CPU temperature test. How to find out the temperature of a computer: processor, video card, hard drive

If your laptop just turns off, freezes, or just sometimes lags in games, then this article is for you. This article describes how to determine whether a laptop is overheating, as well as how to deal with overheating.


This guide will talk about overheating. In fact, this is one of the most common problems encountered in laptops. The topic of overheating was partially raised in the article: . In this article I will try to reveal it more fully.

Let's first look at why the laptop overheats. There may be several reasons for this:

  1. The cooling system is poorly designed. I think it’s no secret to anyone that laptops are all different. Therefore, they have different systems cooling. For some, it is thought out very well and with a reserve, while others do not have laptops. As a result, some laptops heat up weakly, while others heat up more;
  2. Accumulation of dust and other debris in the cooling system. This happens very often. Dust gets clogged in front of the radiator on the fan side. In particularly advanced cases, the thickness of the layer of dust, wool and other debris reaches 5-10 mm. Naturally, the efficiency of the cooling system in this case tends to zero. So the laptop overheats;
  3. Loss of contact between the chip surface and the heat sink plate. This also happens. Since then, the thermal paste, which is located between the chip and the plate, has hardened. This can lead not only to a deterioration of its properties, but also to the fact that due to shock or strong vibration, the heat sink plate will simply move away from the layer of hardened thermal paste and an air gap will form. This greatly complicates heat transfer and, as a result, the chip overheats;
  4. Incorrect operation of the laptop. Many laptops are designed in such a way that air is drawn in to cool the internal components through holes in the bottom and/or from the keyboard side. If you place the laptop on a soft surface, the holes on the bottom will block. As a result, the laptop will simply overheat. The same applies to working with the lid closed. Some of the holes are blocked, less air enters the cooling system and the laptop overheats.

Let us now consider how overheating usually manifests itself.

Typical symptoms of an overheating laptop:

  1. The laptop turns off by itself;
  2. The laptop freezes;
  3. Games experience occasional stuttering. They are described in more detail in this guide: .

This happens because the overheating protection is triggered. The fact is that modern processors, video cards and chipsets have thermal sensors that constantly monitor the temperature. If the temperature exceeds a certain threshold, the processor and video card reduce their frequency and supply voltage. As a result, the temperature and performance drop and the laptop begins to slow down. Also, if the laptop overheats, it may freeze or turn off. When the video card overheats, extra lines, squares and other defects may appear on the screen. When the processor overheats, the laptop freezes and turns off with a characteristic sound jam.

It is quite logical that in order to determine whether the laptop is overheating or not, you just need to measure maximum temperature processor, video card and other components. This is what we will do now.

Temperature measurement

The utility is great for measuring laptop temperatures HWMonitor. You can download it from these links: /.

This utility shows the current, minimum and maximum temperatures since startup. We are only interested in maximum temperature values.

Now we launch a game or other application that heavily loads the laptop. We work or play for 15 minutes and see what the utility shows HWMonitor:

Important Note:The HWMonitor utility must be minimized while playing or working with an application. If you start it after you have worked or played, or while you have closed the game, then you will not receive accurate data on the maximum temperature. This is due to the fact that if you remove the load, the processor and video card drop their temperature very quickly.

Now I’ll explain what is what:

  1. THRM- this is a chipset. During the game he was able to warm up to 74 degrees (right column);
  2. Core #0 And Core #1- These are the processor cores. They warmed up to 71 and 72 degrees;
  3. GPU Core- this is the video card chip. He was able to warm up to 87 degrees;
  4. HDD- this is a hard drive. It heated up to 47 degrees.

Note: if you can’t figure out what the HWMonitor utility is showing you and how bad it is, then don’t be shy and ask in the appropriate forum topic: . To message Necessarily add a window image HWMonitor.

