Stressful situations at work: survival instructions. Causes of stress in the workplace

A complete collection of materials on the topic: how to resist stress? from experts in their field.

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My son can’t find his backpack, my husband still hasn’t fixed the toilet. Stress follows us everywhere. And although you have no control over what causes it, you do have control over how you react to it. By keeping calm, you keep your heart. Stress causes a surge of hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. And elevated levels of these hormones can harm your heart because they raise your blood pressure. Therefore, it is important to be able to cope with a stressful situation in a timely manner.


Take a deep breath
In order not to react rashly in stressful situations, and not to be completely upset by it, you need to give yourself a little time to clear your head, calm your breathing, and lower the level of stress hormones. Count to 10 and take three deep breaths before answering.

Research shows that people who smiled while performing difficult tasks had a calmer heartbeat and low level stress than those who maintained a neutral facial expression. Hence the conclusion: a smile has a beneficial effect on our body and heart.

Heads up!
When your head is up and your shoulders are down, rib cage can take in more air and therefore oxygen, which helps calm the body from its physical and emotional response to stress.

Help your neighbor
Doing a good deed, no matter how small or big, helps take your mind off your problems. Statistically, countries with high volunteer numbers have lower rates of heart disease.

Share with a friend
When communicating with friends and loved ones, our body releases the hormone oxytocin (a calming hormone). Even communicating with your loved one on social media or via email can have the same calming effect as face-to-face communication. Because expressing your problems both verbally and in writing helps to defuse tension and begin to control the stressful situation.

Try this 2-minute meditation:
Rub your hands together very quickly, for 20-30 seconds, until you feel resistance.
Extend your arms apart and hold them as if you have an invisible ball in your hands. Focus on the energetic sensation of him being held in your arms.
Slowly move the imaginary ball towards your heart and imagine how positive energy fills your body.

Some foods are not only surprisingly healthy, but also help us cope with bad mood and stress! What should you eat if you feel depressed?


Asparagus is delicious, healthy, surprisingly easy to prepare (just boil it in salted water and serve with your favorite dish), and also contains substances that promote the production of endorphins!

For anti-stress effect

responds to the potassium present in their composition, the need for which increases noticeably during a stressful situation. Bananas taste sweet, but, unlike chocolate and candies, they are quite low in calories - only 100 calories in one

Brewer's yeast

Rich in B vitamins, they help strengthen the psyche, increase

stress resistance

and a great mood! Brewer's yeast can be taken as

in vitamins

So adding capsules to yogurt or kefir will turn out amazing

Sweet grape fruits - great way combat bad mood, they contain glucose, vitamins and antioxidants.


normalizes blood pressure, saturates the blood with oxygen (due to its high iron content) and has a beneficial effect on the psyche, helping to resist stress and avoid mood swings.

Thanks to the high content of potassium, folic acid, glucose, which its aromatic and ripe pulp is rich in, melon is a great way to cheer up! For better effect Use this product on an empty stomach, and within an hour you will feel a surge of positive emotions!

How to cope with stress

Many physiological, biochemical and structural changes that occur in the body during aging and stress are the same. Therefore, to prevent aging, for health and longevity, the ability to manage stress becomes very important.

There are three main ways to manage stress. This:

  1. Avoiding the problem
  2. Changing the problem
  3. Changing your attitude towards the problem

As an example, we can simulate the situation. Let's say you're tired and sit down to rest on a park bench. A slightly tipsy interlocutor sits down next to you and wants to talk to someone. But you are not at all inclined to such communication.

The fastest and easiest option for your behavior suggests itself - to leave the stressful zone. You get up and move to another bench nearby. But what to do if the annoying interlocutor sees you as a grateful listener and steadily follows you?

To solve the problem, you have at least two more options. This is to try to talk with your opponent in order to change his behavior and another option is to change your attitude towards the problem. After all, your neighbor is not aggressive, he is just chatting. And this does not prevent you from waiting until the fatigue passes in order to continue on your way.

