Vertical stripes on the iPhone 5s screen. What not to do

Even reliable, functional and resistant to difficult conditions iPhone operation, trademark Apple, if used carelessly and carelessly, will stop working stably and efficiently. This often happens after the smartphone falls onto a hard surface, mechanical impact or moisture ingress. The consequences of careless operation can be very different - the phone freezes and often requires a reboot, the sensor refuses to work, the device does not respond well to commands, etc.

But more often, the results of a fall are invisible at first and appear as vertical streaks after a few days of use. What actions should you take if your smartphone falls onto a hard surface or, for example, into water? What should I do if the screen goes out and won’t turn on, and vertical streaks appear on it? We will answer all pressing questions in this article and analyze each case separately.

The main reasons for the appearance of stripes

Whitish or colored streaks on the screen iPhone latest series may indicate:

  • breakdown of the phone's sensor chip;
  • physical malfunction of the display. To solve the problem of broken or cracked glass, just change the screen to a new one (original);
  • penetration of moisture into the interior: corrosion, shorting/opening of contacts, failure of the cable, etc. Water, tea or carbonated drink are most “scary” when the smartphone is turned on - they can lead to failure of microcircuits, printed circuit board etc.
  • failure of the smartphone cable;
  • incorrect firmware and software updates. When turned on, the iPhone may have a black display with no signs of life;
  • mechanical damage to printed circuit board elements;
  • cable connector malfunction.

“Apple” ones are considered particularly sensitive to mechanical loads. iPhone devices Episodes 6 and 5. In this case, the phone does not have to be thrown against the wall or dropped on the asphalt. It is enough to carry it in your trouser pocket or just throw it in your bag. The body of the latest Apple gadgets is made using a special technology - solid cast. But this does not guarantee that prolonged compression and slight bending will pass without consequences. Therefore, if you find vertical stripes on the iPhone 5s or 6 model, it is wiser not to make serious attempts at self-repair.

What does the color of the stains mean?

If stripes appear on the iPhone screen, then by their color you can approximately determine the area of ​​​​the breakdown. Vertical defects may have:

White shade

Most often they occur due to the failure of the smartphone monitor controller. White streaks also appear when there are problems with the capacitor. When hitting a hard surface, radio components easily move away from the printed circuit board. Overheating is usually responsible for controller malfunctions. When an iPhone 6 or 5 series falls into water or gets splashed with a drink, the first thing users do is force-dry it with a hairdryer. This cannot be done. The equipment must dry naturally. The hot air from the hair dryer causes the controller to simply peel off from the module.

Yellow tint

It doesn’t matter if it’s an iPhone 5s or an earlier device/ later version is used, a yellow (usually teardrop-shaped) area may appear on your monitor in the center or at the edges of the display. Its formation is not necessarily preceded by falling or drowning of the phone. The yellow tint of the defect in 91% of cases indicates poor-quality sizing of the monitor (multilayer construction consisting of the monitor itself and glass). The yellow area is the glue that has developed. It’s another matter if the tone of the picture on the iPhone 5s or 6 has changed, as if it has dimmed slightly. In this case, there is a problem with the display.

blue tint

The defect indicates poor-quality contact of the connector and/or cable. If the bars flicker and the screen of an iPhone 5s or later is very glitchy, this may indicate an unstable signal.

Gray shade

The defect appears from the bottom of the monitor and can cover ½ of it. The problem occurs only in early iPhone models.

Lots of colored stains

If they appear colorful stripes, then most likely there were problems with software, updates or settings after installing applications.

Horizontal stripes

In addition to vertical defects, horizontal (flashing, flickering, solid or colored) stripes often appear on iPhone 5s and 6. This indicates serious problems with the monitor. If horizontal flaws are detected, the user may notice that the sensor does not work or has become weakly sensitive.

The consequences of falling or squeezing, mechanical stress or moisture can be expressed not only by defects visible on the display. Minor bends and light impacts to the center of the smartphone monitor lead to physical damage in 87% of cases. Only a professional can fix a broken iPhone display module by replacing it with a new one.

