Yandex text update. What is a Yandex update and when does it happen?

Among professional webmasters, you can often hear such an expression as Yandex update or AP. Naturally, not many of you are familiar with this concept, so I will try to tell you about Yandex updates in more detail.

What is Yandex Update

So, what is a Yandex update? The word update itself is in English and is translated as update, i.e. when they say Yandex update, they mean its update. It has become a little clearer, but a counter question arises - what is Yandex updating?

In fact, there are a lot of Yandex updates, but I’ll talk about them a little below, and now, to help you understand general definition AP, I’ll give you this example: you add your site to Yandex search, and after some time it appears there. This means that a Yandex incident occurred.

Or here’s an example: adding new articles to the site, they are not found in the search, but over time they also appear there, which means an update has occurred. In other words, a Yandex update is an update search base Yandex, which is updated with new sites and pages.

What types of Yandex updates are there?

I think a clearer picture has appeared in your head of what Yandex AP is, so it’s time to consider the types of updates.

Search results update. To explain what kind of update this is, I’ll give an example: you enter some query into the search, and the TOP 10 sites for these queries are displayed in front of you.

If you enter the same query about a week later, then it is likely that the site that was in 10th place for this request may end up, for example, in 8th place, or, on the contrary, instead of this site in 10th place it may end up completely another site that was not previously in the TOP 10.

Why is this so? Because there was an update to the search results, and Yandex decided that this site had no place in the TOP 10 and put another resource in its place. Those. The definition of AP issuing is as follows - this is a change in the positions of sites in search results.

Sometimes Yandex can rank your site higher than others, sometimes lower it in positions, or maybe leave it unchanged.

Text update. Here I think you yourself will guess that the text (new articles) is being updated. Even though you already have articles indexed in search, search robot continues to scan them in case you make any changes, and also monitors for new text material to index them and add them to the search.

Link update. I think everything is clear here too. Yandex scans the links leading to your site and decides which of them to index and which not.

In general, the updates I listed above are closely related to each other. For example, you added a lot of articles and purchased links.

Yandex needs to check and index all this, and also decide in what position to place your article, so it starts making updates. As a rule, all these APs occur at the same time, although there are also cases when they occur separately.

There are also the following types of updates:

TIC update. TIC is a parameter assigned by Yandex, and the larger it is, the better. Typically, this parameter is important for webmasters who monetize their site by selling links from it.

Favicon update. Favicon is a small graphic icon of a website. While using the search, you probably noticed that next to each site there is a small icon, and this icon is the favicon, which Yandex also sometimes updates:

When do Yandex updates take place?

We seem to have more or less figured out the updates, all that remains is to clarify, when will they take place? It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question, since Yandex is unpredictable, but I will still try to answer.

It is clear that webmasters work on their sites every day, so such types of updates as AP search results, as well as link and text updates should occur much more often, and preferably every day.

But Yandex believes that daily APs are too fat and updates search results, links and text on average once a week, for which, by the way, almost all owners of Russian-language sites do not like it.

At the time of writing this article, the last update was July 30, 2014. It included AP of new articles, links and search results at the same time. Before this, there were also a couple of issuance updates, but there was no text AP for 12 days.

As for the link update, it usually goes along with the text update, although you can often see such a picture in the Yandex webmaster, when the number external links It changes several times during the day, but whether it’s AP or not is anyone’s guess.

The TIC and Favicon update is a completely different story, and they are usually updated once a month.

How to find out that a Yandex update is in progress

And finally, so that you know everything about Yandex updates, it remains to tell you how to determine that a Yandex AP is in progress. In general, it is very difficult to visually determine whether an AP is happening or not, so I will tell you about the services that I use myself to determine the update.

The first service I use is seopult. When you visit this site and scroll down, you will see the following sign:

Here we are interested in the “Storm” column. A high storm index indicates that an AP is most likely underway. As I said, at the time of writing the last AP was on July 30, which is what this service tells us.

