Sweet page - what is this program and how to remove it? In general, that's it, we cleaned out the bad Sweet Page program! Using anti-virus scanners.

Press Win+R and enter the command regedit in the “Open” line. In the Registry Editor window, use the Ctrl+F3 keys to open the search window and enter sweet. Select the checkboxes for “Section names”, “Parameter names”, “Parameter values” and click “Find next”. When the first registry entry is found, delete it Delete key and press F3 to continue searching. Remove all found entries containing sweet.

How to remove Sweet-page from browsers

Click right click click on the browser shortcut on your desktop and check “Properties”. Go to the "Shortcut" tab and remove from the "Object" line everything that is after the closing quotes. For example, in the browser's "Object" line Mozilla Firefox There should only be an entry "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe". For Opera, the entry should look like this: "C:\Program Files\Opera\opera.exe", for Google Chrome: "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe".

So, another browser hijacker Sweet-page.com. A haunting page that changes home page, search in Google browsers Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. And in in this case This is not just adware, which is distributed as usual with the installations of various free programs(although this is basically how it spreads), but it’s quite a “cracker” since it performs actions close to Trojan activity. First things first, here’s what this sweet-page.com looks like now:

Before showing how to remove Sweet-page.com manually, I will say that there are a couple of programs that can remove Sweet-page.com automatically, this is primarily the SpyHunter program, also the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware program and the domestically produced Stronghold AntiMalware program. They can be downloaded in the recommended programs section and from this page. All have Russian localization. Programs other than Malwarebytes are paid, but are worth it because they have a specific base and cope with such threats much better than conventional antiviruses.

Instructions for manual removal of Sweet-Page.com

Step 1. Go to the uninstall programs section. Start -> Control Panel -> Programs and components -> Uninstalling a program or use one of the utilities to remove programs and residual data (for example, Revo Uninstaller Pro).

Step 2. If you have received a problem recently, then filter the list by installation date and see what programs were installed last year. last month(week, 2 weeks). Remove suspicious ones, those about which you know nothing, unknown ones, etc.

Step 3. Clean browsers from unwanted add-ons.

For Google Chrome:

  1. Type chrome://extensions/ into the browser line
  2. We find a suspicious (unknown) addition. You can also delete everything that is there.
  3. Click on the trash can icon next to this add-on.

For Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Firefox -> Add-ons -> Extensions
  2. We find a suspicious extension.
  3. Click on the "Delete" button next to this extension

Step 4. Clear browser settings. Here I usually give instructions on how to manually reset settings for each browser. But today I’ll just tell you about 2 free utilities. The first is Avast Browser Cleanup.

Here you just need to go to your browser tab and click " Reset". The settings of the selected browser will be reset. Doing this without removing the harmful element is pointless, so before that, use steps 1-3 or the programs linked to above.

The second option is to use the program - Stronghold AntiMalware- she can delete it malicious files and registry keys and reset settings and remove malicious add-ons.

That's all. If you have any problems or comments, write in the comments, we’ll look into it and answer.

The next instruction is step by step guide which must be followed step by step. If you can't do anything, STOP, ask for help with this article, or create a new topic on our .

  1. Uninstall the program that caused Sweet-page.com to appear

    Windows 95, 98, XP, Vista, 7

    Click Start or press Windows button on keyboard. From the menu that opens, select Control Panel.

    Windows 8

    Click on the Windows button.

    On the right top corner find and click on the Search icon.

    In the input field type Control Panel.

    Press Enter.

    Windows 10

    Click on the search button

    In the input field type Control Panel.

    Press Enter.

    The Control Panel will open, select the item Uninstalling a program.

    You will be shown a list of all programs installed on your computer. Review it carefully and uninstall the program that you suspect as the cause of the infection. This is probably the last program you installed. Also, take a close look at other programs and remove any that seem suspicious to you or that you are sure that you did not install them yourself. To remove, select a program from the list and click the button Delete/Change.

  2. Remove Sweet-page.com from Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer using AdwCleaner

    AdwCleaner is small program, which does not require installation on your computer and is designed specifically to find and remove adware and potentially unnecessary programs. This utility does not conflict with the antivirus, so you can safely use it. Uninstall your antivirus program no need.

    Download the AdwCleaner program by clicking on the following link.

    In order to avoid infecting your computer in the future, please follow three small tips

    • When installing new programs on your computer, always read the rules for their use, as well as all the messages that the program will show you. Try not to install with default settings!
    • Keep anti-virus and anti-spyware programs updated to latest versions. Also pay attention to what you have enabled automatic update Windows and everything available updates already installed. If you are not sure, then you need to visit the site Windows Update, where they will tell you how and what needs to be updated in Windows.
    • If you are using Java, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Adobe Flash Player, then be sure to update them on time.

The topic is discussed quite widely on the English-language Internet. What are we talking about? One fine day you launch your browser, and instead of the usual home page you find yourself on a certain search engine sweet-page.com. A la, because it itself is not a search engine, but only transfers you to other search engines, probably logging queries.