How to get rid of divorces?

If the screen of your device goes dark or a flaw appears on it, do not panic and immediately run to service center. There are problems that you can try to solve on your own. The main thing is not to repair. When identifying colored or white defects, proceed as follows:

  • Reboot the smartphone. After turning off, allow the equipment to “rest” for 2-3 minutes before turning on again.
  • Check the cable. A sign of a loose cable may also be a black screen on the device. You need to carefully disassemble the case and install it “all the way”.
  • Return iPhone to Default settings. Reset updates or uninstall applications that were installed before the stripes appeared. Reboot.
  • Update device software. Go to “Settings”, click the “Updates” menu item. Then strictly follow the instructions. Reboot the device.
  • Dry the equipment. If the phone is dropped, you need to quickly take it out, carefully wipe the case with a dry soft cloth and turn it off. Let it sit for 3-5 days. Then try to turn it on. Long-term exposure of equipment to water requires it complete disassembly and professional drying of contacts and microcircuits.

What not to do

Often users try to fix it themselves broken screen iPhone - separate the glass from the display and then glue a new one. Such a procedure, even if it goes well, will lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of the sensor and other problems. If, after taking the measures suggested above, the defects are not eliminated or the monitor turns black, blue or red, contact a service center for help. Remember: unqualified repairs in 8 out of 10 cases lead to the loss of the gadget.


Damage to the display module - serious damage, which does not affect the functionality of the device for the better. This article describes the main possible options What to do if the glass is damaged, follow everything clearly step by step, perhaps this will help you.

If the instructions do not help, then there is only one way left - going to a service center with experienced technicians who know how to approach miniature electronics. You shouldn’t change the glass or sensor yourself, there are too many pitfalls.

Video instruction

The popularity of the iPhone has no limits. Even those who cannot afford such a purchase still dream of it. This is easy to explain. These phones are undoubtedly not only functional, but also of high quality. Smartphones from Apple delight the buyer with the latest technical equipment, original devices, and reliability. Considering the huge range of mobile devices, these gadgets are beyond competition. However, this does not mean that breakdowns are completely excluded. If you search the Internet, you can find reviews about malfunctions.

If a line appears on iPhone screen, then you shouldn’t immediately run to the service center. In this article, we will look at the reasons that can cause such a breakdown, and also look at ways to solve the problem.

The main reasons for the appearance of stripes on the screen

Smartphones from Apple, compared to other brands, fail much less often. The manufacturer uses only the highest quality parts and materials when assembling gadgets. Thanks to this, they have a long service life.

But even with the gadgets of this company, not everything is so perfect. Some problems may appear such as a line on the screen. On iPhone, the following factors can cause this problem:

  • Device overheating.
  • Mechanical damage, usually after a fall.
  • Poor quality assembly of parts after repair.
  • Accumulation of moisture inside the housing.
  • Software problems.

According to statistics, the iPhone system works stably, but glitches still occur. Therefore, when stripes appear on the screen, it is recommended that you first look for the reason there. And only after eliminating a software failure can you proceed to other options.

Vertical stripes on iPhone screen

Several types of stripes may appear on the screen of Apple smartphones. All of them indicate different breakdowns.

  • Blue stripe. It is necessary to check the contacts of the cable and connector in the device.
  • White stripe. More often this problem appears after the phone has been dropped or overheated. The force of the impact can disconnect the capacitors from the board. And this will lead to the formation of stripes on the screen. If the phone overheats greatly, this may cause the controller to disconnect from the display module.
  • Gray bar at the bottom of the iPhone screen. IN latest models practically never found this malfunction. However, in older smartphones, a gray line often appeared after pressing hard on the screen with a finger or some other object.
  • Yellow stripe. If you notice a slight drop-shaped darkening on the screen, this indicates that the top glass and the display itself are glued together with glue. However, if this strip is barely noticeable, then most likely the reason must be sought in the screen itself.

Horizontal stripes

Not only vertical stripes may appear on the iPhone screen. Users also encounter horizontal multi-colored lines. This malfunction can be caused by several reasons: problems with the controller, cable, or display connector. Most often, when appearing horizontal stripes The touchscreen stops working.