If there was a text AP, then this service also reports this, writing the time of the recorded update. Also pay attention to the 25th. The storm was also quite decent, but no text update was recorded, and it is quite possible that there was an issue update.

Another popular service to determine the update - By going to it, there will also be information about updates, and more specific information on updates is indicated here:

You can also install the toolbar that this service offers. It will allow you to find out about the latest updates without visiting the site. You can find it just below in the left column:

If you use the Mozilla browser, you can install an extension for it RDS Bar. By the way, it’s a very useful thing that allows you to learn a lot about the sites you visit. Already installed RDS Bar will look like this:

I will not dwell now on how it works, I will only say that when update in progress, you will see a notification that an accident has been detected.

I also use the service XTOOL. In general, this service is designed to check the site’s trust, but if you register with it, you will receive letters in the mail informing you that an accident has occurred. The only negative is that the letters arrive late, when the update has already ended.

Receiving an update letter from Yandex

How is it possible, you say, that Yandex carries out updates and does not report them. In fact, it reports, you just need to notify Yandex to receive notifications. This can be done Here by checking the appropriate box:

There are a bunch of other services for determining AP, but believe me, the ones I told you about are more than enough.

As for the time of Yandex updates, usually all updates begin at 12 am Moscow time and last throughout the day, so it is best to check the AP results in the late afternoon.

Well, now you definitely know everything you need about Yandex updates, so all I can do is say goodbye to you and thank you for your attention.

Sincerely, Shkarbunenko Sergey.

A SERP update is an update to a page with search results. The word “update” itself is translated as “update”. What is meant by the words Yandex issue update? This is a change in the information provided by this search engine (PS- search system).

How is Yandex search results updated?

Search engine robots crawl sites with a certain regularity and update information about resources in their databases. This is a long process. Worth considering great amount sites on the World Wide Web, as well as the different frequency of their visits by Yandex spiders. Information accumulates and at some point the PS algorithms change the internal rankings of sites. The result of these adjustments is a change in the order of web pages for specific user requests.

In reality, this process should be divided into separate threads. Yandex collects not only the text content of pages, but also carries out:

  • picture analysis;
  • links of sites to each other;
  • attendance.
It is known that user actions and analysis of new page content are important. All rating recalculations require significant computing power.

How often does Yandex issue update occur?

It is impossible to give an exact answer to this question today. There are a number of services that “predict” search engine updates, but in reality this is rather an extrapolation of the information received about previously carried out SERP updates. For example, if significant changes were noted regularly once a month, then it is logical to assume that the trend will continue in the future. In fact, for each direction (text, images, links, etc.) the updates do not have to match.

The PS itself has quite a lot of robots. There are “fast” ones that add pages to the index almost instantly. In fact, minutes after publication new page on the resource, it may already appear in the search results, and then begin to “float” through positions. Example: news and news feed. For one request made 15 minutes apart, you can get a completely different set of resources. This special case, when Yandex tries to provide the most “fresh” and relevant information.

By row high frequency queries With established leaders, it is almost impossible to notice something like this on the first pages. Text updates there usually occur in the interval of 3 - 10 days.

Frequency of updates (taken from

As a rule, for most sites with high-quality information, it takes 2-3 months to get on the first page of search results for medium-frequency queries, but the situation may change according to various reasons. The myth about the Yandex sandbox appeared precisely because of the low update speed. In fact, this is precisely an update, the result of which is the appearance of a previously unknown PS site in the search results.

Often the rapid rise or fall of a site is associated with a change in the main Yandex ranking mechanisms.

Without understanding what an update is, it’s hardly possible effective promotion site pages upon request. Because any improvements in the site’s visibility in search engines occur only after updates. For example, if you corrected the text on the site - improved it or removed spam entries - the page's position for queries will not change, and traffic to it will not increase. But when the search engine robot visits the updated page, changes its copy in the index, and a text update occurs (recalculation text factors), only then positions can improve and traffic will increase accordingly.

What is a search engine update?

An update means updating something. Search engines are also updated, and some updates occur much more frequently than the average user might realize.

