Terminal client. Connecting to the server and working

Thin client computer technologies- a diskless client computer in networks with a client-server or terminal architecture, which transfers all or most of the information processing tasks to the server (Wikipedia).

To put it simply, a thin client is a sub-computer that loads light operating system(usually Linux is used, in the review we will take this as a priori) and connects to the terminal server.

Typically, thin clients are created to save on hardware and software, in rare cases for other reasons.

In this article I will try to do short review WTWare, which is a Linux distribution designed specifically for creating thin clients.

First, about the thin client.

A thin client is a system unit that usually does not have hard drive, and there is only the minimum set of hardware required to run the thin client operating system (hereinafter simply a thin client). The system unit is connected to power, mouse, keyboard, monitor, and network cable. Except standard set Other devices can be connected to the thin client, provided that it can recognize them and transfer them to the terminal server.
The network diagram with thin clients looks something like this:

How it works:

  1. The thin client is loaded on the computer from one of the sources. The main options for download sources are LAN, CD, HDD.
  2. During the boot process of the thin client (or before it in the LAN version), the computer’s network card is assigned an IP address.
  3. Once the download is complete, the thin client via rdesktop opens a terminal session with the terminal server specified in the settings.
Why does it work:
  1. Hardware costs are significantly reduced. An enterprise can buy old junk for pennies, and all that is needed for its operation is a terminal server with sufficient resources and configured thin clients.
  2. Software costs are reduced - you don’t need to buy software for desktops, you just need to license a terminal server (but you need to buy terminal licenses).
  3. Administration costs are reduced. You only need to administer the terminal server. As practice has shown, thin clients are practically indestructible (if you do not make targeted efforts), and practically do not fail. But you need to understand that when changing the system administrator, he must understand this whole matter, for example, by simulating the work of thin clients on virtual machines, because any failure will lead to a general collapse.
Download types:
  1. Network download. It works as follows: in local network DHCP and TFTP servers must be up. The computer must have either LAN card with BootROM, or drivers for a network card that emulate BootROM. The network card is looking in DHCP networks server, receives all necessary network settings+ address TFTP servers. Next, the TFTP server is contacted and the operating system is loaded.
  2. Booting from CD/DVD/Flash/IDE is standard here, like any other operating system.
What is WTWare?

WTWare is a GNU/Linux distribution designed specifically for creating thin clients. It is based on a popular client called Thinstation. The main difference is the focus on Russian users (Thinstation itself has problems with the Cyrillic alphabet), plus all sorts of minor fixes.

Setting up WTWare.

I won't talk about DHCP setup and TFTP servers, everything is quite standard there. Let me just remind you that in DHCP server you need to specify the address of the TFTP server, and in the TFTP server the path to the download file and the name of this file.

Also, I won't go deep into fine tuning WTWare, because The information on the official WTWare website is quite accessible, there is a lot of it and all of it is in Russian. I will only point out the main aspects.

So. First of all, download the Thinstation image from the WTWare website. Let's unpack.
The boot file is called pxelinux.0 when booting via PXE (if BootROM is built into your network or motherboard) or wtshell.nbi for the Etherboot bootloader (when using the BootROM emulator).

By the way, Etherboot is an opensource project that produces firmware for almost all existing network cards. Etherboot firmware can be written to the BootROM chip or flash memory of a network card, and can be launched from a floppy disk or hard drive as boot sector or as a DOS program.

Next, if you boot via LAN and have your DHCP and TFTP servers configured correctly, everything should work “as is”. The only thing is that the terminal server will not be found, because you have not yet configured your thin clients.

If you download in a different way, then it is worth reading, selecting the download method you are interested in.


Again, I will not delve into the jungle of configuration files, because there are hundreds of parameters. you can see them full list. I will only talk about the main ones.

