Vertical stripes on a computer monitor. Stripes and ripples appeared on the monitor - How I solved the problem! Checking the matrix loop

A white screen on a laptop may appear when software glitches or hardware damage occurs. Some problems can be fixed at home, while others require professional intervention. Let's look at why the display of a laptop computer may turn white and what to do in a particular case.

White laptop screen: software glitch

The main sign of malfunction software is the appearance of a white monitor not immediately after turning on the laptop, but after some time. This phenomenon can occur, for example, when opening a video, launching a game, going online, etc. Such software problems are rare, but they are much easier to fix than hardware problems.

The main causes of software failure are:

  • exposure to viruses;
  • Incorrect functioning of the driver for the display or video card.

How to get rid of malware

You can infect a laptop with a virus even with installed antivirus program, because it is technically impossible to provide absolute protection. If you suspect that problems with your monitor are caused by malware, you should immediately scan your PC for viruses. To do this you need to already run installed scanner or download a new one. The second option is more preferable - if the existing antivirus program allowed a virus into the system, then it is not a fact that it will detect it during a second scan.

To remove malware from your system, you need to do the following:

To check the functionality of the monitor, restart the PC and perform the actions that cause the display to turn white. If it functions normally, then you have successfully resolved the problem. If the problem persists, try updating the drivers.

Restoring driver functionality

The laptop screen may also turn white if the drivers for the display or video card are damaged. In this case you will need:

Follow exactly the same steps in the “Monitors” section.

Laptop hardware damage

If the screen turns white immediately when you turn on the PC, that is, it does not even display Windows boot lines and exit to safe mode most likely the problem lies in hardware damage laptop. Such malfunctions include:

  • failure of the monitor matrix;
  • problems with the cable connecting the motherboard to motherboard;
  • Motherboard module malfunction.

To confirm or refute the failure of the matrix, you can use an external monitor or TV, the functionality of which you are absolutely sure of. To do this you need to connect to laptop computer additional screen via HDMI or VGA connector, which is located on the side or back wall of the laptop.

After the system restarts, the external display is automatically recognized by the laptop. If this does not happen, you will need to switch between your primary and secondary monitor using certain combination keys For example, for Toshiba and HP PCs, press Fn+F4 on the keyboard, and for IBM, Fn+F7.

If after performing the described steps on external monitor a picture appears, which means the problem lies in the matrix. It may burn out or be damaged mechanically (for example, after a laptop has been dropped). The final verdict and cost of services can only be told to you in the workshop.

If the monitor appears when you turn on White screen, the problem may lie in mechanical damage to the cable or its poor connection with the laptop elements. To check the serviceability of the loop, you need to do the following:

If an external monitor works with your PC, and no problems are found when examining the cable, there is a high probability of failure of the video adapter or north bridge. It is better to entrust the repair of these elements to a professional. The duration of the repair and the cost of services will be told to you in the workshop.

Let's talk about stripes on the monitor screen; what to do if vertical or horizontal lines? Some individuals advise immediately running to the “masters”. They say the problem is complex, and any intervention will only make it worse. Moreover, the price of such a service is about 1000 rubles. But why pay!? Let's solve the problem ourselves!

To start the reason should be determined streaks appearing on the computer screen.

Alas, but a chance software error MI-NI-MA-LEN. It's a matter of hardware. So check:

A) Are hdmi and other cables connected well? Are they damaged?

I recommend unscrewing everything and blowing it out (even when you are sure that everything is in order). Also make sure that there are no serious deformations on the blue cable (which leads to the monitor). They could very well be the culprit behind the irritating stripes.

B) The video card is damaged due to overheating.

Naturally, you won’t see this visually. There are practically no swellings or other things on it visual signs breakdowns. Indirectly, this can be indicated by a dust-clogged cooling system and Aida temperature readings.

There are two things you can do here:

1. Remove the video card, clean its contacts (especially the part with which it is inserted into the motherboard). It’s extremely rare, but it helps, I’m serious: the chances are slim.

2. check it on another, 100% working computer.

But there may be problems with either of them, the third reason is:

B) Motherboard malfunction.

