Installing and configuring a mail server. Server settings you need to check with your email service provider How to properly configure your email server

E-mail is a service that allows you to exchange electronic messages via a computer network.

The main feature of email is that information is not sent directly to the recipient, but through an intermediate link - an electronic mailbox, which is a place on a server where the message is stored until requested by the recipient.

A mail server is a computer program, designed to organize the exchange of e-mail between computers. Its main functions are receiving letters from clients and delivering them to recipients. Clients can be both users (using an email client program) and other mail servers.

Users, using a mail client program (Outlook Express, Thunderbird, etc.), can create letters, send them to the server and retrieve mail from their mailboxes on the server.

Communication between the server and the client occurs using special mail protocols - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) - when sending letters to the server and Post Office Protocol v.3 (POP3) - when receiving letters from the mailbox. Clients connect to the server through certain ports. For SMTP the standard port is 25, for POP3 it is port 110.

There are various mail servers. As an example, let's look at installing and configuring a mail server Courier Mail Server.

Courier Mail Server is a Windows mail server (email server) for local networks. It will help you quickly organize the exchange of e-mail on your local network and on the Internet. Courier Mail Server does not require installation on the system. It is enough to download the archive with the program and unpack it to any folder on the hard drive of the computer that will work as a mail server.

You can download the free version of Courier Mail Server 1.56 from the website A more functional Courier Mail Server 2.05, but already a paid version (1650 rubles for 10 mailboxes, the demo version is limited to only 3 mailboxes), can be found on the website

In this example we will configure and use the free version of Courier Mail Server 1.56.

Advantages of Courier Mail Server 1.56:

  • free
  • easy to install and remove
  • compactness
  • ease of administration
  • low consumption of system resources
  • multithreading
  • convenient graphical shell
  • Russian-language interface and documentation
  • support for an unlimited number of mailboxes

The program runs under Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP. Setting up the program is quite simple and accessible to the average user.

Note: In the example, all computers on the network are running Windows XP. All computers on the network are the same (there are no dedicated server computers). The teacher's computer is named server, the students' computers are pc01, pc02, etc. All software discussed in this section is installed in the C:\MyServers\usr\local\ folder. If your computers have different names (and this is most likely the case :)), then take this into account when setting up the software. You can also select a friend folder to install the program.

The CMS comes as a zip archive containing an executable file and documentation. To install the server, create a folder in which it will function, extract the files from the archive into this folder and run the application CourierMS.exe.

When the server is launched for the first time, it will automatically create the subfolders and files necessary for its operation inside its folder. The server does not make any changes outside its folder. The Windows registry changes only when registered as a service.

Courier Mail Server can run as a standard application or as a Windows service. To run as a Windows service, start the CMS and in the Settings menu, select Start as a service. This will register the Courier Mail Server service in the system.

If the startup occurs normally, the main server window will appear on the screen, and its icon will appear in the System Tray next to the clock .

If messages about starting SMTP and POP3 servers appear in the main window and there are no error messages, you can start setting up the server.

The next stage of setting up the mail server comes down to entering local domains. To do this, double-click on the word “domain” and a tab will open to configure it. Enter computer name, where the mail server will operate. In our example this is server. If you have a computer name, for example, pc11, then enter this name.

Any server program involves entering users who will be served by it. Double click on "accounts" and the account editor will open. The account editor is designed to maintain a list of local users (accounts) of the server. When you create an account, a corresponding mailbox folder is also created. When you delete an account, the mailbox folder is automatically deleted along with all its contents. When the server is started for the first time, a postmaster account is automatically created .

Create the required number of accounts for your users. It is enough to create one for each computer of the student and the teacher, although you can create a separate account for each student.

Each account has the following parameters:

Real name: mailbox owner's name.

Mailbox name: mailbox name. It is also the username when connecting to the server. Do not use Russian letters or special characters in the mailbox name, because... Some email programs do not work with them correctly. If the mailbox name PC 01, local domain server, then the email address of this user PC 01@server.

