In case your iPhone is broken... Unlocking iPhone didn't help

An iPhone is a desired acquisition for millions of Russians. But even a high-quality product can have a manufacturing defect. For example, you need to replace the device's battery with a new one before the end of the warranty period. How to do this and where to go is in the material below.

iPhone 6s battery replacement under warranty

If your iPhone battery has become faulty for some reason, there is no need to run to the store for a new one or order it through dubious sites. It is enough to contact the service center or store where the purchase was made.

Change to new battery under warranty, it is carried out free of charge at an Apple service center, if the warranty period for service is valid. To do this, you need to prepare the device and provide a standard package of documents.

Before any action is taken, the iPhone will be checked for the causes of the malfunction. If damage is found that makes changing the battery difficult, you must repair the damage and then install a new battery. For example, replacing a cracked screen or external panel devices.

How do you know if your iPhone 6s battery needs to be replaced?

You can find out whether it is possible to replace your battery with a new one for free on your own. To do this you need to go to the section “Settings” - “Basic” “Device information”. And study the section where the serial number of the device is indicated.

There should be the following letters and numbers: q3-q9 qc, qd, qf, qg, qh, qj. If your serial number (not to be confused with IMEI) contains one of the specified combinations, you can contact the center warranty service or an official representative office (store) of Apple with a request to change the battery. After a service check, if the battery is confirmed to be unusable, it is replaced with a new one free of charge.

How is the battery replaced?

How to prepare the device for changing the battery, and where should I go for this procedure?

  • Save data using iTunes or iCloud (iTunes or iCloud);
  • Disable the Search iPhone option;
  • Erase all information and Personal settings from iPhone. (Settings – General – Reset – Delete data and options (settings).

Next, contact official center Apple device repair and maintenance. The addresses are on the company's official website. Contact the center operator by phone to clarify the timing of the battery change (optimally immediately, on the day of your call).

Replacing an iPhone with a new one under warranty

Is it possible to replace an iPhone under warranty? According to established rules, the company does not repair, but replaces unusable devices with new ones if there is a manufacturing defect.

iPhone – certified for Russian market products included in the list of technically complex products. In the event of a breakdown not related to the user's actions during the warranty period, the company is obliged to replace the device with a similar one free of charge.

The warranty period (valid by law) for a new product is 365 days from the date of registration of the replacement. So, even if your iPhone 6s has a few days left in its warranty, after replacement, guarantee period extended for a year.

If an iPhone breaks under warranty, can they replace it?

What to do if it's broken new iPhone 6s? A consumer, having discovered a malfunction in his iPhone before the expiration of the warranty period, has the right to demand that the product be replaced with a new one, in accordance with the consumer protection law.

To do this, you need to provide the service center or store with a purchase receipt, packaging, service coupon and make a written claim in free form indicating a request to replace the product with a new one, in accordance with Apple regulations. In case of refusal, the client has the right to file a claim in court.

Remember: if you are denied repairs on the grounds that the phone was not purchased in Russia, you can also file a claim.

Failures of the iPhone, in particular its latest “sixth” version, are divided into two types: software and physical. The first includes those problems that are associated with the operation of the smartphone’s operating system, the second includes damage to the device as a result of falling, bending, or abrasions.

All of them, almost without exception, can ruin your mood - an expensive smartphone either doesn’t look very good or is completely impossible to use.

We tried to review the most common iPhone breakdowns 6 and ways to “treat” them, with which we were helped by specialists from the Apple product repair service in Moscow “MacPlus” (website address - Unfortunately, not in all cases you will be able to cope with the problem yourself - you will need to contact specialists in repair shops. But even here it would be useful to understand how complex problem and how it can be solved.

Technical breakdowns

Crack on the screen

Most often, this happens to iPhones as a result of falling onto a hard surface. Moreover, for this, the height of human height or, in some cases, falling from a pocket while you are sitting is enough. The reason is in the design of the gadget itself - the glass is glued close to the smartphone and is practically not protected by anything, as a result, the blow falls directly on it.

You can get rid of the crack with one the only way- replace glass. It’s better to do this in a service rather than suffer yourself. The price will be approximately the same as if you order glass somewhere in a single copy. In addition, there is a chance that you will buy a fake and as a result the iPhone will be either too sensitive to touches or too “slow.”

