TV antenna delta 311 with amplifier. What determines the signal quality of a decimeter antenna?

Antenna Delta

TV antenna Delta

Television Delta antenna, produced by the Research and Production Association of Equipment and Communication Systems, has been in deserved demand among users in Russia and the CIS countries for many years.

The product range includes devices in the meter range, decimeter range and broadband, amplifying signals in both ranges - VHF and UHF; collective antennas and antennas personal use; outdoor and indoor, log-periodic

and a wave channel.

TV antennas Delta

The table shows the characteristics: individual outdoor broadband Delta TV antennas.

All of them are designed to receive television channels 1 to 60 and are designed for viewing both analogue and digital broadcasts. The letter A means it's active Delta antenna with amplifier. Some models, for ease of connecting the antenna cable, are equipped with F-connectors and are designated by the letter F.

and log-periodic UHF

and log-periodic UHF

and log-periodic UHF, F-connector

Delta antenna with amplifier

The purpose of a television receiving antenna is individual signal reception television broadcasting horizontal polarization in the frequency range from 48.5 MHz to 790 MHz from 1 to 60 television channels. Antenna Delta H311 provides viewing television programs in the zone confident reception, active antenna Delta N311A with built-in amplifier is used in the area weak signal from the television center. The range and quality of reception depend on the installation location and height of the receiving antenna, power television transmitter, terrain and level of electronic interference.

Delta antenna with amplifier getting ready to receive television signals in accordance with the frequency table of television channels terrestrial television, given in the section Essential TV channels».

Delta H311 antenna design

TV antenna Delta H311 is an antenna module - log periodic antenna decimeter waves and two vibrators for receiving meter waves. The device is mounted on a mast and is oriented towards the television center using a fastening unit. There is a matching board in the antenna box, or antenna amplifier Delta H311A model.

The procedure for assembling and installing the antenna for the Delta H311 TV

Antenna Delta N 311-01 connection diagram. First of all, meter range vibrators are assembled in a delta TV antenna and connected to the antenna box. Next you need to attach antenna cable, for which it is necessary to remove the protective shell, shielding braid and internal insulator, freeing them by 10 mm. Connect the delta antenna: remove the cover of the antenna box, unscrew the nut securing it, insert the cut end of the antenna cable into central hole antenna box and connect to the matching board. Install the delta N311 antenna on the mast and secure it at a height sufficient for direct visibility to the television tower. By rotating the device in one direction or another, best image determine the optimal orientation angle and finally secure the antenna. Fix the antenna cable on the mast, connect the grounding wire to the nut on the grounding stud located on the mounting unit.

Indoor antenna Delta

Delta indoor antennas, designed for receiving television signals, their design and modifications, are described in the section “indoor antennas with an amplifier”.

Types of services

Indoor antenna Delta K131 is an analogue of the simplest passive log-periodic antenna Delta, which is very popular among consumers due to its small dimensions and ease of operation. The difference between them is the stronger and more impact-resistant design of the Delta K131 model. The device receives UHF television signals from frequency channels 21 to 60 and has average coefficient gain 4 dB. A cable length of 2 m is sufficient to install and orient the Delta K131 indoor antenna in close proximity to the TV.


How to properly install a TV antenna

Image defects can be caused by both insufficient signal level (snow) and insufficiently high signal-to-noise ratio, as well as inter-channel intermodulation, that is, a situation when some or some channels are output by the system to the network with unacceptably different levels . Intermodulation usually manifests itself in the form of “crosses” in the picture or shadows, when the picture of one channel shines through the picture of one channel, which spoils the entire range with its harmonics.

Minimum levels that must be obtained from antennas without an amplifier:

MV1 (1-5 channel) 74 dB

MV2 (6-12 channel) 60 dB

UHF (channel 21-69) 50 dB

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If the levels are lower, you must either change the antennas to more powerful ones or raise them higher.

Accordingly, the task of setting up any terrestrial TV reception system is:

1) Correct pointing of the antenna complex to the television transmitting center. In St. Petersburg, we have one television center, located on the Petrograd side. Guidance is best done using an antenna with the narrowest radiation pattern, that is, a UHF antenna, and using the weakest channel in the range. Connect the cable from the UHF antenna to the level meter and measure the signal level to achieve the maximum. If you don't have a meter, get the best visibility on your TV.

