MegaFon service - Personal assistant. Personal assistant "Megafon" Personal assistant "Megafon"

Each mobile operator has its own technical support service so that subscribers can receive any explanatory information if any questions arise. There may be problems with connection stability, questions arise regarding tariffs, different tariff plans, additional options and services. Technical support is always ready to answer all questions that interest users of their services. One of the most popular and well-known Russian operators in the mobile communications market also has its own support service. Megafon support service is available to absolutely everyone.

Many problems can be solved without calling a service consultant. For this purpose, the Megafon network has special self-service services, which already have answers to the most popular questions from subscribers. For example, if you use an option such as “Service Guide”, you can make detailed calls and get complete information on how and what the funds were written off for a certain period.

It is also possible to find out about subscriptions connected to the number, which are the reason for frequent debiting of funds from the subscriber’s account. Not all subscribers have the opportunity to use such options. Specialists can provide more detailed information.

Methods to call Megafon technical support

Megafon technical support is the operator’s unified help desk in all regions of Russia, without exception. As soon as questions or problems arise, you need to contact the operators by specific phone numbers. The telephone numbers of the Megafon support center are specified in the concluded contracts for the provision of communication services. Also, these numbers are indicated on packages with SIM cards:

  • 0500 – short number;
  • 8-800-550-05-00 - federal number.

Short number 0500 Only subscribers of the Megafon operator can use it. To contact 24-hour support specialists, you need to dial the indicated four numbers and press the call button. After a certain period of time, the operator on duty will contact the subscriber and provide the necessary information. To hear the operator, you must use the voice menu service, the structure of which may change from time to time. But the answering machine will clearly show the way if you carefully follow its instructions.

Megafon support provides its clients with an automatic voice assistant, number 0505. The voice assistant can also help solve some problems. For subscribers on the home network, it is possible to send their request as an SMS message to the number 0500 . If this does not solve the problem, you need to call the operator. If the subscriber does not remember or does not know the technical support service number, the SIM card menu contains up-to-date information about the reference and information numbers of Megafon operators.

Megafon support numbers operate exclusively in all Russian regions without regional differences. If a subscriber bought a SIM card in Vladivostok, then he will be able to contact the operators using the reference number 0500. If the same subscriber ends up in Voronezh, then he can also use the same support phone number as in Vladivostok.

How to contact MegaFon support in roaming?

Being outside of Russia, quite often subscribers need to contact the help desk to solve their problems or clarify some details. A single telephone number was created especially for subscribers in roaming.

Megafon technical support phone for roaming: +7-926-111-05-00 .

You can call the number from anywhere in the world, and for Megafon subscribers this call will not cost a penny - all calls are free. You will not be able to reach other help desk numbers - these communication channels do not work while roaming.

How to reach Customer Support Megafon from numbers of other operators

It is possible to call Megafon's help desk from other telecom operators. You can call from MTS, Beeline, Tele 2 numbers. For subscribers of these operators, the telephone number for communication is - 8-800-550-05-00 .

You can also use this number if you call from landlines rather than mobile phones. Access to information and obtaining certificates and consultations can be done from absolutely any phone in Russia. Short dial number 0500 in this case it will be useless - only Megafon subscribers can call this number. It is worth noting that calling the number 8-800-550-05-00 paid and charged according to the operator's tariffs.

Business subscribers of Moscow MegaFon can take advantage of the new Mobile Assistant service. It allows you to set personal settings for forwarding incoming calls and can work as a personal secretary, redirecting certain calls to predefined directions.

Business subscribers of Moscow MegaFon can take advantage of the new service. It allows you to set personal settings for forwarding incoming calls and can work as a personal secretary, redirecting certain calls to predetermined directions.

The service user can set his own forwarding parameters: depending on which phone number and at what time the call was received, it can be forwarded to another number or voicemail. Thus, a company employee gets the opportunity not to miss a single important call.

