Increase font size on Yandex. How to undo changes you made

Very often, when searching for information on the Internet, you may come across sites where the font is very small or there are small areas for registering on a given site. This is a very inconvenient phenomenon that can negatively affect your vision and generally ruin your mood.

Many people have great difficulties in using a computer, and if there are pages with small font, this generally becomes a tragedy for many. What if I also clicked in the wrong place when I wanted to enlarge the font, and everything became completely unreadable?

Most people, after such difficulties, generally try to go to the computer as little as possible, while some, on the contrary, will sit until they break something. It all depends on the character of the person, but no matter what this character is, you need to be able to solve the problem.

Some will go in a more correct direction and start reading various articles about this theme. But unfortunately, on at this stage, most of the articles are written as if for robots who already know everything. Our article will allow you to explain the principle of changing the font at an accessible level.

There are several ways to increase font size on pages, and in different Internet browsers:

  • Increase the font by pressing the “Ctrl” key;
  • Changing the font in different Internet browsers.

First of all, we will look in detail at how to increase the font on a page by pressing the “Ctrl” key.

This method applies to all types of Internet browsers. If you are surfing the Internet and open a page with a very small print you just need:

1. Hold down the “Ctrl” key;
2. Press the “+” key the required number of times, respectively, and “-”;

You can also:

1. Hold down the “Ctrl” key;
2. Scroll the mouse wheel “up” and “down” accordingly.

Changing the scale in " Google Chrome».

If you are a user of this browser, then there is enough for you too easy way font changes. The essence of his work is this:

1. Initially, you need to go to the “Settings” menu of this browser;
2. Your next action is to click “Show” additional settings" V this menu;
3. Next you will see a section called “Web Content”; by clicking on it, you can independently set the font and page scale you need. We would like to warn you that the font size may not increase on other pages. But increasing the scale can lead to its change anywhere.

Changing the font in the Mozilla FireFox browser.

From changing the font in Google Chrome this The program is distinguished by the fact that the font and scale can be changed separately. There is also such a function as: “setting the minimum font size”. The downside is that easy installation font size may not have any effect. If you need to enlarge the text on the page, then you need to change the scale.

Increasing the font size in this program occurs according to the following plan:

1. Click the “Settings” menu;
2. Clicking the next sub-item in this menu – “Content”;
3. If you are not satisfied with the proposed font options, click “Advanced”, there you can already see all the possible options.

But you won't be able to zoom in in the Settings menu. If you are interested in increasing the scale, then you do the following:

1. Turn on the display of the menu bar of this browser;
2. Click the menu item – “View”;
3. In this menu, select the “Scale” line;
4. In this line, click on the inscription “Text only”;
5. In the same “Scale” menu, select the “Zoom” line.

The “Enlarge” line is designed to enlarge only the text without capturing the pictures.

Increasing text size in the Opera browser.

This browser is one of the easiest to use. Accordingly, increasing the font in it will be quite simple.

We are acting according to the following plan:

1. Open the menu of this browser;
2. On the left top corner we press the button and set the scale we need in the item responsible for it.

Changing the font in Internet browser Explorer.

This browser is also famous for its ease of use. The principle of changing the font or scale in it is as simple as in the Opera browser.

You should do the following:

2. Select the “Font Size” line;
3. Select the font size you need (there are 5 in total);
4. Refresh the page;

Another possible option:

1. Open the “View” menu - located at the top under the title of this page, if there is no standard menu, you should press the “Alt” key on your keyboard;
2. Select the “Scale” line - stop your mouse pointer on it and select one of the scale options that suits your page.

P.S. Well, we have figured out how to increase the font on the page... as you can see, there is one universal method with the CTRL key, but there is individual settings in every browser. See you again!

In contact with

Each site has its own design and settings. Often we are not satisfied with the size of the text: sometimes it is small so that nothing is visible, sometimes it is too large. In Yandex Browser, we can customize the settings for ourselves.

To deposit necessary changes we need the "Settings" section. Login is easy and simple:

  1. We launch the Yandex browser itself.

  2. Open “Settings” (top right corner).

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page that opens and click on “Show additional settings.”

  4. Next, look for the “Web Content” section. You need to scroll down the page until the name of the required block catches your eye.

  5. You can immediately change the size of our font (make it smaller or larger), as well as the page scale. If you don’t need all this, click the “Customize fonts” button.

