Controlling a computer through another computer. TeamViewer - remote computer control

Remote administration programs have always been popular. After all, it is very convenient to see what is being done on the computer while being in a completely different place. You can remotely help your friends solve some technical problems, check what your child is doing when he is alone at home, see how the download is progressing in a torrent client or encoding a large video.

Since smartphones and tablets appeared in home local networks, along with computers and laptops, it has become obvious that the latter are incredibly convenient to use for remote control. If the data transfer speed is high enough, then why not play a game installed on your computer while lying on the couch with your tablet? Or, say, not watching an interesting film? In addition, current mobile devices can cope well with the usual tasks that are assigned to remote access programs.

On Google Play you can find more than a dozen applications that can be used to organize remote control of computers running Windows, Mac and Linux. Among them there are developments from well-known manufacturers of administration software, and programs created specifically for mobile devices. There are not many free solutions among them. In this review, we tested four applications that allow you to work remotely on your computer from an Android smartphone or tablet.

⇡Microsoft Remote Desktop

  • Developer - Microsoft Corporation
  • Size - 4.4 MB
  • Price - free

Microsoft's proprietary utility for remotely controlling a computer with Android was released quite recently - at the end of October. Using the application, you can control a computer that runs on Windows 7 or Windows 8. Since we are dealing with a “native” solution from the developer of a desktop operating system, there is no need to install any client on it.

But in order to be able to connect, you still need to make some changes to the system settings: go to "Control Panels" to the “System” section and select “Remote access settings”. After this, you need to allow remote connections to the computer (by the way, if the built-in firewall is disabled, Windows will not allow you to enable remote access, so first you will have to start the corresponding service).

For authorization, the Microsoft Remote Desktop Android application uses the system username and password. If you are going to log in as an administrator, you do not need to perform any additional actions on your computer. To allow access to other users, you need to click on the “Select users” button and add them to the list of remote desktop users. It is also worth keeping in mind that if you do not use a password to log in, you must add it in the “User Accounts” section, since the remote connection will not work without a password. ( Please note that remote connection using Microsoft Remote Desktop is only possible to computers that support Remote Desktop Protocol - RDP. A list of systems that are compatible with this protocol is available at the link. — approx. edit . )

After completing this simple setup, you can download the Microsoft Remote Desktop application from Google Play and add a new connection.

Its settings indicate the IP address of the computer on the local network or its name. You can also, if desired, specify a username and password to log in (for security reasons, you can not specify them right away, but enter them right before connecting).

If the connection is successful, local work with the computer will be blocked and a login window will appear on it. If you log in locally, the remote connection will be lost. Thus, when connecting remotely, you can see the desktop only on the screen of your mobile device.

Once connected, the remote desktop is displayed on the device screen. There are two controls available at the top of the screen: buttons for displaying the Android virtual keyboard and for navigating the screen.

If you need to use keys that are not on the Android keyboard, you can open the additional settings panel by touching the panel with the connection name. From it you can go to the virtual keyboard with the keys F1-F12, Esc, Home, Tab, End, Win, Ins, Enter and others - standard for a regular desktop pointing device. When connecting remotely to a Windows 8 device, pressing the virtual Win key switches between the desktop and the Start screen.

From the advanced settings panel, you can also disable multi-touch gestures and switch to navigation mode using a regular cursor.

To end the remote connection session, simply double-tap the Back button on your Android device.

⇡ “Teamviewer - remote access”

  • Developer - Teamviewer
  • Size - 11 MB
  • Price: Free for non-commercial use

Thanks to its free status (for non-commercial use) and simplicity, Teamviewer has long been one of the most popular remote administration solutions. With the advent of the era of mobile devices, applications were created to control computers running Android, iOS and Windows Phone.

To control your computer from a mobile device, you will need to install a PC client and an Android application. TeamViewer can connect to Windows, Mac and Linux computers.

If you do not plan to connect to other devices from your computer, it is most convenient to use TeamViewer QuickSupport. This module does not require installation or administrator rights. After launching it, a unique computer identifier (9 digits) is generated, as well as a four-digit password. The password can be updated if necessary.

Once this module is running, you can open the mobile application. Mobile Teamviewer can operate in two modes: remote control and file transfer. In both cases, you will need to enter an ID and password on the screen of your smartphone or tablet to connect to the computer.

If a remote connection was requested, then after a successful connection, the computer desktop will appear on the device screen. It will also be visible on the computer monitor screen, but the resolution will be changed in accordance with the screen settings of the mobile device.

To ensure convenient work with the remote desktop, the creators of TeamViewer have developed a whole system of controls. Tips for using your fingers to navigate are shown before you connect, and can also be shown at any time during a remote work session. Thus, using your fingers you can scroll, imitate clicks of the right and left mouse buttons, move the cursor and individual objects.