Stripes appeared on the screen

They look like artifacts, as if you were pressing on the display. This happens quite rarely, but using such a smartphone is already difficult and unpleasant.

There may be several reasons: for some reason the display has failed, which can only be corrected by replacement; the microcircuits responsible for displaying images on the screen are broken; moisture has entered; software problems (the latter happens quite rarely). You can clarify the problem on the website by asking a question to the specialist. It is only advisable to take a photo of the problem or shoot a short video in advance.

Home button does not work

Another common problem, especially for smartphones younger than the iPhone 5s, but it occurs in almost everyone. This is an exclusively “natural” consequence - the phone was used for a very long time and all contacts were simply erased. The button needs to be replaced, no more, no less.

iPhone power button not working

If you press a button and the phone does not respond, it’s time to sound the alarm. But there is no need to worry too much. It is likely that only the power button has failed and replacing it will correct the situation. Other popular reasons include: moisture getting on the contacts, manufacturing defects (which did not appear immediately, but over time), mechanical damage as a result of a fall. Here the repair will be more difficult, but the iPhone can still be returned to work.

Battery does not charge or discharges quickly

Almost all modern smartphones The battery does not hold a charge well - the maximum they can do is 8-9 hours active use or 1.5-2 days of “inactive”. But what if your phone can't even do that? After just a couple of hours, it shows that it would be a good idea to connect it to the network again. And it also happens that the battery refuses to charge at all.

The easiest way to fix the situation is to buy a new battery. It is also the cheapest in terms of costs, because there is no need to change or repair anything. It is best to look for an original battery from Apple rather than risk buying a Chinese one. Firstly, it is more likely that the phone will work without failures and will not overheat; secondly, the actual battery capacity will correspond to the declared one. Among the “Chinese” the latter often does not coincide.

If a new battery does not help, then there may be several problems again: the power controller burned out due to the use of low-quality car chargers or Chinese fakes; the power connector is damaged; problems with cables. In almost all of the cases described above, some part needs to be replaced. The Apple product repair service will help you correct the situation. You shouldn't experiment yourself - it will cost more.

Doesn't load beyond the apple logo

This is less common, but very unpleasant - the phone is simply impossible to use. And again, there may be several reasons, and these could be either hardware problems or errors. software.

The first and most common is firmware failure. They are found on smartphones after jailbreak, but sometimes also on the original OS. It can be fixed new firmware iPhone. But you do this yourself at your own peril and risk - then getting the phone back to work will take longer and be more expensive.

The same can happen in case of damage individual parts in the smartphone, as well as after moisture gets under the case. The water caused corrosion and some contacts simply became oxidized or damaged. You know what to do - take it to the master, let him do his job.

If you are a resident of Moscow, you can contact specialists from the website There you can ask the technician a question, or take a photo or video of the breakdown and send it through a special form - they will contact you and tell you the cost of the repair.

iPhone 6 Plus bent

We won’t congratulate you - you’ve encountered a problem that people have started shouting about Apple fans almost on the first day of sales.

The point is the thinness of the gadget, due to which the body simply cannot withstand the weight of a person or a heavy backpack. There are no ways to get rid of this - you should have been more careful. If the bend is not strong and the phone is still working, then we advise you to take it to a specialist so that he can try to return the shape to its previous position. You can try to do this yourself, but the risk of being left completely without a smartphone is very high.

Software problems

Smartphone slows down after iOS update

Surprisingly, in Lately With Apple this happens somewhat often. So, after the release of the first version of iOS 8, most users began to complain about games or applications crashing on the desktop; the phone began to “think” while launching books or photos. It feels like you're holding something in your hands budget smartphone on Android.

Of course, Apple cannot ignore such complaints - within a few weeks they appear official updates. I think you already understand that you are required to go into the settings and check for a new version of iOS.

Unfortunately, iOS updates 8 does not fix complete “brakes” on smartphones younger than the iPhone 5s, because the platform is focused primarily on 64-bit processors. iPhone users 6 and iPhone 6 Plus were luckier - a new version The OS was pre-installed there. But the first batch came with the original iOS 8, which could have problems.

