Installing ImageCMS on hosting. Step-by-step instructions for installing CMS on hosting Imagecms corporate installation on hosting

For most CMSs, the installation process looks almost identical with a few exceptions, so I decided to create for you universal instructions on how to install a CMS on hosting.

The first thing you should do is download the CMS files to your computer and also get it, but since you are interested in installing a CMS, you have probably already done this.

First step.
First, you must create a domain in your hosting control panel. I would like to say right away that I have ISPmanager installed on mine, so I will show everything using its example. By the way, if you still haven’t decided on hosting, I advise you to use the services of Inferno Solutions. So, back to business - creating a domain.

Second step.
You must now specify the DNS servers for your domain in your registrar account. You can get information about them from your hoster.

Third step.
Since most modern CMSs use a MySQL database, you will need to create one in your hosting control panel. In ISPManager, to do this, go to the “Databases” item and click the “Create” button at the top right, then fill in the data in the window that appears. The database name can be absolutely anything in Latin, the encoding depends on the CMS being installed, this information can be found on its official website, the username and password can also be anything at your discretion. Be sure to remember, or better yet, write down the database name, username and password - this data will be useful to you.

Fourth step.
Actually, it was possible to start my instructions with this step, since all the previous steps were only introductory. Now you need to transfer the CMS files to the server. To do this, you can use the standard capabilities of ISPmanager. Go to the “File Manager” item and upload the archive with files to the root of your site. To do this, in the file manager you need to go to approximately the following path /var/www/user/data/www/, naturally, instead of “user” and “” you will have other values. Then click on the “Upload” button at the top right.

Next, you should click on the “Extract” button, then select the archive and click on the “Delete” button. Now you will most likely have to move all files one level higher. The fact is that most often CMS files and folders are located in one common folder inside the archive. You need to go to this folder in the File Manager, select all the files and folders inside it, click on the “Cut” button at the top right, go one level higher, click on the “Paste” button and then delete this very folder.

Also, CMS files and folders can be transferred via, using, for example, the FileZilla client. To do this, launch the client, fill in the host, username and password fields, go to the root folder of your site in the right screen of the client, select CMS files and folders in the left screen, right-click and then “Upload to server”, then wait for completion download process.

Fifth step.
Now you need to enter something like this in your browser's address bar:

Naturally, instead of “” enter the address of your site, and after the “/” symbol what your CMS requires for installation. I have given examples of the most common options.

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Good day, dear readers of my blog. How difficult it is in Russia to comprehend something new and unfamiliar. While you are a beginner, many people hide important information from you and ultimately you have to pay for missing some basic points.

Nobody likes to part with money, and when these expenses are not planned, you feel like a complete loser.

It’s especially disappointing when you’ve already made a decision for yourself, have been working towards it for a long time, and in the end you’ll be disappointed. Unfortunately, this is how advertising works. You buy a car second-hand, and in the end it turns out that something doesn’t work in it. Additional expenses are very frustrating.

In this article I will try to prepare you for life on the Internet. You will learn how to install CMS on hosting. I will reveal some of the secrets of providers and prepare you for unexpected expenses that advertisers may hide from you.


Today we will work with you with hosting HandyHost . The guys from this company found me themselves and offered great conditions for my readers. By following this affiliate link, you will receive a 180-day free trial period as a gift.

Of course, it's nice, but I remain objective. I was interested to check how the link works and how useful this proposal is.

Choose your partner wisely. Look for pitfalls and try to clarify information about possibly paid offers. It will be extremely unpleasant if after some time you cannot use the services of the hoster you like.

You can always move the site to another location. Don't forget this. Subscribe to the newsletter and find out only reliable information. Until next time.

ImageCMS is a content management system, usually a website. ImageCMS was created as a Web 3.0 content management system. The system itself is absolutely free. The basic version of ImageCMS for websites is called ImageCMS Corporate.

Two commercial (paid) products for creating online stores have been created on the basis of ImageCMS. One ImageCMS Shop Pro, the second ImageCMS Shop Premium.

ImageCMS Shop Pro

ImageCMS Shop Pro is an ImageCMS content management system filled with basic functionality for a powerful online store. The cost of the store including the license is $350. The kit includes a basic set of functionality for the store, “everything like everyone else.”