The TeamViewer control panel is located at the bottom of the screen. With its help, you can quickly end a session, send a remote computer to reboot, or block it. In addition, for the duration of a remote connection session, you can prohibit local work with the computer. If you have problems displaying the remote desktop, you can try reducing the resolution, data transfer quality, and also hiding the display of wallpaper in the mobile client settings. These options can be selected for an individual connection or globally.

The Control Panel also gives you the ability to quickly display a virtual keyboard. In addition to the Android keyboard, you can also work with additional keys: turn on Ctrl, Alt, Shift, use the F1-F12 keys and others.

In file transfer mode, you can see the file system of the remote computer and copy files from your PC to your mobile device or vice versa.

The TeamViewer mobile client remembers the IDs of the computers to which the connection was made, but if there are many remote PCs, it is more convenient to use the “Computers and Contacts” section to manage them. To do this, you will need to create a Teamviewer account (you can do this from either a mobile device or a computer). Then you can create groups in it and add identifiers (and, if desired, passwords) of computers to which you need to connect.

  • Developer: Splashtop
  • Size - 18 MB
  • Price - free (expanded functionality - $1.99 per month)

Splashtop Remote is another free app that lets you from an Android device You can control a computer running Windows, Mac and Linux. It uses a slightly different distribution model than Teamviewer. The program is free for non-commercial use, but to use some additional features it is suggested to purchase an extension. Paid options include: access to a remote computer via the Internet (for free, you can control it only over a local network) and tools for conveniently creating annotations on the screen. The free version also has a limit on the number of computers you can connect to - up to five.

A Splashtop account is required to use the app. You can create it either in the mobile application or in the Splashtop Streamer client for the desktop system. To connect, as you might guess, you need to log in on both devices using your account. After this, the mobile client will detect computers that are available for connection, and you can open a remote control session.

In the mobile client settings, you can even enable automatic connection at startup. In this case, the list of available computers will not be displayed and the application will connect to the device for which the last remote connection session was performed.

By default, you do not need to enter any additional passwords, but if you are concerned about unauthorized access, you can enable the desktop client settings to require a password for the current Windows account. In addition, it is proposed to use a security code, that is, simply put, a password that will need to be entered each time to connect.

Some security settings, which in other solutions are available in mobile applications, are offered in Splashtop to be configured in the desktop client. For example, you can disable the display of your desktop on the local computer screen during a remote communication session. You can also block the use of the keyboard and mouse, and initiate logging out of your account upon completion of remote work.

One of the features of Splashtop is the transfer of HD video with sound to a mobile device. Thanks to this, you can, for example, watch a movie on your tablet that is running on your computer, or play a computer game remotely. At the user's request, during a remote communication session, Splashtop can transmit sound only to a mobile device (it will not be heard locally), not transmit sound (it will be heard locally), or broadcast it both there and there.

When connecting remotely, the screen resolution on the computer does not change, and - unless otherwise specified in the client settings - you can continue to work on the local PC. To control the desktop of an Android computer, there are a number of gestures (tips on how to use them are offered for beginners), as well as a touchpad.

You can control cursor settings by changing sensitivity and movement speed. On a mobile device, you can view your computer desktop in its original resolution or scale it to fit a small screen.

  • Developer: Wyse Technology Inc.
  • Size - 11 MB
  • Price: Free (with some restrictions)

Another free solution that allows you to remotely access your computer desktop is PocketCloud. However, it is not suitable for Linux users - the desktop version only supports computers with Mac or Windows. The mobile client is free for use with only one computer. To remove this limitation, as well as to get some additional features, you need to purchase PocketCloud Remote Desktop Pro.

One of the strengths of the application is the ability to choose the type of connection. By default, the simplest method is used, which does not require any technical knowledge from the user - through Google App Engine. In this case, you'll need to enter your Google account information in both the desktop client and the mobile app. After this, the computer will appear in the list of available devices on the mobile screen - and you can start a connection session to it.

For advanced users, PocketCloud offers two more remote connection options - through the RDP protocol, which is used in Windows, and also through the popular VNC system. In both cases, you will need to enter the IP address of the computer you want to connect to.

After connecting, a special navigation element appears on the mobile device screen near the cursor - a wheel with various functions. It is convenient to use when you need to right-click, zoom in on a specific area of ​​the screen, scroll, or display a virtual keyboard.

The mobile client settings provide a number of settings to improve the quality of image transmission. So, you can disable menu animation, themes, wallpapers, and high-quality fonts.

