Windows Life mail login. Working with the Windows Live Mail email client

To configure the program Windows Live Mail To work with your mailbox, you need to add a new account.

For settings account You will need the following data:

  • Mailbox address: your mailbox address in full with domain (for example, [email protected]).
  • Password: password for your mailbox.
  • your name, which will be displayed in the "From" field for the recipients of your correspondence.
  • Outgoing mail server (SMTP): for example, / Port: 25 for working with the “POP3” protocol and port: 465 for working with the “IMAP” protocol. An SMTP server for sending mail requires authorization, it must be enabled in the outgoing mail server settings.
  • Incoming mail server (POP3): for example, / Port: 110.
  • Incoming mail server (IMAP): for example, / Port: 993.
  • Username: the name of your mailbox without the domain (for example, user).

The process of adding a new account for different versions Windows programs Live Mail is similar. There may be differences in the organization of the main menu and some of the names of the settings fields. Below is an example of setting up a mailbox in the interface Windows Live Mail 2011. If you are using a different version of the program, it will also be useful for you to familiarize yourself with the example.

Setting up Windows Live Mail 2011

    Open Windows Live Mail 2011. There are two options: You are running the program for the first time after installation, or You have already used the program before.

    In the new account setup window, enter the data (see Fig. 1, Fig. 3):

    • In field " Email address" - the full address of your mailbox indicating the domain.
    • In field " Password" - password to your mailbox.
    • In field " Display name on sent messages"Indicate your first and last name - this is the name that the recipients of your correspondence will see.

    You can configure connection settings automatically or manually:

    • For automatic settings just press a button "Further". The setup is completed almost instantly, then a window will load with a message about the successful addition of the account (see point 4, Fig. 5).
    • If you are not sure about the automatic settings and want to configure it yourself, check the box "Configure server settings manually"(see Fig. 3) and only then press the button "Further".

    At manual setting account, in the next step you need to specify the connection parameters (see Fig. 4):

    Rice. 4. Configure connection parameters manually.

    • For the "POP" protocol:

      • In field " Server type" leave it as POP.
      • In field " Server address"enter the server name in accordance with the template pop.[domain].ru (for example The domain can be,,,,, megabox .ru, - use the domain of your mailbox.
      • In field " Port"enter the value 110.
      • There is no need to check the "" checkbox.
      • Field " Login username
      • In field " Server address"enter the server name in accordance with the template smtp.[domain].ru (for example, The domain can be,,,,,, - use the domain of your mailbox.
      • In field " Port"enter the value 25.
      • Tick ​​" Required secure connection(SSL)"There is NO NEED to install.
      • It is MANDATORY to check the "" box.

      For the "IMAP" protocol (only for the domain):

      Incoming server details:

      • In field " Server type" leave it as IMAP.
      • In field " Server address"Enter the server name in accordance with the template The domain can only be - make sure that the domain of your mailbox is
      • In field " Port"enter the value 993.
      • Tick ​​" Requires a secure connection (SSL)"MUST be installed.
      • Field " Login username"contains the name of your mailbox without the domain and is filled in automatically.
    • Outgoing server details:

      • In field " Server address"Enter the server name in accordance with the template The domain can only be - make sure that the domain of your mailbox is
      • In field " Port"enter the value 465.
      • Tick ​​" Requires a secure connection (SSL)"MUST be installed.
      • Tick ​​" Authentication required"MUST be installed.
  1. The program has added your account, click the button "Ready"(see Fig. 5) and you will proceed to working with the mailbox.

  2. Rice. 5. Adding a new account.

    The program will automatically download letters that are stored on your mailbox server.

    If connection errors occur while working with your mailbox, click right click mouse on the name of the mailbox folder and open the mailbox properties (see Fig. 6). Check all the settings carefully, you may have made a mistake somewhere.

    Rice. 6. Account properties.

If you have problems setting up your mail program, please contact

Master's answer:

Settings Email Windows Live can be compared to setting up a new computer because you only have to do both once. The only exception to this rule is when creating a new user account.


1. First you need to make sure that you have necessary information to create an account: email address and password, type of email server that is used postal service, as well as the addresses of the incoming and outgoing mail servers that the service provider uses.

2. Then you need to make sure that access to the mailboxes is unlocked according to the POP3 protocol.

3. Press the “Start” button to bring up the main menu of the system and go to the “All programs” item.

4. Then select Windows Live and open the main menu in top panel application windows.

5. Select the “Add account” item.

7. Specify the desired name in the “Display name” field and select the checkbox in the “Manually configure server settings for your email account” field.