We recommend updating iOS only when fully charged battery and only when stable connection to the Internet via Wi-Fi. You should not hope that 15% of the battery charge will be enough for you, as well as the balance on your SIM card when accessing the Internet. Otherwise, you will have to take it to a repair service.

iTunes doesn't work

Besides this application, failures may occur with iExplorer, QuickTimePlayer, DiskaID, and so on.

This is corrected this way:

  1. Remove “Apple” from the list of programs Mobile Device Support";
  2. Unpack the iTunes distribution, for example WinRar;
  3. We start the installation of AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi;

After which the drivers should be updated.

Doesn't make calls, doesn't receive calls, Airplane mode turns on by itself

Try the following:

  1. Try resetting the settings in the menu: “Settings” / “General” / “Reset” / “Reset network settings”;
  2. Disable LTE network, look at how the gadget works only with 3G/EDGE networks;
  3. If problems continue, repair operating system via iTunes.

If the phone is new, feel free to return it, it's a factory defect. If not, reflash it.

Failed firmware or jailbreak

If you tried to reflash your smartphone yourself for the first time in your life, most likely something did not work out. Either you said the wrong firmware version, or you used the wrong software. Or, perhaps, during the firmware installation the computer turned off and everything was lost.

Be careful. Can only be used for firmware current version iOS, which is signed by Apple servers. In addition, you cannot return to the old OS version if you have already upgraded to a more recent one. In addition, flashing the firmware completely erases all data recorded on the card.

  1. Download the latest iTunes version from the official website or update an already installed program;
  2. Download the firmware version you need;
  3. Connect your iPhone to your PC and put it into recovery mode by pressing the Home and Power buttons simultaneously for 10 seconds. Then release Power, but hold down the Home button for 6-9 seconds. iTunes should tell you that your smartphone is in recovery mode.
  4. Clamp Shift key and click on the “Restore” button - in the window you will need to select the firmware version.

All that remains is to wait for the process to complete and restart the phone. Everything should work.

Who to contact

Of course, sometimes it’s even interesting to deal with a problem yourself - but only if you really succeed in doing it. But more often than not, unfortunately, as the service technicians say, “homemade products” make things even worse and repairs become more expensive.

We advise you not to experiment, but to contact repair specialists from the MacPlus company, here is the website - Besides iPhone repair(listed for versions 6, 6 Plus, 5s, 5c, 4s, 4), specialists also repair iPadi, Pad mini, iPad Air, iPod, MacBook, iMac, Mac mini, Cinema Display monitors and other equipment from Apple.

Enjoy Apple technology, and do not try to repair it!

We went to NewtonLabs, a service center for repairing Apple equipment, and found out what to do if you spilled a cocktail on your new iPhone. And then they dropped it.

ABOUT typical problems iPhones that Minsk residents encounter, the founder told us NewtonLabs Alexander. He says the most popular problems are iPhone owners- after a broken screen, of course, these are sunken phones, errors during recovery and problems with the battery. Alexander also told us how to avoid breakdowns and what phone problems you can solve yourself, and what is better to go straight to service.

Firstly, how not to buy a Chinese iPhone?

First you need to look at the serial number on the box and check it on the website Apple support, says Alexander. - If the website says that the phone is new, then you need to unpack the box and compare the serial numbers on the box and on the back of the phone. After this, you can turn on and activate the phone. If the phone is new, then on the technical support website it will be written “Please activate your phone.” After activation, for example, on November 21, 2015, technical support will say that the phone’s warranty extends until November 21, 2016. If the website says that the phone is guaranteed, for example, until September, this means that the phone has already been activated in September. It’s not a fact that it was used, but it’s not a fact that it wasn’t. Well, after that you need to check that the serial number inside the phone matches the number on the back panel and on the box. This is the simplest and most reliable check you can do when purchasing a phone.

Fine. The phone is not Chinese, but I still broke the screen. What to do?

Change the screen. Of course, you can do this yourself, but in general in such cases I always recommend turning to specialists. Firstly, the repair will be much faster, and secondly, there is no risk of damaging anything else in the phone - for example, the camera, speakers or cables, says Alexander. - Starting from the fourth model iPhone glass The screen comes with the matrix. That is, the screen is glued together from several elements: display, sensor, glass, frame. Therefore, not only the glass, but the entire front panel of the phone is changed.

