Choosing a car inverter. How the test was carried out


A long journey... Or maybe just to the dacha. But the mobile phone is already dead, the wife, as always, has not changed the battery in the camera, and the son will not go anywhere further until the player that has died down starts playing again. Unhappy driver! Well, how do you plug all this into the cigarette lighter so that everything is charged at once? You can stick it in. But not in the cigarette lighter. In this situation, 12 V DC to 220 V AC voltage converters will come in handy. And you won’t need an expensive and powerful inverter - a simple voltage converter with a power of 150 W can handle this task. Take a tee with you and it will charge players, phones, cameras and even cope with a laptop. With everything and at once.

Low-power inverters are good because they are inexpensive and can be easily turned on via the cigarette lighter connector. Inside the car, you can always please yourself and other passengers with your favorite 220 V socket. And how surprised your son will be when he sees the familiar USB connector - for recharging the player! Some Porto and AcmePower inverters (exactly? Maybe some others) have a USB output.

...So we arrived at the dacha, and what? They opened the door, and there was a break - there was no light in the house. Let’s take the little one’s favorite inverter from the car, but you won’t be able to connect lighting, a microwave oven or a power tool, the power is not right. For such cases, there are powerful inverters - up to 5 kW. They connect directly to the battery terminals. The most powerful of them are colossal in size. The price of such inverters in rubles already greatly exceeds the number of watts for which they are designed...

This is where the problem of choice comes in. What are you willing to pay for: an electric kettle on a picnic or a charged laptop on the road? We divided car inverters by power into two large groups: up to 1 kW and up to 3 kW. In this issue we will focus on the first group of inverters and also divide it into two parts. Inverters up to 200 W are connected to the cigarette lighter connector, more powerful ones - directly to the battery. In addition, some manufacturers took care of hesitant consumers and created intermediate models with a power of about 300 W: they can be connected to the cigarette lighter and directly to the battery.

What was tested

Each inverter has been tested for output voltage versus applied load. Of greatest interest is the operation of the inverter in a state close to overload. Almost all devices coped with normal operation. And when connecting a load slightly exceeding the maximum, interesting details become clear.

In addition, an important characteristic is the shape of the output signal. The ideal shape for a voltage versus time curve is a pure sine wave. Such a signal can be observed, for example, in a 220 V home network. However, only one inverter from the entire test was able to please us with the beauty of the output signal; all other inverters use the so-called modified sine wave form. It turns out that the ideal waveform is quite expensive (this can be seen in the example of the Shtil inverter). In addition, for purposes such as charging mobile phones and other devices, the modified signal form is quite sufficient. Pure sine is necessary when connecting high-precision measuring equipment. In addition, in a network with a modified signal shape, high-frequency interference occurs, which can appear in the form of noise when connecting radio equipment.

How the test was carried out

To measure the output voltage of each inverter depending on the connected load, a load stand was created. This simple device consists of ordinary incandescent lamps of various wattages. For each inverter, the following operating modes were simulated: 25% of the maximum declared power, 50%, 75%, 100% and 125% (overload mode). In each of these modes, the effective voltage at the inverter output was measured. At 75% of the maximum power, an oscillogram of the output signal was taken - a graph of voltage versus time.

No less interesting was the test for non-standard loads: a “Rucheek” pump (300 W) with a high starting current and a microwave oven.

Shtil PS12/300 - automotive inverter, test



PUMP START (300 W): yes

MICROWAVE: yes, at 100 Watts


This device has many features. Let's start with the fact that the Shtil PS12/300 car inverter is manufactured in Russia and is positioned as an inverter that provides the consumer with high-quality electricity. And this is true: the inverter produces a pure sinusoidal signal at the output. This allows you to connect the most complex loads to the Shtil PS12/300 inverter, including precision measuring equipment. The inverter coped with the pump and microwave without any problems. But you have to pay for such dignity, so it’s impossible not to pay attention to the price...

As long as the load is less than the maximum, the Stihl PS12/300 inverter behaves perfectly: it maintains a voltage of about 217 V. But trying to increase the load does not lead to anything good: the voltage begins to drop, and the actual load remains the same - 300 W. This is not unexpected, because this is an overload mode. But how will various devices for which voltage fluctuations are critical perceive this? The protection operates in two stages: first it goes into power limitation mode, then it turns off the load and checks at intervals of 1 second whether the cause of the overload has been eliminated. In general, the recipe is obvious - do not overload.

