Blog browsing technology. Lesson: Flipping a Document

By switching slides with a transition effect that resonates with the theme of the PowerPoint presentation, the viewer can instantly be mesmerized by the way the slide switches. This not only adds novelty and style to the presentation, but also prevents monotony and boredom.

Transition effects to add a page turning effect in PowerPoint

The Page Effect is a powerful method for creating animated content, whether it's a video animation or a presentation. By default, PowerPoint provides a variety of transition effects that can be used to give a page-turning effect to presentation slides, including the Off Peel, Page Curl, and Drape effect.

Why use the Page Turn effect?

The queue effect of a page can be symbolic for turning to the next page or section in a topic. When giving presentations related to topics like history, education and philosophy, you can use peel, page curl and drape transitions to set the right mood for your audience as if you are taking them on a journey. Using such transition effects can help you present your presentation as a story that your audience may find interesting and refreshing, as opposed to enduring a boring roller coaster skit.

Applying in turn effect pages in a presentation

To apply a page rotation effect to your presentations you can use the Peel and Page Curl effect. Another good effect of the Drape is that is explained ahead in this post. Like any effect, you can apply these transitions in PowerPoint through the Transition tab. To see a demonstration of how to apply this effect in PowerPoint, watch the video below.

The Drapery Transition Effect is another good transition for applying an effect similar to turning pages. This transition feels more like flipping through the pages of a calendar or notepad. The video below shows the drape effect in PowerPoint 2013.

Related: See also our post on How to Make a Curl Effect Page in PowerPoint 2010.

There are also other transitions that can fit the bill and may seem appropriate enough to resemble a page turning. You can complement such transitions using a free PowerPoint template like Page Flip PowerPoint Template or Page Curl Effect PowerPoint Template.

Computer technology has deeply penetrated our lives. Every action we do with the help of computers is accompanied by the work of special applications. Even the shortcuts that we save on the desktop are processed by a special program. Many of us today, when we pick up a pen, find ourselves thinking that we are gradually forgetting how to write.

Something similar happens with books. There are fewer and fewer people who read paper books. It is much easier to read e-books, which are much cheaper than paper ones or are even available for free download.

If you belong to the old school and read paper books, subscribe to newspapers and browse the websites of your favorite publications on the Internet, perhaps you would be more accustomed to having your favorite project in a convenient and more familiar form. PageFlip (page turning) effect - imitation of books. Below you will be presented with some tutorials, plugins and examples using the PageFlip effect. So let's understand some plugins.


jQuery plugins with a page turning effect are suitable for sites with a lot of text and images. Instead of a monotonous and boring display of texts, links and images on website pages, with the effect of turning pages you can make the presentation of the project more interactive and animated.


This plugin will allow you to embed publications created with FlippingBook Publisher and FlippingBook Online in one step without making any code changes.


2. Easy Page Flip

Easy Flip Flip is a plugin with which you can create a virtual magazine in a few clicks.

3. Interactive 3D FlipBook

3D FlipBook is a PDF viewer or WordPress plugin that allows you to view images, PDFs or HTML files in a flip view.


4. A Page Flip Book

A Page Flip Book for WordPress is the easiest way to manage virtual 3D books that you can view with your mouse.
You can also choose a background image or texture if you need it.

5. Photo Book Gallery

Photo Book Gallery allows you to create responsive flip books from images. You can customize your books using a set of options. The plugin is easy to use and works great on mobile devices.

6. GoWorks Flip Clock

GoWorks Flip Clock displays a sleek, retro flip clock on your pages and posts. The plugin is ideal for drawing attention to important information and has an attractive visual effect.


1. Fullscreen Pageflip Layout Using BookBlock Plugin

Tutorial on how to create a full-screen PageFlip layout using BookBlock. The idea is that the site's book-style content is accessed through a pull-out sidebar menu.

2. CSS Page Flip

The tutorial introduces pure CSS and 3D Page Flipping frame.

You can convert using special code:

1 2 Page 1 3 Page 2 4 Page 3 5

Page Flip using CSS3 animation currently works in Safari and iPhone.

3. Page Flip effect

This tutorial will walk you through the entire process of creating your own page turn effect using JavaScript.

4. Create an effect on the page

Joe Lambert walks you through the process of creating stunning page designs for your image gallery website.

5. 3D Flipping Circle with CSS3 and jQuery

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a circle with a handle that opens when you click it, create realistic 3D effects, and turn pages using CSS 3D transforms and shadows.

6. Layout in InDesign

Converting web pages has become much easier today with Adobe InDesign CS4.


1. World of Fitness

2. Arcides


5. 20 interesting facts about browsers and the Internet

We are waiting for your responses!

When presenting a presentation, you may need to highlight an element with more than just frames or size. PowerPoint has its own editor that allows you to add additional animations to different components. This move not only gives the presentation an interesting look and uniqueness, but also increases its functionality.

Types of Animation

It’s worth immediately considering all the available categories of effects that you have to work with. They are divided according to the area of ​​use and the nature of the action performed. In total, they are all divided into 4 main categories.