Stripes on the monitor screen may be due to this. Whether the voltage jumped, whether there was overheating or a manufacturing defect is not so important. The fact is that this happens everywhere. In addition, if upon inspection (there is no need to remove it from the system unit) swelling of the condensers (such barrels) or their “blackening” are visible, then with 90% chance you have found the reason for your misfortune.

A faulty matrix is ​​the cause of streaks on the screen.

This is sadness. You can't fix it yourself. Unless to carry out diagnostics - connect the monitor to a laptop or other PC. The stripes remain - take the monitor to the service center. I’ll also tell you one “interesting” method.

At your own risk: lightly press (as if you were gently massaging the body) on the monitor that is turned on, preferably in the area of ​​the stripes. Now watch out: if the location of the stripes changes, the reason is in the monitor matrix or HDMI cable.

The laptop is a one-piece design that combines system unit and monitor, as well as peripherals. This is convenient from the point of view of the portability of the device, but any malfunction makes it almost impossible to use it. Such malfunctions include a very common problem with laptops - the appearance of stripes on the screen. It becomes almost impossible to work at a computer when there are horizontal or vertical stripes on the output image. The stripes may be black, white or multi-colored, depending on the cause of the malfunction. In this article, we will look at what to do if stripes appear on the laptop screen, and what malfunctions most often lead to the problem in question.

Why stripes appeared on the laptop screen: reasons

A graphics chip is responsible for displaying images on a laptop, which can be installed separately on a video card or integrated into CPU. Information from the chip is transmitted through a cable to the screen, and the system as a whole is controlled by the motherboard. As you can see, not many elements are involved in the process of displaying an image on the monitor screen. Based on this, we can conclude that the following reasons can lead to the appearance of stripes on the screen:

It is worth noting that it is extremely rare that the problem with the appearance of artifacts and stripes on the screen is associated with drivers. Therefore, the first thing to do if stripes appear on your laptop screen is to download new drivers for key computer components. You can also try to “roll back” Windows if the system was updated shortly before the problem occurred.

How to determine why stripes appear on a laptop screen

Since the symptoms of stripes appearing on a laptop screen are characteristic of a number of malfunctions, in order to fix the problem, you must first determine what led to it. Specialists in service centers can do this using diagnostic equipment, but at home it is quite easy to find out why stripes appear on the laptop screen. Based on the cause of the malfunction, it will be possible to draw a conclusion about the advisability of repairing the computer.

Below we present a series of diagnostic measures that allow you to find out what led to the problem with the appearance of stripes on the screen.

Checking the matrix and cable by pressing

You can make sure that the malfunction is associated with a damaged matrix or a problematic cable in a fairly simple way:

It is worth noting that a malfunction of the matrix or cable also indicates incorrect display colors of laptop screen. For example, when in addition to stripes on the screen, other colors are displayed in black and white.

Testing with an external monitor

A fairly simple test if you have an external monitor that can be connected to your computer via a DVI or HDMI cable. At the same time, this test allows us to exclude the possibility that stripes on the screen occur due to a faulty video card or motherboard.

To carry out diagnostics, connect an external monitor to the laptop via a wire and, based on what you see, draw the appropriate conclusions:

  • If the image on the external monitor is correct, that is, there are no stripes or artifacts, this indicates that there are no problems with the laptop’s motherboard and video card;
  • If stripes are displayed on the external monitor, it means that the display and cable are working properly, and the problem is with the motherboard or video card.

Checking the matrix loop

If you come to the conclusion that the video card and motherboard are working properly, but the problem is in the cable or matrix, you can perform the following test. Since the cable moves when the lid is opened, it may become pinched, which leads to the appearance of artifacts or stripes on the screen. Look at the image displayed on the display from different angles when the lid is opened. If the stripes change their position or disappear when the lid is tilted at a certain angle, this indicates a problem with the cable.

Checking the video card

It is not difficult to determine that it is the video card that is causing the streaks on the screen. Make sure that the bars appear on the display immediately after you turn on the computer, and not after some time. If they occur after a few minutes of working on the laptop, this indicates that the video card chip is overheating or is malfunctioning.

Also, most often, when stripes on the screen occur due to problems with the video card, when booting Windows The image on the display completely disappears and a black screen remains for some time.