There are problems that are quite difficult, and sometimes simply impossible, to get away from. Then the rule should apply: if you can’t change the situation, change your attitude towards it. For example, you are stuck in a traffic jam. You are not able to change the situation. The problem will not change just because you worry. So is it worth the hassle? You can simply turn off your worries and switch to something more useful: listen to music or an audiobook, think about tomorrow’s affairs, make necessary calls, etc.

This question is asked by psychologists, personnel officers, and doctors. And everyone answers it differently. According to psychologists, those who are most susceptible to stress at work are those who take care of elderly and sick people, as well as children's nannies. Due to constant emotional stress, 11% of workers in this field suffer from depression for two or more weeks every year. Second place went to catering staff. Health care workers took third place. Architects, scientists and engineers have the least amount of stress.

Recruitment specialists approached the issue from a different angle. They decided to evaluate the impact of an employee's position in the company on the level of stress experienced by the employee. It turned out that middle managers are the most nervous. And this is not surprising, because they often bear the main burden of responsibility for any malfunctions. A bit less negative emotions experienced by ordinary workers, and the calmest, oddly enough, were representatives of senior management.

But doctors have found out for whom anxiety is greatest danger. According to doctors, women suffering from premenstrual syndrome and in menopause are at greater risk of developing serious illnesses due to stress than others. PMS is usually a consequence of endocrine disorders in the body, and menopause is associated with hormonal changes in the body. Against this background, stress can cause excessive tearfulness, irritability, abnormalities in blood pressure, pulse and other unpleasant symptoms.

Another risk group is workers who drink alcohol and smokers. Alcohol disrupts the functioning of all organs, including the brain, and makes it difficult to properly respond to stress. And nicotine, when it enters the body, constricts blood vessels, increases the pulse rate, and damages the walls of blood vessels. As a result, when under stress, the cardiovascular system of smokers experiences excessive strain.

take care of yourself

Have you found yourself in at least one risk group? This means that you urgently need to take measures to prevent work stress from affecting your health.

Get enough sleep! If there is not enough rest, then the reaction to stress will be inadequate. In addition, lack of sleep combined with stress can cause heart attack, stroke, and thrombosis.

Eat right. It is very important to get enough B vitamins (the body uses them especially actively during stress), omega-3 fatty acids - they will help prevent depression, magnesium - it fights muscle tension, antioxidants - they reduce the damage that cortisol (a hormone released during stress) ) causes brain cells.

Play sports. Physical education is training not only the muscles, but the whole body. During sports, the same hormones are released into the blood as during stress, but in small quantities. This helps the body adapt and survive in a critical situation.

Away, worries!

Of course, taking preventative measures will make you more resilient in the face of stress. But what to do at a time when emotions overflow?

Try relaxing with breathing exercises. Deep breathing will quickly normalize blood pressure, heart rate, and reduce stress levels. Inhale deeply for 4 counts and exhale through your mouth for 8 counts. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Another quick way get rid of stress - massage the back of the neck. There are several points here that you can act on to relieve tension and get rid of headaches. To massage, tilt your head forward and place your index, middle and ring fingers on the area located below the base of the skull (the distance between the fingers of both hands is about 3 cm). Massage these areas quite intensively for 5-7 minutes, breathing during the massage should be slow and deep.

How to calm down quickly

Drink some water. Cool liquid, drunk in small sips, helps to even out your breathing and control yourself. Quickly clench and unclench your fists. Sudden movements reduce the level of adrenaline, one of the stress hormones. If possible, breathe in the air for at least five minutes. During times of stress, the brain often experiences a lack of oxygen. 3 425 0 Hello! In this article we will talk about how to overcome stress at work.

Unfortunately, now it’s becoming less and less common to hear: “I go to work as if it’s a holiday!” and phrases like: “My job is sheer stress!” are heard more and more often! And it’s not just that many people engage in activities they don’t like. Even those who have chosen a field to their liking and consider their work a calling are susceptible to professional stress. Still would! Indeed, in an era of economic instability and high competition in business, there are a great many factors that increase mental stress in the workplace.