9. Specify POP3 in the “Incoming message server” field, after which you must enter the value of pop.server_name. After this enter required value in the "Port" field and the checkbox in the "Connect via a secure connection (SSL)" field is raised.

10. Select “Basic Authentication (Plain Text)” in the “Use to Login” field and enter the username that was specified during registration.

11. Specify smtp.server_name in the “Outgoing message server” field and enter the required value in the “Port” field.

12. Raise the checkbox in the “Connect via a secure connection (SSL)” and “The outgoing message server requires authentication” checkboxes.

13. “Done” button to apply the changes.

14. Find in the left panel Windows windows Live the newly created account and turn it on service menu right-click on the field of this entry.

15. After this, you need to select “Properties” and go to the “Servers” tab.

Here we check that the previously specified values ​​are correct and click the “Options” button in the “Outgoing Mail Server” section.

16. Select the checkbox on the “as to incoming mail server” field in the “Login” section in the “Outgoing mail server” dialog box and click OK.

17. Go to the “Advanced” tab and select the checkbox on both fields “Connect via a secure connection (SSL)” in the “Server port numbers” section and “Leave copies of messages on the server” in the “Delivery” section.

18. Press the OK button to confirm the execution of the command.

Please note that when Windows help Live makes it easy to manage multiple email accounts because each account has its own folder.

As useful advice we can say that Windows Live performs automatic Windows setup Live Hotmail, Yahoo!, AOL and Gmail.

With the program Windows Mail Live can be understood even by a junior high school student; there is nothing complicated about it. Let's look at the main elements of its window, organized according to the principle of the Ribbon panel.

    At the top of the window, on the Home tab, the following buttons are located:
  • Email message - creates a new email message;
  • Photo Message - Creates a photo album in a Windows service Live SkyDrive and provides access to it to your interlocutors by sending them photo messages;
  • Objects - calls up the menu for creating a new object. Here you will find a command to create a new event, contact, etc.;
  • Delete - deletes the message. If you click the down arrow under the Delete button, the Delete menu will open, in which another button will be available - Spam. When clicked, the email will be considered spam and will be moved to the Spam folder. You can also delete a letter by pressing the key;
  • Reply - allows you to reply to the letter;
  • Reply to all - if the letter was addressed not only to you, but also to other recipients, then this button allows you to write a reply to everyone who was specified as the recipient of the letter to which you are replying;
  • Forward - forwards the received message to another recipient;
  • Instant message - allows you to send instant message using Windows Live Messenger;
  • Add to calendar - allows you to add the text of a letter as an event text to the calendar;
  • Unread/read - marks the message as unread (if you want to read it again later) or, conversely, as read. The program automatically marks a message as read immediately after opening it;
  • Move to - allows you to move the message to another virtual folder;
  • Mark - enables or disables marking a message as important;
  • Tracking - allows you to track new messages in your conversation. The program tracks all your correspondence with a particular interlocutor and groups the corresponding messages (received from the same recipient), which is very convenient;
  • Encoding - pressing the button brings up a menu that allows you to select the encoding of the message. In old Outlook versions to select the encoding you had to use the main menu of the program, but now you just need to press this button, which is much more convenient;
  • Copy to, Copy, Find ( we're talking about about the three small buttons in front of the Tools button, shown with icons). The first button allows you to copy a letter to another folder, the second allows you to copy a selected fragment of a letter to the clipboard, and the third allows you to find the required line in a letter or a letter with the desired line;
  • Service - opens a menu that contains the Send and Receive and Work Offline buttons. The first allows you to simultaneously send and receive mail from all accounts. If you only need to receive mail from a specific account, click the down arrow and select the desired account;
  • Login - logs into Windows Live Messenger.

Below the toolbar is the main area of ​​the program window, divided into four zones. On the left there is a list of quick views, a list of mail accounts and commands for calling other program modules (Calendar, Contacts, etc.). The second zone is a list of messages, and the third is the text of the selected message. The fourth zone is the calendar, where you will find notifications about upcoming events.

    The Quick View list (leftmost area) contains three commands:
  • Unread email messages mail - displays everything unread messages from all users;
  • Unread messages from contacts - displays unread messages from users who are in your address book;
  • Unread Feeds - Displays unread posts in all RSS feeds you select. You can add a channel using the Web Channels module.