What to do if your laptop video card is faulty

The first thing to do if you suspect problems with the video card is to make sure that the computer does not have cooling problems. In particular, the following actions need to be taken:

When disassembling your computer and replacing thermal paste, pay attention to the chip. If there are obvious traces of carbon deposits on it or the radiator that fits it, this indicates that the device has failed and needs to be replaced. Often, it is not economically feasible to change a laptop's video card.

What to do if your laptop motherboard is faulty

The motherboard is one of the most difficult laptop components to repair. To determine which particular block of the motherboard has failed, you will need to take the laptop to service center, where it can be checked using diagnostic equipment.

Most often, a board malfunction is associated with oxidation or burnout of elements. Because of technical process manufacturing of the motherboard, it is almost impossible to restore it if it fails.

What to do if there are problems with the matrix cable on the laptop

The simplest malfunction that can lead to streaks appearing on the laptop screen. If you can establish that the cable is to blame for the problem, you need to disassemble the computer case and inspect the cable for twisting, kinks, breaks or burnouts. Sometimes the cable simply does not clamp properly when opening the cover, which causes artifacts to appear on the screen. In this case, if it is not damaged, it is enough to simply correct its position in the computer case.

However, if the image output cable on the laptop is burnt out, frayed, or has other mechanical damage, you will need to change it. On sale you can find cables for almost all modern laptops. If you find suitable model If it doesn’t work, you can contact specialists in the field of radio electronics, who can use a tester to determine which part of the loop is faulty and replace it using MGTF wires.

Modern devices are becoming more comfortable to use every year. Agree, it’s nice to sit down to work at a computer with a monitor that has an ideal image and high-quality color rendition. But what if a line appears on the monitor? What if there are several of them? Before you act, you need to find the problem that is causing the streak or streaks.


To be frank, not a single virus in the world, software failure, or even the lack of some drivers has ever been or will be the cause of streaks appearing on a computer or laptop screen. Stripes on the monitor are the result of the negative influence of some computer elements or even their incorrect interaction with each other.

Their character actually means a lot too. In some cases, they can be used to determine whether the problem is in the monitor itself and should be replaced, or in something else.


Problems with your monitor are a great time to check and clean your equipment. Professionals strongly recommend discarding any idea that the problem is in the drivers or the incorrect operation of some programs. It's just technical question. Why is there such an emphasis on this? Because after the stripes appear, many people turn off the computer and think that it cannot be turned on. Since the problem is in the hardware, the machine continues to work. She's just waiting to be fully diagnosed.

Horizontal or vertical stripes on the monitor may appear due to overheating of the equipment or even breakdown.

Careful inspection

The monitor and computer are connected by one insidious cable - this is VGA. Many devices have holes on the sides of the connector so that this cable can be screwed tightly, but not always. That is why many people suggest starting the search for the cause of the band on the monitor by checking its connection. The cable should “sit” firmly and evenly, no wobbles, and so on. In addition, its surface must be free of any damage. If you see that the cable is pinched or torn, then you can safely change it - further use may be due to the appearance of defects in the image.


If you encounter the problem described, ask yourself how long ago you cleaned your computer or laptop. And it's not just about running a vacuum cleaner over the device. It is important to regularly thoroughly clean your computer or laptop using a brush and a vacuum cleaner, or a good compressor, and completely replace the thermal paste in the necessary places.

This will allow the equipment not to heat up and operate as smoothly as possible. But what if the streaks on the monitor do not go away even after cleaning?


What is this? These are small cables that connect different parts of the computer to each other. Vertical or horizontal stripes on the monitor can be the result of incorrectly or poorly connected cables, and sometimes their complete breakdown.

First, check every millimeter for physical damage. There are quite a few reasons for their occurrence, so we will not focus on this. If you find a tear, a black dot, a suspicious bend, or anything else that raises doubts, check the cable on another device and, if your guess is confirmed, replace it with a new one.

Make sure that each cable is not only in its place (even an experienced master can confuse them), but also inserted correctly. This is quite painstaking work, but in some cases it helps to get rid of the problem.

Reason incorrect operation The contact surface of the cable may become oxidized. To fix it, remove the cable from the connector and wipe the contacts with a regular eraser.

