The influence of modern gadgets on children (pros and cons). The benefits and harms of modern gadgets for children

IN modern world digital technologies It is impossible to imagine people without gadgets. Cell phones, tablets, computers are an integral part of our lives. Parents are always an example for a child, especially in childhood. Children watch mom and dad, see the means of communication in their hands and are interested in them. Nowadays, it is impossible to protect your son or daughter from devices. But parents can either regulate their presence in their children’s lives, or let the situation take its course. However, everything needs a golden mean. Nowadays, already in the elementary grades, students need to know a computer, and cellular telephone needed for first graders. So you won’t be able to completely give up electronic devices. But that’s what parents are for, to control their children’s lives. So the use of gadgets should be under the supervision of mom and dad.

Pros and cons of using gadgets

The positive impact of modern gadgets on children

Firstly, phones and tablets help distract your child from prolonged activities. For example, you are sitting in line to see a doctor or driving to visit your grandmother in the village. A child gets tired from sitting in one place for a long time, begins to get nervous, and is capricious. He wants to run and jump, and that’s normal - he’s a child. This is where electronic devices come to the rescue. You give him a gadget, and now the kid is already busy playing or drawing on a netbook.

Secondly, digital education is gaining great development these days. Books and manuals are gradually fading into the background, giving way to computer games and mobile applications. They teach preschool children reading, counting, and drawing. They help develop their memory, attention, and logical thinking. There are also educational cartoons that tell the child about nature, the world, the universe, and the entire world around him.

The negative impact of gadgets on a child’s life

Nowadays, children have been on social networks almost since infancy. They spend so much time on the computer that they gradually get lost in VKontakte and Instagram. The child is so captivated virtual communication that forgets about homework, a walk in the yard, sometimes even about dinner!

In addition, there is a lot of cruelty on the Internet. Youtube is filled with aggressive videos and horror films. Other sites also contain information harmful to children. Rarely, but sometimes it affects the baby’s psyche. He may begin to be hostile to everything. In this case, the parents’ task is to protect the child from the computer or monitor what he is looking for on the Internet.

We must not forget about the negative impact on physiology. Firstly, this concerns the negative impact on children's vision. In addition, those children who constantly spend time on gadgets move less. And this has a bad effect on their musculoskeletal system. A child often sits at a laptop with a slouched back, and this leads to curvature of the spine. In this case, parents should measure the time that the child spends electronic devices. For example, limit the time spent at the computer. Make sure your baby moves more. Come up with an activity to do together: a walk around the city or cooking dinner. Then the child will have no time left for devices. And the hours spent with family are always better than a watch spent at the laptop.

When can children use gadgets?

Almost from infancy, a child begins to become interested in the world around him. The baby is actively developing and growing. In this process, it is not virtual incentives that should come to his aid, but real objects. Toys you can touch, plants you can smell, parent stories you can hear.

Experts believe that it is better to introduce children to various devices after three years. During this period, the baby develops conscious actions. But it is necessary to reduce communication with the phone or iPad. A child 3-4 years old will need no more than an hour a day, a child 5-6 years old - no more than two hours a day.

The influence of gadgets on a child's development

The most negative impact of gadgets on children is that they do not contribute to their intellectual development. Phones and laptops negatively affect a child's development. Because of devices, a child does not develop imagination, imaginative thinking, fantasy, logic, or concentration. Games with gadgets do not create a moral basis - they provide a ready-made picture that does not require mental effort. As a result, the baby does not learn anything.

In addition, the child may have problems with communication. Often, especially among teenage children, personal communication is replaced by virtual communication, real emotions and facial expressions are replaced by emoticons and stickers. The child does not learn to express his opinion, share his experiences, or share someone’s pain. Because of gadgets, social skills that are so necessary for a child in the future are lost. In addition, communication on social networks and forums does not make it possible to see the true reaction of the interlocutor. This means that the child forgets to think about the consequences of his words and actions.