Password: password for connecting to the server.

We will not change other parameters.

We have 11 computers in our classroom (including the teacher's computer), so we created 11 accounts.

You can restrict access to the mail server using an IP filter. Specify the range of IP addresses to which access is allowed. For us it is (Read about IP addresses and their configuration in other articles of this). At your school, this range may be different, for example, the one that was given to you by your Internet provider (well, that’s another article).

All! The mail server can be used. You can read about setting up and using other features of the program in the help (in Russian!).

You may ask: “how to use it? How to send and receive letters?” The answer is simple. We will send and receive letters using a program - an email client (Outlook Express, Thunderbird, etc.). And how to do this, read the following article: "".

You can work with letters not only through the Yandex.Mail web interface, but also using various email programs installed on your computer.

Configure the program using the IMAP protocol

When using the IMAP protocol, the mail program synchronizes with the server and preserves the folder structure of your mailbox. The letters you send through your email program will be stored not only on your computer, but also on the server, and you will be able to access them from various devices.

Before setting up your email program, enable the IMAP protocol:

To configure an email program using the IMAP protocol, you must specify the following information:

Incoming mail

    connection security - SSL;

    port - 993.

Outgoing mail

    connection security - SSL;

    port - 465.

. ru »

IMAP protocol support will be enabled automatically the first time you log in to your email program.

When using the POP3 protocol, all letters from the folders that you specify in the menu Settings → Mail programs, will be saved by the email program to your computer in the Inbox folder. If necessary, you can set up filters in your email program to automatically move emails to the desired folders. Emails you send will only be stored on your computer.

Note. When downloading emails from a server using the POP3 protocol, Yandex.Mail automatically saves copies of emails on the server, but you can delete emails manually using the web interface. If you want to delete emails using an email program, use the IMAP protocol.

Before setting up your email program, enable the POP3 protocol:

To configure an email program using the POP3 protocol, you must specify the following information:

Incoming mail

    connection security - SSL;

    port - 995.

Outgoing mail

    mail server address -;

    connection security - SSL;

    port - 465.

To access the mail server, enter your Yandex username and password (or if you have enabled two-factor authentication). If you set up receiving mail from a mailbox like “login@yandex. ru », the login is the part of the address before the “@” sign. If you use, you must specify the full mailbox address as your login.

You can configure to receive emails via POP3 from any folder, including Spam. To do this, open the menu Settings → Mail programs and mark the required folders.

When mailbox contents are downloaded by email programs, emails are not marked as read by default. If you want to mark received emails as read, enable the appropriate option.

Problems with the mail program

This step-by-step guide will help you solve problems related to Yandex.Mail and your email program.

This step-by-step guide will help you solve problems related to Mail in Connect and your email program.

Select an issue:

What message did you receive?

Were you able to log in?

So the problem was that you did not accept the terms. They are accepted automatically when you first log in to the Yandex.Mail web interface.

Make sure that the protocol you want to use is enabled in the settings section.

Make sure that in the mail program settings you have accurately specified\n the following server parameters:\n \n \n

If you are using IMAP


    mail server address -;


    connection security - SSL;


    port - 993.


    mail server address -;


    connection security - SSL;


    port - 465.

\n \n \n \n\n

\n \n \n \n

If you are using POP3

\n \n \n Incoming mail \n \n


    mail server address -;


    connection security - SSL;


    port - 995.

\n \n \n \n Outgoing mail \n \n

    mail server address -;


    connection security - SSL;


    port - 465.

\n \n \n \n\n

\n \n \n \n\n

For more information on how to check server settings in different mail programs\n, see the section.

\n ")]))">

Make sure that in your mail program settings you have accurately specified the following server parameters:

If you are using IMAP

Incoming mail

    mail server address -;

    connection security - SSL;

    port - 993.

Outgoing mail

    mail server address -;

    connection security - SSL;

    port - 465.

