Installation of television antennas. How to connect the antenna cable to the power supply TV cable connection to the connector

Correct connection - quality reception!

Due to incorrect connection of the antenna cable and plug, the quality of the signal deteriorates, or the TV completely stops receiving it.

The video explains in simple terms how to avoid such mistakes by achieving stable reception and uninterrupted operation of the antenna. The author compares the two types of most common plugs, tells how to connect them to a cable so that the signal quality does not drop over time, and gives other valuable recommendations.

It clearly shows where the central core should be connected, and where the braid should be connected:

“There is a screw on the straight plug, under which some people simply clamp the core, and they squeeze the braid. It is not right. It is necessary to solder it to the outer part of the plug. Then you will have a good connection."

In addition to standard straight models, the video explains the features of working with angled antenna plugs. All elements are shown in close-up, as well as the junction of the braid and core with metal parts. Thanks to such a detailed examination, everyone will be able to understand the basic principles of connecting an antenna cable.

Connecting your TV to an external signal yourself will not be difficult if you figure out the antenna plug. It is with the help of this device that the receiver socket is connected to a TV cable, which transmits high-frequency current from the panel on the landing or the attic antenna to the apartment. It is important to choose the correct diameter ratio and technical characteristics of the conductor, accurately cut the end of the cable and screw on the plug.

Signal conductor selection and installation

Before connecting the cable to the TV, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work and purchase some materials and technical devices. Mentally plot a route for the television signal conductor, determine its length, the number of branches and special devices.

The antenna cable is a wire of complex design capable of transmitting a reliable signal without interference. The cord contains the following elements:

The television cable must be marked on the outer surface. For household receivers, products with the symbols COAXIL CABLE 75 OHM are more often used, where the first combination indicates the presence of a shielding (coaxial) layer, and the number 75 is the characteristic impedance in Ohms at a frequency of 2.15 GHz, accepted for most televisions.

Laying cables around the apartment, take into account several important points. The route is laid out at a distance from the electrical wiring, and telephone and Internet channels do not create interference; they are laid in a single trench. Pull the cord in one piece and without twists; if necessary, cross a live network, do this at an angle of 90º. If necessary, distribute the cable to different rooms, use splitters, placing the devices in places convenient for maintenance.

Connector Types

A device that provides quick connection of the cable to the signal receiver, called an antenna plug for a TV. It allows you to free the device from communication with communications without any special actions by simply pulling out the TV cable from the device socket. This may be necessary in case of a thunderstorm or moving the TV to a new installation location.

The first antenna plugs were soldered to the conductors, but later designs appeared that allowed the connection to be made without special devices: first using mounting screws, and today - due to pressure when screwing a special sleeve onto the end of the cable. Television plugs are made according to the international standard F: two cylindrical metal parts are screwed onto the antenna conductors in a certain way and tightly pressed together at the contact point.

Such a connection does not require special knowledge and skills from the installer, but the order of manipulations must be followed so as not to result in signal loss and low-quality image at the output. To cut the cable yourself and connect the plug to it, tools needed:

  • pliers for cutting conductors;
  • knife for cutting insulation;
  • a screwdriver if the connector is an old model and has a screw fastening.

The shape of the plugs for the TV antenna can be straight like a pin or curved like the letter G. The latter configuration allows you to move the receiver closer to the wall without interference from the cable.

According to the connection figure, two types of connectors are made: boy and girl. More often, plugs of the first type are used on television devices; others are used for connecting to amplifiers, network headends and sockets.

The cable is connected to the antenna using screws located on it. In multi-storey buildings, the signal is output to a collective panel located in each entrance, and in this case the connection is made from one of the terminals of the common antenna bus. After laying the cable along the intended route, they begin to cut the free end to reinforce it with a plug. The sequence of operations is as follows:

It happens that the internal thread size of the plug turns out to be larger than the antenna cable. Then, before bending the screen, wrap the insulating tape until the connector fits tightly onto the conductor cord. During installation, it is necessary to ensure that the foil and braid do not touch the central core - this will affect the quality of TV signal transmission.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to connect two pieces of cable in order to extend it. The operation procedure remains the same, with the only difference being that an adapter coupling is used instead of a plug.