What temperatures are normal:

  1. For a processor, the normal temperature can be considered 75-80 degrees under load. If it’s above 90, it’s definitely overheating;
  2. For a video card, the normal temperature is 70-90 degrees;
  3. For a hard drive, the normal temperature is up to 50-55. If it is above 60, then it is worth copying important data from the hard drive. There is a risk of losing them;
  4. For chipset normal temperature up to 90 degrees.

Important Note: Maximum temperatures may vary from model to model. For example for nVidia video cards GeForce 8600M GT normal temperature is 90-95 degrees. For nVidia GeForce 9500M GS - 80-85.

If your laptop does not overheat and the temperatures are significantly lower than those described above, then the cause of freezes, slowdowns and shutdowns should be sought in operating system and drivers. First of all, you need to try updating Laptop BIOS. It is available on your laptop manufacturer's website. If this does not help, then you should reinstall the system, try other drivers, update programs and look at the recommendations from the manual:. If this does not help, then you should contact service center since the cause of laptop freezes and shutdowns may be partial failures of the motherboard (power stabilization circuits and other things). It is very difficult to fix this at home.

If the laptop still overheats, then you need to take measures to cool it.

There are the following basic ways to lower the temperature of a laptop:

  1. Place something under the rear end;
  2. Use a cooling pad;
  3. Clean the cooling system from dust;
  4. Replacing thermal paste.

Let's look at each of these methods.

1. Raising the rear end of the laptop

In most cases, the air that cools the laptop components is drawn through holes and slots in the bottom of the laptop. Some air is also sucked in from the keyboard. By lifting the back end of the laptop, we increase the gap between the bottom and the table. As a result, air circulation improves. In other words, the air that is forced through the radiator of the cooling system becomes colder. Also, by reducing the resistance of this air, more air is sucked in. As a result, the maximum temperature may drop by 5-10 degrees.

You can put anything under the back end, from books to rubber bands. This is what it looks like:

There is nothing complicated. Everything is simple and clear.

2. Using a cooling pad

This method is also quite simple and effective. The bottom line is that the laptop is placed on a stand with fans. These fans force air onto the bottom of the laptop. Air enters through slits and holes in the bottom. As a result, the air flow increases, which blows internal components laptop and radiator. In practice, the temperature drops by 5-15 degrees.

This is what the cooling pads look like:

They usually cost from 20-30 to 50-60 $. You can also do this yourself. The stands are usually powered from the laptop's USB port.

3. Cleaning the laptop cooling system from dust

Cleaning the cooling system from dust makes sense if 2-3 months have passed since the purchase. This period depends on the operating conditions of the laptop. After cleaning, the laptop will heat up the same way as after purchase.

This is a service operation and is often not covered by warranty. If possible, entrust this operation to a service center. Behind small fee Everything will be cleaned for you.

If you don’t want to give the laptop to a service center, then you can completely clean it yourself. To do this, you need to partially disassemble the laptop. Cleaning with a vacuum cleaner often does not have a serious effect.

So. Let's begin. First you need to turn off the laptop, unplug it and turn it over:

Before disassembling your laptop, you should remove the battery. This is a must do!. When the battery is removed, it is worth analyzing how to get to the fan. On Acer Aspire 5920, for example, to do this you need to remove the large bottom cover. It is held on by the following bolts:

When all the bolts that hold the cover are unscrewed, we begin to remove it a little at a time:

Important Note: Often, in addition to bolts, the lid is held in place by the following latches:

They must be handled very carefully so as not to break. They usually serve to more securely fix the lid.

And here is the fan and radiator that need to be cleaned:

Now you can clean both the blades and the radiator itself:

Since I clean it regularly, there is not a lot of dust and other debris there. In practice, there are cases when a thick layer of debris accumulates in front of the radiator. It is not surprising that the cooling system does not cope with its task and the laptop overheats.

You need to clean it with a dry cloth, napkin or brush.

When we're done cleaning, we put everything back together.

4. Replacing thermal paste in a laptop

This is the most the hard way laptop cooling. Replacing thermal paste requires experience and knowledge. In this case the warranty is void. If possible, entrust this operation to a service center.