If you are using POP3

Incoming mail

    mail server address -;

    connection security - SSL;

    port - 995.

Outgoing mail

    mail server address -;

    connection security - SSL;

    port - 465.

For more information on how to check server settings in different email programs, see the section Encrypting transmitted data.

If the "Authentication required" message appears, "Sender address rejected: Access denied" or “Send auth command first”, authorization on the Yandex SMTP server is disabled in the mail program settings. Make sure the option is enabled User Authentication(for Outlook Express) or SMTP Authentication(for The Bat!).

If you are a member of an organization and the problem occurs in all mailboxes in the domain, you need to log in to the web interface for each of them. It will not be possible to do this centrally, because each Mail user must accept the terms independently.

If a message appears "Sender address rejected: not owned by auth user", the address from which you are trying to send a letter does not match the one under whose login you are authorized on the SMTP server. Make sure that in the mail program settings, the return address is set to exactly the address from which the login is used in the SMTP authorization settings.

If you are a member of an organization and the problem occurs in all mailboxes in the domain, you need to log in to the web interface for each of them. It will not be possible to do this centrally, because each Mail user must accept the terms independently.

If a message appears "Login failure or POP3 disabled", the mail program cannot access the mailbox using the POP3 protocol. Make sure that the correct password for the mailbox is entered and that POP3 access is enabled in the settings section.

If you are a member of an organization and the problem occurs in all mailboxes in the domain, you need to log in to the web interface for each of them. It will not be possible to do this centrally, because each Mail user must accept the terms independently.

If a message appears "Message rejected under suspicion of SPAM", the contents of your email were recognized by Yandex.Mail as spam. To solve the problem, open Yandex.Mail and send any one letter as a test. This way you will prove to the system that the letters are not being sent by a robot.

Check your computer for viruses using free antivirus programs: CureIt! from Dr.Web and Virus Removal Tool from Kaspersky Lab.

    If you are using an antivirus program, firewall, or proxy server, disable them and see if this reproduces the problem.

    If you are a member of an organization and the problem occurs in all mailboxes in the domain, you need to log in to the web interface for each of them. It will not be possible to do this centrally, because each Mail user must accept the terms independently.

Read step-by-step instructions to find missing emails. Before starting work .

Select an issue:

When you delete messages, they go to the Deleted Items folder and are stored there for 30 days. During this period you can restore them:

    Go to the Deleted Items folder.

    Select the required letters.

    Click the To Folder button.

If more than a month has passed since they were deleted, it will not be possible to restore the letters - they have been permanently deleted from the Yandex.Mail servers.

If the letters are not in the folder where they should be, then most likely they ended up in another folder, for example in Deleted Items or Spam. If you remember the sender's name or address, part of the text of the letter or the subject, try searching for letters in all the folders in your mailbox.

Have you found the letters?

You can restore letters:

    Go to the folder in which the letters were found.

    Select the required letters.

    Click the To Folder button.

    Select from the list the folder where you want to move the letters - for example, Inbox.

Why emails disappear and how to avoid it

The Deleted emails folder is stored for 30 days, and the Spam folder for 10 days. After this, they will be permanently deleted from Yandex servers. Why can emails end up in these folders without your knowledge:

Another user has access to your mailbox

Emails can be deleted by a user who has access to your mailbox: perhaps you forgot to end your session after working on someone else's device. To end your session, click the link in your account menu Log out on all devices. This can also be done on the page - using the link Log out on all computers.

Letters disappear in the mail program

configure the program using the POP3 protocol

A rule has been configured that deletes or moves letters. Letters disappear in the mail program.

If you use a mail program and delete letters in it, they disappear on . This happens because your program is configured using the IMAP protocol - in this case, the mailbox structure on the service is synchronized with the mailbox structure in the program. To delete messages only in the program, but leave them in Yandex.Mail, you can configure the program using the POP3 protocol, but we recommend not doing this: the messages may not synchronize correctly with the server.