WTWare has the following types of configuration files:

  1. all.wtc – system-wide configuration file.
  2. list.wtc – pluggable configuration files according to the list.
  3. Individual configuration files.
Individual configuration files can be of the following types:
  1. Terminal_name.wtc. The terminal name, accordingly, is issued by the DHCP server.
  2. ma.ka.dr.es.te.rm.wtc. The binding goes to the poppy address of the connected terminal.
Configuration files have the following priorities:
  1. all.wtc
  2. Files listed in list.wtc
  3. Files included via include
  4. Individual config
System-wide file configuration variables:
win2kIP = // terminal server address 1.
win2kIP2 = // address of terminal server 2.
video = VESA(S) // universal driver, works on almost all video cards
mouse_wheel = on // turn on the mouse wheel
resolution = 1024x768 // screen resolution
bpp = 32 // Color depth

Configuration variables of individual files:
user = username // username
password = user_password // user password
domain = enterprise_domain // enterprise domain

If you write to an individual file a variable that is present in shared file- it will receive higher priority.

Also in individual files additionally connected devices are registered, such as printers, scanners, etc.

And in the end I wanted to mention another interesting feature - connecting local resources (Floppy, DVD, Flash, HDD, Sound). In the config it looks something like this:
sound = on
The disk will be available in the session current user from Windows Explorer at: \\tsclient\(floppy|cdrom|usbN).


  1. Problems may arise with connecting equipment if there are no drivers for it in the system. I know that with some tricks you can disassemble the image, stick drivers there, and put the image back together. I haven't tried it myself.
  2. If the card does not have a BootROM, problems may arise with selecting Etherboot firmware (not available for all cards).

It is worth noting that the system itself is free, but you can purchase a license for a very interesting purpose - to remove the WTWare logo from the boot screen. As I understand it, this is made for enterprises that are massively implementing this product under the auspices of outsourcing.

Equipment for creating thin clients:

On the WTWare website you can also purchase equipment for creating thin clients (so as not to assemble them from the trash). I must say that it (the equipment) meets all the requirements of glamor. A few screenshots:

Well, that's probably all. At correct setting terminal, DHCP and TFTP server everything should work right away. There is a lot of Russian-language literature on the Internet, so there shouldn’t be any problems with the setup. And in general, in terms of documentation, I really liked the system; almost everything is on the manufacturer’s website.

P.S. I personally installed this product at two enterprises, one with 34 PCs, the second with 16 PCs.
P.P.S. It should be understood that this product is not an alternative to Linux, and perhaps the name on each PC according to the installed OS, the overall picture will be much more pleasant. Perhaps not. This is exactly a thin client, and nothing else.

Usually, when they talk about the features of a program made, they understand the language in which it was compiled. Or system requirements required to run. But there are also a number of other, less well-known definitions. One of them is thin clients. What is it and why are they being developed?

What is a thin client?

Thin clients mean computers or programs that operate as part of a network with a terminal or client-server architecture. But they don't just function there. All or at least, most information processing tasks are transferred to the servers to which they are connected. What is this in implementation? An example is the browser used to process network applications, thanks to which you can now read these lines. For the system to work, a server for thin clients is necessary, otherwise this very idea becomes impossible.

Why are they necessary?

To put it simply, a thin client is an inferior computer that loads a lightweight operating system and connects to it. It is used solely to save on hardware and software (although in rare cases the reason may be other considerations). A regular thin client is a system unit that does not have a hard drive, but only the minimum hardware component that is necessary to run the operating system. Connect the power supply, mouse, keyboard, monitor and network cable. There may be other devices, but their use is only possible if they are identified and data about them is transferred to the terminal server.

The required level of spending on software is also reduced. There is no need to buy a license for each computer - it is only required for one server. At the same time, costs are reduced because only one terminal needs to be administered. As practice shows, it is quite problematic to harm a thin client (provided that targeted efforts are not made). But at the same time, the requirements for service personnel are increasing. This is especially true when it comes to transferring cases from one administrator to another. Then it is necessary that the intervenor understands everything well, because potentially any failure can lead to the collapse of the entire system, and then thin clients will lose their value. Do you know what they are, and how do they differ from fat ones?

