Increasing the signal of a wifi router with your own hands. Secondly, you need to check whether the problem lies in the device itself

WiFi technology is increasingly gaining momentum and becoming even more popular. Therefore, modern equipment is immediately available with a built-in Wi-Fi module, for example: refrigerators, kettles, TVs. Manufacturers are trying to make human life more comfortable and carefree. Entering any cafe, store, club, you can easily connect your phone or tablet to world wide web, all thanks wireless technology WiFi. You also probably have many devices at home that support Wi-Fi. So that you don’t have to drag around a bunch of wires, just buy a router that will distribute the Internet.

But many are faced with a problem - a weak WiFi signal, resulting in low Internet speed. Therefore, in this article we decided to help you and tell you in detail how various methods boost wifi signal.

Selecting the location of the router

When you decide to install a router at home, take the time to Special attention The question is, where is the best place to place it?

  1. Try to keep your router as close to the center of your home as possible. So that radio waves spread evenly throughout the house.
  2. It is better to place the router near doorways or windows. Then wireless signal there will be less attenuation.
  3. Do not place the router in the kitchen near the microwave oven. Wi-Fi operates at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, and the oven operates at the same frequency. Therefore, they will interfere with each other. When you turn on the microwave oven, the router may freeze altogether.
  4. Do not install the router in iron boxes or boxes. The signal travels worst of all through metal barriers.
  5. It is not advisable to place the router in a child's room or bedroom. There is still no consensus on how harmful radiation from a router for a person. Therefore, out of harm’s way, it’s better to place it in the corridor.
  6. Do not place two routers in the same room. If there is no other option, then at least distribute them across different channels. For example: give one channel 1, and the second set channel 12.

Using programs we strengthen the Wi-Fi signal

Usually, after purchasing any equipment, people don’t really like to look at the instructions that come with the device. It’s no exception with a router; few people pay due attention to setting it up. Usually, the entire setup ends after entering the Wi-Fi network password and SSID; all other settings are left at default. Therefore, in the process of using wireless Internet, all sorts of problems arise, such as: weak signal, . Let's figure out why this happens and how you can strengthen the WiFi signal

Selecting a WiFi radio channel

Having installed a router in an apartment, many did not think about the fact that the neighbors below, above, and on the side also installed a router. Why is this bad, you ask? And because there is a high probability that the channels in which the routers will operate may intersect. On many routers, channel 6 is set by default. Just imagine, all your neighbors, like you, are broadcasting on Channel 6, the result of such work is a decrease in signal level and a drop in throughput.

InSSIDer utility

Therefore, during the setup process, do not be lazy and download a utility that will help you decide on the choice of channel for broadcasting. For example, let’s take a program that is easy to use and popular - InSSIDer. This utility can scan the radio broadcast well and produce a large amount of useful data, thanks to which you can decide which channel is most suitable for you.

Acrylic Wi-Fi app

Also no less popular Acrylic Wi-Fi. There is a free version and a paid version, which adds advanced features. The application can scan channels in all modes in the 2.4 and 5 GHz range, and competently analyzes the distribution of channels.

Low transmitter power

The ability to adjust the power of the Wi-Fi transmitter is not available on every router. In this case, another firmware may help you. You will have to spend a little time searching for it, and no one guarantees 100% success after installation. So it's up to you to decide.

Models that have this function can increase the power to improve the signal; now we’ll tell you how to do this. Often the default is low power, so go to the router settings, in the menu you need to find the item “ Transmit Power" Select the maximum one hundred percent or the “High” value. After this, your Wi-Fi signal will strengthen.

Select Wi-Fi standard IEEE 802.11n

There are few standards for Wi-Fi operation. Today it is - 802.11 - a - b - g - n - ac, the latest AC is not available in every router. It is believed that the fastest standard is 802.11n, it has a larger coverage radius than all others. But we must not forget that not all devices with Wi-Fi support this standard. It’s easy to find out whether your device supports the 802.11n standard. You need to configure this standard in the settings of the router. We take a phone or tablet and scan the radio broadcast. You will see whether your network is visible to you or not.

To configure, go to the main menu of the router. Find the “Wi-Fi” tab, then select “ basic settings", you will see the line " Wireless mode» Opposite it you can select the operating mode. Don't forget to save the settings and reboot.