In most cases, only the glass breaks, but the display and sensor remain intact. That is, the screen, in principle, works and responds to touches, but pieces of glass may fall out of it. If the impact was strong, the display may also be damaged. In these cases, there is no need to worry, because the glass still changes along with the screen.

There are situations when the phone falls and does not break, but the screen stops responding to touches or does not show anything. Most likely, this means that from motherboard The sensor or display connectors have come loose, or the cables leading to the module are damaged. In the second case, only replacing the entire module will help. In the first case the problem is solved simple connection loops back, which is much cheaper.

What to do if the phone hasn’t been dropped, but the sensor still doesn’t work?

Many iPhone problems Can be solved by a simple reboot. But in the case of a non-working sensor, a simple reboot is impossible. For such cases, there are power and home buttons. To reboot the phone in forced mode , you need to simultaneously hold down these two buttons for 15-20 seconds. If the phone has rebooted and is working, then a non-working sensor is some kind of software error. If the sensor still does not respond to touches, then you need to disassemble the gadget and look for a hardware problem. In the latter case, the phone is tested with a new front panel. If the sensor starts working with it, then probably the problem was in some of the components of the “old” module.

Is it possible to charge an iPhone with Chinese cables?

Sometimes, in order to save money, people buy inexpensive analogues of a branded cable: “Why buy an expensive accessory if it will break anyway?” Because of this, a faulty iPhone battery is one of the most common problems. In any Apple phone, it is recommended to use original cables or cables from manufacturers that are certified by Apple.

This problem is especially relevant for the latest iPhone models. The point is that when using Chinese chargers iPhone batteries or motherboard components fail, and this can lead to expensive repairs.

By the way, cables with torn insulation fall into the same category and can greatly damage the phone.

What if the cable is normal, but the phone does not charge?

This is also a fairly popular problem,” Alexander admits. “If a person says that his iPhone is not charging, then most likely the connector is clogged with dust and dirt from his pockets and bags. Diagnosing such a breakdown is quite simple: you need to take the cable and see whether its body is completely adjacent to the phone body. If there is at least a minimal gap, then 99% - the socket is clogged.

Most The best way to clean the nest - come to the service center, where everything will be cleaned for you. By the way, this procedure is free in our country,” Alexander smiles. - If there is no access to the service, then you need to take a thin and hard object (thin tweezers will do) with which you can carefully remove the dirt without touching the connector contacts. But this must be done very carefully so as not to damage anything. The principle is the same with the headphone jack.

However, it happens that a drop of water gets into the connector, which oxidizes the contacts. Most likely, cleaning will not help here - it is better to immediately take the phone to a service center.

What to do if there is a piece of cable left in the connector?

It’s easy to remove a piece of cable from the charging connector, because it will stick out anyway. You can remove the piece with tweezers or tweezers. With headphones, everything is a little more complicated: the jack can break off in half. Ideally, you need to disassemble the phone and push the piece out of the socket. It’s quite difficult to do this at home, but if you try, you need to be very careful with the headphone jack cable.

But my iPhone simply shows no signs of life. Switch to Android?

I already said that many iPhone problems can be solved by rebooting. If the phone does not respond to anything and shows no signs of life at all, then it needs to be forcefully rebooted. In most cases it will start working. Sometimes it is worth restoring the firmware. This is done quite simply - instructions are on the website Apple. To “reflash” your phone, you need to connect it to your computer, open iTunes program, hold down the power and home buttons until the connected cable icon appears, and click the “Restore” button in iTunes. The program will automatically download the firmware and install it on the phone. If the problems with the iPhone were software, then after this procedure everything will work. If your phone has a hardware problem, iTunes will display an appropriate error. Here you can’t do without a trip to the service center.

What to do if your iPhone runs out of juice quickly?

IN latest models iPhone this may be due to fault faulty battery- sometimes the iPhone battery literally swells. One of the diagnostic options in this case is to press a little harder on the screen on the left, where the battery is located. If purple streaks appear on the screen, this means that the battery is swollen and it’s time to change it.

Another one common problem- iPhone turns off in cold weather. If this single case, then it's okay. If it repeats with enviable regularity, the battery most likely needs to be replaced. But mostly the battery is destroyed by those uncertified cables. Or its service life has come to an end.