The saddest thing is that there is no way to cut out this “happiness”. And in FireFox it also tried to install some extension. But that’s not so bad - we go into the browser settings, and there’s nothing there. That is, in the settings there is the same start page that was there before. But when we launch, we end up on the hated sweet-page...

A few words about sweet-page and this page

You probably came here from search engine, with a fiery desire to rid your browser of its inexplicable love for the page sweet-page.com. In this case, please note:

- You are not faced with just one malware, and with “one of”. There are several of them, they act differently, ultimately leading to the same thing - your browsers open sweet-page.com as the start page;

— below are ways to get rid of this scourge;

— the methods may not work, because, personally, I have the impression that sweet-page developers are constantly coming up with something new;

— I (the author of this page) try to collect here and keep up to date the methods known to me to combat this “infection.” I have already specially “caught” sweet-page on virtual machine and worked on options for deliverance. The instructions are updated as I learn something new;

— I try to answer in the comments whenever possible and when I have something to say. If you were unable to be cured, and I do not answer, then most likely this moment I just don't have any information that could help you. Stay tuned for changes in instructions and comments.

Where did it come from?

Sweet-page gets to your computer during installation various programs, especially those downloaded not from the official developer sites, but from various sites and portals - “program catalogs”, etc.

How to remove?

So, personal experience as well as vigorous communication in the comments below showed that sweet-page uses the entire range of available tools in order to load sweet-page.com instead of the start page you selected. Let's list them:

1) modification of browser shortcuts;

2) installation of add-ons in the browser;

3) simple and banal setting of sweet-page as the start page;

4) modification configuration file Firefox;

5) installation of some malicious program that does dirty tricks.

We are being treated

The situation in which sweet-page was not detected by any antiviruses or other “cleaners”, of course, could not continue forever. So, perhaps the simplest solution is free utility from DrWeb, which is called CureIt! Tested on personal experience, on the sweet-page version sent in the comments. Actually, in the comments a couple of people also said that CureIt! helped them. Essentially, this is an anti-virus scanner (not to be confused with a full-fledged anti-virus), but it is absolutely free and does not require installation. Even if you have an antivirus, nothing prevents you from using CureIt! (although it is better to disable your antivirus while the utility is running - most have a function to pause protection).

Likewise, according to latest information, the well-known AVZ utility also catches sweet-page.

The comments recommend using Yet Another Ceaner and AdwCleaner. It is also advisable to download them from the official websites of the developers (the links are exactly where you need them).

If these programs did not help you, then you probably picked up some of the earlier versions sweet-page and the instructions below will help you.

Temporary solution

It is difficult to say for sure whether it is dangerous to work through a browser affected by the Sweet Page. I would not. Therefore, as a temporary solution, you can get a portable browser that works without installation. You can get such a browser at portableapps.com.

Radical solution

A radical solution (suggested in a comment by a visitor named Dima) is as follows: save bookmarks from the affected browser, and then use system tool To remove programs (control panel - uninstall programs), remove it (browser). If during the process you are asked to delete various user data and settings, we agree. Then we download the browser distribution kit from the website of its developer (in general, it is better to download any programs from the developer’s website) and install it again. Sweet-page does not survive this procedure.

How to remove it “manually”?

Let’s move on to the actual instructions on how to get rid of sweet-page without “demolishing” browsers. We will proceed step by step:

1) go to control panel - uninstall programs and see if there is anything related to sweet-page. If there is, delete it;

2) in each browser we check the settings of the start page. If sweet-page.com is set as it somewhere, change it to anything;

3) in each browser we check for unnecessary add-ons/extensions. If there are any, we delete them.

If after this sweet-page no longer bothers you, then you don’t have to read further. If everything remains as it was, we continue. The malware modifies browser shortcuts so that when the browser starts, it immediately opens the sweet-page. It is quite simple to recognize this particular method of influence - if you launch the browser directly, that is, go, using Explorer, to its exe file and click on it, the browser will start without sweet-page.

4) try to launch the browser directly. Open Explorer and go to:

- to a folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application - for Chrome;

- to a folder C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer— for Internet Explorer;

- to a folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox- for Firefox;

- if you have another browser installed, I think you can figure it out by analogy.

You can find them in your browser folders executable files. Click on them - if the browser starts without sweet-page - go to the instructions for “curing shortcuts” (below).

If after “curing shortcuts” there is still sweet-page left in Firefox, proceed to the instructions for cleaning the Firefox configuration file.

If nothing helps you at all, you can write in the comments, I try to supplement the instructions and keep them up to date.