Difference between thin and thick client

What is taken into account when distinguishing between a thick and a thin client? The differences between them are as follows: the first means normal look programs that can run autonomously on a separate terminal. They don't need it to do their job well. You already know what the second one is. And this is the main and at the same time the only difference that a thick and thin client have. Differences can also be cited in the implementation features, but they all fit into the previously formulated judgment.

How does it work and what types of downloads are there?

How it actually works this technology? In general, all information can be contained in three points:

  1. To the computer, through one of possible sources The thin client is loading. The main options considered are: LAN, CD, HDD.
  2. During the boot process of the thin client (or when working with the local network before it), the computer's network card receives its own IP address.
  3. When the pumping of everything necessary ends software, then a connection to a terminal session with the server specified in the settings is created through the desktop. Access may already be given or a password and login may be required. Connecting a thin client from within the enterprise local network must be allowed in the server settings.

In general, you already have an idea of ​​how the system works. But one of the most important is the download stage, which all thin clients have. What is it, where can it come from, if not? hard drives, where data is usually stored? There are two possibilities:

  1. Download via network. TFTP and DHCP servers must be running on the local network. The computer itself must have a BootROM property, or special drivers that emulate it. It checks for the presence of all pointers, gets settings and loads the operating system.
  2. Loading in advance installed system from DVD\CD\Flash\IDE.

Web client

Thin client technology is much more popular than it might seem at first glance. Want an example that shows you're using it right now? Well, we assume that a special role should be given to the most common this moment thin clients - browsers. They are excellent examples of working on these principles. The browser itself is of little use. But the possibilities that it opens up for a computer connected to the global network are enormous! The machine may have very limited software resources, but by receiving the necessary data from remote servers, you can count on creating a high-quality and multi-purpose object. All the computer user needs is to formulate his request, after which necessary information will be obtained from external sources.

Working in terminal mode

In addition to the cases described above, one more hardware feature of a possible thin client should be highlighted - special device, which is structurally different from personal computer. There is no such mechanism hard drive and uses a special local operating system (the task of which is to organize a session with the terminal server so that the user can work). Also, such a device does not have special moving parts; it is produced in special cases and has completely passive cooling. Let's look at an example real program, where is the thin client implemented? What it is? 1C is the program that will be considered. So, everything in it is based on the work of two parts: one is the actual platform necessary for work. The second is an extension that fulfills separate purposes. But it won’t be able to work without a platform.

Protocols used by thin clients

There are 9 most popular types of protocols that are used in the development of this software. Their list is as follows:

  1. X11 - found application in Unix systems.
  2. Telnet is a multi-platform protocol. It is a bidirectional eight-bit byte-oriented means of communication.
  3. SSH is a multi-platform analogue of Telnet. The main difference is the security of the transmitted data.
  4. NX NoMachine is a modified X11 protocol. The main advantage is data compression.
  5. Virtual Network Computing is a platform-independent system. Uses a simple client-server protocol application level to access necessary computers that are connected to this program.
  6. Independent Computing Architecture is a rather imperfect way to transfer data. This protocol significantly affects the performance and requirements of the systems on which it runs.
  7. Remote Desktop Protocol- serves opportunities remote access to the desktop. It can transmit a wide range of data, and also opens up wide possibilities for using remote machines.
  8. SPICE is a protocol for data transfer that can be used comfortably not only on a local network, but also via the Internet. Its feature is “software ease”, which allows you to quickly exchange data. This is possible due to the simplicity of data transfer processes (which are carried out without compromising performance). It can also run on a wide range of machine architectures.
  9. Various closed protocols, which were developed by programmers from various companies and enterprises. They are used only, as a rule, on the territory of the enterprise for which they were made. They have a number of unique parameters, including: implementation, system requirements, architecture. Thin client in in this case is fully developed for individual enterprises and protocols operating on their territory.

Implementation examples

As an example of a thin client implementation, we can cite the following developments:

  1. Terminal access.
  2. Diskless station.
  3. LTSP.
  4. Thinstation.

The use of thin clients allows in such cases to speed up the update of all software necessary for operation.