We use the more advanced 5 GHz band

Using the 5 GHz band, you can pump up speeds much higher than with the 2.4 GHz band. This is due to the fact that a large number of devices operate at the 2.4 GHz frequency, and, of course, the radio air gets heavily clogged and interferes with one another. But 5 GHz frequencies are used much less frequently, there is less noise, and there is more throughput. The only plus of 2.4 GHz is that the wifi signal is stronger and penetrates any obstacles better. So it’s up to you to choose which range to use.

We increase the signal using changes in Windows

This section is more suitable for users who have Wi-Fi on a laptop. Manufacturers often set laptops to the “power consumption” mode by default. Energy Saving" Because of this, the Wi-Fi adapter in the computer reduces performance. To fix this you need to change the mode to " Balanced" or "High". With this mode, you can catch a signal from a greater distance.

How to remove power restrictions in a router

In most countries, routers have power limits of up to 100 mW. There are only a few countries in which there are no restrictions, one of them is Bolivia, thanks to this there is a loophole with which you can increase the transmitter power.

  • Install Kali Linux or just Linux.
  • In the terminal we enter the commands:
    ifconfig wlan0 down
    macchanger -r wlan0
    iw reg set BO
    iwconfig wlan0 txpower 400mW
    ifconfig wlan0 up

The value 400 mW means power, you can start with 200 mW so as not to burn the transmitter.

You can also try the second method to increase power. To do this, you need to enter the command wl -i wlan0 txpower 100, where 100 is the power you set, and wlan0 is your adapter.

We increase the signal by improving the Wi-Fi antenna

If you have the opportunity and finances, then you can simply replace the antenna on the router with a more powerful one. For example, at standard antenna Usually the gain is 4-5 dBi, in which case it will not be difficult to find an antenna in stores to amplify the signal with a high dBi gain.

But when you don’t have a lot of money or you just want to save money, a beer can will come to the rescue! You didn't think you read it correctly, a beer can. This is the simplest and most proven way to slightly increase the signal at home.

To create a Wi-Fi signal reflector, you need to cut off the entire bottom and do almost the same with the top of the can, unlike the bottom, we do not cut a little from the top. Then we cut the can lengthwise, we get a sail, which we put on the antenna. Everything is ready, you have learned how to easily improve the signal.

Strengthening the WiFi signal using a repeater

A repeater will help strengthen the signal. You can buy it both in an online store and in a regular store, it all depends on your desire. There is a wide variety of them, so look at the characteristics and choose the one that suits you. After purchasing, you need to connect it to your wireless network in order for the repeater to increase its range.

Replacing a WiFi adapter on a laptop

Change Wi-Fi module on a laptop it’s not difficult, especially there are models that have a lid on the bottom. When you open it you will see this module. You can buy another adapter that will connect via USB. Often, such adapters have an external antenna that enhances wifi on laptops, which you can replace in the future with a more powerful one.

Replacing the firmware with DD-WRT to increase the signal

Unfortunately, not every manufacturer can boast of good firmware. The functionality of some routers is limited, so it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to play with the settings. Only alternative firmware can come to the rescue. For example: DD-WRT. Thanks to it, the functionality will expand, and there will also be more stable work. It’s easy to check whether this firmware will fit your router; go to the official website and see if your model is in the database.


Today we told you about methods that really help strengthen the Wi-Fi signal. Following our recommendations, with a good signal, you can squeeze out maximum speed Internet from the router. By increasing the power, you will be able to use Wi-Fi not only in the house, but also on the street.

A weak WiFi signal is a pressing problem for residents of apartments, country houses and office workers. Dead zones in a WiFi network are typical for both large rooms and small apartments, the area of ​​which even a budget access point can theoretically cover.

Radius WiFi actions router - a characteristic that manufacturers cannot clearly indicate on the box: the WiFi range is influenced by many factors that depend not only on technical specifications devices.

This material presents 10 practical advice that will help eliminate physical reasons poor coverage and optimize the range of your WiFi router, this is easy to do with your own hands.

The radiation from the access point in space is not a sphere, but a toroidal field, shaped like a donut. In order for WiFi coverage within one floor to be optimal, radio waves must propagate in a horizontal plane - parallel to the floor. For this purpose, it is possible to tilt the antennas.

The antenna is a donut axis. The angle of signal propagation depends on its inclination.