⇡ Conclusion

Almost all developers of applications for remote computer control provide their programs free of charge for non-commercial use. And we must admit that for ordinary tasks the proposed functions are quite sufficient. Each of the applications is attractive in some way: to work with Microsoft Remote Desktop you do not need to install additional software on your computer, Splashtop Remote provides audio transmission to a mobile device, PocketCloud is interesting because it offers several connection options. Finally, Teamviewer looks the most attractive, since it has a separate mode for transferring files, can work both on a local network and via the Internet, and does not impose restrictions on the number of computers to which you can connect.

Control your computer from another computer or even from your phone, what could be better. I turned on the music on the PC and went to the kitchen to cook, the main thing is that the phone is in my pocket, then we won’t have to run into the room every five minutes to change the song. Thanks to the program TeamViewer for remote computer control, we can do this from a smartphone.

And you never know, what kind of things we need to do on our computer or laptop when we are not at home, we will do at work, and suddenly we need a very important file. Easy, enter your personal username and password and we are already wandering around on our computer from a work machine.

In fact, there are a lot of situations in which remote computer control can be useful. For example, I often use my iPhone as a remote control for a desktop PC, in the case of switching songs and adjusting the volume level. In general, you will also find use for the TeamViewer program, because remotely controlling your computer can not only be useful for work purposes, but also very fun when using your work “beast” in multimedia.

Today we will talk to you about remote computer control using the TeamViewer program. We need to download it and install it, all the details on this topic are in the lesson: . I will show you with an example how I control my computer from a laptop and, after looking at the steps described below, you will have no questions left about how this is done correctly.

Now the program should be installed and you need to run it. Double-click on the shortcut on the desktop with the left mouse button.

The main window of the program opens in front of us. Here it is important for us to remember our personal ID and one-time password, which is generated every time the program is launched. We will use this data when remotely controlling this PC from another computer, in my case from a laptop.

I remembered the ID and password and now I launch the program on my laptop. It looks the same, here on the right side of the program there is a form for entering the ID of the partner, that is, the computer to which we want to connect. Enter and press the button “ Connect to partner».

In the next window that opens, enter the password and click “ Login".

And then a miracle, a window appeared on the laptop in which the screen of my computer is displayed, and of course I can control it. It's so funny, I'll tell you honestly. You sit at a laptop, but manage a desktop PC! And vice versa as well.

To connect to a laptop from a computer, I remember the ID of the first one and enter it in the TeamViewer program on the PC. And I connect in the same way.

I enter the password.

And my laptop screen was displayed on the desktop PC.

This is how you can control your computer remotely from other PCs, knowing your personal ID and password.

A situation often arises when you need to connect to a remote computer from a phone or PC in order to perform some actions there. This is a very useful feature if, for example, you need to transfer documents from your home computer while you are at work. In today's article we will tell you how to set up remote access for different versions of the Windows operating system.

There is far more than one way to connect to another computer. For these purposes, you can use either additional software or only use the system tools. You will learn about both options and choose the one you like best.

The prerequisites for creating a connection to a computer at a distance are:

  • The PC to which they are connecting has a password set;
  • The computer must be turned on;
  • Both devices have the latest version of network software installed;
  • Availability of a stable Internet connection on two computers.

Remote access on Windows XP

Remote control of a computer on Windows XP can be enabled using third-party software, as well as standard tools. The only important aspect is that the OS version should only be Professional. To set up access, you need to know the second device’s IP and password, and you also need to configure both PCs in advance. Depending on which account you logged in from, your capabilities will be determined.

The desktop you want to connect to must have remote control enabled and have designated users whose accounts can be used.

Remote access on Windows 7

In Windows 7, you first need to configure both computer using "Command line" and only then proceed to setting up the connection. In essence, there is nothing complicated here, but the entire cooking process can be omitted if you use programs from third-party developers. On our website you can find and read detailed material in which remote administration on Windows 7 is discussed in detail:

Just like with Windows XP, on the “Seven” you must select accounts through which you can connect,
and access must be allowed.

Remote access on Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10

Connecting to a PC on Windows 8 and all subsequent versions of the OS is no more complicated than the methods described above for older systems, even simpler. You are again required to know the IP of the second computer and password. The system has a pre-installed utility that will help the user quickly and easily set up a remote connection. Below we leave a link to a lesson in which you can study this process in detail:

As you can see, it is absolutely easy to manage a remote desktop on any version of Windows. We hope our articles helped you understand this process. Otherwise, you can write questions in the comments and we will definitely answer them.

A mobile phone is a device that is always at hand. Therefore, it is convenient to use it to control other smart equipment. In this article we will look at two options for how you can control your computer via a phone running Android or iOS.

