Trade in server hardware. Purchase of geodetic equipment and Trade in

The purchase of servers and network equipment for the purpose of its restoration and subsequent sale is practiced by many foreign vendors and their distributors. For many companies, there is a problem with storing and disposing of obsolete and unnecessary equipment. Throw it away b. u. servers are not allowed by prudence and accounting, and this already switched off equipment takes up space and resources.
The website company has adopted the following model of cooperation with clients - we purchase used goods. u. server equipment in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation on favorable terms. Our network is constantly expanding: in addition to the central office in Yekaterinburg, representative offices have been opened in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The company's employees purchase servers and network equipment directly at their installation sites. Departure is carried out at the request of the client.

Our services

Server buyout. Cooperation with means favorable conditions and fair prices that correspond to the remaining life of the equipment. We work with server platforms manufactured by IBM, HP, Supermicro, ASUS and other vendors. Of interest are any servers in rackmount (1U – 5U), tower and blade versions, both with and without processors, RAM, components.
Purchase b. u. network equipment. We are ready to purchase routers, switches, wireless network equipment, servers and devices for IP telephony and any other telecommunications devices.
Purchase b. u. server equipment. We are interested in data storage systems, streamers, power supplies, processors, RAM, cases, hard drives, SSDs, controllers and other components.

Why is it beneficial?

Due to the complexities of accounting and problems with atypical processes for selling fixed assets, as a rule, many companies have unclaimed equipment (servers, processors or firewalls) lying in warehouses for many years and, ultimately, simply thrown away. Moreover, it is quite difficult find a bona fide buyer.
The service of purchasing server equipment from the site allows you to avoid all these difficulties and gives the client the following advantages:

  • preparation of all documents necessary for accounting, supervision of the process of deregistration, implementation of disposal acts or contracts of purchase and sale of fixed assets;
  • testing and evaluation of servers and network devices in the presence of the seller;
  • payment is made immediately after signing the contract;
  • experience working with large companies, providing recommendations;
  • integrity and honesty.

The site company highly values ​​long-term cooperation and offers individual terms for the purchase of server equipment and network devices for regular customers. We are ready to answer any questions, provide guarantees and recommendations to companies that have experienced the benefits of working with us.
If you are interested in buying b. y..

On December 23, 2019, the analytical company TrendForce published some results of a study of the global server market. According to experts, in 2019, equipment sales remained at the previous year's level due to the US-China trade war, which undermined demand and pushed manufacturers to transfer capacity from China to other countries.

This negative factor could have caused the fall of the server market in 2019, but the situation was improved by the increased demand for equipment from data center operators in the second half of the year. First of all, we are talking about the companies Amazon Web Service (AWS) and Facebook.


Cloud server market growth by 29% to $86 billion - Counterpoint Research

The volume of the global market for servers used to launch and operate cloud services reached $86 billion in 2018, an increase of 28% compared to 2017. Such data was published on May 5, 2019 by Counterpoint Research analysts.

Sales of the equipment in question have increased due to demand from large data center owners, including Equinix and Digital Realty Trust, as well as leading cloud service providers such as Microsoft, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google. These companies also offer IaaS (infrastructure as a service) services, where users receive computing infrastructure managed over the Internet, said Prachir Singh, senior analyst at Counterpoint Research.

Experts call the largest manufacturers of cloud servers the companies HPE and Dell EMC, which at the end of 2018 received approximately the same market shares - about 16%. The top five accounted for almost half of the revenue.

Experts note the rapid growth of Chinese vendors, especially Inspur Power Systems and Huawei, which in 2018 increased server sales by 72% and 33%, respectively.

In addition, Taiwanese ODM manufacturers are strengthening their positions by supplying equipment directly to data centers. The share of such players, which include, in particular, Foxconn, Wistron and Inventec, reached 39% of the total cloud server market in monetary terms.

Counterpoint Research associate director Brady Wang says Chinese and Taiwanese companies are ramping up server supply due to low prices. Large data center operators are increasingly choosing to purchase equipment from ODM suppliers in order to reduce costs.

As a result, Inspur increased its share of the cloud server market in units from 3% in 2016 to 7% in 2018. The share of ODM companies rose during this time from 19% to 25%.

Growth by 13.1% in pieces and 30.1% in money - Gartner

In 2018, global server shipments increased by 13.1% compared to 2017, and market revenue jumped by 30.1%. This is evidenced by data from Gartner, published on March 18, 2019.

