Fixing the problem with the NVIDIA video card driver crashing. All torrents disappeared from the program

Why does the operating system crash?
Every more or less experienced user knows that the operating system is not a very stable thing. But still the question “why does it still fly away” still hangs in the air. However, today I will try to convey to you information that I hope will help you maintain stable work OS. So!
Tip one: do not turn off the computer completely! Among system functions computer, there is one very useful thing, namely, the system switches to “Standby mode” or “Hibernation mode”. The difference between these two modes is minimal: both allow you to start the system almost immediately, without waiting for it to fully boot (which is the case when you turn off the system completely through the “Shutdown” option). Why is it not recommended to turn off your computer completely? The fact is that the first device that receives a serious load during system startup is nothing more than HDD. But everything that is in the system - programs and applications - is located on the hard drive. Thus, we come to the conclusion that constant daily load on the hard drive will invariably lead to an early system failure with the subsequent need to reinstall it. And again the question: why? Yes, because the hard drive begins to rotate during startup. And it is designed according to the principle of a turntable: a record and a reproducing ultra-sensitive head. And it is precisely because of the hypersensitive head that a failure can occur: the point, again, is the load on it at the initial stage of rotation hard drive. In short, just don't turn off your computer completely! Here is your algorithm for logging out: “Start” - “Shutdown” - “Standby mode” or “Hibernation mode”. All information is saved as left and immediately after you press the “Start” button on the system unit, you get almost instant access to the system: the computer does not need to boot from scratch, because everything remains in place. This is the principle of a bookmark: you place a bookmark between the pages and close the book. And when you want to read, you don’t have to look desired page- just open the book at the bookmark location.
Tip two: do not install one hundred thousand million programs to clean the system! This way you will kill the OS one hundred percent, since each program works differently, and it’s not a fact that it works correctly. For example - “CCleaner” and “ Glary Utilities" It seems that the functionality and purpose are similar, but the essence of the work, and most importantly - the result of the work - are very different. And a conflict may arise in the system: the risk share is 50/50, which is a lot.
Only three programs are enough for the system: an antivirus, a program for cleaning the registry and unnecessary files(again “CCleaner”) and some separate anti-virus utility that is not part of your antivirus. For example - Iobit Malware Fighter. By the way: this utility also performs the role of an antivirus quite well, but at the same time it does not conflict with the system or a full-fledged antivirus program.
Tip three: Always check downloaded files! This is very easy to do, but the vast majority of users do not do this, which they later bitterly regret. The verification algorithm is simple: hover over the downloaded file, click right click mouse and select the line “Check with...”. This line can contain any antivirus program, starting from your antivirus program and ending antivirus utilities. For example, if you installed Iobit Malware Fighter, then the line will say “Check with Iobit Malware Fighter”. Click and wait for the process to complete (a couple of seconds).
Tip four: Clean the inside of your computer from dust at least once every two to three months! Dust is enemy number one, since the layer of dust acts as a “fur coat” that blocks the escape of heat. Yes, and on the rotational pistons of coolers, dust creates interference, and over time, precisely because of dust and dirt, the cooler may generally lose power. The consequence is processor overheating and global system failure! And a failure means a hundred percent reinstallation of the OS!
Of course, this article does not list all the tips on how to protect your computer from crashes and OS crashes. However, these tips will help you maintain system stability for as long as possible. Good luck!

For proper operation video card requires special software, his current version. Very often with products NVIDIA company It happens that drivers crash for no apparent reason.

There are several ways to solve this problem, and each of them will be discussed in detail in this article.

Method 1: Reinstalling the driver

The simplest, and therefore the very first, method is a banal reinstallation of the driver. In this case, even the current driver will need to be uninstalled first.

There is no need to worry about the safety of such actions. After the completed manipulations, Windows will automatically install standard driver. It will be relevant until the system detects NVIDIA software.