System failure

A bar appeared on the screen on the iPhone - what should owners do? Most often, users begin to panic and immediately seek help from qualified specialists. However, there is no need to rush. First of all, the reason for the display of stripes on the screen must be looked for in a software failure. Sometimes, after flashing the device's firmware or using a tweak that allows you to connect uncertified accessories, a failure occurs. operating system. In order to fix the error, you will need to return to the previous version of iOS. You can do this in the following way:

  • Disable Find My iPhone on your smartphone.
  • Launch iTunes utility on your computer.
  • Connect your phone.
  • In the program, find the “Restore iPhone” tab and activate it.

It is recommended that before starting the recovery process, you do backup copy. Some advanced users advise downloading the firmware on their own from a trusted site, but for those who are not particularly versed in such subtleties, it is better to wait until the program does everything automatically.

Mechanical damage

If horizontal and vertical blue stripes appear on the iPhone screen, then the device has undoubtedly been subjected to mechanical stress, for example, received a strong blow when dropped. In this case, the cause of the malfunction may be a disconnection of the display cable, damage to motherboard or controller. In addition to these faults, after disassembling the device, you can find damage to connectors and other components. It is best in this situation to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. Only a qualified craftsman can cope with such work.

Destructive moisture

Getting moisture inside the phone can lead to the most unpredictable consequences. The device may simply not turn on or may function, but with malfunctions. Most often, in such a situation, a stripe appears on the screen on the iPhone, and it can be all the colors of the rainbow.

  • Turn off your phone very quickly. Under no circumstances should you check its functionality, and you are also not allowed to connect the charger.
  • Disconnect all accessories: cable, covers, remove safety glass.
  • If possible, disassemble the gadget and wipe all its parts with a dry cloth. Then let it dry in a draft.

Some users have heard that rice can be used in such a situation. However, it will only be effective if the device is superficially wet.

It is important to understand that under no circumstances should you dry your smartphone on heating devices or in direct sunlight. You should also not use a hair dryer for this purpose. It would be most correct to go to a service center, where a specialist will disassemble the device, remove any remaining moisture and treat all components with a special compound to prevent the formation of corrosion.

Overheating is the reason for the formation of streaks on the screen

White streaks appear on the iPhone screen if the device is overheated. At this moment, a contact may burn out.

What is meant by the phrase “smartphone overheated”? Sometimes users leave the device to charge under the sun's rays. Doing this is strictly prohibited. Active use can also lead to overheating. In this case, it is recommended to install special application, which will monitor the processor temperature. It’s quite difficult to figure out on your own what exactly burned out in the iPhone, so optimal solution will contact the service center.

Assembly was not performed correctly

After the repair, did a line appear on the screen on your iPhone? In this case, the assembly rules were violated. Such problems can be encountered after replacing the touchscreen, battery, screen and other parts. Surprisingly, specialist craftsmen claim that even if the bolts are mixed up, this can cause a malfunction of the device. Owners also encounter streaks on the screen if not all components were replaced during repairs.


Apple smartphones are high-tech devices. Their operation is ensured by a large number of different microcircuits, a motherboard and other equally important parts. To independently find out the reason for the formation of stripes on the screen, you must have special knowledge and skills. If the owner does not understand electronics, then it is best to trust qualified specialists. They will help you quickly find out the cause of the problem and quickly eliminate it.

White or colored stripes on an iPhone most often indicate that there are hardware problems and the need to take the device to a service center. However, in rare cases, streaks on the screen may appear due to software glitches. Therefore, do not rush to change the touchscreen: perhaps you can fix the problem yourself without extra expenses.

Reasons for the appearance of stripes

Red, blue, white and other multi-colored stripes may appear on the iPhone screen for the following reasons:

  • Mechanical impact on the screen - a strong blow, the phone falling.
  • Moisture gets inside the device.
  • Severe overheating.
  • Incorrect assembly of the smartphone.
  • Software malfunctions.