When the antenna is tilted relative to the horizon, part of the radiation is directed outside the room: dead zones are formed under the “donut” plane.

Vertical installed antenna emits in a horizontal plane: maximum coverage is achieved indoors.

On practice: Mounting the antenna vertically is the easiest way to optimize the area WiFi coverage indoors.

Place the router closer to the center of the room

Another reason for the occurrence of dead zones is the poor location of the access point. The antenna emits radio waves in all directions. In this case, the radiation intensity is maximum near the router and decreases as it approaches the edge of the coverage area. If you install an access point in the center of the house, the signal will be distributed throughout the rooms more efficiently.

A router installed in a corner transmits some of the power outside the house, and distant rooms are at the edge of the coverage area.

Installation in the center of the house allows you to achieve even distribution of the signal in all rooms and minimize dead zones.

In practice: Installing an access point in the “center” of the house is not always feasible due to the complex layout, lack of sockets in the right place, or the need to lay a cable.

Provide direct visibility between the router and clients

WiFi signal frequency is 2.4 GHz. These are decimeter radio waves that do not bend well around obstacles and have low penetrating ability. Therefore, the range and stability of the signal directly depend on the number and structure of obstacles between the access point and clients.

Passing through a wall or ceiling, electromagnetic wave loses some energy.

The amount of signal attenuation depends on the material the radio waves travel through.

*Effective distance is a value that determines how the radius of a wireless network changes in comparison with open space when a wave passes an obstacle.

Calculation example: WiFi 802.11n signal propagates under line-of-sight conditions over 400 meters. After overcoming the non-permanent wall between the rooms, the signal strength decreases to 400 m * 15% = 60 m. The second wall of the same type will make the signal even weaker: 60 m * 15% = 9 m. The third wall makes signal reception almost impossible: 9 m * 15 % = 1.35 m.

Such calculations will help calculate dead zones that arise due to the absorption of radio waves by walls.

The next problem in the path of radio waves: mirrors and metal structures. Unlike walls, they do not weaken, but reflect the signal, scattering it in arbitrary directions.

Mirrors and metal structures reflect and scatter the signal, creating dead zones behind them.

If you move interior elements that reflect the signal, you can eliminate dead spots.

In practice: It is extremely rare to achieve ideal conditions when all gadgets are in direct line of sight to the router. Therefore, in a real home, you will have to work separately to eliminate each dead zone:

  • find out what interferes with the signal (absorption or reflection);
  • think about where to move the router (or piece of furniture).

Place the router away from sources of interference

The 2.4 GHz band does not require licensing and is therefore used for the operation of household radio standards: WiFi and Bluetooth. Despite the low bandwidth, Bluetooth can still interfere with the router.

Green areas - stream from the WiFi router. Red dots - bluetooth data. The proximity of two radio standards in the same range causes interference, reducing the range of the wireless network.

The magnetron of a microwave oven emits in the same frequency range. The radiation intensity of this device is so great that even through protective screen furnace radiation from the magnetron can “illuminate” the radio beam of the WiFi router.

Microwave oven magnetron radiation causes interference on almost all WiFi channels.

On practice :

  • When using Bluetooth accessories near the router, enable the AFH parameter in the settings of the latter.
  • Microwave - powerful source interference, but it is not used very often. Therefore, if it is not possible to move the router, then you simply won’t be able to make a Skype call while preparing breakfast.

Disable support for 802.11 B/G modes

Operates in the 2.4 GHz band WiFi devices three specifications: 802.11 b/g/n. N is the latest standard and provides higher speed and range compared to B and G.

The 802.11n (2.4 GHz) specification provides greater range than legacy B and G standards.

802.11n routers support previous WiFi standards, but the mechanics of backward compatibility are such that when a B/G device appears in the N-router's coverage area - for example, an old phone or a neighbor's router - the entire network is switched to B/G mode. Physically, the modulation algorithm changes, which leads to a drop in the speed and range of the router.

In practice: Switching the router to “pure 802.11n” mode will definitely have a positive effect on the quality of coverage and throughput of the wireless network.

However, B/G devices will not be able to connect via WiFi. If it is a laptop or TV, they can be easily connected to the router via Ethernet.