The influence of gadgets on children's health

Gadgets also negatively affect children's health. When a child uses a netbook or phone for a long time, his vision deteriorates. Staring at a screen for too long can cause myopia, and eye strain can cause dry eyes. This can lead to inflammation and infection.

Since the child stays in one position for a long time, he has problems with posture, and the spine may become curved.

Due to the fact that the child holds the phone in his hands for a long time and makes monotonous movements with his fingers, he may develop hand pathologies. Coordination between brain signals and hand movements may also be impaired.

When playing with gadgets, children constantly sit in one place. They lack physical activity. Because of this, excess weight and even obesity appears.

The influence of gadgets on a child’s psyche

We need to remember the impact of devices on the child’s psyche. In order to fully develop, a child needs to be in constant contact with the world around him. Such contact includes communication with peers and parents, educational games, exploration of home and nature, and search for new sounds. Thanks to these actions, the child receives emotional impressions, because he passes every movement through himself. He thinks about every piece of information he receives and stores it in his mind.

But various devices provide children with only an image that cannot “talk” to them. Of course, educational cartoons and children's programs give the baby useful information, but they do not react to a specific child, do not cause any action in him, but simply hypnotize with colorful images.

In addition, up to a certain age, children are attracted only by bright images that quickly replace each other. Children are not able to assimilate the plot, perceive the characters of the characters and evaluate their actions. You might as well sit the child in front of washing machine, and he will enthusiastically look at the spinning drum.

In addition, dependence on gadgets occurs very quickly. Parents' attempts to distract their baby from the screen end in crying and scandals, because giving up something that brings pleasure is very difficult.


Topic: The influence of gadgets on children and adolescents.

Speaker:history and social studies teacherSopov A. I.

The influence of gadgets on children and adolescents.


    What is a gadget?

    Gadgets and academic performance

    Gadgets and Russian language

    Health effects

    Symptoms of addiction



In any queue, in the subway, on park benches, at cafe tables, we can see the same picture. Young people are sitting, staring at the screen of a phone, tablet, or laptop. They are looking at something, replying to someone. Sometimes they look very busy and concentrated, sometimes they look downright bored. But, unfortunately, it is very sad to watch a group of friends clicking on their phones instead of communicating with each other in person. IN public transport It’s rare to see a person without headphones in their ears, where loud, rhythmic music is heard. On the streets of the city, every person you meet talks in mobile phone. People stopped seeing what was happening around them. They stopped thinking because they simply had no time to do it.

What is a gadget?

"Gadget - small device, designed to facilitate and improve human life."

But is this really so? Do gadgets really improve our lives? Of course, in their use you can find not only disadvantages, but also advantages. But in order to fairly assess the impact of gadgets, let's look at all sides.

Pros of using gadgets and PCs

PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones are good because they give access to information on the Internet and allow you to use various programs. The following can be distinguished positive points use of these devices:

    Development of fine motor skills. Work on devices with a joystick, buttons and touchscreen ( touch screen) allow you to develop your fingers and train fine motor skills. And motion tracking computer mouse on the screen allows you to train your baby's attention.

    Teaching younger students. This happens with the help of special educational programs and games that use visual images and active forms of work of the child himself. Very good games are those in which the child is presented with a problematic situation and is required to find its solution by analyzing the initial data and engaging in search and research activities. For example, these could be games with building letters from lines, correlating concepts with images, etc.

    Access directly from home to a large number useful information. Students can read on the Internet last news, find book texts, find interesting information about a great discovery, traveler, historical event, etc. The advantage of the Internet over the library is the instant supply of new information.

    Opportunity to develop and improve. You can turn on a training lecture, watch a lesson on YouTube, or read a book anywhere and at any time. This is convenient for those who spend several hours a day on the road or, even worse, are constantly stuck in traffic jams. You can find a book that is not in the library.

    Developing the skills of searching and filtering information in schoolchildren. This skill is most actively developed in adolescence. The abundance of various information sites confronts the student with the need to analyze all the information received and select reliable information from it. In addition to the skills of searching and filtering information, it also develops the ability to think critically.

