Recover a deleted badu profile. How to remove yourself from the Badoo social network

Great amount users, more than 140 million managed to find some friends and acquaintances, and some a new love with the help of international social network. It has been actively operating for five years. With its help, you can constantly communicate with interesting and pleasant people in any corner of the world.

This application is an online chat, completely new. It provides constant communication to millions of users 24/7 without any hassle. After a simple registration, you can start communicating, exchange videos with friends, you can make new acquaintances, make friends, and there is a chance that thanks to new acquaintances you will find your love.

You can easily become a user of this new social network right now. But in the case when, for some reason, acquaintance and communication have ceased to be interesting, and there is a desire to leave the network, or liquidate your account, you can do this using the instructions provided.

How to get out?

First, you need to make sure you remember your username and password. Otherwise, they will need to be restored. Although it is known that the login is email address, and recovering a password is not difficult, it’s still better to do without unnecessary problems.

Deleting an account and leaving a user from a site are two different things. In the first case, the profile will not be deleted; other users will still be able to see it. The user who wants to log out will simply be logged out of the social network system.

In order to simply delete yourself from your account, you should pay attention to the upper right corner of the side menu. There is a special icon with an arrow and open door. By clicking on it, you can leave the resource.

Deleting an account

How to delete badoo account? This is also very easy to do. To do this you need:

  • find your name in the upper left corner and click on it to go to your personal page;
  • after that find the gear icon located in the right top corner(in this case it symbolizes the Settings menu) and click on it;
  • a page will immediately open with which you can edit personal data; you will need to scroll to the bottom until you find the “Delete profile” link;
  • the following window will pop up here, if you definitely intend to permanently liquidate your profile, then click on the “Continue” link, if not, then you can not delete it yet, but only, for example, deactivate it for a while, or hide it from others participants, making them invisible;
  • then a new background window may open with explanations and recommendations for further actions, you don’t need to select anything from this, just close this window, and then the removal will be completely completed.

The messages there may be very different, for example, that information on the resource can be presented in more than 40 languages. You can simply close this window.

If the site tries to appease you and offers to stay for three days with the so-called free superpower, then you should, without paying attention to this, click on the link that allows you to destroy your account.

You will then need to indicate the reason why you are leaving the network. It is possible to select the “Other” option and tell the site administration the reason for leaving. Then click on “Continue” again.

You are now required to enter your password. Then click on the link intended to liquidate your account. If this is not possible, because the password has been forgotten, and the system responds that it is incorrect, you need to follow the link that opens “Forgot your password?”. On email you will receive an email containing a link. By clicking on it, you confirm your desire to completely get rid of your account.

It will be deleted, and a confirmation email will also be sent about this. There will also be a notification that the profile can be restored if desired within 30 days. If this is not done within this period, it will be permanently deleted from the site.

If any difficulties arise, for example, when you forget your password, and when you enter the password, the “Forgot your password?” option does not appear, it is better to try deleting it from another browser. Problems with the browser you are using may be the cause incorrect display resource.

How to delete a profile on the bada if you can’t find the item intended for this in the menu. In this case, it is preferable to log in from a different browser. Or even from another computer or tablet. In this case, applications installed in the browser will need to be disabled.

Deleting a profile on a mobile device

Some members who want to leave the site have difficulty trying to delete from their mobile phone. How to leave the badu? To do this, you need to follow these instructions step by step:

  • Enter the side menu.
  • Login to your account.
  • Then select “Delete account” from the menu and the “Continue” link. Here, too, the system may offer an opportunity to use Superpower for a few days for free. You can agree, and the system will postpone the deletion for this period.

But before you permanently delete your profile from Badu, you need to finally decide on this decision. As already mentioned, this action can subsequently be canceled only within 30 days. So that a person can have this opportunity, a special link is sent by email.

Before the 30-day period expires, you can click on it and return to the site again. At the end of the month, this will no longer be possible; then, in order to access the site again, you will have to create a new account.

And one last thing. Only the user himself can delete a profile. No one can do this for him. Now you know how to delete a bad page forever.

Einer der wichtigsten Punkte bei der Benutzung von Badoo ist nach wie vor der Spaßfaktor! Daher bieten wir unseren Mitgliedern bereits bei der Profilerstellung viele Möglichkeiten zur Individualisierung an. Wie das genau funktioniert und was alles möglich ist, erklären wr in dieser Rubrik.

  1. Wie kann ich mein Profil verstecken?

    Wenn du dein Profil für einige Zeit nicht verwenden willst, hast du die Option, dieses zu verstecken. Sobald dein Profil versteckt ist, scheinst du nicht mehr in deiner Umgebung und im Volltrefferspiel auf. Die Nutzer, welche mit dir schon in Kontakt waren, können dir noch Nachrichten schicken, aber du kannst diese Nachricht nur lesen, wenn du dein Profil wieder öffentlich machst.