ImageCMS Shop Premium

This system is further expanded. It includes maximum functionality for the store, plus comprehensive support from the developer. Its cost is $600.

Developer link

For details about commercial versions, etc. It’s better to visit the developer’s website (transition). And here, to get acquainted with the basic system, let’s install ImageCMS on the hosting server.

Download the system from the developer’s website. It's called ImageCMS Corporate. The Zip archive of the system is called imagecms_corporate_4.5. The last numbers are the latest version of ImageCMS.

After downloading, the archive needs to be unpacked, and you can proceed to preparing your hosting for installing ImageCMS.

System requirements for installing ImageCMS

First of all, for the system to work, your server must have the following installed:

  • PHP 5.3.4 and higher;
  • MySQL 5.1 and higher;
  • Support for .htaccess files;
  • Disk space - from 25 MB (ImageCMS Corporate), from 80 MB (ImageCMS Shop Premium);
  • Important! On your PHP, the json, mbstring, curl, iconv, gd, zlib modules must be enabled (installed). As a rule, on normal hosting all these modules should be enabled. These requirements are more important for local servers.

ImageCMS must have a separate domain (a subdomain is possible) and you need to create a separate database. The database must have a name, password, and user. You should know them.

In general, that's all! You don't need to do anything else on your hosting.. Let me remind you that I am talking about installing on virtual hosting, and not on a local server.

Installing ImageCMS on the hosting server

Trying to install ImageCMS on the hosting server, I realized only one thing. The documentation on the official website of the developer needs to be read line by line (a lot of confusing “water”). In general, it’s better not to read the forum. And you need to install ImageCMS in the same way as a completely ready-made CMS, without expecting any tricks or pitfalls.

Unpack the downloaded archive ImageCMS Corporate on your computer;

Via FTP (for example File Zilla) upload all folders and CMS files to the root folder of your website (store);

Go to browser. Open http://your_domain in your browser. The first page of the installer will immediately open.

In the second step you should have all the advantages. If this is not the case, change the CHMOD of the folders specified in the list. In the release, all rights are set correctly; rights can only be changed due to hosting.

At the third installation step, we enter the data of the previously created database.

At this step, you will notice the “Installing demo data” checkbox. To get acquainted, provide demo data. This is a nice little site about robots. It will allow you to “live” get acquainted with the work of the site. I liked it, everything is clear and understandable (photo below). The password in the photo is incorrect. Password length must be longer than 4 characters.

That's it, the installation of ImageCMS Corporate is complete.

Let's get acquainted with the administrative panel and the site itself.

Administrative panel ImageCMS Corporate

Let's get acquainted with the site itself, the photo gallery and individual photos that open in modal windows.

The display of galleries and individual photos in a modal window is done very well.

I was very pleased with the built-in SEO block. You don't need to think and look for SEF extensions for this CMS. Website URLs are perfectly converted into SEF understandable addresses, in a transliterated translation that is understandable for search engines.

Very good loading speed of the demo site.

Results, warnings and my conclusions

If, for some reason, you install ImageCMS Corporate in a specially made directory in the root folder, and not in the root itself, then for a successful installation you need to be well versed in the formation of the .htaccess file.

I don’t even know what else to warn about. If your hosting meets all the above requirements and all the necessary php modules are enabled, the installation of ImageCMS on the hosting server should go without any “surprises”.

Speaking about the general impression, I want to note that the admin is very good, easy to manage. panel for “dummies”, you don’t need to “finish” anything, moreover, all the modules are already in the “basket”. Of course, I didn’t try the store, but the first impression shows that the store will be full of functionality.

That's all! Installation of ImageCMS Corporate on your hosting is complete. The developers recommend Denver as a local server.

When uploading files to the server, you need to use binary data transfer mode. In FileZilla it is installed as follows: Menu -> Transfer -> Transfer Mode -> Binary.

To edit files, use the free text editor Notepad++, you can download it from When creating and editing files, use UTF-8 encoding without BOM. Install this editor before installing the CMS.