To carefully cut a television cable, you need to cut a few centimeters of the outer sheath. The cut is made along the cable by lightly and smoothly pressing the knife. This accuracy eliminates the possibility of damage to the shielding braid.

After making the cut, you need to bend and cut off the shell (from the very beginning of the cut).

Next, the aluminum foil and copper braid are folded back. There are three options for screens used in cables. The first option is copper braid, the second is aluminum foil, the third is aluminum foil covered with copper braid (the option under consideration).

To ensure higher strength, the inside of the foil is coated with special polyethylene. This fact is not known to everyone. Wherein Cleaning plastic is an impossible task. Therefore, when the plug is wound onto the foil from the inside, the contact is very poor quality or absent altogether. To avoid this effect, you need to turn part of the foil inside out. This will allow the conductive part to be located on the outside. If the size of the internal thread F of the plug exceeds the diameter of the cable itself, it is necessary to wrap electrical tape around the cable before bending the foil. This will give the television cable the required diameter. Subsequent actions must be performed according to the recommendations given. How to properly remove insulation from the central core is described in detail in the article “Preparing wires for installation.”

The central core needs to be cut so that a couple of millimeters of the cable still protrudes.

Then the second part of the F-plug is screwed on, after which the latter is completely ready for use.

Sometimes, when installing a plug into a socket, it becomes necessary to bend the TV cable excessively, since it interferes with placing or hanging the TV close to the wall. An excellent solution to this problem is to use an angled F-plug.

The main feature of this type of design lies solely in the form. The installation processes for a traditional straight plug and an angled plug are completely identical.

Connecting a TV cable to a plastic plug of an old design without soldering

The predecessors of modern F-plugs are slightly different devices installed without soldering. They have their own installation features.

Before installing such a plug, you will need to unscrew the plastic housing. To do this, the cable must be held by the metal part, and rotation must be made counterclockwise. Then the housing is put on the cable, which will allow you not to forget about it.

Next comes the preparation of the cable for installation. It consists of making a cut in the outer shell. The size of the cut is about 1 cm. Then the sheath is removed, the shielding braid is trimmed by approximately half a centimeter, and the same amount of insulation from the central core must be removed. After completing these steps, the cable can be embedded into the plug.

The main stage is terminating the television cable. It is very important to prevent the braided conductors from touching the fasteners of the main core. The petals of the plug around the shielding winding are crimped with pliers. It is important not to overdo it - do not apply too much force, a gentle pressure is enough to ensure good contact.

Tightening the mounting screw. Screwing is carried out until it stops.

The final stage is screwing the plastic part onto the metal plug part, after which the device is ready to be inserted into the television socket.

Soldering a TV cable to an antenna plug from the times of the USSR

Today, plugs from the times of the USSR have lost their relevance and are practically not found, however, a large number of television receivers are adapted specifically to them. There are situations when the plug needs to be re-soldered.

This kind of plug was tinned according to GOST. The requirements of this document assume that tinned contacts can be soldered for at least six months, which is quite short. In most cases, after a year and a half it is very difficult to solder to the conclusions. Attempts end with the material rolling up and the plug itself turning black. To ensure a good result, the part to be soldered must be thoroughly “sanded” until a brass shine is formed. This can be done in two stages: the end of the central contact is cleaned with a flat needle file, and the contact hole itself is processed with the tip of the file (with the maximum possible rotation). At the next stage, the terminals for soldering the cable screen are cleaned, which can be done with sandpaper or the same file. Next, the terminals need tin.