Analysts did not provide absolute values ​​characterizing the situation on the market. However, they previously reported the shipment of 11.4 million servers worth $60 billion at the end of 2017. It turns out that in 2018, server sales reached 12.9 million units worth $78.06 billion.

The highest growth rates of the server market were registered in the Asia-Pacific region: here in 2018 there was an increase of 38.3% in money and 17.6% in pieces. In North America, equipment shipments increased by 34% and 15.9%, respectively.

The volume of the server market in the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East, Africa) at the end of 2018 increased by 3.1% in volume terms and by 20.4% in monetary terms. The Latin American market posted a 20.9% jump in terms of revenue, but fell 4.4% in unit sales. In Japan, quantitative server shipments increased by 2.1% in 2018 compared to 2017, and in terms of revenue, the market grew by 3.3%.

As reasons for the increase in demand for servers, Gartner senior analyst Kiyomi Yamada cites the growing costs of building new and updating existing data centers owned by telecommunications operators and owners of hyperscale data centers (Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, etc.). These companies are increasing expenses (although they are less than at the beginning of 2017) to meet the demand for communication services and cloud services, the expert notes.

Gartner does not name the world's largest server manufacturers for the entire 2018, but provides data for the fourth quarter (see tables below).

Growth by 5% to 12.42 million - DRAMeXchange

On December 20, 2018, the analytical company DRAMeXchange presented the results of a study of the global server market. Its volume, as experts estimate, reached 12.42 million units in 2018, an increase of 5% compared to the previous year.

According to DRAMeXchange senior analyst Mark Liu, the main credit for the growth in server sales on a global scale belongs to American branded manufacturers (Dell EMC and HPE), which accounted for more than 30% of equipment shipments. More detailed information about the balance of power in the market is presented in the table below.

The study says that during 2018, manufacturers of branded servers were able to show a significant recovery: in the first quarter, the companies experienced a slight decline due to seasonal factors, but in the second quarter they increased shipments by more than 10%, and in July-September they achieved peak shipments in 3.2 million pieces.

As for the percentage breakdown by server type, enterprise servers account for the majority of global shipments, and the share of equipment used in data centers increased to almost 35% in 2018 due to the fact that demand in this segment is less susceptible to seasonality factor. ODMs that supply servers directly to data centers increased revenue in North America by 17% in the first half of 2018, and by 12% in the second half of the year. Experts attributed the slowdown in growth to adjustments in product inventories and a reduction in capital expenditures.

According to DRAMeXchange calculations, Inspur shipped almost 1 million servers in 2018, of which about 30% were in the Chinese market. The vendor receives most of its orders from Chinese Internet companies, including giants such as Baidu, Alibaba Group and Tencent. There is also a 20 percent increase in shipments of Huawei servers due to stable orders from telecommunications operators.

2017: Return to growth - Gartner data

In 2017, the global server market returned to growth due to improved macroeconomic conditions and growing demand for equipment from companies and owners of large data centers, according to research company Gartner.

Global server deliveries at the end of 2017 increased by 3.1% and reached about 11.4 million units, and revenue increased by 10.4%, amounting to almost $60 billion. In 2016, the market fell by almost 3% in money and showed almost zero growth in volume terms.

Speaking about the drivers of server market growth, Gartner research vice president Jeffrey Hewitt pointed to “relatively strong economies” as well as “positive results” in the corporate sector and the hyperscale data center segment, achieved due to the desire of businesses to implement more digital solutions.

From the Gartner report it follows that shipments of servers with x86 processors increased by almost 9%, and manufacturers' income from sales of such equipment jumped by 23.7%.

The study shows the balance of power among vendors only for the fourth quarter. TAdviser studied Gartner's quarterly reports and summarized the data for individual companies. According to calculations based on analyst data, Dell EMC shipped more than 2 million servers in 2017, which allowed the company to take first place overall. Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) is in second position with 1.8 million units released. The highest growth rates in income and server shipments continue to be demonstrated by the Chinese Inspur Electronics.


Record sales of HPC systems

In April 2017, the analytical company Hyperion Research, which was previously part of the IDC agency, released the results of a study of the global market for high-performance computing (HPC) servers. Sales of this equipment rose to record levels thanks to supercomputers.

In 2016, the global market for HPC systems reached $11.2 billion, an increase of 4.4% compared to the previous year. The indicated revenue was the largest in the history of the market. The previous maximum value was recorded in 2012 - $11.2 billion.