    Ability to capture a specific moment . Take a photo or film it. Nowadays, all modern gadgets are equipped with a built-in camera. It's actually very convenient;

    Connection with classmates and teachers. Special blogs and groups on social networks created for students of a certain class are very good. Here the teacher and students can exchange information and news, discuss controversial issues, and discuss the works they have read.

    Completing tasks. The teacher can give assignments to students remotely and they can complete them, either personally or together. Joint preparation of projects, abstracts and other assignments.

Disadvantages of using gadgets and PCs

Frequent and irregular use of gadgets can lead to a number of negative consequences:

1. Escaping reality. In the modern world, people are surrounded by so many fears, internal complexes and anxieties that they literally cannot be alone with themselves. The feeling of fear makes them run away from reality, distracted by gadgets. Music, games, constant viewing social networks helps to drown out their inner voice and create for themselves the illusion that everything is in order in their life;

2. Addiction. Addiction to the use of gadgets can be traced among the majority of their users. Scroll news feed social networks, view photos on Instagram, like, write comments. Or vice versa, set another photo yourself somewhere, and then come in every minute and see if a new comment has appeared on it.

3. Live in virtual world . Chat with friends not in person, but on Skype. Exchange text messages, meet on a dating site. Maintain the status of your page on social networks, edit new and new photos for your profile. The virtual world has completely taken over all of our time.

4. The race for new products. Gadget creators are taking advantage of this mass craze by releasing more and more new models. More convenient, perfect, functional. And they are not cheap at all. Outdated models go out of fashion, are withdrawn from sales, and on TV we are shown all the advantages of new technologies. And we get excited, spend valuable time of our lives in order to buy a more advanced gadget with our last money.

5. Personality degradation . Many games are created not to develop logic or enrich the intellect, but to burn time. They are called “time killers” online. And they are used and played. They go through level after level instead of exploring this world, playing sports, and developing spiritually, in the end. A vicious circle of daily “likes” of photos on social networks, useless games, correspondence with friends “about nothing.”

Gadgets and academic performance

Many parents try to purchase for their child as early as possible Personal Computer, which, in their opinion, is the primary assistant in learning. However, scientists say that having a computer at home has a negative effect on school performance.

In 2010-2015 studies were conducted on 150 thousand schoolchildren aged 10 to 14 years, in which they studied information about computer owners and compared annual grades in basic disciplines before and after purchase home computer. As a result, a moderate but quite noticeable negative effect caused by computer accessibility was established.

The reason for this situation is explained by the fact that schoolchildren mainly use the computer for gaming and communication activities via the Internet, and only a few use it to search for useful information.

Excessive fascination among teenagers with gadgets and global network, of course, affects academic performance. Gadgets impair students' attentiveness and prevent them from concentrating on what is happening in class, experts say. Thus, teachers, psychologists and researchers around the world are increasingly talking about the harmful effects of social networks and the Internet in general on the consciousness and performance of schoolchildren.

Gadgets and Russian language

According to experts, the Internet and SMS messages have a great influence on the literacy of schoolchildren. The popular “Albanian” or “Padonkovsky”, or rather distorted language, is moving from play to life. The “game of illiteracy” becomes truly illiteracy, because, carried away, beginners in ordinary life very often do not distinguish, and do not attach importance to, whether they write correctly or not. The negative impact of spoken language, the language of forums and chats is obvious; distorted language spreads like a virus. By using words from it, teenagers consider themselves “one of their own.” The consequences of this process are disastrous; getting used to the wrong language in communication, they also write in school. And they are very surprised when the teacher gives a bad mark for “correct” spelling.

Health effects

Researchers from the Russian Center for Electromagnetic Safety claim that electromagnetic radiation from modern communication devices has Negative influence on the central nervous system. Moreover, it is the children’s body that is most susceptible. An analysis of groups of schoolchildren showed that children who regularly use tablets and smartphones are characterized by distracted attention and a decrease in IQ development.