    Below is a list of accounts. For each account are displayed standard folders:
  • Inbox - contains incoming messages that have not been marked as spam (junk mail);
  • Drafts - messages prepared for sending, but not yet sent (perhaps you postponed sending because you have not yet completed the text of the message);
  • Sent - sent messages;
  • Junk mail - contains unwanted emails. Usually this is spam, but sometimes the system detects “normal” messages as spam. In addition, sometimes registration confirmation letters for forums or chats end up in this folder - so look through this folder;
  • Deleted - messages you have deleted. When you delete messages from this folder, they are permanently deleted;

To automatically place messages in the desired folder you can configure the appropriate filter.

A filter is called a view in Windows Live Mail terminology. You can create a view on the View tab. Go to this tab, click the Create View button on the Ribbon panel, and in the window that opens, click the Create button again. Next, set the presentation parameters: the filter condition and its action - in which folder to place the message. You can also create your own folder - right-click on the list of folders and select Create Folder. Already created folders can be renamed using the Rename command.

Below the list of accounts there is one global Outbox folder. This is where emails are waiting to be sent (from all accounts). The difference between the Outbox folder and the Drafts folder is the following - a letter is placed in Drafts at your request, for example, when you have not yet finished writing it. In Outbox, emails are placed for sending and will be sent as soon as an Internet connection is established.

    Even lower is the program module switch:
  • Mail - mail mode, main program mode;
  • Calendar - you can use Windows Live Mail as a simple scheduler, and Calendar will help you with this;
  • Contacts is an address book. To add a sender to address book, right-click on the letter in the list of letters and select Add sender to contact list;
  • Web channels - you are already familiar with this module;
  • Newsgroups - mail program can also be used to view newsgroups and to post messages to newsgroups (via NNTP protocol).

Windows Live Mail is a desktop email client from the creator of Windows. Microsoft, which duplicates some functions of a larger software product Microsoft Outlook, included in the office Microsoft package Office. Unlike his paid analogue, Windows Live Mail is completely free to use. The functionality of Windows Live Mail, if we talk specifically about the convenience of multi-account work with email, by and large, is not particularly inferior to Microsoft Outlook. It's just that Microsoft Outlook is a solution for the needs of corporations, and Windows Live Mail is designed for use at home. Thus, “Windows Live Mail” is equipped with a calendar that synchronizes with the “Calendar” application of the Metro interface of Windows 8, 8.1 (and now), there is the ability to work with reminders, there is a contacts section, there is an RSS reader.

In 2007, Windows Live Mail replaced the standard Windows service Mail, which came with the OS Windows Vista. But surely experienced users remember more the ancestor of Windows Mail itself - the program Outlook Express, which came with the old Windows XP.

Windows Live Mail is not included natively with any Windows composition 7, nor included in Windows 8/8.1. The program is part of the Windows Live series - a package of software components, which, in addition to the mailer, contains Microsoft client OneDrive, Writer blog editor, Windows Live messenger, as well as a photo and video editor with basic functionality for the amateur level.

For all Windows components Live provides one installer, but during the installation process we can refuse all other build programs by selecting only one mailer.

In the window for selecting programs to install, uncheck the extra boxes, leave only mail and click “Install”.

Connecting a mailbox

The first time you launch Windows Live Mail, we accept the agreement with Microsoft.

After which the program will prompt you to add a mail account. We enter the email address, password, put a check mark so that the mailer remembers the password and does not ask for it again, indicate the name that will appear in outgoing letters. You can click Next to check if the mailer can automatically connect to the mail server. Why check? Already at the stage of setting up a mailbox, the first imperfection of “Windows Live Mail” appears both in comparison with its brother Microsoft Outlook, and in comparison with such powerful mailers as those previously reviewed on the site. Thus, “Windows Live Mail” cannot set up every email account automatically, without user help. For example, in the case of Yandex.Mail, the mailbox was not automatically connected, but this process was completed successfully after manual entry settings mail server. To manually set the mail server parameters, in the add mail account window, select the appropriate option and click “Next”.

Let's get to the section for setting mail server parameters, where you need to enter the type of protocol for connecting to the mail server (IMAP or POP), addresses and ports of incoming and outgoing message servers. This data is specific to each individual mail server. Maximum correct search query to obtain this data - “mail service server parameters”, for example, “ gmail parameters server" or " server parameters". You can immediately include the protocol type in the request - IMAP or POP3.

