Tariff Reception for GSM signaling Beeline. Long distance calls and SMS

With the introduction of high-tech equipment, controlled in “one click” from a distance, the need arose for continuous monitoring of its operation. Beeline being one of the leading suppliers mobile communications and the Internet, could not stay away from progress. The Beeline “Signal” tariff is presented to users, which allows you to control “smart” devices from a smartphone from anywhere in the country. Why do you need such a tariff plan?

Many users have already appreciated the convenience this proposal. Its activation helps to perform remote setting technical problems and receive a response from various devices:

  • Heating boiler meters in office and residential premises;
  • CCTV systems with access to remote server;
  • Alarms connected in a car, apartment or country house;
  • Innovative devices with SMART technology(TV, multicooker, robot vacuum cleaner, etc.).

Beeline's "Signal" tariff, reviews of which are mostly positive, provides control over the functionality of the above installations for only 1 rub. per day. Thus, the subscription fee is 30 rubles. per month, which is a completely justified payment for your own peace of mind.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantage of this tariff plan It is possible to always be in touch with expensive systems that provide heating or protection from intruders. Mobile network allows you to exchange information with GPS devices, video surveillance and alarm systems.

The principle of interaction with devices is based on M2M monitoring (Machine-to-Machine, i.e. machine-to-machine) in online mode. However, using the Beeline “Signal” SIM card as the main one is somewhat impractical due to the relatively high cost of calls.

Tariffing looks like this:

Type of service

price, rub.
Subscription fee 30 (month)
Outgoing call within the network in home region, min. 5
Outgoing call to numbers of other operators in the home region, min. 5
Outgoing call to landline number, min. 5
Long distance call within the network 5
Long-distance calls to numbers of other operators 5
SMS messages within Russia, pcs. 2
SMS messages outside the Russian Federation, pcs. 5,95
MMS messages 6,45
Internet in the Russian Federation, MB 2
Internet in the Far Eastern region, MB 9,95

It’s easy to guess that such expenses for calls do not bring benefits to their consumers, but the service was created for other purposes.

Attention! The tariff is not valid in all regions of the country, so you must first check with the manager about the possibility of using it in your locality.

Connection nuances

This option stands out among other offers mobile operator, thanks to its unusual purpose. It allows you to configure and adjust home Smart equipment on the Internet and via SMS messages. Start using the service using standard methods not provided.

Wide development information technologies has led to the fact that more and more equipment that does not belong to the category appears on sale mobile devices, but at the same time equipped with a slot for installing a SIM card. Such devices have the ability to transmit and receive various information With via SMS or mobile Internet. They find their application in providing comfortable conditions indoors, cars, houses, apartments and other real estate, as well as in monitoring the surrounding area.

This option is most often found in the following types of equipment:

  • Heating boilers
  • Water and gas meters
  • Security Alarm Systems
  • Video surveillance systems
  • GPS devices

To control the operation of such devices at a distance, the Beeline operator has developed the “Signal” tariff.
The service package is intended for use in M2M systems, which stand for “machine-to-machine communication systems.” This is a new generation technology that allows devices to exchange information or transmit it to other sources.

Tariff description

The tariff provides customers with a unique opportunity to remotely control “smart” devices, for example:

  1. Turn on or off the heating in the house, at the dacha;
  2. Connect to a video camera and receive information about what is happening in the room online;
  3. Turn on or off the alarm in a car or apartment;
  4. Obtain data on meter readings.

Cost of services within the tariff:

  • Daily subscription fee – 1 ruble.
  • Incoming calls are free.
  • Outgoing calls to all home zone operators – 5 rubles per minute.
  • Calls to long-distance numbers cost 5 rubles per minute.

Payment for outgoing calls to other countries is made in accordance with the tariffs in force for international communication services.

  • The price of Internet traffic is 2 rubles per 1 Megabyte.
  • All incoming SMS are free.
  • The cost of messages to numbers in the Moscow region is 2 rubles.
  • The cost of SMS to numbers in other Russian regions is 2 rubles.
  • The price for messages to Beeline subscribers living in the CIS countries is 5.95 rubles.
  • Price of SMS to other numbers international operators the same: 5.95 rubles per message.
  • The cost of one outgoing MMS message is 6.45 rubles.

The established prices allow you to significantly save your budget if you use a SIM card as an additional one, intended only for these purposes.

The indicated Internet prices are valid not only when staying in Moscow and the region, but also when traveling to other regions of Russia during intranet roaming. When the subscriber is abroad, Internet traffic prices apply in accordance with international roaming tariffs.