An action group that plays out the appearance of an element in one of the following ways. The most common types of animation in presentations, used to improve the start of each new slide. Indicated in green.


As you might guess, this group of actions serves, on the contrary, to disappear an element from the screen. Most often, it is used together and sequentially with the entrance animation of identical components so that they are removed before rewinding the slide to the next one. Indicated in red.


An animation that somehow indicates the selected element, drawing attention to it. Most often, this is applied to important aspects of the slide, drawing attention to it or distracting from everything else. Indicated in yellow.

Travel paths

Additional actions used to change the location of slide elements in space. As a rule, this animation method is used extremely rarely and for additional visualization of especially important moments in combination with other effects.

Now you can begin to consider the animation installation procedure.

Creating Animation

Different versions of Microsoft Office have different ways of creating these effects. In most older versions, to configure elements of this type, you need to select the desired slide component, right-click on it and select “Animation Options” or similar values.

The 2016 version of Microsoft Office uses a slightly different algorithm. There are two main ways.

Method 1: Quick

The simplest option, which is designed to assign one action to a specific object.

  • Effect settings are located in the program header, in the corresponding “Animation” tab. To get started, go to this tab.
  • In order to apply a special effect to an element, you first need to select the specific slide component (text, image, etc.) to which it will be applied. Simply highlighting is enough.
  • After this, all you have to do is select the desired option from the list in the “Animation” area. This effect will be used for the selected component.
  • The options are scrolled through with control arrows, and you can also expand the full list of standard types.
  • This method produces a quick addition of effects. If the user clicks on another option, the old action will be replaced by the selected one.

    Method 2: Basic

    You can also select the required component, and then click on the “Add Animation” button in the header in the “Animation” section, then select the required type of effect.

    This method is much better because it allows you to layer different animation scripts on top of each other, creating something more complex. Also, this does not replace the old included item action settings.

    Additional types of animation

    The list in the header shows only the most popular animation options. A complete list can be obtained by expanding this list and selecting the “Additional effects...” option at the very bottom. A window will open with a complete list of available effect options.

    Skeletal Change

    The three main types of animations—entry, selection, and exit—do not have a so-called “animation skeleton” because they simply display an effect.

    But “Movement Paths”, when overlaid on elements, depicts this very “skeleton” on the slide - a drawing of the route that the elements will take.

    To change it, you need to left-click on the drawn movement route and then change it by dragging the end or beginning in the desired direction.

    To do this, you will need to grab the circles in the corners and middles of the edges of the animation selection area, and then stretch it to the sides. You can also “grab” the line itself and pull it in any desired direction.

    To create a travel path that does not have a template, you will need the Custom Travel Path option. It is usually the very last one on the list.

    This will allow you to independently draw absolutely any trajectory of movement of any element. Of course, you will need the most accurate and even drawing to depict good movement. Once the route has been drawn, the skeleton of the resulting animation can also be changed as you please.

    Effect settings

    In many cases, simply adding animation is not enough; you also need to customize it. All the elements located in the header in this section are used for this.

    • The Animation item adds an effect to the selected element. Here is a simple, convenient list that can be expanded if necessary.
    • The “Effects Options” button allows you to configure this selected action more specifically. Each type of animation has its own settings.
    • The “Slide show time” section allows you to configure effects by duration. That is, you can choose when a specific animation will start playing, how long it will last, at what speed it will go, and so on. For each action there is a corresponding item.
    • The “Advanced Animation” section makes it possible to configure more complex types of actions.

      For example, the Add Animation button allows you to apply multiple effects to one element.

      “Animation area” will allow you to call up a separate menu on the side to view the sequence of configured actions on one element.

      The “Animation by sample” item is designed to distribute the same type of special effects settings to the same elements on different slides.

      The Trigger button allows you to assign more complex conditions to trigger actions. This is especially useful for elements that have multiple effects applied to them.

    • The “Preview” button allows you to see how the slide will ultimately look when viewed.

    There are certain standard criteria for using animation in a presentation at a professional or competitive level:

    • The total duration of playing all animation elements on a slide should take no more than 10 seconds. There are two most popular formats - either 5 seconds for entry and exit, or 2 seconds for entry and exit, and 6 for highlighting important points in the process.
    • Some types of presentations have their own type of time-sharing of animation elements, where they can take up almost the entire duration of each slide. But such a design must justify itself in one way or another. For example, if the whole essence of visualizing a slide and the information on it rests on this approach, and not just using it for decoration.
    • Such effects also load the system. This may not be noticeable in small samples, since modern devices boast good performance. However, serious projects involving a huge package of media files may have difficulty running.
    • When using movement paths, you should carefully ensure that the mobile element does not go beyond the boundaries of the screen, even for a split second. This demonstrates the lack of professionalism of the presentation creator.
    • It is highly discouraged to apply animation to video files and GIF images. Firstly, it is not uncommon for the media file to become corrupted after the trigger is fired. Secondly, even with high-quality settings, a failure may occur and the file will begin to play while still in progress. Roughly speaking, it is better not to experiment.
    • You should not make the animation too fast in order to save time. If there are strict regulations, it is better to abandon this mechanic altogether. Effects are primarily a visual addition, so they should at least not irritate people. Excessively fast and not smooth movements do not cause viewing pleasure.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that in the early days of PowerPoint, animation was an additional decorative element. Today, not a single professional presentation can do without these effects. It's important to practice creating effective and functional animation elements to get the best quality out of each slide.