What kind of protocols are these, and what is the difference between them, we have already discussed this more than once on the site in reviews of other mailers -,. Let us repeat, the POP3 protocol is intended for downloading letters from a mail server to local computer, while on the server, letters are usually deleted either immediately or after a certain period. In this case, later in the web interface the right letter can't be found anymore. IMAP is a new, more advanced, more secure protocol, the essence of which is to provide access from the desktop email client interface to email, which is actually stored on the mail server. Copies of letters from the mail server are downloaded to the desktop client, while the originals are securely stored in the web interface.

Therefore, without hesitation, in our case, to connect Yandex.Mail, we will select the protocol type - IMAP.

The mail account will be added to the mailer, and all messages will be downloaded to the computer. This will take some time depending on the volume of emails in your mailbox and Internet speed. After processing the first mailbox, Windows Live Mail will offer to connect another one. To do this, in the report window for adding the first mailbox, select “Add account” and perform the same actions as when adding the first mailbox.

If an attempt automatic connection mailbox in Windows Live Mail was unsuccessful, you can immediately delete the mailbox using the command in the context menu.

At any time, the process of adding a new mailbox can be started in the “Accounts” tab.

We also remind you that you need to set permission to connect and work with your mailbox in the settings of the server itself, since rare mail services initially provide access to downloading mail.

Interface and organization

Windows Live Mail has a Ribbon-style interface where toolbar sections are represented by tabs, and this type of interface will be familiar to application users Microsoft Office and other products of the software giant. And the workspace of the mailer is divided into four parts - on the left there is a panel of mail accounts and their folders, in the middle there is a list of letters, closer to the right edge we can see the contents of letters when selecting each individual letter, and at the very right edge of the window there is a modest calendar for planning personal business

The preset layout of mailer sections can be changed in the “View” tab. For example, you can hide the calendar display, set the panel to a minimized view mailboxes and folders, change the font color of the mailbox headers.

We can also change the appearance of the list of letters or move the display of their contents to the bottom of the program window.

We can even customize sections of the table for displaying the list of emails.

The “Folders” tab offers option buttons for the convenience of internal work with letters and mailer folders.

Like all Microsoft products in the style of a Ribbon interface, Windows Live Mail is equipped with a panel quick access, where the user can additionally enter the commands he most frequently uses.

At the bottom left of the Windows Live Mail window there are switch links to other sections of the program.

The “Calendar” section is a more advanced view of the built-in calendar on the right in the mail section. Here we can plan our time in a convenient way for a day, a week or a month. We can even create multiple calendars to schedule specific types of tasks.

Work with e-mail and calendar touches one convenient function: So, just select a letter that contains information about a task planned for the future, click the “Add to calendar” button, and the entire contents of the letter along with the subject will open in the window for planning a new task. What remains to be done manually is to set the task date.

The Contacts section is present in Windows Live Mail, as it should be in any decent email client. Among the advantages of the "Contacts" mailer, it is worth mentioning the ability to import data from previously exported database files into various formats. So users of other email clients, various organizers and other programs that can export databases can begin to fully work with contacts immediately after importing them.

In addition, when connecting to Windows Live Mail with an account Microsoft records previously synchronized data is automatically added to the contacts section ( Facebook contacts, Skype, Twitter, other services), in particular, to which the user provided access while working with applications in the Windows 8/8.1 Metro interface.

Sorting letters

The list of emails in folders can be arranged by various parameters- date of receipt, subject, attachments, size, etc. One of key features Windows Live Mail is thought to be a feature that organizes emails by conversation type. In order not to spend a long time searching for the desired letter, the answer to it, or messages based on them, you just need to turn on the display mode in the form of conversations. And all letters to which a reply has already been sent will automatically be placed in the same list with received letters.

Sending letters

The button to create an email is located first in the “Home” tab and is duplicated in the panel quick launch. In Windows Live Mail we will not see the built-in functions of Microsoft Office applications, as is implemented in Microsoft Outlook 2013, however, the sending form is in no way inferior in functionality to many advanced email clients. Here you can format the text, insert a picture or link, add contact book information, and check spelling. You can even select the option to check email delivery, if supported. postal service recipient.

To create a single signature for all mailboxes or individually selected ones, go to the mailer settings – “File – Options – Mail – “Signatures” tab.

Sending a photo via Microsoft OneDrive

"Windows Live Mail" is equipped convenient opportunity send photos without overloading the recipient's inbox. In the main menu of the program, select the “Photo Message” tab, using the browse button, add one or more images to send, select the design for their placement in the letter. Then we ship as usual email. All photos will be automatically uploaded to Microsoft OneDrive hosting, and the recipient will be able to view them by clicking on the link in the received letter. Naturally, to do this, you will need to log in to the mailer using a Microsoft account.