Before putting the inverter back into the box, let's pay attention to the ergonomics and appearance. Manufacturers remain true to the old rules: the main thing is inside the device. Externally, Shtil PS12/300 is a gray parallelepiped with rubber feet. On the front panel there is a power key and an indicator light, on the back there are terminals for connecting wires and a socket for connecting a 220 V plug.

The last thing we will pay attention to is the method of connecting the inverter to a 12 V network. Using wires that are easily fixed in the inverter clamps, it can be connected either to the cigarette lighter or directly to the battery. However, these wires are not included in the kit!

ADVANTAGES: An indisputable advantage is the shape of the output signal. The inverter provides the consumer with truly pure sine.

DISADVANTAGES: Overload protection logic is more suitable for cases where the inverter operates without user presence, “clumsy” design, rather large dimensions.

SUMMARY: The Shtil PS12/300 car inverter deserves the attention of experienced buyers who are demanding on the shape of the output signal. Those whose electrical appliances are not so demanding on the shape of the network voltage should move on to the description of other inverters.

AcmePower 120 - automotive inverter, test




The AcmePower 120 car inverter stands out among all other inverters, its design is truly unique. Any owner of a small cozy car will pay attention first of all to it. Why so many rave reviews? The secret lies in its appearance: the inverter body is made of pleasant plastic and is no larger than the palm of your hand.

It is worth paying tribute to the manufacturers: the inverter is endowed with a lot of pleasant surprises. The USB port allows you to charge devices such as your iPod. The inverter comes with adapters for charging mobile phones of various models. Well, and a soft, almost velvet case for the inverter (how could we not be without it!). Thus, on first impression, the inverter definitely wins.

But let's get back to the test. With the overload mode, the AcmePower 120 is not so smooth. Firstly, it comes too early: only 107 W, and the inverter is already turning off. However, to turn it on again, you need to remove and then insert the power cable (the inverter does not have a power button). Despite the low maximum power, the inverter is equipped with a fan, which does not allow it to operate completely silently.

ADVANTAGES: Excellent design, extremely small dimensions and weight, USB output and adapters for charging mobile phones.

DISADVANTAGES: High cost, low declared (and even less real) maximum power.

SUMMARY: Without a doubt, there are many buyers for the AcmePower 120 car inverter. Manufacturers have tried their best to attract consumers. If 100 W is enough for the buyer and the high cost is not a problem, then this is what you need.

MeanWell A301‑150‑F3 - automotive inverter, test




Lovely car inverter design

MeanWell A301‑150‑F3 does not detract from its other qualities. For a low price, the consumer receives a device without bells and whistles, but also without unpleasant surprises. The inverter operates absolutely silently (without a fan). It also doesn't make ear-piercing squeaks when overloaded. Shutdown occurs quietly when reaching 175 W.

ADVANTAGES: Absolutely silent operation.


SUMMARY: An inverter with no additional features and no surprises. For simple purposes and light loads - an excellent choice.

MeanWell car inverters have proven themselves very worthy. One of the important advantages of these inverters turned out to be adequate behavior when entering an overload zone.

MobilEn SP-150 - car inverter, test



The MobilEn SP-150 inverter, unpretentious at first glance, showed very good results. The maximum power was 125% of the nominal, and the voltage did not drop below normal. The inverter warns you when you are approaching an overload condition with a periodic low squeak. If you continue to increase the load, it turns off with a loud constant squeak.

A serious advantage of the MobilEn SP-150 car inverter is its absolutely silent operation. The user will know that the inverter is “alive” by a light indicator.

ADVANTAGES: Warning when approaching overload mode, high actual maximum power.


SUMMARY: The MobilEn SP-150 car inverter does not surprise with anything: neither in design, nor in price, nor in behavior when overloaded. Quite a reasonable choice.

Neodrive 200 - car inverter, test




Quite unexpectedly, another cheap Chinese inverter turned out to be a champion of sorts. The Neodrive 200 car inverter absolutely confidently maintains a voltage of 220 V under a load of 125% of the maximum. The record shown is the maximum load, which is 133% of the declared maximum. If you try to increase the load further, the inverter turns off and signals the overload with a quiet periodic sound signal. Among the shortcomings, it is worth paying attention to the very short power cable from the cigarette lighter - this is also a kind of record... The Neodrive 200 car inverter is equipped with a fan, which turns on as it heats up and, after cooling the device a little, turns off.

