Delete unnecessary cache in Google Chrome. How to clear the cache in Google Chrome and why is it necessary? How to find the settings control panel in Chrome

There are 2 easy ways to clear the cache in Google Chrome. The first one is complete cleaning, and the second - for one specific site. The cache is reset in the Google Chrome browser itself. Therefore no additional programs no need.

What is cache? These are temporary files that are downloaded by the browser and stored on the computer. Their presence speeds up the opening of previously visited pages.

For example, you visited a website for the first time, and all the pictures, videos, scripts and styles from it were saved to your computer. When you visit it again, all these files will no longer be downloaded - the browser will take them from the cache that is stored on local disk C. As a result, the site will open faster than the first time.

The browser cache is constantly growing and can take up a lot of space after a while. Therefore, if you find that there is little free space left on your local drive C, it’s time to clear the cache Chrome browser. Especially if you haven't done this for a long time.

By the way, very often users believe that the cache and browsing history are one and the same. But it's perfect different concepts. The history stores a list of sites you have previously visited, and the cache stores Technical information(pictures, videos, scripts, styles), which speeds up their loading.

How to delete cache in Google Chrome?

Clearing the cache in Google Chrome is very simple. To perform this procedure:

Ready. This is how easy it is to clear the cache in Chrome. As you can see, there is nothing complicated here.

Although there is an easier way to reset the cache in Chrome:

And the easiest way: press Ctrl+Shift+Del, check the 4th box and click the “Clear history” button.

How to clear the cache of an individual site in Google Chrome?

Now let's look at how to clear the site cache in Chrome. This procedure is also very simple:

Ready. This is how you can delete the cache in Chrome for one individual site. If necessary this procedure should be done for other sites as well.

That's all. Now you know how to clear the cache Google browser Chrome and you can do this easily. First of all, this procedure is recommended for sites that have radically changed their design. After all, Google Chrome will load old files saved on the local C drive, and you will not see new changes. It is also advisable to periodically (for example, once a month) remove it to save space on your computer or laptop.

Browser cache – files saved as a result of work in a temporary folder. The name “temporary” does not mean that they are deleted after completion of work. Some of them remain on the hard drive and, to one degree or another, affect the operation of the browser and the performance of the entire system as a whole. Increased file fragmentation. To speed up Chrome, the cache must be cleared periodically. In this article you will learn how to do this and what you will need for this.

Some users don't clear their cache for years. Firstly, in addition to reducing performance, this leads to filling free memory, and secondly, regular cleaning will help hide traces of being on a variety of prohibited and not very legal sites. Therefore, putting your Chrome history in order allows you to maintain confidentiality. Clearing the cache. To begin, you must have Google Chrome running. On the right top corner browser has a button with three horizontal lines. Click on it and go to “Menu” - “Settings”. Browser options will open, scroll to “Show additional settings» and find the item «Personal data». “Clear history...” button. In a small window there will be several items from which you will need to uncheck and leave only “Images and other files saved in the cache.” Another important point, for what period it is necessary to clear the cache. “For all time”, “For the last 4 weeks”, “For the past hour”, there are five time periods in total. Then click “Clear history”. Depending on the amount of cache, cleaning can take from a few seconds to several minutes. The browser may seem to freeze, but this is normal. Wait for the procedure to complete.

You can also go to the clear history item in a simple way. “Menu” – “History”, shortcut key combination – Ctrl+H. Further actions cleaning is the same as in the previous paragraph. For those who want to put things in order in the browser themselves, there is a folder with the Chrome cache, it is located at the following address “C:\Users\"Username"\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache". Using history, you can also delete individual data about your browser, records about downloads, pages visited, cookies and website data. In general, all information that is saved after being on the Internet.

If you use CCleaner to regularly clean your computer, you may have noticed a separate Google Chrome item in the “Applications” tab. To clear only the Chrome cache, you need to uncheck all items except “Internet cache”. Click “Analyze”, the results will display how many files are in the cache and how much space they take up on your hard drive. Now all that remains is to click “Clear”.

