Turn on your computer from your Android phone. How to turn on a PC using an Android phone - Web Programmer's Blog

Did you know that there is now an application that allows you to turn on your computer remotely via the Internet from anywhere in the world? You can download it from the link (and) Have you ever encountered a situation where you urgently need to access your computer? For example, there are some files or photographs on the computer that are needed in this moment. By using this application You will learn how to remotely turn on a computer via the Internet and then use it using a remote computer control program. To use remote turning on of a computer via the Internet, you need to know how to set it up.

What is necessary:

- a computer connected via Ethernet to the router

— WakeOnLan configured in the BIOS on the computer (a function that implements remote turning on of the computer via a LAN cable)

— a router with configured SSH or Telnet connection from outside and support for Wake-on-LAN

— installed on your computer and smartphone TeamViwer for remote control

Computer settings

1. You need to restart the computer and enter the BIOS (usually just press F2 or DEL when the first lines appear on the screen).

2. In the POWER tab (or something like that), enable the Wake-on-LAN function (remote turn on) for S4 mode (very low power mode, sleep).

4. Open “Device Manager” (for example, enter this combination in the search after clicking the “Start” button)

5. In the manager, you need to select the network card among the network adapters and go to properties. (it will contain the words "Ethernet" or "LAN", not to be confused with the Wi-Fi adapter, it usually contains the words "Wireless" or "WLAN")

6. In the properties on the “Advanced” tab, check for the presence of the Wake on Lan (WOL, Wake on Magic Packet) item and if it is there, enable it.

7. The computer setup is completed, it is advisable to reboot the computer again. To enable remote activation via WOL, you need to turn it off through hibernation, and not through shutdown.

Setting up the router

We will configure the router using the Asus RT-N66U as an example, however, the settings for routers are not very different and most likely you will be able to configure others.

1. Need to configure remote connection to the router:

a) If you have a static external IP, then you can skip this point. Setting up DDNS. To do this, go to Internet settings -> DDNS and enable the dynamic DNS service. For example, noip.com. You need to create an address at which your router will be accessible from the outside and enter information about this in the router:

b) configure SSH access to the router. In my router it is enough to put following settings on the “Administration” -> “System” tab (For DD-WRT firmware manual, but access will only be available if the user login is “root”, these are firmware restrictions)

Setting up the application

Everything is simple in the application. Go to settings and enter:

1. DDNS address (or external static IP)

2. Login/Password for SSH/Telnet router

3. Connection type

4. You can find out the MAC address of your computer’s network card as follows: Network and Control Center shared access-> Changing adapter settings (or " Network connections"), and then as in the screenshot:

Using the application

If everything is configured correctly and all equipment supports this functionality, then after starting (or) on your smartphone you will see a green light next to the words “Router status” (there is a signal to the router). After this, you need to click “SSH into the router” and as soon as the button turns green, the button to remotely turn on the computer will light up. After pressing it, your computer will turn on. Next, the easiest and most convenient way is to use TeamViewer (download on your computer and smartphone) to remotely control your computer.

Wake on LAN technology must be supported by the BIOS and network card. Also, we will need special application, the functions of which allow you to send a WOL packet to a remote PC.

Thanks to modern achievements, you can turn on a remote PC not only from another computer, but also from a phone. It is also necessary to remember that turning on the computer remotely requires activity network card- it must receive power in standby mode.

Preparatory actions

First of all, you need to configure the BIOS and network adapter to wake up. It doesn’t matter what kind of network it is - built-in or external. Opening main program I/O, let's find the section responsible for power management - Power Management, for example.

In this section you need to find the wake-up parameters.

These parameters can go by different names, including Wake on LAN, PowerOn By PCI Card, WOL from Soft-Off, and so on. This option must be enabled.

It is quite possible that you will need to enable the option in the picture below.

To be more confident, it's best to familiarize yourself with all the wake-up options in your BIOS. After all, the computer can wake up from the TV tuner if the option to turn on via PCI-Express is enabled, and after pressing any key on the keyboard if the options related to the PS/2 port are enabled. In our case, we need a parameter associated with the PCI bus on which the built-in network controller is located.

After setting up the BIOS, be sure to check whether the technology being discussed is supported by your Ethernet controller. We will need to enable the reception of the “magic” WOL packet so that the Ethernet controller is configured to wait for it. A WOL packet is a special Ethernet frame consisting of a sequence of bytes containing the MAC address of the network card. Having received such a frame, the Ethernet card generates a signal to wake up the PC.

So, let's open the network control center.

Let's open the properties of the network adapter.

Let's move on to its settings.

Let's enable WOL Magic Package and, if necessary, enable Energy Efficiant Ethernet, Termination Wakeup.

Let's go to the power management tab, where this configuration should be.