ADVANTAGES: Low cost, high actual maximum power.

DISADVANTAGES: Short power cord.

SUMMARY: During the test of the Neodrive 200 automobile inverter, no serious deficiencies were identified. Due to its fairly low cost and sufficient power, the inverter can be recommended for simple purposes.

Porto HT-E-150 - car inverter, test




Let us now turn to one of the lowest-power automotive inverters, Porto HT-E-150. It does not pretend to be solid (the body is partially made of blue plastic). You could say there's something toy-like about it. But one of the biggest advantages of the inverter: it operates absolutely silently. Forced fan cooling was eliminated due to the small loads for which the device was designed. The fact that it is in the on state is indicated only by the indicator button, illuminated in blue. As for the data obtained, the little Porto was also pleased. As the load increases, the voltage increases slightly, but everything remains within normal limits. In addition, it stably maintains a voltage of 230 V at a load of 125% of the maximum. When trying to raise the load above 190 W, the inverter simply turns off without any warning. To revive it again, you need to remove (or reduce) the load, turn it off and on again. Manufacturers have tried to give this seemingly simple Porto HT-E-150 inverter a special twist. And, I must admit, they completely succeeded! It may be the least powerful, but what other inverter can charge an iPod via a USB port? Having USB is definitely a big advantage. For unknown reasons, there was no voltage surge after the overload protection tripped. Incomprehensibly, since the rest of the tested Porto inverters have this drawback.

ADVANTAGES: Stable behavior at loads up to 125% of the maximum. Complete absence of noise and sound signals. Availability of a USB port.


SUMMARY: the Porto HT-E-150 car inverter is an excellent choice for simple purposes: charging laptops, phones and other small loads. The inverter will save space in the car and money.

Porto HT-E-150 P4-12 - automotive inverter, test




The Porto HT-E-150 P4-12 car inverter has no global differences from the HT-E-150‑12. But there is no limit to perfection: this inverter is even smaller and hides even more pleasant surprises. In addition to the USB port, the inverter is equipped with an air purifier!

According to the manufacturers, the ionizer cleans the air of dust, disinfects it and neutralizes electrostatic fields. The device generates a low-power electrical discharge, which forms a flow of negative aerions that ionize the air in the room. Dust particles, allergens and other pollutants acquire a negative charge and are deposited. However, it was not possible to verify this fact within the framework of the test.

Here we again encounter the same drawback as with the 600-watt inverter: after the overload protection is triggered, the device turns off, but then turns on again for one second.

ADVANTAGES: Complete absence of noise and sound signals. Availability of USB port and air purifier.

DISADVANTAGES: Voltage surge after overload protection is triggered.

SUMMARY: the car inverter Porto HT-E-150 P4-12 has no significant differences from the Porto HT-E-150‑12.

Powermate-003 Tamaks - car inverter, test




What is the difference between the Powermate-003 Tamaks car inverter and its cylindrical brother? A longer cable, a different housing shape - let the consumer choose what he likes. As for the dependence of voltage on load power, everything is the same. The voltage increases quite noticeably with increasing power.

The behavior of the Powermate-003 Tamaks inverter in overload mode is different. It did not warn when approaching maximum power, but simply turned off and began to emit an incessant squeaking sound. But no power surges after shutdown.

ADVANTAGES: Similar to Powermate-012 Cyler. Does not turn on again for a short time after the overload protection has tripped.


SUMMARY: There are no fundamental differences between the Powermate-003 Tamaks car inverter and the Powermate-012 Cyler model. When choosing between these two models, you can safely be guided by considerations of aesthetics and the choice of seat in the car.

