Everything for business 250 Beeline. Free tariff package options

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Considering the growing needs of customers for quality and inexpensive communication, mobile operators regularly introduce tariffs to the market to improve the quality of services provided. One of these offers is the Beeline “Everything for Business for 250” package. Please note that this is one of the most budget tariffs, intended for corporate clients. To understand the benefit to subscribers, it is necessary to consider the offer in more detail.

Services on the tariff plan

All tariffs offered by providers cellular communications and the Beeline company in particular, can be divided into two categories: commercial and corporate. The first option is intended for use by individuals, the second - by enterprises and companies. In fact, any corporate tariff is an exclusive offer that cannot be purchased in sales stores. Meanwhile, such service packages imply significant savings on the cost of cellular communications, because employees can connect to various options under a single contract.

The main advantages of Beeline corporate communications look like this:

  1. Optimization of services provided. For example, you can choose tariffs where Internet traffic is cheaper than communication costs.
  2. Wide range of additional services. This feature is also typical for commercial tariffs, however, standard offers for individuals usually have a number of restrictions and are noticeably more expensive.
  3. Saving. If company employees are forced to communicate with each other via cellular communications, connecting to a corporate tariff can significantly save on calls.
  4. Benefit. When connected large number employees, the operator usually offers a discount for annual maintenance of the selected offer.

Important! Connecting corporate service, the client receives an individual manager who deals with all the nuances within the framework of the tariff used

The convenience of using Beeline corporate offers is as follows:

  • Considering that, regardless of the number of connected numbers, one contract is concluded, the manager will be able to control the limit of funds spent by employees on cellular communication services.
  • From a psychological point of view, corporate communication motivates employees well, thereby increasing their performance.
  • Savings when paying taxes. This is directly indicated by the tax code, which classifies such proposals under the heading “Other expenses”.

What does Beeline offer?

Ease of use of the tariff

It is necessary to clarify that packages designed for corporate clients are offered by all providers, even those that are not part of the " big three» mobile operators:

  • Beeline;
  • Megaphone.

However, only the Beeline company sells packages designed for large and small businesses. This is a set of “Everything for Business” tariffs with a postpaid and prepaid payment system. The most budget-friendly option in this offer is Beeline’s “Everything for Business for 250” tariff, where you can get a very impressive package of services for a minimum subscription fee.

What is included in the main package

The starter set of the tariff plan includes the following services:

  1. Communication – 400 minutes.
  2. Messages – 400 SMS.
  3. Internet – 4 GB.
  4. Unlimited calls and MMS throughout Russia, within the corporate tariff.

The subscription fee for using the services is 250 rubles. Funds are debited from the account monthly, unused minutes and messages are not carried over to the next billing period.

Important! If the tariff plan is suspended at the request of the client (temporary blocking of the number), the funds are debited in the amount of half subscription fee– 125 rubles/month. When the number is blocked by the operator, payment is due in full.

When connecting a tariff, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • The offer is valid without roaming throughout the country;
  • Upon conclusion of the contract, the client pays a guarantee fee in the amount of 500 rubles. The specified funds are paid at a time for each connected number, subsequently the guarantee fee will be returned to the account;
  • If connecting to “Everything for business for 250” involves changing the existing tariff plan, the price of the service will be 45 rubles. Please note that if current tariff used for more than 30 days, there is no charge for the transition.

It is worth noting: unlimited calls within the framework of this corporate offer do not apply to the territory of the Republic of Crimea!


The “Everything for Business for 250” tariff plan allows you to connect packages of additional minutes, which are designed to make preferential calls when traveling around the territory Russian Federation. The cost of extended communication services looks like this:

  1. “Business trip + 150 minutes” - 100 rubles.
  2. “Business trip + 500 minutes” - 250 rubles.
  3. “Business trip + 1,000 minutes” - 450 rubles.

For information: extra minutes are spent only on incoming/outgoing calls from other mobile operators. Calls to Beeline numbers remain unlimited.

Connecting additional packages free call to *110*08#. After eight, you must enter the number of additional minutes.

Additional features

As part of the current corporate agreement, subscribers can take advantage of preferential tariffs for communication services when in international roaming. For the CIS countries and Europe the following tariffs apply:

  • outgoing call minute – 25 rubles;
  • incoming calls – 15 rubles/minute;
  • SMS – 9 rubles.