Scientists and psychologists note:

Firstly , children spending hours on a touch screen begin to have problems coordinating actions between brain commands and hand movements. There have been cases where such guys cannot even throw a ball in a straight line, because the upper limbs do not respond adequately to signals from the head.

Secondly , constantly looking at small objects on the screens of smartphones and tablets develops myopia (especially in those who bring the screen close to their eyes), and the dryness of strained eyes can lead to inflammation and infection.

Third , regular use of tablets and smartphones is harmful to the spine (especially the cervical spine), which in children still has a pliable structure and quickly bends.

fourthly , constant and unnatural tilting of the head down and pressing the chin to the neck can lead to deterioration of blood supply to the brain, inflammatory processes on the skin and subsequently to faster aging.

Symptoms of addiction

Experts identify the following symptoms of computer, gadget or Internet addiction:

    Fanatical tracking of new technology and an uncontrollable desire to receive them (frequent requests to buy a device, whims and hysterics if this does not happen)

    The emergence of a feeling of euphoria when using the device - the child feels happy only when he has the opportunity to hold the gadget in his hands, sit at the computer, go online, etc.

    Lack of other interests, goals and aspirations - the student forgets about everything and has no other joys, spending all his time only with the device

    Neglect of family and friends: family members and friends fade into the background - the child has virtually no contact with them

    Having problems at school (behavior problems, absenteeism, bad grades, etc.)

    Negative reaction (crying, aggression, hysteria, resentment, etc.) to attempts to limit work with the device

Of course, schoolchildren develop a real dependence on gadgets quite rarely. But if at least one of the above symptoms appears, then this is already an alarm bell for parents. In this case, it is urgent to distract the child from the harmful effects of a PC or gadget.

What to do?

Rules for the use of computers and gadgets by children

To avoid unnecessary problems from too frequent or misuse PC and gadgets, you need to remember that:

    At an early age, work should be under the supervision of parents

    The distance from the eyes to the device display should be 50-70 cm

    Display brightness should be low

    When using the device, the child’s elbows should not hang - support is necessary

    When working with the device, the student’s back should be straight

Try to give a gadget to a preschool child as rarely as possible. It is necessary to explain that this device is intended for work, and instead of watching cartoons, it is better to launch educational programs and videos. For older children who use computers independently, it is necessary to emphasize that information on the Internet is not always reliable. Therefore, you need to choose it very carefully. To limit the time you can use the device, you can set “ parental control».

Parents should strictly limit the time their child spends on modern multimedia gadgets. It is necessary to focus children's attention more on outdoor games, spending time in nature and playing sports.

It is worth remembering that a child should not constantly sit in the virtual world. Time on the computer should be limited by the parent and at 6-8 years old – no more than an hour; at 9-16 years old - no more than 2-3 hours a day for schoolchildren. This time is enough for the child not to fall behind in technical knowledge from peers, but did not develop a computer addiction. Also Special attention It is worth paying attention to what exactly the child is doing on the computer. Please pay attention to age restrictions.

In particularly difficult cases, when a child behaves completely inappropriately when a tablet is prohibited, it is best to seek the help of a specialist - a child psychologist.

How to prevent addiction

In order to prevent the fascination with a device from developing into a real craving or in order to correct an addiction that has already begun to form, it is necessary:

    Reduce time spent using the device. However, remember that you do not need to strictly forbid your child to sit at the computer or take away his tablet. This will cause a negative reaction and may only make the situation worse. Come up with some cunning move, for example, give instructions, ask the child to participate in activities, emphasizing that it is difficult to cope with them without him. In more serious cases You can send the device “for repair” in order to instill in your child a love for other activities during this time.

    Find other interests for your child. Try to get him interested in something not related to electronic devices. This could be walking, cycling, reading books, bead weaving and much more. See what interests your child the most and cultivate it.

    Try to spend more time with your child. Joint walks, games, conversations, discussions interesting questions(books, films, music, history, etc.) will help your child not only avoid dependence on the gadget, but will also improve your relationship and allow your child to feel important.