The essence of this method is that laptop manufacturers usually use thick layers of thermal paste, which is not the most best characteristics. This is necessary to ensure an acceptable defect rate. If you replace that thermal paste with a more efficient one, you can lower the temperature of the processor and video card by 5-15 degrees.

More details about replacing thermal paste in a laptop are described in this material: Replacing thermal paste in a laptop.

That's all.

If you have any questions about this material, you should first read it and then ask on the forum.

Please post all questions about laptop cooling in this forum topic: .

You can make all comments and suggestions regarding the article itself through this contact form: Please note that if something doesn’t work out for you, then you should only ask on the forum. This kind of emails will be ignored.

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  • Good day everyone!

    At various problems with a computer (when freezing, loud noise coolers, brakes, etc.) first of all, it is always recommended to pay attention to the temperature of the processor and video card.

    Well, to determine the temperature and control it, special programs are needed - in fact, today’s article will be about them.

    I note that this article will only consider those programs that can work with devices from different manufacturers(AMD, Nvidia, Intel, etc.), i.e. nothing specific.

    So, let's get started...


    You may need information about how can you lower your temperature PC/laptop components. You can find out about this in one of my previous articles:

    Universal software

    Why universal? Because with its help you can find out the temperature of all PC components at once. This category of software is the most common and in demand among users.

    AIDA 64

    One of best utilities to determine the characteristics of a computer (created on the basis of the once not unknown Everest). To view the temperature in it, open the “Computer/Sensors” tab (see screenshot above).

    Of the minuses: the program is paid (however, free version There are quite a lot of tools available and they can be used...).


    Multifunctional and free utility to view various characteristics computer, laptop (by the way, this utility is from the developer of the famous CCleaner program) .

    It is distinguished, first of all, by its simplicity and clarity. The necessary tabs are displayed on the left; by moving through them, you can quickly collect all the information about the hardware.

    For reference: in general the utility supports Russian, but if your default language is set to English, then: CPU is the processor, Graphic is the video card, Storage is drives ( hard drives, solid state drives etc.).


    HWMonitor - one of the most informative temperature monitors (clickable screen)

    When you launch HWMonitor, two windows will open at once: in one of them there will be a “Sensors” button - click that. Then you will see a large table with various indicators: CPU, HDD, etc.

    This utility is notable in that it shows not only the current temperature value (Current), but also the minimum, maximum, and average (Average). See screenshot above.


    In general, this program is used to adjust the rotation speed of coolers (). But its small window also monitors the temperature of the main components (after all, you can’t regulate the speed without knowing what’s going on with the temperature?!).

    In general, the utility is very simple and supports the Russian language. Administrator rights may be required to run.

    Astra 32

    Not such a popular utility, however, even in the unregistered version, the program’s capabilities are more than enough for the “average” user. Allows you to obtain detailed information about the hardware (including non-documented information).

    Allows you to get information about RAM, chipset, BIOS, disks, CPU, motherboard, etc. in a few clicks of the mouse. You can be convinced of the “breadth” of the information received based on the screenshot above (there are no less tabs than in the same Aida 64).

    For CPU (processor)

    Core Temp

    (Note: pay attention to the checkboxes when installing the utility)

    Core Temp - max., min., avg. temperature value

    A very compact utility that can show maximum information about your processor: number of cores, threads, model, platform, frequency, VID, revision, temperature (limit, average, min. and max.), energy, etc. An example is shown above.

    The program is "omnivorous" and supports most modern CPUs.

    Via Powershell

    In Windows 10, to launch Powershell, just click right click mouse on "START". Please note that you need to run Powershell as an administrator!

    get-wmiobject msacpi_thermalzonetemperature -namespace "root/wmi" | Select CurrentTemperature |
    ForEach-Object ( ($_.CurrentTemperature/10)-273.15 )

    As a result, you will see the current temperature in degrees Celsius. My result: 44.05 °C (example below).