    Wenn du dein Profil verstecken willst, , klicke auf "Profil löschen" am Ende der Seite und wähle "Profil verstecken". Sobald du das bestätigst, wirst du automatisch ausgeloggt. Um deine Nachrichten lesen zu können, wieder in der Umgebung und im Volltrefferspiel angezeigt zu werden, logge dich bitte einfach ein und mache dein Profil öffentlich.

  2. Wie melde ich mich bei Badoo an?
  3. Wie kann ich mich mit Google, Facebook oder MSN einloggen?
  4. Ich habe mein Passwort vergessen. Was mache ich jetzt?
  5. Ich habe keine Bestätigungsemail erhalten. Was kann ich tun?

    Überprüfe auf jeden Fall die Bestätigungsseite bei Badoo, um sicherzugehen, dass du die richtige E-Mail-Adresse angegeben hast. Sieh bitte auch in deinem Spam-Ordner nach, da es möglich ist, dass unsere E-Mail versehentlich dort gelandet ist. Falls du eine unserer E-Mails dort findest, markiere Sie bitte als "Kein Spam/ Junk".

    Du kannst dich auch über Facebook Connect, Google, Yahoo oder MSN bei Badoo .

  6. Wie kann ich meinen Namen ändern?

    Gehe bitte zu deinen Einstellungen neben "Deine persönlichen Infos". Gib einen neuen Namen ein und bestätige diesen, indem du auf "Speichern" klickst.

  7. Wie kann ich meine E-Mail-Adresse ändern?

    Gehe bitte zu deinen Einstellungen und clicke auf das Bleistiftsymbol neben "Dein Profil". Gib deine neue E-Mail-Adresse ein, klicke auf "Speichern" und du wirst dann gefragt werden, dein aktuelles Passwort einzugeben.

  8. Wie kann ich mein Passwort ändern?

    Öffne dein Profil und gehe zu deinen Einstellungen in der rechten oberen Ecke und klicke auf das Bleistiftsymbol neben "Dein Profil". Gib dein neues Passwort ein, klicke auf "Speichern" und du wirst dann gefragt werden, dein aktuelles Passwort einzugeben. Bestätige dieses, indem du auf "Speichern" klickst.

  9. Warum habe ich keine E-Mail erhalten, nachdem ich "Passwort vergessen" ausgewählt habe?

    Stelle zuerst bitte sicher, dass du die richtige E-Mail-Adresse eingegeben hast und korrigiere etwaige Fehler. Wenn du die richtige E-Mail-Adresse eingegeben hast, dann schau bitte in deinem Spam Ordner nach, weil die E-Mail vielleicht dort gelandet ist. Wenn du die E-Mail in dem Spam Ordner findest dann folge bitte den Anweisungen und markiere die E-Mail mit "Kein Spam".

Log in to your Profile, then “Settings” and delete your account. You can change your information in your Profile at any time. If you haven't logged into your Badoo profile for three months, we may delete your profile as part of our data cleanup process. Please be careful about posting valuable information about yourself on your profile, such as your religion and health information.

To join Badoo, you need to create a profile. In the interest of security and to provide you with the best experience on the site, users are required to verify their accounts.

For example, to make it easier for you to find and communicate with other Badoo users, we have allowed you to share other users' profiles on Facebook. Although you may voluntarily provide us with this information when creating a profile, including your sexual preferences and ethnic origin, there is no requirement to do so.

You can do this using your mobile phone or by installing a desktop application (Badoo Desktop). If you are registered on one of our partner sites, such as Facebook, your profile will be visible to all Badoo users through our site, as well as through our partner sites.

You can invite your friends to join Badoo so they can meet new people too. You can also find your friends who are already registered on Badoo by using the email search. Badoo cannot be held responsible for your failure to keep your login information secure and failure to do so may result in a violation of our Terms of Service.

If your information has changed, please update it promptly by logging into your account and following the on-screen prompts. This means that no user will be able to find you in the app or website, although they will still be able to see your profile from direct cached links.

IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH OUR PRIVACY POLICY, PLEASE REFRAIN FROM USING THE SITE AND/OR APPLICATION. You may also provide other information about yourself, but this is not required. Your phone number may be required for verification. No, we do not collect any personal information about visitors to our website. If you visit us without becoming a member, we will place a session ID cookie on your computer.

You can also use our chat, which allows you to communicate with other users. We recommend and encourage you (and all of our users) to think about the information they disclose about themselves. Please read our Safety Tips.