Facts about stress

  • Stress, according to the concept of the physiologist G. Selye (researcher of this phenomenon and developer of the concept), has three stages of development:
    1 - stage of anxiety: there is an impact of an unfavorable factor, anxiety, fear arises, mental stress increases;
    2 – stage of resistance: the body begins to react to this adverse effect (there is a fight against stress, getting used to it or further immersion in stress);
    3 – stage of exhaustion: If the impact is too strong or no measures are taken to eliminate the source of stress and stress becomes chronic, then the body's resources are depleted. Serious health problems may arise.

  • Stress always takes hold of both the “soul” and the body. Under its influence, physiological reactions, emotions, thoughts and behavior simultaneously change. This is, of course, a big minus. But the plus is that you can get rid of stress in different ways: by influencing the body, and with the help of psychological techniques.
  • Exposure to stress is always associated with individual characteristics. For some, even a little criticism against them will be a difficult test, while for others, a serious conflict is a common thing. In this case, the term “stress resistance” is used. AND good news is that this trait can be developed even if you are naturally anxious and fearful.

Causes of stress in the workplace

Factors that contribute to increased mental stress are called stressors. Let's look at the main stressors in professional activity.

  1. Interaction with people. This factor includes communication with the team within the organization, and contacts with outsiders if the work involves providing services or establishing partnerships with other companies.
  • Team. It's like a second family. It’s good where they support, help, treat you kindly, don’t envy or gossip behind your back. But often in your work team you may meet people who, for some reason, you don’t like or treat you unfriendly (they make fun of you, put pressure on you, criticize you, quarrel, etc.). In most cases, this leads to stress in your professional activities.
  • Management . Some people are lucky and come across understanding and democratic leaders. But there are also those who are convinced that subordinates need to be kept under stress in order for them to work effectively. Of course, there will be an effect, but it’s emotionally difficult to be in such an environment all the time.
  • Subordinates. The need to manage people, find an approach to everyone, motivate, set tasks, control their implementation, monitor discipline - this is not the entire list of functions of a manager. And communication with “difficult” subordinates heats up the situation even more.
  • Clients. The “person-to-person” sphere is considered one of the most stressful, because in it, in addition to the basic skills associated with performing work, you also need to have a number of important personal characteristics that improve the process of communication with others. The ability to persuade, evoke sympathy and trust, be polite and competently defend one’s position are qualities necessary for working with people. You are dependent on the position of “Please the client”, otherwise he may go to competitors and not in the best possible way play on the company's image.
  • Partners . Establishing mutually beneficial cooperation with another organization requires considerable effort and negotiation skills. Why not stress?
  1. Lack of self-realization. If an activity is not to your liking, then it will not be performed with maximum return and enthusiasm. This is very depressing for many and makes them think about changing jobs. Stress can also be caused by a discrepancy between the organization's goals and a person's values. For example, if a person is not close to the field of sales or he generally considers it a “bad” business, then he is unlikely to be able to achieve success in it.
  2. Dissatisfaction with work results. Here, either the employee makes little effort, or places very high demands on himself, or does not value enough what he has already achieved. Or perhaps he wants to get results too early. Be sure to figure out the reason.
  3. Lack of time. Time management training is becoming increasingly popular, aimed at teaching employees how to correctly prioritize tasks and use time more efficiently. For many, staying late at work is becoming the norm. Although in most cases this has an adverse effect on family relationships.
  4. High responsibility. For many people, their work involves responsibility for their lives or the lives of others, as well as great financial risks. This usually results in significant stress.
  5. Low earnings. The purpose of any work activity is to earn money. Dissatisfaction with salary often affects self-esteem and mood. Especially for men.
  6. Insufficient understanding of professional tasks. Here we are faced with either an unclear formulation of these tasks, or a lack of skills to perform the work. Most often, such a stress factor occurs at the beginning of a career or when changing professional activities.
  7. Working conditions. Uncomfortable workplace, insufficient lighting in the room, lack of fresh air, unpleasant odors, noise, prolonged exposure to the computer, etc. do not have the best effect on health. The inconvenient location of the enterprise (being far from home or in an industrial area) is also stressful for some people.
  8. Intensive work. High load leads to depletion of the body's strength. Sooner or later, resources run out and rest is required. It is important to understand this before the critical point comes.
  9. Monotonous work or, conversely, the need to constantly switch from one task to another. Everything here is individual. Some people cannot stand routine activities, while others find it difficult to be flexible and multitask.