Then you need to prepare the ends of the cable. First, the plastic part of the plug is put on. After this, you will need to cut and remove the outer shell (2-3 cm). How to do this has already been discussed. The shielding braid is unraveled and then divided in two, the conductors are twisted. Insulation is removed from the core, and we must not forget that 2-3 mm should remain.

Threading the cable into the plug should be preceded by shortening its central core by a couple of millimeters, which will make it easier to thread the shielding conductors. The petals are slightly bent on the sides, after which the shielding wires are threaded all the way into the holes of the contact petals, and the central core is accordingly threaded into the central plug contact. At the end, the petals are pressed around the cable.

In places where the shielding wires pass through the holes of the petals, soldering is carried out. The layer of soldered material must be small, otherwise serious problems may arise with putting on the plastic plug sleeve. If the solder layer is very large, it can be removed with a file or sandpaper. There is no need to bite off the excess braid.

To remove a large load on the main core in a situation where the cable is pulled out of the TV not by the plug, but directly by the cable, you need to perform the following action. Before soldering the central core, you must pull the cable firmly, while holding the plug by the metal part. Then the core is soldered from the outside, after which it is bitten off. If “hanging” solder has formed, it must be removed with a knife. If the knife is powerless, a needle file is used.

At the last stage, it is checked how well the fixing element is bent. If it is enough, then a plastic cartridge is placed on the metal part of the antenna plug (until the latch is completely latched).

Connecting a TV cable without a plug to the TV

There are quite common cases when you need to quickly connect an antenna cable to a television receiver, but you don’t have a soldering iron or the necessary plug. But not everyone knows that the cable can be temporarily connected even without a plug. First, about 5 centimeters of the outer shell is removed, the braid is turned away and developed. Next, the insulation is removed from the central core, and the latter is wrapped in a loop. The width of the loop must exceed the diameter of the hole, which is located in the center of the socket.

For the connector shown in the photo, an insulating tube must be put on the central contact. Then the loop is installed in the central contact, the shielding braid is inserted into the connector with the tip of a screwdriver. It is important to avoid touching the braid and the central core. The aluminum braid can be inserted into the connector, and the remaining space can be filled with small copper wires. To fix them in the connector, it is recommended to use pointed matches or simply toothpicks. This simple method of fastening is distinguished by its high efficiency and durability.

Connecting an antenna cable without a plug to a divider

In this case, the preparation process for the antenna cable is completely identical to the preparation process in the case of using an F-plug. First, the main core is inserted into the F-connector of the crab. The shielding elements are put on the part of the crab connector that protrudes. Fixation is carried out using a special clamp or simple wire. You can also use the option of fixing with insulating tape. This option is less preferable, but its performance has also been proven over the years.

When using clamps equipped with a screw-type crimping device, the connection performance is very high and is not inferior to the F-connector.

Which TV plug is better and more reliable?

Here we can safely say that the F-plug is the optimal one among the 3 connectors discussed above for coaxial cable. This conclusion can be reached by analyzing the above photos. Moreover, for this you do not need to have much experience in this field.

Here you can see that outdated and “Soviet” plugs require a small section of the central core, which is not protected by braiding. This feature does not guarantee uniformity of wave impedance, and this may cause small signal losses.

The F-plug does not have such sections. In addition, the indisputable advantage of this device is its ease of installation. It can be produced without experience, special knowledge and using a small amount of ordinary tools. This process is possible for everyone.

How to crash into a cable or terrestrial TV signal line at the entrance of a house

Most often, the cable is laid along the roof of the building, then, in order to increase the signal level, it is equipped with a special amplifier, after which it is routed through the entrances. Since there are several packages of TV channels, at the input the cable is specially branched through a crab filter equipped with two outputs (an unchanged signal comes out from one, and a high-frequency cut signal comes out from the other). This principle makes it possible to prevent subscribers who have not paid for a specific package from viewing certain TV channels. This is evidenced by two identical cables running along the entrance.