2) Alignment of levels between ranges. Unfortunately, this is almost impossible to do without a device. The first range is usually taken very strongly and quite often it is necessary to introduce an attenuator into the circuit. In the second band, channel 8 (Russia) broadcasts strongly, which usually requires a notch for channel 8, possibly adjustable. Next, we similarly equalize the decimeter range by levels using notch filters; you may need a UHF preamplifier.

3) Next, the cables with the prepared ranges are connected to a multiband (multi-input amplifier), where they are summed, equalized using range controls and amplified to the level required for supply to the network. It should be taken into account that between 60 and 90 dB should be suitable for the TV, and amplification above 100 dB can lead to intermodulation (over-amplification).

If you were unable to set up the antenna yourself, order the setup from our installation service by calling 448-60-13.

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How to connect an antenna to a TV?

Satellite TV is one of the most popular home entertainment options. Unlike analogue or terrestrial digital television, a satellite dish provides excellent image quality, a huge range of programs and wide channel selection options. This is why many are so interested in the question: how to connect an antenna to a TV. However, similar instructions will also be needed for those who are going to connect a regular decimeter antenna - this is undoubtedly easier and faster.

What determines the signal quality of a decimeter antenna?

Delta H311 is one of the most common decimeter antennas. This popularity is due good quality reception broadcast channels and relatively low cost of equipment. Moreover, you can usually handle the installation of such an antenna yourself and without extra effort.

When choosing an installation location, you should focus on the place from which better reception. You can determine it in the direction of the nearest TV tower. Delta H311 is quite sensitive, but reception quality may depend on:

In some cases, in bad weather, the signal quality from the TV tower may deteriorate. This does not mean that the TV antenna was installed incorrectly. Also, in multi-storey buildings, you should try to place the antenna as high as possible - on the lower floors the connection quality will leave much to be desired.

Features of installing the Delta H311 antenna and its modifications

Connecting an antenna is usually quite simple. To do this, when purchasing new TV equipment, you should pay attention to the instructions that come with it. Here are a few features of the Delta connection:

  • The TV antenna is attached to masts with grounding of any height (depending on the signal quality). Usually they are metal pipes 4-5 centimeters in diameter
  • Can be mounted to a window, wall, balcony, under or above the roof of the house
  • The direction of the TV antenna is determined arbitrarily - depending on how good the signal level is. However, relative to the horizontal axis, it is not recommended to change direction by more than ten degrees
  • When installing under a roof, it is best to provide the equipment with high-quality protection from moisture and precipitation
  • Additionally, Delta should be equipped with meter-long vibrators that you can install yourself

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Delta connection features

The connection diagram for the Delta TV antenna is quite simple. In fact, the main difficulty in connecting the antenna is connecting the down cable. To do this you need:

  • Remove the cover from the Delta antenna (to do this, unscrew one plastic nut)
  • Pass the cable through a special hole on the case
  • At the end of the wire, remove the insulation (in an area of ​​1.5-2 centimeters)
  • Connect the braid to the unmarked contact
  • The core itself should be connected to the contact with a plus sign
  • Replace the cover and secure it

Stages of installing satellite TV

Installing a satellite dish with your own hands is a more complex and painstaking process. Many users do not particularly understand the essence of setting up an antenna and have no idea where it is best to install it. Typically, installing a TV antenna involves several main steps:

  • Installation of the support
  • Assembling the antenna itself
  • Installing it on a support

Many people prefer to assemble the satellite dish parts directly on the mount. However, this is not entirely correct - only in horizontal position all petals will be maximally balanced during assembly, which will have a positive effect on the quality of the TV signal.

Choosing a location for the antenna

It's no secret that satellite dishes They receive the signal not from television towers, but directly from a satellite located in earth orbit. Therefore, when choosing a location, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • The direction of the satellites is from southeast to southwest. To install a TV antenna of any package (Tricolor, NTV, Viasat and others), you need the windows to be located in the same way
  • If the window faces north, then you need to mount the antenna on the roof of the building
  • You should make sure that there are no natural barriers - other buildings, trees, etc.
  • The cable must point downward to avoid damage to the connector. If necessary, you should make a loop at the entrance to the apartment to drain precipitation that may flow down the wire

To more accurately determine the direction of the Tricolor TV antenna or other satellite packages, you should contact geographical coordinates and azimuth. This is a rather difficult task, so it is best to contact a specialist - you can find a specialist on the Yudu website.

