Establishing a connection with the update server via iPad takes a long time. Make sure you have a good data connection

Update errors iPad firmware, iPhone, and iPod touch– a rarity, but this rarity can sometimes cause a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, in order to avoid difficulties in such a situation, you need to know the basic methods of solving the problem. After reading the basic recommendations and studying common situations, the problem of communication with iPhone server to update the software will no longer cause horror.

There are several reasons why a user sees the message “Unable to contact the software update server.” iPhone software" Therefore, problem solving has several action strategies. Let's start with the most common case.

1. Is your computer connected to the Internet?

Yes, this situation seems funny at first, but in reality there may be a case that when iTunes accesses the server iPhone updates The network connection was indeed interrupted. This means that before performing more serious actions, you should make sure stable connection PC to the Internet. And after that we move on to the next stage. Linked directly to iTunes.

2. iTunes version

The application is rarely used by many owners of Apple gadgets, so the release of new versions of the program becomes known only in such a situation - the impossibility of updating the firmware. The old version in many cases does not allow connecting to the update server for iPad, iPhone or iPod touch software.
The only solution is to update the version of iTunes, which is easy to do. You just need to open the “Help” tab, where the “Updates” item will be available. We select it, confirm the download with further installation. Only after this do we try to repeat the procedure, and if the error still exists, move on to the next point.

3. Full reinstalling iTunes
Updating the program to the latest version sometimes does not solve the issue, and iTunes continues to refuse to download necessary update BY. Then you need to go through the procedure complete reinstallation application, for which you need to initially remove all program components. It is important to follow the order listed below:
first remove iTunes;
then erase Apple SoftwareUpdate;
Apple is next Mobile Device Support;
further removal is subject to Bonjour;
and lastly, if iTunes is version 9 or higher, remove AppleApplication Support.
Upon completion of all these procedures, you need to restart the computer, and then install the latest version of iTunes, presented on the official Apple portal. Often this solves the problem, but if the error has not disappeared even now, then we proceed to more serious operations.

4. Editing the Hosts file
Sometimes on computers running Windows, servers are unavailable when the hosts file is infected with a virus. It would be a good idea to check and edit it, for which we perform the following 5 steps.
1. Open the main drive (usually C:/), then go to Windows folder and find System32 there. Here we open the Drivers folder and go to the Etc folder.
2. Find hosts file and make a copy of it, saving it separately.

3. We use any editor to open it (even standard Notepad).
4. Delete all lines that contain the address

5. Save the file and reboot the PC.
Unsuccessful operation will require another attempt to solve the problem with the gadget indicated in the next paragraph.

The problem may be the gadget itself, and not the operation of iTunes, so you can try using a hard reboot. This requires holding the Home and Power buttons for a few seconds, which works on the iPad, iPod touch, and iPhone. You can read additional materials to understand the principle of “hard overload”. If you can’t do the update now, then look at point 6.

6. Update on another PC
Did all the steps described above not help? Then we do last try, by connecting your iPhone to another computer where the software update process can proceed successfully.
There are extremely rare cases where the problem may be caused by an Apple emergency. Sometimes servers may be turned off to allow technical work or simply not working due to some problem. This happens rarely, and the crashes themselves are often caused only by a major recent update.

iTunes is a unique service that allows you to combine purchases and installations made on all devices linked to your Apple account ID. With this application you can synchronize phones and tablets, create backups data and much more. If iTunes stops working for one of the following reasons, it will become big problem For Apple user and will cause a large number of inconvenience.

Can't connect to the iTunes Store - why and what to do

When you try to connect to the iTunes servers, you may receive a notification that says something similar to “Unable to connect to iTunes,” “Connection and authorization error,” etc. This will interrupt the authorization process and may cause iTunes to stop working. reply.

The reasons for this behavior of the program may be the following:

  • Unstable or broken connection with mobile internet or Wi-Fi network.
  • Outdated or not current version iTunes applications.
  • Damaged application files.
  • Poorly functioning USB adapter.
  • Incorrect date and time settings on the device.
  • Outdated or outdated version IOS.
  • iTunes servers are down.

How to get rid of the problem

The following will list methods that will allow you to cope with all of the above. possible reasons. If you do not know why exactly the error appeared in your case, then use all the instructions one by one until the problem disappears.