A rule has been configured that deletes or moves emails Indicate authentic ones in Yandex.Passport and link them to your account. Our security system may have found your account suspicious and blocked your mailbox. Most often, this happens due to the fact that the phone number is not attached to the box or the Passport contains a fictitious first and last name. It usually takes a couple of hours to remove the lock.

If you delete letters in your mail program, but they are still in their folders on the Yandex.Mail website, then most likely your mail program is configured using the POP3 protocol. Due to the peculiarities of the POP3 protocol, messages in the mail program may not synchronize correctly with the server. To work with Yandex.Mail, it is recommended to use the IMAP protocol. To learn how to migrate your email program from POP3 to IMAP, see Migration from POP3.

If your email program does not display sent emails, then most likely your email program is configured using the POP3 protocol. Due to the peculiarities of the POP3 protocol, messages in the mail program may not synchronize correctly with the server. To work with Yandex.Mail, it is recommended to use the IMAP protocol. To learn how to migrate your email program from POP3 to IMAP, see Migration from POP3.

If you receive errors about an incorrect certificate when activating SSL encryption in your email program, make sure that your email program and operating system are configured correctly:

Manually add a certificate to the list of trusted certificates (Windows)

Attention. If you are not sure that you can install the certificate yourself, contact a specialist.

To add a certificate to the list of trusted certificates:

    Download the certificate. (If the linked file opens directly in your browser, click CTRL + S and save the file to your computer; there is no need to copy text from the file.)

    Open the Start menu.

    In the search box, type certmgr.msc and press Enter.

    In the program window, in the folder tree, click on the folder Trusted Root Certification Authorities.

    In the right part of the window, right-click on Certificates and select All tasks → Import.

Today, when any user can create as many free mailboxes as he wants without any problems, simply by registering an account on various services such as or Yandex and the like, such a question as setting up a mail server does not bother too many users. However, in some cases there are times when it is useful to know some aspects of this issue.

When might this be needed? Situations in which basic knowledge of setting up mail is required by the average user do not arise so often. However, each of them can occur at any time.

Situation one: the user decided to switch from a browser-based email client to a separate program. Such clients are preferable in many respects. They allow you to combine an email program with a notebook and organizer. These programs also make it possible to administer messages and manage your address book more flexibly.

Situation two: an unexpected failure occurred in the email client, and all settings were lost. Then you just need to install a mail server. Usually, setting it up does not require much effort and time, but otherwise you can be left without mail for quite a long time. Free mailboxes can be destroyed by the administration without explanation. Moreover, such a box will look completely undignified in the eyes of business partners. Therefore, you will have to create a dedicated mailbox on the server. If your provider offers to use a separate mailbox, then why not take advantage of this offer.

How to set up a Windows mail server

Basic email parameters, such as DNS, IP data and similar information, are issued directly by the Internet provider. To start using mail clients of the Windows operating system, you must either download the client corresponding to your operating system, or use the help of built-in client programs. First you will need to create a new account. In this case, as a rule, you are asked to enter its name, come up with a login and password to enter. You may need to enable support for Windows email services using the Uninstall/Add Programs panel in the E-mail Services component installation section. Next, you will need to start the POP3 Service and specify a new mail domain. You can obtain a more precise domain from your Internet provider. To create a new mailbox, you will need to come up with a username and password. In the SMTP settings parameters, you will need to specify the port number 25. For the POP3 server, you must set the value to 110. If the provider gives you other parameters, you will need to enter them. If the email client you are using does not require entering a port number, you must leave only the address issued by the provider in the “Server for incoming messages” items. This can be either POP3 or IMAP. You also need to set the "Name for Outgoing Message Server", which is usually SMTP. Fine-tuning the mail server in the Windows operating system will largely depend on the mail application used, but the principle of its operation will remain the same. The only difference is in some menu items and graphical interface options.

