We install satellite meters. Instructions for setting up a workplace for receiving citizens

Dear customers, we will help you install the Sputnik meter. Since July 2017, this has been a mandatory requirement for websites of state and municipal authorities.

For our clients who have a support agreement, we install the Sputnik meter for free.

If you are not our client, then we will install a Sputnik meter for 1,500 rubles.

Here are the instructions. the fulfillment of which is necessary for us to install the counter

To install the meter, you need to register on the website https://cnt.sputnik.ru. After registering, you will receive an email about activating your account on the site; there will be a link that you need to follow, otherwise registration will not be completed.

Then you should send us access (login, password) to log into your account on the Sputnik website.

Only then will we be able to install the meter.


For correct operation Sputnik counter on your website:

  • you need to go to the website https://cnt.sputnik.ru/auth, log in (use the login and password that you previously sent to us).
  • Next, you need to fill out the organization’s application form (instructions are attached to the letter).

ATTENTIVELY! When filling out the form, be sure to put a link to your Internet reception in the “Links to citizen appeal forms” field (link like http://address of your site.rf/message/index.html), then click Check (the Internet reception of your site should open V separate window) and then Save. This is stated in the instructions.


If you encounter any difficulties when filling out the form, read the instructions at https://cnt.sputnik.ru/documents (in particular - Instructions for installing and configuring the citizen appeal counter)

| Instructions for setting up a workplace for receiving citizens

Instructions for installing and configuring the counter for citizen requests in the Sputnik system:

How to install the “Sputnik” counter on the uCoz website (as amended on July 26, 2017):

1. Find out the password that is required to enter the “site control panel” via the link http://your_site.ru/admin (for example:). Without this password, you will not be able to install the counter. If you have forgotten your control panel password, click next to “forgot your password” and try to recover it.

(function(d, t, p) ( var j = d.createElement(t); j.async = true; j.type = "text/javascript"; j.src = ("https:" == p ? " https:" : "http:") + "//stat.sputnik.ru/cnt.js"; var s = d.getElementsByTagName(t); s.parentNode.insertBefore(j, s); ))(document, "script", document.location.protocol);

3. The copied code must be pasted onto YOUR website in the control panel. To do this, you go to the site control panel (see paragraph 1 of these instructions). In the control panel, at the top, you need to find the “Design” tab. In this tab, click on “Design management (templates)”. Next, in the list in the center, find the line highlighted in red with the name “First Container” (if there is none, use either “Second Container” or “Bottom of the Site”) and click on it. You will be taken to the site CODE editing mode. From this moment on, you must be MAXIMUM CAREFUL and do not accidentally remove or install odd space, letter, symbol, etc. (We recommend that before editing the code, copy all this code to Text Document and save it on your computer in case something goes wrong). Scroll to the bottom of the page for the code content. At the very bottom, find the last line (each line is numbered "1,2,3...888" and placing the cursor at the end last line Press "Enter" (on your keyboard so that you move to a new empty line. You can press it several times to make the indentation more distinct. After that, paste the copied code from step 2 of this instruction into the empty line.

4. Click the "Save" button. Ready! You have installed the counter code on your site. In order for it to work, you need to register and create your account on the Sputnik website. To do this, follow the link https://cnt.sputnik.ru/registration and fill out all the required fields. After clicking the "Register" button, an email will be sent to your specified email with a link that you must follow to complete the registration. Follow this link. You will then be taken to a page where you are asked to “Add a site.” Click add site (or follow this link https://cnt.sputnik.ru/counterlist/action/counter). Enter the address of your site and click add. Your site has been added, but now you need to confirm the rights to your site.

5. Confirmation of rights to the domain (Site). Follow the link https://cnt.sputnik.ru/counterlist Find your website. On the right side of it, find the inscription “Waiting for confirmation of rights to the domain. How to confirm rights to administer the site?”. Click on it. On the page that opens, find a dark window with a code. Copy this code and paste it into your website after the counter code that you installed in step 3. these instructions and save the changes to your site. After this, return to the “dark window with the code” and click the “Confirm rights” button. After verification, you should see a "Permissions Confirmed" message. This means you have successfully installed the counter on your website.

6. Check the availability of the counter on your website. Go to home page your site and check on the left or right side of the site at the very bottom for a blue button. If it is, the counter is installed. After some time, he will begin to keep records of site visits/citizens’ access to the site.

Search engine "Sputnik"

The Sputnik company, which develops Internet services within the structure of the telecom operator Rostelecom, presented a beta version of its web statistics service, the company said in a statement. You can use the service after installing the meter code on a site or group of sites with its code and registering on cnt.sputnik.ru.

The service developers guarantee security. The collected data is processed and stored in Russia in Rostelecom data centers and is not used by any internal or third party services analytics or for targeted online advertising, the release said. This is important because web statistics counters are potentially dangerous: to collect and process data, they upload code from their server to the site, and “if desired,” they can gain unauthorized and virtually unlimited access to other people’s resources, for more details, see the article by the Director of the Analytical Services Department “ Sputnik" by Leonid Filatov "".

In May last year, a member of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption Ilya Kostunov sent letters to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika, the head of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov and the Minister of Economic Development Alexey Ulyukaev with a request to check the security of citizens’ personal data from unauthorized collection through Internet counters, and also to prohibit the use on state websites of meters from companies from countries unfriendly to Russia.