Reboot your computer, application, and device

Close and relaunch iTunes, then restart your computer and your phone or tablet. This action will restart all processes occurring in background, and perhaps it will fix the error.

Reboot the computer

Problem with servers

It is possible, although very unlikely, iTunes server V this moment don't work because technical reasons or spam attacks. You can check this: go to a special tab on the official Apple website (, which provides information about the operation of all services. Find iTunes, if there is a green circle next to it, then this means that its servers are working, and the problem arose due to something else.

Checking if the iTunes server is running

Replacing the USB cable

Check if the USB cable has any external damage: fractures, cuts, kinks. Also, the adapter may not work correctly if it is unofficial. If you have the opportunity, try connecting to another computer with the same cable to make sure that the problem is there.

Checking and changing the USB cable

Checking your Internet connection

Try loading a link in your browser or downloading any file from the Internet to make sure the connection is stable. Reboot your router if you are using Wi-Fi, and reconnect to the Internet from the device itself and your computer.

Reconnecting to the Internet

iTunes Update

Reinstalling iTunes

The program files may be damaged, and updating will not help in this case. If you have not accessed the program files yourself, this means that they were damaged by a virus.

Changing time and date settings

The problem may be that the date and time settings on your phone or tablet are incorrect, since synchronization checks the authenticity of the application certificate, and if the dates do not match, access to the program will be denied.

“iTunes cannot verify the authenticity of the server” - this is an annoying message that a user sometimes sees when trying to establish a connection between an i-device and a PC. Yes, iTunes is a stable service, but it is not immune to errors.

Fortunately, the above problem can be solved in most cases by program level and any user can handle it. How? Read in this article.

The error that will be discussed in this material is not the only problem that arises when working with iTunes, and it is logical that each problem requires an individual approach. However, given that the service Apple support developed unique measures to correct each problem, the engineers also created, so to speak, a first aid scheme - standard error correction measures that need to be carried out before moving on to individual instructions. We recommend starting with them if iTunes reports that it cannot verify the authenticity of the server.

What are these measures? They are quite simple.

Rebooting the program and gadget, and then trying again to perform the operation that was interrupted by the error - the recommendation is, of course, banal, but this does not make it any less effective - the most ordinary reset often saves the situation.

Reconnecting the device

This measure consists of changing the USB port through which the i-device connects to the computer - it is possible that the port being used has stopped working for one reason or another.

Disabling security programs

Often, security services work too hard. iTunes often accesses Apple servers during operation, and the antivirus and/or firewall may consider this behavior suspicious, blacklist the program and prohibit access to the network. Try disabling security utilities for a while and check if the error disappears. If the problem no longer occurs, reconfigure your protection services by adding iTunes to the list trusted programs and turn it on again.

Software Update

Outdated software often causes various software conflicts, including problems with iTunes. Therefore, if the above tips do not help, update all programs, starting with iTunes (best for updating Apple service completely uninstall the program, and then install the current version again).

As for updating other programs. On Mac updates are located in the program section of the same name App Store, if the work is carried out on a Windows PC, click “Start”, in search bar enter "Center" Windows updates" and press Enter.

Special measures

In case if standard instructions If the problem has not been solved, special measures can be taken.

Update via iOS device menu

In most cases, a communication error with the server occurs during the process of updating an i-device, so first of all, Apple recommends trying to perform the update not through iTunes, but through the device menu - “Settings” / “General” / “Software Update” / “Download and Install” "

This recommendation may seem strange to some - and, in fact, avoiding the problem is not a solution to the problem. However, in the situation with this error, everything is not so clear. The fact is that communication errors with the server can occur as a result of unstable internet. For example, there are some problems on the provider’s side, which the latter will soon eliminate and which the user cannot influence in any way. What the user can do is either wait for the problem to be fixed, or update through the device itself, using a different network. From this point of view, Apple recommendation looks logical.

Editing the hosts file

If the network is working properly, but the error still occurs, then Apple recommends making changes to special file hosts, which, with certain settings, can block access to the update server.