When assembling and installing any TV antenna yourself, you should strictly follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. This is the only way that installation and subsequent operation will be as simple and effective as possible.

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To reliably receive television programs, an antenna is required. Since the beginning of television broadcasting, Various types receiving antennas. Thanks to the accumulated experience in the theory of radio signal reception and the improvement of antenna design methods, several types are currently widespread receiving devices, which differ in gain, directivity, and frequency range.

Antenna requirements

All television antennas must meet certain requirements, which are often contradictory, but failure to comply with them leads to the antenna turning into a useless structure:

  • frequency range;
  • directional pattern;
  • gain;
  • dimensions.

The most problematic parameters are gain and directivity. In most cases, increasing the gain narrows the directivity. On the one hand, this is good, since it eliminates the possibility of receiving an interfering signal from another direction, a reflected signal or interference. On the other hand, a narrowly directional antenna requires precise tuning to the transmitting station, and the slightest deviation from the given direction, for example, in strong winds and a high mast, sharply reduces the quality of reception.

No less important parameter- frequency range. The vast majority of antennas have the greatest gain within a narrow frequency band, corresponding in a particular case to one television channel. The operating range is expanded by reducing the gain. And since television broadcasting is carried out over a wide range of frequencies, designing a universal antenna becomes a very difficult task.

The television broadcast frequency range is divided into two subranges:

  • from 1st to 6th channel – meter range (49-250 MHz);
  • from the 21st to the 69th channel - decimeter range (474-858 MHz).

The difference in wavelengths in the meter and decimeter ranges has led to the fact that devices for receiving meter and decimeter programs have different design features, mainly related to dimensions.

Digital television operates in the decimeter range. Stable reception of decimeter waves is possible only in direct visibility from the transmitting antenna. On long distances it is necessary to either increase the height of the antenna or increase the gain.

Meter range signals can bend around the surface of the earth, so the area of ​​reliable reception is much larger.

Antenna types

The most widely used antennas are the “Wave Channel” type. They have a narrow radiation pattern and high gain, which are directly related to the number of elements and, accordingly, to the length of the structure. But, as the length increases, the weight increases and the mechanical strength of the structure decreases. The frequency range is also narrowed.

The log-periodic antenna is smaller in size. It has a somewhat similar design, but differs in a different operating principle.

Both types of antennas require high precision during manufacture, which increases with the number of elements. The wave channel and log-periodic antenna are most widely used for operation in the decimeter range. They are unsuitable for the meter range because they will have unacceptable dimensions.

For meter waves, the half-wave dipole is most often used. Its main advantage is ease of manufacture and low requirements for manufacturing accuracy. Such antennas have a radiation pattern in the form of a figure eight. That is, they can receive a signal from two opposite directions. By bending the elements in one direction, you can weaken one of the lobes of the diagram and increase the gain in the direction of bending the elements.

Universal Delta

Many enterprises have launched the production of the universal Delta antenna, which is designed to receive signals in almost the entire range, from meter to decimeter.

This antenna, both external and indoor, has several design options and, accordingly, some differences in parameters. The main difference for indoor and outdoor versions is overall dimensions and the number of work items. Of course, the internal indoor antenna will have worse parameters than the external one, but, due to its compactness, it is quite acceptable when located near the transmitting center.

Delta antenna design

This device is a combination of a half-wave dipole for receiving meter-wave channels and a wave channel and a log-periodic antenna for the high-frequency range of decimeter waves.

Both components are coordinated with each other in such a way as to minimize mutual influence and improve the quality of reception. It is important that only one cable is used for both bands.

The Delta outdoor antenna has the following average characteristics:

  • frequency range – MV, UHF;
  • gain – 3-14 dB;
  • protective factor – 12 dB;
  • characteristic impedance of the cable is 75 Ohms.

The protective coefficient shows the amount of attenuation of the signal coming from the rear side opposite to the main direction of reception. This value applies only to the decimeter part of the antenna. Gain spread shows the difference in gain for different channels, since it is impossible to create universal device with linear characteristic. The minimum gain here falls on MV channels, broadcasting on which tends to decrease.