Types of professional stress

  • information stress(associated with high mental load);
  • communicative(arises due to difficulties in communicating with other people, the inability to find an approach to them and resist other people's influence);
  • emotional(associated with the inability to adapt to working conditions, dissatisfaction with the results of professional activities, and also arises as a result of conflict situations).

Is stress always bad?

Some people claim that they work more efficiently under stress. Is it so?

At the first stage, stress can indeed “encourage”, shake and spur you to do work. It is important that its impact is situational and not regular. Constantly being under stress definitely worsens your health.

The Positive Value of Stress in the Workplace

  1. Stress manifests itself as a protective reaction of the body to excessive stress.
    It’s as if he’s saying: “It’s time to stop, we need to rest” or “We need to change something.” That is, stress is designed to protect a person from a nervous breakdown. This is its warning value.
  2. At the initial stage, stress can motivate action and help mobilize strength to overcome difficult situations.
    If any professional task and he doesn’t know how to solve it, he first feels confusion, anxiety, then collects his thoughts and begins a creative search. This gives the employee the opportunity to grow personally and professionally and gain the necessary experience.

Negative impact of occupational stress

  1. Stress depletes the body's resources and weakens health.
    Under its influence, immunity decreases, the functioning of the digestive system deteriorates, and cardiovascular diseases appear.
  2. Stress often causes an inhibition reaction.
    A person in a state of tension usually contracts their muscles and stops breathing. At the mental level, the same thing happens: there are hesitations in decision-making, there is no desire to act, and faith in one’s own strength is lost.

Consequences of professional stress

Stress can cause various diseases and cause problems in the emotional sphere and behavior of a person.

Health effects:

  • the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, deterioration of memory and attention;
  • decreased immunity;
  • sleep problems;
  • deterioration of the digestive system;
  • headache;
  • deterioration of skin and hair condition;
  • weight problems.

Consequences of the influence of stress on the emotional sphere and behavior:

  • Irritability, short temper;
  • Absent-mindedness;
  • Apathy;
  • Depression;
  • Dissatisfaction with yourself and your work;
  • Conflicts in the family, deterioration of relationships with others;
  • Loss of purpose and life guidelines.

Try to prevent harmful effects stress before you notice any of these consequences.

How to cope with stress at work

  1. Pay attention to your state and admit that you are stressed. This is important in order to take action and prevent irreversible consequences.
  2. It is important to identify the source of stress in order to understand how to deal with it. And is it even worth fighting? Perhaps we should just adapt to it?
  3. Become aware of your feelings and say them to yourself, for example: “I’m confused,” “I’m afraid that...”, “I get annoyed when...”, “I’m annoyed...”, etc. Don’t run from your feelings. , accept them, you have the right to experience them.
  4. Analyze the pros and cons of the current situation. Yes, sometimes even a not very pleasant situation has its advantages.
  5. Develop an action plan to reduce stress and cope with a difficult situation. It will be better if you write it down in a notepad. This way you can look into it regularly and summarize the completed tasks.
  6. Prioritize your work. According to the Eisenhower Matrix, it is always important to do things first. important and urgent affairs. Then the list should include important but not urgent tasks. After them - urgent but not important. And the last to be executed unimportant and not urgent things to do, provided there is time left for them.

The more calmly you learn to work, the less stress you will have.