Please remember that photos you post on Badoo may reveal these types of sensitive personal information. If you provide or upload sensitive information about yourself, you consent to the processing of information and its provision public access other users. When you use mobile app or desktop application, we will collect information about the point Wi-Fi access, as well as your location (latitude and longitude).

We use this information to improve our site and services. This may be done through new products and applications that we sometimes create, including products provided by our sister companies.

We may use content you post on open access on Badoo for advertising purposes on our partners' websites/apps. We believe this will allow us to improve our site and better tailor your online experience to meet your needs.

We use cookies and other tools such as CAPTCHA to make Badoo safe and secure for our users. This type of cookies also helps fight spam, scammers, phishing and unauthorized attempts to log into your account and access any hacked accounts.

We store your Profile in case you decide to restore your account. This information helps us determine your physical location so that it can be shown in your profile and other users can see it in the People Nearby section. If you created a Badoo account through a partner site, but you don't want to link your badoo profile with my account on a partner site, Badoo cannot change these settings.

Unfortunately, sometimes users are faced with the fact that their Badu account is blocked. Why can this happen, what to do in this case?..

Why is an account blocked?

In principle, almost anyone, even the most respectable user, can get banned. After all, you can accidentally violate one or another clause of the Agreement even without malicious intent. But there are very specific reasons, the consequences of which are easy to predict:

  • Behaving rudely, insulting or threatening other users;
  • Distribution of pornographic materials or materials that may incite hatred towards other persons, national hatred, contain calls for violence, etc.;
  • Use as an advertising commercial platform;
  • The use of all kinds of services for illegally cheating votes, obtaining Superpower, number of views, etc.;
  • Or otherwise violate existing legislation.

In any of these cases, the user may be blocked temporarily or even permanently.

What to do if your account has been blocked

So, if you are blocked on Badoo, then, firstly, you cannot assume that everything is lost. Here it is important to understand whether the account was blocked forever or certain time. In the second case, you can simply wait until the blocking period expires and return to your account again. But it is always possible to restore if you contact technical support.

To do this, you need to follow the link: - and type your question in the appropriate field. You can simply write a letter through the feedback form, describing in detail the current situation and explaining why the blocking was unfair. Address to go to the form:

It is worth noting, however, that in most cases this leads to little. Especially if we're talking about about a gross violation of the rules of service. Although there are still chances for a successful resolution of the situation.

As a rule, the first ban on Badoo is rarely permanent. Usually the user is given a chance to correct it. He receives a letter warning that if he violates it again, his account will be deleted. And in order to prevent this from happening again, all you need to do is not break the Rules.

A large number of Internet users are registered on various dating sites, some register for communication, and others just for fun. They all have one problem in common - how to delete an account? This is easy to do at Badu.

What kind of social network is this?

There are more than 100 million users of the Badu network. It appeared in 2011, and the creator is considered to be a Russian entrepreneur. Distinctive feature This network supports most languages ​​of the world. Quite unexpectedly, the network became a success, especially in Italy, Spain and Latin America. The dating site has been in existence for more than six years, and user activity has not subsided. Here you can meet people, chat, exchange videos and photos. If for some reason you are tired of the social network, the question of how to delete an account in Badu can be easily resolved.

How to log out permanently?

In order to delete your profile, you must first remember your data - login and password. If they are forgotten, they can be restored by clicking on the “forgot password” button, and the system will send a recovery link to the email specified during registration. This should be done before deleting your Badu account. Next you need to follow the instructions:

  1. First of all, you need to click on your name in the system in the upper left corner.
  2. After your personal page opens, a “gear” icon will appear in the upper right corner; click on it and the “Options” menu will appear.
  3. Here you need to scroll to the very bottom of the page until the “Delete profile” link appears.
  4. After clicking on it, a window will appear in which the options for action will be shown, the system will offer to freeze the page for a while or make the account invisible, there is also a “Delete forever” button. Having selected the desired action, the user only has to click on the “Continue” button.
  5. After deletion, you will receive an email with a link to the user’s page, in case the person changes his mind about logging out of the system forever. The link is valid for 30 days, after which it becomes inactive.

How to delete your Badu account from your phone?

Sometimes a user wants to delete an account from mobile device. This can also be done easily by following the instructions:

  1. Log in to your page and from there go to the “Settings” menu.
  2. In the settings, select the “Account” line and click on it.
  3. Scroll to the end and find the “Delete Profile” option.
  4. The system, just like when deleting on a computer, will offer alternative options: “Superpower” bonuses for several days, freezing and others. Click “Delete” again.
  5. A link (valid for 30 days) will be sent to your email so you can restore your profile.

Still, before deleting your account in Badu, you should think about it, because it will not be possible to restore it after a month; the only solution in this case will be to register again.