The Sputnik counter has a number of functional features, distinguishing it from competitors - in particular, from Google Analytics and “Yandex.Metrics”. Ruslan Kurepin, head of development of the Sputnik counter, told the site about the principles underlying the design of the service:

  • reporting data is generated in real time (this is an important advantage - many popular meters usually have a delay in providing data, updating discretely during the day or at the border of the day);
  • the Sputnik counter begins collecting statistics immediately after installation on the site, regardless of the time of registration, which can be completed later when access to data is required;
  • Sputnik’s counter analyzes user behavior in order to identify an “engaged” audience, to separate it from robots and random visitors - the algorithm was tested earlier together with Roskomnadzor (for taking into account when determining the threshold of 3 thousand visitors per day when classifying information resources for the “Media” category, this agency takes into account only “involved” visitors);
  • it is possible to segment reports and combine counters for a group of sites - for example, an association of restaurateurs can, thanks to the Sputnik counter, receive general statistics for the websites of all restaurants, so that each participant in the cooperation has access to general statistics on the industry;
  • statistics can be collected in different sections, for different audience groups - a special part of the user interface is responsible for creating rules for identifying such groups.

The interface needs to be improved - currently no more than half of the potentially available reports have been implemented, and here the Sputnik counter is inferior to its competitors.

The development of the service has been carried out since the end of last summer by six to eight developers, depending on the stage of work.

The first users of the statistics system were administrators of Internet resources Federal agency for National Affairs, the government of the Kaliningrad and Pskov regions, the Republic of Sakha and others. Total for this moment code analytical system installed on more than 500 sites.

Let us recall that last year Roskomnadzor installed on the websites of the executive authorities of the Russian Federation in order to record traffic. To do this, the department sent requests to federal, regional and municipal authorities, as well as to companies that are developers of services for recording website traffic.

According to the survey results, 61% government agencies executive power (25 institutions) use Yandex.Metrica; 21.9% (or 9 departments) - Google Analytics; LiveInternet has the same number – 21.9% (9); 14.6% (6) installed [email protected]; 14.6% (6) – Rambler-top100; other meters are used by 31.7% (13) of government agencies. A number of sites studied use several metric tools at once, Roskomnadzor reported.

Among municipal executive authorities, 46.6% (95 departments) have Yandex.Metrica; 21.6% (44) use LiveInternet; 12.7% (26) - [email protected], 9.8% (20) - “1C:Bitrix”; 8.8% (18) - Google Analytics; 24.5% (58 bodies) use other meters.

A similar study was conducted by the Electronic State Expert Center. A comparison of data from Roskomnadzor and ETsEG showed that authorities, when responding to requests, do not always indicate the true state of affairs. In particular, in the case of Google, Roskomnadzor stated that its counters are used by 27 government agencies out of 245 - that is, 11%, while the EC determines the share in Google at 16.4% (53 sites out of 324).


The beta version of the Sputnik portal, owned by PJSC Rostelecom, was opened in 2014. Over the past period, more than 12 million people have taken part in testing the services; in December 2015, the service’s audience numbered about 3 million people. In March last year, the Sputnik team presented the first version of the browser for smartphones, and in May for tablets. On September 30, 2015, a browser for PCs running Windows OS became available to users.

Sputnik is a socially oriented service and search platform. The developer is Sputnik LLC, whose controlling shareholder is a subsidiary of Rostelecom OJSC.

Today there are 150 in the Sputnik team technical specialists and managers, four types of search and more than 10 services have been implemented.

Recently I presented a beta version of my own web analytics and statistics service. The new product is called Sputnik Analytics. Now any site owner on the Runet can register on cnt.sputnik.ru, install the counter code on their resource or group of sites and receive up-to-date data from the new service.

Sputnik Analytics follows the same principles as any other web statistics service and allows you to obtain data about website visitors, their involvement in interaction with the resource, referral sources and entry points to the site, search queries, popular pages and so on.

As in, in the Sputnik analytics service you can configure audience segmentation based on parameters of interest: device model, browser version, operating system. You can filter your audience based on clicks from specific advertising platforms and campaigns, as well as a variety of other conditions and characteristics.

The service also includes the ability to install a single counter for a group of sites, when a single code is created for all resources. This significantly simplifies the process of installing counters: the code can simply be sent by mail, even if we are talking about hundreds of sites with different administrators. A flexible rights management system will allow administrators to access statistics for individual sites or receive aggregated data for the entire group.

In addition to other advantages promised to us by the creators of the system, the service guarantees complete safety data that will be stored and processed exclusively in the territory of the home country. During the development of Sputnik Analytics, a strict security policy was put in place. The system is so reliable that it is already used by state corporations, and even government services and departments.

“The created platform will allow complex structures with different levels of subordination to have complete and detailed analytics about users of websites and online services, including closed systems and services that operate with personal data of users or non-public information. Sputnik Analytics can work with any type of data, so it also allows you to create a number of unique metrics for each separate group sites,” comments the director of Sputnik’s analytical services department, Leonid Filatov, commenting on the launch.

Let me remind you that search system The satellite was launched on May 22, 2014. Since then, the state has been trying to develop the search engine, but so far it has not gained widespread popularity. However, the launch by the state search engine own system web analytics undoubtedly deserves the attention of website owners, optimizers and webmasters. You never know what kind of data we will be lucky enough to find in Sputnik Analytics.

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