Thin clients are devices (terminals) that do not have their own computing power, connected to a server common to all users and capable of displaying information. In other words, they are diskless compact personal computers (diskless thin clients) to which ordinary peripheral devices are connected - keyboard, mouse, monitor, Acustic systems etc.

Thin clients are connected to a terminal server via a local network or dial-up connection (modem). All programs and applications necessary for your work are installed on the server. It is where data is stored and all calculations are performed.

In other words, Windows terminals are used to display data transmitted from the server on the monitor screen and to send data received from the input device to the server. In this case, the user, no matter what terminal he works at, will perceive it as his own own computer, since on the monitor screen he will see exactly his desktop and his documents.

When transferring an office to thin clients, load distribution falls entirely on the terminal server, and each user works for separate device input-output (terminal stations), which in itself does not perform any calculations, but only serves to define tasks and obtain answers. Terminal workstations are able to dispense with any of the hardware or software considered necessary for "regular" computers.

What problems are solved when implementing thin clients?

The average personal computer in the workplace is still practically the standard, although in most cases this is absurd. Thin clients not only allow you to solve technical problems, but also to overcome existing stereotypes.

The obvious advantages of using terminal clients instead of regular personal computers are:

- reduction in initial acquisition costs due to minimum requirements to configuration;
unification - all clients have the same set of software;
- ease of implementation of tasks - there is no need to configure each computer separately, as it is carried out centralized management information process. The system administrator performs all settings for managing thin clients centrally on the server;
- time saving system administrator, serving absolutely identical computers, the likelihood of breakdowns is minimized, and all programs are installed on the server;
— scalability — a system image created once for the entire group of users to work with allows you to maintain an easily scalable network. You can install as many PCs as you need, while adding new workstations requires minimal effort;
— security and fault tolerance. When the terminal boots up, it receives an operating system “from the manufacturer”, the configuration of which is carried out only by the department information support. All modifications to the operating system and application software do not in any way affect other users or the image stored on the server. All user information is stored on the server on a RAID array and is regularly backed up, which increases fault tolerance;
- protection against information leaks - no local storage - no ability to make copies of documents on removable media information.

The cost of the terminal is always lower than the cost workstation, but at the same time, the user has access to significantly greater computing power of the server to which he is connected.

An important aspect is the use of legal software and significant savings on the cost of its acquisition. In most cases it is required minimal amount application licenses because programs installed on the server can be run by all users and one embedded operating system is used.

The electrical power consumption of a diskless thin client (Windows terminal) is tens of times less than the power of conventional workstation terminals. Moreover, the cost-effectiveness of using terminal solutions directly depends on the number of stations - the more thin clients are used, the more economically efficient the entire system is. On the other hand, to increase functionality and performance, you do not need to update the entire fleet; you can simply upgrade the server. The thin client does not make noise and does not heat up the environment.

Since error correction and installation of programs in the terminal system are performed centrally on the terminal server, the local network administrator can easily use a remote session with the user. Administration does not require setting up a software package directly at the user’s workplace; less working time and personnel are required.

Even large enterprise IT infrastructures can be serviced by one or two administrators. Replacing a failed thin client or installing a new one can be done by personnel with no special training at all. All programs and user data are located on the terminal server, so a failure at the user’s workstation will not lead to data loss, and therefore will not cause downtime.

There are known performance problems with older systems that rely on file server technology. With the growing volume of transactions and the number of clients, the local network becomes a bottleneck. Terminal solutions allow you to avoid transmitting a huge amount of information over the network, since client tasks are performed on the server where the disk system is located.

Moreover, since all programs are installed centrally in the terminal system, the simultaneous transition to new versions occurs at once and without upgrading workstations, including for employees geographically located in different offices.

On the other hand, it should be noted obvious advantage- significant increase in the level of data security. Thus, disabling I/O ports by the administrator makes it impossible for unauthorized removal of information. And access to data and programs is differentiated system means on server. Encryption network traffic allows you to achieve the maximum level of information protection.