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    The page turning effect is most often created using Flash animation. On the Internet, this effect is gaining popularity in online magazines and presentations. This is due to the implementation of this effect in ebooks and mobile devices.

    In this article, we will use PHP and the turns.js plugin to implement a page turning effect using pure CSS3 and jQuery. We will take the most popular pictures from and create a beautiful magazine.


    First of all, we need to understand the basics of this example. We will use a simple page design that combines HTML5 markup and PHP in one file. This will make it easier to understand. You can see the execution result below:


    Here we connect style.css, in the head, and javascript files at the bottom. Next, we connect 3 more js files: jQuery library, turn.js, script.js, in which we will initialize the plugin and receive keyboard events. The PHP code that we will write a little later will be executed in the #magazine div block. PHP will generate our journal pages, which will be needed for turn.js.

    As an example, you can look at the first three pages of the magazine generated using PHP:

    1 // 32 2 // 32 3 // 32

    The code you saw lies entirely in the #magazine div block. This is the only thing that turns.js needs. You don't need to create any special classes or date attributes for elements that will be interpreted into pages. With this, we are ready to start writing PHP code!


    PHP will connect to the Intagram API, cache the results, and generate the markup you saw above.

    The first step is to register an Instagram development site. After which you will receive a client_id key, which we will insert as a value into a variable $instagramClientID, in file index.php. We don't need advanced API functionality, we'll just request the most popular images. This will free us from using additional OAuth authentication, which will only make the code more difficult to understand.

    Below is an example JSON response of current popular images from Instagram. I have hidden some attributes to make the code clearer.

    ( "meta": ( "code": 200), "data": [( "tags": ["beautiful", "sky"], "location": "null", "comments": ( "count": 31, "data": [...] ), "filter": "Normal", "created_time": "1331910134", "link": "http:\/\/\/p\/IPNNknqs84\ /", "likes": ( "count": 391, "data": [..]), "images": ( "low_resolution": ( "url": "http:\/\/ \/03c80dd86f7911e1a87612313804ec91_6.jpg", "width": 306, "height": 306), "thumbnail": ( "url": "http:\/\/\/03c80dd86f7911e1a87612313804ec 91_5.jpg", "width ": 150, "height": 150 ), "standard_resolution": ( "url": "http:\/\/\/03c80dd86f7911e1a87612313804ec91_7.jpg", "width": 612, "height": 612 )), "caption": ( "created_time": "1331910148", "text": "Goodnight.\ue056", "from": ( "username": "jent99", "profile_picture": "http:\/\ /\/profiles\/profile_6227738_75sq_1319878922.jpg", "id": "6227738", "full_name": "jent99" ), "id": "148395540733414783" ), "type": "image", "id": "148395420004568888_6227738", "user": ( "username": "jent99", "website": "", "bio": "Mostly nature pics.\ue32b\ue32b\ue32b Hope you like them.\ue056 \ue32a \ue334gi\ue334 ", "profile_picture": "http:\/\/\/profiles\/profile_6227738_75sq_1319878922.jpg", "full_name": "jent99", "id": "6227738" ) ), ( /* More photos coming here... */ )] )

    The API is limited to the latest 32 images, but this is quite enough for our example. You can see that each photo has three sizes, but we will only use one. There is also additional information about tags, comments, and so on.

    PHP will cache the results of this API request. This way we will receive the latest pictures every hour. This will make our application faster and limit the number of API calls.


    // You can get the client ID from the Instagram API page $instagramClientID = "-- paste your client id key here --"; $api = "".$instagramClientID; $cache = "cache.txt"; if(file_exists($cache) && filemtime($cache) > time() - 60*60)( // If the cache file exists and it // is more recent than 1 hour, we will use it $images = unserialize(file_get_contents($cache )); ) else( // Create an API request and generate a cache file // Get 32 ​​popular photos on Instagram $response = file_get_contents($api); $images = array(); // Decode the response and create an array foreach(json_decode( $response)->data as $item)( $title = ""; if($item->caption)( $title = mb_substr($item->caption->text,0,70,"utf8"); ) $src = $item->images->standard_resolution->url; $images = array("title" => htmlspecialchars($title), "src" => htmlspecialchars($src)); ) // Delete the last image, but we will have // ​​32 images when we add the cover array_pop($images); // Add the cover at the beginning of the array array_unshift($images,array("title"=>"Cover", "src"=>"assets/img /cover.jpg")); // Update the cache file file_put_contents($cache,serialize($images)); ) // create markup $totalPages = count($images); foreach($images as $i=>$image)( ?> " />

