Vertical line in html. How to add a line near text? Examples of vertical lines in HTML


Add a vertical line to the side of a paragraph of text.


There are different ways to attract the reader's attention to the text. For example, make the text bold, change its color, use a background, draw a frame. But what if you don’t just need to highlight text, but rather separate one text block from another, dividing them into different semantic parts? This is where the use of lines and indents is simply invaluable.

A text block on a web page is very different from its printed counterpart. The main difference is the variable width and height of the text, which depend on the monitor resolution, operating system settings, browser and other similar things. These features add a certain complexity to the layout of web pages, but at the same time give rise to specific techniques that greatly simplify the process of creating a website. Let's look at how you can use styles to create an arbitrary line near the text, regardless of its size.

To create lines, the CSS property border is used, which sets a border around the block. In special cases, to create a line on only one side of an element, the border-bottom , border-top , border-left and border-right properties are used, they respectively set the line from the bottom, top, left and right.

The values ​​of these properties are listed separated by a space and immediately set the line type, its thickness and color. The line style can take one of eight values, as shown in Fig. 1, and the thickness is usually specified in pixels.

Rice. 1. Types of lines

Example 1 shows how to create a vertical line next to text.

Example 1: Vertical line to the left of text

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Line to the left of the text

Studying from positions close to Gestalt psychology and psychoanalysis the processes in a small group, reflecting the informal microstructure of society, J. Moreno showed that compulsivity gives stress due to which it mixes the subjective and objective, transfers its internal motivations to the real connections of things.

To leave the original paragraph style unchanged, a new line class has been introduced, which sets a vertical line near the paragraph. This class, in addition, also sets an offset of 20 pixels from the left edge of the window to the text using the margin-left property and an indent from the line to the text using padding-left , without it the text will be in contact with the line too tightly. The result is shown in Fig. 2.

Hi all! Today I will tell you how to make a horizontal line using html.

In fact, the need to make a horizontal line arises quite often, for example, when you need to separate one part of the text from another.

Horizontal and vertical lines using css

This can be done using css. To do this, I enclose the required section of text in a block using a div tag, and then in the style.css file or directly in the html code we write properties for this block for the top or bottom border using border-top and border-bottom. Here's an example:

Vertical HTML line

Horizontal line using css.

In this case, I set the styling using css directly from the html code, and made the top border solid and the bottom border dotted.

This is what it will look like on the page:

Horizontal line using css.

This method has its advantages:

  • A wide range of settings that allow you to set almost any type of line;
  • You can create both horizontal and vertical lines. In order to make vertical lines, you need to change border-top to border-left, and border-bottom to border-right.

The disadvantages include the relative cumbersomeness of the code.

However, as it turned out, you can insert a horizontal line into the text using html. At the same time, you don’t even have to go into css. The tag is used for this


Horizontal line using html tag

The first feature of this tag is that it does not have a paired closing tag. It can be used anywhere in the html code between tags And.

This tag has the following attributes:

  • Width– determines the length of our horizontal line in pixels or percentages;
  • Color– defines the color of the line;
  • Align– sets the alignment of the line to the right edge – right, to the left edge – left, in the center – center;
  • Size– line thickness in pixels.

Here is an example of html code:

And this is what it will look like:

As you can see, this method has its drawbacks:

  • Fewer line settings;
  • You can't make a vertical line.

But this method is much simpler.

Now you know exactly how to create vertical and horizontal lines on your website. You can ask your questions in the comments. And don't forget to subscribe to

Images have several interesting properties that can be inferred by applying the direct transformation (18) in simple physical situations. For our present purpose, we do not need the complete generality of formula (18); the effect we want to show can be demonstrated even if all parameters characterizing the camera position are equal to zero, with the exception of one tilt angle. Accordingly, we take and transform expression (18) into a simpler form:

Let's explore the properties of the image of a vertical line. The vertical line of an object is drawn by the object point

where the coordinates of the point at which the line intersects the floor plane, and z is a free parameter, the value of which is taken among all real numbers. If we substitute v into formula (27) and eliminate the free parameter z from the two equations, we obtain the equation of a straight line on the image plane

Analysis of this simple equation yields a number of interesting observations. The most important thing is that the z-intercept is independent of the position of the vertical line itself; it depends only on whether the line is actually vertical. Thus, for a given camera geometry, the images of all vertical lines pass through one point of the vertical schof, the coordinates of which in the image are equal to .

Rice. 10.4. Vanishing points.

Rice. Figure 10.4 illustrates this effect in an image of a single cuboid taken with a camera tilted strongly downward. The reader can check other properties of equation (28) that are consistent with intuition. For example, if increased from zero to 90°, the vertical vanishing point moves toward the center of the image plane and the slope of the line becomes shallower. Similarly, for any given camera angle, this effect becomes more noticeable when the object's vertical lines move toward the periphery of the field of view (i.e., when

Becomes large compared to ). So, the vertical vanishing point can only be determined from the camera parameters, and it imposes a simple necessary condition on the images of vertical lines.