Video card

The video card is the processing center for all images. It is malfunctions in the operation of this small part of the device that most often cause various stripes on the monitor. In order to exclude the video card as the cause of the ripples, you need to check whether it is working correctly.

The check includes:

  • cleaning the board from dust using cotton swabs;
  • removing and returning the board and all connecting cables;
  • checking all wires, which must be intact, without various creases, and so on;
  • working with a cooler that should be free of dust and foreign objects.

If after all the manipulations described above it seems that the card is working properly, try connecting it to another computer, for example, to your friend or relative’s device. If the same stripes appear when you connect your board to another computer, you have found the cause of the described problem. What to do? Take the computer to a service center or buy and install it yourself new video card, suitable for the parameters of your computer.

However, streaking is not always a problem with the video card. Sometimes it's the monitor itself.

Monitor is faulty

Horizontal stripes on the monitor may be caused by the display device itself. In some cases, this unpleasant pattern appears due to physical damage. About what we're talking about? These are falls of the monitor itself, impact of any part of it with something or something, and so on. The streaks that result from this are often colored.

In addition to direct physical impact in the form of shocks, direct sunlight, high humidity or temperature have a negative impact on the monitor. Any violation of operating rules can also cause stripes.

How can you tell if a vertical line on your monitor is a problem with the screen itself? As one famous hero said: “Elementary, Watson!” You just need to connect the monitor to another computer. You don't need any skills or talents for this!

To understand how to “treat” a device, you need to know how it works.

Monitor design and repair

As you know, the image itself is a set of colored dots. In order to accurately display them on the screen, special chips are built into the monitor that give commands to the pixels and they turn on or, conversely, turn off. These “drivers” are located on the display matrix and each of them is responsible for its own zone.

The matrix cable, through which the signal to reproduce the picture is transmitted, is attached with a special substance - this is a kind of glue with a conductive effect. It is this part of the device that is the weak link, which most often fails. Once the traces peel off from the driver on the cable, thin vertical lines appear on the monitor.

In some cases, adjusting the monitor brightness or making minor repairs can help. The latter includes gluing, or rather, pressing the upper part of the monitor (the cable to the matrix body using, for example, a spacer). But this is only a short-term solution to the problem.

Unfortunately, repairing a broken monitor is not cheap. Why? Thin vertical stripes on the monitor indicate an imminent replacement of the matrix, the cost of which is 80% of total price to the device. Some people find it makes more sense to simply purchase a new monitor.

Examine the monitor itself

Although at the beginning of the article it was said that stripes are a physical problem, there is a case when the problem is in the monitor itself. What are we talking about? A black line on the monitor on either side is incorrect setting unit. This problem happens quite often and does not pose any danger.

To cure your monitor from this “illness”, you can use the most simple advice. Which one? Use the monitor buttons. Every device has a button automatic settings, which will solve this problem in a matter of moments. To be sure to click the desired key, study the instructions for your device. This will allow you to determine what resolution your monitor should work with. If your system is set to the wrong resolution or aspect ratio, banding can be easily eliminated correct setting parameters of the image produced by the video card.

By the way, using some other buttons you can adjust the brightness of the monitor that is optimal for your eyes.

"Dead pixel

In addition to unpleasant vertical or horizontal stripes on the monitor, many people are greatly annoyed by the so-called defective pixels. Nowadays, a number of methods have been created that in some cases can save the situation.

  1. "Massage". Hearing an offer to give a damaged pixel a massage, many will raise one eyebrow and start calling a doctor for the person who suggested it. Nevertheless, on various forums you can often come across suggestions from users to gently rub the pixel with a cotton swab for 10-15 minutes. There is practically nothing on the Internet about whether this method works. Often it can't help, but it's still worth trying without trying too hard.
  2. A program for adjusting the monitor and eliminating “dead” pixels. This option is more professional, although it does not always solve the tasks assigned to it. The principle of operation of programs for eliminating a broken element is to fill it with pixels of various colors and shades. According to the developers, the problem should disappear from the monitor after half an hour of running the program. Constant changes in the parameters of the signal output to the pixel should act as a “wedge”, knocking it into normal mode work.
  3. Combination of both methods.