Treatment of shortcuts

The instructions are relevant in the realities of Windows 8, but I think it’s also suitable for Windows 7:

1) open “Explorer”;

2) we climb here: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs(in the Russian version of Windows, the last two folders are called Main menu\Programs). If folders ProgramData on disk C no - enable showing hidden and system files, to do this, in the “Explorer” toolbar, go to the “View” tab and check the “ Hidden elements"(shown in the picture below, click to enlarge);

3) so we're in the desired folder. This folder stores shortcuts for everyone installed programs. We look here for a shortcut to the desired (affected) browser;

4) right click on the shortcut, open its properties. In the “Object” line there will be something like the following (using FireFox as an example, with the others by analogy):

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" + long abracadabra interspersed with the words sweet-page

we remove this very gobbledygook so that it turns out like this (leaving the quotes):

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"

Click "OK".

5) launch the browser (with the shortcut we just corrected!), and see if there are any unnecessary extensions there. If there is, we delete it (look in the browser settings);

6) if the browser shortcut was displayed on the taskbar, delete it (right click - remove the program from the taskbar) from there and then add it again;

7) repeat for everyone installed browsers, you ate several of them. That's all.

Please note that this action must be performed for ALL browser shortcuts. If you have a shortcut on your desktop, you also need to fix it or delete it and create it again, otherwise it will launch the browser with a sweet page! If there is a browser shortcut in the taskbar, remove it and add it again, provided that you have previously followed the instructions above, the shortcut will appear “clean”.

There doesn’t seem to be any malware left on the computer, according to at least Kaspersky found nothing, and the Sweetpage never returned.

It’s hard to say whether this nasty thing would be coveted by the label, but I think not. By the way, Opera also remained untouched.

Cleaning the FireFox configuration file

The method was suggested by a visitor who introduced himself in the comments as Cthulhu and it is intended specifically for FireFox browser. Let me “comb” the instructions a little, as they look a little askew.

1) Turn off FireFox.

2) Enable showing hidden and system files. How to do this is written in step 2 of the previous instructions;

3) We climb here: C:\Users\_Your username_\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles. Please note that in English-speaking Windows the folder Users will be called Users. Username is the one that was specified when Windows installation. For example, in my case - “Alexander”. If you work in account administrator, it may be " Administrator". However, ;

4) In the folder where we are, there will be one folder with a name made up of random characters. For example, I have it called “6ypbdm0e.default”. We enter it;

5) Find the file prefs.js. Open with Notepad (right click - open with...);

6) Find the line in it user_pref("browser.newtab.url", http://www.sweet-page.com/newtab/...?);

7) Delete this line. Save the file.

Help me catch

I ask everyone who was helped, and especially those who were NOT helped by this instruction - if you know where the “byaka” came from, be sure to write in the comments! Firstly, it appears that there is some version of sweet-page that needs to be dealt with a little differently, but I just can’t catch it. Well, actually, let’s make a list :)

Especially for experiments with Sweet-page, I installed Windows 8 on a virtual machine, installed all the browsers, and today I tried long and hard to “catch” this nasty thing. I downloaded and installed everything that is listed in the comments as of April 12, 2014, unfortunately I never got a “guinea pig”. And this despite the fact that I have Windows 8 without updates and without antivirus.

Information about where else you can catch this byaka is welcome :)

Hello everyone, today I’ll tell you how to remove Sweet Page from Google Chrome.

Sweet Page – translated as “sweet page”. However, the sweetness turns out to be bitter for users who managed to get this infection on their computer. Not only does the page turn out to be the starting page in the most different browsers(including the popular Google Chrome). Sweet Page also installs various applications, which you don't need at all. And it’s good if they turn out to be simply useless.

Of course, you can live with Sweet Page as your start page, but why do you need excessive advertising, a weak search engine and generally an unnecessary headache? So that the dishonest creators of this project can earn money more money? In our opinion, they did not deserve this at all.

Delete Sweet Page most simple method– changing the start page in the browser will not work. Each time you reload, the intrusive page will return to its place.

To finally solve the problem with Sweet Page, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the Control Panel, select “Uninstall programs” there, sort programs by installation date and select all those programs that you did not intentionally install. All this needs to be removed.
  2. Scan your computer using special program that removes malware or spyware. Traditional antiviruses often fail here. And here specialized programs can help.
  3. Use the avast utility! Browser Cleanup. With its help, you can easily remove extensions from browsers that have penetrated there without your knowledge.
  4. Be sure to check the Chrome shortcut on your desktop. The link text in it should end with the word chrome.exe and closing quotes, as in the illustration.

If there is some other text after the closing quotation mark (usually a link to a website), delete it. If you have a Chrome shortcut in your taskbar, remove it as well. Then drag the already cleared desktop shortcut to the taskbar. Now you can be sure that the sweet infection will bypass you.

Some tips to help you avoid similar problems in the future:

  • Install a full-fledged antivirus. Don't trust your instincts: malware developers now use many tricks to disguise themselves.
  • When you install new programs, be sure to read the text in EACH window before clicking "next". If you have a choice between default and custom settings, always choose custom: sometimes only there you will see what you are offered to install “as a load”. That's how easy it is to remove Sweet Page from Chrome. Site material

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