Switching from free email to a dedicated client

In some cases, it is necessary to remain on a free email service, but at the same time use a separate application as a client. This can be illustrated by the example of setting up mail for the Yandex service. Then the mail server will be configured with the following parameters:

  1. IMAP protocol settings for incoming correspondence: server address –; you must specify SSL in the connection security settings; the port number is 993.
  2. To configure outgoing messages via the IMAP protocol: you must specify as the server address; you must specify SSL in the security settings for the connection; The port number is set to 465.
  3. POP3 protocol for sent messages: you must specify as the server address; as a security parameter for the connection used – SSL; port number is 995.
  4. For outgoing messages sent via the POP3 protocol: you must specify as the server address; SSL is specified in the security parameters of the connection used; the port number is set to 465. As a username, address and password, you must set already existing addresses and passwords from mail on Yandex. However, these parameters will look like this: the full email address in the format with the @ sign, like [email protected]. For the IMAP server, is specified; for the SMTP server, is specified. The full email address from the existing mail is used as the username. The email password used is used as the password. The port number for IMAP is 993, for POP3 – 995, for SMTP – 465. You must indicate that you want to authorize the server of sent letters. In the authentication settings, you need to set a simple password without encryption. The settings are specified almost the same as in the case of Yandex, only with the addition of the mail prefix. For other free servers you need to set the same parameters, only with the appropriate prefixes.

As you can guess, there is nothing complicated about setting up a mail server. Even a novice PC user can easily cope with this task. You can be sure that even in the event of a critical failure, you will not be left without mail. But raising your own mail servers using Linux, SQL and Apache tools requires more in-depth knowledge in the field of information technology.

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Topic: How to set up a mail server

Examples of how to set up an SMTP server for Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL accounts

Instructions for setting up an SMTP server

Enter your email address in the Email address field.
Enter the name of the outgoing mail server in the Server field.
Specify the port.
Enter your account name in the User field.
Enter your password in the Password field.
Activate the SSL option if the server requires a secure connection.
Gmail SMTP account settings

Port: 465
SSL: Option enabled
Note: Activate the "POP Download" or "IMAP Access" option in your Gmail account (Go to "Settings" -> "Forwarding and POP/IMAP").

Yahoo SMTP account settings

Port: 465
SSL: Option enabled
Note: activate the "Web & POP Access" option in your Yahoo account (Go to settings "Options" -> "Pop & Forwarding")

Hotmail SMTP account settings

Port: 587
SSL: Option enabled

AOL SMTP account settings

Port: 587
SSL: Option enabled

2 Reply by PunBB

  • From: Moscow, Sovkhoznay 3, apt. 98
  • Registered: 2014.07.08
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Let's start with the oldest mail service After going through a simple and clear registration procedure, you receive a mailbox in any of four domains of your choice (,,, The mailbox size is unlimited, initially equal to 10240 MB, as soon as your mailbox has less than 100 MB of free space, the volume can be increased by another 2 GB.
The maximum size of the letter you send should not exceed 30 Megabytes, the number of letter recipients should not exceed 30.
To configure a local email client using the POP3 protocol, use the following parameters:

Incoming message server POP3 server -; port 110 (without encryption) or 995 (with SSL encryption)
Outgoing mail server (SMTP server) -; port 25, 587 or 2525 (without encryption) and 465 (with SSL encryption)
Username (login) on the POP server and on the SMTP server is the full name of your mailbox, including login, the "@" dog icon and domain (for example, [email protected]);

The features of this service include the ability to use a non-standard SMTP port 2525 (in addition to the standard 25 and 587) in the settings to bypass the ban of some Internet providers on outgoing TCP connections on port 25 and, alas, the complete lack of support for the IMAP protocol.

after sending 120 letters, there were significant delays in mail delivery (up to 40 minutes), after sending 182 letters, error 553 began to occur (the server does not want to transmit mail), which disappeared after some time (from 5 minutes to an hour) and appeared again after sending letters. After 2 days, restrictions continued to apply. The picture did not change much even after sending responses to the initial mailing (no more than 5 letters per hour). It is not advisable to use the free mail service, like any other free mail services, for any serious mailing.