Researchers say the HPC server market has grown with mid- and high-end systems offsetting declines in lower-end systems.

The greatest growth was shown by the category of supercomputers (products costing $500 thousand and above), where sales jumped by 26.2% - from $3.2 billion in 2015 to $4 billion in 2016. Sales of systems in the price range of $250–500 thousand rose by 18.2% to $2.3 billion.

Sales of equipment, which is offered at prices from 100 to 250 thousand dollars, decreased by almost 20% and amounted to $3.1 billion. In the workstation segment (computer equipment up to $100 thousand) there was a 7 percent decline to $1.7 billion.

HPC servers are closely linked not only to scientific advances, but also to industrial innovation and economic competitiveness. For this reason, countries and regions around the world, as well as businesses and universities of all sizes, are increasing their investments in high-performance computing. In addition, the global race to achieve exascale performance will stimulate growth in sales of high-end supercomputers, said Hyperion Research CEO Earl Joseph.

Sales decline by 2.7% to $54 billion, HPE earns the most

In 2016, manufacturers produced a total of more than 11 million servers worth more than $54 billion. The report notes that quantitative equipment shipments increased by only 0.1%, and vendor revenue decreased by 2.7%.

According to Jeffrey Hewitt, vice president of research at Gartner, several factors determined the landscape for the server market in 2016. In particular, the expansion of hyperscale data centers (for example, those owned by Facebook and Google) has had an impact, which has led to significant equipment upgrades at these facilities. Company spending on servers has grown at a slower pace as organizations and enterprises increasingly use virtualization and cloud services, Hewitt noted.

The x86 processor architecture remains the dominant server platform used in large data centers around the world. The growing demand for integrated systems (including hyperconverged solutions), the share of which, however, remains small in the entire infrastructure equipment market, also stimulated sales of x86 systems in 2016, Gartner reported.

The study does not provide the balance of power among manufacturers based on the results of 2016. Only the position of vendors based on the results of the fourth quarter is indicated. During this period, Dell took first place in server shipments with a 19.1 percent share. HPE, which previously led in equipment production volume, reduced its shipments by 19.4%, resulting in its market share falling to 17.2%. At the same time, HPE remained in first place in terms of revenue from server sales.


Record sales

On March 10, 2016, the analytical company published the results of a study of the global server market. Its volume, as experts have found, has reached a record value.

According to IDC, in 2015 the total revenue of manufacturers from server sales in the world amounted to $55.1 billion, which is 8% more than the previous year. Deliveries of systems increased by 4.9% to 9.7 million units, which is the highest figure in the entire history of the market.

In October-December 2015, server sales increased by 5.2% year on year and amounted to $15.3 billion. This quarterly growth was the seventh in a row and was a consequence of the ongoing cycle of equipment upgrades in companies and the expansion of data centers of cloud providers.

As the upgrade cycle seen in 2015 comes to an end, market attention has begun to shift towards software-defined infrastructure and hybrid management environments as companies begin to transform their IT infrastructures and prepare for the demand for such technologies in the coming years. IT solutions like the Internet of Things and cognitive analytics, says IDC analyst Kuba Stolarski. - In 2016, the growth rate of cloud infrastructure expansion is expected to accelerate due to the development of existing businesses and the launch of new cloud data centers around the world.

The largest server manufacturer remained Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), whose market revenue in 2015 rose by 5.8% to $14.1 billion, which corresponds to 25.6% of the total. Dell (17.5%) retained second place, and IBM (13%) took third place. The latter continues to reduce server sales after selling part of this business to Lenovo.

The Chinese vendor, in turn, thanks to this deal, is actively strengthening its position as a server manufacturer. In 2015, Lenovo gained $4.1 billion in market revenue, which is 170% more than the previous year. This allowed it to get ahead of Cisco, which ended 2015 with a market share of 6.5% versus Lenovo's 7.5%.

Every third server in the world is not needed

About 10 million of all physical servers in the world - which is 30% of their total number - are in a “comatose” state. This means that they do not process or produce any information for six months or more, but continue to consume electricity, according to a report published in the summer of 2015 by the consulting company Anthesis Group in conjunction with Stanford University.

Finding unused servers by measuring CPU or memory load, which are the methods most popular among companies, says the report. Therefore, analysts used special software that polls servers for operational data - information that the server works to process.