Select the optimal WiFi channel in the settings

Almost every apartment today has a WiFi router, so the density of networks in the city is very high. Signals from neighboring access points overlap each other, draining energy from the radio path and greatly reducing its efficiency.

Neighboring networks operating at the same frequency create mutual interference, like ripples on the water.

Wireless networks operate within a range on different channels. There are 13 such channels (in Russia) and the router switches between them automatically.

To minimize interference, you need to understand which channels neighboring networks operate on and switch to a less loaded one.
Detailed instructions for setting up the channel are provided.

In practice: Selecting the least loaded channel - effective method expand the coverage area relevant for residents of an apartment building.

But in some cases there are so many networks on the air that not a single channel provides a noticeable increase in WiFi speed and range. Then it makes sense to turn to method No. 2 and place the router away from the walls bordering neighboring apartments. If this does not bring results, then you should think about switching to the 5 GHz band (method No. 10).

Adjust the router transmitter power

The power of the transmitter determines the energy of the radio path and directly affects the range of the access point: the more powerful the beam, the further it hits. But this principle is useless in the case of omnidirectional antennas of household routers: in wireless transmission There is a two-way exchange of data and not only clients must “hear” the router, but also vice versa.

Asymmetry: the router “reaches” to mobile device in the back room, but does not receive a response from him due to the low power of the smartphone’s WiFi module. The connection is not established.

In practice: The recommended transmitter power value is 75%. It should be increased only in extreme cases: turning the power up to 100% not only does not improve the quality of the signal in distant rooms, but even worsens the stability of reception near the router, since its powerful radio stream “clogs” the weak response signal from the smartphone.

Replace the standard antenna with a more powerful one

Most routers are equipped with standard antennas with a gain of 2 - 3 dBi. The antenna is a passive element of the radio system and is not capable of increasing the flow power. However, increasing the gain allows you to refocus the radio signal by changing the radiation pattern.

The higher the antenna gain, the further the radio signal travels. In this case, the narrower flow becomes similar not to a “donut”, but to a flat disk.

Available on the market big choice antennas for routers with a universal SMA connector.

In practice: Using an antenna with high gain is an effective way to expand the coverage area, because simultaneously with the signal amplification, the sensitivity of the antenna increases, which means the router begins to “hear” remote devices. But due to the narrowing of the radio beam from the antenna, dead zones appear near the floor and ceiling.

Use signal repeaters

In rooms with complex layouts and multi-story buildings, it is effective to use repeaters - devices that repeat the signal from the main router.

The simplest solution is to use an old router as a repeater. The disadvantage of this scheme is that the throughput of the child network is half as much, since along with client data, the WDS access point aggregates the upstream flow from the upstream router.

Detailed setup instructions WDS bridge presented .

Specialized repeaters do not have the problem of reducing bandwidth and are equipped with additional functionality. For example, some Asus repeater models support the roaming function.

In practice: No matter how complex the layout, repeaters will help you deploy a WiFi network. But any repeater is a source of interference interference. When there is free air, repeaters do their job well, but when high density neighboring networks the use of relay equipment in the 2.4 GHz band is impractical.

Use 5 GHz band

Budget WiFi devices operate on the 2.4 GHz frequency, so the 5 GHz band is relatively free and has little interference.

5 GHz is a promising range. Works with gigabit streams and has increased capacity compared to 2.4 GHz.

In practice: “Moving” to new frequency- a radical option that requires the purchase of an expensive dual band router and imposes restrictions on client devices: only the latest models of gadgets operate in the 5 GHz band.

The problem with WiFi signal quality is not always related to the actual range of the access point, and its solution is general outline comes down to two scenarios:

  • In a country house, most often it is necessary to cover an area in free air conditions that exceeds the effective range of the router.
  • For a city apartment, the range of a router is usually sufficient, but the main difficulty is eliminating dead zones and interference.

The methods presented in this material will help you identify the causes of poor reception and optimize your wireless network without resorting to replacing the router or the services of paid specialists.

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Problems with WiFi signal stability and poor wireless network reception in most cases can be solved at home. The first step is to choose the optimal router location. Then you should check its parameters and set the values ​​at which the connection speed will be maximum. If this does not help, it is advisable to use an external antenna or repeater.

Move the router to the center of the apartment

Regular home routers are equipped with omnidirectional antennas. Radio waves travel in all directions, and if the router location is poorly chosen, most of the signal can go to neighbors. To avoid this situation, install the device in a central part of the room in which it will be used. This will help strengthen the signal in distant rooms.