If you own a Mac, the editing order will be as follows:

If we are talking about a Windows PC, the order in which the file is edited depends on the version of the platform installed on the computer. Detailed instructions for each version there are

A window with the message “iTunes could not connect to this iPhone. An unknown error has occurred" appears when the Lockdown directory or its contents are corrupted. Solution - .

The error can also be caused by connection problems, Jailbreak, incorrectly installed/updated iTunes and antivirus protection Windows.

As a result, a window appears with the following messages:

  1. iTunes was unable to connect to this iPhone. An unknown error 0xe8000015 occurred.
  2. The error code can be 0xe8000015 or 0xe8000003, less often - 0xe800002d and 0xe8000065.
  3. There is no value.
  4. Failed to send message to device.
  5. An invalid response was received from the device.
  6. iTunes was unable to connect to this iPhone because there was a reading error.

Since the cause of connection errors 0xe8000015, 0xe8000003 and others is the Lockdown directory, you should first fix the problems in it.

Fixing iTunes connection errors:

Main causes of error

There are many reasons for errors; you will have to try and find yours among several possible ones. Often the cause of the error lies in trivial things like poor connection or settings Windows protection. There are also more serious problems that require changes to the internal directories of the iPhone

Main reasons for the error:

  1. Errors caused by connection problems in iPhone or Wi-Fi networks.
  2. Conflicts between iTunes and iPhone with antivirus and security software, as well as the Windows firewall.
  3. Problems caused by incorrect connection of the phone via USB to the computer.
  4. The presence of Jailbreak (hacked iPhone) and downloaded pirated software on it.
  5. iTunes is not installed or updated correctly.

Depending on the error, its code, as well as recent actions The user can find out why the connection between the phone and iTunes is not established.

Network and Wi-Fi errors

The error may appear if Windows is unable to establish a connection with iTunes, iPhone, Apple Stope, mail server or update server. In this case, in system window the note “An unknown error has occurred” or “An error occurred while loading the software” is written.

Connection, network, Wi-Fi error codes: 17, 1403, 1004, 1013, 1014, 1015, 3200, 3004.

Sometimes the user has nothing to do with it at all - problems occur on the Apple side, and then you just have to wait for the operation of the update servers to normalize. At the same time, most errors can be corrected using the following actions:

  1. Error code 17 . An error with this code appears when a user with unofficial firmware from third party developers(custom firmware) is trying to change it to another. Similar actions with changing and modifying the firmware can only be performed when the phone is in DFU mode. After entering DFU mode, the problem will disappear.
  2. Error code 1403 . The problem occurs when trying iPhone recovery using damaged firmware. To solve, you should use another download method to download the firmware, or download the firmware from another location. Dream damaged files The update will install normally, without notifications about conflicts with the system.
  3. Codes 3004 And 3200 . It is not the user's fault that these errors appear: they occur when trying to download updates in the first few hours or days after their release. These days there is a huge load on Apple's servers, so problems with communication and connection establishment occur frequently.
  4. Codes 1013 , 1014 And 1015 . They appear when you try to update the iOS version on an iPhone to an older one, or roll back the firmware to previous versions. According to the policy Apple, return to old version system is only possible during the first 2 weeks after the update. After this, you will not be able to roll back the system using permitted methods.

If all of the above situations cannot be the cause of the problem, you should move on to the next step - fixing problems with the Lockdown directory.

Solving errors 0xe8000015 (0xe8000003) via Lockdown

The Lockdown directory is created after iTunes installations, the first time you connect iPhone to your computer. The contents of the directory files give Windows right modify, record, synchronize and otherwise interact with files on the device. Third party firmware, jailbreak and hacked software significantly increase the chance of problems with Lockdown.

The directory may have different locations and other differences depending on the version operating system Windows. Therefore, instructions for fixing errors are slightly different for popular versions of this OS.

If the contents of the directory are damaged and error 0xe8000015 appears, you need to reset (delete) the directory:

  1. Close iTunes completely.
  2. Disconnect your iPhone or other iOS device from your computer.
  3. Open dispatcher Windows tasks(key combination Ctrl+Alt+Del).
  4. Go to the "Processes" tab.
  5. Terminate all running processes from the list: AppleMobileDeviceService.exe, APSDaemon.exe, distnoted.exe, iPodService.exe, iTunesHelper.exe, mDNSResponder.exe.