    To find out the temperature in command line, enter the command:

    wmic /namespace:\\root\wmi PATH MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature get CurrentTemperature

    Pay attention to:

    1. the command line must be launched as an administrator (you can do this on how to do this);
    2. the resulting figure will need to be converted into degrees Celsius - i.e. divide it by 10 and subtract 273.15 (see example below on the screenshot).


    As a rule, it is enough to open the main BIOS|UEFI page and find out all the most basic information about the computer/laptop: processor model, disk, mat. boards, amount of RAM, temperature, etc.

    From Intel, AMD

    There are specials from processor manufacturers (Intel, AMD). utilities for monitoring the state of the CPU.

    1. For Intel, this could be Intel® Desktop Utilities or Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility (on the official page),
    2. For AMD, such as AMD System Monitor or AMD PRO Control Center(on the official page).

    For video card

    GPU Temp

    A very simple utility for monitoring the temperature of a video card. Allows you to monitor the temperature in games, during overclocking, searching for reasons why stable operation etc.

    The program is free, works in all popular OS Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 (32|64 bits).


    One of the most informative utilities for determining the characteristics of video cards. Supports NVIDIA, AMD, ATI and Intel video cards(both the newest models and those that were released more than 10 years ago). Demonstrates the adapter model, current video card parameters (memory, boot, temperature, etc.).

    The utility does not require installation, supports Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10.

    For disk (HDD, SSD)


    Website: https://hddlife.ru/

    An excellent utility that monitors the status of disks in the system (supported as hard disks(HDD) and solid state drives (SSD)). The program monitors the "health" of the disk and will be able to warn you in time that the disk may soon become unusable.

    I'll note one more interesting feature: HDDLife allows you to adjust the noise level of the disk (useful for those whose disk clicks during operation...).


    Free utility from a Japanese developer (open source) source code). Allows you to obtain detailed information about the status hard drive, see S.M.A.R.T readings. (note: disk self-diagnosis), monitor the temperature.

    By the way, the utility automatically renders a verdict on the disk, for example, in the screenshot above “Good” - it means everything is in order. If something is wrong, then one of the “circles” in the program will turn red (example below).

    HD Tune

    Multifunctional program for testing the performance and diagnostics of disks (HDD, SSD, flash drives, etc.). Most supported different interfaces: SCSI, SATA or IDE.

    In addition, the program has in its arsenal monitors (temperature, disk loading, etc.). It is possible to configure the AAM mode (affects the noise level of the disk during HDD operation).

    Hard Disk Sentinel

    Hard Disk Sentinel- a multifunctional utility for diagnosing and monitoring the status of disks in the system.

    Main features: temperature control (in real time: if something is wrong, the program will notify you about it in time), viewing S.M.A.R.T. attributes, maintaining graphs and logs, automated copying data, HDD testing, support for hot keys, password protection.

    Additions are welcome.

    Noisiness and slow work laptop - perhaps the result of an increase in temperature and subsequent increased work of the cooler of the laptop cooling system, which cannot cope with the emerging load due to a decrease in its own efficiency.

    Thus, a slowdown in the operation of applications can be noticeable after the temperature rises above 70-75 degrees. This is a consequence of dynamic frequency reduction central processor laptop (so-called throttling or CPU throttling).

    If the temperature rises further, the laptop may shut down to protect the system from overheating.

    Permanent use of a laptop with such a malfunction will lead to failure of the motherboard. Most often it fails north bridge or video card. I must say that the service is not cheap. Therefore, it is better to carry out express diagnostics and prevent expensive repairs.

    Common signs of an overheating laptop:

    • the laptop begins to make more and more noise;
    • the keyboard gets hot;
    • Windows, games and other applications begin to slow down.