  1. Delegate authority to subordinates (if your position allows it) and do not hesitate to ask colleagues for help at some points. Often the problem lies in the inability to trust others. Learn to do it. But be sure to control any transfer of cases.
  2. Don't be intimidated by the big projects and goals you need to achieve at work. Break them down into several small tasks, for which you develop step by step plan actions.
  3. Be punctual, come to work on time or a little earlier. This will give you the opportunity to collect your thoughts and start your work day smoothly. By being late for work, you create additional stress by rushing and fearing the wrath of your boss.

You may have to reconsider your daily routine and wake up earlier. This way you can calmly get ready and increase your travel time to work.

  1. Take short breaks from work that will allow you to relax a little and relieve tension. It is best if at this time you take a walk, drink a cup of fresh tea or just chat with colleagues.
  2. It is often useful to put things in order in the surrounding space: sort out work documents, tidy up your desk, throw away everything unnecessary. This good way liberation from negative thoughts and feelings and an influx of fresh ideas.
  3. Use breathing techniques to relax your tense body and calm your emotions during stressors. There are many such exercises, but the simplest one that can be performed in limited working space conditions: inhale slowly, hold your breath for 3-4 seconds, exhale slowly.
  4. If you are having an emotional hard time, talk to your colleagues, ask for advice, joke, laugh. Humor can often help put a situation into perspective, and the stress may not seem so serious.
  5. Self-hypnosis is a good way to control emotions. “I’m calm,” “I can handle the situation,” “I have enough strength to overcome stress” are phrases that will help you resist negative influences from the outside.
  6. Keep a diary with life-affirming phrases in the style: “Today is my day”, “Every day I am developing and becoming more confident in myself”, “I successful man", etc. and look into it when you feel a lack of strength and energy.

How to manage stress outside of the workplace

Everyone here has their own preferred ways to relieve stress. Let's list the most effective ones.

  • Relaxation exercises: performed in a calm environment, with eyes closed. The greatest effect is achieved when you imagine pleasant images (how you are swinging on the waves, lying on the sea sand, etc.)
  • Regular walks, outdoor recreation. It is necessary to constantly enrich the brain with oxygen. This has a beneficial effect on health, improves mood and gives an influx of fresh ideas.
  • Sports, exercise, dancing. They are also good for your figure and provide an adrenaline rush.
  • Hobbies, creativity. Be sure to regularly devote time to your favorite activity. This is what inspires you, charges you with positive energy and allows you to relax after work.
  • Music. Listening to music and singing improves your mood and gives you a powerful energy boost.
  • A favorite book or movie allows you to completely disconnect from everyday worries and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of an exciting story.
  • Visiting concerts, performances, exhibitions.
  • Providing help, support and attention to loved ones. Little present or a few warm words will make them happy and make you feel happier.

Let's see the percentage of the calmest workers.

Preventing stress at work

  1. Be attentive to yourself, try to notice any changes in your condition. Do you feel excessively tired? Have you become more irritable in Lately? Has apathy towards work or anything else appeared?
  2. Try not to take on unnecessary responsibility. Don't overload yourself with too many tasks if possible. Start a new task only after completing the previous one.
  3. Get more rest. Try not to take work home, don’t think about it on weekends.
  4. Getting enough sleep is one of the keys to avoiding stress. Adequate sleep restores the body's strength and helps process negative impressions received during the day. But if you regularly don’t get enough sleep, you become even more stressed and deplete your body’s resources.
  5. If you don’t like the job, still think about whether you should change your professional field? Listen to your inner voice and your desires.
  6. Don't get caught up in work. Dedicate more time to yourself and family. It is important to feel happy in all areas of life. Then difficulties at work will be perceived as something ordinary and solvable.
  7. Believe in yourself and try to be optimistic in everything. Strength of character, a positive attitude and self-care will always help you cope with stress. It is much more difficult to break a positively charged person than a pessimist.