It happens that the software installation does not proceed quite correctly, which is fraught with all sorts of problems and malfunctions of the device. Blue screen, turning off the image, freezing the image - all this can be corrected just by reinstalling the software. There is a wonderful article on our website about how to correctly reinstall drivers for NVIDIA video cards, we recommend that you read it.

However, this is not a panacea similar problem. Quite often the video card simply does not accept new driver. Whether this is a mistake by the developers or something else is difficult to say. In any case, it is necessary to work out this option too, and for this you will need to install older software. It's a little more difficult than just updating or reinstalling it.

Finally, you only need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. If this method does not help you, then you should pay attention to other causes of the problem, which are described below.

Method 2: Search for overheating

The most common problem video cards - overheating. This is clearly indicated by the fact that the driver crashes precisely during games or running programs that are demanding on the system. If this is not very similar to your case, then you should not scroll further, because verification is still required. On our website you can find an article that provides an example of the most popular programs and utilities that can monitor the temperature of the video card.

If after the tests it turns out that the video card is overheating, then it is necessary to take a whole range of measures to improve its condition.

  • Check cleanliness system unit, reliability of fastening of each cooler and its performance. If you notice that there is too much dust somewhere in the fan and it is impossible to get it out, then it is best to remove the screw and clean it.
  • Improve the air supply and exhaust system by installing additional coolers.
  • Remove programs that overclock your video card, or simply disable them.

Most overheating problems should resolve if you follow the above steps. However, the problem with the driver crashing may remain relevant. If this happens, then move on to the next methods.

Overclocking a video card, even if it is factory-made, does not promise long-term performance for the equipment. Therefore, if you want your device to please you much longer, then disable all accelerations.

Method 3: Resolving conflict between driver and special applications

A rather serious problem is the conflict between the driver and applications installed for the video card. First of all, you should think about standard programs, which are installed on every computer running NVIDIA products.

Most often, problems arise during 3D graphics settings or anti-aliasing. In other words, some parameters are disabled in the video card program, but they are required in the application or game. A conflict occurs and the driver is disabled. The most simple option The solution to this problem is to reset the settings to the default value. This is done very simply.

This simple method can sometimes be the most effective. However, in fairness, it is worth noting that driver reset due to anti-aliasing or 3D settings occurs only at certain moments, in certain applications or games, which is a typical indicator of a driver and software conflict.

Method 4: TDR Setup

In each operating system Windows has a built-in TDR mechanism. It is notable for the fact that it can restart the driver when it does not respond to requests. Directly in our case, we need to try to increase the response delay time from the video card. For this we will create special file, in which we will write down the necessary parameters. It is worth noting right away that you cannot use this method, as there may be problems with the operation of the video adapter.

If you set the parameter «0» , then we simply disable the TDR mechanism. This option is also being considered, and if increasing the delay time does not help, then we use it.

It is possible that the problem is not in the operating system or driver, but in the hardware itself. A video card can be used for a very long time and during this period it can simply exhaust all its capabilities. But first, you need to try all the methods listed above. It is quite possible that the solution to the problem lies somewhere in them.