In addition, residents can see a special metal box in the entrance. Wires go out from it to each apartment. Today, new multi-apartment buildings do not use this type of structure. The wires are located in cabinets located in the walls. This is where the subscriber splitters are located. When you open the cabinet doors, you can see a similar picture. On the left in the photo is a splitter for residents who are owners of an extended TV program package, on the right - for residents who are owners of a simple (reduced) package.

According to the requirements, splitters must be securely fixed and grounded, but television company workers often neglect this rule. At the same time, such an attitude, oddly enough, may be more preferable. Because poor grounding often causes interference.

The design of splitters in junction boxes is identical to traditional crabs, which are used when connecting two or three TVs in one apartment, but their operating principle has a number of features. One F connector is designed to connect the cable that comes from the IN trunk. The other OUT carries the signal to the subsequent coupler, which is mounted on the ground floor. Other F TAP connectors, the number of which varies between 1-5, are needed to connect subscriber cables that go to each apartment.

The basic rule is the absence of unconnected connectors. When a subscriber disconnects (for example, in the absence of payment for services), it is allowed to use the F connector with a load of 75 Ohms as a plug. If it is necessary to connect a new subscriber, the two-socket coupler, as in the example under consideration, must be replaced with a three-socket one.

Therefore, to connect a TV, a piece of cable of the required length, at the ends of which there are F connectors, is enough. The F connector of the cable is connected to the subscriber splitter, the second connector is connected directly to the TV.

Crab and TV signal coupler - differences

The received signal power in the crab is often divided equally among the connected television receivers. The situation with the coupler is a little different. In this device, only a small part of the incoming power is allocated (about 6 dB). To guarantee the required signal level that is delivered to the user, the input signal is transmitted using an amplifier. The power of the latter is determined by the number of subscribers. As a result, the splitters used in the entrance are an ordinary crab, which has many branches.

Installing a TV signal amplifier

If the signal quality is unsatisfactory, it is necessary to use a special amplifier, which is mounted in front of the crab. Its structure is similar to a regular crab, the difference lies in the presence of special active modules (microcircuit or transistors) that are capable of qualitatively improving the signal. When working with a TV amplifier, mains voltage must be supplied. This nuance must be taken into account when determining the installation location of the device. It is recommended to mount the amplifier as close to the source as possible, since this device, in addition to the signal itself, also amplifies third-party noise.

The photo shows the TERRA HA123 amplifier, which is used in home telecommunications networks. It has one output and allows gain control within the range of 8 - 28 dB. The best option is to locate the amplifier directly in the coupler box.

If the distance between the receiver and the amplifier is short, it is recommended to mount a device with multiple outputs rather than a crab amplifier. For example, the Spanish amplifier-coupler Televes 5523 with 5 outputs and a gain of 16 dB can serve 5 television receivers at once, and when installing pass-through TV sockets, much more.

For the case when the signal comes from an individual antenna, there are a number of amplifiers used specifically for mounting directly on the antenna. Here they replace the matching loop. Such devices for amplifying a television signal guarantee high quality reception at a distance to the antenna of no more than 100 kilometers. In the photo, this kind of device SWA-555/LUX can have a different adjustment range of 10 - 15 dB (meter range), 34 - 43 dB (decimeter range). To understand the nuances of connecting the power supply to the cable in order to supply voltage to the amplifier, you can read the article “How to connect an antenna television amplifier to a power supply ».

The gain directly depends on the quality of the source signal and is determined individually. The voltage for these devices is supplied via a coaxial cable.

Ferrite ring installation to the antenna cable to eliminate interference

It is not uncommon that when two or more television receivers are connected to cable TV (via cable), interference occurs on certain channels. These disturbances can be represented by black and white elements, from small dots to large waves. The reason for such phenomena is a high-frequency interference signal from a local oscillator, parallel-connected receivers, etc. Alternatively, the cause of interference may be neighboring receivers. Interference can dramatically reduce picture quality. It is recommended to solve this problem by installing a ferrite ring.