Thin client called a device for inputting and displaying information (terminal). Physically, a thin client is compact and silent computer without a hard drive, the main operating system of which is loaded on the server. All user applications run on the terminal server (application server), but this is completely transparent to the user. Since the entire computing load falls on the server, the thin client has a minimal hardware configuration without any loss of performance.

What are thin clients used for?
Thin clients are used in organizations where most users use computers to perform the same type of tasks: working with databases, information catalogs (shops, pharmacies, libraries), working as bank terminals, etc.

Terminal servers. Servers of standard architecture, on standard components, with operating systems are used as terminal servers. Microsoft systems Windows Server, Linux, Solaris. An essential point is the increased requirements for server reliability and performance due to the fact that these requirements determine the performance of all workstations with thin clients.

. Terminal servers use system-wide software Windows software, Linux, Solaris. Thin clients operate under the control of operating systems Windows systems CE, Windows XP Embedded, Linux. The thin client software is located directly in the thin client in the built-in flash memory. In models entry level, which do not have built-in memory, the software is downloaded from the server when the thin client is turned on (this technology is implemented in Aquarius thin clients). The latter option, however, is impractical if the communication channel between the server and the thin client has a low throughput, or charged according to the volume of transmitted traffic.

What operating system is on the terminal?
The terminal operating system is “firmware” in a small disk-on-module device (flash memory 64MB-1GB). It provides basic client functionality: bootstrap, correct operation video adapter, audio, operation of peripheral devices connected directly to the terminal client (mouse, keyboard, local printers, USB flash drives). Also, the thin client operating system may contain an Internet browser that can operate autonomously (without a terminal server). When switching to terminal mode, the client begins to work with the server operating system, an individual session of which is launched on the terminal server. From this point on, the terminal becomes simply a means of displaying and entering information.

What software licenses are needed?
To organize the operation of a group of terminals with Microsoft software, in general, you will need the following licenses:
Licenses for embedded OS on terminals (Win CE 5.0 or Win XP Embedded), license for server OS (Windows Server 2008), client access licenses (Windows Server CAL 2008) - the required number of licenses is equal to the number of terminals, terminal access licenses (Windows Trmnl Svcs CAL 2008) - the required number of licenses is equal to the number of terminals or users. Licensing application programs, as a rule, is carried out according to the principle of as many users (terminals), as many licenses.

Pros and cons of the terminal method of building a network(when using Windows OC).