    Some inconveniences while working on a laptop that overheats (can help with diagnostics)

    • The laptop is very noisy. This is how the cooler constantly operates at high speeds, which shortens its service life;
    • The keyboard, touchpad and case get noticeably warm. Working with such a device becomes uncomfortable;
    • The laptop is very slow. Programs stop responding to requests (freeze) - performance decreases.
    • The laptop may turn off suddenly. User data may be lost due to sudden shutdown devices. It is often not possible to turn it on immediately after turning it off - it takes time for the processor and radiator to cool down.

    To correctly diagnose and identify laptop overheating, some prerequisites are necessary:

    1. The person conducting the diagnosis has minimal knowledge. You need to know and be able to correctly measure the temperature of the processor and video card of a laptop. You will also have to evaluate the degree of heating of the chipset over time, taking into account time and load - mandatory requirements. It is advisable to be familiar with the following concepts: normal temperature readings of a laptop when idle and under load;
    2. A program for monitoring temperature over time and recording readings;
    3. A program for creating a controlled load on the CPU and GPU.

    Testing program

    Download the AIDA64 program Extreme Edition follow the link http://www.lavalys.com/support/downloads/;

    Install on your laptop (the program is in Russian, free for 30 days).

    AIDA64 allows you to simultaneously load the central processor and monitor the CPU warm-up dynamics in real time. Sometimes you can monitor the operation of the video card (GPU) - it all depends on the type of sensor in specific model laptop.

    Instructions for self-diagnosis of laptop overheating

    We launch the program and check the correct operation of the sensors and the program. Temperature readings should be between 35 and 55 degrees Celsius. If the readings are very different, perhaps the sensors are not working quite correctly, or are not being read correctly by the program - this happens. In this case, you will have to find another software;

    Go to the Tools -> System Stability Test tab. Click the Start button.

    Under the influence of the load created by AIDA64, the central processor begins to warm up. An accurate test requires 5 to 10 minutes. There is no point in loading the laptop any more. In this case, it is worth paying more attention not even to the temperature, but to the dynamics of its growth. If the growth is very rapid, most likely the laptop needs preventive cleaning of dust and replacement of thermal paste. Ideally, the temperature curve should be as flat as possible. They can help us in this case too.

    CPU temperature for regular laptop should not exceed 75-85 degrees - this is the maximum.

    If AIDA64 is not suitable?

    If for some reason it was not possible to use AIDA64 (the trial period), pay attention to a tiny utility for measuring the temperature of a laptop or computer - Open Hardware Monitor. You can download it. The program has a very small distribution size, only about 500Kb (~0.5Mb). It has a simple, intuitive and pleasant interface. The language is English, but it is very easy to understand, since you only need to find the thermometer icon and the temperature values ​​for the CPU. A simple and understandable tool for diagnosing possible overheating, especially since its readings and AIDA64 readings are on a relatively old Lenovo laptop The G580s converged completely.

    All that remains is to find effective program to warm up the processor to the maximum possible values ​​and work on all Windows platforms from Windows 98 to Windows 8 (the program starts with a driver error - but the main functionality is normal). A veteran program, S&M, is suitable for this role. The utility is very good at loading the CPU, does not require installation, and at the same time has a size of 150Kb. You can download the S&M program using a direct link from our website -.

    For the test, you need to run both S&M and Open Hardware Monitor programs and monitor the sensor readings. Approximate testing time is 3 - 5 minutes. To quickly complete the tests, before starting the test, it is advisable to go to the S&M settings and move the CPU Test slider to the Fast position.

    Click the Start test button and wait for the test results.

    The temperature range for the central processing unit (CPU) should be between 45 and 75 degrees. Above these values ​​- overheating.
    In the same way, you can test overheating for desktop computer. If necessary, another will be required software, the algorithm will remain the same: monitoring the node under load and correct interpretation of the received data.

    One of the factors affecting the speed of a computer/laptop is the temperature of the processor, video card and other components. The higher the temperature, the slower the computer/laptop will work. If the processor or video card is overheated, it may fail, and long-term operation in high heat mode reduces its service life. At critical temperatures, the device will turn off spontaneously (overheating protection is triggered). To prevent overheating of the processor, video card and other components of the computer/laptop, it is necessary to periodically monitor the temperature and, if it reaches critical values, take measures to reduce it. How and with what to check the temperatures of the processor and video card and how to reduce the temperature will be described in this article.