The best values ​​of protective action in the UHF range have devices equipped with a reflector located between the meter and decimeter parts. The reflector is a grating that attenuates the signal from the rear lobe of the radiation pattern, while slightly increasing the gain.

The given parameters refer to passive antennas that do not have a signal amplifier. Thus, their scope of application is limited to those areas where there is a direct line of sight to the transmitting station.

The use of an amplifier structurally located in close proximity to the antenna makes it possible to increase the overall gain in the UHF range to 20-27 dB. Outdoor antenna with such amplification it makes it possible to receive television programs in almost any area.

The narrow directivity range and high gain make Delta antennas attractive for digital TV, which is broadcast primarily in the UHF range.

How to connect the antenna correctly

Connecting the Delta antenna to a TV or tuner is done in the same way as other antennas. A regular plug must be connected to the split end of the cable if the antenna is passive, or a power supply adapter if an active antenna with a reception amplifier is used. When connecting the cable and plug, it is important to avoid shorting the screen and the central core.

The cable is connected according to the antenna manufacturer's instructions. The connection documentation must include a connection diagram. The design must provide for sealing of the cable entry and connection points. Otherwise, you should perform sealing yourself, based on the capabilities of the design. If moisture gets on the amplifier, it will almost instantly damage it, and the cable screen, thanks to the capillary effect, sucks water along almost the entire length of the cable. It is impossible to dry a wet cable, and in the very near future it will fail due to corrosion of the shielding braid.

Important! The main reason for the failure of the receiving device or Bad quality signal lies in improper cutting and fastening of the cable, when the central core has contact with the conductors of the shielding braid.

Antennas usually do not come with a cable, so you will have to purchase it separately. When choosing a cable, you need to pay attention to the characteristic impedance. Pluggable tv cable has a resistance of 75 ohms. Any other type of cable for connecting the antenna is not suitable. The shielding braid must be dense and uniform, otherwise interference may occur. When choosing between cables of different thicknesses, preference should be given to the thicker one, since it introduces less attenuation, which can be critical when the distance to the antenna is large (for example, installed on a high mast).

Important! The cable to the TV is not just an electrical wire. It must be solid, so it is better to purchase it with a reserve, since you can always trim or hide the excess, and when building a short one, signal losses greatly increase, since the absence of inhomogeneities in the conductors and insulation is important. The biggest nuisance when using a spliced ​​cable is the appearance of a reflected signal in it, which leads to ghosting and blurriness of the image on an analog TV or loss of the digital signal.

How to save on your purchase

More precisely, we are not talking about how to reduce costs when buying an antenna, but how not to pay more. Many manufacturers offer modified wave channel elements in the Delta antenna. There are various variations of zigzag conductors, even cut lengthwise and spread apart.

We can safely say that these tricks are nothing more than a marketing ploy designed to attract buyers by appearance. It is doubtful that the manufacturer who redesigned the design would have taken rigorous measurements. No actions with the shape of the elements lead to an increase in the gain. On the contrary, the calculation even conventional antenna extremely complex, what can we say about the openwork designs that can be found in stores or on the market. Such antenna designs have greater weight and lower mechanical strength. When manufacturing them, it is more difficult to accurately maintain all dimensions, so their characteristics will most likely have little in common with those declared.

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Television Delta antenna, produced by the Research and Production Association of Equipment and Communication Systems, has been in deserved demand among users in Russia and the CIS countries for many years.
The product range includes devices in the meter range, decimeter range and broadband, amplifying signals in both ranges - VHF and UHF; collective antennas and individual use; outdoor and indoor, log-periodic
and a wave channel.

Model table

The table shows the characteristics: individual outdoor broadband Delta TV antennas.
All of them are designed to receive TV channels 1 to 60 and are designed for viewing both analog and digital broadcasts. The letter A means it's active Delta antenna with amplifier. Some models, for ease of connecting the antenna cable, are equipped with F-connectors and are designated by the letter F.

