Visualization of search results or how I did a search for my mother. How to find out the history of visiting web pages of all browsers

What is image search used for?

    You need to click on a certain place with the mouse and this cannot be done in any other way, for example, pressing play on a video on YouTube or clicking on another element drawn on flash.

How to use

On the activity recording page, click right click mouse on the desired element, and select in context menu“search by image” option. On the left side of the window that opens, you can select the search area by stretching and moving the red dotted frame. By moving the “crosshair” in the center, you choose which part of the selected area will be clicked.
After selecting an area, click the "Search" button to check. The element that is found will be highlighted with a red frame. If this is not the item you were looking for, click "no" and change your search scope. If everything is correct, then click “yes” and choose which mouse button to click. You can test the click here. Don't forget to add an action to your project.

Optimization and sustainable search

Despite all the optimizations of the algorithm, the screenshot search operation uses a lot of computer resources: both memory and processor. You should not use this feature unless necessary. There are several tips for optimizing and improving search:

    Select as small an area as possible

    Highlight a unique area, such as a unique badge or icon. An area with a lot of detail in a small area. If you are looking for a button, there is no point in selecting the entire button with a lot of monotonous color content for search; the inscription on it will suffice.

    Please note that the crosshair of the click can also be moved, not just the screenshot frame itself. Thanks to this, you can search for some unique area and click next to it, at a distance of a few centimeters.

Services and tricks with which you can find EVERYTHING.

Why is this needed: Did you briefly read the article in the morning and decided to take a closer look in the evening, but it’s not on the website? A few years ago you visited a useful site, today you remembered it, but there’s nothing left on the same domain? This has happened to each of us. But there is a way out.

Everything that goes on the Internet is stored there forever. If some information is posted on the Internet for at least a couple of days, there is a high probability that it has become the property of the collective mind. And you will be able to reach her.

Let's talk about simple and publicly available ways to find sites and pages that have been deleted for some reason.

1. Google cache that remembers everything

Google specifically stores the text of all web pages so that people can view them if the site is unavailable. To view a version of a page from Google cache You need to type in the address bar:

Where must be replaced with the address of the site you are looking for.

2. Web-archive, which contains the entire history of the Internet

6., for your own cache

If you need to save some web page, you can do this on without registration and SMS. There's more there global search for all versions of pages ever saved by users of the service..

7. Caches of other search engines, you never know

If Google, Baidu and Yandex did not manage to save anything sensible, but a copy of the page is really needed, then we go to, go through the search engines and hope for the best (so that some bot visits the site at the right time).

8. Browser cache when all else fails

You can’t view the entire page this way, but pictures and scripts from some sites certain time are stored on your computer. They can be used to search for information. For example, using a picture from the instructions, you can find a similar one on another site. Briefly about the approach to viewing cache files in different browsers:


Looking for files in a folder ~/Library/Caches/Safari.

Google Chrome

In the address bar we type chrome://cache


In the address bar we type opera://cache

Mozilla Firefox

Type in the address bar about:cache and find on it the path to the directory with the cache files.

9. Trying to download the page file directly from the server

We go to and find out the address of the server on which the site is or was located:

After that, open the terminal and using the command curl trying to download desired page:

What to do if nothing helps at all

If none of the methods gives results, but find deleted page If you desperately need it, then all you have to do is contact the owner of the site and shake out the treasured information from him. First, you can get through the contacts associated with the site on

And about collecting information about people, read the articles and.

When you access pages on the Internet, your computer saves everything: where, when, what you looked at. For what? - you ask. It happens that a page was accidentally closed, not saved in favorites, but the information from it was suddenly needed, and there is no time or desire to search through hundreds of pages again. It’s much easier to find it through the list of viewed pages, which is in every browser. This function also helps to track and find out where other users of your computer have visited, thereby quickly finding the necessary information, and monitoring visits to sites by children and subordinate employees. Let's look at where information is stored and how to view the history of website visits.

The most popular browsers for Windows

In the most popular browsers, to open a list of sites visited, there is a keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+H or Ctrl+Shift+H. The list is also opened using the built-in function.

Let's look at how to check the history of visiting sites in individual browsers, the most common.

Google Chrome

Open Google Chrome. Near the address bar there is a settings button. By clicking on it, you will open a menu where you should select “History”. Now you can see a list of website addresses arranged by the date they were viewed. Knowing, for example, that you visited the desired page yesterday, you can easily find it without revising the links visited earlier and later.

History in Google Chrome


The popular browser contains information about views in the “Log”, in which, to check, click on “Show entire log”. He is in top menu or it can be called up by pressing left Alt. In Firefox, links are divided by date, and on the left there is a menu list, in which you can choose for what period to view the history: today's visits, yesterday's, for a week, a month.

