simply, this is a mess with files when they are moved and copied, in smart words - splitting a file into fragments of various sizes for recording in different (non-sequential) areas of the hard disk. The process is applied when recording is necessary large file to a disk where there is not enough continuous space, but enough total free space (for example, due to the deletion of previously recorded files).

Defragmentation brings order to the disk, putting clusters on the shelves. As a result, the hard drive begins to work faster, because its head moves on purpose and not so often, which allows you to save the device’s resource and provide more quick start programs. As for SSDs, for obvious reasons it is not necessary to defragment them, however, some applications optimize them, but more on that later.

One more point - since there is nothing to compare O&O Defrag with yet, let’s compare it with the system Windows solution. And in the very last article of this cycle I will traditionally summarize the results, compare all the programs and choose the best. Once again, I ask you not to judge strictly, because this is the first article of its kind. I hope you enjoy it.

The following equipment was used during testing:

  • Lenovo G50-70 laptop (OS Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit; Dual Core AMD E1-6010, 1347 MHz; AMD Radeon R2; 2 GB DDR3-1600 DDR3 SDRAM, WDC WD25 00LPCX-24C6HT0 (250 GB, 5400 RPM, SATA 6 Gb/s).
  • Desktop OEM build (Windows 10 Pro 64-bit; Gigabyte GA-970-Gaming; AMD FX-6300 (4200 MHz); Sapphire RX 460, 4 GB; Kingston HyperX Fury DDR3-1800, 8 GB; SSD Kingston, 128 GB, WDC, 1 TB).

O&O Defrag Professional 21.0 Build 1115

The program is quite popular and has been available for Windows for several years. It works quite quickly, contains additional tools, is easy to manage and is fully Russified.

True, there is one drawback - O&O Defrag is shareware, which somewhat detracts from its capabilities, since there are free ones on the market system utilities with built-in defragmenter. In this case, only high efficiency can help, which I will check now. The developer himself promises an increase in disk performance by 5-8 times.

Key features of version 21.0:

  • The product can be used on the network in combination with O&O Enterprise Management Console 2;
  • Uses less space compared to the previous version;
  • Automatic configuration after installation on the computer;
  • More fast defragmentation hard drives compared to the previous version;
  • Automatic background disk monitoring for immediate system optimization;
  • Advanced network functionality in combination with O&O Enterprise Management Console 2.


It fully complies with the concept of Windows 10 (naturally, not Fluent Design).

There are seven tabs in total: you can visit the defragmenter window, open the system cleaner, statistics window, scheduler, additional tools, settings and view information about the program.

Hello people Smart Defrag refers to a class of programs that are aimed at improving the performance of your computer. To be more precise, Smart Defrag performs one main task is an optimization of your hard drive. She seems to speed it up, but don’t think, this is not a scam, there really is some truth here. And the reason is that this program will give a really noticeable effect only on those computers where there is a lot of junk, that is, all sorts of programs and no procedures have been carried out for a long time hard optimization disk...

But what is this defragmentation anyway? I won’t burden you with any terms or heavy information. I'll say this. A file can be written to disk not entirely, but in parts. Then the hard drive will have to read the file from several places. This is longer than if the hard one counted from one place. In order to collect the parts of the file into one and so that it is placed on the disk in this way, defragmentation is needed. Better to use third party software for this, because the standard Windows defragmenter seems to me not the best solution...

So, I launched Smart Defrag and saw this window:

Here you can immediately start the defragmentation process, there is some kind of smart defragmentation. I clicked smart defragmentation, this is how the work progress is displayed:

The result of the work is displayed as follows:

I clicked the View Report button to see what it was doing there. A browser opens with a report page, everything is written here conveniently:

Well, then I clicked the Finish button to exit this process, so to speak.

If you hover your mouse over the Smart defragmentation button, but slightly to the side, to the right, the following menu will appear:

That is, as you can see, there are several types of defragmentation.

On the Boot Defragmentation tab, I recommend checking all the boxes. But the truth is that everything will not work out because some of them work only in paid version. Here is this tab and these checkboxes:

There’s just one more thing I want to say. There is no need to enable defragmentation at boot if you constantly download something, for example movies... Then, every time you turn on the computer, defragmentation will start and it will optimize and large files, well, that is, your new films, for example. And this can take a lot of time.. If you download movies not to the system drive, then click on this Configuration tab and exclude all drives there, leaving only the system one. This will reduce defragmentation time, but at the same time the system will work quickly. For me personally, such subsequent defragmentation (supporting, so to speak) of the system disk takes about a minute.

Here is the Game Optimization tab:

To be honest, I don’t quite understand what this means. But I think that the whole trick is that after you have added the game, Smart Defrag begins some kind of optimization of the game files... that is, it places them in fast areas of the disk so that the game itself works better. But if in fact the program doesn’t do this, then it’s in vain, because it would actually be logical. And the effect would also be noticeable.

There is nothing interesting on the Action Center tab, because there they simply offer you to download software from IObit..