The number of unused servers included both individual servers and servers used to support virtual environments. The value of this stranded asset is $30 billion, based on an average server cost of $3,000 and excluding infrastructure costs and the ongoing costs of running and maintaining the servers.

If we could turn off all the unused servers in the world, the energy savings would be 2.2 GW from the servers alone, and about 1.8 GW from cooling and infrastructure.

Anthesis's findings coincided with other studies, including those from the Uptime Institute and McKinsey & Company, which found that only two-thirds of servers are in use. Anthesis obtained the same figure, but for the entire world. Moreover, according to McKinsey, it is rare for businesses to see server utilization exceed 6%.

2014: Growth by 3%

On March 3, 2015, the research company International Data Corporation (IDC) published the results of an analysis of the global server market. Its volume, as experts have found out, has reached a record value, which is largely due to China.

The latter earned $9 billion from servers in 2014, increasing this income by 5.7% year on year. The top five largest manufacturers also included Cisco and Oracle, occupying 5.7% and 4.6% of the market, respectively.


The blade market has reached a dead end

Gartner experts point out that as multi-node servers are gradually taking over the segment of low-load systems, and blades are usually used as the basis for FBI systems, blade servers are increasingly being used for complex applications such as high-load systems, data warehouses, ERP and CRM.

Blades are also well suited for in-memory databases. All of this has increased the overlap of blade, multi-node and rack server applications in different areas, forcing vendors to be present in all these segments to optimize workloads in each specific form factor. Gartner recommends that clients demand proof of server performance under all load scenarios from their vendors.

Magic Quadrant for Blade Servers

As for vendors, a very interesting situation is also developing here. After HP and IBM dominated the blade server market for a long time, Cisco entered this market in 2009 and very quickly became a leader, gradually winning market share from these companies. HP, IBM and Cisco controlled 80% of the global blade server market in quantitative terms in 2012.

According to Gartner's April 2013 Magic Quadrant, Fujitsu is also a strong player in the blade market. Among the niche players are Huawei, Oracle, Hitachi and Bull, and SGI is placed in the visionary quadrant.

Results of the year: sales decreased by 1.9% to $51.3 billion

For the entire 2012, revenue volumes in the global market for the supply of server products decreased by 1.9% compared to 2011 and amounted to $51.3 billion. Supply volumes also showed negative dynamics, decreasing over the year by 1.5% to a figure of 8. 1 million units.

As for other regions, according to Gartner, the maximum growth rate of server shipments was recorded in the first quarter of 2012 in Eastern Europe, where they increased by 16%. Japan was the leader in terms of revenue growth in this period (+10.6%).

Top5 server manufacturers in the first quarter of 2012 by revenue, $ million

IBM. Be that as it may, the shares of both players are very close in monetary terms - 28.1% and 27.8% of the market. While in unit terms HP ranks first with 29.2%, and IBM is only third with 11.4%.

Revenue of server suppliers in the first quarter of 2012, $ million

Shares of server suppliers in the first quarter of 2012 by supply volume

Source: Gartner, May 2012

As for market segments, the segment of non-x86 devices, including servers on RISC, EPIC (Itanium) and CISC processors, decreased in volume by 16.1% year on year to $3.4 billion. This segment accounted for 28.5% of the total market volume. At the same time, revenue from the x86 server segment increased by 4.5% to $8.4 billion, and in unit terms the segment grew by 3.2% to 1.9 million servers. Blades also saw growth of 7.3% in revenue and 4.8% in shipments compared to the start of 2011, according to IDC.


4th quarter and year results

Market size

Market segments

By form factor

According to IDC, over the last three months of 2011, a decrease in profits occurred in all three largest market segments for the first time since 2009: sales of hi-end systems decreased the most - by 18.4% per quarter to $3.7 billion.

The growth of the largest segment of x86 servers slowed down in the 4th quarter of 2011, so that vendor revenue in this segment over the last three quarters of 2011 decreased by 1.7% to $9.1 billion, while shipments, on the contrary, increased by 2.9% up to 2.1 million units.

In the blade server segment, revenue from manufacturers in the 4th quarter of 2011 grew by 8.3% in annual terms, and shipments by 1.7% in unit terms. In total, the blade server segment, including x86 architecture, EPIC and RISC architecture servers, accounted for $2.3 billion in the 4th quarter of 2011, representing 16.1% of the total market.