If iTunes is closed, all 6 processes should exit without issue. You need to click on each process right click mouse and select “End process”. The further sequence of actions depends on which version of Windows OS is used on the computer.

Instructions for Windows 10, 8, 7 and Vista:

  1. Click "Start".
  2. Enter %ProgramData% in the search bar.
  3. Press "Enter".
  4. In the search results, find and open the Apple folder.
  5. Find Lockdown folder.
  6. Right-click on it and select context menu"Delete" item.

IN Windows XP this catalog is located at a different address and the process for deleting it is different:

  1. Click the “Start” button.
  2. Select "Run".
  3. In the window that appears, enter %AllUsersProfile% and click "OK".
  4. In the search results, find and open the Application Data folder (it may be hidden and read-only, in this case you need to select the “Display” hidden files and folders" in Explorer).
  5. Find and open the Apple folder.
  6. Find the Lockdown folder and right-click on it.
  7. Select the “Delete” item in the context menu that appears.

If everything is done correctly, the directory will be deleted from the computer. After this you need to do the following:

  1. Relaunch iTunes.
  2. Connect your iPhone (or other iOS device) to your PC.
  3. A window will appear with the text “Do you want to allow this computer to access information on?” — you need to click the “Continue” button.
  4. After this, a window will appear on the iOS device, where you also need to allow access.

If the problem was caused by the LockDown directory, then it is guaranteed to be resolved using the instructions above. Otherwise, you are left to check why else iTunes is unable to connect to this iPhone.

Problems with USB connection

Problems with the USB connection also have unique error codes. From them you can understand which component of the connection failed. On Windows screen There is an error connecting to the iPhone, a message about unknown error and its code.

USB connection failure codes: 13, 14, 1601-1609, 2001-2011, 4005, 4013

The problem is almost guaranteed to be connection related if the system issues the following warnings:

  • iPhone timed out waiting for a response.
  • The device cannot run faster.
  • An unknown error occurred during synchronization.

In case of errors 13 And 14 The cable may need to be replaced. This often solves the problem if you try iPhone connections A cheap Chinese cable is used to the computer instead of the original one.

There are a few exceptions:

  • Code 13 often appears when trying to install from Windows environment beta versions of iOS.
  • Code 14 may appear when iTunes conflicts with antivirus software.

In this case, you should make sure that software Apple is not blocked antivirus programs and Windows firewall.

Exceptions and non-standard solutions

If reinstalling iTunes and the directory does not help, you should remove all programs that work with iTunes:

  1. Apple Application Support
  2. Apple Mobile Device Support
  3. Apple Software Update
  4. Bonjour
  5. QuickTime

After this, it makes sense to use CCleaner to clean the registry. This can be done manually:

  1. Click “Start”, “Run”.
  2. Enter regedit in the field that appears.
  3. In the registry editor that opens, enter the names of programs and delete the results found.

It is advisable to carry out such actions with sufficient experience Windows operation and more than superficial knowledge of the operating system. Removal extra entries registry can lead to numerous new errors.

You can also go into your iPhone or other iOS device and check the remaining free place: Sometimes errors occur when there is less than 1 GB of memory left on the device. To do this, go to “Settings”, “General”, “Available”. It may take some time for the system to show the used and remaining space.

Whether you use your iOS, Mac or Windows device to connect to one of the stores digital content Apple, you may be experiencing "Unable to connect to" errors. iTunes Store" or "Can't connect to the App Store." This can happen at any time, even the most inconvenient moment, when you try to use the App Store, iBooks store, and even iTunes.

Can't connect to iTunes or App Store on iOS: what to do

If you are having trouble connecting to the App Store, or any of Apple's other online digital content stores through any of your iOS devices, be it an iPhone, iPod or iPad. There could be many reasons why this happens. Sometimes this can be a problem with wireless network, Internet cable is disconnected, or it is because the drivers are not updated. You can follow the following steps to help resolve these issues.

Check date and time settings

If the date and time on the device are turned off, Apple's digital content stores obviously won't like it. To check your date and time settings, you need to do the following:

Make sure you have the latest version of iOS installed on your system

Another thing you can check is to make sure that your iOS version updated. To do this, check for updates; this can be done by following the instructions below.