Computers and gadgets are very useful devices for learning. However, they can become evil if used incorrectly or too often, if everyone's interests are focused on them. To avoid this, parents need to pay more attention to their children and, if necessary, supervise the use of devices.

It is quite difficult to imagine a modern family without various gadgets: smartphones, computers, laptops, tablets. These and other electronic and digital devices firmly established in our lives. It is not surprising that today's kids begin to be interested in them from a very young age. However, many parents are concerned about the question: is such a hobby safe?

On the one hand, it is not very prudent to completely limit a child’s exposure to computers and other electronic devices, since they contribute to the intellectual development of children.

On the other hand - modern technologies They often take away a lot of time from the baby, which he could spend on more useful activities: outdoor games, reading books, ordinary fussing with friends.

Let's look at the benefits and harms of gadgets for the health and development of a child.



The influence of gadgets on children: pros and cons

It is quite difficult to imagine a modern family without various gadgets: smartphones, computers, laptops, tablets. These and other electronic and digital devices have become a fixture in our lives. It is not surprising that today's kids begin to be interested in them from a very young age. However, many parents are concerned about the question: is such a hobby safe?

On the one hand, it is not very prudent to completely limit a child’s exposure to computers and other electronic devices, since they contribute to the intellectual development of children.

On the other hand, modern technologies often take up a lot of time from the baby, which he could spend on more useful activities: outdoor games, reading books, ordinary fussing with friends.

Let's look at the benefits and harms of gadgets for the health and development of a child.

Advantages of using gadgets:

Computers and Internet technologies are gradually entering the lives of even the youngest children. The task of parents is to teach their child to use wisely all these benefits of civilization.

1. Development assistant. Gadgets can become the same educational tool as more traditional toys: pyramids, cars, dolls, cubes and other children's attributes. A baby who randomly presses buttons and keys imperceptibly develops finger motor skills and involuntarily remembers certain numbers and letters. By listening to melodies and looking at pictures on the monitor, the baby improves auditory and visual perception.

2. A way to keep your child busy. Thanks to laptops, smartphones and tablets, parents now know what to do with their little ones in a long line at the hospital or during a car trip. You don’t need to take a whole bunch of toys with you; you just need to turn on an interesting cartoon for your child. In this case, he will not bother you due to boredom and will have an interesting time.

3. Library in your pocket.Modern electronic “readers” can replace an entire book depository, so the student does not have to carry large volumes from the library and back. You will only need to download the books you are interested in from the Internet. In addition, you will teach your child to think that world wide web not only a source of entertainment, but also a concentration of useful information.

4. An indispensable assistant for study. Among a heap of different computer games you can find really useful information that contributes to the development of cognitive processes and the acquisition of new skills. Some applications teach children literacy, mathematics, drawing, and develop attention, memory and logical thinking. Educational cartoons will help to impart new knowledge about the world around the child in an unobtrusive form.

Disadvantages of using gadgets:

1. Negative impact on physical development and health.This aspect of the influence of gadgets on children should be considered very carefully. If a child is overly engrossed in a tablet or laptop, the following may suffer: vision – if the baby spends more than half an hour a day in front of the monitor, there is a risk that after six months his visual acuity will significantly decrease, because children’s eyes are under enormous strain; posture – children often slouch at the computer, which can lead to curvature of the spine; brain – from prolonged stay in one position, blood circulation in the limbs and internal organs can be disrupted, including the brain, which has an extremely negative impact on the child’s intelligence, fraught with a decrease in concentration and memory.

2. Incomplete assimilation of information. Of course gadgets help child development, however, children at an early age need to use all channels of perception. It is important for the child to touch, twist, and examine the ball from all sides in order to understand that it is round and can roll. Educational cartoons are not able to show all the diversity of the world, so the baby cannot fully study this or that subject.

3. Decreased creativity. No computer, laptop or smartphone can replace children’s real work with various materials, the joy of creating something new with their own hands. In real life, kids fantasize and realize their ideas by sculpting, cutting, coloring, and creating appliqués.

We use gadgets for children wisely.