And I drowned my phone

Of course, it all depends on a person’s luck. It happens that the phone floated in the bathtub for five minutes, and there were only a few drops of water in it. And someone drops the phone into water for two seconds, but during this time the water completely floods the motherboard.

In any case, immediately after the phone gets into the water, you need to remove the battery from it. It’s difficult to do this on your own on an iPhone. Therefore, it is better to run with it to a service center, where they can disassemble your phone and remove moisture from it in the same hour. You can only gently wipe the phone yourself. Under no circumstances should you put it on a radiator or dry it with a hairdryer - this still won’t help.

If a phone falls into sea water, there is little chance of resuscitating it. The same goes for tea, cola, and alcohol. But if you fill your phone with pure alcohol, it will definitely have a chance.

I can't hear my interlocutor well. Problem with the speakers?

Is not a fact. Either the speaker grids or the speaker itself can become clogged. Diagnosis is simple: connect new speaker and check how it works. If it doesn’t get better, then you need to change the mesh. By the way, a person can solve this problem himself: you need to take a hard brush (an old toothbrush will do) and, without pressing too hard, clean the mesh. If it gets better, then you need to either clean the mesh completely, or simply change it. It’s better to do the latter in the service.

My iPhone is broken. Can I change it under warranty?

A phone that was officially imported into Belarus can be replaced under warranty within a year. This is done in Minsk service centers that are authorized by Apple.

If the phone was purchased in another country in the world, then the phone is still covered by an international warranty. The main thing is that a year does not pass after the first activation. You can check this on the Apple support site at serial number or IMEI number. If the warranty is active, then such a phone can be changed in Vilnius or Warsaw - the authorized European centers closest to Minsk are located there. You can also bring your iPhone to us, we will transfer it to an authorized service center and bring a new one with a replacement receipt.

Often people don't know about international guarantee. For example, recently a girl came to us whose iPhone 6 stopped turning on two months after purchase. In search of a problem, someone completely disassembled her phone so that it was virtually beyond repair. Or I could just replace it with a new one.

Is it worth buying a refurbished iPhone?

There are two types of refurbished phones: those refurbished by Apple and those refurbished in China. In the first case, these phones are practically no different from new ones, except for the box on which it will be written “Refurbished”. Apple even gives them a one-year warranty.

With Chinese refurbished phones, everything is more complicated. Anything can happen here, because they are often assembled from low-quality components. Sooner or later, something happens to Chinese refurbished phones: buttons break, batteries fail, screens have incorrect color rendering and poor sensor response.

Distinguish between refurbished Chinese iPhone from a phone refurbished by Apple can be determined by a simple inspection. You need to pay attention to the fonts on the back panel, the correspondence of the serial and IMEI numbers, whether the camera and flash are level, whether there are gaps on the body, whether the front panel is coming off somewhere. You can take original iPhone and check the color rendering of phones. Finally, check the other functions of the phone: Wi-Fi, network, calls.

Minsk, st. Kirova, 19

Photo: website .

Adamant Service LLC, UNP 192303018

Happy owners of iPhones sometimes have to face harsh realities. Everything in this world is not forever and can break. This also applies to iPhones. Alas, with all the positive qualities characteristic of this device, it also sometimes breaks. They just don't break perpetual motion machines, and even then only in science fiction novels. Still, the company probably shouldn’t have made a logo in the shape of a bitten apple; this small flaw prevents Apple products from being perpetual motion machines.

One can only imagine the disappointment of the owner of such a wonderful device as, for example, an iPhone 5s, which you very quickly get used to as an essential item. In the event of a breakdown, panic sets in first, and then the question arises - where to repair such a valuable thing at a cheaper price, and most importantly, quickly.

The most common breakdowns of these devices are scratches or cracks on the screen. These are the most common mechanical damage to iPhones 5, the manufacturer certainly has nothing to do with it, this is the sloppiness of the owners themselves, the usual lack of thriftiness, careless handling. It is clear, of course, that an iPhone is purchased for active use both as a phone and as a carrier various gadgets, and as a way to communicate on the Internet, but it’s still worth saving. The company is trying every time to increase the strength of the display, but this did not help the fifth iPhone model, since the size of the display has increased and, therefore, the area for damage has increased. But this repair is the simplest.