The result of using such a ring depends directly on its cross-sectional area. The put-on ring forms a choke, and together with the linear capacitance creates a U-shaped high-frequency filter. The most effective elimination of interference is guaranteed by installing a pair of rings at the ends of the cable.

Ferrite filters can be easily purchased at special retail outlets. Here they are offered in two versions: one-piece construction and two-half construction. In the second case, the halves are pressed into a housing equipped with a latch and made of plastic. Unreasonable purchase costs are easy to avoid. The thickening of cylindrical cables that go from the computer system unit to various peripheral equipment are the most common ferrite filters.

If you look carefully, you are sure to find abandoned and forgotten interface cables in every home. To use them, you just need to cut the plastic with a knife and remove the ferrite ring. After this, it can be placed on the antenna cable. This will allow you to completely forget about all kinds of interference.

You need to buy cables, splitters, amplifiers and other accessories described above in specialty stores. Here, professional consultants will provide the required information and help you choose exactly what you need. However, in order to communicate on equal terms with specialists, you need to understand at least a little in this area, and you can easily obtain the necessary knowledge from the information above.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Recently I have written several articles regarding the installation of digital television in the country. Today I want to talk about how to lengthen the antenna cable if you need to move it for better reception, or if the TV installation location is not suitable for comfortable viewing of TV shows.

In the article about I have already touched on the topic of the need to purchase a high-quality coaxial cable in order to avoid possible problems with signal reception. But I will tell you below what to do and what tools you need to purchase and really hope that everything will be as accessible and clear as possible.

Proper work done will not affect the quality of the received signal. If malfunctions occur or the quality has deteriorated after work, then it is worth checking all the connections and assessing how high-quality the materials were purchased.

Necessary tools and materials for antenna cable extension

If you need to move the TV to another room, or to a corner of the room, there is a shortage of wire length and the question arises of purchasing an additional piece. Before going to the store, be sure to inspect the existing one, evaluate the thickness of the central core, rewrite the markings, and it is best to cut off a small piece for a visual example when purchasing.

In my opinion, there are only two optimal ways to extend a television cable. The first using “F” connectors, and the second using a “splitter” for possible further wiring to several devices.

I won’t talk about soldering, since this matter is quite complicated. When extending a television cable by soldering, it is difficult to achieve the proper wave impedance. And the junction itself will be very fragile.

So, let's look at both options in order.

How to extend a TV cable using “F” connectors

For this method we will need two f connectors and one f connection. Before proceeding with the extension, the wire must be properly “cut”. To do this, carefully remove the top shell without damaging the screen. We twist the shielded braid and bend it in the direction of the cable. We remove the foam insulation, thereby exposing the central core. The approximate length of the freed core should be about one and a half centimeters.

This operation must be performed on both ends that you want to fuse. After the completed operations, take the f connectors and carefully screw them onto the wire. Keep track of so that the central wire does not contact the outer shield.

For better fixation, the junction can be wrapped with electrical tape. This fixation will prevent your product from falling apart when bent or deformed.

This was the first way to extend a coaxial cable. Now I propose to consider the second option and, in my opinion, more practical.

How to extend a coaxial cable using a splitter

Let's first understand what a splitter is and what it is needed for.

A splitter is a small box with one input and several outputs. A splitter is designed to split a connected antenna into several TVs, or to one cable. When choosing a suitable device, you should immediately decide on the number of connected TVs. This is necessary for the correct choice of divisor.

To begin with, such a device should be firmly fixed on a flat vertical or horizontal surface. Only after this proceed with the actual installation. In fact, this method of extending an antenna cable is similar to the previous one. As in the first case, it is necessary to use two f connectors screwed onto the ends. After which we connect the wire coming from the antenna to the input of the splitter, and connect the piece with which we are going to extend the line to the output. In fact, this is the same f connector only with the possibility of further branching.