If you want to prevent children from developing computer addiction and reduce the possible negative impact of gadgets, you need to use them correctly, adhering to a few important rules. Despite all the advantages of gadgets, remember that tablets or phones are not items of primary importance and necessity for preschoolers and young children. Full development is possible without all these “miracles of technology”, but if you still want to please your child, then follow the principle - technology for a child should be appropriate for his age. For children under six years of age, it is better to purchase children's tablets that are designed specifically for this age period. In this case, you will be sure that the gadget is useful for the child, and it will become much easier for you to control your enthusiastic baby. Don't use the computer to keep your child occupied while you cook dinner or clean up. The best way out is to involve children in this process. The child should not be allowed to be at the computer beyond the established age norms. So, children under three years old should not sit in front of a laptop. more than an hour per day, and every 20 minutes you need to have a physical minute to rest your eyes. Older children can be allowed to spend more time in front of the monitor, but breaks are also required. Try to adhere to the age recommendations for computer games and cartoons. Information intended for older children can overload the child and even lead to a nervous breakdown. Children should not be given gadgets before falling asleep. The flickering of bright pictures on the screen excites children's nervous systems, which is why they sleep poorly, have nightmares, or cannot fall asleep at all.



The influence of modern gadgets on children (pros and cons)

Life modern man I can no longer imagine myself without such things as a tablet, phone, or computer. Children, observing the lives of adults, from the cradle begin to be interested in gadgets: since mom and dad pay so much attention to these things, it means they are really interesting. The attitude of parents towards the introduction of gadgets into a child’s life is ambiguous: some actively use them, others persistently try to protect their child from modern trends.

You shouldn’t rush to extremes, because the truth, as usual, is somewhere in between. A child is born and grows up in the modern world, and modern life places quite high demands on a person. Already in primary school The child will need computer knowledge, so it is not very prudent to carefully prevent the child from becoming familiar with various electronic devices. Uncontrolled use of gadgets by a child also does not lead to good things, so gadgets should be in the lives of children, but in doses and under parental control. Let's take a closer look at what the pros and cons of using gadgets are.

Pros of using gadgets

  1. A way to temporarily occupy a child in “field” conditions.Children have a hard time with long waits in queues, long journey, stuck in traffic jams. Toys, books, markers and an album may not always be at hand, but adults do not part with gadgets, and here they will come in very handy. Smartphone or tablet with cartoons, games or interesting applications will help brighten up your child's tedious minutes and hours.
  2. Development of cognitive processes and acquisition of new knowledge.Some computer games and applications really promote the development of attention, memory, logical thinking, teach reading, counting, and drawing. There are also educational cartoons that allow a child to gain new knowledge about the world around him. The catch is that there are not so many high-quality educational games and cartoons; most only claim an educational effect.

Children aged 2–3 years (it is at this time that children begin to be interested in new modern devices) you can install age-appropriate educational games on your laptop or tablet. The main thing is for parents to control the time their child spends with the gadget.Children under 3 years old should use devices no more than an hour a day; every 20 minutes they need to take a break to rest their eyes.For an older child, the time for “communication” with gadgets can be increased, but it is also necessary to take breaks after 20–30 minutes of activities or games.