You can connect the Mobile Assistant service to any corporate tariff of Moscow MegaFon. The subscription fee for using the service is 50 rubles including VAT.

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Ultra-high-speed mobile Internet from MegaFon using the LTE Advanced standard has appeared in Ivanovo, a city well known in our country and abroad as the textile capital of Russia. During the presentation, the network of the new standard demonstrated a maximum speed of 225 Mbit/s.

A new trend in business management has emerged in the Urals: more and more enterprises in the region prefer to coordinate work processes remotely. According to the operator MegaFon, since the beginning of the year the number of companies saving budget through the “Management of remote objects” service has increased by 30%.

In today's world, it is important to stay connected. Unfortunately, this is not always possible to do. To ensure that the subscriber does not miss an important call, the operator has developed the “Mobile Assistant” service. The option allows you to redirect incoming calls to any numbers.

The service is provided on a paid basis. Funds are written off every day. You can use the function on any tariff plan. To clarify details, it is recommended to contact the operator.

The service allows subscribers not to miss an important call, even if the mobile device is turned off. This is possible by forwarding an incoming call to any phone number. If necessary, you can configure the assistant so that the answering machine works.

The main features of the assistant include:

  • Redirect an incoming call to several phones;
  • Setting up call forwarding by day of week and time;
  • Blocking unwanted calls;
  • Turn on the answering machine at the specified time;
  • Distribution of incoming calls depending on the calling number.

For using the express assistant, the operator deducts a subscription fee from the client’s balance. Money is withdrawn daily in equal installments. In this case, the amount is adjusted depending on the number of days in the month.

It is important to note that the Internet assistant cannot work in conjunction with the Blacklist function. For the service to be activated, the option must be disabled.

When changing the tariff plan, the personal assistant continues to work. If the balance becomes zero or negative, the option will be temporarily disabled. The function will resume immediately after depositing money into the account.

How to connect

Megafon clients who decide to use the service can enable it on their own. For this it is recommended:

  • Activate USSD command “*857#”;
  • Go to the website “”. After opening the page, you need to register by indicating your phone number;
  • Send an empty text message to the short number “000857”;
  • Call the company’s technical support - “0500”. The operator will explain what needs to be done to activate the option.

Activation of the service is free. If you cannot connect the online assistant on your own, it is recommended to contact the company’s office. Consultants will listen and help solve the problem.

How to disable

If you no longer need to use the assistant, it is recommended to disable it. To do this you should:

  • Send an SMS with the text “Stop” to the number “000857”;
  • Log in to your personal account “”. In the settings you need to find and deactivate the service;
  • Dial “*857*0#” on your mobile device;
  • Visit the nearest communication store.

The deactivation procedure is free of charge. There is also no fee charged for reconnection.

Who is it suitable for?

The service will be of interest to businessmen and people who want to manage their calls. Thanks to the option, subscribers can redirect incoming calls to any numbers. If necessary, it is possible to enable an answering machine. To block annoying callers, Megafon clients can use the "" and "" packages. To get more information, you need to contact the call center.

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It is difficult to avoid the occurrence of some problems when using cellular services. Despite the stable operation of all mobile operators, including the MegaFon operator, problems and questions still exist. To solve them, you should contact the support service using service numbers. Readers and visitors of our Internet assistant are in a more advantageous position, since they can receive comprehensive information about ways to solve problems with the MegaFon operator without tedious calls to the support service. You can find out from us:

  • How to contact the operator’s help desk and how to get specialist support;
  • How to solve this or that problem yourself;
  • How to deal with numerous services and tariffs;
  • How to solve problems with unstable operation of subscriber equipment.

Sometimes it is simply impossible to reach the help desk, which is why subscribers look for ways to solve problems on their own. As practice shows, you can solve them yourself in about 90% of cases. Thanks to our instructions, each subscriber will be able to quickly get answers to their questions. Our descriptions are as detailed as possible and cover almost all aspects of the most common problems with the MegaFon operator.