To open the settings, you must first click on this button:

And then select Settings:

Here is the settings window:

This means that you can configure it here. On the tab General settings You can uncheck the box so that the program does not start with Windows.

On the Auto Analysis tab, you can disable disk analysis after some time has passed. In reality, it looks like this: after a couple of minutes of not using the computer, HDD may start to actively do something... and some disks are a little noisy, well, in general, this may ultimately irritate you

On the Disk Cleanup tab, you can enable additional types of junk that you want to remove.

Well, in general, something like this. In the menu where there is a Settings item, you can change the theme (skins):

This is what Smart Defrag looks like in a light design:

At booting Windows defragmentation will take place (if it is enabled), you will see something like this:

Well, it seems like we have more or less figured out the program.

I have a feeling that the whole IObit family seems to be aimed at only one thing - to make money

It seems to me that it will be even better than Smart Defrag...

How to completely remove Smart Defrag from your computer?

Well, if you didn’t like this program, then I understand you, it needs to be removed. But you need to do it correctly, or better yet, remove the remaining debris...

Advanced users can use a tool such as, which will both remove the program and clean the system after that, so I recommend

Well, now how to remove it using built-in tools. Open the Start menu and select Control Panel there (if you have Windows 10, then press Win + X and this item will be there):

Launch the Programs and Features icon:

In the list of software we find Smart Defrag, right-click and select Delete:

In the next window, click No, I want a full uninstall:

That's it, then Smart Defrag will be instantly removed from your computer.

It is not necessary to clean out the garbage manually, but I personally recommend doing it. How to remove unnecessary garbage keys and remaining files, I wrote here in. Only there I talked about removing Avast and searched for garbage using the word avast, and you search for the word iobit

In general, good luck to you guys, I hope that I told and wrote everything correctly...


Many users use programs on their computer to defragment hard drives. Among similar applications Auslogics Disk Defrag can be noted. When you launch the utility, you might think that it is no different from similar developments, but this is not so.

In the majority similar utilities, as in this one, a list of hard drives is displayed, among which you need to select the one you need and click “Analyze” and after a minute a fragmentation report appears. And if problems are detected, you should select “Defragment”. After this, the application will arrange the files properly.

But with Auslogics Disk Defrag things are a little different. The program has many more useful and interesting features. The application is capable of not only simply organizing more disk space and performing standard defragmentation. The utility's capabilities include changing the location of files using several methods.

In the first case, the application will arrange the files by access time, i.e. Data that was recently used will go to the fast area of ​​the disk. You can also arrange files by modification time, which will give the most recently updated data a better placement. In addition, you can sort files according to the Prefetch Layout criterion, which allows you to arrange the data in such a way that it will allow the system to speed up.

Having made a choice, the application can be defragmented at the user's request, using a scheduler, in which the process will begin automatically. In addition, you can use the Offline Defrag option, which is activated before Windows startup and begins defragmenting the main system settings.

Using the Auto Defrag option, the utility will work in the background and be activated when the operating system wants to quickly correct fragmentation errors. At the same time, the program works unnoticed and does not load the operating system.

Application of resources

The program uses less system resources PC, as is the user's time. It is possible to perform defragmentation different modes: the specified segment, together with optimization, in an accelerated mode. The operating system load level depends on the selected mode. However, the program is quite simple and lightweight, so you can easily do other things without noticing that defragmentation is running.

Using this application, you can scan disks for errors or delete temporary files before starting to work. In addition, it is possible to configure lower-level elements, which will allow for more efficient defragmentation by the selected algorithm.

Setting up the interface is quite simple. In addition, you can set special rules for working with disks. It is also possible to replace the regular operating system defragmenter.

Despite the presence huge amount functions, the application is quite simple. Some complex settings may be offered only if you wish to use them. If you don’t want to bother too much, you can activate the Defrag Wizard, which, after a few questions, will do everything for the user.
It is worth noting that you need to familiarize yourself with the application gradually.

As mentioned earlier, the application can arrange files on the hard drive based on recent access or update time.
However, you won't be able to see these options right away. You need to look for them yourself and run them in manual mode. It's not difficult at all, but it does require some extra effort. It is worth noting that the application does not
provides adequate assistance to the user.

The first defragmentation procedure can take quite a long time. When using the Prefetch Layout option on a 200 GB hard drive, the process can take about seven hours. However, since the application is light in weight, you can safely continue working on your computer.

This duration of the first defragmentation is due to the significant volume of work performed. But after this, the system startup time may decrease by several seconds. Some applications and browsers will launch up to 10% faster. After this procedure, standard defragmentation will take place in a matter of seconds.

Overall, Auslogics Disk Defrag can be an excellent tool that can support maximum performance hard drive. However, you need to have experience with such programs or spend a lot of time studying the functionality. This utility is perfect for those who do not want to purchase another useful application in the Internet.

You must download the program from official resource developer to get high-quality and secure application to defragment disks.