Even having the most beloved and interesting job, we still face stress. This is such a serious problem that books are being written about it. “Stress Resilience” by Sharon Melnik compares favorably with other publications on the fight against stress: here only practical advice and exercises that have already helped thousands of people. Here are some that will help make your work less stressful and more efficient.

You will always have too much work, so the question is: how to get it done better and faster? We'll show you how to prioritize, manage distractions, and save time.

Instead of multitasking, focus on one thing at a time

If your job is accompanied by constant stress, you think that multitasking may be your salvation. It is a myth! In reality, you only lose efficiency and focus by constantly switching between tasks and projects. By being torn between different areas throughout the day, you risk spending 30% more time on each task and making twice as many mistakes.

Who do you think performed better in the thinking task experiment—the people who spread themselves between tasks or those who were under the influence of marijuana? You guessed it: those who multitasked performed worse.

Our RAM can hold no more than seven pieces of information. By multitasking, you give up some of your working memory in favor of new task- in such a state it is simply stupid to rely on memory. One of the most important skills for success in modern world- the ability to pay full attention to what you are doing at a certain moment, and then completely switch your attention to a new task.

Do it right the first time

How many times after a meeting have you thought that you were given clear objectives, only to find out that you did not do what was expected of you? It's annoying! Try the following method. Get the instructions you need before you walk out the door. First, imagine the measures you will need to take when you return to your workplace. Then ask questions that you think you will encounter as you complete the assignment.

Sometimes managers do not very clearly formulate the tasks that they set for their subordinates. For example: does your manager need a brief or detailed analysis data? By year or by month? Who else should I send a copy of the report to? Before you dive headfirst into your work, take stock of everything you've heard and think about how you plan to complete the task at hand. Then ask for confirmation. This will help you prepare everything you need and avoid unnecessary work.

Does your manager or clients have seven Fridays a week? Then you can do the following. Help them think about the situation and “play out” several options for its development. This way they won’t have to come back to think about it later and change their mind. You can, for example, say: “Last time we tried to do it like this, and it turned out like this... Perhaps this time we should try a different method to avoid such unintended consequences?”

Plan and prepare for meetings

How do you schedule meetings? Based on the principle, is there any left free time in your work schedule? This approach cannot be called targeted. The following tips may be helpful whether you plan the meeting yourself or have it planned for you.

If you need to have a meeting, stop for a moment and ask yourself a few questions. For example: what should my contribution be? Who else will participate and who can help prepare it? If the meeting is not directly related to your goals, consider whether you should decline the invitation or simply ask for a summary of the agenda and decisions made.

Clarify whether the meeting is dedicated to various topics or only to issues within your area of ​​expertise. In the first case, find out if you can attend only the part of the meeting that directly concerns your work. Find out if you can use a conference call or send someone else to the meeting instead of you.

When you schedule a meeting in your work schedule, immediately set aside time to prepare for it and then review the results. When you are leading a meeting, you must have a clear agenda: you must understand the purpose of each participant's presence and end the meeting as soon as the goals have been achieved.

Show your abilities at the very beginning

Your ability to get things done and avoid problems should come at the very beginning of a process, project, or relationship, not at the end. In fact, productivity research shows that a minute spent planning saves nine minutes of wasted work.

Regardless of whether you are a team member or a team leader, it is important to adhere to the principles of project management: agree in advance on the initial conditions of the project, the plan for its implementation, and the conditions for its control.

When you're just starting out with a new business partner, assistant, or manager, too much communication is better than too little. Find out what format of communication they prefer and tell them how they can build an optimal scheme for working with you.

If you provide professional services, then the preliminary phase of discussing the terms with the client sets expectations for the entire cooperation: then it is always much more difficult to go back and change something than to do everything right right away. At this point, you feel vulnerable because you have not yet landed the job or proven your worth. So instead of discussing work conditions and compensation, you're probably thinking, “Let them go now, we'll talk about it later.” If this is what you usually do, and if you do get approved for the project, try to avoid creating a vicious cycle of stress - discuss the time in advance additional communication with the client or conditions for making changes.