    There are two ways to check the temperature of the processor, video card and other computer/laptop components:

    1 View the temperature in the BIOS;

    2 Use third-party programs.

    Find out the temperature of the processor and other components in the BIOS.

    In order to get into the BIOS when booting a computer or laptop, press the F2 or Del key (the buttons may differ, depending on the motherboard model). Then in the settings you need to find the Power/ Monitor menu in different versions BIOS will be different. There you will see the temperature of the processor, motherboard, etc.

    Let me give you an example of how I looked at the temperature on the motherboard ASUS board in UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface - a replacement for the obsolete BIOS, used in modern motherboards). Once you are in UEFI, click the "Advanced" button.

    After that, go to the “Monitor” tab, you will see the temperature of the processor, motherboard and much more information.

    Thus, without installing any programs, you can find out the temperatures of computer/laptop components. The disadvantage of this method is that not all motherboards have this option and it is impossible to view the processor temperature under load (when running “heavy” programs or games).

    Find out the temperature of the processor and video card using programs.

    Exists a large number of various programs that will show you online value temperatures of computer/laptop components. In this article I will analyze several such applications and give my assessment of their work.

    Find out the temperature of computer/laptop components using the AIDA64 program.

    AIDA64 is one of the most popular programs for reviewing and diagnosing a computer/laptop. AIDA64 provides comprehensive information about the composition of the computer: hardware, programs, operating system, network and connected devices, and also shows the temperature of all computer/laptop devices.

    Program window showing temperature data from sensors.

    It should be said that the program is paid and the trial version (30 days) does not show information about all devices - in my opinion this is the main disadvantage of this program.

    Find out the temperature of the processor and video card using the Speccy program.

    Speccy is a small utility from the developers the most popular application to clean your computer from system junk CCleaner. When launched, Speccy monitors the computer's hardware and displays information about the operating system, characteristics of the installed hardware and data from sensors.

    Below the program interface.

    In my opinion, one of the best programs to determine the temperature of the processor, video card, etc. In addition to information from sensors, it also provides detailed analysis all hardware installed on a computer/laptop. A big plus is that the program is free.

    Find out the temperature of the processor and video card using the CPUID HWMonitor program.

    CPUID HWMonitor - a program designed to monitor indicators various components computer/laptop (temperature, fan speed, and voltage).

    Below is the interface of this program.

    In my opinion, the ideal solution for those who are only interested in information about the temperature of all PC components. No unnecessary information, just temperature and fan speed, plus minimum and maximum values ​​are shown, in addition, this program is absolutely free.

    What should be the temperature of the processor and video card.

    Different processor manufacturers set their own temperatures, but generally speaking, the temperature should be between 30-45°C at idle, up to 60-65°C under load, anything higher is considered critical. Let me explain that these are average values; more specific information should be found on the website of your processor manufacturer.

    For a video card, the normal temperature is up to 50-55°C at idle, and under load up to 75-80°C. You can find more accurate average values ​​on your video card manufacturer’s website.

    What to do if the temperature of the processor or video card is high.

    1 Clean your computer/laptop from dust. Make sure all coolers and vents are free of dust. This is the most common problem overheating of the computer, laptop. To fix it, you need to disassemble the computer/laptop and remove all dust that interferes with cooling.

    2 Replace thermal paste. Thermal paste is a layer of heat-conducting composition (usually multi-component) between the processor and the heatsink. Over time, this paste dries out and loses its properties, causing the processor and video card to overheat. To replace it, you need to disassemble the computer, remove the old thermal paste from the laptop and apply a new one in a THIN layer. Typically, thermal paste is replaced when cleaning the computer/laptop from dust.