In the vertical plane, the router should be placed as high as possible. When choosing an access point location, mentally draw lines between it and the places where the wireless network will be used. There should be as few obstacles as possible in the path of signal propagation: thick walls and partitions, large household appliances, pieces of furniture.

Due to their physical properties, radio waves are able to bend around obstacles, reflecting from walls and interior items. But not all materials reflect WiFi equally. For example, aquariums and indoor plants absorb most of the wave energy. Therefore, if there are such objects between the router and the end device, changing the installation location will help strengthen the signal.

Change your router settings

The main parameters, changing which can strengthen the signal, include:

  • Transmitter power;
  • WiFi channel;
  • Operating mode according to the 802.11 standard.

All these properties can be changed through the router's web interface. The information required to enter this interface is usually indicated by the manufacturer on a sticker on the underside of the device. If it is not there, check the delivery package. It may contain a separate insert with login information: IP address of the admin panel, standard login and password.

Increasing router power

Go to the menu section responsible for setting up the WiFi network. Find "Transmit Power", "Tx Power" or "Transmit Power". The value of this parameter on most routers can be selected from a drop-down list. When used in large rooms With many obstacles, it is recommended to increase the power to 100%.

Important! On TP-Link equipment, instead of power as a percentage, a relative value is indicated: “High” or “High”.

Selecting the optimal wireless network channel

The most common frequency range on which WiFi operates is 2.4 GHz. It is divided into 13 partially overlapping bands of 20 or 40 MHz width. When several routers operate on the same frequency, signal overlap occurs, which reduces the quality of communication and the speed of data transfer.

To strengthen the reception level, select the least loaded channel in the access point parameters. You can find out which channels your neighbors' routers operate on using free utility inSSIDer. You can also activate automatic channel selection in the router settings.

Changing the operating mode

Standard wireless communication 802.11 has several wireless network operating modes. The most common of them:

  • 802.11b/g/n;
  • 802.11g/n;
  • 802.11n.

The first two modes provide backwards compatible with outdated equipment that is not able to work according to the 802.11n standard. Their main disadvantage is that they reduce the speed of data exchange with modern devices, supporting the “N” mode. To improve performance home network, enable data transmission according to the 802.11n standard. After this, reboot the router and make sure everything is network devices successfully connected to WiFi.

Advice! Do not select "802.11n" if not all home equipment supports it. wireless mode. Otherwise, such devices will not be able to connect to the WiFi network.

Install an external antenna or powerful adapter

Antennas on most routers are connected via an RP-SMA connector. Standard signal amplifiers, as a rule, can be removed and then replaced with antennas with a higher gain. When choosing such equipment, consider the type of connector, power and directionality. You can check equipment compatibility on the manufacturer's website.

But even connecting a powerful antenna will not help ensure a high signal level on devices with a low-power receiver. Data from the router will be freely transferred to a laptop or other device. However, the built-in radio module may not be able to cope with sending a return signal if there are many obstacles on the way to the router. In this case, it is advisable to strengthen the transmitter by connecting an external WiFi adapter with antenna.


First, try strengthening your Wi-Fi signal reception. It's better without technical intervention. Disable the functions that allow you to enable the adapter's energy-saving mode. Open the Control Panel menu and go to System and Security. Now find and open the Power Options menu. Select the plan you are using when connecting to wireless hotspots.

Click the "Set up power plan" button. Now select "Edit" Extra options nutrition." Find the Wireless Adapter Settings menu and expand it. Now open the "Power Saving Mode" menu. Select the option " Maximum performance» when operating on battery power or mains power. Save your power settings.

Now try increasing the work power Wi-Fi router A. Naturally, the easiest and most logical way is to purchase a more powerful device. Unfortunately, this approach requires large financial costs. So start by purchasing a better quality antenna. Most routers have their own antennas that are fairly easy to remove.

Examine the type of antenna mounting to the equipment. Buy a device with a similar mount and connect it to your router. If you are not satisfied with the result obtained, then try using available means to enhance the signal. Bare top part antenna in order to be able to connect a wire to it.