Let's use a small program called Wakmeonlan for our purposes. This application does not require installation. After it starts, you need to scan the local network so that Wakemeonlan finds all network devices.

It must work on a PC from which a WOL frame will be generated to turn on the remote PC. This is how Wakemeonlan scans:

If during the scan the application did not detect a currently disabled computer, then it is possible to add it yourself.

Let's add another device manually.

You just need to enter the IP address of this device and its MAC into the form.

Let's determine the addresses we need, for which we'll launch the command line.

Let's run ipconfig with the /all switch.

The second way is to look at the “Adapter Status”.

Open the Details window.

Let's find the addresses that interest us.

By adding required device, update the list.

As you can see, we already have three devices.

After adding, you can easily turn it on remotely by clicking the “Wake up Selected Computer” button.

Let's use TeamViewer

Completed pre-setting will allow you to launch the Wake on LAN function of an application such as TeamViewer. To remotely wake up your PC, you must ensure the following:

Cable Internet connection.

The computer is set to one of the modes: hibernation, sleep, or soft shutdown (Start and Shutdown).

Installed TeamViewer.

It's very important to turn off quick start in operating systems such as Windows 8 and 10. Your instances of TeamViewer must be associated with a program account. In this case, all devices must belong to the same LAN.

In the application options tab, you need to activate the Wake-on-LAN function and configure the configuration by clicking the button of the same name. By selecting the option “Other applications in the same local network", add the TeamViewer ID of those devices from which you are allowed to wake up this computer. To create inclusion conditions using a public IP address, you will have to connect to dynamic DNS, which will also have to be configured on the network router. Let's consider all the steps in order.

First of all, let's connect all computers to an existing account.

Warning window about the need to connect to your account.

Linking using the “Link” button.

The established connection is displayed at the bottom.

We will need to configure the Wake on Lan function.

Check the box for other TeamViewer applications.

Add the TeamViewer ID whose computer will send the WOL packet.

You can wake up a remote PC from your account TeamViewer, where all devices linked to it are displayed. You just need to press a button in the form of a power button, which will send a WOL frame to the Ethernet card of the selected electronic device.

Brief summary

To turn on your PC remotely from another device, you need to configure the BIOS and Ethernet card. In the BIOS you will need to configure a policy for waking up the PC by a network signal, which is located in active state provided by standby food. Also, you need to configure the Ethernet controller to receive WOL packets. You will also need a special program to generate a WOL package. Such a program could be, for example, Wakemeonlan or TeamViewer.

As a result of strong physical impact or at the end of its service life, mechanical Power button on your mobile device may fail. It would seem without of this element It is simply impossible to turn on a smartphone, but in reality this is not the case. There are several ways to enter the device menu when the power key is not working. Let's look at how to turn on your phone or tablet without the Android power button.

Ways to start Android without the Power key

In theory, there are several methods to boot a gadget when the power button is broken. However, it is impossible to give a complete guarantee that at least one option will work. Here, a lot depends on the model of the mobile device and on the state it is in - active or turned off.

You can try to turn on Android without the Power key using:

  • Charger and volume rocker;
  • Computer and ADB debugging bridge;
  • Special software.

How to boot Android if the phone is turned off?

If your smartphone is in an inactive state and the power button does not function on it, the first thing you need to do is connect it to Charger. On some device models, the operating system may start already at this stage.

If the desired does not happen, try holding Volume Down (Volume Up) or simultaneously holding two volume control keys while charging is on. These actions may cause the environment to load Recovery. This menu will allow you to reboot the gadget, that is, enter GUI Android.

When the Power key is working, the smartphone is restarted through the resuscitation area using the reboot system now command. If this button does not function, enter Recovery, wait a while - the phone should reboot itself.

Turning on your smartphone using the ADB debug bridge

Android Debug Bridge (ADB) is a special program that allows you to manage mobile device via computer. With its help you can unlock root rights, change firmware, log into Recovery mode and perform a number of other actions, including restarting the phone. The only condition is that USB debugging must be activated on Android.

If you enabled this function before the power button failed, we try to turn on the device using ADB:

Instead of ADB, you can use the utility to turn on the gadget via PC ADB Run. It is a simplified analogue of SDK Platform Tools, since almost all control commands are already written in its code. They only need to be launched using a certain number.

To log into Android via ADB Run, you need to:

How to boot Android if the phone is in sleep mode?

If the smartphone is turned on but in sleep mode, getting to its menu without the Power key will not be difficult. The main thing is to prevent the battery on your mobile device from being completely discharged so that it does not turn off.

There are several ways to activate the screen on Android:

  • Connect a charger to your mobile phone;
  • Double tap on the display ( this function not supported on all smartphones);
  • Click mechanical button Home, if provided for your phone;
  • Call the device from another smartphone.
In order not to limit your actions in the future due to the power key not working, its function should be transferred to another button (to Volume Up or Volume Down). This is done using special software, which can be downloaded from Play Market absolutely free. One such program is Power Button to Volume Button. It works like this:

Now your phone will turn on with the sound control rocker.