  • reduction in initial acquisition costs due to minimal configuration requirements;
  • significant reduction in power consumption - a typical thin client has a power consumption of only 10W (versus 250-350W for a PC)
  • unification - all clients have the same set of software;
  • ease of implementation of tasks - there is no need to configure each computer separately, since clients are centrally managed. The system administrator performs all settings for managing thin clients centrally on the server;
  • saving time for a system administrator who maintains absolutely identical computers, the likelihood of breakdowns of which is minimized, and all programs are installed on the server;
  • scalability - a system image created once for the entire group of users to work with allows you to maintain an easily scalable network. You can install as many PCs as you need, while adding new workstations requires minimal effort;
  • security and fault tolerance. When the terminal boots, it receives an operating system “from the manufacturer”, which is configured only by the information support department. All user information is stored on the server on a RAID array and is regularly backed up, which increases fault tolerance;
  • protection against information leaks - no local storage - no ability to make copies of documents on removable storage media (unless otherwise permitted by the system administrator).
  • any terminal is an analogue of a powerful workstation; all programs are executed locally on a high-speed terminal server.
  • ease of extension computing power- there is no need to upgrade the terminal. Since it is only a device for input and display of information, without processing anything itself. If there is a lack of computing resources, it is enough to upgrade the server (usually this is more profitable than upgrading N full-fledged workstations), and the new resources will be available to all terminals at once.
  • the ability to access your virtual desktop and all documents from any terminal connected to the server. Since all information is stored on the server, it is enough to authenticate in the system (enter your username and password) from any terminal.
  • no problems during power outages. Since all information is stored on the server, it is enough to equip it with devices uninterruptible power supply. Loss of energy in the workplace will only lead to a temporary inability to see what is happening on the terminal screen. Here we can give the following analogy - after all, when we turn off the monitor, nothing happens to us open source software? After power is applied (or when restart terminal) the user will return to that state running programs, which remained at the moment the terminal was turned off.
  • acceleration of some programs that place increased demands on network bandwidth. Good examples Such programs are 1C Accounting and Parus. When its server and client parts are located on the same machine, the bottleneck is eliminated - sending data over the network during client requests to the database, and programs begin to work much faster.
  • quick deployment of a new workstation - you can connect a thin client even from your home, just connect it to a terminal server (for example, via the Internet). Preliminary and one-time setup takes only a few minutes of time, after which we immediately get to our workplace, with already installed programs(on server).
  • quiet operation - usually terminals do not include mechanical components, such as hard disks and fans (cooling is carried out passively), so they do not make any noise
  • longer time between failures . The absence of mechanical components, as well as the simplified architecture itself, increases the reliability of the system as a whole, which is important, given the much longer service life of terminals compared to workstations.
  • small size and ergonomics. They are usually no larger than a large book and do not take up much desk space.
  • at work you have to work. - It will be impossible to play 3D games or watch videos. Firstly, they will not be on the server and it will be impossible to install them yourself (due to restrictions installed by the administrator for installation of additional software). Secondly, the network bandwidth is not enough for acceptable screen refresh rates for these applications.
  • a complete terminal access system is not tied to any specific brand of equipment and consists of thin clients (terminals) - compact devices installed at workstations, a terminal server for performing custom applications, and finally, software that is already built into the server operating system such as Microsoft Windows Server or Linux.
  • A thin client is not a panacea for everything.
    The terminals are not designed to perform heavy-duty tasks associated with complex calculations(for example, AutoCAD and other modeling systems) or generating high traffic for transmission to the client (for example, watching videos). In the first case, this is due to heavy load computing power of the server (it can serve very few clients), in the second - with network bandwidth. In this case, you need to use full-fledged workstations. By the way, modern 3D games fall into both categories.
  • You will still have to pay.
    The lower cost of the terminal is compensated by the high price of the server. After all, this machine must be powerful enough to perform the tasks of many thin clients connected to it. To be fair, I note that the dependence of server power on the number of working clients is not linear. Most typical tasks (for example, several copies of MS Office in memory) use the libraries of the already running first copy for their work, so the need for random access memory will be relatively low.
  • Server OS - MS Windows.
    With all the ensuing consequences in the form of considerable demands on server performance only for the OS’s own needs. But it can be scaled by distributing the client load across several servers in the case of MS Windows Advanced Server or Data Center.
  • In general, everything runs on one server computer.
    Therefore, all possible measures must be taken to ensure its trouble-free operation and data safety.
  • Need in permanent channel communications
    In some cases, it is not necessary for a workstation to have a permanent, much less fast channel communications. The terminal needs constant communication with the server. On average, you need a channel with a throughput of at least 20 Kbps.

As a rule, when we're talking about about the features of the created program, which means the language in which it was compiled, as well as the system requirements required to run it. But there are also a number of other, less well-known definitions. One of them is thin clients. What is it and why are they being developed?

What is a thin client?

These are computers or programs that operate as part of a network with a client-server or terminal architecture. However, they work there for a reason. Many data processing tasks are transferred to servers to which thin clients are connected. As an example, consider a browser used to process network applications. To ensure system functionality, a server designed for thin clients is required. Otherwise, the implementation of the idea itself is impossible.

What are they needed for?

Simply put, a thin client is a full-fledged computer that can load a lightweight operating system and also connect to a terminal server. It is used only to save on software and hardware. An ordinary thin client is system unit, which lacks HDD, however, there are shortcomings in the hardware required to run the operating system. Thus, the power supply, manipulator, keyboard, monitor, and network cable are connected. In addition, other devices may be present, but use is only possible if they are identified and information about them is transmitted to the terminal server.

