VKontakte social network make a new page. How to create a public VKontakte page

How to open your page in contact

  1. Login and registration VKontakte ru.

    Registration on the VKontakte website is very simple, read the instructions to the end and you will register on the social network VKontakte easily and simply. The registration process was long and interesting story, and today registration in contact is absolutely open and accessible to everyone.

    It’s interesting that previously, to get in touch, you had to either receive an invitation or send it to yourself. Now these restrictions have been removed, and the site itself has completely moved to the domain vk.com

    Let's take an example of the entire registration process to make sure there is nothing complicated about it.

    All you need to get in touch is valid number mobile phone and Internet access. Next, to register in contact, you need to go through three simple stages and receive an activation code for your new page.

    So, first you need to go to the site and home page Enter your first and last name, then click the Register button.

    The first step of registration is to find your classmates. You will be asked to provide information about the school where you studied or are studying, and also select your classmates from the list. At the same time, when registration in the contact has not yet been completed, you will ALREADY be able to add the found classmates to your friends.

    The second stage is the search for classmates. The essence of the stage is the same as previous user You must provide all the information about your university. If you do not want to provide any information, you can click the Skip Step button and proceed to the next step.

    The third stage is an indication contact number phone. By to this number you will be able to log into the page on VKontakte, and you will also be sent free SMS with your account activation code. The received code must be entered into the appropriate field on the site, after which the VKontakte registration will be completely completed. You only need to indicate your real phone number, otherwise vkontakte login it will be impossible to do it on the site!

    Attention! There is no need to send SMS to register in a contact!
    You receive SMS! If the site asks you to send an SMS, it means you have a virus.

    In the event that you already have a registered page on the specified number phone you will receive a corresponding notification. In this case, you will be asked to choose to go to an already registered page, or create a new empty one. As soon as you log into the VKontakte site as a new user, you will be given a brief tour of the site to familiarize yourself with its main sections and functions.

    As you can see, login and registration in Contact have now been significantly simplified and will not require much effort on the part of the social network user.

I was making a plan for future publications and realized that I hadn’t written enough about social networks and decided to start improving. Remember 4 months ago I told you how to install VKontakte comments on a blog, so now I decided to continue this topic and make another series of articles, which I divided into two categories. In the first category the story about VKontakte will continue, and the second will be dedicated to full facebook where I will try to parse its api into gears. Today I would like to teach you how to create public page in contact with. By the way, this is the order in which the series will be released:

What is the purpose of a public VKontakte page?

According to my deepest considerations, in literally two or three years social networks will become so much a part of everyday life modern man that he will even look for information that interests him using them. And in this regard, it will be possible to receive excellent information from social networks thematic traffic, as well as new clients. Therefore, nowadays a self-respecting blogger must have a public page on all popular social networks. Namely: Facebook, Vkontakte, Google +. For the rest, I don’t see any point in having your own page yet.

But let's get back to our sheep. What is the purpose of a public page? – you ask me. Well, how can I tell you... Just imagine what social network this is the same Internet, only inside the Internet, and so far most people use it for the purposes of sensual pleasures (viewing other people’s photos, surrogate communication with friends, listening to music, watching movies) by and large, this is a waste of time. But our goal is to organize our base on foreign territory, and our task is to lure traffic to our resource.

But there is one condition. Your resource should have at least 200 visitors per day, since the audience of social networks is mostly schoolchildren, 70% percent, another 20% ordinary people who are looking for their other half there and 10% of whom you may be interested in. Although it all depends on the resource, if you have an entertainment resource, then all 70% is yours, but I write for people who are trying to make money on their blogs, so to tell the truth, then ours is only 10% =)

And so I will not waste your time on empty chatter and suggest that you move on to military operations to create a public page on VKontata.

How to create a public VKontakte page

In fact, creating a public page on VKontakte is many times easier than on Facebook. It’s generally a mess, there are more settings than in Wordpress, I personally didn’t like the layout of the public page, although Timati’s design is very cool…. I will write about this in a future article, so be sure to subscribe to blog updates.

Step 1 – Getting Started. Let's go through this link and fill out the registration form, in which we indicate the name of the page and its type (select a website) and click next. We do everything as shown in the screenshot.

Step 2 – End. Clicking next takes you to main panel administering a public page, where you customize it for yourself by leaving on it contact information, a link to the blog, your biography, etc. In general, we can easily understand further intuitively. Here is a screenshot: (link is active)

First you need to put the page in order and for this you will need to do the following actions(Personally, I think so):

  1. Write your biography
  2. Provide a link to your website
  3. Create one discussion with the topic “Questions and Answers”
  4. Add a couple of audio recordings and create an album in which to place your photo, but if you’re shy, then upload at least a screenshot of your blog =)
  5. Add contact information (email or whatever) and place two or three announcements of your articles.
  6. Draw a logo for your public page.
I think at the first stage of developing my page this will be enough, by the way, would you like to show me what logo I drew for myself? =) Here it is:

Here's how to display post announcements on the page:

And here’s another small FAQ that I dug up on the Internet on today’s topic:

How to delete your public VKontakte page?

How can I find my public pages?

Go to the “My Groups” section, then the “Page Management” subsection. Then follow the link.

How to change the page address?(Most popular question).

The function to change the address of your page will automatically appear after certain time after it is checked by VKontakte administrators.

On this sad note I end my story. Now you know not only how to create a public VKontakte page, but also why a blogger needs it at all. By tradition, please do not forget subscribe to blog updates And follow me on tweet.

In order to parental controls In control of children's computer use, it is often necessary to restrict access to only one or a specific group of sites. If your child does not have a separate computer, first make sure he logs in only with his own account.


If you use Internet browser Explorer, go to Internet properties, click the "Content" tab. In the “Access Restriction” item, click “Enable”. In the window that opens, find the “Allowed sites” tab and in the allowed sites field, enter the address of the site to which you want to leave access. After that, click the “Always” button. Then enter the same site again, but with the “*” sign in front and click the “Always” button again. After that in last time Enter in the “Allow viewing” field the name of the site with the “*.*” icons in front. Click the "Never" button, and then the "Apply" and "OK" button. Please note that if you comply with this restriction, you must enter and remember a password to make further changes.

If you are using Kaspersky Anti-Virus, select “Parental Control” in the main program window, enter the password to access the function in the special window, or set this password if you have not done so yet. To set a password, click the appropriate link, create, enter and remember the password combination. Then, in the “Password Scope” window, check the boxes for those items that you want to protect. Of these, the item “Configuring program parameters” should be mandatory. Confirm your password.

Next, find and activate the Users tab and click the Enable button next to Parental Controls. Then in the window that opens, find account child, select it and click on the “Customize” icon. Then in the “Settings - Parental Control for User” window that opens, in the “Internet” group, select “Visiting websites.” On the right side of the window, check the “Enable” checkbox, and then check the “Block visiting all websites except Allowed” checkbox.

Go to the “Allowed Web Addresses” tab and click the “Add” link. In the “Address Mask (URL)” window that opens, enter the address of the site allowed for viewing and click “OK.” Click “Ok” in the “Settings - Parental Control” window so that all the settings you entered are saved. When finished, confirm changing the settings by entering your password.

Using the instructions above, you can restrict user access from your computer. Subsequently, having understood the parental control settings, you can perform necessary actions in other browsers, antiviruses and applications.

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