In November 2011, IDC also introduced a new server market segment called Hyper-Scale Servers, later renamed Density Optimized Servers. Such servers are designed for large data centers where workloads are distributed and parallelized. The design of such servers takes into account three factors - performance, energy efficiency and density. In the 4th quarter of 2011, the segment of such servers in annual terms grew by 33.8% to $458 million, and deliveries increased by 51.5% to 132.8 thousand units. Now this segment accounts for 3.2% of the server market in monetary terms and 6.1% in unit terms.

By software platform

Demand for Linux servers strengthened in 2011 due to the growth of the high-performance computing (HPC) market and the deployment of cloud infrastructures. This is evidenced by the increase in vendor revenue in this segment (it reached $2.6 billion) by 2.2% year on year in the fourth quarter of 2011. Revenues from sales of Linux servers amounted to 18.4% of the global server market turnover, which is 1.7% higher than in the fourth quarter of 2010.

Demand for Microsoft Windows servers declined gradually in the fourth quarter of 2011, and server revenues in this segment decreased by 1.5% year over year. Quarterly revenues of $6.5 billion from sales of Windows servers account for 45.8% of the total revenue of vendors in the server market, which is 2.6: higher than in the same period in 2010.

Revenue from sales of Unix servers decreased by 10.7% year on year to $3.4 billion, accounting for 24.2% of the global server market turnover. The Unix server market has not returned to pre-crisis levels, despite changing market dynamics.

3rd quarter

Global server shipments rose 7.2% year over year in the third quarter of 2011, according to research firm Gartner, while revenue grew 5.2%.

Jeffrey Hewitt, research vice president at Gartner, noted growth in global server shipments in the third quarter of this year, noting significant variations across regions. “All regions showed an increase in supply volumes and vendor revenues, with the exception of Western Europe, which saw a 4.9% decrease in revenues during the reporting period. At the same time, the Asia-Pacific region showed the most significant growth in supply volumes, showing an increase of 23.9%. And in Eastern Europe, the highest growth in supplier revenues is 27.4% per quarter,” the analyst emphasized.

Servers on the x86 platform have taken the lead. The volume of supplies of this equipment increased by 7.6%, while at the same time increasing income by 9.3%. Western Europe and the United States were unable to show growth in sales of this type of server due to comparatively stronger results in the third quarter of 2010. Global shipments of Unix RISC/Itanium servers fell 6.8%, but vendor revenue increased 3.5% compared to the same quarter last year. Servers in another category, primarily mainframes, showed a decline of 6.9%.

The top five global suppliers increased their revenues in the third quarter of 2011. Oracle was an exception: HP retreated 3.6% year over year, while Oracle held on to losses. In terms of revenue, IBM led the global server market (see Table 1): the company received just over $3.8 billion in revenue with a total market share of 29.7% in the third quarter of 2011. On an annualized basis, the company's share decreased by 0.5%. Most of IBM's revenue growth came from sales of its Power Systems line of products, with some participation from System X.

According to Gartner estimates, the ranking of leading vendors is as follows: IBM tops the list with revenue of $3.846 billion and a market share of 29.7%, followed by HP with $3.802 billion and a share of 29.3%, followed by Dell, with indicators of $1.903 billion and 14.7%, Oracle ranks fourth with revenues of $0.763 billion and a share of 5.9%. In fifth position is Fujitsu with revenues of $0.603 billion and a market share of 4.7%.

Table 1. Revenue estimates for leading suppliers in Q3. 2011


Revenue ($US)

Market share in 3Q11 (%)

Revenue ($US)

Market share in 3Q10 (%)

Growth 3Q10-3Q11 (%)
















Other vendors











Purchase of new equipment with credit for old equipment

We offer retail customers the opportunity to purchase new equipment in exchange for old equipment under a convenient and profitable scheme. Do you want to upgrade your security system with more productive and modern equipment? TRADE-IN allows you to replace with completely new Novicam solutions. It is much simpler, faster and more convenient than constantly improving old equipment taking into account the constant development of technology.

Pros for you:

  • It takes less money to upgrade your CCTV system
  • Professional advice from us on all exchange issues
  • You do not need to find a buyer for old equipment - we will do everything for you
  • Choose models, and we will offset and calculate their cost
  • Exchange, sale and purchase of equipment are accompanied by all necessary documents, including a contract
  • Your old equipment will be disposed of in accordance with strict environmental regulations for electronic equipment

What devices can be donated?