  6. A window opens in which you will configure the parameters convenient for you.

Setting font parameters in Yandex Browser

  • standard font(Standard font) – by installing a specific font, almost all information will be written in this style on all sites. Next, use the slider below to change the font size (standard – 16 pt);

  • the next two points are responsible for displaying any blocks on sites with or without serifs. If you don't know what serifs are, take a look at the picture;

  • next you can install the font fixed width to display mainly columns or photo captions;

  • Sometimes picture captions are so small that you can barely see them, so you can set minimum size font, after which all characters smaller than this size will be automatically enlarged;

  • The last point is responsible for encoding, but you shouldn’t do this without understanding the essence. In case you need this, remember that you may need to install additional fonts on your PC in order to display texts in rare languages;
  • click “Finish”.

These settings will be applied on every page. In order to change the scale of a specific page, just click on the menu icon in the upper right corner and select the size (“-” - reduces, “+” - increases, it is also possible to expand the page to full screen) or use hotkeys.

Changing the scale using hotkeys

For convenience, the font size (i.e. page scale) can be changed by pressing the hotkeys:

You can use the mouse in the same way:

  • “Ctrl” + scroll the wheel “away from you” - increase;
  • “Ctrl” + scroll the wheel towards you – decrease.

Removing settings for individual pages

  1. Open “Settings”, scroll through the page and click on “Show advanced settings”.

  2. We are looking for the “Personal Information” section.

  3. Next, click “Customize” in the “Scale” item.

  4. Next, a list of sites will appear; you just need to delete those addresses where you do not need to apply your settings.

  5. Click “Finish”. Close settings.

Without spending a lot of time and effort, you can customize Yandex.Browser “to suit you” so that you can feel comfortable and confident later.

Video - How to change the font in the Yandex browser

Collected from the vast expanses of the Internet great amount information. Many users view news articles and technology reviews, take all kinds of courses directly in the Yandex browser. Some even read books in their browser, which is facilitated by the ability to play the popular Fb2 “book” format. This article presents detailed guide, how to change the font, zoom in on the page and change the encoding in the Yandex browser.

Choosing the right font for yourself is very important. It can significantly influence the speed of reading text, the ease of its perception and eye fatigue. Many users have discovered their favorite settings through experience and would like to use them wherever possible.

Path to settings

To change the configurations you need, there is special page Yandex settings It contains many options such as bookmarks bar, appearance, work with search engines, synchronization and many other elements. Including management of fonts and encoding.

There are several configurations here that you can use to customize the display of texts as you wish.

Changing the font

The first point you can work with is “ Font size" ("Font size"). It can be quickly changed using the drop-down list without affecting other settings. In this way, you adapt the browser to the specific current text. It can be increased if you are sitting far from the monitor, or decreased if you want to fit a large number of text on one page.

You can now open the “Customize fonts” tab. There are several various parameters, which allow you to change several font variations.

  • Standart font (standard font) – is responsible for the overwhelming amount of information on the pages. Most content will appear this way. The slider below the list allows you to increase or decrease the size (the default is 16 pt).
  • Serif (with serifs) – is responsible for blocks of text that, according to the site style, must be displayed with serifs.
  • Sans-serif (sans serif) – similar to the previous paragraph, only in reverse.
  • Fixed-width is the content of various columns and, sometimes, image captions.
  • Minimum size is smallest size characters that the browser will display. Smaller letters will be automatically enlarged to this value.
  • Encoding (encoding) – a set of characters used in given language. It is not recommended to change it without understanding the matter.

Finally, you can change the zoom of the entire web page using “Page zoom”. For example, set the value to 125% to make the displayed objects slightly larger.

When you open any website, you see the creation of the designer who initially determined how this page would look. Including the default font size. Each of us, at least once, has been in a situation where it is simply inconvenient to read information, the font is either too small, or, on the contrary, large, and to read the text you need to scroll through several pages.

Of course, modern browsers equipped with a function that can help in this situation. It's called "Page Scale". There are several alternative options of how this can be done, and which one you choose depends on whether you want to change the zoom on one page or apply this as a default to all sites you open.