For stable and comfortable work On the Internet you need a modern, fast browser. Google Chrome on powerful computer with modern hardware, it fully meets these criteria. But that's just cache full leads to frequent freezes, slow or incorrect display sites. Timely cleaning of temporary files will help avoid these problems. Good luck!

This article will focus on the question of how to clear the cache in the Chrome browser and in general, what is cache and why is it needed?. We recommend reading the note on how to install Google Chrome for free.

You can view the history of visits to websites by pressing Ctrl+H in the browser you need.

  • Cleaning the history of website visits (informative article on what a website is and what they are like). Need this in different cases, for example, at the workplace, if you don’t want your bosses to scold you for visiting unnecessary sites during working hours.
  • Or you just want to give a gift and choose something on specialized sites, so that your wife (husband) does not notice anything - you need to clear the history of site visits, which is stored in the browser cache (a special storage of visited pages).
  • It also stores passwords for sites on which you logged in or otherwise entered your username and password. That is, it will not be difficult for attackers to steal them from the cache. As a result, we conclude that you should know how to clear the cache in Chrome yourself.
  • Moreover, it takes extra bed on the hard drive and sooner or later it may run out, so it’s worth cleaning it up from time to time.

Also a little advice, if you open the page using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+N, the so-called “incognito mode” will open

It does not save anything done on this page after closing it. It’s very convenient if you need to quickly search for something on the Internet in an unfamiliar place, but then you don’t want to bother clearing the cache (or you can forget about it altogether.)

And so, we need to press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Delete - a window for the history of this browser will appear:

As you can see, there are some parameters here:

  • For what period of time should the deletion be performed (it is possible for the entire period of operation of the browser)
  • Which files and elements should be deleted. Here it is at your discretion, although of course it is advisable to delete everything. But keep in mind that you will have to log in again on sites to which login was automatic, for example, social media and so on. So make sure right away - Do you remember all the necessary passwords?

You can also configure your browser to automatically delete the cache. To do this, go to Chrome settings:

“Content Settings” will appear a little lower. And now here we select “Delete local data when closing the browser” in the “cookies” menu (although it may also be “Save local data only until the browser is closed”):

Although, of course, with this setting we do not delete the entire cache, but only cookies - this is only part of the elements of the Chrome browser. In order to cleanse all personal information from the “memory” of the Google Chrome browser you need to install additional expansion Click&Clean.

Installing this extension is easy. To do this, go to the settings and select there - “Tools” - “Extensions”:

Then at the very bottom select “More extensions”, this will open Google store Chrome and we can get this extension there for free. Once in the store, enter our extension in the search bar - “Click&Clean”:

The search results will offer, in addition to our not exactly an extension, the “Click&Clean app” application (in the description we learn that this is quite powerful application to protect your data), more similar apps and extensions that can also be installed by reading their description.

Everything you like here can be installed without problems, because it official store Google Chrome and there can be nothing dangerous here. Now let's take a closer look at this issue. A cache is a place for temporary files where the browser (informative article on what a browser is) places everything it deals with on the Internet.

Everything means, literally everything - these are thumbnails of all the pages that you load in the browser and all the video and audio files that you listen to or watch in general, as well as passwords, in general, as you understand all the information from the Internet. Why is this necessary? The fact is that Internet speed is limited, and files, for example, movies, are large, on average several gigabytes.

That is, in order to immediately watch a movie without additional downloads, you need very high speed Internet. And this, in turn, is either expensive or there simply aren’t any technical capabilities in a specific area.

It’s precisely in this situation that the cache helps - this is a place on the hard drive of a computer or laptop where all the information we view in the browser is downloaded

That is, if you start watching a movie in a browser, it is first downloaded to the cache and then played from there, just like a movie from a hard drive.

Moreover, when re-downloading or playing a file or page, the process will occur noticeably faster, because some of the files are loaded from the cache on the hard drive. It is very convenient and effective.

And this happens with any file, even if just a picture was loaded - it will still end up in the cache. It would seem that everything is fine, but the fact is that the space on the hard drive is not unlimited and sooner or later it will run out. In this case, it is better to clear the cache. This can be done either with third-party programs or in the browser itself.