Journal in Firefox


In Opera, click on the button at the top left to bring up the browser menu. There, go to the “History” item.


In Yandex, the functions are similar to Chrome, and you will also find the history under the settings icon located at the top right. When you want to view and check addresses, in the list, click on “History” - “History Manager”.


In Internet Explorer, to open information about visits, click on the star in the toolbar. In the menu that appears after this, select “Journal”. Now you can see a list of sites structured by date.

Deleting the list of visited sites

If you do not want anyone to know about your “walks” on the Internet, you can delete the list of links to sites you visit. If you don’t know how to delete your browsing history from your computer, read below.

There are several ways to clear your browsing history. Of course, an inconvenient option that requires time is to remove each link individually from the Journal. However, browsers provide a simpler way to clean up.

Google Chrome

Go to “Tools” - “Deleting data about viewed documents.” Specify the deletion depth in the drop-down list. Next to “Clear history”, check the box and click delete.

You can use the combination Ctrl+Shift+Del.


In this browser, find the “Tools” section, on the “Settings” line. In the window that opens, go to the “Privacy” tab - “Clear immediately”. A new “Delete unnecessary data” window will appear. Make sure that there is a checkmark on the item indicating the visit log. Place marks on what you want to clear, then click “Delete.”


In IE, browsing history is called "Browser History". The path to it is through the menu, the “Service” section, there is a line “Delete history”, then click on “Delete history”.


In the browser menu, go to “Settings”, find the “Delete personal data” option. The default settings are hidden in the settings, expand them by clicking " Detailed setting" Go to the item “Clearing the history of visited pages”, look through everything carefully so as not to destroy what you need.


Safari has separate section in the browser "History" menu. Go to it, there you will see a link to delete information.


In your browser, click on the icon next to the address bar that resembles a wrench. Next, go to “History”. You will see a list of visited sites, check the boxes next to those you want to delete, and click the corresponding button.

Using Utilities

You can clear your browser history using special utilities that quickly clear and delete everything you want. Just be careful, download utilities from official sources, beware of unverified pages, because you can end up with scammers sending viruses. The utilities themselves, named below, are an excellent tool for removing Not necessary information, garbage, allow you to qualitatively solve the problem.

  1. The most popular is CCleaner. It can remove programs that cannot be gotten rid of using normal methods, and clean the registry by removing erroneous entries. After launching the utility, start the analysis, then check the boxes indicating what is to be deleted, and click the clean button.
  2. An alternative to the above program is WiseDiskCleaner. It also perfectly cleans everything, removes garbage, and performs defragmentation. There is Russian-language support. Click the analyze button, agree with the items suggested by WiseDiskCleaner for cleaning, click the appropriate button.

Finding the list of viewed pages in your browser and clearing it is not difficult; you can easily cope with the task by reading the recommendations above and applying them. The problem is solved without much time and does not require calling specialists. Each user will be able to do everything they need.

You can view the history of visits to web pages (sites) in browsers by pressing a keyboard shortcut ctrl+h. This is convenient if you were “surfing” the Internet in search of something, and then remembered something important, but forgot what page it was on. Or you remembered about it the next day and thought, “Well, I saw this somewhere,” but sometimes, not knowing where the history of visits is, you begin to repeat your searches as before or simply “give up” on it.

But what if, for the sake of simple interest, you wanted to see the ENTIRE history of browsers and where you were on this or that day or time? But you never know what other needs you needed it for.
Maybe you just want to see where your children, wife or relatives were while you were at work or on a business trip. Here, by the words “where were” I mean “what sites were visited.”

I recently found a program online like this: Internet History Browser. It is in English, but there are only about 10 words that you already know, and if not, I will help you.

Now I will describe its advantages to you:
- In general, the program is designed specifically for viewing the history of visits to sites in all .
- It reads the browsing history from the main, most popular browsers such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and Apple Safari.
- It does not require installation (portable version), you can put it on a flash drive or just keep the archive and run from it (like me).
- Works on everyone Windows version(2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7, Server 2008, 8) and at any bit depth (32 and 64).
- It's free.

Overall a Miracle! And not a program... And why I think so, I think you’ll understand for yourself by reading further

You can download it from (don’t wander around there for too long, the download link is at the top right).
Or from this site (don’t be afraid, there are no viruses).

The archive contains 2 files - IHB.dll and IHB.exe (the library and the program itself, respectively).
You can unpack it, you can run the file directly from the archive IHB.exe.
A window like this will appear

On which I marked with numbers:
1 And 2 - search history for all browsers (more precisely 5) installed on the computer. I thought there was a difference in the button 1 from the button 2 , but when choosing one or the other, the result was the same, the same number of records found and nothing changed. I think it was not in vain that they did it 2 search buttons. I would venture to guess that 1 searches by Everything computer, including portable devices or something else, but 2 only those that are installed.