In second place in terms of the number of breakdowns is the same screen, but in in this case the type of malfunction is different, these are bubbles that occur when the display is pressed hard or even hit, for example, in excitement during games.

In third place is sinking Home keys, its wobbling or even falling out. This is, as a rule, more of a male breakdown, which is natural; the owner simply cannot calculate his strength.

In fourth place is the same Home, but the malfunction is of a different kind, these are malfunctions in operation, this happens due to dust, sand or small debris getting into the niche around the key.

On the fifth fast discharge battery, its failures and glitches, which are the result of either a breakdown of the battery itself or a global software failure.

There are several other less common problems. In any case, when your iPhone 5 is broken, you need to contact a specialist; as doctors say, “do not self-medicate.” Everyone should mind their own business to repair complex electronic technology We need a specialist of a high professional level. Such specialists work at the Apple service center "" and they understand everything about these devices. The service center offers its services for repairing smartphones of any model. Repair of displays, cases, software adjustment, full recovery in case the device gets wet or completely drowned, as well as replacement of any part, including the battery, and many other repair services. If you have any problem with your iPhone 5, iPhone 5s or any other, you can contact the service center, where the quality of work remains absolutely flawless.

A distinctive feature of the service center is the provision of absolutely free service on diagnostics. Whatever happens to the iPhone of the client who seeks help, be sure to find out during the free diagnostics. The center’s specialists will carefully study the problem, test the iPhone if necessary, and issue their verdict. After the diagnosis, the exact cost of repairs will be given. of this device, while the owner retains the right to repair the iPhone or not, but as practice has shown, no one has yet refused the services of this service center. The average cost of a complex repair costs the client from two to four thousand rubles, which is much less than in ordinary non-specialized electronic equipment repair shops.

Service apple center is guaranteed to cure any smartphone in the most short time. Complex repairs take from one to several business days. The main thing is not to carry out repairs yourself and not to delay contacting service, as some faults can cause serious damage to your smartphone if repairs are delayed. If you have any doubts about contacting the service center or you can wait a little longer, just contact the center’s qualified specialists by phone and consult on any issue of interest, and if necessary, bring it in for a free diagnosis. Sometimes the complexity of the repair depends on the time it takes to contact the service center from the moment the malfunction is discovered, so do not delay contacting and try to handle your iPhone with care, as modern world he is our true friend and brother.


The iPhone is considered a reliable and trouble-free device in all respects. According to statistics, more than 50% of users around the world prefer Apple smartphones. Every year in new models Apple Corporation uses more and more modern materials and innovative technologies. However, this does not provide a 100% guarantee that your iPhone will not break. Situations are different, no one can be immune from breakdown.

Main types of iPhone malfunctions

  1. Mechanical damage.

The most common and insidious problem among gadget owners. The phone may accidentally fall out of your pocket onto asphalt or concrete floors, resulting in damage to the display, body and internal components devices.

  1. Moisture gets inside the iPhone.

The smartphone accompanies us everywhere: whether it’s walking in the rain or snow, taking a bath, or washing dishes. And, of course, moisture can get inside the case, which in turn leads to serious damage. various components devices: camera, speakers, motherboard, battery, etc.

  1. Charging problems.

If you are using non-original charging device, this may lead to failure iPhone battery. Our service center recommends using only original cables and chargers to protect your smartphone from the problems described above.

  1. Due to previous repairs.

If your gadget was previously repaired “underground” using cheap Chinese spare parts. The use of non-original, low-quality parts significantly reduces the service life of the iPhone.

Where to go if repairs are needed?

Do not attempt to repair the phone yourself; without the skills, experience, and specialized tools and equipment, your iPhone will become a “brick.”

In Yekaterinburg there is wide choose workshops providing this service. Starting from private masters from Avito and the above-described services “in the underground passage”, ending with famous federal brands operating as a franchise. The quality and cost of services in these workshops can vary 2-3 times.

Giving preference service center"GADGET PLUS" you will receive:

  • affordable cost of all models;
  • work performed by a master with many years of experience;
  • use only high-quality spare parts and professional equipment;
  • Warranty on labor and parts from one month to one year, depending on the type of repair.