In this article we looked at the question of how to clean chrome cache. A very interesting and important topic, especially in our time. electronic payments and rampant fraud and espionage.

Hello, friends! Today's article will be devoted to one of the most popular Internet browsers among users - Google Chrome. We'll take a quick look at what cache is, increase cache memory in Chrome, and create a desktop shortcut for the browser.

Browser cache - what is it?

As always, before practice, I will give you a few terms. After all, how can we increase something if we don’t know what it is?

A cache is an intermediate buffer that stores used information. When viewing websites, videos, listening to audio on the Internet, files downloaded by the web browser, for all of the above, are saved in special folder on the hard drive - this is the cache folder.

When you visit a site on the Internet for the first time, to display its content, the browser contacts the server and downloads from there necessary information, which ends up in the folder mentioned earlier. When you visit the same site a second time, the browser will take everything necessary files from cache. Accordingly, this will load the page faster and use less traffic.

Its capacity in the browser is limited. So when it ends free place, old records are erased and new ones are recorded. If you notice that online games or videos are starting to slow down, you can try increasing your browser cache.

In order to free up space on your hard drive, or if you notice that errors have appeared in your browser, you can. Read the detailed article by following the link.

Increase Chrome cache

Find the Chrome shortcut on your desktop and click on it right click mice. Choose from context menu"Properties" item.

In the properties window, go to the "Shortcut" tab. In the “Object” field, put italics at the end, press the spacebar and insert: —disk-cache-dir=”c:\chromeсache”, space again and: —disk-cache-size=1073741824. Click "Apply" and "OK".

In both cases, the word disk is preceded by two hyphens. The number 1073741824 is the volume in bytes. Install desired value. IN in this case, 1073741824 bytes is 1 GB.

How to create a Chrome shortcut on your desktop

If following the instructions above, you did not find the required shortcut, let's look at how to make a Chrome shortcut on your desktop.

Open “Computer” and find the folder where Google Chrome is installed. More specifically, we need exactly executable file. If you did not select a different folder during installation, then most likely you need to go to the path: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application.

Find here required file. To be sure, right-click on it and go to “Properties”. On the “General” tab, in the “File type” field, the extension should be .exe.

In Chrome. Besides standard means for this operation will be used third party programs For greater efficiency. Before you learn about Chrome, you need to familiarize yourself with theoretical material that will allow you to find out why it needs to be removed.


A cache is a special intermediate storage that allows you to speed up access to certain files. Browsers have a separate clipboard. For example, when watching a video, the file itself is saved in temporary storage. Therefore, for some time the video will be available for repeated viewing, and a network connection is not necessary. In some sources you can find the definition of cache (through “E”). In browsers, the cache can be flexibly configured. For example, you can set its maximum size, data storage period, automatic formatting, etc. If you do not have the mode enabled automatic deletion, then these operations must be performed manually.


To clear the Google Chrome cache, you need to follow all the steps in the instructions in order:

Alternative options

You can clear the Chrome cache using additional programs. Plus for use third party tools- this is their versatility and wider functionality. I will describe the method using the CCleaner program as an example. This utility can be used to clear the cache of any browser. This program clearly indicates the size of temporary storage. To clear the cache of Chrome and other browsers, follow the instructions below:

  1. Open CCleaner program. On the left, in the navigation panel, there will be a “Cleaning” button.
  2. Two tabs will appear on the right side of the program, from which you need to select the second (“Applications”).
  3. Below is a list of all installed browsers. Check the boxes of all programs in which you want to delete the cache.
  4. Click the Clean button.

Why do this

If you do not periodically operate the browser, some problems may arise. For example, the program may start to run slower because it has difficulty navigating large quantities temporary files. When the browser does not configure a parameter such as the maximum allowed size, the cache can take up significant space on the hard drive. All this can lead to not entirely favorable consequences.


You can clear the Chrome cache using standard tools and additional utilities. And this article will help you figure out how to do this. It is recommended to use third-party programs when you use several browsers at once.