Take a piece of metal cable and solder it to the bare part of the antenna. Connect its other end to the computer system unit. IN in this case it is better to connect with back block so that the signal propagates in the direction opposite to the wall. As an alternative to the system unit, you can use a metal curtain.


  • how to strengthen wifi signal reception

The quality of television and radio signals does not always satisfy viewers and listeners. Moreover, there may be interference even in the case when there seems to be powerful antenna. In order to improve quality reception, the antenna must be configured correctly.

You will need

  • coaxial cable, portable radios or cell phones.


If the antenna is directional, try repositioning it so that there are no obstacles between it and the signal source. Such obstacles can be high-rise buildings or other structures, power lines, and so on. You can try the exact direction to the signal source. To do this, you can use the help of an observer monitoring the signal at the receiver. To communicate with it, you can use portable radios or.

If you have a directional antenna with flat polarization (type “Wave channel” and similar), check the polarization of the received signal. Adjust it according to the received data. To do this, you need to rotate the antenna relative to the axis directed towards the signal source. Most often, just trying to rotate the antenna 90° is enough.

Efficiency antennas can be increased by antenna amplifier. But in this case, the gain limit is set by the level of interference. To reduce their level, use shielded reduction, that is, the antenna is best using coaxial cable.

Efficiency antennas, especially when receiving on long, medium and short waves, can be increased by installing additional grounding. It should also be borne in mind that the antenna must be impedance matched with the input circuit of the radio receiver. That is, it must be connected with the type and cable recommended in the instructions for the receiver or.


Long, medium and short wave antennas can be long lengths of wire. It is also recommended to install the mounting points of such antennas based on the highest reception volume of the desired stations. That is, it is necessary to change the position of the antenna.

Helpful advice

If we're talking about about an indoor antenna, the best solution would be to install a stationary external antenna. This will dramatically improve the quality of reception. Also to external antenna It is recommended to connect portable mobile receivers and televisions when operating them in stationary conditions.

The coverage area of ​​the Yota provider is significantly smaller than that of operators cellular communications. For a subscriber living on the border of the confident zone reception, you have to take measures to increase the signal level at the modem input.


Do not attempt to connect any amplifiers to the modem. The output power of any wireless equipment, including the 4G (WiMax) standard, is limited by law. In addition, the amplifier may produce out-of-band harmonic emissions, which is also a violation.

Radio waves at frequencies used for data transmission in the Yota network are delayed, capable of conducting current. In a house whose walls are reinforced concrete, it makes sense to bring the laptop along with the modem to the window. Even if it does not go towards the base station, the signal strength may increase. You can simply walk around the room with a laptop - due to the presence of interference maxima and minima, points with a high signal level can be located anywhere.

Move the laptop to find places confidently reception not always convenient, and even more so if the computer is stationary. An extension cord will solve the problem, allowing you to carry the modem from the USB port to a distance of up to 2.5 meters. It must comply with the USB 2.0 specification, otherwise the data transfer speed will be reduced. Move the modem slowly because quality information is updating reception occurs with a delay.

To focus microwave radio waves, you can use parabolic mirrors similar to those used in satellite dishes. Best results provide reflectors precisely from such receiving devices. Place the modem at the focus of the mirror instead of the converter. You can also use surrogate reflectors in the form of ordinary metal cans, including painted ones. The modem cannot be placed outside the room, since it is not sealed. The entire structure will have to be placed directly in the room. The antenna must be pointed at the nearest base station Yota networks. If you don't know where it is, find out the best direction through experience.

Installing and configuring a Wi-Fi router in your own apartment is not difficult. But sometimes this is not enough because the standard coverage area of ​​the wireless access point is not enough.

You will need

  • metal wire, soldering iron.


To enhance signal Wi-Fi there are several proven methods. Some of them require purchase additional equipment, others – technical intervention in individual parts devices.

Let's look at the boosts signal Wi-Fi router, changing it. You can simply purchase a similar device in a different format. If you carefully study the structure of the router, you will see: it is attached to the device through a threaded bushing, i.e. replacing it is not difficult.

If you need to significantly increase the range signal, then you will need an existing antenna. Release its upper part from the insulating layer. Solder a metal wire to the open part of the antenna. Pull its other end out into the open.

If this was not enough, then solder the free end of the wire to the indoor television, having previously disconnected the latter from other devices.