3 Reply by PunBB

  • From: Moscow, Sovkhoznay 3, apt. 98
  • Registered: 2014.07.08
  • Posts: 3,958
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Re: How to set up a mail server

In the Russian segment of the Internet, perhaps one of the most popular free email services is Yandex.Mail.
Immediately after registration, the volume of the mailbox is 10 gigabytes. As soon as there is less than 200 megabytes of free space left in it, the mailbox will automatically increase by 1 gigabyte, provided that the user regularly logs in and logs into the Yandex.Mail web interface using a browser.

It should be especially noted that for a newly created mailbox, you must first enable the use of POP3 and (or) IMAP protocols in the Yandex.Mail web interface before you start working with this mailbox in the mail client. This feature, unfortunately, is a very common reason for refusal to send or receive mail in an absolutely correctly configured email client! Be careful!

So, here are the basic parameters for setting up an email program using the POP3 protocol:

Incoming message server POP3 server -, port 110 (without encryption) or 995 (with SSL encryption)
Outgoing mail server (SMTP server) -; port 25 or 587 (without encryption) and 465 (with SSL encryption)
The username (login) on the POP server and on the SMTP server is, in this case, the first part of your email address to, for example, if you registered a mailbox [email protected], then “myname” should be specified as the user name (without “”)
In your account settings, you must indicate that the outgoing mail server (or SMTP server) requires authorization;
The basic settings for setting up an email program using the IMAP protocol are identical, with the exception of the incoming message server:

Incoming message server IMAP server -, port 143 (without encryption) or 993 (with SSL encryption);
The maximum message size is 30 Megabytes.

To the features of the service, you should add the so-called “one-time” addresses for your e-mail, which look like “your login + [email protected]”, for example, [email protected] or [email protected]. A message sent to this address will be sent to your mailbox. This feature can be useful in many cases where you don't want to share your real email address.
Another feature is mail aliases (pseudonyms) of your mailbox in the domains,,,,,

You can enable and configure this feature in your account settings on the Yandex.Mail web server. Subsequently, you will be able to receive letters to the aliases you have configured. For example, you created an alias (alias) [email protected] And [email protected]. Letters sent to these addresses will arrive in your mailbox. More detailed information on these features should be found in the corresponding section of the Yandex.Mail help system.

The service also does not declare restrictions on the frequency of sending. During the experiments, it turned out that after sending 90 letters, error 550 occurred; in fact, after that it was possible to send no more than 4 letters per hour. The delivery time for letters did not decrease.
After 2 days, restrictions also continued to apply. On the 3rd day, after generating return letters, the possible delivery speed to new addresses exceeded 80 letters per hour and remained this way for at least a day.

The parameters for setting up an email client using the POP3 protocol are as follows:

Incoming mail server (Incoming mail POP3 server) -, port 110 (without encryption) or 995 (with SSL encryption);
Outgoing mail SMTP server -, port 25 or 587 (without encryption or STARTTLS encryption) and 465 (with SSL encryption);

Username (login) on the POP server and on the SMTP server is the full name of your mailbox, including login, the "@" dog icon and domain (for example, [email protected]);
In your account settings, you must indicate that the outgoing mail server (or SMTP server) requires authorization;
The settings of the mail program using the IMAP protocol are identical, with the exception of the incoming message server:

Incoming message server IMAP server -, port 143 (STARTTLS encryption) or 993 (with SSL encryption);
Unencrypted IMAP connections are prohibited in this service. Features of the settings include the requirement for the contents of the “From:” field of the letter: the email address you specified in the mail client settings must match the username with which you log in to the SMTP server.

The size of files that can be attached to a letter is limited to 20 megabytes.