It is worth noting that if the limit of free minutes and SMS messages offered by the contract services is exceeded, the client can continue to use cellular services. In this case, tariffing is carried out according to the following principle:

  1. Calls to numbers of other providers home region– 1.5 rub/min.
  2. On-net calls in the connection region – 0 rub/min.
  3. Calls to long-distance and city numbers – 4 rubles/min.

Important! Depending on the region of connection, the cost of communication services may vary.

An interesting offer is the “Internet for everything” option. As part of the service, the client can connect up to five devices to use Internet traffic for free. There is no charge for each connected device.

How to connect

To plug tariff plan“Everything for business for 250” Beeline can be called toll free number 0611 or by contacting any of the company’s offices.

Please note: for corporate clients, it is possible for a manager to visit the enterprise and conclude an agreement on the customer’s premises. You can switch to the tariff on the official website of the cellular service provider or use the special Beeline mobile application.

The tariff is activated only upon presentation of a passport or other identity document. In some cases, it is possible to present a scanned passport, provided that the subscriber’s personal data, photo and registration are visible. After signing the contract, the tariff will be activated within 5 working days.

You can refuse services or block a number by contacting customer service. The interactive answering machine number is 0611, here you need to use the tips. If the number is issued to a company, you need to call legal address company and tax identification number. In addition, you will need the passport data of the subscriber who uses the number within the framework of the concluded contract.

Helpful information

Any tariff plan, including “Everything for business for 250,” also has pitfalls that are usually not disclosed to the subscriber upon connection. This information is specified in the contract small print, therefore often ignored when filling out papers. But such nuances are not necessarily aimed at luring clients into paying extra for the services being imposed. For example, “Everything for business for 250” includes a number of options that are not specified in the terms of the contract, but are included in the basic package of any Beeline tariff. Connect here:

  • automatic caller ID;
  • conference call;
  • forwarding incoming calls;
  • “stay informed” service;
  • “I have contact!” service;
  • details of expenses for communication services.

Important! You can refuse these options by calling the Beeline customer service. Please note that there is no charge for the services offered.

However, there are also some unpleasant aspects that the client needs to be aware of at the time of concluding the contract. For example, upon completion of the proposed Internet traffic, the connection speed drops to 64 Kbps, and remains until the end of the consumption period. This practically blocks access to the network; in addition, frequent connection breaks occur. Tariffs for received/transmitted information packets are always rounded with a + sign, the accuracy is up to 20 kb.

Important nuances

“Everything for business for 250” belongs to the category of tariffs with per minute billing, in this case, a connection lasting less than 3 seconds is not taken into account. Please note that this nuance does not apply to long-distance and international communications. International communication service for of this tariff must be ordered additionally, which requires a guarantee fee of 1,500 rubles. You can cancel the guarantee fee and refuse to use the service at Beeline offices by presenting two documents to the manager: a passport and any document of your choice.

The “Everything for Business for 250” tariff is considered postpaid, so the cellular service provider issues an invoice monthly after the end of the billing period (30 days). The subscriber, in turn, is obliged to pay for the services within 25 days, otherwise the number will be blocked, however, the payment will be charged in the same amount.

Internet, which is included in the tariff

Every entrepreneur thinks about how to make his business more profitable, efficient, automate work, create permanent, strong connections with clients, solve all sorts of technical problems that may hinder progress.

It is able to access any sites, but one of the leading ones is trademark Ltd company - Beeline! She provides profitable terms growth, business development, individual activities.

Beeline provides profitable tariff projects related to stable, affordable, high-quality communications. They are suitable for small organizations, private businessmen, large enterprises in need of profitable tariffs for future convenience and ease of use.

For what reason should you focus and pay attention to the following tariff projects? Which ones will be easily accessible and used by clients, and which ones won’t?

The “Everything for Business” tariff is one of the best for entrepreneurs. It contains 4 main tariff project for companies:

  • “Everything for business for 250”;
  • “Everything for business for 450”;
  • “Everything for business for 900”;
  • “Everything for business for 1500.”

They allow you to contact clients, call, and send messages to company employees free of charge. In addition, other services are easily available.