Disadvantages of using gadgets

  1. “One-sidedness” of the developmental effect.Since we are talking about the fact that gadgets contribute to the development of a child, it is worth talking about back side medals. For a young child whose imaginative thinking is still developing, the developmental effect of cartoons and programs tends to zero. When a child is actively mastering the world of objects, it is important that all channels of perception are involved. To understand that the cube is square and the ball is round, it is not enough for him to see the image - he must touch it, feel with his hands the edges and edges of the cube, the roundness of the ball. As a result, the educational video gives a one-sided effect: formally the child remembers something, but in fact does not master the information deeply and efficiently.
  2. Negative impact on health and physical development.First of all, we are talking about deterioration of vision. If the child is regularly more 20 minutes a day looks at a computer monitor or the screen of a phone or tablet, then after six months his visual acuity begins to decline. The second aspect of the negative impact on health is related to the fact that children who spend a lot of time playing games and cartoons move much less, and this systemically affects the condition of the whole organism. Children often sit slouched at a computer/tablet/laptop, and this provokes curvature of the spine and problems with posture in the future.
  3. Decreased creative activity.No games or applications will ever replace spontaneous creativity, working with real materials and living colors. In real life, a child fantasizes. He glues, sculpts, cuts out, paints, combines, and finds the most unexpected solutions. Virtual space deprives him of creativity, because there he can act only within the framework of the options provided by the program manufacturer.
  4. Displacement of interests, relationships and attachments into virtual space.This is a very serious consequence, and it occurs only when gadgets are abused. The child literally falls out of real life: all his interests are focused on the virtual world. In this case, we can talk about dependence on gadgets.
  5. Rarely, but it is possible to experience a mental disorder.If a child often plays games with a lot of blood and horror.

Gadget addiction and how to avoid it

If gadgets occupy a child’s entire consciousness, we can say that an addiction is forming. You can recognize it by the following signs:

  • The child stops being interested real life: does not play with toys, does not strive to communicate with peers.
  • Relationships with parents fade into the background for the child, and instead of studying together, he also prefers to spend time with a tablet or computer.
  • Attempts to limit the time spent playing games and cartoons cause violent protest and hysteria.

Normal intellectual and personal development in this situation is impossible, because it can only occur in real relationships and in the real world. To prevent dependence on gadgets and reduce their negative impact, it is important to use them wisely and adhere to the following rules.

  1. Do not exceed the permissible time spent at the computer/tablet. It’s different for every age. Perhaps the child will protest, but parents should be firm. Do not forget that you are an adult, and the responsibility for the life and health of a small creature lies with you.
  2. Follow age recommendations for games and cartoons. You should not overload your child with information that he cannot perceive.
  3. Do not use gadgets to “get rid of” your child unless absolutely necessary. In some situations, they really are a salvation, but if a mother, for example, is going to cook dinner or do household chores, it is better to include the child in this process than to turn on a cartoon for him.

By the way, it is not recommended to let children play with gadgets before bed, as the child may become overexcited and therefore have difficulty sleeping or not fall asleep at all.

Thus, it is important for parents to prevent gadgets from becoming a source of problems in their child’s life. Proper and moderate use of gadgets will really contribute to the development of the child and help him keep up with the times.

Seminar for parents of children escorted in the police station

Subject: " The influence of modern gadgets on children (pros and cons)"

The life of a modern person is no longer imaginable without such things as a tablet, phone, computer. Children, observing the lives of adults, from the cradle begin to be interested in gadgets: since mom and dad pay so much attention to these things, it means they are really interesting.

Target: explain to parents the pros and cons of modern gadgets.

Key questions for discussion:

  • Advantages of gadgets. What reasons prevent parents from feeling sorry for their child?
  • Disadvantages of gadgets. Extremes in raising a child.
  • Time to “work” with gadgets.
  • Gadget addiction.

In the modern world, children, almost from birth, can easily operate computers, phones, tablets, often explaining to their parents how to cope with this or that technical novelty. It seems that there are advantages to such a situation, because such intelligence indicates that the child is attentive and easy to learn. But there is also a less rosy side: numerous studies have proven that active use gadgets have a detrimental effect on children, depriving them of many simple joys and experiences necessary for full development. How to resolve this contradiction, because it is simply impossible to completely abandon gadgets. And what are the pros and cons of early technological development?

Some statistics

According to UNESCO, 93% of children aged 3 to 5 years are exposed to screens 28 hours a week, or approximately 4 hours a day. Moreover, in most cases, communication with adults takes much less time. Of course, distracting a child with cartoons, video games, and TV shows frees up several hours of time for parents to do their own thing, but all this time the child is practically isolated from outside world, which is fraught unpleasant consequences, which will further affect his mental health.

Social studies conducted among preschool children have shown that children who are gadget-dependent are significantly behind in speech development from children who hardly use electronic devices.