If none of this works, you have two options - put up with it or buy a new monitor.

Setting up equipment

In fact, not only the black line on the monitor can interfere comfortable work at computer. If your device does not display colors correctly, you may experience some trouble. For example, if your work is related to photography, then the colors that the inaccurate monitor shows when displaying the picture on normal screen can ruin your reputation as a specialist. And if you use a computer for entertainment, then your eyes will get tired many times faster. So what should you do?

  • Adobe Gamma. This program was previously part of Photoshop. Why this is not the case now is partly clear from its design, because it evokes warm feelings of nostalgia for CRT monitors. It was written for them. However, some people find this program excellent and suitable for use with modern systems display information, and no one is going to argue with them.
  • Atrise lutcurve. An inexpensive program in Russian, which is understandable thanks to numerous tips from the author.
  • PowerStrip. The advantage of this program is considered to be the ability to work with a wide variety of video cards with access to more than five hundred parameters of this part of the computer. With it you can correct not only color rendition, but also clock frequency and monitor performance.

These are just a few options that can improve your life. By the way, in some cases they can also eliminate streaks on the monitor.


Whatever one may say, the comfort of using not only the monitor, but the entire computer as a whole is the user’s job. This article clearly shows the relationship between regular computer maintenance and the years of its operation, because with a clean processor or video adapter heatsink, the likelihood of equipment overheating is significantly reduced.

In addition, it is very important to ensure that the monitor itself is not subjected to any tests in the form of direct exposure to sunlight, heating equipment, high humidity and so on.

If it so happens that stripes have appeared on your monitor, you have taken out all the cables, put them in place, but the situation has not changed, and you have no idea what and how it works in the computer, we strongly recommend that you contact a service center. This option will make your life much easier.

Technical equipment, new technologies, subtle but not necessary interconnection of various elements - this is what modern progress has come to. We are, of course, talking about a computer, which has a lot of elements that require care and careful monitoring so that they work correctly and do not break. But not each of us can achieve this, so we are faced with various problems, which sometimes manifest themselves very strongly and cause a lot of inconvenience. We will mainly talk about technical problems that are difficult to diagnose, but it is quite possible to fix them yourself. And in this article we will look at where and why stripes appear on the monitor, which sometimes overshadow the entire picture on the screen. Fortunately, the problem is not always critical, so in most cases you can fix it yourself. And sometimes they indicate that the equipment has broken down and urgently needs to be replaced.

What is this problem?

Before you figure out where they came from on the monitor, it’s worth considering the problem itself, which in most cases is of a technical nature. Yes, a program failure, a virus and other problems, even an option related to drivers - none of this is the reason why defects appear on the monitor screen. This problem is a consequence negative influence computer elements on the monitor or their incorrect interaction with each other. The problem is simple and critical, but this will become known only after a thorough diagnosis of the equipment. When this unpleasant situation occurs, various defective stripes begin to appear on the monitor, which bring with them a lot of trouble. Either they completely obscure the entire monitor, or they replace the colors, or the screen completely disintegrates into pixels.

Why does it occur?

If stripes appear on the monitor, this means that it is time to diagnose all equipment. You shouldn’t blame everything on the video card in advance, since it is not always the main cause of the problem. There may be other parts of your equipment involved that may contribute to this defect. It is worth completely excluding options that relate to programs, driver failures, since image distortion, which is also filled with extra stripes, is guaranteed technical problem. Therefore, you can safely turn off your computer and start checking all your equipment for damage, dust, and much more.

Main causes of this problem

Vertical or horizontal stripes on the monitor may appear due to hardware failure or overheating. The incorrect interaction of various technical elements should also be taken into account. In addition, do not forget that the source of the problem may be dust and contamination of the cables, which are the connecting connection between various elements. Therefore, in order to establish the true causes, you need to conduct a series of diagnostic studies that will identify the true problem, and only then think about ways that will help get rid of this unpleasant situation. And it’s worth remembering that you shouldn’t immediately run to the service center, since in most cases you can get out of this situation with your own efforts. Well, if a technical problem is classified as critical, then there are no options - you will have to find among your friends those who have experience in troubleshooting such problems.