Many of you may encounter such a problem as constantly reinstalling the OS. In the sense that you install an operating system, but within a very short period of time it crashes and requires reinstallation. Why this happens and how to solve the problem - read below in the article. So!
Firstly, the operating system may crash if you use a “pirated” copy installation disk. Why? As a rule, such “pirates” are simply crookedly assembled: some drivers are missing, or the drivers simply do not fit your OS. In addition, “pirated” copies themselves are very unstable. However, the problem can be solved quite simply: after successfully installing a “pirated” copy, you need to download the “Driver Pack Solution” program (a small version, weighing only 8 MB), run it and check the system for any “firewood” present. The program will do everything itself: it will show what is there, what is not, and what needs to be updated. And then with one click of the “Install All” button you will solve the problem: all drivers will be automatically downloaded and replaced. This procedure solves the problem in half of the cases. But don't forget to buy the software with a license, since pirated versions may contain vulnerabilities and viruses.
Secondly, do not look for any viruses in the system: you cannot have them there for the simple reason that you reinstalled the system!
Thirdly, based on this. what antivirus you use, you can also conclude: perhaps the system crashes precisely because of the antivirus! Paradoxical as it may seem. but such “monsters” as Kaspersky and Comodo easily demolish not only “pirated” OSes, but also licensed ones. Why? Apparently, something doesn’t suit them installed equipment. For example, after checking the system for viruses and after removing everything found. the system will ask you to reboot. And after the reboot, you will no longer be able to log into the system, because it simply refuses to boot, citing missing files, like Boot.ini or something like that. Bottom line: here's your antivirus! Therefore, if you are using a obviously “pirated” copy, then do not do anything stupid and install neither Kaspersky nor Comodo: the system will crash immediately!
Fourthly, if your system continues to crash, then you should think about changing the installation disk. The fact is that the “blank” with the system is an extremely unreliable medium! Over time, when installing the OS, you may see messages about the absence of any drivers or files.
Fifthly, when you reinstall the system, do not forget to completely format the disk! It often happens that a user installs one OS on top of another. The result is a “vinaigrette” of files. Naturally, such a crap will not work stably.
As for problems directly with your hardware, the problem may be hidden in one direction: the hard drive. The old “tin” is unstable, so no matter how much you install the OS, it will still crash! So if your hard drive is more than five years old, then it's time to think about replacing it.
Of course, the above reasons are not all. However, in most cases they are the “stumbling block” that prevents your hardware from working properly. Please take this into account. Good luck!


Through the “Start” menu, select the “All Programs” section, and then the “Accessories” tab. Go to the “Service” item. Next, in the menu that opens, select “System Restore”. This operation intended for an earlier period of work. All programs that existed on the disk during the specified period of time will be installed.

A new window has opened in which you select the option “Recover more early state" Following the prompts, press the “Next” button. After that, select the date for deleting the program. Find the one you need in the right window program. Click on it again “Next” and wait until this utility will be restored. This method is mainly suitable for programs that have been installed recently.

There is also another way to restore the program. Required for special utility, which is called UndeletePlus. Select a language to make the program easier to use. Launch the installed program. Next, in the window that opens, select the “Scan” function. Without scanning, the "Recover" function will be . The scan result will be displayed in the right window.

In this list, check the box next to the programs that you do not need to restore. The rest will be prepared for restoration. Click the "Restore" button. The program will return to old place. Before starting the recovery, you can check the “Restore folder structure” option. Through the “Filter” option you can configure filtering parameters. Then you won't have to search necessary programs V big list all files.

Over time, the needs of computer users change: some programs cease to be needed, the need for others increases. Sometimes previously deleted ones become necessary programs And files. Restoring files in this case is somewhat simpler than restoring programs.


A file that was deleted some time ago is not subject to this action. Open the Trash folder. Folder icons are located on the desktop and on the screen (in the illustration it is between the icon and the browser). Find and select deleted items in the folder that need to be restored. Open the menu with the right mouse button and click the "Restore" command.

Files deleted without moving them to the Recycle Bin can only be restored by a specialist.

It happens that sometimes you can lose necessary information– one careless movement of the mouse important file accidentally deleted. Yes, everyone knows about backup, but almost no one resorts to it. However, now there are programs that allow you to return deleted data. files.Let's look at the recovery process using an example Recuva programs.

You will need

  • Recuva program.


Select desired language, the sequence is: Options - Language - Russian.

Check files, which you need to "reconstruct" and click the "Restore" button. Wait a bit for the recovery process to complete.

Video on the topic


The Recuva program has one more property: it can not only restore files, but also permanently erase them.

Helpful advice

At least do it sometimes backup.


  • Notes from Sys.Admin, website

Sometimes situations arise when you urgently need to provide computer help to a person, be it installing a program or something else, but at the same time you cannot meet with the person in person. However, if both participants have Internet access, this is not difficult to do.