The last reason is extremely rare, but if a line suddenly appears on the screen, then software is checked first to rule out this option.

System check

If stripes appeared on your iPhone after jailbreaking or flashing the device, restoring the latest one will help fix the error. iOS versions. This operation will erase all information from your iPhone, so be sure to back it up before restoring your device.

"Restore Iphone"

iTunes will begin to provision your device, download and install latest version firmware. This may take a long time. To speed up the process, you can first download the firmware file from a trustworthy site (for example, 4PDA) and save it on your computer. Then you need to press Shift key and click "Restore". An explorer window will appear through which you can specify the path to the firmware file.

If the stripes do not disappear after restoring the phone, then the cause of their appearance is most likely a hardware problem. The only question is how serious the damage is to the iPhone, and whether it is possible to fix it yourself.

Mechanical impact

A shock or fall is the most common cause of streaks appearing on the screen. As a result of mechanical impact, the following may occur:

  • Disconnecting the display cable.
  • Damage to the touchscreen, controller, cable, system board, various connectors and other components.

There are a lot of options, so you need to not only disassemble the phone, but also study it in detail. If you do not have the skills to repair iPhones, then contact a service center.

Moisture ingress

Usually, after moisture gets in, other problems appear: the screen turns off or turns completely white. However, the display can also become multi-colored - water will paint the screen in all the colors of the rainbow.

What to do in this situation:

  1. Turn off your phone immediately. Do not turn on the phone to check if it works, do not connect the charger.
  2. Remove covers, protective glass and other accessories.
  3. Disassemble the device, collect moisture with napkins, and place it to dry in a draft.
  4. It will be most effective in a special way dry the phone. You can read about this on our website.

Submerging your phone in rice will only help if your iPhone has only had a superficial swim and has not been completely submerged in water. You need to leave your smartphone in rice for a long time; the moisture will not be absorbed within 1-2 hours.

Do not dry your phone in direct sunlight, on heaters or radiators. It is also not recommended to use a hair dryer - the air flow will drive water around the body. The right decision would be to contact a service center: specialists will disassemble the smartphone, remove moisture and clean the components from corrosion.

Severe overheating

Another one possible reason– burnout of any component due to strong heating of the device. To overheat the phone, just leave it charging in direct sunlight and actively use it. It’s hard to find out on your own what’s burned inside the iPhone, so the best option there will be a trip to the service center.

Incorrect assembly

If stripes appear after replacing the battery, display, touchscreen or other phone components, this may be due to:

  • Replacement of not all failed components.
  • Incorrect assembly of the device. The housing uses screws different sizes, if you confuse their location, you can easily break through other components.

As with other hardware problems, it is better not to try to fix the problem yourself, but to go straight to a service center. Otherwise, you can bring the phone to such a state that the white stripes on the screen seem like a minor malfunction.

Video lessons we have selected for you:

What to do in a strange situation when stripes suddenly appear on the iPhone 5 screen? Why do vertical stripes periodically appear on iPhone display 5? Do-it-yourself instructions and repairs will help you fix everything, and your communicator will work flawlessly again.

Instructions: In such a common problem there may be several different options breakdowns and eliminating them, accordingly, will have to be done differently:

  1. The screen of the analyzed device itself has failed. It will have to be immediately replaced with the original analogue;
  2. The cable has moved away from the display. Let's insert it back into place to resume the functioning of the iPhone 5 device;
  3. The screen control chip is faulty after the device gets wet or mechanical damage. Computer diagnostics of the device is required;
  4. If problems began to appear after the communication device fell, then it is necessary to carry out preliminary testing.

Result: The first 2 options can easily be done at home yourself, but if you have the 3rd or 4th option of problems, then they can only be fixed at a service center.

From the 2 proposed solutions to the problem under consideration, choose the one that suits you best.

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We have been providing professional service for iPhone 5 communicators for many years, selling original parts for these devices, and advising on how to repair phones yourself at home. The price of all services provided is discussed in the price list.