A search engine update is an update of the system’s databases and algorithms, which entails a change in search results.

Search databases consist of copies of pages from many sites. After the update, the search bot looks for new pages on the site, and also periodically rechecks the old ones. Search database indexes contain saved copies of sites, on the basis of which the results are generated.

What are Yandex updates?

Yandex has three types of updates: issue update, YAK and TCI.

Issue update

The search bot crawls sites and saves fresh copies. During a search update, the search engine takes the saved copy for a certain day. The peculiarities of Yandex's results are that the search engine accepts data from the database not that collected by the bot on the same day, but scanned copies from the recent past. Often the difference between the day of issue and the day the saved copy is received is 3-10 days, and sometimes a couple of weeks.

ICHSH, when an update is really needed, Yandex can sleep for two or even three weeks, and when it is not needed at all and no work is being done on the sites, updates fail every day.

Here's how the shit-eaters from the server react to the update:

Yandex has the following types of search updates:

I would also like to note that mobile search results have their own updates. They have been practically unstudied - very few people even remove positions in mobile search results.

Yak updates

Catalog updates— Yandex.Catalog updates, which include lists of authoritative trust sites with interesting, meaningful content on various topics. Nowadays it is already very difficult to get into YAK, so this is a topic for a separate article.

TIC update

Quantity, quality, thematic content, age, naturalness and other indicators form the estimated level of the TCI. It is not always the case that a large number of links definitely increases the TCI, since their quality plays a significant role. Since new links to the site constantly appear, and old ones stop working, Yandex TCI updates occur regularly.
TCI updates are presented in the form of two indicators: push-button and toolbar.

  • Toolbar indicator displayed in Yandex.Bar;
  • Button indicator can be seen on special button TIC.

As practice shows, the button indicator is updated faster.

Google updates

Google updates operate on the same principles, but a little differently.

  1. Google SERP-related updates are much faster. Google does not have a specific update schedule. Updates take place in a random order. Depending on any changes on sites, changes occur in search results;
  2. Page Rank (PR) is a Google rating that determines the authority of a site. The PR calculation system is similar to the TCI: it all depends on the number and weight of links on the page. PR recalculation occurs every 3-4 months. But you won’t know about it - Google has already closed down “toolbar” PR.

Update tracking services

The most classic option is Evgeniy Trofimenko’s service for analyzing Yandex updates, an indicator of index ups (text), link updates, up TCI, saved copy, tweaking the algorithm and issuing Yandex, etc. Checking Yandex ups once every three minutes until 9 am, later - once an hour.

Among good services It is also worth noting about tracking updates. The page contains a calendar of Yandex updates. Contains an indicator of TCI updates, search results, behavioral factors and Yandex.Catalogue.

Among optimizers, you can often hear such expressions as “update” or “Yandex/Google AP”. But not all beginners are familiar with this concept. And if you are just starting to get acquainted with search engine optimization, then it’s worth learning a little about the terminology of this area of ​​business. So what are search engine updates and what are they?

The word “update” comes from Up to date (from English - “relevant for today’s date”, “keeping up with the times”), and the verb to update is translated exactly as “update to the very current state" From the point SEO perspective an update is an update of data in search engine databases, which entails a change in the positions of sites in search results.

If the web resource has improved its position after the work, then the result of the promotion is positive. If the site’s position has decreased, then the result is negative, which means that the promotion strategy should be reconsidered and unused growth points should be worked out.

How often do Yandex and Google updates happen? At the search base Google updates occur quite often - every day, or even more often. Yandex updates are eagerly awaited by all optimizers, as they happen less frequently, and this is a real event. There is no clear calendar of search engine updates, you can only predict their certain frequency.

Monitoring Yandex and Google updates

It is easier to monitor changes using specialized services. Each of the tools has its own approach to determining updates (the sum of the difference in values, the similarity of content according to the Oliver algorithm, the Levenshtein algorithm, pairwise comparison of array elements), which makes their analytics complementary.