That's all the information on how to extend the antenna cable. If, in your opinion, the article seemed incomplete and you are looking for other options for solving the problem, then I can easily supplement it, but in my opinion these are the main and simplest ways to solve the problem. In addition to all that has been said, I suggest, for general self-development, to read an article about this, since this question arises quite often when rearranging furniture in an apartment or moving. For clarity and reinforcement of the material, I suggest watching the corresponding video.

There can be any number of objective reasons for slightly lengthening or increasing the already laid television cable stretched into a particular room. Most often, the need for this arises when moving a household television receiver from place to place (or moving it from one living space to another). One of the methods according to which such extension is carried out involves the presence of a set of two connecting elements shown below.

Note! Such an extension is also beneficial because the use of a new solid piece of cable of greater length is not entirely justified from an economic point of view.

Moreover, in the case of its extension, in which the connection of the television cable (or rather its individual fragments) is organized, additional costs for special adapters can be minimized.

TV cable device

Before connecting the television cable at the intended insertion point of the extended section, you must become familiar with the structure of the wire used to transmit the television signal.

Additional Information. The name coaxial cable was chosen as such because a special structure (coaxial) is used to transmit the wave signal, the nature of which is clearly visible in the figure below.

Typical antenna-type television cables include the following required elements:

  • The central core is placed in durable polypropylene insulation;
  • A screen made of aluminum foil protects the central wire from electromagnetic interference;
  • Outer braid, designed for additional protection from external fields and forming the outer part of the coaxial structure;
  • Polyethylene insulation that protects the TV cable from mechanical stress and unexpected damage.

Given this composition, before extending the television cable, it is necessary to carefully prepare each of the connected parts. Experts call this operation “cutting” the wire, during which its individual sections at the junction points are cleared of insulation and shaped for the future joint.

Types of docking connections

A high-quality connection of the antenna cable (as well as its individual parts), carried out for the purpose of extension, is possible in the following known ways:

  • Use a branded extension cord, available for free sale in the form of a piece of coaxial cable from 2.5 to fifteen meters long;
  • Purchase special F sockets from a radio store and use them to create a classic plug-in connection;
  • Use a splitter-type connector adapter for these purposes;
  • Make the extension with a separate piece of wire connected to the main line by means of ordinary twisting, and to increase its reliability use the soldering method.

The first of these options is one of the most reliable and time-tested methods of extending the antenna wire, but at the same time it is also the most expensive. The second and third approaches to the problem of cable extension are more cost-effective than the first, but even in this case you will need to go to the store for additional spare parts.

The simplest way to join pre-prepared (stripped) cable sections is considered to be the method of forming twists at the connection points and their subsequent soldering. However, in this case, the reliability of the resulting connection leaves much to be desired, since the central wire at the twisted points can easily break off.

Important! Regardless of the chosen method, to obtain a reliable connection, products of the same brand and thickness as the TV cable being extended should be used.

It should also be remembered that, in accordance with the standards current in Russia and GOST “Cables. Television”, the laying of communications is carried out with a standard wire of the RK 75 brand with a characteristic impedance of 75 Ohms (figure below).

Among foreign samples of the same products, the most common are such well-known cords as RG6 and RG59.

Formation of joints using adapters

Let's consider the intricacies of extending wires when an extension adapter (ready-made purchased or made on the basis of special connectors) is used for these purposes. The option of a ready-to-use extension cord for a television cable, despite its relative high cost, seems to be the most convenient in terms of labor costs.

To make such a joint independently, the user should design a contact connector on the extendable end of a wire already laid in the apartment, suitable for the mating part on the purchased product. It is made on the basis that the adapter purchased in the store has connectors at both ends, made in the form of a regular antenna plug.

Another method that allows you to connect an antenna for a TV through an extension cable involves using special F-type sockets for this purpose.