Beeline tariffs for Business

What exactly do they allow:

  • Call Beeline numbers for free.
  • Call, send SMS and MMS notifications to company numbers for free;
  • use free packages minutes, Internet, SMS to contact other operators.
  • These actions are open in the presence of the subscriber equally in different regions of Russia.
  • It is possible to connect several phone numbers.

“Everything for business for 250”

  • Payment per month plus a deposit of 300 rubles (1 time).
  • The low cost gives you a free package of minutes, SMS, MMS, and access to the Internet.
  • Free installation options.
  • Availability required functions for comfortable use of services.
  • Small volume traffic.

“Everything for business for 450”

  • The range of free package services and traffic volume is expanding (700 minutes, SMS, 8 GB). Payment every month.
  • Additional deposit 600 rubles.
  • Ability to view multimedia: films, recordings, images, all kinds of videos.

“Everything for business for 900”

  • Payment every month.
  • Additional deposit 1200 rubles.
  • The package includes 1500 SMS, MMS, 1500 minutes, traffic volume 15 GB.
  • Ideal for those who like to watch something interesting, listen to music or take pictures.

"Everything for business 1500"

  • Payment every month.
  • New bonuses: 5000 free minutes, 3000 SMS, MMS, 20 GB Internet traffic.
  • Complete freedom, no restrictions.

Connecting to the “Everything for Business” tariff plan

(carried out using the website or in the Beeline salon)

  1. Go on the website.
  2. Select a tariff.
  3. Fill out the order form (use client or company contacts).
  4. Next, a Beeline employee will explain the following actions by contacting by phone.
  5. In case of liquidation of an institution or business activity, you should contact the salon, the managers will help solve the problem.

Beeline and its advantages. Why is it better to come here?

  • Availability large quantity profitable unlimited tariffs;
  • a huge range of offers. The entrepreneur chooses for himself what is within his circle of interests, what will be useful, what will be available;
  • there is an opportunity to save;
  • high-quality communication anywhere in the country, no interruptions;
  • employee competence.

In contact with

Beeline has now created attractive conditions not only for private users. Business representatives now also have a great need for high-quality communications at an affordable cost. Beeline's "Everything for Business" tariffs were specially designed for individual entrepreneurs, large and small companies. After connecting them, clients will be able to receive a fairly large number of attractive opportunities. Thanks to the variety of packages offered, you can choose the most suitable conditions for yourself.

IN currently offers for business representatives are quite diverse - they include such corporate packages as: “For business over 1500”, “For business over 900”, “For business over 450”, “For business over 250”. Before their appearance, similar tariffs were used, which were called: “Platinum”, “Gold”, “Silver”, “Bronze”.

Corporate offers provide the opportunity for free sending MMS and SMS, as well as making calls to company representatives within the country. In addition, they also offer services on attractive terms, as well as various service packages without paying any additional fees.

Free features tariff packages:

  • SMS, MMS and calls to company representatives;
  • calls to everything phone numbers Beeline;
  • high speed internet;
  • SMS and calls to phones of other operators.

Use the services without paying additional funds You can not only within your region, but also while roaming throughout the country. It’s quite convenient that you can activate several phones at once for any offered tariff. The size of the packages is influenced by the connected tariffs, which have different prices.

Features of use:

Please note that tariffs for different regions may vary slightly. For example, the information discussed above is relevant for St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. For use in Moscow and its region, 5 tariffs with similar conditions are offered. With the exception of “For business over 900” and “For business over 1500”, they additionally include “For business over 1100”, “For business over 1600”, “For business over 3000”.

Price of services after the end of free packages:

  • calls to local phones - 1 ruble per minute;
  • calls to numbers in roaming - 3 rubles per minute;
  • MMS messages - 5 rubles;
  • SMS to numbers of operators in the country - 1 ruble.

Each of the proposed corporate tariffs has its own distinctive features: number of preferential minutes, volume of Internet traffic, number of SMS and MMS, amount of monthly payment. With the most expensive offers, you can use high-speed 4G Internet without restrictions and without paying additional funds.

For business for 250 rubles

The most economical offer allows you, for little money, to have access to free SMS and MMS packages, a sufficient number of minutes for not too long communication, as well as high-speed Internet. Behind this service you will need to pay 250 rubles for each monthly period. When connecting, you must enter a one-time payment guarantee payment in the amount of 300 rubles. Activation of this service is carried out without additional payment. The main advantages of the tariff: low price and the possibility of obtaining high-quality communication. One of the disadvantages is the insignificant amount of Internet traffic.