Connect both Wi-Fi routers with a network cable. Connect one end of it to the LAN port of the device that you have already installed, and the other end to the Internet (WAN) port of the second equipment.

Open the settings of the second router and create wireless point access with parameters similar to the first network. In the Internet connection settings, select the transfer type signal WAN.

Be sure to enable the DHCP feature in settings local network first Wi-Fi router. If you did everything correctly, then laptops connected to any of the two wireless ones will be able to access the Internet.

Related article


  • how to strengthen wifi signal

Tired of low internet speed, but don’t know how to improve it wifi signal? Take advantage simple tips on setting up and installing equipment to bring the Internet speed closer to what is stated by the provider.

A low signal is not necessarily due to network problems and technical work provider. Internet speed can be affected by the settings and location of the router, electronics operating in the house, especially garlands of light and microwave ovens. To strengthen the Wi-Fi signal, just follow the following recommendations.

Update your router. The capabilities of the device could become outdated over time, which means that the signal reception and transmission rates will be lower than those declared by the provider.

Change the router location. The higher the device is installed, the stronger signal You'll get. You should not place the router on the floor, behind a load-bearing or insulated wall, a metal door, or in the far corner from the computer. Try to move the router away from the power cable. You will not be able to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal if there is an aquarium, a large mirror, a cabinet with glass shelves or doors, a mirror on the way to the router, and halogen lamps are used as lighting.

Change the router's operating frequency and you will immediately notice an increase in the Wi-Fi signal. To do this, choose instead of 2.4 GHz frequency at 5 GHz. This way you will reduce the impact of all electronics on Internet speed. This is especially important if you have a nanny radio on all the time, are running video surveillance, or often use Bluetooth.

Don't forget to update the software on your computer and smartphones. Developers are trying to improve the performance of devices, including when working with a wireless network.

Effective Wi-Fi booster signal repeaters can become. The routers you have used before may also be suitable for this. It is enough to update the antennas in such a router and use it as a repeater.

If you have a common router in your house with your neighbors, you can configure Quality of Service (QoS) by setting a certain priority for traffic. This is true if your neighbors are streamers, gamers, or families with several children. Without prioritization settings, they will take up most of the speed.

Change the protocol network protection to WPA / WPA2 instead of WEP or limit the number of possible gadgets for simultaneous connection. If you have a checkmark on the Enable SSID Broadcas item in the router’s wireless network settings, then it is better to uncheck it. This way you can hide your Wi-Fi. Don't forget to set a password for your network.

Many users also wrap with foil rear housing router and place shields made of metal objects behind it. In some cases, this method allows you to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal without any additional settings.

Great amount users abandoned wired Internet in favor of Wi-Fi technologies. Even some computer owners prefer to use a Wi-Fi adapter to get rid of network cables.

You will need

  • indoor antenna, USB extension cable.


There are several ways to improve Wi-Fi quality. This applies not only to routers, but also to the equipment that receives . The fact is that most Wi-Fi routers and similar devices have a very poor coverage area. Sometimes it is not enough even for a medium-sized house.

If you need to provide high quality signal over a large area, then it is best to use several routers to achieve this goal. They can be combined with each other, thereby creating several access points. In this case, you will still use only one cable with the Internet.

If this option you are not satisfied, try increasing the coverage area Wi-Fi adapter. To do this, replace its antenna(s). Find a better analogue or strengthen the antenna yourself. Select the equipment with which you will increase the antenna. For these purposes, both regular wires and a small indoor antenna are suitable.

Ideally, you should use an antenna "". Remove part of the router's antenna protective layer. Solder a metal wire to the exposed part. Connect its other end to the grille indoor antenna. This method allows you to enhance the signal by 20-30%. At the same time, you have the opportunity to hide the Wi-Fi router without losing signal quality.

If you want to strengthen the Wi-Fi of the USB adapter, you will need an extension cable. More often system units put away under the table or in hard-to-reach places. Naturally, reception and the signal in such places will not be the best. Buy a USB extension cable the right size. Connect it and plug in Wi-Fi. Place the adapter in an open space, such as on a table.

Every country has its own craftsmen, inventors and simply inventors. It would seem that for improvement reception signal of wi-fi equipment, you will need to buy the appropriate equipment or move to the best places reception signal, but you can enhance the signal quality using improvised means. No need to run to hardware store for these materials, you most likely have them at home.