To sum it up...

As you can see, the built-in RSS reader was not mentioned in the Windows Live Mail review. The mailer has one of the worst implementations of RSS readers. In a cute, usable and convenient interface mailer, we will find an impotent RSS reader that is capable of performing only primitive functions of adding, displaying and updating RSS feeds. There is no possibility of grouping RSS subscriptions into thematic folders, there is no functionality for exporting and importing configuration files previously collected news feeds. At least I’m glad that there is an opportunity to put a red flag next to the RSS entries you like. Yes, just for fun.

What can you say about Windows Live Mail in general? This is a good mailer for those who like a simple, intuitive interface, perhaps users of Microsoft products who are accustomed to organizing the program interface in the Ribbon style. This is a mailer for personal email use, which is not overloaded with unnecessary advanced functionality, and which, therefore, will not confuse beginners. "Windows Live Mail" is an ideal desktop option for working with mail, calendar and contact book for owners of both computers and tablets Windows based 8, 8.1, 10. Such users will be able to access their data both in the mailer interface and in the Metro interface applications “Mail”, “Calendar”, “People”.

By and large, Windows Live Mail is a mini-copy of Microsoft Outlook 2013, and it’s free. Another thing comes out of this undeniable advantage mailer - it can become an intermediate step in helping beginners achieve the ultimate goal of mastering the functionality of Microsoft Outlook 2013.

This article describes alternative options access your,,, or account after the Windows Live Mail 2012 email client stops working with them.

Note: The Windows Core 2012 suite ended support on January 10, 2017. It is no longer available for download.

Brief description of the situation

Email accounts with addresses ending in,,, and are powered by the platform. is being translated to new platform, which delivers innovative ways to work with email and calendaring and delivers improved performance, security, and reliability.

Windows Live Mail 2012 doesn't connect to

Windows Live Mail 2012 will no longer sync emails, contacts, and calendar events from these accounts because it does not support modern technologies synchronization used new service

You will still have access to the messages, contacts, and calendar information that are currently stored in Windows Live 2012 Mail on your computer. However, to access new emails, calendar events, and contacts from your account, you'll need to switch to one of the alternatives described below.

Available alternatives

Here are a few options you have when Windows Live Mail 2012 stops connecting to your account.

Web browser

Outlook 2016 for Windows

Special instructions for users with data stored locally in Windows Live Mail 2012

Note: This section only applies to users who have messages stored locally in storage folders or contacts stored locally in Windows Live Mail 2012.

Windows Live Mail 2012 lets you move email messages from your account and store them offline in local folders. Similarly, you can store contact data locally. If you transferred data from your account using this feature, we recommend returning it to your account before upgrading so it can sync with the email app you'll be using. The following transfer instructions will ensure that your data is available in your account through your web browser and in your new mail application when you connect it to your account.

Transfer data to the Windows Mail app

To migrate on-premises data from Windows Live Mail 2012 to an account, follow the instructions below. These must be completed before account renewal, which begins at the end of June 2016.

Transfer locally stored email messages

    Open the Windows Live 2012 Mail app.

    Create one or more folders in the list of folders that sync with your account. Her email address may end in,, or It may also be called accounting Windows recording Live or Microsoft.

    In the list of storage folders, open the folder containing the messages you want to move.

    Select all messages (CTRL+A) in the local folder and drag or copy and paste them into new folder created in step 2. Do this for everyone local folders storage that you want to add to your account.

    Sync your email account to create folders in and send messages.

    Log into your email account in a web browser at and check to see if messages have been sent.

Transfer locally stored contacts

Transfer data to Outlook 2016 for Windows

If you decide to use Outlook application 2016 for Windows, you can transfer data from Windows Live Mail directly to Outlook 2016. Detailed instructions To move messages and contacts to Outlook 2016, see Export email, contacts, and calendar data from Windows Live Mail to Outlook.

Note: After you upgrade your account, you will still have access to your local data in Windows Live Mail 2012.

Questions and answers

Why was this change needed?

What should I do if I have Windows 7 and cannot update my system to a newer version? new version to use the Mail app?

You can continue to use from any web browser at Alternatively, you can use the Outlook 2016 app, which runs on Windows 7, 8/8.1 and 10. Office 365 subscriptions include classic app Outlook 2016 and others office applications, such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel and OneNote.

What if I have questions about my account that aren't answered here?

If you have any other questions, please visit.