Get rid of things that waste your time

Can you list the five things that take up the most time during the day? Do you know why you are doing these things in the first place? For example, if you are “surfing on the Internet,” then think about the reason. Perhaps you are trying to cope with anxiety or boredom? Do you constantly check email to feel your need?

Perhaps you find it difficult to concentrate on the work you are doing because it is too difficult? Or is surfing the Internet generally pointless? Maybe you're looking in the wrong place when trying to install meaningful connections V in social networks? If so, try to find a way to satisfy such basic needs in a more constructive way, or limit the time you spend on them.

Tame your email

People often complain that too many emails“sucks” time and mental energy out of them. I turned to Claire Dolan, vice president of Oracle Corporation, for advice. She revolutionized the way her company used email, helping her employees achieve significant clarity in their thinking when completing work tasks.

Dolan explained, “Most people can't function at their best if they receive 100 emails a day. I asked my employees to remember that email is just another method of communication, in other words, it is not “the work itself”! My team responded to my statement by becoming more selective about their email correspondence. They began to communicate with each other and discuss solutions to problems without clogging email. After this, our productivity increased, and our employees themselves now experience less stress.”

Unless you are in a customer service role where your responsibilities involve responding to emails in real time, set aside regular time to check your inbox instead of making email your default screen. Let everyone know what time you check your email and when they can expect a response from you.

We discussed several ways to improve efficiency. You can try using one of the presented strategies for about a week until you get the hang of it, or choose the ones that appeal to you most (don’t try to remember and implement everything at once).

Buy this book


Alex M: Stress is a scourge, you can’t do without it, you can do with it and whatever you need.
Stress is an objective phenomenon; stress expresses the energy that a person experiences when overcoming stress at work (at home, in society). Why stress? When solving an object-goal problem, a person’s work in another expression is stressful. What has been overcome is an achievement, what cannot be overcome is already a problem. Everyone experiences stress, but no one has ever died from stress! Unless the question concerns the medical component, because with illness there is also stress, but it is necessary to put i. Is it difficult? It can be difficult.

The main thing at work is a good boss and not a tyrant and a friendly team.

Comment on the article "6 rules for dealing with stress at work"

It's best to avoid stress, that's how I >. It’s best to avoid stress, I say this as a clear representative of the first group. anyway, it then affects the situations described. What really helps in the fight against stress, insomnia, loneliness?

Section: ...difficult to choose a section (iherb stress). What kind of anti-stress can you get from iherb? Like calming vitamins :), against irritability I found this [link-1] Maybe you can recommend something, otherwise I’ve been sitting on shophelp for 2 hours


Try Bach - herbal homeopathy, excellent reviews, it’s on my wish list just in case. This is a whole series of products - sprays, lozenges, drops, etc. Helps fight stress, relax, restore restful sleep
spray [link-1]
lozenges [link-2]
drops [link-3]

This is possible. But this is more for lifting the mood and as an antidepressant.
Now also has some kind of Calm. I'll try searching for it now.
You can also buy ordinary valerian at the pharmacy in a glass jar and drink 2t 3 times a day. Good too.

How not to eat stress. Need some advice. Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight I started running around buying some cookies from the machine, what’s the matter with me? Last year Maybe it’s worth fighting stress, not gluttony? Persen forte helps a lot.


and what is the purpose if it’s not a secret? ;)

I have the same problem, first of all I try to have a good breakfast at home, regulate my coffee, eat lunch regularly, after lunch is the hardest time, I try to avoid fruits and especially dried fruits, they make me really hungry...

Cola bark and chewing gum help... they “go deeper” into work, time flies, a working day is sometimes like 5 minutes...

But in general, lack of sleep is my very first enemy.

eh, we were on vacation in Madrid for a week, it was sunny and delicious :)
I haven't stepped on the scale yet :)

I had a very stressful week before my vacation, I even took a computer with Sitrix on vacation, but then I decided not to even read email, I relaxed from the bottom of my heart

Maybe it’s worth fighting stress, not gluttony? Persen forte helps a lot.