Powermate-012 Cyler




Let's move on to considering inverters from the famous Povermate brand. Inverters were created to achieve the simplest purposes - charging laptops, phones, players. Let's immediately pay attention to the extremely low price. Povermate inverters have many disadvantages, but they are to some extent compensated for by their low cost. The cylindrical shape of the case allows you to install the inverter in a standard car cup holder. Even if this is not available, there will be room in the cabin for an inverter without any problems. The power cable is made by analogy with a telephone wire (“accordion”) and has a length of 70 cm when stretched. The front panel (base of the cylinder) has a 220 V socket and two indicator lights - green and red. It is worth noting that all labels on Povermate inverters sold in Russia are in Russian. The inverter output voltage increases greatly as the load increases and reaches 240 V at 150 W. Then the voltage begins to gradually decrease. The inverter turned out to be one of the few that can hold a load of 125% of the rated load at a voltage of 220 V. Approaching an overload state, the inverter begins to surprise with its behavior - both in a good sense and in a bad sense. So, with a load of 170 to 190 W, it emits a constant squeak, which cannot fail to attract attention. But what’s most interesting is that all this time the inverter maintains a stable voltage and does not turn off! If the load is increased a little more, the electronic shutdown system will work. And here a surprise happens: after 2 seconds the inverter turns on again, detects that it is overloaded, and turns off. And this happens endlessly. It is quite obvious that some energy consumers (such as a computer without an uninterruptible power supply) will not like this behavior of the inverter.

ADVANTAGES: Low price. Nice and comfortable design. Alerts you when you enter an area close to overload.

DISADVANTAGES: Constant switching on and off when connecting power exceeding the maximum.

The test was conducted by Mikhail Krutyansky

The maximum peak power for this automotive power converter is 400W, and the continuous operating power is 200W. The inverter connects to the car's cigarette lighter and converts the input voltage received from the car with a power of 12V. The product is activated by connecting the connecting wires that come with the inverter.

The inverters have a built-in 5V USB socket for powering and charging mobile devices and a cigarette lighter socket for connecting devices with 12 volt power.

The warranty period for AIRLINE products ranges from 6 to 36 months depending on the product, but not more than 1-4 years from the date of manufacture of the product (see warranty card).

Only products that meet the following conditions are accepted for evaluation:
1. Warranty period - from 6 to 36 months depending on the product (see warranty card), counting from the date of sale indicated in the warranty card and certified by the stamp of the trading organization, but no more than 1-4 years from the date of manufacture of the product (see. warranty card).
2. The product warranty is provided subject to compliance with the operating rules.
3. Warranty obligations are terminated when:
3.1. Absence of a branded warranty card, as well as upon presentation of a blank or incorrectly completed coupon;
3.2. Using the product for industrial or professional purposes;
3.3. Mechanical damage (cracks, chips, etc.) and damage caused by exposure to aggressive environments and high temperatures, penetration of liquids, foreign objects entering the product, instability of power supply parameters exceeding the standards established by GOST 13109–87, as well as damage caused by due to improper storage (corrosion of metal parts);
3.4. Natural wear and tear of the product (full use of the resource, severe internal or external contamination);
3.5. For products that were opened or repaired independently during the warranty period.
Buyer's actions when returning products:
1. Read the instructions carefully and make sure that the product is connected and used in accordance with all the requirements specified in the instructions.
2. Make sure there is no external damage, check the fuses (in compressors, splitters, converters, etc.) and the oil level (in jacks).
3. If the product does not work, return the product to the store (trade organization). The retailer who sold you the product must, after completing the necessary formalities specified below, replace it. In this case, you must provide the product with packaging, a “Warranty Card” with marks from the trading organization, or a check issued by this organization.
4. When returning goods, the buyer must remember the requirements for the returned product:
- It must not show signs of use;
- Its presentation has been preserved;
- Consumer properties are preserved;
- Fillings preserved;
- Factory labels saved;
If a trade organization refuses to accept products declared as defective without any reason, please write a letter to. In the letter, briefly state the essence of the problem, the name of the defective product, the date of purchase and the address of the retail outlet, with the telephone number and name of the seller who refused to exchange the product for you.

The development of household appliances and electronics places new demands on car owners. For normal use of a laptop and other electronic or electrical devices, a voltage of 220 volts is required, which is not available in the car. A car inverter converts a standard 12/24 volt voltage into 220 volts with a frequency of 50 hertz.

How does a car inverter work?

The basis of the inverter is a digital generator with pulse width modulation (PWM).