To interact remotely with a computer, special programs are required to establish remote access. Today there are quite a lot of such programs, but despite this, there are several solutions that are on everyone’s lips. One such program is AMMYY Admin. It is absolutely free for private use, AMMYY provides a wide range of networking capabilities with a remote computer.

Download executable file from the official website of the program and run it. No installation is required; after launch, the program is immediately ready to work.

find out personal number client application in the car of a person who needs help. To do this, he must launch his copy of the program and tell you his ID.

Enter the received number in your address to prevent this ID in the future. To do this, use the Ammyy menu item “Contact”. In the window that opens, click the “Add” button, then enter the received number in the ID field and give the contact a name in the Name field so as not to get confused if your contact list grows.

Tell your friend (the one who needs help) to run the client part of his program. To do this, he just needs to click on the “Launch” button, after which the indicators under the button will light up.

Wait until the person on the other computer you are connecting to allows your connection request, after which you will see the desktop in the window that opens remote computer, on which you can work in the same way as your own.

Video on the topic


In the operating room Windows system choice provided languages. As a rule, users use the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet (Russian and English). If for some reason one of the languages, you can return it using system components.


Open Regional and Language Options. To do this, click Windows key or the Start button on the taskbar. Select "Control Panel" from the menu. A new window will open. If the Control Panel has classic look, immediately click on the “Regional and Language Options” icon. If the “Panel” is presented in the form of categories, open the desired component from the “Date, time, language and regional standards” category.

In the dialog box that appears, go to the “Languages” tab and click on the “More details” button in the “Language and text input services” group. Will open additional window. Make the “Settings” tab active in it and see what data is contained in the “Installed services” group. As a rule, there must be at least two languages: English (US) and Russian.

If one of languages no, click on the “Add” button located on the right side of the group. In the new “Adding an input language” window, use the drop-down list to select the value “Russian” (or another language you need) in the “Input language” group. In the second field - “Keyboard layout or input method (IME)”, also set the value to “Russian”. Apply the new settings by successively clicking the OK button in the open dialog boxes.

To see what language you have selected at a specific moment of typing, print languages y panel to the taskbar. To do this, in the “Languages ​​and text input services” window, click on the button “ Language bar" in the "Settings" group on the "Options" tab. In the new window, set the marker in the “Display languages desktop panel" and "Additional taskbar icon". Apply the settings.

This problem can occur due to incorrect termination computer operation - system freezes, power off, etc. There were torrents - and not. What to do in this case?

First, launch the torrent program and check if there are tasks in the list of categories (it's on the left, if you don't see it, press F7). Also check whether the distributions are listed in your profile or have zero numbers.

First. Launch File Explorer, copy and paste into address bar%appdata%\utorrent then click Enter key. This is what you do to check the above folder.

After these steps, a folder should open, something similar to: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\uTorrent. In this folder you should see a file called resume. dat. old and there resume.dat. The second one will “weigh” 1 KB, and the first one is much larger, up to several MB.

Let's say you found these files in your folder. We do the following manipulation: delete the “empty” resume.dat. to the trash (if you can’t delete it, move it somewhere to another folder), and then rename resume. dat. old in resume.dat. You should get a resume.dat file. with “large” weight. Then we launch the torrent client and then launch the entire list of downloads. Ideally, the torrent list should now be restored.

But if a miracle does not happen, there is solution No. 2. If you have torrent files saved on your computer, run them. If not, download it again and run it. After launch, indicate the address where the required file is located on your hard drive. Then launch the client. The torrent program must check the compliance of the file, and if everything is correct, the file will be downloaded or distributed.

If you downloaded a torrent, but are 100% sure that it is correct file, no, uncheck the “run torrent” checkbox. After the job is added to the client, rehash the file. If the file check shows 100% (if the file was not downloaded, then the correct percentage of the file was not downloaded) - then you can launch.

It is always easier to prevent a problem than to solve it later. To avoid this kind of puzzle, try to always make backup copy uTorrent settings regardless of whether you are going to change the system. Anything can happen.