Option #1: Unified Remote application.

You can control your computer via your phone in different ways. If you want to use your Android phone or iPhone as a remote control for your computer. The best option is to use the Unified Remote application.

Unified Remote works very simply. On the computer you want to control, you need to install a special program from the official Unified Remote website. This program acts as a server. It receives commands from an application installed on the phone and executes these commands on the computer. This way you can control your computer via your phone.

The application is available in free (with basic computer management functions) and paid versions. At the same time, Unified Remote supports all popular operating systems. The mobile phone application can be installed on Android, iOS or Windows Phone. And the Unified Remote server part, which executes computer control commands, is available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Raspberry Pi (ARMv6) and Arduino Yún (MIPS).

It would take a very long time to describe all the possibilities for controlling a computer using Unified Remote. Since the paid version of the application has about 100 such functions. In short, Unified Remote allows you to control the basic functions of the operating system, individual programs, cursor, keyboard, etc.

It should be noted that Unified Remote only works over Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. If you want to control your computer via the Internet, then this option is not suitable for you.

To start controlling your computer using Unified Remote, you only need to take a few simple steps. First, you need to install the client application on your mobile phone (links for: , and ).

After this, you need to go to the website, download the server program for your computer’s operating system, install it on your computer and run it.

After this, you need to return to the application on your mobile phone. Launch the application, open the left side menu and go to the “Servers” section.

The computer on which you installed the server program should appear in the “Server” section. Just click on the found computer and the application will connect to the server installed on it.

Once connected, you can start controlling your computer via your phone. To do this, return to the main screen of the Unified Remote application and select one of the functions.

Option number 2. TeamViewer application.

If you need full access to your computer or want to control your computer via the Internet, then the TeamViewer application is your best bet. The TeamViewer system operates on a server-client basis and supports Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Chrome OS, Android, iOS, RT Windows, BlackBerry and Windows Phone 8 operating systems.

A very important advantage of TeamViewer is that it can work on any Internet connection. You can manage your computer even when using a firewall or NAT connection. In addition to directly controlling the computer, using TeamViewer you can transfer data, organize web conferences and video communications over the Internet. At the same time, TeamViewer is completely free for non-commercial use.

In order to use TeamViewer, you must first install the server program on the computer you want to manage. To do this, go to the website and download the program for your operating system.

After installation is complete, a TeamViewer window will appear in which the computer ID and password will be indicated. This data is needed to control your computer via your phone.

Now you're ready to control your computer from your phone. Launch the TeamViewer application on the phone, enter the computer ID and click on the “Remote control” button.

After this, you will need to enter a password and if it is correct, your phone will connect to the computer and you will be able to control it.

It should be noted that the password for accessing the computer will change regularly. In order to solve this problem, you need to go to the TeamViewer program settings and set up a permanent password.

TeamViewer (Russian: Teamviewer) is a free program (for personal use for non-commercial purposes) that allows you to establish incoming and outgoing remote connections to access other computers, exchange files between the control and controlled machines, make video calls, take part in web conferences and much more.

Some features of TeamViewer for Windows

  • Remote control of a computer or mobile device based on Android, iOS;
  • Wake-on-LAN – turn on your computer from another computer using Teamviewer on a local network or through a router;
  • Ability to transfer files;
  • Instant messaging: group chats, web chats, offline messaging, etc.;
  • Remote printing;
  • Installation as a system service to provide access to remote devices at any time;
  • Synchronous clipboard;
  • Multiple monitor support;
  • Saving individual connection settings for subsequent connections to computers, sorting them by groups and contacts;
  • Control remote devices using hot keys;
  • Cross-platform – Microsoft Windows, Chrome OS, iOS, operating systems are supported;
  • Availability of a portable version.

And these are not all the capabilities of Teamweaver.

It is worth highlighting the simple and friendly user interface of TeamViewer in Russian, which helps even beginners who have not previously worked with software of this kind to easily understand this program.

We also note the high level of security for TeamViewer 15 data exchange: the use of a cryptographic algorithm (private/public key RSA 2048) for data exchange and random passwords for one-time access, AES session encryption (256 bits), additional two-factor authentication, etc.

Also note that TeamViewer 15 is now fully compatible with (version 1909).

Download TeamViewer for Windows

The latest version of TeamViewer in Russian for Windows 32 and 64-bit is available for download on this page.

Download TeamViewer 15 for free, without registration.

TeamViewer is a free program for remote computer control via the Internet.

Version: TeamViewer 15.3.8947

Size: 25.7 MB

Operating system: Windows

Russian language

Program status: Free

Developer: TeamViewer GmbH

Official site:

What's new in version: List of changes