The operating frequency of the generator is from 10 kilohertz to 20 megahertz, depending on the model, power and manufacturer. The signal from the generator is sent to a power switch, which controls the operation of the high-frequency transformer. The output of the transformer produces a voltage of 220 volts. When the load on the inverter is light, the duty cycle of the generator pulses is minimal. This is monitored by a feedback system. The higher the load at the inverter output, the greater the duty cycle of the pulses (maximum value 1:1). This system allows you to reduce energy consumption and the load on the power switch in the minimum consumption mode. After rectifying the alternating current, the output produces a constant voltage of 220 volts. The direct voltage is again converted into alternating voltage, but with a frequency of 50 hertz. This scheme allows you to seriously reduce the size, weight and cost of the inverter, because a transformer for a frequency of 50 hertz is hundreds of times larger and more expensive than one operating at a frequency of 100 kilohertz and above.

Most often, an inverter is used to connect a laptop, printer, scanner and other devices to the vehicle’s on-board network. Often there is a need to connect a small, powerful drill or angle grinder to the on-board network. Using an inverter allows you to use a microwave, hair dryer, vibrating massager and other useful devices on the road. The inverter allows you to connect any electrical or electronic device to the vehicle’s on-board network that requires an alternating voltage of 110/220 volts to power it.

Inverter and electrical/electronic devices

Any inverter has an impact on electrical and electronic devices. The complex output waveform produced from a square wave with a frequency of hundreds of kilohertz produces a large number of harmonics, which can adversely affect some devices. The table below will help you understand how an inverter affects various electrical and electronic equipment.

Electrical or electronic device


harmonic sensitivity

operating time from a 55 amp hour car battery

Charger for camcorder

more than a day

Phone charger

more than a day

Player, receiver with headphones

more than a day

Razor or hair clipper

more than a day

TV, home cinema

Drill, hammer drill, grinder, sink

20-40 minutes

Microwave, hot plate, iron, hair dryer

How to choose a car voltage converter

When choosing an inverter, consider the following:

  • battery voltage (12/24 volts);
  • output voltage (110/220 volts);
  • total load power;
  • connection to a cigarette lighter or battery;
  • certificate of conformity and registration in accordance with the consumer protection law.

When choosing an inverter, remember that converters for 12 and 24 volt voltages are not interchangeable, unless this is written on the device body and in its operating instructions. Connecting a 12-volt inverter to a 24-volt battery will lead to overheating and rapid failure of key transistors and other parts due to excess input voltage. Connecting a 24-volt inverter to a 12-volt battery will lead to rapid overheating and failure of the key transistors due to too high duty cycle of the pulses increasing the collector current.

Inverters must be used to power those devices and equipment that match their voltage. Many electronic devices are designed to operate at voltages ranging from 100 to 260 or 380 volts. For such devices, any converter can be used. If the device is designed to operate with a voltage of 110 or 220 volts, then you must select the appropriate inverter.

An equally important parameter is the total load power. To determine it, it is necessary to calculate the power of all devices that can be turned on simultaneously, but they will not necessarily be used constantly. Here is an example of determining the total power:

  • laptop (70-100 watts);
  • phone charger (10 watt);
  • small refrigerator (50 watt);
  • home theater (200 watt);
  • total power 330-360 watts.

When choosing an inverter, keep in mind that the maximum DC current of the cigarette lighter should not exceed 15 amps, so the maximum power you can get without the risk of damaging the wiring or blowing a fuse is 180 or 360 watts, depending on the battery voltage. Therefore, it is advisable to connect an adapter with a power above this value not through the cigarette lighter, but directly to the battery. To do this, it must include the appropriate connectors and adapters. If you alter the power cord, you will void the warranty on the device.

Despite the fact that such devices are not subject to mandatory certification, all large and reliable manufacturers or suppliers not only receive a certificate of conformity confirming the safety of the device, but also register the device in accordance with Russian laws. That is, they attach a user manual in Russian to it, and on the packaging they describe all the characteristics, operating conditions, manufacturer data, as well as a telephone number and email address for sending claims related to product quality.

Inverter and car battery capacity

If you plan to connect electrical devices to the battery, keep in mind that its capacity will not last long. A battery with a capacity of 45 ampere hours is capable of delivering 540 watt hours or 0.54 kilowatt hours until completely discharged. That is, by connecting a 100-watt device to it, you can use it for 5 hours. By connecting a total load of 1 kilowatt, you can use it for 20-30 minutes. After which you will not be able to start the engine. If the car engine is turned on, then the main load will fall on the generator, which is capable of generating up to 1 kilowatt hour of electricity. If you need more power, you will have to install a non-standard generator.