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Many people use mobile devices from Apple. They are comfortable, functional, reliable, beautiful. But whatever one may say, this is a technique with which everything simply cannot always be in order. Any gadgets are prone to breakdowns. Manufacturers primarily rely on beautiful appearance and functionality, paying little attention to device security. One of the most common complaints about the iPhone is the streak on the screen. What causes such defects? What to do with them?

Reasons for stripes appearing on the screen

When smartphone users complain about such a problem, they do not mean scratches on the surface of the glass. These distortions occur directly in the picture. The stripes can be vertical or horizontal, but this is not very important.

There are four main reasons why a defect appears on the display. White iPhones appear due to:

  • Software errors.
  • Contact failure of the display cable.
  • Failure of the microcircuit (the controller that is responsible for image transmission).
  • Moisture on the screen.

There is no need to wait for image defects to disappear on their own after some time. After all, a violation can be very serious. Therefore, it is necessary to contact good specialists without delay.

In order to get rid of screen problems, you first need to determine the reason why the failure occurred. Before contacting the repair center cell phones, you can independently carry out initial diagnostics of the device.

Software glitches

Sometimes stripes on the screen occur due to some kind of glitch in the phone's operating system. In some cases, simply rebooting the device may help. If after this the problem does not go away, then the reason lies elsewhere.

Often failures occur not in the operating system itself, but in a separate application. For example, a user launches his favorite game, and at that moment streaks appear. In order to eliminate such distortion, it will be enough to simply close the application.

There are also more serious violations that are irreversible. It may even be necessary complete flashing iPhone. It is not recommended to do this on your own, as you can download dubious programs from the Internet that will only damage your smartphone. It is better to contact a service center if you are not confident in your abilities.

Software update

So the first thing to do is to exclude software problems devices. If on your iPhone the bar on the screen is blue, gray or yellow color, then you need to try updating the software or returning the smartphone to default settings. These steps can be performed without turning to specialists.

In order to update your phone, you need to go to the settings, then select “General” and click on “Update”. Then you just need to follow the instructions.

Another way is to connect your smartphone to your computer, open iTunes and select software update.

To restore the default factory settings, you also need to connect the device to iTunes. To do this, connect the smartphone to the computer, then press Power buttons and Home to reboot, after which the power button is released until “Recovery Mode” appears on the display. Next, select the “Restore” option. If the bar on the screen does not disappear on your iPhone, you should contact a service center.

What not to do

You don’t need to believe those virtual “professionals” who claim that they restored your phone without problems thanks to some simple program or an ordinary video. Most likely, by downloading what they recommend, the user will receive malicious software, which will only help to spend a lot of nerves and a lot of money on recovery.

Other types of breakdowns also occur. Their symptoms are slightly different. The most common vertical stripes that appear on the iPhone screen are White color. “Sixes” are most susceptible to this problem, since their body is very thin. But even on the fifth model, you can often find a similar malfunction.

Serious device violations

If the contact of the screen cable is broken, then most often the cause is a fall or impact of the smartphone. In almost half of the cases, after this you can see that stripes appear on the iPhone screen. In the case when the cable does not break, but only comes off, the problem can be solved quickly. You need to open the phone and return the part to its place. To carry out such work it is necessary good experience and a special set of tools. If you carry out repairs yourself, without experience, you can simply break the display connection module along with the cable.

The device microcircuit fails for the same reasons: impact, fall. But it can also be damaged due to excessive pressure on the screen, which also leads to damage to the glass.

Moisture ingress

This problem is the most common cause. First of all, you need to remember how long ago moisture got into the device. After all, if this happened, then every hour is important. If not much time has passed (up to three days), then the repair will most likely be quick, and negative consequences will not be. But if water got into the phone a week ago, then the corrosion process has definitely begun. For this reason, the device requires high-quality diagnostics, as well as cleaning. This can only be done by craftsmen for whom cell phone repair is professional activity. You cannot solve this problem on your own.


Exists a large number of reasons for the appearance of stripes. If you try to test each version in practice, you can only harm your smartphone. There is no need to experiment with an expensive gadget, wasting both money and time. It’s better to go to a good service center, where the technicians will help restore normal operation.