Video card

Horizontal stripes on the monitor and any defects in general cannot be caused primarily by a faulty video card. It is necessary to check whether it is working normally, whether the cooler on it is dusty, which can cause overheating of the equipment, and whether it is connected to the motherboard correctly, that is, whether the wires are damaged. Yes, the video card is the image processing center which can cause the problem. Therefore, if you suddenly notice that the board itself is working normally, you should definitely clean it of dust using cotton swabs. Then check its connectors and try to clean them. After this, check the wires for physical damage. If it's not there, then it's good news; If the wires are damaged, then the equipment will need to be replaced.

If no problems are found and everything is cleaned, it is worth carrying out another check, which consists of examining technical features video cards. It sounds complicated, but in reality everything is simple: you need to check the equipment on another computer. A friend can help you with this: just insert the video card into his computer and check if there are stripes on his monitor. If there are no stripes, then the problem is different; if there is a defect, then the problem is in that graphics hardware. This means you should contact service or buy a new video card.

Monitor malfunction

When vertical stripes appear on your monitor, do not panic. Just start checking your equipment. And it’s worth noting right away that the option with a monitor is also appropriate, although this element is not programmable. Any physical impact on the monitor can cause a lot of problems regarding image deformation. You can also note factors such as exposure to sunlight and exposure to high humidity on the monitor. To check this device, you do not need special education, you just need to check it on another computer. Take advantage of this opportunity from a friend. If after connecting the bars on the monitor disappear, then the problem is in your computer; if the opposite result occurs, then you need to contact a specialized service, since such a problem cannot be corrected with your own hands.

Checking loops

Stripes can also mean that you probably have problems in the connections of the elements themselves, which can sometimes be either physically damaged or simply dusty. To check them, you need to carefully examine every millimeter of the cable on physical damage. Are there blackheads there? Is the cable itself positioned correctly? Does it have unnecessary bends? Is everything connected correctly? If this is possible, then it is worth checking them on another computer. In fact, the problem of cables is quite complex, and not everyone can fully check these wires, therefore, in order to diagnose such a problem instantly, you must always have several spare cables on hand, which can be replaced if necessary. If, after using fresh wire options, stripes continue to appear on the monitor, then you should look for the source of the problem in other equipment. And if there is no problem, then you have already solved it and can continue to enjoy the opportunities virtual space. It is worth remembering this nuance, since not many people know that this can also be the cause of an unpleasant situation.

Cleaning your computer

Damage to internal elements

But do not forget about the possible breakdown of internal devices, which can also cause defects on the screen. These elements mainly include tracks and connecting elements on the motherboard. If you check them carefully, you will find that some of the strips have turned black and the resistors are swollen. It is this state of affairs that is the cause of the breakdown, which cannot be corrected by one’s own efforts. Therefore, if you find at least one element from the listed ones, then it is worth replacing motherboard, since repairing it will no longer be possible.

How to solve this problem?

Stripes appeared on the monitor. How to solve this problem? Actually, we have considered everything possible options solutions in this article, all of them are described above. First, you need to diagnose the equipment, clean the computer, since dust can cause overheating of important computer elements, and then draw conclusions and look for a way out of this unpleasant situation. Vertical stripe on the monitor or another graphic defect - all this is caused by the problems that we have discussed. As for the ways to eliminate them, we also examined them, in particular we mentioned the motherboard itself, which can serve as a source of negative impact. But, unfortunately, it is quite difficult to check it, so the only correct solution may be to contact a service center. Everything else can be checked and you can figure out what exactly is the reason for the defect appearing on the screen.

Service - guaranteed solution to the problem

Black line on the monitor, image disintegration into pixels different sizes, disappearing images, incorrect colors - all this and much more indicates that there are problems with your computer. This article allows you to fix them or diagnose them yourself. But it happens that your hands are simply afraid to touch anything there and generally disassemble the computer. It is in such cases, when you are not confident in your abilities, that a specialized service center will help you, where they will provide all the necessary services. For a fee, they will clean your computer and restore the normal image on the monitor. And if the breakdown is critical, then they will definitely tell you what exactly the problem is and how to fix it. Now it has become much easier to navigate this situation, which will undoubtedly serve as a positive new experience in terms of managing and monitoring computer technology.