Review of the best autoinverters

  • power;
  • output voltage quality;
  • behavior under overloads;
  • equipment;
  • additional functions (if any);

In this review, we will test a portable car inverter from 12 to 220 V with a declared maximum power of 200 Watts produced by the Chinese company ONEVER.

According to the manufacturer, this voltage converter with 12 to 220 Volt output should produce a pure sine wave with a frequency of 50 Hz. This will allow it to be used to power both electric motors and devices with switching power supplies.

In this review, we will test the operation of the inverter in practice by connecting various loads to it.

Inverter is a device for converting direct current into alternating current by changing the voltage value.

Technical characteristics of the voltage converter declared by the manufacturer

  • Manufacturer: ONEVER
  • Rated power: 200W
  • Efficiency factor (efficiency): 90%
  • DC Input Voltage: 12V
  • Maximum current consumption: 8.3 A
  • Output voltage: AC: 220V ± 10%
  • Maximum output current: 0.45 A
  • AC output frequency: 50Hz±2Hz
  • Output power: 200W
  • Peak power: 400 W
  • Output voltage to USB port: 5 V
  • Output waveform: modified sine wave
  • Overload protection: yes
  • Overheat protection: yes
  • Overheat protection threshold: 70 °C
  • Operating temperature: 0 – 40 °C
  • Overvoltage protection: yes
  • Reverse polarity protection: yes
  • Sound alarm for low battery level: yes
  • Low input voltage cut-off voltage (no load): 10V ± 1V
  • High input voltage shutdown voltage (no load): 15V±1V
  • Built-in cooling fan: yes
  • Housing material: aluminum
  • Dimensions: 87 x 64 x 38 mm
  • Weight: 0.23 kg

Appearance of the inverter 12 to 220

Disassembling the voltage converter

Equipment used when testing the operation of a car inverter

Power consumption meter - will be used to monitor the energy consumption of devices connected to the inverter.

A DC source of up to 10 A will be used to supply input voltage to the inverter and control current consumption.

A Bosch electric drill with a power of 550 W will be used as a load for the voltage converter at half its power.

The system unit of my computer will be used as an inverter load.

Testing the inverter at idle

I decided to start checking the operation of this voltage converter by measuring the output voltage without load when the input voltage changes from 10 to 14 V in steps of 1 V.

The results were as follows:

  • 10 V input - 209 V output
  • 11 V input - 224 V output
  • 12 V input - 237 V output
  • 13 V input - 247 V output
  • 14 V input - 257 V output

It turns out that increasing the input voltage after 12 V by 1 V leads to an increase in the output voltage by 10 V.

The inverter protection for exceeding the input voltage was triggered at 14.83 V, which corresponded to 264 V at the output. When the voltage subsequently drops below this threshold, the inverter starts working again.

The inverter's low input voltage protection did not operate even when the input voltage dropped to 5 V.

The current consumption in idle mode is 0.5 A.

Testing a 12 to 220 voltage converter under load

In the test I will try to squeeze maximum power out of it. As a result, it turned out that the protection is triggered at a load power consumption of 110 W.

This is quite enough to charge a laptop, but using a power tool will no longer work. This is also enough for a computer, but it is unlikely that anyone will test a PC in a car.

Advantages of an inverter

Low cost. Mini size. Availability of an adapter for our forks. Basic protections really exist and work.

Disadvantages of the inverter

No power button. High no-load current. Unsealed housing. When under heavy load, the wires become very hot. Built-in silent cooling fan (as stated by the manufacturer): truly silent, since it simply does not exist.

The manufacturer lied about the power - I would not recommend connecting a load with a consumption of more than 100 W, but nothing bad will happen - the protection will work.

General impression

The thing is interesting. You can safely use it to charge a laptop or tablet. In case of urgent need, you can power some low-power power tools. If you decide to sit on the shore of a lake with a fishing rod on a warm summer evening and watch the “Hunting and Fishing” channel on a 40-inch TV, then this voltage converter will cope with it. I can recommend it for purchase.