As a final example of using perspective transformations, let's examine some properties of the image of a horizontal line. For simplicity, we will consider the image of an object line lying on the floor plane of the global coordinate system. Any point of the object lying on such a line has where and b are, respectively, the slope of the line and the length of the segment cut off by this line on the Y coordinate axis. Since we want to take an image of an object located on the floor, it is better that the camera is raised above the floor and , maybe directed downwards. In accordance with this, we take the geometric parameters of the camera in the form and let the value be positive and negative. For these parameters, direct transformation (18) is simplified as follows:

After substituting into formulas (29) and eliminating the free parameter x from the two equations, we obtain the equation of a straight line on the image plane

There are no particularly simple properties of either the slope of this image line or the points of its intersection with the coordinate axes; Consider, however, the intersection of this image line with the horizon line of this picture. The horizon line of any image is defined as the intersection of the image plane with a plane passing through the center of the lens parallel to the floor. As shown in the side view of Fig. 10.5, the equation of the horizon line (in image coordinates) has the form Obviously, the X coordinate of the point of intersection of the image line (30) with the horizon line is determined by equating expression (30) to the value - . Having solved the resulting equation

relative to the coordinate of the point of intersection with the horizon, we find that

This result could also be obtained by substituting expression (29) into the first equation and passing to the limit as x tends to infinity. Consequently, the point of intersection with the horizon is quite deservedly called the horizontal vanishing point or the vanishing point with the horizon of the image of a given line; this is the limit to which the image point tends while the object point moves to infinity along a straight line

Rice. 10.5. Towards the calculation of the horizon line.

We can make a number of interesting remarks about expression (31). First, note that the vanishing point is independent of the camera's height above the plane containing the object line. Secondly, the vanishing point does not depend on the translation parameter b in the object line equation. Therefore, we can draw the important conclusion that any two lines parallel to the floor plane have the same vanishing point if and only if they are parallel to each other. Finally, suppose we have two orthogonal lines of an object lying on a plane parallel to the floor. Let their slopes be and their vanishing points with the horizon have coordinates; and Since these lines are orthogonal, . Therefore, directly from formula (31) we obtain

The two vanishing points are sometimes called conjugate vanishing points. Since their product is a negative value, they always lie on opposite sides of the center line of the image, as shown in Fig. 10.4. Conjugate vanishing points are an example of how a given constraint on objects (namely orthogonality) can be converted into a simple constraint on images.

Hello, loyal subscribers of my training site, as well as guests of the blog. Have you ever noticed on web resource pages where a vertical line in the html separates some information? So this is a very simple, but effective way to draw the reader’s attention to the desired part of the content.

Therefore, I want to devote this publication to studying tools and tags for setting vertical lines, and also tell where else this technique can be used. Now let's get started!

What is vertical text separation used for?

Developers and web designers are trying to create a unique website that will have a convenient and intuitive user interface. All this is achieved using various tools and approaches and CSS style sheets.

Most often, accents are placed in the text content of the pages. For this we use:

  • special tags, for example, < strong>, < i>, < big> and others;
  • dividing text into paragraphs and entering headings of different levels;
  • selecting objects using various ;
  • changing font style;
  • introduction of framing frames into the content, etc.

Let's consider the last point.

Framework is a common mechanism for separating certain objects from the bulk, highlighting and simply designing web content. They are created using the property border.

This CSS language element is very flexible and can set a frame on all sides or only on one side of the selected object. I have listed the important properties in the table.

All of the above properties can control line thickness, color, and presentation style.

I would like to note that boundaries can look more than just straight lines. They may also appear:

  • point(dotted)
  • dotted(dashed)
  • linear(solid)
  • double(double)
  • volumetric(groove, inset, ridge and outset) frame
  • or repeat the style settings of the ancestor using the inherit keyword.

Sometimes I come across questions like: “Can a border be represented as an image and how to do it?” The answer is yes. And this is done very simply.

For this, the creators of CSS provided the element border-image, in which you need to indicate the path to the picture and describe the thickness of each side of the border.

Practical part

I think it's time to put theory to the test. Your task is to write a body of text and separate key points or quotes with vertical lines. The example code is presented below:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Vertical line

This piece of text is very important.

Vertical line

First paragraph. Using border-left

In the first paragraph, highlight the key point of the text with a left double purple line.

This piece of text is very important.

Second paragraph. Using border-image

In the second paragraph, we highlight the key point of the text with a vertical line on the left in the form of an image.

This piece of text is very important.

As you may have noticed, the material is very light, but can be useful for solving many different problems. With this I say goodbye to you. Don't forget to subscribe and invite your friends to our friendly team. Bye bye!

Best regards, Roman Chueshov

Greetings to all readers. From time to time, craftsmen are faced with the problem of how to make a horizontal or vertical line using HTML or CSS. This is what I will tell you about today.

Lines in CSS

There are several ways to make lines. One such way is to use CSS. Or rather, using Border. Let's look at an example.

And this is what will happen as a result.

Horizontal and vertical line using css.

Lines can be drawn in CSS using the Border operator. If you just need a rectangle with a fixed frame width, then you can simply use this operator and give it a value. For example border:5px solid #000000; will mean that the block borders have a width equal to 5 pixels of black color.

However, if you need to set not all boundaries, but only some, then you need to specify which boundaries are needed and what value each of them will have. These are the operators:

  • border-top – sets the value of the top border
  • border-bottom – sets the value of the bottom border
  • border-left – sets the value of the left border
  • border-right – sets the value of the right border.

Vertical and horizontal line in HTML

You can create lines in the HTML itself. To do this, you can use the hr tag.

In this case, a horizontal line will be drawn, one pixel high and full width.

But this tag can also be given some values.

  • Width– sets the line width value.
  • Color– sets the line color.
  • Align– sets alignment to left, center, right
  • Size– sets the line thickness value in pixels.

Using the hr tag, you can also set a vertical line. But in this case, you will have to resort to styles again.

In this case, a vertical line will be drawn one hundred pixels high, one pixel thick and five pixels indented.


Well, now you know how you can set a vertical and horizontal line. Lines can be set both on regular sites using HTML, and they can be set on a site that uses a CMS, for example, WordPress, but in this case, you will need to switch to HTML mode.

Well, if you have any more questions, ask them in the comments.