For business for 450 rubles

This tariff is similar in many respects to the one just discussed, but differs in more voluminous free packages. The number of SMS and 700 minutes of calls will be quite enough for a client who often calls and sends messages. 8 GB may be enough for a comfortable search for information, as well as for listening to audio recordings and viewing photos or videos. Accordingly, you will need to pay 450 rubles per month for it, and at the time of activation you will need to make a guarantee payment in the amount of 600 rubles.

For business for 900 rubles

More serious proposal, through which clients gain access to free use 1500 SMS and MMS, 1500 minutes of calls and 15 GB of Internet traffic. These parameters allow you to download a fairly significant amount of photos, videos, music, and also feel quite comfortable online. This tariff is great for those customers who frequently use the Internet and telephone communication. Every month you will need to pay 900 rubles for it, and you will also need to pay 1200 rubles - a guarantee fee at the time of activation.

For business for 1500 rubles

This is the most respectable tariff that has greatest opportunities, will cost 1,500 rubles for each monthly period. After its activation, clients are provided with: 3000 SMS and MMS, 5000 preferential minutes, a volume package of up to 20 GB of 4G Internet, which has high speed and is not limited in any way. Its benefits will be appreciated by clients who are quite active in making calls. 5000 minutes over a monthly period will be quite enough under any circumstances. Thanks to the impressive amount of traffic, you won’t need to limit yourself when downloading music, watching videos, online broadcasts, or when searching for the necessary information.

How to connect to a Beeline tariff plan"Everything for business"?

The procedure for activating the selected corporate tariff is possible as on the website mobile company, and in any of his salons.

In order to connect through the site, you will need after choosing the most suitable tariff Enter the required information into the order form: company information and contact information. In the near future, a representative of the operator will contact the client to provide detailed information about connection.

In order to deactivate the corporate tariff, you will need to complete simple steps. For these purposes, you should personally visit the company’s office, where employees will provide assistance at the earliest possible moment. short term. You can also go to your Personal account on the website, and then open the corresponding section in the menu.

Telecom operator Beeline is ready to offer subscribers many profitable opportunities not only for consumers, but also for entrepreneurs. After all, any business requires the availability of inexpensive and high-quality cellular communications. If an entrepreneur provides it in the first steps in a new field, the staff will begin to work harmoniously, and the number of clients will increase.

Advantages of corporate communications in general

In total, operators have 2 groups of services - commercial and corporate (read about). The first category is relevant for ordinary citizens, i.e. ordinary individuals. The second is for entrepreneurs who want to ensure a productive work process and save on organizing communication between employees and management, partners, and clients. Advantages:

  • optimization of services (selection of tariffs and special features);
  • an extensive list of auxiliary options (after all, for individuals it is mainly limited, and the cost is unprofitable);
  • financial savings (connecting to a corporate package should help save on calls);
  • an undeniable benefit is observed when connecting a large number of employees (the operator offers a discount).

The most important thing is that in the process of connecting to such a service, the client can count on the support of an individual manager who will help determine the nuances and controversial issues.

Description of the “Everything for Business” tariff schedule from the Beeline operator

Today, one of the operator’s most profitable offers is the “Everything for Business” line of corporate communication tools, which includes 4 main plans - for 250, 450, 900, 1500 rubles. Previously, their names were assigned to some precious metal - bronze, silver, gold and platinum, respectively.

Thanks to such services, the subscriber gains the opportunity to communicate with clients of this network, in particular, he receives a set of calls, messages, and the Internet. Price parameters are determined by the number of free minutes (from 400 to 5000), messages (from 400 to 3000), traffic (from 4 to 20 GB).

The conditions within the tariff are variable and depend on the subscriber’s region of residence.

How to refuse the service

If you need to carry out the disconnection procedure, you can contact the customer interaction service by dialing 0611. You will receive a response from an interactive answering machine, which will give several tips for quality communication with the operator. If you don’t want to call anyone, you can personally come to the operator’s office and ask the manager to sort out the problem that has arisen.

What to consider

If current plan applies for more than 30 days, there is no payment for the transition.