Make sure you have a good data connection

If you are using Wi-Fi, make sure you are connected to the right network Wi-Fi by going to “Settings” and opening the “Wi-Fi” item, and whether your signal is strong enough.

Checking Wi-Fi settings connections

If you use cellular communication, check if you have data cellular network, configured in Settings > Cellular, and make sure your signal is strong enough for a decent network connection. You should use LTE if possible as it usually has better speed data transmission.

Enable the use of Cellular

Disabling active VPNs

If you are using a VPN that can block Apple digital content storage, then you should immediately disable the VPN from Settings > VPN to see if you can connect or not. If everything works after disabling your VPN, then the VPN was your problem all along.

Turn off VPN

Do other devices on the same network have the same problem?

You can check if the problem is just with your device or if it's a problem with Apple servers by checking another iOS device or another Mac or PC to see if those computers are also having connectivity issues. If the problem occurs on all devices, then it is likely that Apple's servers are experiencing an outage and you should try again later.

Make sure there are no problems with your router.

You should never rule out what's wrong with your wireless router may have problems. If you are seeing endless error messages, you can also try resetting your router and thus resetting your internet connection and this may solve the problem.

Can't connect to iTunes or App Store on Mac

As on iOS devices, at using Mac The App Store, iBooks Store, or iTunes Store may experience similar connection issues. Here are a few steps you can take to fix connection problems on your Mac.

Make sure your software is up to date

Apple's OS X operating system uses two key applications to connect to the web, namely, online digital content stores - Safari and iTunes. If you are using outdated version these software products, Apple may block their connection to digital content storage sites from a security perspective.

You can make sure both are up to date by running Mac App Store and open the Updates tab, then install updates if necessary.

Go to the “Updates” tab

Make sure your firewall isn't blocking Apple's digital content stores

Mac users have access to firewall settings, but only for incoming connections. Third-party firewall software such as LittleSnitch will allow you to block outgoing connections. Make sure your incoming and outgoing connections allow you to use the Mac App Store, iBooks, and iTunes.

To check the OS X Firewall's incoming connections, you can launch the System preferences application from the menu in the Menu Bar, then click the Security & Privacy panel and open the Firewall tab. Here you can unlock the firewall settings and click the "Firewall Options" button to configure the allowed and disabled settings.

Unlocking firewall settings

Make sure VPNs aren't blocking access

As with iOS, you can check to see if your Mac is connected to a VPN, which may be restricting access. Generally, VPN software is accessed from the menu bar when it is in use.

Checking if the Mac is connected to the VPN

Resetting your router or modem

Because the Mac computers can use wireless or wired connection Internet connection, you can try resetting your wireless or wired router, this may fix the problem.

Sometimes problems with your router may be the cause of iTunes Store and App Store connection errors.

Check Apple Server Status

To find out if the problem is with Apple's servers and not the Mac, visit the System Status web page and it will alert you to any outages Apple systems. If all the items are marked green, then the problem is most likely related to your computer and not to the servers.

Can't connect to iTunes or App Store on Windows

If you are having trouble connecting to the iTunes Store on your Windows PC, you can follow some of the following steps and hopefully this will resolve your issue:

Make sure iTunes is up to date

Since Apple is quite strict about timely update software, the problem may be due to unsupported iTunes version. Make sure you have it installed on your computer latest version iTunes.

Check your network settings

Your network connection may be the reason you are unable to connect. Try to make sure you are connected to the correct Wi-Fi network or check if your router is working. You can reset your router if necessary.

Make sure your proxy or VPN isn't causing problems for you

As mentioned in the iOS and Mac troubleshooting steps above, VPN servers and proxy servers can cause problems connecting to certain servers. Try disabling them and try connecting to the iTunes Store again.

Check your antivirus software

Some antivirus software may flag iTunes as a third-party unsafe program, and may block its Internet access privileges. Since antivirus software is common on Windows, this is a great place to check.

Check Apple Server Status

Just like Mac users, Windows users can visit the Apple Server Status web page to see if any of its services are going down when they try to connect.

iTunes and App Store connection errors can occur at the most awkward moment when you are trying to download new game or update the application, it always causes pain and agony. Fortunately, this problem is completely solvable; there are many ways to find the cause of its occurrence and effectively eliminate it.