CMS installation procedure:

You can upload the archive to the hosting server using an FTP client and unzip it using the file manager of the hosting control panel. It is recommended to use this method.

Upload the archive to the server.

Extract the archive files.

If the hosting does not provide a file manager, then you can upload files using an ftp client of an already unzipped CMS.

Upload CMS files to the server.

2. Configure the CMS to work with the database. To do this, in the file "/config/db_config.php" you need to enter the data for connecting to the MySQL hosting database. To do this, we first create a database in the hosting server in the site’s control panel, if the database has not yet been created. And we remember or record the data: database server (usually localhost, but there may be another value), username, user password and database name. We write all this data in the file “/config/db_config.php” already mentioned above. This file also contains the prefix for the database tables. If you don’t know why it is needed, then leave it as it is.

Find the file "/config/db_config.php" on the server and edit it.

We enter the required values.

3. Create tables in the database and record the initial data. To do this, write http://your_site/install/ in the address bar of your browser and follow the instructions. Remember your login and password, they will be needed for authorization on the site and in the control panel.

Run the installation script.

4. Set access rights to “777” for the required folders. The list of folders is specified in the “readme.html” file of the CMS archive. Folders may differ for different CMS versions. The easiest way to do this is to use an FTP client.

We set access rights to “777” for the required folders.

5. The script is installed, now you need to configure the CMS in the control panel. To do this, type http://your_site/dans/mstart.php in the address bar of the browser and enter the login and password that you remembered earlier (at the 3rd stage) in the form. Select Settings from the menu.

Login to the control panel.

Select Settings from the menu and edit the parameters at your discretion.

All! CMS installation is complete!

Greetings, dear blog readers! Last time I told you a little about the website engine called ImageCMS. Well, today we will begin to study its free assembly in more detail - ImageCMS Corporate. And we will begin our study by installing it on a local server (installation on a server is, in principle, no different), in order to get to know the ImageCMS Corporate system better and at the same time experiment with it, and then transfer the finished and configured project to hosting.

PS: I will immediately do the project in Denver and hosting at the same time, because... I have already purchased a domain. You can follow the progress of the promotion at:, this is the site I will create on ImageCMS Corporate and upon completion of its creation, it will become an example of the work done!

Preparing Denwer - for installing ImageCMS

After you have installed Denver, you need to additionally download and install the extension package for Php5, you can download it from here: Well, after successfully installing the extensions, you need to open the file php.ini, it is usually located at: /usr/local/php5/php.ini and uncomment (remove the sign in front of them ; ) the following lines:




I hope that you don’t have any problems with this and you can move on to installing the engine itself. If something didn’t work out for anyone, write in the comments, I will definitely help.

Installing ImageCMS Corporate in Denver

And so we have Denver and extensions installed, now we need to download the assembly itself - ImageCMS Corporate, this can be done on the developers’ official website, at:

After this, in the Denver installation directory, in the home folder, you need to create a subfolder with the name of the site (domain), let this be the folder imagecms, then in the folder home/imagecms create a folder www and upload all the ImageCMS assembly files there.

After which you need to start Denver (if you don’t already have it running), follow the link: http://localhost/Tools/phpmyadmin and create a database (I'll call it imagecmsс) with encoding " utf8_general_ci»:

Now we need to restart Denver. And after it restarts, open the browser and follow the link http://imagecms/install The installation will begin, where the first step will be to accept the license:

Accept the license, after which the installer will check the compliance of the server parameters and if everything is fine, you will see the following picture:

By default, after creating a database in Denver, its host will be: localhost, Username root, Password is empty, and the database name is the one you specified during creation, and in the administrator data you indicate a working email and any password. And press the button Next.

After which, a page will open informing you that the installation has been successfully completed; there are also 2 links on this page: the first is for logging into the site’s front page and the second is to its main page:

Remember that the ImageCMS admin panel is available at: http://site_name/admin

Now let's see what our main page looks like with demo data:

Not bad really)

Let's also take a look at the admin panel:

To be honest, I like everything - comfortable, spacious and functional.

We will get acquainted with the admin panel of a site on ImageCMS in more detail in the following article: review of the administrative panel of ImageCMS Corporate. Well, that’s probably all for today!