All update analyzers also operate with the concept of “degree of change in output”, or “storm”. The storm refers to the degree of change in search results as a percentage, i.e. which documents and sites appeared in the top positions for certain queries, and which disappeared or moved lower. By how much the search results have changed, one can judge the emergence of a new algorithm for ranking information in search engines. Usually the so-called storm is measured in values ​​from 10 to 40%. Anything less is a weak update. And if the changes are more than 40%, most likely, a new algorithm could not have happened without the appearance of a new algorithm.

At the same time, there is another option that allows you to find out whether Yandex has had an update. This is the Yandex.Webmaster panel. Go to the settings of this service, configure the desired item (“Search database update”), and you will be aware of the updates.

Example letter:

Types of updates: list of the most significant changes in search results

Let's start with the first part:

Why analyze updates?

Webmasters regularly monitor search engine updates, analyze the consequences and effectiveness of the chosen strategy, and adjust it if necessary. It is necessary to analyze the update, because in fact this is the only source operational information, helping to make correct decisions. For example, you purchased links using one strategy, but after the update the positions dropped or the site fell under the search engine filter. IN in this case link tactics need to be reconsidered. Or you decided to adjust the content on the promoted pages; after the text update, the positions on the pages with new content dropped, and on the pages whose content was saved, on the contrary, they increased. This means that it is necessary to reconsider the format of the texts.

Thanks to the analysis of updates, you can identify promotion errors, select the optimal strategy, and subsequently attract truly interested visitors to your website.

We wish you only good updates and effective strategies!

It comes down to the fact that first the spider robot goes to Internet sites and downloads the viewed pages into its database, then indexing occurs in it (the “importance of each page is assigned) and the received information is structured according to the appropriate algorithm.

It is important to understand that when a user types a query, the search engine does not look for the answer across the entire Internet, but only in its database, which was collected by the spider robot.

The search engine searches for documents, i.e. web pages within its collected database. At some point, the indexing program decides to form new base data (i.e. new information has appeared and it needs to be structured - new pages, new texts, new links). The old database is replaced with a new one - this is a Yandex update. Update (from English update - update) is also called simply “up”.

The search engine also, in addition to the main spider robot, has a so-called “fast robot”, which creates a database that is updated several times a day. This robot is fast and visits resources that are updated quickly, for example, frequently commented blogs.

This search engine produces several types of updates.

How and where to find out the exact Yandex updates

I would rather not be mistaken if I say that best service where you can find out the most latest information on this issue this is a service.

So, today is August 26, 2015 and what do we see.

The last ups were on August 8, 10 and 25. Consider, for example, up on August 25th. The search engine posted the index until August 9, which means that on August 25, only those documents that were published no later than August 9 will appear in the search. Those. if you published an article on August 10, then it will not be in the search results on the 25th - wait for the next update.

Ups search engines you can also look at the service If you look, the data here is delayed (screenshot taken on August 26, 2015).

Yandex issue

Let's consider the situation. Your blog occupies some position in the search results (for each request, each blog page has its own place in the search results). And the spider robot at this time found a bunch of similar blogs on your topic, and even with a bunch good links on them, and entered all the data into the database. Now the situation has changed - the Search Engine must post best blog to high positions in search results. It replaces the old database with a new one - it produces an up, and your blog becomes lower in the search results. That. After each update, the positions of sites in search results change. The frequency of updates for this search engine is approximately 2 to 7 days (and Google almost every day). So compare which search engine is better!

Yandex TCI

Yandex recalculates each site, taking into account the links leading to the site and the weight of these links.

You can view Titz's aps on the same service. Just click on the appropriate link.

Strictly speaking, with Yandex everything is more complicated. This is how they distinguish between a Yandex text update (the texts of documents found by the robot are taken into account), and a link update (which takes into account found and “broken” links in documents). The frequency of Yandex updates can be viewed on the website. By the way, here you can clearly see the time delay with which both text and links are taken into account.

There are also toolbar and button TCI updates, but these are subtleties that are needed by very cool SEO specialists.