Additional Information. To obtain an extension, you will need two sets of such connectors.

Before extending the television cable using the insertion method, all connected parts should be prepared for the upcoming operation. To do this you need:

  • Remove the protective insulation on each of the 4 joined ends in a small area (about 2-3 cm);
  • Bend the protective braid along with the screen foil towards the insulation (see photo);
  • Next, the central core should be shortened so much that no more than 5 millimeters protrudes from the straight part of the connector screwed onto it (to do this, you first need to try it on at the installation site);
  • Upon completion of all preparatory operations, a plug is installed on one end of the insert by screwing it in, and a socket on the other;
  • At the ends of the extendable (old) wire, the mating parts of the F-connector are formed in the same way.

Another well-known cable extension option is to use splitter-type tees, which are built into an open circuit and allow you to create an extension branch. The procedure for forming this connection is practically no different from the previously discussed method, which involves the use of a type F connector.

A special feature of this connection is the ability to obtain an adapter for an internal household network, which allows you to organize the distribution of a television signal throughout the apartment. In this case, the latter will be transmitted to all television receivers with virtually no loss of quality.

Twisted connection

The simplest, but not very reliable way, using which you can arrange an extension fragment of the antenna cable, is to connect the elements using the twisting method. The disadvantage of this approach is the high probability of breakage of the central core even with slight deformation or bending of the connection section.

In addition, when carrying out this operation it is impossible to do without a soldering iron, with which the twisted contacts are first carefully tinned and then soldered.

Note! Before connecting antenna cables to each other in this way, be sure to choose products with soft insulation.

Before connecting a new cable section, for example, it is also advisable to ensure that the protective sheath is not only strong and elastic, but can also withstand repeated bending. In addition, it is important to prepare the twisted parts in advance; soldering them will be much easier if you first clean them of varnish insulation and then carefully tin them.

The formation of the leads in this case is somewhat different from their preparation for the previously discussed detachable connection (adapter). To do this you need:

  • Remove the insulation at a distance of approximately 3-4 centimeters from the extendable end of the cable product (see figure below);
  • The same will need to be done with the second cable blank used as an extension cord;
  • Then you need to tear apart the copper braid of each of the exposed parts, after which you will be able to gain access to the polypropylene insulation of the central core;
  • Following this, you should carefully cut the protective sheath of polypropylene, being careful not to touch the wire located underneath with the tip of the knife;

Important! If this requirement is not met, the likelihood of the central core breaking off in this place during operation of the connected cable increases significantly.

  • Upon completion of the preparatory operations, it is necessary to strip the bare copper wires using fine sandpaper, and then tin them using rosin and solder;
  • After the formation of a twist consisting of two central cores, in order to reduce energy loss at the junction, it is carefully soldered with a soldering iron;
  • Then the resulting twist is insulated using a non-conducting material (ordinary insulating tape, for example), and on top of it a twist is formed from the ends of adjacent braids;
  • At the final stage of the work, the resulting joint is covered with insulating tape, which protects the joint from damage and deformation.

The same must be done when it comes time to connect the second end of the cable insert.

Cable extension examples

Knowledge of basic cable extension techniques allows you to successfully cope with many problems, including deciding how to repair an antenna, for example, or extend the cord extending from it to the required length (photo below).

If, after disassembling the home antenna, it is discovered that a piece of cable at the point of connection to the internal circuit is damaged, it must first be cut off and shortened slightly.

Additional Information. After such shortening, the length of which should not exceed one centimeter, the joining area must be prepared for subsequent soldering (as described above).

Before you repair any television receiver that has a cable connection, you should also have an idea of ​​how to properly extend the damaged wire.

In the final part of the review, we note that specialists invited by the user will repair a failed cable line faster and with better quality. But in this situation, one should proceed from considerations of economy and the ability to independently master a not very complex technique for restoring a damaged cable wire or extending it.