The package in question allows you to connect additional options in order to make calls on preferential terms. Their cost is as follows:

  • business trip + 150 min. – 100 rubles;
  • + 500 min. – costs 250 Russian rubles;
  • 1,000 min. – 450 rubles, but you get an unlimited number of new features.

Additional minutes can only be spent on incoming and outgoing calls from other operators. You can connect them by typing a simple combination ✶ 1 1 0 ✶ 0 8 # . After “8”, enter the desired number of auxiliary minutes.

Additional options

Subscribers are entitled to use preferential tariffs provided they remain in the international roaming. The following price indicators apply to European and CIS countries:

  • 1 outgoing minute of call – 25 Russian rubles;
  • an incoming call will cost 15 rubles. in a minute;
  • 1 message – 9 rubles.

If the limit expires, the cost of services changes and is 1.5 rubles. per minute of call to other numbers, 4 rubles. intercity, 0 rub. for calls within the network within the connection region.

These prices vary depending on the region of connection, you can find out more information at official resource communication service provider.

Thus, the “Everything for Business” tariff plan for 250 rubles is an excellent opportunity to establish corporate communications and achieve enormous savings in time and money.

An unlimited tariff for corporate clients is valid in Moscow and the region. Connect by phone: +7-499-110-19-99.

Moscow provider Beeline offers to buy a corporate Internet tariff for the office. All in one package - profitable proposition For legal entities and business:

  1. Mobile connection: minimum 300 free messages and 550 free minutes of conversation with subscribers located in the region.
  2. Unlimited outgoing/incoming calls to Beeline subscribers in Russia.
  3. Mobile Internet from 5 GB.
  4. Access to high speed home Internet from 40 to 100 Mb/sec.

Tariffs "Everything for business" - advantageous offers for corporate clients from Beeline

The Moscow provider offers profitable and affordable tariff to use the Internet and mobile communications. Corporate rates And unlimited Internet from Beeline allow you to save on bills and receive quality services. The company offers several packages for business, which include:

  1. Internet traffic from 5 to 30 GB per month.
  2. SMS messages from 100 to 6000 per month.
  3. Conversations on the Beeline network - from 100 to 6000 minutes per month.
  4. As a gift from the company, the “Internet for everything” service with the ability to connect up to five devices of any kind.
  5. Installing a router with Wi-Fi function. Internet available to employees and office visitors.
  6. Connection short number 8-800 for customer service.
  7. Domain registration and support. Choose a unique site name and attract customers. The provider will provide work, domain renewal and advice on all issues.
  8. Digital TV for the office. An interesting video, program, film is a reason to keep the client in the office. Connect to TV in HD quality about Beeline.

Use mobile network provider when traveling around Russia. Call Beeline subscribers for free. This is a profitable offer for business. It is possible to connect to corporate network employees who do not use official communications. They receive separate bills and pay themselves. The company saves on landline and mobile communications!

Price for beeline corporate internet varies depending on the chosen tariff. Existing and new subscribers receive additional bonuses and discounts. Connecting package plan, you can use corporate, mobile and home Internet on high speed, register domains, connect digital television, install cloud PBX. Beeline offers endless possibilities!

Why is it worth switching to Beeline?

The company is a leading Moscow provider offering favorable rates and additional services. Enterprises, companies, organizations of all forms of ownership and size choose Beeline. Main advantages:

  1. Free connection Internet in the office if there is an access point in the building.
  2. Dedicated line for access to the global network.
  3. Free installation and configuration of a router with Wi-FI function.
  4. Downloading programs that protect against viruses and DDoS attacks on websites, mobile applications, equipment.
  5. Static IP addresses that all employees can connect to, even outside the office.
  6. Providing a unique domain name. Registration and support of the site.
  7. Self check traffic, cost control, remote connection functions.

A provider with a name and reputation complies with the stated parameters and monitors the stability of work. Internet at high speed, identical input/output is the main requirement. Plus a package of additional services. These are significant advantages that attract more and more new customers.

Do you want to hear information about the opportunities that the provider provides? Find out how much corporate internet costs with additional services and functions? The company holds promotions and introduces new programs. To find out more details, you need to contact the managers by phone +7-499-110-19-99. Ask questions and receive competent answers.

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