For example, you can just a folder with installed browser copy it somewhere to disk and work with it without installing it. For example, I moved Opera from a laptop to a PC and worked calmly. Maybe 1 option will detect such a folder, and 2 No. Don't know. Who knows - write in the comments.

3 - Opens already existing file created by the program (more on this below).
4 - Go to the developer's website.

Of course, to find out the story, you need to click on 1 or 2 . The program will begin scanning the system and searching. The speed depends on the characteristics of your computer. It took me about 8 seconds to search 25 thousand pages.
Initially, the window will contain the entire history sorted as you visit (new ones at the top). I made it a little simpler; on the left there is a “minus sign” icon, when you click on it, the whole history of that day is hidden. Well, accordingly, when you click on the plus sign, the story is revealed.

When you click on any line, a menu pops up below in which:
V Title the page title is indicated,
V URL link to the page,
V Visited shows the exact date and visiting time,
V Visit count number of page views.

To open this page, click on the button Open bottom right, just keep in mind that the page will open in the default browser. If you want to open it in the one you love, copy the text in the URL field (select it with the mouse, RMB - Copy) and paste it into address bar Your browser.

Tax. I think everything is clear with this, we figured it out. Next, let's look at the menu.
File menu:

Open... Ctrl+O- opening a program file with history. And the key combination for opening is indicated (by the way, in many programs it is with this combination that files are opened).
Local Machine- scans the system for file history.
Close- closes the current tab (if you have several open)
Refresh F5- updates the list of found history. AND hotkey for updating is indicated (not only in this program, this works almost everywhere. Even now on the website, press F5 and the browser will refresh the page).
Exit- of course, exit the program.

Windows menu only needed to work with open tabs(windows). Everything is simple there, but I’ll still show you how it will be displayed.

Mr Olympia August 5, 2013 at 12:25 pm

Visualization search results or how I did the search for mom

  • Google API,
  • JavaScript

For experienced PC and gadget users, there is no question of finding anything on the Internet. But for people who are far from this, like my mother, finding something like this is the problem of problems. So I decided to help, to make it easier to find the necessary information. The idea was inspired by the browser plugin that I always use - SearchPreview.

Here is a small list of tasks set for yourself to achieve the goal:

  • Simplicity, minimum unnecessary details on the screen
  • Visual display of the result
  • Minimize the number of mouse clicks
  • Hints, hints and more hints
  • Dynamic design (bootstrap hi)


In order of how the problems were solved:

Simplicity- no distracting buttons and panels, no weather, no account panel, no news, nothing unnecessary, just a line for entering a query and a search button. A dark background has been selected in order for the images to be displayed in contrast as a result of the output (for example, Yandex.Video uses a dark background by default), but in the settings you can choose a light theme and/or set the image as the background.

Well, as a background image

Search results- this is not only text, but also screenshots of the pages where this text was found! The search is implemented using the Google Search API, site screenshots using Search results contain search results for sites, images, news, videos and maps.

Two types of search result presentation:
- tile

- list

If a geographic result is found for a query, a map will appear in the search results; clicking on it (by clicking the “site search” [>] button on the result) will open a full-screen map with a search bar.

The search result is presented as a list with a background image

How the number of clicks is reduced to a minimum:

  • the search bar is always on the screen, you don’t need to scroll to the top and look for it there, the line also uses a minimum of space, there is no panel that takes up a lot of precious space (I spotted an idea from Yandex.Search);
  • moving to the top with one click;
  • clearing the search bar with one click;
  • searching on a specific site from all search results, again, with one click, and canceling a search on a specific site, too, with one click.
  • Hints for everything possible that could happen. For example, if you do nothing for 20 seconds. the site will tell you where to start, of course the tips are banal and simple but just right for beginners (tested!!!)

    If you hover over the search result with the mouse cursor and the mouse should be in the search area for some time, the image will enlarge

    Dynamic design- I saw the idea of ​​implementation in Twitter Bootstrap, so the site does not lose its appearance when displayed on different screen resolutions (laptop, PC and other devices).

    Additional features, which may be useful for “experienced” people, for setting up “not experienced”.
    Well, first of all, passing parameters to the address string:
    a) Possibility of sending a request (for example, to set it as the default search engine):
    b) Search on a specific site, from the address bar:
    c) The interface is multilingual, although there are currently 2 languages ​​- Russian (ru) and English (en):
    Secondly, advanced settings: where to search, what the search engine should look like, etc., in the search engine settings window:

    Settings window


    • Add search engines Yandex and Bing
    • Watching the video in the search results itself
    • Mode for the visually impaired
    • Pre-compress large images on the server

    You can view the source code of what I got at