It is also worth noting that the required level of software costs is reduced. There is no need to purchase a license for each device. Operating personnel costs are also reduced since only one terminal needs to be administered. In practice, it has been proven that it is quite difficult to harm a thin client. However, this increases the requirements for service personnel. This is especially related to issues of transferring data from one administrator to another. In this case, it is necessary that the intercessor understands everything well, since potentially any problems can harm the entire system. After this, the value of thin clients will be lost.

Main differences between thin and thick clients

What are we talking about when we talk about thick and thin clients? The differences between them are as follows: thick clients are a type of programs that are able to function autonomously on a separate terminal; they do not need a remote server designed to perform their own work efficiently. The thin client was described above.

What is the principle of operation and what types of downloads exist? Information about the job can be described in three points:

1. The thin client is loaded onto the computer using one of the possible sources. The main options you can consider are: LAN, CD, HDD.
2. When the thin client boots, the computer’s network card receives its own IP address.
3. After completing the swapping of everything that is necessary, a connection to a terminal session with the server specified in the settings is provided through the desktop.

In this case, access may already be given or a password and login may be required. The connection of a thin client due to the local network of the enterprise must be allowed in the server settings. Thus, the principle of operation is already a little clear. Among the most important stage is the download that all thin clients have.

The following possibilities are worth noting:

1. Download via network. It must have TFTP and DHCP servers running. The computer must have a network card with the BootROM property, or special drivers that emulate it. It is necessary to check the presence of all pointers, obtain settings and load the operating system.
2. Boot the system from DVD\CD\Flash\IDE, preloaded.

Web client

Thin client technology is very popular. Moreover, does the user use it constantly? A greater role must be given to the most common thin clients today. If it's not clear yet, we're talking about browsers. They act as ideal examples of working according to these principles. Separately, the browser is practically useless. However, the opportunities that it opens up for a computer that is connected to the global network are quite great. The device is capable of having a fairly modest software resource, however, having received the required data from remote servers, it is quite possible to count on the development of a multi-purpose facility High Quality. To do this, it is enough to formulate your own request, and then the required data will be obtained from external sources.

Working in terminal mode

In addition to the cases described above, you need to pay attention to one more hardware feature of the thin client. It refers to a special device that differs in design from a personal computer. This mechanism does not require a hard drive and uses a special local operating system. In addition, it does not have special moving parts, is offered in special housings and is completely different passive cooling. Next it is worth citing specific example to visually see where else the thin client can be used. In this case, you should consider the 1C program. So, it is based on the work of two parts. One of them is the platform itself, which is necessary for work. The second part is an extension that fulfills individual purposes. However, it is not able to work without a platform.

Protocols used by thin clients It is worth noting the nine most known types protocols used during the development of this software. Their list is as follows:

1. X11 – used on Unix systems.
2. Telnet – is a multi-platform protocol. Acts as a bidirectional eight-bit byte-oriented means of communication.
3. SSH – is a multi-platform analogue of Telnet. The main difference is the security of the transmitted information.
4. NX NoMachine is a modified X11 protocol. The main advantage is data compression.
5. Virtual Network Computing is a platform-independent system. Uses a normal client-server application layer protocol to gain access to the required computers connected to this program.
6. Independent Computing Architecture - is a rather imperfect method of data transfer. Such a protocol significantly affects the performance and requirements for the systems with which it operates.
7. Remote Desktop Protocol − capable of serving remote desktop access capabilities. It is possible to transmit a wide range of information, opening up greater possibilities for using remote devices.
8. SPICE – acts as a protocol designed for data transmission, used comfortably both on a local network and using the Internet. The main features include “software ease”, which makes it possible to quickly exchange information. This is possible due to the simplicity of data transfer processes. In addition, it is possible to work on a wide range of architectures.
9. Various closed protocols developed by programmers from various companies and organizations. They are usually used on the premises of the enterprise for which they were developed. There are many unique parameters including implementation, system requirements, architecture. In this case, the thin client is created for certain enterprises and protocols that operate in the territory.

Implementation examples As an example of a thin client implementation, it is worth giving the following:

Terminal access;
diskless station;

The use of thin clients makes it possible to increase the speed of updating everything that is necessary for the functioning of the software.

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