The main advantage of the service package is the rounding of Internet traffic with an accuracy of 1 Kilobyte. This provides ease of use and savings on Internet costs, since payment is charged for a specific amount of traffic consumed.

How to activate the Signal tariff?

To receive a SIM card with the established “Signal” tariff, you must contact one of the Beeline offices with a passport. The tariff activation cost is 30 rubles.

This is the first such offer available to private clients. Previously, only corporate clients could use the Machine-to-Machine service.

The Beeline operator can rightfully be called, if not the leading, then one of the top three industry leaders cellular communications in Russia. And, as is typical for any large cellular company, Beeline offers its subscribers a lot tariff packages. Some of them belong to the same family, and some are, although not unique, one of a kind. And one of these proposals is “Signal”, which we will pay attention to in our article today.

Tariff "Signal" from Beeline


What is the “Signal” tariff from Beeline intended for?

As you know, the Internet of things and the addition of “smart” or “smart” prefixes to ordinary devices is a completely common story in the 21st century. Every day the most unexpected things become “smart”. At first it was watches, then fitness bracelets, and then sockets, kettles, light bulbs, and even entire houses.

All this, of course, brings technology and innovation into our lives. But there is one “but” - without communication with outside world such devices cannot work. And this is where the need arises to install SIM cards in GPS devices, alarms, video surveillance systems, heating boilers And so on. And these SIM cards must have an appropriate tariff, which will allow the device to communicate with the outside world and send alerts about its operation and status. And the “Signal” tariff from Beeline is the same package.

Beeline "Signal" tariff: detailed description

Knowing what this tariff plan from Beeline is intended for, you can move on to a description of its characteristics, which is quite simple and concise. This is explained by the fact that the package applied to smart devices does not require a large number of services. The main thing is to provide the opportunity to communicate with the outside world.

The subscription fee in the “Signal” tariff plan from Beeline is only 1 ruble per day.

That is, 30/31 rubles per month, which is a completely affordable offer, considering that most owners of smart devices have little desire to spend additional money on communications, in addition to paying for the main phone number.

For such a small fee, the package offers the following services with the following pricing conditions:

  • Internet traffic usage: 2 rubles for each megabyte of data consumed/transferred;
  • Free incoming calls;
  • Any outgoing calls within the country: 5 rubles;
  • Sending messages within Russia: 2 rubles;
  • Messages abroad: 5.95 rubles;
  • Sending MMS: 6.45 rub.

It should also be noted that the “Signal” tariff from Beeline also has one additional payment, which is required. It's about about the connection price, which is 30 rubles.

Pros and cons of the Beeline “Signal” tariff


  • Price.

Let's just do the math:

For example, our “Smart Device” with a TP “Signal” SIM card consumes 10 MB daily. traffic, plus sends an SMS once a week with some information and makes one call a week.

  1. Subscription fee - 30 ₽ per month;
  2. 300 MB. traffic costs 600 ₽;
  3. 4 SMS - 8 ₽;
  4. 4 calls - 20 ₽;

The total is 658 ₽ per month. It's very, very, very expensive. There is nothing further to talk about if MTS has a “Smart Device” tariff for 790 ₽ per year! or 90 ₽ per month with unlimited internet, and MegaFon has “Smart Things” for 750 ₽ per year or 80 ₽ per month and also with unlimited Internet.


  • No pluses will outweigh the previously discussed minus.


I do not advise anyone to connect to the Beeline “Signal” tariff with existing alternatives from MTS and MegaFon. Go broke ;)

Ideal for GSM alarms, GPS trackers, online cash registers, smart watches...

Tariff parameters:

Valid throughout Russia - without roaming*.

Subscription fee - 3.3 rubles. per day

All incoming calls within Russia - 0 rub.

Package of outgoing calls to all numbers in Russia - 60 minutes per month

Package of outgoing SMS for everything mobile numbers Russia - 200 SMS per month

Mobile Internet package - 1 GB per month

Cost of minutes, SMS and Internet above the package: 3 rubles. in a minute; 3 rub. for SMS; 1 rub. for 1 MB.

Billing is per minute. A connection less than 3 seconds is not charged. The included Internet traffic is consumed by kilobytes. The cost of outgoing MMS is 9.95 rubles. The included package is provided monthly, on the first day in full. Unused minutes/SMS/Internet traffic are not carried over to the next month. The included 60 minutes/200 SMS and 1 GB of Internet traffic are provided monthly, on the first numbers in full. The validity period of the minutes/SMS/MMS/Internet traffic included in the subscription fee is until the end of the calendar month. Unused minutes/SMS/Internet traffic are not carried over to the next month. On the “Reception” tariff plan, services that give a discount or increase packages by voice calls, SMS MMS and Internet are NOT AVAILABLE for connection.