H1321 Analog H321,
Н1321А Analog H1321
with amplifier
H391 Horizontal polarization
H391A Similar to H391 - delta antenna
with amplifier
N311A1 A1- UHF amplifier 0/1/20
H341 0/1/11
H341A Analog H341 active 1/2/10
H311-01 22 elements 0/1/8
N311A-01 Analogue N311-01 with amplifier 20/20/25
H351 34 elements 0/0/12
H351A Analog H351 active 0/0/12
H361 42 elements 1/6/11
H361A Analog H361 with amplifier 20/24/30
H321 14 elements
H321A Analog H321 active 20/20/25
N321A1 Analog H321 with UHF amplifier 0/1/16
H375 43 elements 3/6/11

Delta antenna with amplifier

Purpose - individual reception of television broadcast signals of horizontal polarization in the frequency range from 48.5 MHz to 790 MHz from television channels 1 to 60. Antenna Delta H311 ensures viewing of television programs in an area of ​​reliable reception; the active model H311A with a built-in amplifier is used in an area of ​​​​a weak signal from a television center. The range and quality of reception depend on the installation location and height, the power of the television transmitter, the terrain and the level of electronic interference.

Delta antenna with amplifier is configured to receive television signals in accordance with the frequency table of terrestrial television channels given in the section Terrestrial television channels.

Delta H311 antenna design

H311 is an antenna module - a log-periodic design for decimeter waves and two vibrators for receiving meter waves. The device is mounted on a mast and is oriented towards the television center using a fastening unit. The antenna box contains a matching board, or antenna amplifier model H311A.

Assembly and installation procedure

Antenna Delta N 311-01 connection diagram. First of all, meter range vibrators are assembled and connected to the antenna box. Next you need to connect the antenna cable, for which you need to remove the protective sheath, shielding braid and internal insulator, freeing them by 10 mm. Make the connection: remove the cover of the antenna box, unscrew the nut securing it, insert the cut end of the cable into the central hole and connect it to the matching board. Install the H311 assembly on the mast and secure it at a height sufficient for direct visibility to the television tower. By rotating the device in one direction or another, use the best image to determine the optimal orientation angle and secure it completely. Fix the antenna cable on the mast, connect the grounding wire to the nut on the grounding stud located on the mounting unit.


The topic of this article is inspired by the Delta N311-01A antenna (active with amplifier) ​​that came in for repair. The design of the antenna is such that if the vibrators for receiving the meter range are removed (which will significantly reduce its dimensions), then it can only be used as an antenna for the decimeter range.

Delta N311-01A is a version of the Delta 311-01 antenna without an amplifier. An all-wave television antenna with a broadband amplifier is used in conditions of unsatisfactory reception in the VHF and UHF ranges. Receives analog and digital television broadcasting, in the frequency range 48.5-890 MHz and consisting of decimeter antenna and a meter range vibrator. The antenna has uniform gain over the entire frequency range.

The design of the antenna is quite simple and therefore it is quite accessible for repetition. The main elements that make up the antenna are: decimeter part; vibrator MV; matching board and signal amplifier. Complex elements include: a matching board and an amplifier, but you can do without them by installing an SWA type amplifier.

The decimeter part is a log-periodic antenna with 20 vibrators.

A log-periodic antenna (LPA) consists of two pipes located one above the other, to which the vibrator arms are attached alternately.

The cable is connected to the LPA without a special matching device as follows. A cable with a characteristic impedance of 75 Ohms is inserted into the down tube at one end and exits at the other. The cable braid is soldered to the end of the lower pipe, and the central core is soldered to the end of the upper pipe.

Depending on the wavelength of the received signal, several vibrators are excited in the antenna structure, the dimensions of which are closest to half the wavelength of the signal. At a given signal wavelength, only one trio of vibrators is excited, while the rest are detuned and do not affect the operation of the antenna. The antenna gain drops somewhat, but the bandwidth is much wider.

It is useful to know that the smoother the surface of the conductors from which the antenna is made, the higher its quality indicators (higher the quality factor).

The MV antenna is designed extremely simply - these are two vibrators 110 cm long, attached to protective housing amplifier

The matching board and amplifier are hidden in a sealed housing.

The balancing device is used to match meter and meter antennas. UHF bands with amplifier.


For those who want to make a copy, I provide the dimensions of the UHF and HF antennas.

All antenna dimensions are given in millimeters. The diameter of the tubes is 12 mm, the diameter of the vibrators is 4 mm, the gap between the tubes is 6 mm. At the beginning of the antenna, the tubes are secured with plastic; at the point of attachment to the mast, the tubes are soldered.

The antenna gain can be increased somewhat further by adding a reflector behind the antenna mounting device.