    3 Replace the radiatorcooler. You should choose a better quality radiator, cooler for better cooling computer. In addition, it is quite possible that you should additionally install a cooler on the case for better heat removal from the computer.

    I hope I helped you determine the temperature of the processor and video card and you were able to reduce it and achieve faster and more stable operation of your computer/laptop.

    Computer components tend to heat up. Most often, overheating of the processor and video card not only causes the computer to malfunction, but also leads to serious damage, which can only be solved by replacing the component. Therefore, it is important to choose proper cooling and sometimes monitor the GPU and CPU temperatures. You can do this using special programs, they will be discussed in our article.

    Everest represents full-fledged program, which allows you to monitor the status of your computer. Its functionality includes many useful tools, including those that show the temperature of the processor and video card in real time.

    In addition, this software contains several stress tests that allow you to determine critical temperatures and CPU and GPU load. They are carried out for enough short term and allocated for them separate window in a programme. The results are displayed in the form of graphics of digital indicators. Unfortunately, Everest is distributed for a fee, however trial version The programs can be downloaded absolutely free from the official website of the developer.


    One of the most popular programs AIDA64 is used for testing components and monitoring them. It allows you not only to determine the temperature of the video card and processor, but also provides detailed information for each computer device.

    In AIDA64, just like in the previous representative, there are several useful tests for monitoring components, allowing you to determine not only the performance of some components, but also check the maximum temperature before the thermal protection is activated.


    Speccy allows you to control all your computer hardware using built-in tools and functions. Here in the sections presented detailed information about all components. Unfortunately, no additional tests performance and load cannot be carried out in this program, however, the temperature of the video card and processor is displayed in real time.

    The processor viewing function deserves special attention, because here, in addition to basic information, the temperature of each core is displayed separately, which will be useful for owners of modern CPUs. Speccy is distributed free of charge and is available for download on the official website of the developer.


    In terms of functionality, HWMonitor is practically no different from its previous representatives. It also displays basic information about each connected device, displaying temperature and load in real time, updating every few seconds.

    In addition, there are many other indicators that allow you to monitor the condition of the equipment. The interface will be completely understandable even inexperienced user, however, the lack of Russian language can sometimes cause difficulties in work.


    If the previous programs on our list were focused on working with all computer hardware, then GPU-Z provides information exclusively about the connected video card. This software has a compact interface that contains a wide variety of indicators that allow you to monitor the state of the graphics chip.

    Please note that in GPU-Z temperature and some more information is determined by built-in sensors and drivers. If they do not work correctly or have been broken, the readings will most likely be incorrect.


    The main function of the SpeedFan program is to adjust the rotation speed of coolers, which allows you to make them quieter by reducing the speed, or, conversely, increase the power, but this will add a little noise. In addition, this software provides users with a large number of different tools that allow them to monitor system resources and keep track of every component.

    SpeedFan provides information about the heating of the processor and video card in the form of a small graph. All the parameters in it are easy to customize so that only the necessary data is displayed on the screen. The program is free and can be downloaded from the developer’s official website.

    Core Temp

    Sometimes it is necessary to constantly monitor the state of the processor. It is best to use some simple, compact and easy program, which practically does not load the system. Core Temp meets all of the above characteristics.

    This software can work from system tray, where it monitors the temperature and load on the CPU in real time. In addition, Core Temp also has a built-in overheat protection function. When the temperature reaches maximum value, you will receive a notification or the PC will be automatically turned off.


    RealTemp is not much different from the previous representative, but it has its own characteristics. For example, it contains two simple tests to check the components, allowing you to determine the condition of the processor, identify its maximum heating and performance.

    This program has a large number of different settings, which will allow you to optimize it as much as possible for yourself. Among the shortcomings I would like to note enough limited functionality and the lack of Russian language.

    Above, we examined in detail a small number of programs for measuring the temperature of the processor and video card. They are all somewhat similar to each other, but have unique tools and functions. Select the representative that is most suitable for you and begin monitoring the heating of components.


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