* The tariff is valid throughout Russia with the exception of Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets municipal district, EMO of Norilsk and Igarki. In these regions the cost is: outgoing and incoming call– 9.95 rub. in a minute; inbox SMS messages– 0 rub., outgoing SMS message – 4.95 rub. for SMS; Mobile Internet– 9.95 per 1 MB. The cost of outgoing MMS is 9.95 rubles. For tariffs outside Russia, please contact your operator by phone: 8 800 700 0611.

Safety in modern world above all, it is not surprising that many new systems have emerged to protect property from intruders. One of these devices is a GSM alarm system with a built-in cellular communication module. This alarm system has a compartment for a SIM card. To make management and control comfortable, you should choose the appropriate tariff for GSM alarm.

SIM card selection criteria

When choosing a tariff, it is worth considering the following points:

  1. No subscription fee. This is an ideal option, because the alarm system needs to be able to communicate with the owner, and this does not happen every day, so it is not rational to pay constantly. If there is no such offer, then you should choose a set of services with a minimum regular payment.
  2. Price for sending SMS. In the event of a hacking attempt or other illegal actions, the device will send a text message, so the most interesting packages are those with affordable price SMS or a package of them.
  3. Cost mms. Many modern GSM alarms send a multimedia message to the owner’s number with an image of what is happening, so the cost of such a service is also worth paying attention to.
  4. Calls. Inbox is free. Outgoing - it makes sense to consider this option only if the alarm supports the outgoing call function. If this is so, then if a danger is detected, it will start calling the programmed numbers, notifying of the alarm. It is very convenient if you have the opportunity to connect your favorite numbers, with which communication is carried out at a reduced price or completely free.

Important! For stable operation notifications in such an alarm, it is important to promptly top up the account on the SIM card used in the GSM device.

A service that is not used at all, but can be imposed by the operator - the Internet. After purchasing this or that starter pack You should check if the Internet package is connected.

Opportunities from popular Russian telecom operators

Having considered the main criteria, you can go through tariff plans from popular operators with reliable network coverage. It is worth understanding that in the case of GSM alarms, you should not strive for cheapness, because the operator must provide coverage in the area where the device operates.

The operator offers a special package for any GSM devices that will satisfy the above criteria. It's called "Reception". Its cost is only 100 rubles. In this case, the subscriber can count on:

  • incoming – free;
  • outgoing – 60 minutes per month;
  • SMS package – 60 per month.

Works throughout the country - without roaming. There is a subscription fee, but it is only 3.3 rubles/day.

In addition to the package: outgoing calls – 3 rubles/min, sending messages – 3 rubles/piece.

Also for GSM devices You can use the following rates:

  1. "Signal". A package of 50 SMS is provided, calls at 3 rubles/min.
  2. "Zero doubts." Price for outgoing calls– 1.5 rubles, the same cost for 1 SMS. There is no subscription fee here.


The operator does not provide special tariffs, but there are quite convenient ones:

  1. “Go to zero.” Sending text message equipment will be produced at a price of 2 rubles per piece, calls within the “house” to Megafon numbers are free. There is no monthly fee, but there are many imposed service packages that are activated automatically; it is better to unsubscribe from them immediately.
  2. "SMS S". This is a service that can be connected to any tariff plan. According to its terms, 100 SMS are provided at a price of 100 rubles per month. They can only be sent to numbers in the connection region.

One of the largest federal operators offers the Mayak tariff - this special offers for GSM device. The terms of the tariff plan are as follows:

  1. Calls within the connection region – 1.5 rubles/min.
  2. Calls within the country – 5 rubles/min.
  3. Sending SMS – 1.5 rubles per piece.
  4. The cost of mms is 6.5 rubles.

There is no permanent subscription fee at Mayak; funds are spent according to the indicated prices.

Package SMS connection services are available for it. The operator offers 100, 300 or 500 SMS.

You can also use the “Per-Second” tariff; as the name suggests, it provides for per-second payment for calls. The cost of a second depends on the region of connection. Sending SMS 2 rubles for each.

Tariffs for GSM signaling that meet the criteria are not difficult to find; every major telecom operator has them. The main thing is not to forget to regularly top up the SIM card installed in the equipment.

2024 gtavrl.ru.