Replacing books, fairy tales, communication with parents with watching cartoons and games leads to the fact that “on-screen children” begin to speak later than their peers, their speech is poor, and their vocabulary is small. Such children often have pronounced speech defects.

Today, speech development disorders are observed in 25% of four-year-old children. For comparison, 40 years ago only 4% of children had such a problem, that is, the number of violations increased 6 times.

What is the harm of gadgets?

For full development, a child requires constant contact with the world. This includes live communication, games with a variety of toys and household items, exploration of the apartment, and games in nature, where there is an opportunity to see and touch all kinds of objects and hear new sounds. The baby gets all this emotional response, since the child passes every action through his consciousness, thinks it over and puts it on the right shelf, and the influence of each factor enhances the discussion with an adult.

But gadgets give the child only a picture that is unable to enter into a dialogue. Of course, cartoons and children's programs tell the young viewer something, but they do not react to a specific child, do not respond to his actions, but simply fascinate with the flashing of multi-colored images.

Moreover, until a certain age, the baby is attracted exclusively bright pictures, which, as if in a kaleidoscope, change on the screen. The child is not able to perceive the plot, understand the characteristics of the character and evaluate his actions. With the same interest, the baby will watch and washing machine. At the same time, attempts to distract from the screen lead to hysterics, because it doesn’t take much time for a gadget addiction to form, and a child will have difficulty giving up the usual pleasure.

But the biggest disadvantage of such a pastime is that cartoons and games do not contribute to the development of imagination, do not form a moral basis - they supply a ready-made image that does not require comprehension, so the child does not learn anything.

Such superficial perception leads to mental health problems and the emergence of a disease, which in the modern world is called “concentration deficiency.”

Symptoms of “concentration deficiency”:

  • The child's inability to concentrate on one activity;
  • Lack of long-term interest in one thing;
  • Increased absent-mindedness;
  • Hyperactivity.

Children develop clip thinking, from which they quickly switch, are often distracted, are constantly looking for new experiences, but at the same time are not able to grasp the entire information and connect individual facts. Such children grow up to be inattentive adults who have difficulty perceiving new information by ear, and consider reading to be hard labor.

And of course, constantly being in front of a screen negatively affects the physical health of children and adolescents: vision deteriorates, posture deteriorates, the body lacks stamina and strength, because there is usually simply not enough time to exercise.

But all this can be prevented if you pay attention to your child in time and, having studied the topic “children and gadgets,” find an alternative to screen entertainment.

How to benefit from gadgets

Of course, technological progress also has its advantages, so you cannot completely isolate your child from computers and phones. To make devices a child’s friend and not provoke gadget addiction, it is important to find optimal time to play with them. Doctors recommend sticking to an already proven schedule:

It is better not to sit children under 3 years old in front of a screen at all. Distract them with books, educational toys, and learning anything that is safe. If you don’t show your child cartoons, he won’t remember them, and the lack of computer games certainly won’t have a negative impact on his health.

  1. 15 minutes is enough for children 3-5 years old;
  2. 20 minutes - for 6 years;
  3. half an hour is acceptable for seven-eight year olds;
  4. 40 minutes is the optimal time for 10-12 years;
  5. Time for teenagers 13-14 years old – 50 minutes.

Of course, than older child, the more difficult it is to control the time he spends at the computer, especially if the parents are constantly at work, and the student is left to his own devices. You can put passwords on gadgets, install parental controls and block the path to the computer in other ways, but will there be any results?

It is important to instill in your child an interest in “live” activities as early as possible, awaken a thirst for reading, find a hobby, enroll in sections that will ensure communication and development, and also minimize the influence of gadgets on the lives of teenagers.

And most importantly, explain to your child how to use gadgets with maximum benefit. Children often waste time on the computer because they simply do not know all its capabilities. Let the child lead electronic diary, learns language in a playful way, reads interactive books and develops useful skills independence and responsibility.

It depends only on you how strong the health and sharp mind of your child will be. Do not trust his upbringing to gadgets if you do not want to later reap the fruits of your frivolous behavior.