Today, when you can easily get any number of free mailboxes by simply registering an account on the services of Yandex, Mail.Ru and the like, such a question as setting up a mail server does not bother too many users.

However, there are also times when knowing at least some aspects of this issue will be useful.

When it is needed

There are not so many situations when basic knowledge of setting up mail is needed by the average user. And yet, any of them can happen at any time:

  • If it was decided to switch from browser-based to dedicated in a separate program. Indeed, in many respects, such clients are preferable: they allow you to combine an email program with an organizer, a notebook, and also more flexibly manage your address book and administer messages.
  • An unexpected failure occurred in the email client and all settings were lost. And then you just need to install a mail server. Setting it up usually does not require much time and effort, but otherwise you can be left without mail for quite a long time.
  • Free mailboxes can be destroyed by the administration, without explanation. And, frankly speaking, such a box looks undignified in the eyes of business partners. Therefore, you will have to create a dedicated one on the server.
  • If your provider offers a separate mailbox, then why not take advantage of this offer.

Setting up a Windows mail server

Basic email parameters, such as DNS, IP data and similar information, are issued directly by the provider.

To start using Windows OS, you will need to either download a client suitable for this operating system, or use the built-in clients. First you need to create a new account. As a rule, they are also asked to enter its name, come up with a password and login to log in.

You may need to enable support for Windows email services through the Uninstall/Add Programs panel in the E-mail Services component installation section.

To create a new mailbox, you will need to come up with a username and password.

In SMTP you must specify the port number 25, and for the POP3 server - 110. If the provider provides other parameters, you must enter them. In the case when the mail client you are using does not require entering a port number, you need to leave only the address issued by the provider in the “Server for incoming messages” (this can be either POP3 or IMAP) and “Name for the server for outgoing messages” ( usually SMTP only).

Fine-tuning the Windows mail server largely depends on the mail application used, but the principle of operation will be the same. The difference may be in the GUI options and menu options.

Switching from free email to a dedicated client

Sometimes you need to stay on the free version but use a separate application as a client. You can show this using the example of mail settings for the Yandex service. The mail server will then be configured with the following parameters.

1. IMAP settings for incoming messages:

  • mail server address:;
  • SSL should be specified in the security settings for the connection;
  • The port number is 993.

2. To configure outgoing messages via IMAP:

  • specify as the server address;
  • You must also set SSL in the connection security parameters;
  • The port number should be set to 465.

3. Regarding the POP3 protocol for sent messages:

  • specify as the server address;
  • SSL is specified as the security parameters of the connection used;
  • The port number is 995.

4. For outgoing messages sent via POP3:

  • is indicated as the mail server address;
  • in the security parameters for the connection used, SSL is again indicated;
  • The port number is set to 465.

As a username, as well as an address and password, you should set already existing addresses and passwords from mail on Yandex.

Setting up the Mail.Ru server

Sometimes you need to find out about the settings of the Mail.Ru mail server. In general, the setup looks exactly the same as described in the case of Yandex mail. But the parameters will look like this:

  • full email address (in @ format, e.g. [email protected]);
  • for the IMAP server, is specified;
  • for the SMTP server, specify;
  • the username is the full email address from an existing mail;
  • password is the mail password used;
  • IMAP: number 993 (for SSL/TLS protocols);
  • POP3: number 995 (for SSL/TLS protocols);
  • SMTP: number 465 (for SSL/TLS protocols);
  • you need to indicate that you want to authorize the server of sent letters, in the authentication parameters - a simple password, without encryption.

In general, the settings are exactly the same as in the case of Yandex, but only with the addition of the mail prefix. For other free servers, you should set the same parameters, but with the appropriate prefixes.

As you can see, in general there is nothing complicated in such a matter as setting up a mail server. Even a novice user can cope with this task. But you can be sure that even in the event of a critical failure you will not be left without mail.

The task of setting up your own mail servers using Linux tools, Apache, SQL and the like requires deeper knowledge in the field of information technology.