You can also turn on Android using the built-in spatial orientation sensors. To do this, you need to download the Gravity Screen program, and then adjust the sensitivity of the vertical and horizontal orientation indicators.

  • Tutorial

... and also without port forwarding, SSH/telnet and installation third party applications. From any computer connected to the Internet and even from your phone!

From time to time I need to turn on home computer when I'm not at home. Usually I didn’t bother and called or sent a message with such a request to my wife, who was sitting at home on maternity leave. Very convenient tool remote control from voice interface. However, this method has a number of disadvantages - she went for a walk, put the child to bed, or was busy with something else. I wanted simple solution from what is at hand.

First of all, we enable Wake on LAN in the BIOS of the motherboard, everyone does it in their own way, for many it is enabled by default. On one of my PCs there is not even such an option - it is always enabled.

Next, go to WinBox and connect to your router (if you want, you can via SSH or via HTTP(S), I do everything in WinBox). If you open the RouterOS text console and rummage around there in the /tool ​​section (or in the wiki manuals ), then you can find the wol utility with the following syntax:

/tool ​​wol mac=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX interface=ifname
Where ifname is the name of the interface from which the magic packet will be sent, XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX - mac address your computer.

Everything seems simple, but Winbox doesn’t really launch from your phone and you’ll have a hard time entering the mac address from memory. You can launch SSH and send one single command to it, but this is also long and tedious. Let's use a firewall!

It is impossible to launch command execution directly from the filter rules; of all the actions, adding an address to the address-list is most suitable for us, because it allows you to create a new object in the router operating system, accessible from scripts.

Let's add a new rule for the input chain and place it among the other allowing rules in this chain. Let's indicate tcp protocol and dst-port - any of the top ports.

Select the action add src (dst is also possible) to address list, specify the name of the sheet.

We use a scheduler to track the appearance of entries. Go to System -> Sheduler, create a scheduler task, set a name. We indicate Start time: startup, and the desired interval, for example every 15 seconds.

In the on event field we will write a simple script:

:local WAKEPC :if ($WAKEPC!="") do=( /tool ​​wol mac=00:11:22:33:44:55 interface=bridge_lan /ip firewall address-list remove )
Don't forget to specify the correct mac, interface name and address list. This script, when it detects elements in the address list, will execute a command that sends magic packets to your computer, after which it will delete the entry from the address list.

To turn on your computer, just open your browser and go to the IP of your Mikrotik, indicating the port that we set in the firewall rule: http://your.router.net:port, after which the firewall creates an entry in the address list, the scheduler task will detect this entry, will launch the wol utility and delete the entry from the address list. Simpler than a steamed turnip, we can add the address to favorites so as not to enter it every time.

Just don't forget about safety, this method is not protected by anything and anyone can turn on your computer, knowing or choosing desired port. For protection, you can use VPN, port knocking, whitelist or the Elusive Joe method - it’s up to you. If you need to turn on several computers separately in this way, create an appropriate number of rules on different ports, each of which will throw addresses into its own address list, we can also reproduce the script in the scheduler task using Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, or create separate tasks for everyone - as you want.


We believe that most users are well aware that they can work on a computer remotely by controlling its functions using special programs like TeamViewer. Such control usually means launching programs, working with file system, data and the like, and in remote mode the computer can turn off And reboot . However, few people know that the computer can also be turned on in remote mode. But how is this possible, you ask, since for this to happen, access to the operating system must be open?!

Not at all necessary. Many PCs have a feature called , which ensures that the network adapter is constantly powered, so it can receive packets even when operating system remains unloaded. While in standby mode, the computer views incoming messages on its Mac -address of packages and if detected among them magic packet- literally a magic package, it immediately sends a signal to turn on and load the operating system.

So, what do we need to turn on the computer in this “magic way”? Firstly, motherboard with support for Wake-On-Lan and block ATX power supply, secondly - a smartphone running Android with the program of the same name installed on it. Of course, both the PC and the smartphone must be connected to the Internet. As for the Wake-On-Lan function, it is located in BIOS, In chapter Power or Power Management Setup. All you need to do is find it and set it to position Enabled, that is, included.

Note: in some versions BIOS, including modern UEFI, the function may have a different name, for example, Power On By PME Device .

Next, you will need to install the application on your phone and configure it. We won’t go into detail about the settings, we’ll just say that you need to specify IP And MAC-address of your PC. It will be possible to turn on the computer remotely both in local and global network, however, in the second case, most likely, you will have to tinker with additional settings, since there may be certain difficulties with identifying the device on the Internet.

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