In professional circles, the exchange of old equipment for new one with an additional payment is called Trade-in. Thanks to this service, you can exchange old equipment that is no longer effective for your company for new equipment, paying only a small difference between the cost of the products.


How is Trade-in carried out?

If you want to make a replacement, you call the manager of the Abamet company and describe the detailed characteristics of the equipment you have. The manager can name a preliminary amount at which your model will be valued, but usually a specialist visit is needed to accurately determine the cost. In parallel with the assessment procedure, the configuration of the new equipment that you want to purchase from our company is agreed upon with you. Delivery times are agreed upon separately. As a rule, this is a simultaneous exchange; we bring new equipment to you and immediately take away the old one. This allows you not to interrupt the production process, as well as avoid unnecessary costs for multiple visits by the rigging crew and special equipment.

What are the terms and conditions of the exchange program?

  1. The machine tool exchange program (trade in for machine tools) covers any equipment from the current ABAMET equipment catalog: HAAS, Mitsubishi Electric, Advanced Machinery and Safan machining centers. The equipment must be no older than 2000.
  2. Only equipment owners can take part in the Trade-in program. At the time of exchange, the equipment must be free from any rights or encumbrances of third parties.
  3. The equipment considered for repurchase can be either in good working order, fully equipped and functioning, or not in working order. If you wish to sell a non-working machine, our specialists will carry out diagnostics and draw up a defective statement, the data of which will be taken into account when calculating the final purchase price.
The exchange procedure using the Trade-in system is concluded on the basis of a purchase and sale agreement.
  • Which model can be purchased through the Trade-in program?

    You can choose any machine from ours. This can be new or used equipment of any class. There is no need to purchase a new machine from the same category. We can offset any positions.

    If at the moment the client does not have the money to fully cover the additional payment, is it possible to make an exchange?

    The funds received from the sale of used equipment can be used by you as an advance payment under a leasing agreement. The Abamet company has positive experience of cooperation with most leasing companies represented on the Russian market, and can also offer its own.

    Wouldn't it be more profitable to sell the machine yourself?

    When exchanging used machines, we try to calculate the exchange value as close as possible to the market price. Thanks to our extensive experience working with equipment, we can accurately determine its value depending on its technical condition. Yes, the client can sell it for a little more if he is lucky enough to find a good buyer. But this will still impose separate costly obligations on him in the form of drawing up contracts, transportation, and so on, not to mention the loss of time and risks borne by an unknown buyer.

    Selling on your own can be beneficial if you do not plan to purchase other equipment, but simply sell off the company’s property in the event of a suspension of operations. If you need a replacement, we provide high-quality service that allows you not only not to lose money, but also to receive a number of additional benefits.

    What if the client does not want to purchase new equipment, but also does not want to risk searching for a buyer on his own?

    We have a service for the purchase and intermediary sale of machines. If your equipment is in good working order, we can offer you several options:

    • Instant redemption at a price to be determined through expert evaluation. This allows you to quickly receive funds for equipment that is no longer used by your business.
    • Commission sale of your equipment on your behalf with a pre-agreed commission amount for assistance in implementation. During the commission sale period, we are ready to provide you with our space for storing unused equipment. By choosing this method, you will receive maximum funds from the sale of equipment. However, you will have to wait until a suitable buyer is found for it.

    There is one more important circumstance: selling a machine on the manufacturer’s market or through advertisements on a website is always associated with increased risk and difficulties. You have to communicate with potential buyers who may pose a threat to the legal and financial purity of the transaction.

    In any case, by contacting our company, you receive a full guarantee of the security of the transaction. You will receive your funds in the amount stipulated by the official purchase and sale agreement, and will also be spared the need to independently search for a buyer, which sometimes takes a lot of time and effort.

    Why is it worth working with Abamet?

    If the production location changes, we will carry out the transfer of machines and train new personnel as soon as possible. We consider it obligatory for ourselves that clients "Abamet" can make maximum use of their production technology. Engineers "Abamet" will help you increase productivity by analyzing training and suggesting new solutions. This support will make a major contribution to your competitive advantage.

    • get advice from qualified specialists;
    • profitably sell or exchange your old equipment;
    • save your time;
    • lease equipment;
    • purchase the most modern equipment that will increase your competitiveness and allow you to modernize production to suit your needs.
  • Machine cost estimation