Fighting stress. Serious question. About yours, about your girl’s. How good it was for me once in a hotel, in bad weather, in a city where there is a lot of entertainment, old and new friends, to lie down with the described attributes in a clean bed and relax soooo...

Someone smokes cigarette after cigarette, someone swallows pills in packs, and someone reaches for a glass. And all this is not at all beneficial to the body. As a result, a highly paid job, at the altar of which health is sacrificed, forces one to spend large amounts of money on treatment. It turns out that you are working for medicines and doctors. But how to avoid this?

Manage the situation.

A simple and effective method, which you can use as a unique weapon against stress. Take a look at the picture:

Here the boat is a person , and a whirlpool is a stressful situation. The boat's task is to overcome the whirlpool and swim out in the right direction. If the whirlpool is stronger, it will knock the boat off course, throwing it out in a random place. If the boat can handle it, it will be able to taxi to where it needs to go. To do this, he needs to turn on the engine at full power. And it’s not a fact that this power will be enough. Do you have enough ENERGY to work in a state of high nervous tension? long time? Any person has a limited supply of strength and health. Is it possible pass the whirlpool? Imagine that the boat has an air cushion. The engine switches to blowing air, and the boat rises above the whirlpool funnel. Then it’s very easy for him to go in the right direction. You are free to make a decision if you over the situation. Do you want to quickly calm your nerves and take control of the situation? Switch the engine to hovercraft mode and fly over the dangerous funnel. How to do it?

Use the 3-step formula.

STEP 1. Command “STOP MACHINE”. Do you realize that situation takes place. To facilitate this task, let us turn to the classification of situations.

Situations at work are divided into 3 categories:

  1. TASK SITUATIONS. You have an urgent job that needs to be done on time. But suddenly various interference: additional tasks, setups from partners, phone calls, meetings, etc. and so on. This pisses you off.
  2. A SITUATION OF CHANGE. You have a new position, a new boss, a new workplace, etc. You have been knocked out of your usual work routine and this is very hard for you. annoying.
  3. RELATIONSHIP SITUATION. You don’t get along with a colleague, with a boss, with a client, or in a word with a person with whom you are forced to communicate due to your line of work. This someone drives you crazy.

Any of these situations at your work can seriously shake your nerves and will take considerable time to calm them down. But you can stop the situation while it is still in its infancy. To do this, it needs to be recognized in time.

STEP 2. Command “SWITCH TO NEUTRAL”. Attention! THIS STEP IS THE MOST IMPORTANT! It should be discussed in more detail. Actually, at this step the nerves calm down. To do this, turn your attention to your bodily sensations. You calm your breathing and relieve muscle tension. This may take from a few seconds to several minutes. Everything will depend on your training. For such training there are simple and very effective self-regulation exercises, which can be mastered through training or on your own.

Step 3. “GAIN ALTITUDE” command. In a calm state, feel yourself above the situation. This is how a person observes the swarming of ants in an anthill. Look at the situation through the eyes of an outside observer. What will you see? Let's look at examples for each group of situations.

TASK SITUATION. We determine priorities and ignore or postpone secondary tasks for later. We delegate some of the work to other people. We refuse with reason where we deem it necessary.

A SITUATION OF CHANGE. Now you see what's radical nothing changed. There was no earthquake, tsunami, fire, or flood. There's nothing wrong with you. There is no reason to worry at all.

RELATIONSHIP SITUATION. Now you see that your conflicts are just work issues and nothing more. Here you are a player and play by the rules. Other people here are also players. But some people sometimes forget about this. Then they get emotional. It doesn't do them any good. But you are not one of them. Because you don't care. And you feel good.

That's all. Nothing complicated, as you can see. But what an effect! Use this method, and you won't have to calm your nerves either at work or outside of it.