Keyboard shortcuts

This is probably the easiest way. In order to zoom in on a page in the Yandex browser, you need to hold down the Control (Ctrl) key located in the right and left corners of the keyboard and press the “+” key in a few clicks (respectively, in order to reduce the screen scale, press the “-” key ). A plus will accordingly increase the size of the elements, and a minus will reduce it.

Reference! This procedure affects not only text but also all other elements on the page, including images and video blocks that are scaled.

Sometimes the user accidentally changes the zoom of an open site and cannot return the default values. In this case there are no difficulties either. Just pinch Ctrl key and press number key"0". The page scale will return to its default settings.

Zooming with the mouse

This method is somewhat similar to the previous one, only instead of the “+” and “-” keys, the mouse wheel is used. The process is the same:

  • Press the Ctrl key on the keyboard;
  • Without letting go, rotate the mouse wheel;
  • To increase the scale, rotate in the direction “away from you”;
  • In the opposite direction the size will decrease.

In addition to visual perception of changes, an informer is implemented in the browser. When carrying out the procedure, a percentage scale display counter will appear in the upper right corner:

Using this method you can choose optimal size display items on your screen. To select default values, use "Ctrl+0". The second way to achieve this is that the pop-up informer has a “Default Zoom” button. Click on it and the browser settings return to the initial settings.

Editing using the program settings menu

If the user is uncomfortable using the keyboard, the developers have taken care of alternative ways change the scale.

To change the scale, click on the menu icon (located in the upper right corner of the program window and looks like three horizontal lines):

In the pop-up window, select the first item and use the “+” “-” icons to set the visual display mode of elements that suits us.

Attention! When using the above methods in the Yandex browser, your edits are automatically saved in configuration files web browser. As a result, when you visit this site again, you will not need to resize the pages you need.

If all previous operations related only to loaded pages, then next setting will make changes to the program itself:

  1. Click on the menu icon;
  2. In the pop-up auxiliary window, select the “Settings” item;
  3. A new window will open, which you need to scroll to the very bottom;
  4. Click the “Show additional settings” button;
  5. Find the item “Web Content” and change the necessary parameters.

In the settings, in addition to the page scale, by default there is the ability to change other font parameters:

Display content "Full Screen"

In some cases (when launching a browser game or reading mode), you want to remove everything auxiliary elements from the monitor screen so that they do not interfere. This possibility is provided both in the operating system, and in the options of your Internet browser.

To expand the content to full screen, just press on your keyboard function key F11 (top row of keys). In this case, all frames, status bar, address bar browser and other supporting elements, if any.

As in other cases, we can use the program menu:

  1. Click on the menu icon (top right);
  2. In the window that opens, go to the first point;
  3. Next to the zoom buttons there is another button, which is responsible for expanding the window to full-screen mode:

Cancel changes made

The first way is to use the above instructions, only in reverse order. If you don't remember what you did, or you didn't make the changes, you can use the second method.

As already mentioned, all changes are saved in special file browser configuration. To clear the configuration you need to:
1.Open the menu;

2.Go to settings;

3.Find the “Personal Data” section;

4.Click the “Content Settings” button;

5.Go to the “Scale” item;

6.A pop-up window will display all the zoom changes you have made for all sites;

7.Click on the cross to the right of the site address to delete the settings.

Thus, we see that the developers of this software are trying to take into account all the wishes of users. Changing the page scale – useful feature, and its use will help you customize any website you visit to suit your perception, regardless of how its design is implemented.

Using Browsers to Browse the Web and Surf the World World Wide Web has long become something common for users. The developers made sure that everyone had equal opportunities in terms of access to information. Many people have certain restrictions. For example, people with low vision need to enlarge the page or font to read certain information. In this article we will tell you how to do this in the Yandex browser.

In order to enlarge the font, go to “Settings” by clicking on the icon with three sticks in the upper right corner. After this, in the drop-down menu you need to click on the “Settings” item. In the window that opens, scroll down to where the “Web Content” item will appear. There you can change the page scale, set right size font, its type, and so on.

There is an even simpler option. Once on a page where the user needs to increase the font, he should again click on the button with three sticks.

By clicking on it, the user will be able to see a figure expressed as a percentage at the top, as well as the “-” and “+” buttons. Just click on the second one and the page scale will increase by 10 percent. If you press again, then another 10 percent. You can also reduce the scale to standard, but by pressing the “-“ key.

As you can see, everything is simple.